HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-11-29.. RESID - NTIAL..F.eceipt #L 31ZO SPRINGF!ELD APPLICATION /PERT,IIT 225 Nonth Sth Street Springfield, )regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 S { Date:'zq - GeneraL - t)t-<t-A-t-+ - Electrical - Ln,u-*-l* - l4ecltanical Cons*ugtton__Letdg!_ It ie the respottaibility o! the perwLt holder to aee that aLL inspectiotts ee nade at tlte Pvope! time' that ecch addtess is rea,Cabie ftorn the at?eet, and tlwt the pa*mtt catd i.e Located at the ftottt of the property.*Building D,ioicion appro"*ed plan sVnLL retnain on tlp Building Site at aLL ti.mes. Pq1EDUPE FoR INSPEqTTpA_AEp@q2jCALL726-3769(recotder) state your City designated job nmber, iob aCiress, type of inspeeticn eadyfot,inspection,Contractorso1a,tners-,,o,eindplanenunber.P,equestsreceis:edbefcre7:00an :,viLL be nade the sane dcg, ?eE)eats nade after ?:00 on uvill be nade the neet lsorking dag. Iout, City Desigr,ated Job Nutnbev, Is 8/0 g 66 ReouireLIIspee tiozg Toz Iot # ?t- +aAlo.7,^4- f/"1 ot)Job Locaticn: Aesessors Map # \10 +3Subdioision: 7- Otmer: Address: eSA S ,/3^t)t ?26- A/0 6Phone City:zip: 17V77 Descz,ibe Work: value ./ lrno t--t Additicn 1 Date of App fu,/-)^] -fk/, il,, - /ru "&> Lieatian ll-dq' 8t/ Lisc. #F.Contractot's Ad.dress Page 1 of 2 SITE INSPEC?ION: ezcaoatl;;; but ?o be nade afterprior tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCHAI|ICAL: To be nade befoz,e angffi7i-iooeted. P))TING & F)UNDA?ICN: ?o be rmCeaft;; $.nctes are e*caoated attd. forns are eteeted, but prior to pou?tng ccncrete. UNDZRGROUIID PLUMBING, SEWER. il.ATER, DRAI\UIE: To be made prior to fil-T@-6in hee. AIIDERELOOR PLUI,EING & IIECHANTCAL: o7 floor insulation or decking. ?0r!-4!p-BE4U; To be made priot toffitdTdllcn of floor insulation or decking. ROUGH PLT]IIBITIG, ELECTRICAL & MECE: ANICAL: No uotk is to be couered d€lT-these irapections haue been mad,e ard. approtsed.. FLP@LICE: Prior to plaeirq facingtnaiiAG and before froning in"p.L- tton. FRAI.IING: Ittust be requested after approoal of rough plwr,bing, electri- cal & necltanical. ALL roofing braeing 8 chinmeys, etc. rrust be eonpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- . cealed until this inspeetton las'been made anC approoed. FilIAL PLUMBING PTNAL MECHAIITCAL FIIIAL ELEC?RICAL INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IilSPECTION : To be made after aLL insulaticn a.-d required oqor buriers @e in pl,ace but before oty Lath, gApsutn bcarC ov' tnLL cooering is applied, and before otg irculation is concealed. DRYWALL INSPECII1N: Tc be made ;fte"-ffi@Wie in pLace, but prior to an! taping. I,IAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond ffilg?outing or uerti.cals i.n accotdotce ?,/Lth U.B.C. Section 2415. il00D5?01/E: enpT;tA. Aftet' installation is Sanitatg seaer eappted et ptoperQi Line Septic tank ytrrped ann fi.Lled tith gra:tel Einal - llhen ahctse itens at'e ccrnpleted and uhen danoliti,on is cornplete ot, strttc- ture motted od. prenises eleaneC up. old. Set-up connections -- aa)e! od. uatet Ccnnection - Blocking, aelu-uD and. plwnbing eonnections tnist be appra;ed before requesting eleelrLcal inspecti.ort Accessot-g Bui.Lding - After pcrches Leted. skiz,ting, decks, etc. at,e comp DEI.IOLI? Mobi CURB & APPROACE APPON: @.e;tectAEtVno" After fornsto pourtng conc"ete. SIDETALK & DRIIEWAI: Eor aLL con-c"A;n6@dtnil street z,isht- of-teA, to be maCe after aLL erea- oating canplete & fortn tnrk & sub- base material in place. ?ENCE: h4ten eonplete -- Prouide gates or mooable sections through P,A.E. - --- ALL y,oject conditions, such as the installation of street tnees, conpLetion of the required Landsccping, etc. , tmt$t be satisfied before tke BUILDLNG FINAL ean be nequested. FLNAL BaILDING: The Einal Build.ing fnspection rmtst be requested. after the Fi.nal Plwnbing \J Electrical, otd Meehanieal fnspeetions hqtte been nade atd approoeC. *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTE LIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJASTIIETII ?O BE T44DE I1.T NO CCST ?O CTY JoB No. 6 4|qGb soLAR At-cEss REQ.-L-co d Bedtoons: Ileat AccessDfIIouse Lot Faces -Iat Sq. Etg. % cf Lct Cotsuage_ LC? ?WE _ Interiot _ Cortle? _ Panhand,Le CuL-de-sac # of StorLes ?otal Height ?opograplty -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This permLt is granted on the ezpress cond.ition tlnt the said constrwetion sVnLL, in all rbspeets, eonform to the Crdinance adopted tiy the City of Spningfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulating the ccnsttwcticn urd use of buildings, otd may be suspend.ed or retsokeC at G'nA time upon uic- Lation of altA prcuisione of said fu,dinances. TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: ETG x VaLue *Signed: S.D.C. 1.5 r Building PetmLt Iotal Clnrges Sf,ate Plumbing Permit No person slnll construct, install, alter or c?nnge dnA neo ct etisting pltnbing or drainage sAstnl i,n ulale or in part, unless sueh person is the Legal posseason of a ualid phtnber's License, eseept tlnt a pel'son nay do phtrnbing uork to propertg uhich i.s otmed, Leased or operated by the appli- c6nt. /0.oo /0 NO.FEE CEARGE * Firtuyes Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seuer Plutnbing Petrrit State ITEM N0.FEE au A Dvn Res. Sq. ftq. Nas/Ectend Ctteuits Taryorey Sewice /0.0 0 ,fo 0(o IT!M FEE CIIARCE * Mechonicql Permit Hcodstoue Vent Fot blraot Hoo,7 ts PermLt Issuance Meclwnicel Permit Secartty Deposit Stotage I,bintenance Penrit Cvtbeut Si.da'talk Pence El.eetrical Label Nq b f5 ZO Mobile Hane J5.oo # Petmit Electricol Permit Wlpre State Lan neqtires tVnt the electtical uork be done by an Electrical Contraetor, the eleetr"Lcal portion of this pernit shall not be ualiC until the Label has been signed by the Eleetrical Contractot'. PLan E&anane?Date TotaL IotaL * f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMLNED the eornpLeted application for permit, and. do Itereby certi.fy that aLL infonnation heteon i.s ttue and eorrect' artC f furtket' eertify that any ard. aLL uork perforned slnll be done in accot'- dance rvLth the 1rdinances of the Citg of Sprlngfield' and. the Laos of the* State of 1r,egon pettaining to the aork Cescribed here'ln, etd tlnt N0 )cca' PANCI LI|LL be rmd.e of an7 strwctu?e without pernission of the Building N- uision. f further certify ttnt only contractoi's and erplcyees uho ote in eonplianee uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project -%-a tQ,,Z //-^7- rL/ TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:*& /(0, oo Sisn-A---.------------- Date ITEM llaXat, TotaL Chan oes State Swchanqe ((( IIV ir\ tDt rO b- I B- I6t' (. (t?'x QS'troiler {'f: P on4 2s5' I SPIlI]{GFIELfD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works January 9, 1984 Mr. l{ayne Buxton 1170 l,lorth 38th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477'; Dear l4r. Buxton:,, ... Division conducted an Electrical Safety Inspection at the above referenced address on January 4, 1,984. At that time the following unsafe and hazardous conditions were found to exist that do not meet minimurn requirements of the SpringfieldElectrical Specialty Safety Code: . ' 1. tTh" mobile home feeder is made of single conductors run i, ip"r, air (not in' 'conduit) through open face of junction box under unit to open face of service . panel. Conductors and connections are subject to strain and severe danage- and can be very hazardous 2. 'Lack of naintenance and missing parts have created an unsafe and hazardouscondition to exist in the main-slrvice panel which must be restored to aI safe condition by repair or replacenent-. ,i:' , The Building Safety Division will check on the progress in 30 days fron the dateof this letter. Please direct all inquiries to. the Springfield Building SafetyDivision at 726-3753. j Sincerely, ' . - Springfield, Oregon fr)"%-l#"'* /fL - /U:o f); ( u ft{'uur u .h': rhtalacl @&l f ol rtice ' 's li < to^'ta'?E/ ' ,'/,r/rr J.R. MattesonElectrical Inspector 4,i*6*- JMllh 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726-3753 SP]IIIuGFIELI' CIIY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works January 9, 1"984 Mr. I!'ayne Buxton 1170 }{orth 38th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 RE: Electrical Safety Inspection at 1170 North 38th Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear l,lr. Btrxton: At the request of the Springfield Utility Board, the Springfield Building SafetyDivision conducted an Electrical Safety Inspection at the above referenced address on January 4, 1984. At that tine the following unsafe and hazardous conditions were found to exist that do not meet mininum requirements of the SpringfieldElectrical Specialty Safety Code: 1. The nobile home feeder is made of single conductors run in open air (not inconduit) through open face of junction box under unit to open face of servicepaneI. Conductors and connections are subject to strain and severe damage and can be very hazardous. 2. Lack of maintenance and rnissing parts have created an unsafe and hazardouscondition to exist in the main service panel which must be restored to asafe condition by repair or replacement. , The Building Safety Division will check on the progress in 30 days from the dateof this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building SafetyDivision at 726-3753. T {A,.%olt"'* J.R. Matteson Electrical Inspector JM/tn 225 North 5th Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 a 503/726-3753