HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-10-1222s ttorth st;t streeA.?!'rcA?rc:l /PERI'ff! Sgr.ryfielC, 2regon 97177 Building Tiuiston 726-37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPFIINGFlET.D Job !.oczcicn: Aecesoors ltao I Tca Lot il O-rrar.. AC&ess: L'- Deactlbe k'ork: Value 3v'Y AqI Data of ACiitlictr #s,zGo , cro Genetzl ?cce;-lt ! Date: ta/ta/t< 4U o Coirtrrcracn L€de!_ !' it 2he reaponaibi-Liiy orc-tle penrtJ itolder-b oce^ that aL! inspections @e nade at lhe propet tin6, tlet 3;;1ft -,',xtsss is ysn;n'^' ty-tlf si,leet, c*C tlat the p*trt; cai ie i^tcated ct the frcnt' of tlte oropertg.'Suiaitq v)uicio:.- ct=rot:ed plb.t shc.il ;,.er,o,an on tri a";iii":g- s:ie at eLL tthes. ?0n ALL 7 !ou rea<iy 1brbe tcia the eone Ccg, teques;s nctie 26-3769 (reeorCer) state Vous Citg Lesigr.ated. iob ntr,,ber, job n,ri-ess, tgVe of incpec:icnir-tpection, conttdctc?s ci a,ze:s-nctte ad, giznie nu.tbcr. .2eqoesrs ""Zeix? tZf*i ?:0C c.c7'ta 7:00 ctt viLL be nol.e t|e n*,t .,nrkiti- dc;. lour Cifu'Desigmted Jab Nunb* fs:E q b7/l l--] sits rls?)c:i3:!: | | acavcxaon, tut - ,'oz.rs. tnDz,?SiA3 ?:L,:rsl:tc. zLiqPrcAt t;aci:t:!rcs@y rprr is cove:ed. ?o be rmCe afler prtcr r-c se: u2 of lo be naCe zrenchas cre Ecaatad crd, TYSULA?IOlI/VAPO? BARRIZR I:ISPIC?IOTI : To be ranie after aLL insukxicn cti required vqor b*ie?s @e in pla,cehtt beJbre ozg Lo.th, Wpst :1 booC or tnLL auering is oolied, otd. befcreoty iartb.tian is cottcealed. no Soti'-o1 sanet cqryed .t Fopatti Zi/:e' Septie tank V"rqeC a?d ii,ll2l, rith g:xt;a" Pincl - i{hezt &cue itats are ec.noleted a:d uhen CercLirion ie canalete bt s:rtc- ture noucl, oi praniees clZaned up.fctns. cte erecteci, but pr;n? -a purirq c.ncte;i. ffiyllr,t tts?9c!c!: rc be nad. LadAZT@is.ia ptace, - htt p"iot to cnC '"a?arq. ,-l lt: F6?ctx:D ?aLyz:)c. sltap- r1T9?-'- I QP.!::t;Ci: io be m:e gr-cr =o ,.ii-Lirq :retciae. !!DEP!:CCR !rau:.s nc 1 :1tcxA:ttC;!: To Pe tzce pri,:r a inscelitzxton of fbor ir,.suktion or deckirg. 7)ST AllD ?tAil: ?o be raic orJcr toffilfr|oi Jloor ilst'ta;ion cr dack1,t15. 7.o..tg: _?r,".? !:;c. !!Jr?!.:! 1 : tzc1- A,lt'-;t: .lO )O!,a a-A aO 9e COCe?eC ur.z'-L ihcse -Jr-scecaior,e h:ue beer.d.e d. e?t.J'ea. *br 'a pl^e-Jra lc=--rcard, before y'rein4 inepeZ- SP-L'II:|C, ilrtz: be rec-aectzd aflarcTprcuc! of rcugh pltacir4, alectrl-a,L J neci.anral. - nL! n-oiittg bree)rg 5 chitutctls, ate. E"Jsc bearalezcd. !!o .,sct'< is to be ccn-cu,lad uncil :his inseec;lot ia.e beet noic atd. cpptzueZ. IUSONPY: Steel Locatiott, bond beans, gwuting ot oetziu,Ls in oceorbtce ,.rL* U.B.C. Secttbn 2415. ,IOODS?1'/!: After install.a,tion is aralexad. t i!cnes llockrsq otd, Sat-tp PltnbinX cowtec=icns - oatqp od, tater EfecLrical Ccttneccion - Blocking, set-ui and, plhbing ccw:ect-i,ons nr,;st Ze eptoL-i.before reqtes=')rq e!,ec:rieal ir-spee=io- Accesso?i *ui!^ilng CUPS 1 APPRCACP ,I.?PCN:.- @e erecxe4 out ?n ot After fotmsfa pourirq nccefi..dLa FT;:Ai ?LU:.9|::A il:tAL :ls:ailrcAL ?IJAL !:jCS,i;L conc?ete. SID\?ALK & 9RZTiA!: Fot aLL cot-c"et;Vqt @ sLveet right-of-rx!, to be naCe a;'!et aL! ezca- udting canpleta I fon uork ,9 eub- base raterial in plzce. $flCg: tthen eonplate -- ?rouiCe gatea o? aovable sectians througi. P.U,E. aitanes slir+.izg, Ceci,-s,Final - !,ftcr etc. @e cva, fll ALL prc.;,ect ccrii:icns, 3uc!'. cs she.!.nszallcticn oJ'siteet =rees, :c-!ct!on o;'titcicttzscccir4, .tc., j'!L.at be sadsi"ied beJ'cre t4a 3t!iLDr::c lrAL:cn be reqzested. ?:IAL au!J!:ic: *,e Fi.nal. Sda*"4 rns-oeclt-on =tst be "equesteli :;':at tha iinal ?lunbingileccriecl, .sti !,lecianic=L izscectlcnc ','tqte been ncie a,.d'cccrouzi. 'Ati :tA:iEclis AND CL,A\\CU:S :tUS! 3E .4CC3SS!31|, .1Djts7::!::: :o 39 }'-lDZ t: ::O ::37 72 Cry ?z;e I of 2 V ,,orrr. rn, r T ,.Icb ilztnber ZJv.e Iot Sq. Ftg, % ci Lct Ccoerage i # oy stoot"" Total Height , lopogruphy Building Pellrit State ?otal Clnrges Plunbing Penrit State Sutcl^arge Total rs L/o7 | /Referer-ee llnabers 5R\\O f- LCT TYPE _ Intericr _ Corner _. Panltandle CuL-de-sac Value ..- Fees -. Building Volue & Permit This perrntt ts granted on the erp"ess condition that tle sail construetion slwll, in aLL nespects, eonform to the 2rdinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regaLating the ccnsttacticn and. use of buildings, ond may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tine upon ui.c- Tatton of anA prcoisions of said Ordinanees. tote Receipt #L7 Go Plumbing Permit No person sLnLL consttwct, install, alter ot, elnnge cnA neD cn existing pltnbing or dtai.nage systen in uTole or in patt, unless euch person is the Legal posseasor of a oalid plunbet,'s License, escept tlnt a pe"son nay do plwnbing aork to ptope"tA uhieh is oumed, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. L-CAC I t Beitoons:)3L\\rLot Faces -Enero,t Sout ces TitPe Df House Catage Access.llater leater lleat North Range FirepLace South West X TOTAL VALUE ueS.D.C. 7.5 a CpL'/? oPLan Check Eee: &Date Paid: //J ' a Signed: NO FEE CEARCE Fistutes P.esidential (1 bath) SeuetSani FEE Nau,/Ertend, Circuits Tenocreg Setoiee Electricol Permit Wet,e State Loa requires tlnt the electtical uork be done bg an Electrtcal Contractor, the elee+-r'Lcal pontion of this pernit slnll not be oaliC untt)L the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor,. \, ;tc.f LL E:hanst HooC Vent Fot llcodsto;te Mechqnicol Permit Pennit fssuznce t'leehanical Perndt _- E|ICRAACTIHENT -- Sec,o.i Pcnit Cutbcu! Si.da,talk lence ELectnicaL L I.tobile Hcne TOTAL AM)UllT DUE: *a\."t I HAW CAREFULLY EXAI|INED tlte conpleted applieation for perwtt, and do hereby eertify that aLL inforrnation het,eon is ttue ard. eonrect, and r further eertify that cny ard aLL uork perfortned alnll be done it aceot- dance rrLth the tudincrrces of the city of Sprtngfield, atrl the lcoe of the* State of Oregcn pertaini.ng to the uo?k Cescribed herein' cnd that NO OCCU- PANCY Lrill be nade of ang atTuctule urithout permission of the Bui.Lding Di- ui.sion. f futther eertify that only contractors ad enplcyeee uho ate in canpliance uith CRS ?01.055 ui,LL be used on thie proiect TctaL *