HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1984-08-13.. RESIDENTIAL.. zls itorth stit streeaEP,rcAff,n/PERIEI Sgr-rqfielC, 1regon 97177 BuiL*inq Nuision 7 26-37 S3 ?cce'-ia ! SPFIINGFTELD ( f Date:t" rr- Genet:a.L Plubiru Job !-ocazicn: Aesesaors ltao I ?az bt # slcn: O-xer... Ad,&ess:Ptona: 1 6-7 .S I 7 AL*t o-'7Yr\aLu-&f Deaczibe l,!ork: -34Data of i llalue I ACCiCat !2 iz 2he resgonaibi-Lity of -tle pend; holder tp aee )tat al! insgectionst @e nod,e at ihe ptoper !in6, tlzct 3sft :/,irssg is ,,en;n'^';.l!I-t!y sttee.r, ctl thct the pettrit ca{, ia i.aated ct ^th,e frc-nt of the Trooertg.'Suiairq ?)ticio:- ct=:or:ed ptbr s;ril ret:a:-n on tt;e tsuildirlb- site -at aLL' times.' P?clruPr, ,an, ilrsPry;CALL726-3769 (recorCer) state you;. city lesigr,ztec iob 7anber,, job aCbess, type :?,"i1.1 cti-u:':en -aou wiLL ce ieatiy 1b,r irspection, contTdcxcrs ctr a;ne:s ncne |*rL piaie,nrb;.' nA;; reZe;i'eri:-'1,1L be tmde thc sane Ccg, ueqlte;;s ncie cft;:l. ?:00 clt l,rtll be rsie tt.e nat..nnkittg d,cs-. ConatrtcCat Lezder .si?s i]sP5rrr..I.. ECqUCtiCn, tut !'otms. of inspee)icn befcre 7:00 ,=t ' ?o be naie af'-etptict +-c ae'- u? of fou! City'Desigrated, Jab ttutnb* fs:(qo 52? ITSLILATIO lI /VAPCR BARRIZR II!S?!C?!OII :to be tmie aftar aLL ir.s-ul,rtirn eri nequited uqor bavie?s @e in plape Ltt before a.! 14th, Wpszo:l bceC or tnLL aue*ing is qplied, od. befcreoty ir,stla.tion is cotrcealed. DFYIALL filS?lClOll: lc be nade aiter aLL ct1,sall is in place, but prior to cny taVing. Dit!1LiII2lt 0R ;.icvi) Soi'-e1 se::et ea.4ted =t gopatfg Lite Septie to* V.tceC ain fllLed uith gri;ei Pincl - i{hen &cue i'.e.s ate ecnoleyei t-d uherz Ceacliiicr;, ie cantplete o:r s*n--- ture apoal, a€ pratieee eleazed up. ilcres tsLockittg and 5ax-:tp Pltnbiry cowtec'-ictrs - aar€, od. tulen , zaoe cftlt j W::ic I icu:tonrct: ?o be taCeI I ai:et =:enches cre e=catateC crd, fcr:ns *e erecteri, but ?tia? topul-irq c.ncret€. ' ,nci:c?ctx:D ?!L?"t2::,'c. sx/:.?. zl?s-?.'- I DPAI)I;GI: fo be tn;e 7r-or zo ,.iL-Lir4 =rezci:s. Ail DEP!'CC? !'LJ:.s E:C 1,'1!C7A:I ICA! :@offbor insuia,tion or d.eckizg. nST litD 3EA:4: To be raie prJor winszal,;:-zcn oi iloor iwulaiion cr deck'-ng. 10t;ci: ?!t:!?!:;c. ilzrP:a;a , :.t7c1- tr-='-L ;hcsa .Jrscecaiots juue beer. _ nc,ie z"d, ==rttel,.rlI I F.-F!;.:.' *hr 'a >ks--r.z €csirat-l E'ffi;d crd. before ir-rirs inrp"L- tiott. iP-L!!ilC: iior be rec.r2o;ed af:a" @c: oJ' rcugh plttrcir4, e'Zectr--a.L t neci:anical. ALI noi-!ry btairq ! ch*otcgs, etc. atec- beanole=cd. :!o ,,t2?< is to be ccrt- . cecled, uncal :Lis inseec;ica ia,e'beea naie anC cppmueZ. :opc:ed. ?LA)B1::A .E-ra.)f-tf :l=-6t-.t lUSOilPy: Steel beans, gwuting accorbtee wLzh 2415. ',IOODST)'E: After installation ie oroleted. t cone?ete. SfDYIALK & gREEttAl: Por aLL coz.- c'rete oaving uith:.n street right- ofax!, to be naCe after aZ! etca- vatitg lqnplete I fon utork & sub- base r,a'"eial in place. CL|FS E TPPRCACE lPfiN: After formsa.e *eA-GVG to potr-tg Etectrical Cct'tnecxiott - Blockir.g, set-u> and. Vlurnbing cottect-;ons mist be e?rctaibefore "eques!':v-g eleclelcal ir-soee=ia- Aceessopi tuiliiry ?inzl - {ftcr :trehes, slittitg, d,eci,.s, etc. de car-oie=ed. Locat'lotz, bod, ot verticcls in U.B.C. Section J rr*r -l rr.z;r ffiter, l -rr[tE.' rthen conplete -- hoviCe gates o? flotable sectians thtough P. U, E. ALL pro;ec: cotii:icns, suc.t es the .l.ns=allcxtcn 6f s:teet zrees, cc-lcclon o1'tiv requireri icnzscccir4, .tc., tilst be sacisiicd beJ'ore ci,e SUiLDfi;C ?!!!AL:aa be reTested. !:JAL AULJIJC: Th.e F')naL SuiUir4 Insoec,-ion :tst be reoueste<i :i:ar thc iinal ?lunbingileccrteal, d ;4ecian".iccl inscecxicns '}rqoe been ncie arti'ccorouzi. 'Ai;.:.!A:|EC!:S A;tD CLtArca:s:!US! 3E.4CC3S,:31:, .Liitsl:f:t::O 39:.!109 t?::O::St ?2 Crl ?=iz 1 of 2 I tr tr ,.icb ilwnber Guo 5 tq Fefererce Imbers ',Iot Sq. Ftg. % ci Lct Couerage i,# o1 stont"" ?otal Height .Tapogruphy Building PeznrLt State Total Clnrges Stete I LCT TYPE _ fntericr _ Corner _.. Panhandle CuL-de-sac tseitoons Lot Faces -Soutees Building Vqlue & Permit ?his penrtt is granted on the esp?ess eondition that tle sail. constzaction sltaLl, in aLL respects, conform to the ordinance adopted by the City of Springfteld, incLuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn otd use of buildings, and may be suspended or retsokeC at sty time upon oic- Ta,tLon of anA prcoisions of said ovdinancee. * * Electricol Permit Where State Lau requiz,es tkat the eLectrical uork be done by an lleetrical Cont?aetor, the electrieal poz,tion of this petnit slnll rot be ualiC until the Label hns been signed by the Electrical Cont?actor. PLaiz Esaniner uate I HAW CAREFULLy EXAMINED the cornpleted application for pertnit, and do hez,eby certify that aLL information heteon ie trae and cort'ect, cnd f furtker certify that any ard aLL uork perforned stnll be dote in accot- dznce rrith the 0rdinances of the City of Springfield, and. the Lans of the* State of 0regon pertaining to the wo?k Cescribed het,ein, cnd tlnt No )CCU- PANCv aiLl be nwCe of any structure tttlout permission of the Building DL-oision. I further certifg that only coflttactots and anplcyees uho ate in eonplianee uith ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie projeet DT !!eat House Not,th East |l FirepLace South ll West l x Value TOTAL VALUE DCs.D.c. 1,5 x Sigred: NO FEE CHARGE Fi-rtuz,es Residential (1 bath) Seuer llctet, Plumbing Permit No person shall eonsfuact, install., alter or elunge cnA nel cr eristing pltonbing or drainage systen in ulale or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessot, of a oalid plutnbet,ts License, eocept tlnt a pe"son nag do plw;bing aork to prope?tA uhich is oumed, Leased or openated by the appli- cant. Pltnbing Penrit State Nas/Extend. Circuits Seruice oo oo 0 lo .-?M itc.t Jl; Echanst HooC Vent FTt llcodstoise * Mecho nicol Permit Perwtt Issuance l,lechanieal Peymit -- EllcR2AcHt4ENr -- Pdmit Cttbcut Sida,taLk L -Lo !.!obil.e Hcne ?OTAL AMOUIIT DUE:*0 b0 TataL lloodstote t.