HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2000-10-09CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGO'V SPRTNGFiELO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT October 9, 20fr) HAND DELIVEREDLETTER 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX(541) 726-s689 Burgess Baller 1197 38d' Street Springficld, Oregon 97478 RE: Notice and Order to Comply With The Springfield Building Safety Code Administratire Code Relatire To The Unsafe And Substandard Building At 1197 38th Sreet, Springfietd, Oregon DcarMr. Bailcn As a result of a reccnt inspcctioil, thc City of Springfield Community Serviccs Division, Building Safcty, has determined that tlre sfructure located at th€ above referenced locatiorq also known as I-ane County Assessor's Map#fiA8043, Tax Lot 04300, for reasons specifid below, a substandad and unsafe building as described in the Springfield Buitding Safety Code Administrative Code. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Saftty Code Administrative Code classifies structures which arc structurally ina@uate or are dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Housing Code specifies conditiors constituting a substandard building. The foilowing items include but are not limited to conditions existing at ttre stnrcture identified abol€, classi$ing it as a substandard ard unsafe building: 1. The propcrty is not currcntly scned with water scrvicc. The Housing Code rcquires that each residence shall be provided with hot and cold running water. 2. The property is not crrrently serrred with electrical service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68 dcgrccs F. at a point 3 fcct abovc the flmr in all habitablc rmms. Thc Codc ftnther slatcs that whcre there is electrical power available within 300 feet of ttre premises of ttre building srch building shall be connected to such electrical po$€r. 3. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. Although thcsc fixturcs arc installcd in thc dwclling thc lack of water scrvicc produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official my rcquire vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of thc public or its occupants. Notice is hereby scned that the structure idsntified abora is being posted to be vacated by 8:00 p.m., October I l, 2000 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above cited conditions. If you do not vacate the premise within the time frame specifie{ the City *'ill seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Once the structure has been racated, occupancy may not take place until the abore mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are corrEcted and harre been inspected and approved by this office. Noticc and Ordcr ll97 3gd'.sheet October 9, 2m0 Eage 2. Any person having ary reoord, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this l.trotice and trcr to thc BuildingBoard of Aprpcals, pruvidod that thc epcat is madcin writingatd filcd with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Orrder. Failure to appeal will comtitute a *airrcr of all right to an adminishatire hearing and dAermination or this matter. Your anticipated oourtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Ifyou have any questions, yorr may oontact me at726-3ffi3. David Cradomski Electrical Inspoctm cc:Dar,t hrcnt, Commmity Scrviccs lvlanagcr Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Tom lv{ary Building Inspector Codc Enforccmcnt Springf,cld Policc Dcpartmcnt Springfield Utility Board DGNh UL i *JL-<aJl'Jii it); tli 5l-r"liriiii- ifr-i, u i iLi i'r biirr"ii; €iPI(ri{GF"IELtr tr-TILIIt ED ur lr.-L.lrluiI j.i.r.Lji ult RECE}ETACT 5t.rr , -o u.i,-jd i- . Ui.'ij; t SAD: 38tH 5T r1e7 5iLL i-.e€J: rr'^ /r=a /:a^vlLl j{,ii;r'stu a ^-14g _ev43 [REfa]x]qHfirJ --Acr.T: 34L420 NAME: BA.I,LrER. BURGE$S R C0NTACT: BURGESS R BAIJIJER Lr..,U: viiuvr{J?C li0 #; 58i5j SVC SO: i2ii-lZrj . - ,- - t - -fiii iiAi'.;: : i ij y' ;3 1 U;rqP!!rr:. F! nDFn - e{r-ry4 rrri.'r1/,1,aUEI\i U'l' :. iQ / Z3 / A U R.LjU.rJ iJY : lOrl.K fi$, .F-iL'E{ RIGI{? iti: liI;i I ?_rFri _^F !n?t!F!!i a Vi !i!I J! r/iiBhil 4,, < :,ilritlJL.t ItUJ,r l";; :uG F.i; ;iE;; ;iI;;;;.;;Uj. t" F h tt:-r i,RV Rl;A, : 10 i U5/'uU ,\ PF.lr PE}.D , 1,.o ! 02 I aa l--lt""l il rt- n'r/\ I lrlJI \I \i\ \J i tI\ii xt l,i5G: L i'UtII.,tsX }G' iiEldE !!f,JII!.&Lttt) J)t.Dr:rlrtnrl:ra 1r,.ltrr!i/ e# f\.A -.-.!" !.*\-:,r .au1l "t"i.j t.E I itq.tr : i;l ii{'i- ltr.81 {rr\ \ f/' \/ llt't{u) ,q a,t:-' tL-l_r ,/r