HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 6413 01/21/2020 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON ORDINANCE NO. 6413 (GENERAL) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 2035 TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM PLAN, ADOPTING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) Section 660, Division 12 (the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule), specifies the requirements of Statewide Planning Goal 12 that requires cities and counties to prepare and adopt local transportation system plans for lands within their planning jurisdiction as part of their comprehensive plans; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield and Lane County co-adopted the City of Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) as an amendment to the Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) for application within the area of planning jurisdiction of the City of Springfield, through City of Springfield Ordinance No. 6314 and Lane County Ordinance No. PA 1303 on March 11, 2014; WHEREAS, the TSP is a comprehensive 20-year plan to guide transportation investments within the City of Springfield's urban growth boundary (UGB); WHEREAS, the Oregon Transportation Planning Rule and the TSP direct the City to adopt the Springfield Conceptual Street Map into the TSP as a road plan for the Springfield's system of arterials and collectors; WHEREAS, the City of Springfield has initiated a Type II Metro Plan amendment pursuant to Springfield Development Code section 5.14-115.B.2 to amend the project lists and figures in Volume 1 of the TSP and to adopt the Conceptual Street Map into the TSP as a road plan for arterials and collectors and as a plan for multi-use path projects; WHEREAS, Volume 2 and Volume 3 of the Springfield 2035 TSP contain background information and data used to inform Volume 1, and Volume 2 has been updated as shown in Exhibit D; WHEREAS, the City is concurrently amending the Springfield Development Code to implement the TSP by separate ordinance; WHEREAS, timely and sufficient notice of the public hearings has been provided pursuant to SDC 5.2- 115 and ORS 227.186(4) ("Ballot Measure 56" notice); WHEREAS, in accordance with the Public Involvement Program endorsed by the Committee for Citizen Involvement, the City of Springfield has provided several opportunities for public involvement on the proposed amendments, including but not limited to a public project webpage, an open house, Stakeholder Sounding Board, and Technical Review Team; WHEREAS, the Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions conducted a joint public hearing on the TSP amendments, Conceptual Street Map, and Springfield Development Code amendments on January 23 and February 6, 2018, and forwarded recommendations to the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners; WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council held a joint public hearing with the Lane County Board of Commissioners on these amendments on November 4, 2019, and is now ready to act based upon the above recommendations and evidence and testimony already in the record and the evidence and testimony presented at the joint elected officials' public hearing; WHEREAS, Exhibit C shows the amendments in a legislative format, including maps that show new and updated projects; and WHEREAS, substantial evidence exists within the record to demonstrate that the proposed TSP amendments, including the Conceptual Street Map, meet the requirements of the Metro Plan and applicable state and local law as described in the findings attached as Exhibit B; NOW, THEREFORE, THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Volume 1 of the City of Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan is amended as shown in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. The findings set forth in Exhibits B are adopted as findings in support of this Ordinance. Section 3. The prior policies and land use regulations repealed or changed by this Ordinance remain in full force and effect to authorize prosecution of persons in violation thereof prior to the effective date of this Ordinance. Section 4. Severability Clause. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is, for any reason, held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion hereof. Section 5. Effective date of Ordinance. The effective date of this Ordinance is as provided in the Chapter IX of the Springfield Charter and Section 2.110 of the Springfield Municipal Code, 30 days from the date of passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor; or upon the date that an ordinance is enacted by the Lane County Board of Commissioners approving the same amendments as described in Sections 1-2 of this Ordinance; or upon acknowledgment of this ordinance under ORS 197.625; whichever occurs last. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 21 day of January , 2020, by a vote of 6 for and n against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 21 day of January , 2020. i ifs-- Z Mayor , ATTEST: +40 Th Cit()(--order REVIEWED&APPROVED AS TO FORM Krat''Kra-cal. DATE: 1/21/2020 SPRINGFIELD CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 1 of 21 20-year projects TABLE 3 Priority projects in the 20-year project list Roadway projects Cost .a. R-3 New Collector-Game Farm Road East to International Way $6,300,000 (Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-9 Laura Street to Pioneer Parkway $3,300,000 (Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities in or near the EWEB powerline corridor with a right-in/right-out intersection at Pioneer Parkway; PB-7 is required to serve as sidewalk and bikeway) R-10 Q Street/Laura Street and Laura Street Interchange Area $1,600,000 (Construct traffic controls at Laura Street/Q Street intersection, extend the second westbound through-lane through the Laura Street intersection,and construct a westbound right-turn lane; coordinate with S-3 and PB-7; conduct study[S-3]prior to implementing project) R-13 Franklin Boulevard Multi-modal Improvements $35,000,0001 (Construct multi-modal improvements on Franklin Boulevard,from 1-5 to the railroad tracks south of the Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway intersection, and construct a roundabout at the Franklin Boulevard/Glenwood Boulevard intersection) R-14 Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway Multi-lane Roundabout $7,000,000 (Construct a multi-lane roundabout) R-19 McVay Highway and East 19th Avenue $2,500,000 (Construct a two-lane roundabout) R-20 McVay Highway-East 19th Avenue to 1-5 $47,000,000 (Construct a two-or three-lane cross-section as needed with sidewalks, bicycle facilities, and transit facilities consistent with Main Street/McVay Highway Transit Feasibility study and project T-3) R-34 Centennial Boulevard/Industrial Avenue-28th Street to 35th Street $9,500,000 (Extend Centennial Boulevard/Industrial Avenue with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-36 42"d Street-Marcola Road to Railroad Tracks $6,000,000 i I (Modify 42�d Street to a three-lane cross-section and traffic controls at Marcola Road and the OR 126 westbound ramps) R-39 Extend South 48th Street to Daisy Street $3,200,000 (Extend South 48th Street with a two-lane cross-section with a parallel multi-use 12-foot wide path and roundabout intersection treatment at Daisy Street and South 48th Street) R-40 OR 126/52nd Street Interchange Improvements $40,000,0002 (Construct a grade-separated interchange on OR 126 at 52hd Street with ramps and traffic controls at ramp terminals on 52nd Street consistent with the Interchange Area Management Plan) R-43 OR 126/Main Street Interchange Improvements $50,000,0002 (Construct a grade-separated interchange with ramps and traffic control at ramp terminals on Main Street consistent with the Interchange Area Management Plan; needs further study) R-44 Daisy Street crossing of Bob Straub Parkway $2,400,000 [ (Construct traffic control improvements or undercrossing of Bob Straub Parkway) R-50 Gateway/Beltline Phase 2 Project $12,000,000 (As defined in the 2003 Revised Environmental Assessment including Kruse/Hutton couplet, Gateway Road improvements) R-51 Gateway Street/Harlow Road $2,910,0002 (Construct traffic control improvements) ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 2 of 21 R-52 Main Street/48th Street $2,400,000 (Construct traffic control improvements) Cost Urban standards projects US-1 Game Farm Road South-Mallard Avenue to Harlow Road $2,200,000 (Modify and expand Game Farm Road South with a cross-section to include sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-3 Aspen Street-Centennial Boulevard to West D Street $2,200,000 (Change Aspen Street to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-4 21st Street-D Street to Main Street $2,300,000 (Modify 21st Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-5 28th Street-Centennial Boulevard to Main Street $4,300,000 (Change 28th Street to include sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-6 South 28th Street-Main Street to South F Street $6,000,000 (Modify South 28th Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-8 35th Street-Olympic to Commercial Avenue $3,600,000 (Change South 35tn Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-9 Commercial Avenue-35th to 42nd Street $4,500,000 (Modify Commercial Avenue to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-10 36th Street-Commercial Avenue to Main Streetr. $3,000,000 (Change 36th Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-11 Clearwater Lane-south of Jasper Road within UGB $470,000 (Modify and expand Clearwater Lane with a cross-section to include sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-14 Thurston Road-Weaver Road to UGB $4,800,000 : (Change Thurston Road to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-16 48th Street—Main Street to G Street $600,000 (Upgrade to a two-lane urban facility, PB-55 is required to serve as sidewalk and bikeway) US-17 G Street—48th Street to 52"d Street $370,000 (Upgrade to a two-lane urban facility, PB-55 is required to serve as sidewalk and bikeway) US-18 52nd Street—OR 126E to G Street $250,000 (Upgrade to a two-lane urban facility, PB-55 is required to serve as sidewalk and bikeway) Pedestrian/bicycle projects Cost PB-2 Flamingo Avenue to Gateway Street $70,000 (Construct a 12-foot wide path west from Flamingo Avenue to Gateway Street south of Game Bird Park) PB-17 Glenwood Area Willamette River Path—1-5 to Willamette River bridges $2,500,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the end of the existing path, east of 1-5 to the Willamette River bridges) PB-18 Glenwood Area Willamette River Path—Willamette River Bridges to UGB $2,900,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the Willamette River bridges to the UGB) PB-19 Bridge between Downtown and Glenwood or modify Willamette River Bridges $10,300,000 (Construct a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge between Downtown Springfield and Glenwood, or modify the existing Willamette River bridges) PB-29 Mill Race Path $7,100,000 L (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from South B Street to South 32nd Street/UGB) ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 3 of 21 PB-31 Moe Mountain Path—River Heights Drive to Marcola Road $1,200,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path River Heights Drive to Marcola Road) PB-32 McKenzie River Path -McKenzie Levee Path to 52nd Street $3,700,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the existing McKenzie Levee path at 42nd Street to 52nd Street) PB-37 Booth Kelly Road -South 28th Street to South 49th Place $2,817,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from South 28th Street to South 49th Place) PB-46 Haul Road path-South 49th Place to UGB $3,600,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from South 49th Place to the UGB) PB-55 48th/G/52nd—High Banks Road to Aster Street $1,600,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from High Banks Road to Aster Street) Cost developed as part of the current Franklin Boulevard project development process. 2 Cost developed as part of the Regional Transportation Plan. ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 4 of 21 TABLE 4 Opportunity projects in the 20-year project list R-2 Gateway Road/International Way to UGB $950,000 (Construct five-lane cross-section consistent with 2003 Revised Environmental Assessment) R-11 5th Street/Q Street $550,000 (Construct right-turn lanes to the eastbound and northbound approaches or a roundabout) R-30 Marcola Road/19th Street $320,000 (Construct right-turn lane on westbound approach or a roundabout) R-31 28th Street/Marcola Road $1,900,000 (Construct a roundabout) R-32 42" Street/Marcola Road $2,800,000 (Construct a roundabout) R-33 Centennial Boulevard/28th Street $1,800,000 (Construct a roundabout) R-38 South 42nd Street/Daisy Street $1,800,000 (Construct a traffic signal or a roundabout) R-48 Mountaingate Drive/Main Street $900,000 (Install a new traffic signal) Pedestrian/bicycle projects(all on-street) Cost PB-3 Oakdale Street/Pheasant Street/et.al. -Game Farm Road to Gateway Road $80,000 (Add signing and striping for bicycle facilities) PB-5 Hartman Lane/Don Street-south of Harlow Road to OR 126 $180,000 (Add signing and striping for bicycle facilities and construct sidewalks to fill gaps) PB-8 Hayden Bridge Way/Grovedale Drive, Hayden Bridge Way/3rd Street, Hayden Bridge $260,000 Way/Castle Drive (Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-9 EWEB Path crossings of 2nd Street,9th Street, 11th Street, Rose Blossom Drive, Debra $50,000 Street, 15th Street,33rd Street,and 35th Street (Improve path crossings to emphasize path priority and to improve safety) PB-10 2nd Street/Q Street $90,000 (Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-13 Anderson Lane-By-Gully path to Centennial Boulevard $90,000 (Add signing and striping on Anderson Street and West Quinalt Street for bicycle facilities and construct 12-foot wide multi-use path between Anderson Lane and Quinalt Street) PB-14 Rainbow Drive-Centennial Boulevard to West D Street $60,000 (Restripe for bicycle facilities with signing) PB-15 West D-Mill Street to D Street Path $10,000 al (Add bicycle facility signing and striping) PB-16 West D-Aspen Street to D Street Path $190,000 (Add bicycle facility signing and striping; construct sidewalks to fill gaps) PB-20 Mill Street-Centennial to Main Street,south of Main Street to Mill Race Park $90,000 (Restripe for bicycle facilities with signing) PB-21 Pioneer Parkway at D, E,and F Streets $80,000 (Add crosswalks on Pioneer Parkway with signage) PB-22 5th Street/Centennial Boulevard Intersection $560,000 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 5 of 21 (Add bicycle facilities through the intersection area) PB-23 5th Street-Centennial Boulevard to A Street $50,000 (Add bicycle facility signing and striping) PB-24 D, E,or F Streets from 5th Street to 28th Street $190,000 (Add bicycle facility signing and striping) PB-25 5th StreeUD Street �..___. $10,000 (Add bicycle facility signing and striping to improve visibility) PB-26 A Street-5th Street to 10th Street $40,000 (Restripe for bicycle facilities with signing) PB-30 33rd Street-V Street to EWEB Path $10,000 (Add shared-use signing and striping) PB-33 Main Street-34th Street to 35th Street $90,000 • (Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-34 Pedestrian crossing improvement on Main Street/38th Street $90,000 (Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-35 Main Street/41st Street $90,000 (Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-36 Virginia Avenue and Daisy Street-South 32"d Street to Bob Straub Parkway $130,000 (Add bicycle facility signing and striping) PB-39 Main Street-48th Street to 49th Street $90,000 1 (Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-40 Main Street/51st Street $10,000 (Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-41 Main Street/Chapman Lane $90,000 (Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-42 Main Street/66th Street to 67th Street $300,000 (Add a mid-block crosswalk with a pedestrian hybrid beacon) PB-43 Bob Straub Parkway/Daisy Street $90,000 (Add a pedestrian/bicycle signal and crossing, coordinate with R-44) PB-44 Mountaingate Drive-Mountaingate Entrance to Dogwood Street $260,000 (Add shared-use signing and striping; construct sidewalks and drainage improvements to fill gaps) PB-45 Mt.Vernon Road/Bob Straub Parkway $390,000 (Add crosswalks at three or four approaches with signing and striping and install pedestrian hybrid beacon on the north-south leg) PB-47 Thurston Road/66th Street $90,000 (Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-48 Thurston Road/69th Street $90,000 (Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon) PB-49 South 67th Street-Ivy Street to Main Street $160,000 (Add shared-use signing and striping and construct sidewalks to fill gaps) PB-50 Ivy Street-South 67th Street to South 70th Street $20,000 (Add shared-use signing and striping) PB-51 South 70th Street-Main Street to Ivy Street $50,000 (Add shared-use signing and striping) PB-52 City-wide Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons $4,400,000 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 6 of 21 (Install mid-block crossings City-wide with rapid rectangular flashing beacons) PB-53 66th Street—Thurston Road to Main Street $25,000 (Add bicycle lanes) PB-54 G Street—5th Street to 28th Street $75,000 (Add bicycle lanes or route) I ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 7 of 21 TABLE 5 As development occurs projects in the 20-year project list Cost R-1 North Gateway Collector-Maple Island Road/Royal Caribbean Way to International $4,300,000 Way (Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-4 Maple Island Road—Game Farm Road/Deadmond Ferry Road to Beltline Road $3,100,000 (Extend Maple Island Road with a two-lane cross-section with sidewalk, bicycle facilities, and an intersection at Beltline) _ R-5Extend Riverbend Drive to International Way(Northeast Link) $1,600,000 (Extend Riverbend Drive with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-6 Improvements to serve Riverbend Area $10,200,000 • (Improve Baldy View Lane, construct a McKenzie-Gateway Loop connector/new collector and construct off-street path connections) R-8 Mallard Avenue-Gateway Street to Game Farm Road $4,530,000 (Change Mallard Avenue to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities and extend Mallard Avenue to Gateway Street with a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-12 Franklin Boulevard Riverfront Collector $7,700,000 (Construct a new collector as shown in the Glenwood Plan;two travel lanes with on-street parking, sidewalks, and bicycle facilities) R-16 East 17th Avenue-Glenwood Boulevard to Henderson Avenue $1,900,000 (Change East 17th Avenue to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-17 Henderson Avenue-Franklin Boulevard to East 19th Avenue $3,400,000 (Modify Henderson Avenue with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-18 East le Avenue-Henderson Avenue to Franklin Boulevard $3,500,000 (Change East 19th Avenue to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-24 19th Street-Hayden Bridge to Yolanda Avenue $2,400,000 (Extend 19th Street with a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-25 Hayden Bridge Road -19th Street to Marcola Road $12,000,000 (Change Hayden Bridge Road to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) .. ........... R-26 Yolanda Avenue-23rd Street to 31st Street $460,000 (Modify Yolanda Avenue to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-27 Yolanda Avenue to 35th Street $9,900,000 (Construct Yolanda Avenue from 31St to 331d Street with sidewalks and bicycle facilities, add sidewalks and bicycle facilities from 331d Street to 35th Street) R-28 Marcola Road to 31st Street $9,000,000 (Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-29 31st Street-Hayden Bridge to U Street $3,800,000 (Change 31st Street to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-37 Commercial Avenue-42nd Street to 48th Street, north of Main Street and North-South $19,000,000 Connection (Extend Commercial Street and add a north-south connection; three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-39 Extend South 48th Street to Daisy Street $3,600,000 (Extend South 48th Street with a two-lane cross-section with a parallel multi-use 12-foot wide path and roundabout intersection treatment at Daisy Street and South 48th Street) ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 8 of 21 R-42 Holly Street—South 48th Street to South 57th Street $5,300,000 I (Construct a new collector with a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-45 Improvements within the Jasper-Natron Area $67,000,000 (Construct multiple roadways in the Jasper-Natron area between Bob Straub Parkway,Jasper Road, and Mt.Vernon Road) R-46 Bob Straub Parkway to Mountaingate Drive and Future Local $4,300,000 (Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-47 Haul Road -Quartz Avenue to UGB $6,300,000 (Construct a two-lane green street in the Haul Road right-of-way; coordinate with PB-46) R-49 79th Street-Main Street to Thurston Road $8,200,000 (Extend 79th Street with a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) Pedestrian/bicycle projects(all off-street) Cost PB-1 McKenzie Gateway Path -Existing Path to Maple Island Road $3,000,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the end of the existing Riverbend Hospital path to Maple Island Road) PB-4 Wayside Loop/Manor Drive to Riverbend Path $80,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from Wayside Lane/Ann Court to the existing Sacred Heart Medical Center-Riverbend path) PB-27 South 2nd Street to Island Park $3,100,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path along the Mill Race from South 2nd Street to Mill Street at Island Park) PB-28 South 2nd Street to South B Street $600,000 (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from South 2nd Street to South B Street) ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit A, 9 of 21 TABLE 6 Beyond 20-year projects R-7 South of Kruse Way and east of Gateway Road (Construct a new roadway to improve local connectivity south of Kruse Way/east of Gateway Road area) R-15 Glenwood Boulevard -1-5 to Franklin Boulevard (Convert Glenwood Boulevard from three-lane to five-lane cross-section) R-21 Pioneer Parkway to South 2nd Street (Construct a new collector between Pioneer Parkway and South 2nd Street) R-22 Extend South 14th Street South of Railroad Tracks (Extend South 14th Street south of the Union Pacific Railroad mainline with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) • R-23 South B Street-South 5th to South 14th Street (Extend South B Street with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) R-35 OR 126142nd Street Interchange Improvements (OR 126/42nd Street interchange improvements) R-41 South 54th Street-Main Street to Daisy Street (Construct a new two-lane collector with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-2 Laura Street-EWEB powerline corridor to Game Farm Road (Change Laura Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-7 South 28th Street-South F Street to South M Street (Modify South 28th Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-12 Jasper Road -South 42nd Street to northwest of Mt.Vernon Road (Modify Jasper Road to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-13 Bob Straub Parkway-Mt.Vernon Road to UGB (Change Bob Straub Parkway to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-15 Main Street east of 72"d Street to UGB (Modify Main Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) US-19 Oakdale Avenue—Pheasant Boulevard to Game Farm Road (Modify Oakdale Avenue to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities) nari':t j e,pro _'. 'a a:=s e PB-6 Springfield Christian School Channel Path-Dornoch Street to Laura Street (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from Dornoch Street to Laura Street) PB-7 Extend EWEB Trail -Pioneer Parkway to Don Street (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path in the EWEB powerline corridor from Pioneer Parkway to Don Street with a crossing of Pioneer Parkway and Laura Street) PB-11 By-Gully Path Extension -Pioneer Parkway to 5th Street (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the existing By-Gully path at Pioneer Parkway to 5th Street) PB-12 1-5 Path—Willamette River Area Path to By-Gully Path (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path parallel to 1-5 from Willamette River area path/Eastgate Woodlands to the end of the By-Gully path) PB-38 Haul Road -Daisy Street to Booth Kelly Road (Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path in the Haul Road right-of-way from Daisy Street to Booth Kelly Road) ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 10 of 21 PB-56 Holly Street to Rocky Road (Construct a multi-use bridge) ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 11 of 21 TABLE 7 Study projects • S-1 Phase 2 of Beltline/Gateway improvements S-2 OR 126 Expressway Management Plan (1-5 to Main Street) S-3 Pioneer Parkway/Q Street/Laura Street circulation study to improve Q Street/Laura Street/Ramp safety,access,and capacity S-4 Study a new crossing of OR 126 between 5th and 15th Streets S-5 Centennial Boulevard -Prescott Lane to Mill Street operational improvements study S-6 Pioneer Parkway/Centennial Boulevard intersection study to improve pedestrian safety S-7 Centennial Boulevard -Mohawk Boulevard to Pioneer Parkway operational improvements study S-8 Study safety and operational improvements in Mohawk Boulevard/Olympic Street/ 18th Street/Centennial triangle S-9 Study a new bridge-Walnut Road/West D Street to Glenwood Boulevard/Franklin Boulevard intersection S-10 Study Main Street/South A Street improvements -Mill Street to 21st Street S-11 Refinement study for Glenwood industrial area S-12 Pedestrian/bicycle bridge study between Glenwood and Dorris Ranch S-13 Access plan study on Main Street between 21st Street and 48th Street S-14 Study east-west connectivity between 28th Street and 32nd Street S-15 Study a new crossing of OR 126 near Thurston High School • S-16 Connectivity study south of OR 126 and Jessica Street S-17 Study street connectivity and traffic calming improvements in I-5/Harlow Road/Laura Street/Hwy 126 area that would retain motor vehicle diversion at the intersection of Don Street and Lochaven Avenue ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit A, 12 of 21 TABLE 8 Frequent transit network projects T-1 Transit on Centennial Boulevard -1-5 to Mohawk Boulevard T-2 Transit on Franklin Boulevard/Main Street/South A Street to OR 126/Main Street(east-west) T-3 Transit on Franklin Boulevard and McVay Highway to 30th Avenue(north-south) T-4 Transit on Mohawk Boulevard -Centennial Boulevard to 19th Street/Marcola Road to 28th Street/ Olympic Street to Mohawk Boulevard Note: These projects are included in the current Regional Transportation System Plan.The final transit network will be developed through the Regional Transportation System Plan process. ORDINANCE NO. 6413 sIMIMIII Exhibit A,13 of 21 Vicinity Map Lincoln Allillik Linn lakigierNt s'4041.0y iii.4pourimI Kla•at/ ��t .. oos �-�, � `Ftp Legend dhpip.1116. ii 'IR 1-4: :f-'1 ` �� �" --- ` Functional Classification W r • 14t6 110 `�� Major Arterial •a� 5 i� �� y1�� I �� Minor Arterial F NAetowRb ,„,......_:1_,..5:,,:11-1- r r ? �' f` �. Major Collector __ y • Minor Collector • E , - / — Local Road/Alley ,•,__ _ . .,,_ ._ „„, T ,� / 1i ill _ Urban Growth Boundary —„ ,_1 ,_:.._ ,_ ,i ,,,_' owuhlc — 1 E Water Body �Nrk ' i is_ l d �” __ Willamalane Park& r.� " ,_ ' 'dEN7ExtJ ' A. u�, �, t,, �..1 . '—' Recreation Property -• r xi, t .�+ . I, F�� -4g � ,�)' City Limits ,, 6�ey gal u&.. " I I-- i - W"..a k = t - J Note:All new aE nments are conte fuel. t - ~�Rj, 'W gal al..- - 1 i �' � ',- j `� `'' b^ i "`r'� f- }-(: Actual alignments will be determined during b.�.� i.i , \ L •""� 6t I *dAla 87�^'I. _ $' v"' gc --1 Project development. I :, > = L N N �r .12...,,,,L-5, f 1 (" a ._T '� 1.-�"'�_ / , / c J _ s l r7 r " _ 2 r � I v — / -++,� a Li.7 1 i - b \ i T.f"1 l w ♦_ _ �_ r / �.I .y - (4�\l3rnWit, sr?-7--j. t' �{ '('ji 4" . '} ' ��� 0 0.25 0.5 1 •A�� j ��. - \, ,...._..4 Miles • oi, two..."--'.1 ••- ..�. '0ton Tirhyo j' — -�"art� J pp O '� �,; , �; Jan Q a Q -.--- i r ��,A� _-� — -!♦ SPRINGFIELD aQ 2020 0 G J ORISON c-) ��+� � i� FIGURE 2 2 v. Functional Classification O Springfield TSP 01 Springfield,Oregon .P 1-, W Exhibit A,14 of 21 Vicinity Map fr L�n' �� L � s grillik , . JV Lane Div! os Kla•at, NIF 1 Legend P8-2 - _- * Roadway Project '��tir 'AVDEN BRIDGE RD �i `•' Roadway Project 5 A .• •d� VO NDA AVE , Roadway Project HARL•W RDN .� / H ___ y i f j —Urban Standards Project E y Pa .; —Pedestrian/Bike Off-Street Path Project _" MARCOLA RD 2r ! r -, , �; - ►.ii._ g 1 ) —Arterial y..-- FAIRVIEW_R .,� �� 4k r+ �_ ") — Collector } VW ._.�. CENTENNIAL BLVD, - �t �-, L :_ Urban Growth Boundary �T �'m ✓'/ •y. .:IGH BAN SRD Z V ti� sl `� l / r—� - Water Body { OR : t_ COMM us t• - --�ON P *- G Sr 5.1> . Willamalane Park& �I o ST EST w€ 9 o �/ PBS ° € H € f Recreation Property l e '"�',"� -I--B 7 ^ h '$ MCKEN I H City Limits �ii�� = MAIN ST^ © 1 aha ___ :� � fi 1 c `" - Note:All new alignments are conceptual. m Fk m VIRGINIA AVE DAI6/ST � Op € 1 Actual alignments will be determined during `TM:e- PB 1s I w e i project development. O n. . ... n - N Q N N .."Y� , N,. , r N 1 �1 f� ' TVERNO R• 'I ��� O 1„` P. r——..J 0 0.25 0.5 1 v m I I I I ,�� Ats �- , / Miles fin'' •-- ,�Po tion Teck,, II i h ,i —• �i ♦ k SPRINGFIELD a 1 p V. 1,1!„.'... r \ a 2020 I hill° .o4, e Z OREGON 1.6nfoonot5O D FIGURE 4 Z ` / 20-Year Improvement Projects: rn Ze Priority Projects p Springfield TSP Springfield,Oregon 01i- W Exhibit A,15 of 21 Vicinity Map ^✓> L n, 1 Linn ak- s p l 'in':77w-w . ii 1111hp-ilibir t_ �.. / D, gL.s 1 1 ' os Kia•at. Legend a _ _ - .J'.-tir * Roadway Project HAYD:N BRIDGE RD PB, y I – ,l' ..2.--Roadway Project II ...., no" YO NDA AVE j * Pedestrian/Bike Project AR •W RD PB-81/ P6'.o PB-9 ,� lox. %-__ - o "' y `' I —Pedestrian/Bike Project P69 'E H PB- ;. -,;, M %� –– Pedestrian/Bike-Alternative Project 4y PB-9 I- P6-9 P8-9 .l r i `' j.. mi, MARCOLA RD �i 5 PB-.o sr S-- —Arterial r FAIRVIEW 12/12- .7.• : .+ �'� '•, 1 • ,----- - --` ~� Collector �' _ _ Urban Growth Boundary g PB-22 ,, i .. € , 7,�d "'GI' BANKS 1 Z J L.. %\ `� r" - .- - Water Body N ,. PB-47 �� m k G sr PB-s4 oMME q .� T sroN R° PB.gB''• ' Willamalane Park& W n N h - w J y r Recreation Property a -PB-14 0 9cF 2 e~ €m € � P625_ — B-24 M V q ti B9T will m arri, s°- oil " City Limits .:s 4'',,e77"'1/47.', r•t•iMt•MIIM H P8.� u. MAIN ST a P8.39 PE-41 M,DK 1 PB-za PB s PE 40 © Pe 4z F 1 Note:All new alignments are conceptual. m I.'n SIR INI :V- DI Y'- PB-36 PB-•3 o T Actual alignments will be determined during II vl ,,..�., Pe-a6 o w m KF / project development. n _JI N N Z N a1 3 y P8 59 . a r 1 _' '`J ; `1.�� R 6-45 / MT VERNO R -,. t 4- 1^ ��`�'� • r--—J 0 0.25 0.5 1 / qir, I Miles ` yj r'l `itib ., °Op° i i 'eon Tech '� $111 vi ealip. 7 1 SPRINGFIELD,'� O Y' ��i /� t� 1♦ $a 20 Z / DIMON 1E-, -,e, rn �/ FIGURE 5 Cl ,� 20-Year Improvement Projects: Z Opportunity Projects OSpringfield TSP cn Springfield,Oregon w Exhibit A,16 of 21 } Vcinily Map ✓ IC L`ino°in' .illalk Linn 11— irtilier kilIPPItil" . I % 1 _ lane 11111 • `t t D. s os Kia i at, IL WNW IF 1^ > . Legend }_r r tir 4—* Conceptual Roadway Project �'-' HAYDEN BRIDGE RD ; Conceptual Pedestrian/Bike fA s ♦. �� ''' YOLANDA AVE 01 �' f-' Off-Street Path Project HARLOW RD '� F r;L—r �\ 1 • Mi - t p7'1 Conceptual Pedestrian/Bike i Hll l\ „/ V/n Off-Street Path Project iA r® 5 'rnnRcoLA RDa t `' — Arterial -::..aim......".........._,..-' © I — Collector 7" FAIRVIEW DRQ....-�1��� � 1' '• • y I , = Urban Growth Boundary sl:l� _..� CENTENNIAL BLVD `~ r it .,,�, +HIGHBAN SRD Z J ���...d .'..._� J''��"1 Water Body t,-, �. H " COMM w' Oq RSroN0.- � J �_ VYlllamalane Park& ®� GST y N� Recreation Property EST °h17, € a el City Limits ' . :,1 ,r;,-.-z„' „inorni=i ..„ ...,7,,,,,, , , ,,,,,, .�6= 2 MAIN ST MO Note:All new alignments are conceptual. Jl''..? + f r T If 1 © 1- I- I Actual alignments will be determined during m '- T PB.2 N VIRGINIA AVE _1 2 DAISY ST r o- w I project development. m 0 to z rJ� y u, i w 3 w f o N ao a,> y ti sAIL Ti � r r"1.4-rro MT VER OR i ♦�..1 I • O 0 0.25 0.5 1 1^ �,-...�"I y� —�� ,----...N r v1, ``' �I I Miles 0 >. f an 'x I F-JS 1 i SPRINGFIELD A 07 lill D '. .,i , oaoGON ,° Z j FIGURE 6 m ♦^ 20-Year Improvement Projects: Z , As Development Occurs O Springfield TSP 0I Springfield,Oregon I� A w Exhibit A,17 of 21 Vicinity Map ,> Lincoln I� FLinn rf , joitliiii, hohd, .111 410 , ..,r ,^. /-- oproodvradiappio D 1 {{{` os � KIT N f Legend \" - ""� --Roadway Project s. `. ♦♦ 'AVDEN BRIDGE RD % F\1 Roadway Project 5 us 20 ♦♦ '✓ VO ANDA AVE _ �' Urban Standards Project H RD ilk F H %"- H —Pedestrian/Bike Off-Street Path Project ti•. 1,13.6 ,- -----k- 6 -. ,, -/ Arterial M V: 1' p8-7 MARCOLARD ' I m Collector I.. IJ►- a.. •STaged NTh , r,�-" FAIRVIEW DR �>«0.'� -�� y �� -V. :_ Urban Growth Boundary ��Mit3.►.w:�3 - - fi IIPIRINkiii Alm v� ✓ , --- --4 fi ''' WaterBody `*' � � HIGHa as u 1.� fi.�rf �� �'�� WillamalanePark& I _IFIuuureipjMM _RSTON a• F _ �, ;� y y �� City Limits a *row.w. • -TA, i 11111 i s , re .Alin `& m MAIN ST e m S[g ' Note:All new alignments are conceptual. ;u Actual alignments will be determined during ® F I project development. -c, VIRGINIA AVE DAISY IP OP m I SO ',...k r"' e ' Q h L .y r J�. N m �r P`_56 Z 3 N I I U�1 , 1 ."‘•.41•1• TVERNOrD �.��,�� ��� 0 0.25 0.5 1 1„ _ /P. ....•g I I I vs / Miles - A ` 14►�• I �-, 7 `% i% otdon Tech_ t I ‘''' 7. \ �� i I SPRINGFIELD Jan m 0 Nr •4 •> �rer a 2020 Z 4 eLY D ♦ ORi00N 4�/' ^S Z �i FIGURE 7 4,^^°"° rn ` /r Beyond 20-Year Z / Improvement Projects O Springfield TSP cn - Springfield,Oregon Iu N w Exhibit A,18 of 21 } vciniry Mao n,/' Lincoln 'k Linn iigrA -74. . I ‘ 1 ``-- . Y1Lt''— ,� Lane tk: ' ,,.... ,:), os Kia•at . s., t rr...,."^�� ' _ Legend ^' �„ #°‘"‘ °— HAYS.N BRIDGE RD 1 }Study Projects S '� YOI,ANDA AVE H :- ) A- • RD _.._...____.N F �' ' i l' —Transit Project Ns*.. __- sn - .. , Arterial I. x T4 MARC•LARD i 1' — Collector 3 DST 1 x •i ` r,,,-* FAIRVIEwDR s. '= 0— ♦ 1 Urban Growth Boundary VD -0 ti lse + ` - Water Body wc�i *111T I CENT . ANSt STO - WillamalanePark& G ST fJ�—� OMME m \ w RSTON 8 J ,_w City Limits yips,- '' o y� r y R F z € x } *'� +. �..,��.� H Ig e i S s _ '18 1O ,k Note:All new alignments are conceptual. .S+,z m f Lp +, ,,'.SRI -. _. i T2,— a KENZIE Ac[ual atgnments will be determined during �' --Z:eAsiit_ _fes . 1-z 1-2 ' Project development. a "' - VIRGINIA AVE DAISY IP ."�fi" Qp ' T 1 O 9 FRR 5.11 �o � �. O x z N _n y k S i6 ', -I 7 1 —1 ♦..J y �•f� i 1 r��.•�r.► MT VERNOR. • t� 1^ �..�•ti o —r 0 0.25 0.5 1 —� e�..+a I I I I 9N r / Miles 0 1 47 n an o z ♦ 'I , SPRINGFIELD $a 202 (--) [ ^ oRaaoN m .,... ,, / FIGURE 8 Transit and Study Projects Nz , Springfield TSP Springfield,Oregon w I Exhibit A,19 of 21 Vicinity Map ilk 4,....r. Linn' fir jobillk 1 -• 1 +-- 7 / Allipir Lane `L v D•� • .s ' '1,.r`: - os Kla at, j Legend ' * Roadway Project HAYDENBRIDGE RD I --/I US-20 a r —Roadway Project 5 ` ♦ ✓I .;{Y Y��LONDA AVE .1 : ; ` i„ �. v f—►Conceptual Roadway Project \HARLOW RD m �l Roadway Project y —Urban Standards Project MARC LA RD / _ �,r DA 5 ,. ? 1 I ; • •• Arterial sr r.r•"”" FAIRVIEW DR „"4• �� © " \ I J Collector vo Urban Growth Boundary dary F '� '.cHBAroKSRoyt r...d r / ^ ME Water Body RSTO R csT r COMME N u5- 5 — e _ Willamalane Park& = .N D sr F E ST ? o s 9L c `J^ H m use r Recreation Property Bsr h< ,'‘7' S City Limits '.� � T n`d w "" M a 1 MAIN ST © MGKEN 5.15 SA ST o F N [ I Note:All new alignments are conceptual. i m o ,'; _ 1 1 w I Actual alignments will be determined during t o '.; i VIRGINIA AVE S, - ' -DAISY ST t RiIO� ii project development. S O _ \�n ....,,....... _. i I ?y r- �� m o 0 0� N _ US-12 J ; US-19 t r'�.� MTVER,• R, y ^ '���� 0 0.25 0.5 1 { I I I I Oa �� v -' /aA1 QFC Miles orf .{ `_ ••.. �r, ,..-.116„.. 'SIA`_ ,: :,...� ,da+T�h�� ii O � `� I / R..1s'�sem! ° J n z �� `. _ _( SPRINGflELD m a' 0 r a�.r - ,3 R_aa..•rj L ,>< $ 2020 ilL��y 6� D 1\ I; % OREGON ""urmntlo z 4' ,l FIGURE 10 m s i^ Recommended Roadway z / Network 0 Springfield TSP rn Springfield,Oregon A i– u.) Exhibit A,20 of 21 j Vicinity Map I '4004611 • tif �/ Lincoln ilk lirLinn iir maiLfiralialir 1► 1 .. ._�r �,��,� t (-CosLD Kia at, fir.""�� Legend PQ ' � �' -tir + Pedestrian/Bike Project j0— HAYD:N BRIDGE RD — Pedestrian/Bike Project 3 5 `i .0.-PB YO NDA AVE m 9 n ' HAR • RD P6->"� a° ;° �r —— Pedestrian/Bike-Alternative Project IMellp,9 PB 9 - 9 �( — Pedestrian/Bike-Off-Street Path Project PB-9P 13-9 *+' PB-9 ✓ Conceptual Pedestrian/Bike- �� ......mitis F Pe' oW RD "'''t r ~i Off-Street Path Project WO.—- --1. P810 ST 1 p771 Conceptual Pedestrian/Bike 111 Viet !` FAIRVIEW OR" �.'^ t. ;11.1111PRftft, I r� —� Off Street Path Project f �_ � _ Arterial PE-22 i s",t," - pppp F ti r mII _�� "---� 0 HIGH BANKSRO 1 J 4tir+t ,..., _` Collector r ',77' o� .,. v1 P '5 47 ma wPE 54 OMMER PB•55 • S70NP Urban Growth Boundary H , N R Pe.,E ..= U b G vet ou dary H 'l _r J Y ¢ PB 16 V3,..D BT N -aa �<9`� 0 1 r r Water Body wnr ".3 m •# :17711111111111111r"-29 I� P6 3' MAIN BT < pB-4n MCKEN"` 1 Recre bonePark& " 2 I PB-;5 PB-39 P6-41 0 PB-42 1RecreationPropertym � .�Pq.� piWQ- n 1CityLimitso. I ' l , i � VIRGINIA AVE DAISYP-`43 m p : a1Note:Atlnewalignmentsareconceptual.� ~ Fra r— y 3 PB o � �� ActualaNgnmenls willbedetermined during';,gprojectdevelopment.1 � N ♦� r^�••�► MT VERNO R.' I 1 ��1i r� -' _ 0 _ v 11 a ' - vA �' @;, 0 0.25 0I5 1 I I ,:..4..t. .i�/1 ar� ` �y�o ' Miles 0 -' i mot° 4� ,,. i73 �w to SHIINGFIELD Jan Z— > `J $ 2020 9 zI O■�OOM "e4A,„natla`r'e ^j FIGURE 11 z // Recommended Pedestrian O and Bicycle Network Springfield TSP -t. Springfield,Oregon al F-+ w Exhibit A,21 of 21 Vicinity Map 1 -----\ 3- lift Linn /11' 611111111w1141101111— iMilikiii,....-......- -..,,.. -, \*., 7/, / `, —— ter } fl ( 7/ lid/li D / os I Kla at I -, t / i- -' Legend T i, ,. k�- �!r_tir 1 '7. : EXISTING PLANNED w �� r"".. HAYO N BRIDGE RD I a •--..1 �� F �;'' •-••• Major/Minor Arterial y' ur YO ANDA AVE y ''"` HARLOW RD ',;21 / r -- Major/Minor Collector @ f I m r Local Street � — \ �; Multi-use Path �I / u .. MAR'OLA RD I �, I 5 G ST I 1 , /I Pedestrian/Bike FAIRVIEW DR �, �� —,- VA Off-street Path Project / i F OLYMPIC ST Nr,..,, ` 1 1 ��� :2 / 1 NNIAL BLVD, r — I m. .� L _ liL \.. —/'� t 1 iW cot"' �+ r' CENTENNIALBll!D 'HIGH BANS',RD Z s lama , c !1 r'y' �"1 L:J Urban Growth Boundary(2015) y iwr "' . N N( GST I � •- COMMERpi 17 ..1�"BT• '{� M. i )�' � "$ Water Body � 1 a ,pvsr. E sT F o ycs z a yti. �. F K s f Willamalane Park& y B sT 7 4 ", — .. Recreation Property AST �€ I -•-3. r P,. I a i MAIN STSr ,_5 © E y..�-*'- �•i f4U BAST i' '#+ , '�I- d ;w. ' Limits a 071 1 m :_1 I ...... .. x ° . fi.'"" /max ,i sti a .S pF' ;' S. P"`.' ) -_ - ,..-7 City N z l. zr „j)*��y ? N %Sg l P— 0 0.25 0.5 1 / alp �{ Miles 1. WOO ''� ' f''... i ..41 awn Tech o a if n ° } \v. `� �") �� ���^�.�,�mo^Sed Z 3 i ", OREGON J m ♦^ FIGURE 12 z 1 , Conceptual Street Map p ~" 1---- Springfield, TSP _.___„, Springfield,Oregon w Exhibit B, 1 of 33 SPRINGFIELD lladommit IIIIIL Staff Report and Findings OREGON Metro Plan Type II Amendment- Type IV (Legislative) Procedure Springfield Transportation System Plan Implementation Project Name: Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan (TSP) Implementation Project Proposal: Amend the Metro Plan and the Springfield TSP to add a Conceptual Street Map (CSM);and Amend the Springfield TSP project list and descriptions. City of Springfield Case Number: 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan Amend. Lane County Case Number: PA 1359 DLCD Notification Date: December 19, 2017&October 15, 2019 (revised) Joint City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions Hearing: January 23 and February 6, 2018 Lane County Board 1st Reading: October 15, 2019 Joint City Council and ' Board of County Commissioners Hearing: November 4, 2019' I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND COMPONENTS 1. Metro Plan Amendment a. TSP Amendment—Update TSP project list and figures The Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP)was jointly adopted by the City of Springfield and Lane County in March of 2014.Through that process the City of Springfield determined how the transportation system is currently used and how it should change to meet the long-term (20-year) needs of Springfield's residents, businesses, and visitors.Through coordination with community members and affected public agencies,the City of Springfield developed a TSP for improvements of all modes of transportation in Springfield, including the roadway, bicycle and pedestrian,transit, and rail networks.The plan also includes a transportation improvement and financing plan. Chapter 2 of the TSP contains Goals, Policies,and Action Items to provide direction for the next 20 years. The TSP Goals reflect the community's vision for Springfield's future transportation system and offer a framework for policies and action items.The policies, organized by goal, provide high-level direction for the City's policy and decision-makers and for City staff.The policies will be implemented over the life of the Plan. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 1 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 2 of 33 II. BACKGROUND The progress of this update was guided by the Project Management Team (PMT) made up of City of Springfield staff, under the direction of the project Oversight Team.The project Oversight Team is comprised of managers from various divisions within the Development and Public Works Department. The project was also guided by a Technical Review Team (TRT),Stakeholder Sounding Board (SSB),the Planning Commission, and the City Council. The TRT provided guidance on technical aspects and consisted of representatives from affected governmental entities and regional partners.The SSB ensured that the needs of people in the community of Springfield were incorporated in the process.The SSB consisted of Springfield residents and other community stakeholders who provided input throughout the draft amendments development process. After a thorough planning process involving the general public,stakeholders,other agency staff,and local and regional appointed and elected officials,staff prepared this report evaluating the changes.The report includes findings which address relevant approval criteria as described in this report.These findings provide a basis for concluding that the adoption of the changes meets the approval criteria found in SDC Sections 5.6-115 and 5.14-135(as described below)and Lane County Code Section 12.225. III. FINDINGS Procedural Requirements Finding:The Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan)describes itself as a framework plan that is intended to be supplemented by more detailed city-specific plans, programs, and policies(Metro Plan p. I-6). Findin :The proposal includes amendments to the TSP and amendments to the Springfield Development Code (SDC).The TSP is a single subject plan that is a type of functional plan of the Metro Plan.The procedural requirements for amending the Metro Plan are provided in Metro Plan Chapter IV and SDC 5.14-100. Because the amendments apply only within Lane County and the City of Springfield,this Metro Plan amendment is a "Type II" amendment under SDC 5.14-115, requiring approval by the governing bodies of the City of Springfield and Lane County. Springfield is the "home city"for this amendment. Lane County is included because the amendments may apply to unincorporated land within the Springfield urban growth boundary(UGB). Findin :The Metro Plan and code amendments were initiated by the City of Springfield Development and Public Works Director(Director).The amendments are not site-specific and therefore are a legislative action. Finding:SDC 5.14-130.A requires the City to provide notice to other relevant governing bodies. Notice was given to the City of Eugene and Lane County on December 19, 2017. Find :SDC Section 5.2-115 and Lane County Code Section 12.040 require legislative land use decisions be advertised in a newspaper of general circulation, providing information about the legislative action and the time, place, and location of the hearing. Notice of the public hearing concerning this matter was Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 2 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 3 of 33 published on Friday,January 12, 2018 in the Eugene Register Guard,advertising the first evidentiary hearing before the joint City of Springfield and Lane County Planning Commissions on January 23, 2018, and a continued joint Planning Commission hearing on Tuesday February 6, 2018. Notice of the joint Springfield City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners public hearing held on November 4, 2019 was published on Wednesday,October 23, 2019.The content of the notice complied with the requirements in SDC Section 5.2-115 and Lane County Code 12.040 for legislative actions. Finding:The Director is required to send notice to the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD)as specified in OAR 660-18-0020.A"DLCD Notice of Proposed Amendment"was submitted in accordance with DLCD submission guidelines via the FTP website to the DLCD on December 19, 2017 alerting the agency to the City's proposal to amend the Metro Plan by amending the Springfield 2035 TSP, to adopt the Conceptual Street Map into the Springfield 2035 TSP, and to amend the Springfield Development Code.The notice was mailed more than 35 days in advance of the first evidentiary hearing as required by ORS 197.610(1).A revised notice was provided to DLCD in accordance with the DLCD submission guidelines via the Post Acknowledgement Plan Amendment(PAPA)website on October 15, 2019 describing the changes made by the Planning Commissions after their public hearing and the Council Alternatives that Springfield City Council developed to put out for public hearing alongside the Planning Commissions' Recommendation during the November 4, 2019 joint public hearing. Findin : ORS 227.186 requires the local government to mail a notice to every landowner whose property is proposed to be"rezoned" as a result of adoption or amendment of a proposed ordinance(also known as "Ballot Measure 56" notice). Property is "rezoned" under ORS 227.186 when a city adopts or amends an ordinance in a manner that limits or prohibits land uses previously allowed in the affected zone.The TSP and development code amendments may physically reduce the amount of land available for private uses in some circumstances and therefore may"rezone" property under ORS 227.186.The City mailed a notice complying with ORS 227.186 to every land owner within the City of Springfield urban growth boundary on December 14, 2017. 1. METRO PLAN AMENDMENT-APPROVAL CRITERIA Springfield Development Code Section 5.14-135 and Lane County Code Section 12.225 list the criteria to be used in approving or denying the Metro Plan amendment,which consists of amendments to the TSP project lists and figures and adopting the Conceptual Street Map as a new Figure in the TSP,showing existing and planned arterials,collectors, and multi-use paths.The Lane County Board of Commissioners and the Springfield City Council must each adopt findings that demonstrate conformance to the applicable criteria: (1) The amendment shall be consistent with the relevant Statewide planning goals;and (2) Adoption of the amendment shall not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent. METRO PLAN AMENDMENT CRITERION#1:SDC 5.14-135 A.,and LANE CODE 12.225(1);CONSISTENCY WITH RELEVANT STATEWIDE PLANNING GOALS Statewide Planning Goal 1—Citizen Involvement: This goal outlines the citizen involvement requirement for adoption of Comprehensive Plans and changes to the Comprehensive Plan and implementing documents. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 3 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 4 of 33 Finding:An extensive and significant public outreach process occurred during the TSP update project that contributed to the Goals and Policies which were eventually adopted in the TSP and are now being used for the basis of this implementation process. For this implementation process this goal has been met through additional public outreach and an involvement process. A Public Involvement Program for the implementation of the TSP was developed in preparation of the Project.This Program was reviewed and endorsed by the Committee for Citizen Involvement(i.e.the Springfield Planning Commission).The Program outlined the information, outreach methods,and involvement opportunities available to the citizens during the process. The outreach and public involvement process included the following engagement opportunities: • Involvement on the Stakeholder Sounding Board • Involvement of the Springfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee • Information conveyed through the project website • Mailed notice to every property owner in the Springfield UGB • Public open house for stakeholders to see proposed changes, learn more,and provide feedback • Published notice in the newspaper prior to both the public hearings held by the City and County Planning Commissions and the City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners • Public hearing process at the Planning Commissions • Public hearing process at the City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners As a result of this public involvement process,the amendments meet the requirements of Goal 1. Some community members expressed concerns about opportunities for public engagement at time of project development, in particular before construction of local streets or TSP projects that would be built by developers at time of development. The Springfield Development Code states, "The Director shall. provide mailed notice to the property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed"for both Type II Applications(Administrative)and Type III Applications(Quasi-Judicial) (Springfield Development Code Section 5.1-130).These code requirements ensure additional community involvement at time of development. Statewide Planning Goal 2—Land Use Planning: This goal outlines the land use planning process and policy framework.The Metro Plan and TSP have been acknowledged by DLCD as being consistent with the statewide planning goals. Finding:The Metro Plan amendment is being undertaken to amend the TSP project lists and adopt the new Conceptual Street Map Figure in a manner consistent with adopted policies and community values that were established through the adoption of the TSP in 2014.Some of the changes to the TSP project lists and figures are needed to maintain consistency between the TSP and the Regional Transportation Plan.The amendments are being processed as a Type II Metro Plan amendment,which requires any applicable statewide planning goals,federal or state statutes or regulations, Metro Plan regulations, comprehensive plan policies, and City's implementing ordinances be addressed as part of the decision- making process.As explained under Goal 1,all noticing requirements have been met.All applicable review criteria have been addressed within this staff report.Therefore,the requirements of Goal 2 have been met. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 4 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 4 Exhibit B, 5 of 33 Statewide Planning Goals 3&4:Agricultural Lands and Forest Lands Findin:These statewide planning goals relate to agricultural and forest lands in Oregon and are not applicable to this amendment. Statewide Planning Goal 5—Natural Resources This goal requires the inventory and protection of natural resources, open spaces, historic areas,and sites. Findin :The City is currently in compliance with the State's Goal 5.The amendments do not alter the City's acknowledged Goal 5 inventories or land use programs. No changes will occur to current natural resource protections. Individual transportation project impacts are required to conduct a Goal 5 analysis during each project development phase.As a result,the amendments are in compliance with Goal 5 process requirements. Statewide Planning Goal 6:Air, Water, and Land Resources Quality To maintain and improve the quality of the air,water, and land resources of the state. Findin :The City is currently in compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 6.The amendments do not alter the City's acknowledged land use programs regarding water quality and flood management protections. The Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan was developed following the rules and guidance found in Oregon Revised Statute 660-012 and the Central Lane MPO Regional Transportation Plan (RTP). Both outline strategies for decreasing vehicle miles traveled and single-occupancy vehicle trips,which are intended to help improve air quality in the Central Lane MPO Area.The amendments do not alter these policies within the TSP.As a result,the amendments are in compliance with.Goal 6. Statewide Planning Goal 7—Areas Subject to Natural Hazards To protect people and property from natural hazards. Finding:The City is currently in compliance with Goal 7.The amendments do not alter the City's acknowledged land use programs regarding potential landslide areas and flood management protections. The City is currently a participant in the National Flood Insurance Program administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.The amendments do not alter the City's participation.As a result,the amendments meet the requirements of Goal 7. Statewide Planning Goal 8—Recreational Needs This goal requires the satisfaction of the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and visitors and, where appropriate,to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities including destination resorts. Findin:The City is currently in compliance with Goal 8.The TSP amendments include facility improvements, both on-street and off-street, intended to provide improved connectivity for pedestrians and bicyclists.The anticipated off-street improvements were coordinated with Willamalane Park and Recreation District's updated Parks Master Plan and will provide improved access to a variety of destinations within the planning area.The TSP amendments, including the Conceptual Street Map, include some individual off-street path projects,such as the Glenwood Riverfront Path,that meet a recreational need in addition to a transportation need.The TSP amendments are consistent with Goal 8. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 5 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 6 of 33 Statewide Planning Goal 9:Economic Development To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a variety of economic activities vital to the health,welfare,and prosperity of Oregon's citizens. Finding:The City is currently in compliance with Goal 9.The adoption of the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan did not alter the City's compliance with Goal 9.The amendments do not alter adopted TSP policies to provide a multi-modal transportation system to meet the needs of the community into the future, including accommodating economic growth.The amendments are consistent with this goal. Statewide Planning Goal 10:Housing To provide adequate housing for the needs of the community, region,and state. Finding:The City is currently in compliance with Goal 10.The adoption of the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan did not alter the City's compliance with Goal 10.The amendments do not alter the adopted TSP policies to provide a multi-modal transportation system to meet the needs of the community into the future, including accommodating its housing needs.The amendments are consistent with Goal 10. Statewide Planning Goal 11:Public Facilities and Services To plan and develop a timely,orderly and efficient arrangement of public facilities and services to serve as a framework for urban and rural development. Finding:The City is currently in compliance with Goal 11 through its acknowledged Comprehensive Plan. This includes an adopted Transportation System Plan,the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan. The amendments do not alter the policies in the adopted TSP for providing timely, orderly,and efficient public facilities and services.Additionally, adoption of the Conceptual Street Map Figure assists with infrastructure planning and construction as identified in the PFSP project lists, because the Conceptual Street Map Figure includes as-yet dedicated and constructed streets that provide infrastructure corridors for planned stormwater,sanitary sewer,water and electricity facilities. As a result,the amendments are in compliance with Goal 11. Statewide Planning Goal 12: Transportation To provide and encourage a safe, convenient, and economic transportation system. Finding:The City is currently in compliance with Goal 12 and the Central Lane Regional Transportation Plan (RTP)through its acknowledged Comprehensive Plan (i.e. Metro Plan)and the Central Lane Regional Transportation System Plan as required by Oregon Administrative Rule 660-012 (Transportation Planning Rule).The amendments to the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan add a Conceptual Street Map Figure and update the existing TSP project list and figures,which is being amended following the requirements of the Transportation Planning Rule.As a result,the amendments are in compliance with Goal 12.The table below provides specific findings discussing compliance with individual sections of the TPR. TPR Requirements Springfield TSP Compliance Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 6 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 7 of 33 660-012-0015 Preparation and Coordination of TSPs (3) Cities and counties shall prepare,adopt and amend local TSPs for lands within their planning jurisdiction in compliance with this division: (a) Local TSPs shall establish a system of The Transportation planning toolbox(Chapter 4) transportation facilities and services and the Transportation Plan (Chapter 5) include adequate to meet identified local facilities and services to meet identified transportation needs and shall be transportation needs. Needs are identified in consistent with regional TSPs and adopted Volume 3 Appendix C, No Build Analyses and elements of the state TSP; Volume 3 Appendix D, 20-year Needs Analysis.The amendments update the project lists in Chapter 5 of the adopted TSP consistently with the needs identified in Volume 3. (5) The preparation of TSPs shall be coordinated The Stakeholder Sounding Board (SSB) and with affected state and federal agencies, local Technical Review Team (TRT) included a wide governments,special districts,and private range of stakeholders and representatives from providers of transportation services. City of Springfield, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), DLCD, Lane Council of Governments (LCOG), Lane Transit District, Willamalane Park and Recreation District, Springfield Utility Board, University of Oregon,City of Eugene, and Lane County. Project information was sent to public utility providers that operate within Springfield's UGB. (6) Mass transit,transportation, airport,and port The TRT included representatives from Lane districts shall participate in the development Transit District(LTD). of TSPS for those transportation facilities and services they provide.These districts shall prepare and adopt plans for transportation facilities and services they provide. Such plans shall be consistent with and adequate to carry out relevant portions of applicable regional and local TSPS. Cooperative agreements executed under ORS 197.185(2)shall include the requirement that mass transit, transportation,airport and port districts adopt a plan consistent with the requirements of this section. 660-012-0016 Coordination with Federally- Required Regional Transportation Plans in Metropolitan Areas (1) In metropolitan areas, local governments shall The City of Springfield has been a part of LCOG's prepare, adopt, amend and update Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Process.The transportation system plans required by this amendments are consistent with the 2040 RTP Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 7 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 8 of 33 division in coordination with regional adopted in 2016. transportation plans(RTPs) prepared by MPOs required by federal law. Insofar as possible, regional transportation system plans for metropolitan areas shall be accomplished through a single coordinated process that complies with the applicable requirements of federal law and this division. Nothing in this rule is intended to make adoption or amendment of a regional transportation plan by a metropolitan planning organization a land use decision under Oregon law. 660-012-0020 Elements of TSPs (2) The TSP Shall include the following elements The amendments do not alter and are consistent (a) A determination of transportation needs with the transportation needs included in as provided in OAR 660-012-0030 Appendix C, No Build Analysis and Appendix D, 20- year Needs Analyses. (b) A road plan for a system of arterials and The new TSP Figure 12: Conceptual Street Map is collectors and standards for the layout of being adopted as the TSP's road plan for arterials local streets and other important non- and collectors and is consistent with the functional collector street connections. Functional classifications in the RTP.The Conceptual Street classifications of roads in regional and Map also includes off-street multiuse path projects local TSP's shall be consistent with to provide for safe and convenient bike and functional classifications of roads in state pedestrian circulation. and regional TSPs and shall provide for continuity between adjacent jurisdictions. The TSP project list amendments do not alter the The standards for the layout of local adopted TSP policies that provide standards for streets shall provide for safe and the layout of local streets including extensions of convenient bike and pedestrian circulation existing streets,connections to existing or planned necessary to carry out OAR 660-012- streets,or connections to neighborhood 0045(3)(b). New connections to arterials destinations planned within the 20-year TSP and state highways shall be consistent timeline.The already adopted connectivity policies with designated access management and associated development code amendments categories.The intent of this requirement will implement these standards. is to provide guidance on the spacing of future extensions and connections along The findings for applicable projects in project list existing and future streets which are and figures amendments that are consistent with needed to provide reasonably direct adopted and acknowledged TSP Policies are routes for bicycle and pedestrian travel. incorporated by reference(see page 16). The standards for the layout of local streets shall address: (A) Extensions of existing streets Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 8 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 9 of 33 (B) Connections to existing or planned streets, including arterials and collectors;and (C) Connections to neighborhood destinations. (c) A public transportation plan which: The amendments do not alter the adopted multimodal improvement projects in Chapter 5 (A) Describes public transportation that include planned transit lines and stops.Some services for the transportation of the additional pedestrian and bicycle projects disadvantaged and identifies service (PB-53 through PB-56) enhance walking and/or inadequacies; biking routes to transit stops. (B) Describes intercity bus and passenger rail service and identifies the location of terminals; (C) For areas within an urban growth boundary which have public transit service, identifies existing and planned transit trunk routes, exclusive transit ways,terminals and major transfer stations, major transit stops, and park- and-ride stations. Designation of stop or station locations may allow for • minor adjustments in the location of stops to provide for efficient transit or traffic operation or to provide convenient pedestrian access to adjacent or nearby uses. (d) A bicycle and pedestrian plan for a The amendments do not alter the adopted network of bicycle and pedestrian routes transportation planning toolbox in Chapter 4 that throughout the planning area.The provides for enhancing and increasing non-auto network and list of facility improvements travel modes for bicycle and pedestrian route shall be consistent with the requirements networks.The amendments include amendments of ORS 366.514; to multi-modal improvement projects in Chapter 5 to enhance the bicycle and pedestrian network routes in the City.TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map includes several new planned multi-use path connections that will enhance bicycle and pedestrian network routes. (e) An air, rail,water and pipeline The amendments do not alter the adopted transportation plan which identifies where projects in Chapter 5 that include rail,air, pipeline, public use airports, mainline and and surface water transportation plans. branchline railroads and railroad facilities, port facilities,and major regional pipelines and terminals are located or planned Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 9 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 10 of 33 within the planning area. For airports,the planning area shall include all areas within airport imaginary surfaces and other areas covered by state or federal regulations; (f) For areas within an urban area containing The amendments do not alter the Chapter 4 a population greater than 25,000 persons Transportation Planning Toolbox that includes a plan for transportation system Transportation System Management and Demand management and demand management; Management sections. (g) A parking plan in MPO areas as provided The amendments do not alter the adopted TSP in OAR 660-012-0045(5)(c) Goals and Policies regarding parking in chapter 2. (h) Policies and land use regulations for The TSP amendments do not alter the adopted TSP implementing the TSP as provided in OAR Implementation and Policy language. 660-012-0045; (i) For areas within an urban growth Chapter 6, Funding and Implementation includes boundary containing a population greater the estimated revenue stream and a comparison than 2,500 persons,a transportation of the cost of the 20 year needs,along with financing program as provided in OAR potential funding sources.The TSP project list 660-012-0040. amendments update some of the project cost estimates based on 2013 dollars to be consistent with existing TSP projects, but do not alter the estimated revenue stream of potential funding sources. (3) Each element identified in subsections The amendments do not alter the adopted (2)(b)—(d)of this rule shall contain: inventory and general assessment of existing and committed transportation facilities and services in (a) An inventory and general assessment of Volume 3,Appendices B and C. existing and committed transportation facilities and services by function,type, capacity and condition: (A) The transportation capacity analysis shall include information on: (i) The capacities of existing and committed facilities; (ii) The degree to which those capacities have been reached or surpassed on existing facilities;and (iii) The assumptions upon which these capacities are based. (B) For state and regional facilities,the transportation capacity analysis shall be consistent with standards of facility Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 10 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 11 of 33 performance considered acceptable by the affected state or regional transportation agency; (C) The transportation facility condition analysis shall describe the general physical and operational condition of each transportation facility(e.g.,very good, good,fair, poor,very poor). (3)(b)A system of planned transportation The amendments to the project lists in Chapter 5 facilities,services and major improvements. include descriptions of the projects to be The system shall include a description of the amended. type or functional classification of planned facilities and services and their planned capacities and performance standards; (3)(c)A description of the location of planned The amendments to the project lists and figures in facilities,services and major improvements, Chapter 5 show general locations of planned establishing the general corridor within which roadways and other transportation improvements. the facilities,services or improvements may Facility parameters are provided in the project be sited.This shall include a map showing the description or will be determined through general location of proposed transportation application of the Springfield Development Code's improvements, a description of facility minimum standards for right of way and paving parameters such as minimum and maximum width by functional classification. road right of way width and the number and size of lanes,and any other additional description that is appropriate (3)(d) Identification of the provider of each Chapter 5 of the TSP identifies the provider of each transportation facility or service. type of planned facility or service. 660-012-0025 Complying with the Goals in Preparing TSPs (1) Except as provided in section (3)of this rule, The amendments were processed by the City as a adoption of a TSP shall constitute the land use Type IV legislative land use decision. decision regarding the need for transportation facilities,services and major improvements and their function, mode, and general location. (2) Findings of compliance with applicable Specific findings are contained in this staff report. statewide planning goals and acknowledged comprehensive plan policies and land use regulations shall be developed in conjunction with the adoption of the TSP. 660-012-0030 Determination of Transportation Needs (1)The TSP shall identify transportation needs The amendments do not alter the determination relevant to the planning area and the scale of the of transportation needs adopted in Volume 3, Appendices B,C, and D.The amendments do not Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 11 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 12 of 33 transportation network being planned including: alter the TSP's acknowledged compliance with this rule. (a)State, regional, and local transportation needs; (b) Needs of the transportation disadvantaged; (c) Needs for movement of goods and services to support industrial and commercial development planned for pursuant to OAR chapter 660, division 9 and Goal 9(Economic Development). (2)Counties or MPO's preparing regional TSP's shall rely on the analysis of state transportation needs in adopted elements of the state TSP. Local governments preparing local TSP's shall rely on the analyses of state and regional transportation needs in adopted elements of the state TSP and adopted regional TSP's. (3)Within urban growth boundaries,the determination of local and regional transportation needs shall be based upon: (a) Population and employment forecasts and distributions that are consistent with the • acknowledged comprehensive plan, including those policies that implement Goal 14. Forecasts and distributions shall be for 20 years and, if desired,for longer periods;and (b) Measures adopted pursuant to OAR 660-012- 0045 to encourage reduced reliance on the automobile. (4) In MPO areas, calculation of local and regional transportation needs also shall be based upon accomplishment of the requirement in OAR 660- 012-0035(4)to reduce reliance on the automobile. 660-012-0035 Evaluation and Selection of Transportation System Alternatives (1) The TSP shall be based upon evaluation of The amendments are consistent with and do not potential impacts of system alternatives that alter the adopted Alternatives Evaluation Process can reasonably be expected to meet the in Volume 3,Appendix E,that includes identified transportation needs in a safe consideration and evaluation of potential impacts manner and at a reasonable cost with of system alternatives. available technology.The following shall be Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 12 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 13 of 33 evaluated as components of system alternatives: (a) Improvements to existing facilities or services; Improvements to existing facilities and services were considered before new facilities, and are high priorities in this TSP for all modal elements. (b) New facilities and services, including different New facilities included in these amendments modes or combinations of modes that could and changes to new facilities already adopted reasonably meet identified transportation in the TSP were evaluated based on their needs; ability to include all modes or combinations of travel modes to meet identified transportation needs. (c) Transportation system management The amendments do not alter the adopted measures; Transportation System Management measures in the Chapter 4 Transportation Planning Toolbox. (d) Demand management measures The amendments do not alter the adopted Transportation Demand Management measures in Chapter 4 Transportation Planning Toolbox. (e) A no-build system alternative required by the The amendments do not alter the adopted No National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 or Build Analyses in Volume 3,Appendix C. other laws. (3) The following standards shall be used to evaluate and select alternatives: • (a) The transportation system shall support urban The amendments do not alter the No Build and rural development by providing types and Analyses in Volume 3,Appendix C or the 20- levels of transportation facilities and services year needs analyses in Appendix D,which appropriate to serve the land uses identified in document the anticipated land uses and the the acknowledged comprehensive plan; TSP projects including consideration of these land uses in determining an appropriate transportation system. (b) The transportation system shall be consistent The amendments do not alter adopted TSP with state and federal standards for policies that support modes other than the protection of air, land and water quality single-occupancy vehicle to help reduce including the State Implementation Plan under transportation related air-quality impacts.The the Federal Clean Air Act and the State Water TSP amendments include consideration for Quality Management Plan; environmental and ecological impacts,such as nearby wetlands,which informed facility type and alignment decisions. (c) The transportation system shall minimize The TSP amendments include consideration adverse economic,social, environmental and for minimizing economic,social, energy consequences; environmental,and energy consequences. (d) The transportation system shall minimize The TSP amendments include an evaluation of conflicts and facilitate connections between projects for ability to minimize conflicts and modes of transportation;and facilitate connections between transportation modes. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 13 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 14 of 33 (e) The transportation system shall avoid principal The TSP amendments do not alter the adopted reliance on any one mode of transportation by multimodal transit projects,and increase the increasing transportation choices to reduce bicycle and pedestrian multi-modal projects to principal reliance on the automobile. In MPO further increase transportation choices and areas this shall be accomplished by selecting reduce reliance on the automobile.TSP transportation alternatives which meet the amendments that increase transportation requirements in section (4) of this rule. choices and reduce reliance on the automobile include TSP projects PB-53, PB-54, PB-55, PB- 56, R-27, R-39, R-52,S-17, US-1,and US-19. (4) In MPO areas, regional and local TSPs shall be The amendments do not alter the adopted TSP or designed to achieve adopted standards for RTP standards for increasing transportation increasing transportation choices and reducing choices and reducing reliance on the automobile. reliance on the automobile.Adopted The amendments to the TSP project lists include standards are intended as means of measuring amendments to multimodal projects to further progress of metropolitan areas towards increase transportation choices to reduce reliance developing and implementing transportation on the automobile.TSP amendments that increase systems and land use plans that increase transportation choices and reduce reliance on the transportation choices and reduce reliance on automobile include TSP projects PB-53, PB-54, PB- the automobile. It is anticipated that 55, PB-56, R-27, R-39, R-52,S-17, US-1, and US-19. metropolitan areas will accomplish reduced reliance by changing land use patterns and transportation systems so that walking, cycling,and use of transit are highly convenient and so that,on balance, people need to and are likely to drive less than they do today. (7) Regional and local TSPs shall include The amendments do not alter any benchmarks benchmarks to assure satisfactory progress adopted in the TSP or the RTP. towards meeting the approved standard or standards adopted pursuant to this rule at regular intervals over the planning period. MPOs and local governments shall evaluate progress in meeting benchmarks at each update of the regional transportation plan. Where benchmarks are not met,the relevant TSP shall be amended to include new or additional efforts adequate to meet the requirements of this rule. 660-012-0040 Transportation Financing Program (1) For areas within an urban growth boundary The TSP project list amendments update the cost containing a population greater than 2,500 estimates for amended projects but do not persons,the TSP shall include a transportation significantly alter the financing plan included in Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 14 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 15 of 33 financing program. Volume 2, Detailed Cost Estimates and Funding Analyses. (2) A transportation financing program shall include the items listed in (a)-(d): (a) A list of planned transportation facilities and The TSP amendments include updates to the list of major improvements; planned transportation facilities and major improvements in the multimodal improvement projects section in Chapter 5. (b) A general estimate of the timing for planned The TSP amendments to Chapter 5 continue to transportation facilities and major organize the multimodal improvements into improvements; general time frames. (c) A determination of rough cost estimates for The TSP project list amendments to Chapter 5 the transportation facilities and major include updates to the rough cost estimates for improvements identified in the TSP;and new or amended projects. (d) In metropolitan areas, policies to guide Per the findings in 660-012-0035(4)and (7),the selection of transportation facility and amendments do not alter and are consistent with improvement projects for funding in the short- the adopted needs, projects,and policies in the term to meet the standards and benchmarks Springfield TSP. established pursuant to 0035(4)-(6).Such policies shall consider,and shall include among the priorities,facilities and improvements that support mixed-use, pedestrian friendly development and increased use of alternative modes. (3) The determination of rough cost estimates is The TSP amendments do not alter the 20-year intended to provide an estimate of the fiscal estimated revenue stream or potential funding requirements to support the land uses in the sources identified in Chapter 6. acknowledged comprehensive plan and allow jurisdictions to assess the adequacy of existing and possible alternative funding mechanisms. In addition to including rough cost estimates for each transportation facility and major improvement,the transportation financing plan shall include a discussion of the facility provider's existing funding mechanisms and the ability of these and possible new mechanisms to fund the development of each transportation facility and major improvement.These funding mechanisms may also be described in terms of general guidelines or local policies. (5) The transportation financing program shall The TSP amendments include the ability to phase, provide for phasing of major improvements to and are consistent with the evaluation criteria encourage infill and redevelopment of urban used to select future transportation projects lands prior to facilities and improvements provided in Volume II,Appendix E. which would cause premature development of urbanizable lands or conversion of rural lands Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 15 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 16 of 33 to urban uses. TSP Project List and Figures Findings: Changes were made to the following projects to reflect accurate names, provide clarification on project extent descriptions,or correct typos: PB-13, PB-31, R-3, R-6, R-23,S-2, US-7. The following projects were added or changed to support the TSP policy direction and TSP Chapter 7 direction to address system connectivity and fill in gaps in the transportation network: PB-53, PB-54, PB- 55, PB-56, R-27, R-39, R-52, US-1, US-16, US-17, US-18, US-19. The following projects were added or changed to reflect approved development or already constructed projects: PB-28, PB-29, PB-40, PB-42, R-42, R-45, R-46. PB-4(Wayside Loop/Manor Drive to Riverbend Path): During the November 4, 2019 joint City Council and Lane County Board of Commissioners' public hearing,a Springfield property owner who lives on Ann Court expressed concern about the existing TSP project PB-4 in relation to his property.The project name and extent shown on TSP Figures 6, 11,and 12 are being modified to provide flexibility for the alignment of a future multi-use path connection between the neighborhood to the south of Riverbend Hospital and the existing multi-use path at Riverbend Hospital.TSP project PB-4 helps implement TSP policies 3.2,3.4, 3.5, and 3.7 that articulate the need for a comfortable and safe walking and biking connection between the McKenzie River and Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy. Martin Luther King Jr. Pkwy. does not have walking facilities and the bike lanes are not comfortable for many people riding bikes given the 45 MPH posted speed and high traffic volumes. With the project changes,the alignment of the future multi-use path would be determined at time of project development, including additional public outreach and opportunity to comment. PB-28(South 2nd Street to South B Street):The project extent is modified to reflect connections between the already built Mill Race Path and PB-27 planned project that has an eastern extent of South 2nd Street. The amendments change this project to"As development occurs"to reflect likelihood of developing the project in partnership with other development in the area within the next 20 years.TSP Volume 3 Appendix E defines "As development occurs projects"as those that are likely to be needed as properties in the city develop or redevelop.They are projects that are not likely to be advanced by the city in the absence of this development.This project is not likely to advance without partnership with private development given the that the City of Springfield does not own all of the land necessary to build the path connection and installation of a wayfinding project that helps people walking and biking navigate the on- street route that fulfills the same connectivity as PB-28. PB-29(Mill Race Path):The amendments modify the project extent and description to reflect the constructed Mill Race Path project. PB-31 (Moe Mountain Path—River Heights Drive to Marcola Road):The amendments change the project name for consistency with the Willamalane 2012 Comprehensive Plan and existing street names.TSP Volume 3 Appendix E developed evaluation criteria to prioritize TSP projects.The amendments change this project to a "20-year projects: Priority project"from a beyond 20-year project.This change is justified based on this project fulfilling the evaluation criterion from TSP Volume Appendix E as well as a few recent activities related to this project.The Moe Mountain Path closes key gaps in the bicycle system,closes key Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 16 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 17 of 33 gaps in the pedestrian system, addresses a known safety issue (railroad crossing on Marcola Road),and supports multi-modal access to major developable employment centers and redevelopment priorities (Marcola Meadows development). Recent activities related to this project include Willamalane recently acquiring the majority of the property necessary to construct the path and completing a feasibility study for the portion of the project on their property.The City of Springfield and Willamalane have been in communication with Union Pacific Railroad to acquire the remaining land necessary for the project.The City of Springfield in partnership with Willamalane submitted an application during the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Non-Highway Enhance funding cycle through the Lane Area Commission on Transportation for the 2019-2021 STIP. PB-42(Main Street/66th Street to 67th Street):The amendments change the project description to match the project as approved by ODOT and constructed in 2019. Based on community input,crash data, signalized intersection operations,and proximity of land uses that attract pedestrian traffic(i.e.schools, parks, bus stops,etc.),the location was shifted from 57th Street to between 66th Street and 67th Street to help better meet the highest needs in the pedestrian network. PB-43 (Bob Straub Parkway/Daisy Street):The amendments add coordination to the project description to ensure project planning is linked with R-44 for efficiency. PB-46(Haul Road path—South 49th Place to UGB):The amendments on the Figures add an arrow to the end of project at the UGB to indicate the opportunity to coordinate with other jurisdictions as part of broader east Lane County bike network connectivity efforts, in alignment with TSP Policy 3.8. PB-53 (66th Street—Thurston Road to Main Street):The amendments add this project to install bicycle lanes on 66th Street due to its street classification as a minor collector and its location along a key route to and from Ridgeview Elementary School where traffic volumes and speeds can be a barrier to students biking to and from school without a dedicated bicycle facility. 66th Street serves as a key north-south connection in the Springfield bicycle network.This project helps implement TSP Policy 2.3 Action 2. PB-54(G Street—5th Street to 28th Street):The amendments add bicycle lanes on G Street due to its classification as a major collector and its location along a key route to and from Two Rivers—Dos Rios Elementary School and Springfield High School where traffic volumes and speeds can be a barrier to students biking to and from school without a bicycle facility. G Street serves as a key east-west connection in the Springfield bicycle network.This project helps implement TSP Policy 2.3 Action 2. PB-55 (48th/G/52nd—High Banks Road to Aster Street):The amendments add this multi-use path project to specify the type of walking and bicycling facility to be provided in conjunction with US-16, US-17, and US- 18. Due to the adjacent land uses (storm water facility on west side of 48th Street and north side of G Street and neighborhood residential on east/south side of the streets),a multi-use path on the residential side will reduce the number of times someone walking or bicycling would need to cross the street to access and use the facility.This project helps implement TSP Policies 2.4,3.2,3.3,3.5,and 3.7. PB-56(Holly Street to Rocky Road):This new multi-use bridge project fills a key walking and biking gap between the Thurston and other eastern Springfield neighborhoods and the Clearwater Park Middle Fork Path Trailhead that leads to the Mill Race Path, downtown Springfield, and Eugene.This project helps implement TSP Policies 3.2,3.4,and 3.7. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 17 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 18 of 33 R-9(Laura Street to Pioneer Parkway):The amendments clarify the role of PB-7 within this roadway project to ensure sidewalk and bikeway elements are built at time of roadway construction or sooner. R-27 (Yolanda Avenue to 35th Street):The amendments modify the project extent by extending it to the east two blocks to connect with the existing sidewalks east of 35th Street to create a continuous, connected sidewalk network.This project, in conjunction with R-26,will serve as a key bike route connection for the surrounding neighborhood to and from Yolanda Elementary School and Briggs Middle School. Parents and grandparents of students in this neighborhood have expressed concern about the existing routes to school and have requested better walking and biking infrastructure connections to the school.A dedicated bike facility and continuous sidewalks will provide more access to people with a broader range of abilities and ages.This project helps implement TSP Policy 3.7 and Policy 3.8 Action 2. R-34(Centennial Boulevard/Industrial Avenue—28th Street to 35th Street):The amendments adjust Figure 10 to match project extent in originally adopted (2014) project name. R-39(Extend South 48th Street to Daisy Street):The amendments change this project from a three-lane cross section to a two-lane cross-section to match South 48th Street south of Daisy Street.The two-way left turn lane to the south of Aster Street on South 48th Street is not necessary based on the limited number of access points and lack of developable land to the east of the street. A multi-use path has been added to provide a walking and biking facility to match PB-55 and the Booth Kelly Haul Road multi-use path (PB-38).A roundabout intersection has been added to provide traffic calming along the Virginia-Daisy Bikeway corridor(PB-36).This project is needed to provide a necessary secondary access for future development and to balance traffic impacts via the connection to Main Street. Previous developments to the south of Daisy Street have already contributed to this project,through the development process.The project was changed from "20-year projects: Priority projects"to"20-year projects:As development occurs" because a development subdivision came in that would rely upon the project being built in order to develop. Since the TSP was originally adopted in 2014,the Weyerhaeuser Haul Road that was previously private property is now public right-of-way and development is contingent upon using that right-of-way for secondary access and to complete the transportation network as planned in the area. Developers in the area have contributed financially to the future project.TSP Volume 3 Appendix E defines "As development occurs projects" as those that are likely to be needed as properties in the city develop or redevelop.They are projects that are not likely to be advanced by the city in the absence of this development. Given the establishment of the public right-of-way and recent subdivision application,this project more appropriately fits in the"20-year projects:As development occurs" category. R-41(South 54th Street—Main Street to Daisy Street):The South 54th multi-use path from Main Street to Daisy Street was constructed in 2018 in the South 54th Street right-of-way to implement the walking and biking connection components of this project.The complete collector street is not as urgent an issue with the completed path connection so the project can be postponed to beyond 20 years and other more urgent projects can be prioritized for funding sooner.TSP Volume 3 Appendix E developed evaluation criteria and categorizes TSP projects.The recently built multi-use path project partially addresses the rationale for the project by improving north-south connectivity between Main Street and Daisy Street and addresses the evaluation criteria of balancing impacts to developable parcels with system and community needs and supporting multi-modal access to major developable employment centers and redevelopment priorities. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 18 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 19 of 33 R-42(Holly Street—South 48th Street to South 57th Street):The amendments change the project name for consistency with the segment from Daisy Street to South 49th Place that has already been developed.The street alignment was changed due to geotechnical findings of a landslide hazard in the extension of Glacier Drive when the development occurred (see development application TYP214-00004). R-44(Daisy Street crossing of Bob Straub Parkway):The Virginia-Daisy Bikeway project(PB-36)will likely increase the volumes of bicycle and pedestrian traffic crossing Bob Straub Parkway at Daisy Street.Since the Virginia-Daisy Bikeway is in the design process and will be constructed in the next few years,the need for crossing improvements is becoming more urgent.TSP Volume 3 Appendix E developed evaluation criteria to categorize TSP projects.The amendment of this project from "Beyond 20 year projects"to"20- year projects: Priority projects" is justified by its fulfillment of the roadway project evaluation criteria to address known safety issues,support or enhance the ability to implement key state or regional projects, and support multi-modal access to major developable employment centers and redevelopment priorities. The project also fulfills the pedestrian-bicycle project evaluation criteria to close key gaps in the bicycle system,close key gaps in the pedestrian system, address known safety issue,and address pedestrian and bicycle connectivity gaps and safety issues that affect key routes to schools.The rationale for prioritizing this project is to close a gap in the pedestrian and bicycle system from the Virginia-Daisy Bikeway corridor to the Thurston neighborhood. R-45(Improvements within the Jasper-Natron Area):The Conceptual Street Map(Figure 12) matches current development conditions of an already built stubbed street's dimensions,sewer trunk line connection,and allows the Street Network Standards in the Springfield Development Code to determine the necessary street network at time of the development to the east of Jasper Road. R-46(Bob Straub Parkway to Mountaingate Drive and Future Local)and R-47(Haul Road—Quartz Avenue to UGB):There are two conservation easements totaling 316 acres and an 80-acre Community Forest, which restricts development to primarily soft-surface trails and trail amenities that precludes the development of this area as residential property with associated installation of collector streets.On October 2, 2017 the City Council approved a plan diagram amendment and zone change in the southeast Thurston Hills area (File numbers TSP417-00001 and TYP317-00003, Ordinance#6373)which re- designated land from low density residential(LDR)to parks and open space.The land that was formally planned for residential is no longer suitable for residential development and the street network needs have changed from serving future residential development to more limited access for connectivity and public safety purposes. Figures 6, 10, and 12 are being modified accordingly. R-51 (Gateway Street/Harlow Road):This project is being added as a new project since it is listed in the Central Lane MPO 2016-2040 Regional Transportation Plan (RTP project#785).The addition is for consistency with the regional plan in accordance with OAR 660-012-0016(2). R-52 (Main Street/48th Street):The amendments add traffic control improvements at the intersection to address additional trips through the intersection. R-42 extends a new collector from the south up to connect at Main Street and PB-55 connects a regional multi-use path facility,which will add more multimodal trips to this intersection.The additional trips will further increase safety problems along Main Street without the addition of a traffic control improvement. S-17 (Study street connectivity and traffic calming improvements in I-5/Harlow Rd/Laura St/Hwy 126 area that would retain motor vehicle diversion at the intersection of Don St and Lochaven Ave):The existing Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 19 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 20 of 33 neighborhood connectivity is not in line with TSP Policy 3.4 to provide reasonably direct travel routes to destination points within the neighborhood for all modes of travel.This study will evaluate options to provide connectivity within the residential neighborhood while maintaining a separation from the industrial zoning area to the south that attracts truck traffic.Truck traffic through the neighborhood does not support walking and biking in the residential area as well as to and from Guy Lee Elementary School. This study will help further implement TSP Policy 3.8 Action 2 that states, "Coordinate with Springfield Public Schools to provide key bicycle, pedestrian,and transit facilities near schools to ensure safe, convenient,and well-connected routes to schools." US-1 (Game Farm Road South—Mallard Avenue to Harlow Road):The amendments add sidewalks since the project description did not include a walking facility previously. Cost revisions reflect the addition of sidewalks and correct miscalculations in initial order of magnitude estimate. US-3 (Aspen Street—Centennial Boulevard to West D Street):The amendments change the project description from a three-lane to a two-lane cross section.Traffic volumes are not anticipated to require a two-way left turn lane since most sites in the area are already developed and the street functions without a two-way left turn lane.Aspen Street does not connect to any major automobile streets or trip generators at the southern extent of the street.These modifications enable the project to be built in a more cost effective way while still fulfilling the transportation system needs.This amendment supports implementing TSP Policy 4.1. US-7 (South 28th Street—South F Street to South M Street):The amendments change the project's southern extent to South M Street since the UGB expansion was in process to be acknowledged during this project. However,this project has not completed transportation planning for the UGB expansion area since the UGB expansion was not acknowledged at the time the public hearings started. US-8(35th Street—Olympic to Commercial Avenue)and US-9 (Commercial Avenue—35th to 42"d Street): The amendments move these projects from "Beyond 20-year projects"to"20-year projects: Priority projects" based on their support of the following evaluation criteria from TSP Volume 3 Appendix E: support connectivity between major activity centers and closing key gaps in the bicycle system and closing key gaps in the pedestrian system.Additionally,the poor pavement conditions of 35th Street and Commercial Avenue will trigger street re-construction sooner than 20 years from now. For efficiency, urban standards should be completed at time of pavement preservation or full street reconstruct.The Oregon Bike Bill will require bike facilities at time of reconstruction since 35th Street is a major collector. These projects help implement TSP Policies 3.2 and 3.4. US-10(36th Street—Commercial Avenue to Main Street):The amendments move this project from "Beyond 20-year projects"to"20-year projects: Priority projects" based on its support of the following evaluation criterion from TSP Volume 3 Appendix E:supports enhanced connectivity between major activity centers, closes key gaps in the bicycle system, and closes key gaps in the pedestrian system. Additionally,the poor pavement conditions of 36th Street will trigger street re-construction sooner than 20 years from now. For efficiency, urban standards should be completed at time of pavement preservation or full street reconstruct. US-16(48th Street—Main Street to G Street), US-17 (G Street—48th Street to 52"d Street),and US-18(52nd Street—OR 126E to G Street):The amendments add these projects to define the elements of the urban standard improvements for these facilities to better connect with the regional multi-use path system and Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 20 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 21 of 33 support adjacent residential land uses on the path side of the street and industrial uses on the west/north sides of the streets. By separating PB-55 from US-16,the walking and biking facilities may be able to be funded and built sooner or the full US-16 project could be built at the same time as PB-55. R-39 connecting South 48th Street to Main Street will increase traffic volumes to and from the 52nd Street interchange with Hwy 126 to the north and stress the already poor pavement conditions further. US-19(Oakdale Avenue—Pheasant Boulevard to Game Farm Road):The amendments add sidewalks to ensure sidewalk network connectivity from the existing sidewalks on Oakdale Avenue to US-1(Game Farm Road South). TSP Figure 2 Amendments Findings: • Beltline east of 1-5:The amendments change the ODOT owned and managed portion of Beltline east of 1-5 to the Gateway intersection to red, indicating Major Arterial street classification,to reflect existing conditions. • Aspen Street near West D Street:the amendments clean up Figure 2 so that the section of Aspen St that connects to West D Street is still shown as Minor Collector, but the section that includes a parking lot/driveway area for Heron Playground and the boat ramp and parking lot along the Northbank Path is no longer shown as Minor Collector. Statewide Planning Goal 13:Energy Conservation Land and uses developed on the land shall be managed and controlled so as to maximize the conservation of all forms of energy, based on sound economic principles. Findings:The City is currently in compliance with Goal 13 through its acknowledged Comprehensive Plan. The amendments to the City of Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan do not alter the City's compliance with Goal 13.The TSP provides direction for the City regarding transportation improvements, including strategies to reduce vehicle miles traveled and single occupancy vehicle trips. Included in the TSP is direction to plan,fund,and develop a multi-modal transportation system that meets the needs of the community and region.The TSP amendments include facility improvements, both on-street and off-street, intended to provide improved connectivity for pedestrians and bicyclists.The facilities will provide improved access to a variety of destinations within the planning area.The Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan also includes policy direction and facility improvements intended to provide improved high frequency public transit efficiency and connectivity.All of these improvements and strategies are intended to reduce energy consumption associated with the transportation system.As a result,the amendments are consistent with this goal. Statewide Planning Goal 14:Urbanization To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use,to accommodate urban population and urban employment inside urban growth boundaries,to ensure efficient use of land,and to provide for livable communities. Findings:Ordinance 6361 (adopted December 5, 2016)expands the Springfield urban growth boundary to include additional land for industrial and commercial employment and for parks and open space.The ordinance was approved by LCDC on March 5, 2019, after the TSP amendments were initiated. Ordinance 6361 provides that the TSP will be revised at a later date to provide for transportation system Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 21 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 22 of 33 improvements intended to serve the UGB expansion areas.The TSP amendments, including the new TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map, pertain only to the urban growth boundary that was acknowledged at the time the project was initiated.Therefore,the TSP amendments are consistent with Goal 14. Statewide Planning Goal 15: Willamette River Greenway To protect,conserve, enhance, and maintain the natural,scenic, historical,agricultural, economic,and recreational qualities of lands along the Willamette River as the Willamette River Greenway. Findin : Nearly all of projects in the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan are located outside of the Willamette River Greenway area.As required by Goal 15 and implemented through the City's adopted and acknowledged Willamette Greenway Overlay District standards, individual transportation projects that are located in the Willamette River Greenway are required to conduct an individual analysis of Goal 15 compliance during the project development phase of work.The amendments implement and are consistent with the adopted TSP and therefore are consistent with this goal. Statewide Planning Goals 16-19:Estuarine Resources, Coastal Shorelands, Beaches and Dunes and Ocean Resources. Findin :These statewide planning goals relate to coastal lands in Oregon and are not applicable to the amendments. CONCLUSION: Based on the analysis above,the Metro Plan amendment is consistent with the applicable Statewide Planning Goals.SDC 5.14-135 Criteria A is met. METRO PLAN AMENDMENT CRITERION#2:SDC 5.14-135 B.,and LANE CODE 12.225(2);Adoption of the amendment shall not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent Finding:The Springfield TSP,a functional plan of the Metro Plan is being amended to adopt the TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map and update the previously adopted project list and figures in Chapter 5. Both these items are consistent with the Metro Plan.The amendments to the TSP project lists and figures are consistent with the adopted goals and policies in the TSP.Chapter 2, Policy 3.1 of the TSP directs the City to adopt and maintain the Conceptual Street Map.The street alignments and classifications depicted on TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map are consistent with the TSP projects identified in Chapter 5, or amendments to the project list are included to provide consistency. Findin :Chapter III of the Metro Plan contains eleven specific elements that address a comprehensive list of topics, including: (A) Residential Land Use and Housing Element; (B) Economic Element; (C) Environmental Resources Element; (D)Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors, and Waterways Element; (E) Environmental Design Element; (F)Transportation Element; (G) Public Facilities and Services Element; (H) Parks and Recreation Facilities Element; (I) Historic Preservation Element; (J) Energy Element; and (K)Citizen Involvement Element.The goals and policies of the TSP were found to be consistent with the policies of the Metro Plan and Springfield Comprehensive Plan for each element noted above when the TSP was adopted in 2014.The amendments to the TSP project lists and figures do not alter these adopted TSP goals and policies. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP)Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 22 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 23 of 33 Finding: A. Metro Plan Residential Land Use and Housing Element On June 20th 2011,the City of Springfield Council adopted Ordinance 6268 amending the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan)to adopt the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Residential Land Use and Housing Element and the Springfield Residential Land and Housing Needs Analysis.This Residential Land Use and Housing Element and Residential Land and Housing Needs Analysis contains the following relevant housing policies related to the Springfield 2035 Springfield TSP: H.3, H.5, H.10, H.13. H.3—Support community-wide, district-wide and neighborhood-specific livability and redevelopment objectives and regional land use planning and transportation planning policies by locating higher density residential development and increasing the density of development near employment or commercial services, within transportation-efficient Mixed-Use Nodal Development centers and along corridors served by frequent transit service. H.5 Develop additional incentives to encourage and facilitate development of high density housing in areas designated for Mixed Use Nodal Development. H.10 Through the updating of development of each neighborhood refinement plan, district plans or specific area plan, amend land use plans to increase development opportunities for quality affordable housing in locations served by existing and planned frequent transit service that provides access to employment centers,shopping, health care, civic, recreational and cultural services. H.13 Promote housing development and affordability in coordination with transit plans and in proximity to transit stations. In addition to the above stated Metro Plan housing policies,the Springfield 2030 Refinement Plan Residential Land Use and Housing Element and the Springfield Residential Land and Housing Needs Analysis contains land use efficiency measures which were considered and incorporated early and often into the buildable lands analyses. Some examples of these efficiency measures include, but are not limited to: • Encourage more infill and redevelopment; • Encourage more development of urban centers and urban villages(Nodal Development); • Allow more mixed-use development; • Encourage more transit-oriented design; • Continue efforts to revitalize Downtown. The Springfield 2035 TSP contains multiple goals and polices which support the above stated housing policies and land use efficiency measures.These TSP policies include, but are not limited to: • Goal 1:Community Development—Provide an efficient,sustainable,diverse,and environmentally sound transportation system that supports and enhances Springfield's economy and land use patterns. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP)Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 23 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 24 of 33 • Policy 1.3: Provide a multi-modal transportation system that supports mixed-use areas, major employment centers, recreation,commercial, residential, and public developments,to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles(SOVs). • Goal 3:System Design: Enhance and expand Springfield's transportation system design to provide a complete range of transportation mode choices. • Policy 3.2: Expand and enhance Springfield's bikeway system and provide bicycle system support facilities to both new development and redevelopment/expansion. • Policy 3.3:Street design standards should be flexible and allow appropriate-sized local, collector, and arterial streets based upon traffic flow,geography, efficient land use,social,economic,and environmental impacts. • Policy 3.7: Provide for a pedestrian environment that supports adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety,comfort, and convenience of walking by providing direct routes and removing barriers when possible. • Policy 3.8:Coordinate the design of Springfield's transportation system with relevant local, regional,and state agencies. The above stated TSP goals and policies are examples of consistency between the Springfield 2035 TSP and relevant Metro Plan policies.The amendments to the TSP project list and the adoption of TSP Figure 12: Conceptual Street Map will further support and enhance the Metro Plan's Residential Land Use and Housing Element through strengthening multi-modal connections, enhancing bike, pedestrian and transit facilities and target multi-modal infrastructure in higher density, mixed use areas throughout Springfield. The amendments are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. Findin : B. Metro Plan Economic Element On December 5, 2016,the City of Springfield Council adopted Ordinance 6361 amending the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan)to adopt the Springfield 2030 Economic policy element.This Element was approved by LCDC in March 2019.This Economic Element contains the following relevant policies and implementation strategies related to implementing the Springfield 2035 TSP: Goal EG-1: Broaden, improve,and diversify the state and regional economy, and the Springfield economy in particular,while maintaining or enhancing environmental quality and Springfield's natural heritage. Policy E.4: Expand industrial site opportunities by evaluating and rezoning commercial, residential, and industrial land for the best economic return for the community through the process of City refinement planning, review of owner-initiated land use proposals, expanding the urban growth boundary, and other means. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP)Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 24 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 25 of 33 Implementation Strategy 4.6: Increase opportunities for siting employment centers where they can be efficiently served by multiple modes of transportation. Goal EG-3:Strengthen and maintain strong, connected employment centers and economic corridors to support small, medium,and large businesses. Policy E.18:Coordinate transportation and land use corridor planning to include design elements that support Springfield's economic and community development policies and contribute to community diversity and inclusivity. Implementation Strategy 18.3: Establish preferred design concepts for key intersections along the corridor that integrate vehicle, pedestrian, bicycle and transit needs. Goal EG-5d: Be prepared—Contribute to development of the region's physical,social,educational, and workforce infrastructure to meet the needs of tomorrow. Policy E.38:Strengthen the coordination between infrastructure, planning and investments, land use, and economic development goals to prepare land and physical infrastructure, in a timely fashion,that is necessary to support business development and stimulate quality job creation. Policy E.39: Provide adequate infrastructure efficiently and distribute cost fairly. Policy E.40: Provide the services, infrastructure, and land needed to attract the identified industry clusters, especially where they can increase economic connectivity among businesses. Implementation Strategy 40.1:Coordinate capital improvement planning with land use and transportation planning to coincide with Springfield's Economic Element. Implementation Strategy 40.2: Provide the necessary public facilities and services as funds become available to foster economic development. Implementation Strategy 40.4: Ensure that public private development agreements are in effect prior to financing public improvements to ensure cost recovery. Implementation Strategy 40.5: Explore alternative funding mechanisms in addition to debt service that provide timely completion of'connecting' public facilities (e.g. an unpaved block of a street or missing sections of sewer line). Implementation Strategy 40.7: Continue to seek funding opportunities and public-private partnerships to construct key urban infrastructure elements that support pedestrian and transit-friendly redevelopment in Glenwood and Downtown,such as the Franklin multiway boulevard in Glenwood and enhancements to the Main Street/South A couplet through Downtown. Policy E.43: Promote and build on the region's transportation,distribution, and logistics advantages. Goal E-7: Make development decisions predictable,fair,and cost-effective. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 25 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit B, 26 of 33 Policy E.47: Enhance, maintain,and market Springfield's reputation for: rapid processing of permits and applications, maintaining City agreements and commitments,and providing developers with certainty and flexibility in the development process. Implementation Strategy 47.1: Continually improve development permitting processes to remove regulatory impediments to redevelopment as practical, provide efficient streamlining of permitting processes, create incentives for redevelopment, and provide flexible design standards (clear and objective track plus discretionary track)to build on the community's strong reputation as a friendly,welcoming and business-friendly city. Aside from the new Economic Element discussed above,the preexisting Economic Element of the Metro Plan also addresses the economic needs of current and future residents of the metropolitan area.The overarching economic goal of the Metro Plan Element is to, "Broaden, improve,and diversify the metropolitan economy while maintaining or enhancing the environment." The Springfield 2035 TSP contains multiple goals and polices which support these economic policies.These TSP policies include, but are not limited to: • Goal 1:Community Development—Provide an efficient,sustainable,diverse, and environmentally sound transportation system that supports and enhances Springfield's economy and land use patterns. • Policy 1.1: Manage Springfield's street, bike, pedestrian, rail,and transit system to facilitate economic growth of existing and future businesses in Springfield (NOTE Action#1—When evaluating needed roadway improvements,consider the.economic viability of existing commercial and industrial areas). • Policy 2.2: Manage traffic operation systems for efficient freight and goods movement along designated freight,truck,and rail routes in Springfield (NOTE Action#2—Coordinate with rail providers to improve at-grade rail crossing treatments to improve traffic flow and manage conflict points;create grade-separated rail crossings when possible). • Policy 2.6: Manage the on-street parking system to preserve adequate capacity and turnover for surrounding land uses. • Policy 2.7 manage the off-street parking system to assure major activity centers meet their parking demand through a combination of shared, leased,and new off-street parking facilities and TDM programs. • Goal 3:System Design—Enhance and expand Springfield's transportation system design to provide a complete range of transportation mode choices. • Policy 3.2: Expand and enhance Springfield's bikeway system and provide bicycle system support facilities to both new development and redevelopment/expansion. • Policy 3.3:Street design standards should be flexible and allow appropriate-sized local, collector, and arterial streets based upon traffic flow,geography,efficient land use,social, economic,and environmental impacts. • Policy 3.9:Support provision of rail-related infrastructure improvements as part of the Cascadia High-Speed Rail Corridor project. • Policy 4.1:Support development of a stable and flexible transportation finance system that provides adequate resources for transportation needs identified in the Springfield 2035 TSP. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 26 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 27 of 33 The above stated TSP goals and policies are examples of consistency between the Springfield 2035 TSP and relevant Metro Plan economic policies.The amendments to the TSP project list and the adoption of TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map are consistent with these adopted policies and will further support and enhance the Economic Element through strengthening freight mobility and further supporting freight infrastructure.The implementation of the TSP will help provide a greater range of transportation options for businesses and employees. Implementation of the supporting policies listed above will enhance the on and off-street parking system to promote economic development.The amendments are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. Finding: C. Environmental Resources Element The Environmental Resources Element addresses the natural assets and hazards in the metropolitan area. The policies of this element emphasize reducing urban impacts on wetlands throughout the metropolitan area and planning for the natural assets and constraints on undeveloped lands on the urban fringe. The Environmental Resources Element of the Metro Plan contains the following relevant policies related to the implementation of the Springfield 2035 Springfield TSP:C.8, C.22,C.23 and C.24. C.8 Local governments shall develop plans and programs which carefully manage development on hillsides and in water bodies, and restrict development in wetlands in order to prevent erosion and protect the scenic quality,surface water and groundwater quality,forest values, vegetation, and wildlife values of those areas. C.22 Design of new street, highway, and transit facilities shall consider noise mitigation measures where appropriate. C.23 Design and construction of new noise-sensitive development in the vicinity of existing and future streets and highways with potential to exceed general highway noise levels shall include consideration of mitigating measures,such as acoustical building modifications, noise barriers, and acoustical site planning. The application of these mitigating measures must be balanced with other design considerations and housing costs. C.24 Local governments shall continue to monitor, to plan for, and to enforce applicable noise standards and shall cooperate in meeting applicable federal and state noise standards. The Springfield 2035 TSP contains goals and polices which support these economic policies.These include, but are not limited to: • Goal 1: Community Development—Provide an efficient,sustainable,diverse,and environmentally sound transportation system that supports and enhances Springfield's economy and land use patterns. • Policy 1.2: Consider environmental impacts of the overall transportation system and strive to mitigate negative effects and enhance positive features. (NOTE Action#1—Strive to reduce vehicle-related greenhouse gas emissions and congestion through more sustainable street, bike, pedestrian,transit, and rail network design, location, and management.Action#2—Coordinate Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP)Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 27 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 28 of 33 the transportation network with new alternative energy infrastructure such as electric vehicle charging stations, natural gas,and hydrogen cell fueling stations). The above stated TSP goals and policies are examples of consistency between the Springfield 2035 TSP and relevant Metro Plan environmental policies.The amendments to the TSP project list and the adoption of the Conceptual Street Map are consistent with these adopted policies and will further support and enhance the Metro Plan's Environmental Resources Element through strengthening environmentally sound transportation options and an overall more sustainable transportation system.The amendments are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. Findin : D. Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors, and Waterways Element The Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors,and Waterways Element address these specific natural assets in the metropolitan area.The policies of this element emphasize reducing urban impacts on these resources throughout the metropolitan area. The Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors, and Waterways Element of the Metro Plan contain the following relevant policies related to the Springfield 2035 Springfield TSP: D.2, D.3, D.9,and D.11. D.2 Land use regulations and acquisition programs along river corridors and waterways shall take into account all the concerns and needs of the community, including recreation, resource, and wildlife protection;enhancement of river corridor and waterway environments;potential for supporting non- automobile transportation;opportunities for residential development;and other compatible uses. D.3 Eugene,Springfield, and Lane County shall continue to cooperate in expanding water related parks and other facilities, where appropriate, that allow access to and enjoyment of river and waterway corridors. D.9 Local and state governments shall continue to provide adequate public access to the Willamette River Greenway. D.11 The taking of an exception shall be required if a non-water-dependent transportation facility requires placing of fill within the Willamette River Greenway setback. The Springfield 2035 TSP contains goals and polices which support these Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors, and Waterways policies.These include, but are not limited to: • Goal 1:Community Development—Provide an efficient,sustainable, diverse, and environmentally sound transportation system that supports and enhances Springfield's economy and land use patterns. • Policy 1.2:Consider environmental impacts of the overall transportation system and strive to mitigate negative effects and enhance positive features. The above stated TSP goals and policies are examples of consistency between the Springfield 2035 TSP and relevant Metro Plan Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors,and Waterways policies.The amendments to the TSP project list and the adoption of TSP Figure 12: Conceptual Street Map are Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment; and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 28 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Aminommuselow Exhibit B, 29 of 33 consistent with these adopted policies and will further support and enhance the Metro Plan's Willamette River Greenway, River Corridors, and Waterways Element by providing improved access to waterways.The amendments are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. Findin : E. Environmental Design Element The Environmental Design Element is concerned with that broad process which molds the various components of the urban area into a distinctive, livable form that promotes a high quality of life.This Element is concerned with how people perceive and interact with their surroundings. The Environmental Design Element of the Metro Plan contains the following relevant policies related to the Springfield 2035 Springfield TSP: E.3 and E.4. E.3 The planting of street trees shall be strongly encouraged, especially for all new developments and redeveloping areas(where feasible)and new streets and reconstruction of major arterials within the UGB. E.4 Public and private facilities shall be designed and located in a manner that preserves and enhances desirable features of local and neighborhood areas and promotes their sense of identity. The Springfield 2035 TSP contains goals and polices which support these Environmental Design policies. These include, but are not limited to: • Goal 3:System Design—Enhance and expand Springfield's transportation system design to provide a complete range of transportation mode choices. • Policy 3.3:Street design standards should be flexible and allow appropriate-sized local,collector, and arterial streets based upon traffic flow,geography,efficient land use, social,economic,and environmental impacts. • Policy 3.7: Provide for a pedestrian environment that supports adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety,comfort,and convenience of walking by providing direct routes and removing barriers when possible. The above stated TSP goals and policies are examples of consistency between the Springfield 2035 TSP and relevant Environmental Design policies.The amendments to the TSP project list and the adoption of TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map are consistent with these adopted policies and will enhance the pedestrian environment for new and redeveloped properties, creating a more livable community.The amendments are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. Findin : F. Transportation Element The Springfield 2035 TSP used the TransPlan goals, policies, and objectives as a starting point for updating the policy set in the new TSP. Similar to TransPlan,the structure of the Springfield 2035 TSP includes four overarching categories.The TSP goals have subsequent policies and action items categorized beneath them.The four goals found in the Springfield 2035 TSP are: Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP)Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 29 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 30 of 33 • Goal 1:Community Development—Provide an efficient,sustainable, diverse and environmentally sound transportation system that supports and enhances Springfield's economy and land use patterns. • Goal 2:System Management—Preserve, maintain,and enhance Springfield's transportation system through safe,efficient,and cost-effective transportation system operations and maintenance techniques for all modes. • Goal 3:System Design—Enhance and expand Springfield's transportation system design to provide a complete range of transportation mode choices. • Goal 4:System Financing—Create and maintain a sustainable transportation funding plan that provides implementable steps towards meeting Springfield's vision. Some specific TransPlan policies are highlighted in this Finding to illustrate consistency between TransPlan policies and those of the Springfield 2035 TSP.These include F.4, F.8, F.11, F.14, F.18, F.22, F.26,and F.34. • Metro Plan/TransPlan Land Use Policy F.4:Require improvements that encourage transit, bicycles, and pedestrians in new commercial,public, mixed use, and multi-unit residential development. • Metro Plan/TransPlan TDM Policy F.8:Implement TDM strategies to manage demand at congested locations. • Metro Plan/TransPlan Transportation System Improvement,System Wide Policy F.11:Develop or promote intermodal linkages for connectivity and ease of transfer among all transportation modes. • Metro Plan/TransPlan Transportation System Improvement, Roadway System F.14:Address the mobility and safety needs of motorists, transit users, bicyclists, pedestrians, and the needs of emergency vehicles when planning and constructing roadway system improvements. • Metro Plan/TransPlan Transportation System Improvement, Transit System F.18:Improve transit service and facilities to increase the system's accessibility, attractiveness, and convenience for all users, including the transportation disadvantaged population. • Metro Plan/TransPlan Transportation System Improvement, Bicycle System F.22:Construct and improve the region's bikeway system and provide bicycle system support facilities for both new development and redevelopment/expansion. • Metro Plan/TransPlan Transit System Improvement, Pedestrian System F.26:Provide for a pedestrian environment that is well integrated with adjacent land uses and is designed to enhance the safety, comfort, and convenience of walking. • Metro Plan/TransPlan Finance Policy F.34:Operate and maintain transportation facilities in a way that reduces the need for more expensive future repair. The Springfield 2035 TSP contains multiple goals and polices which are being implemented through the amendments.These TSP policies include, but are not limited to: • Policy 1.3: Policy 1.3: Provide a multi-modal transportation system that supports mixed-use areas, major employment centers, recreation,commercial, residential,and public developments,to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles (SOVs). • Policy 3.8:Coordinate the design of Springfield's transportation system with relevant local, regional,and state agencies. (NOTE Action#3—Partner with LTD to provide frequent transit Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP)Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 30 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 a.... .. Exhibit B, 31 of 33 network connections along major corridors. Frequent transit network should connect to local neighborhood bus service and major activity center to provide viable alternatives to vehicle trips). The above stated TSP goals, policies and implementation measures show consistency between the Springfield 2035 TSP and the Metro Plan/TransPlan Transportation Element policies.The amendments to the TSP project list and the adoption of TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map are consistent with these adopted policies and will further support multi-modal transportation and its nexus to mixed use development.The amendments are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. Findin : G. Public Facilities and Services Element This element incorporates the findings and policies in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan (Public Facilities and Services Plan), adopted as a refinement to the Metro Plan. The Public Facilities and Services Plan provide guidance for public facilities and services, including planned water,wastewater,storm water, and electrical facilities.Transportation findings and policies are not part of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Public Facilities and Services Plan, but rather are located in the TSP and TransPlan. Relevant Metro Plan policies are discussed in the previous Transportation Element section. Findin : H. Parks and Recreation Facilities Element This Metro Plan Element addresses Parks and Recreation Facilities in the Metro Area. In Springfield, Willamalane Park and Recreation District is responsible for parks and recreation facilities and planning. There are no transportation specific Parks and Recreation Facilities Element policies in the Metro Plan that directly relate to the 2035 Springfield Transportation System Plan. However,some TSP multiuse path projects overlap with those in the Willamalane Parks Comprehensive Plan.The amendments to the TSP project lists include amendments for consistency with the Willamalane Parks Comprehensive Plan and Willamalane facilities as constructed, including updating the name of the Moe Mountain Path and amending the project extent of the Mill Race Path.The planning for these and other similar projects has been closely coordinated with Willamalane staff. One example of consistency between this 2035 Springfield TSP and the Willamalane Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan is TSP Policy 2.4 and its supporting Action#1.They state: • Policy 2.4- Maintain and preserve a safe and efficient bike and pedestrian system in Springfield. • Action#1—Coordinate with Willamalane Park and Recreation District to maintain and preserve the off-street path system. The amendments to the TSP project list and figures, including the adoption of TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map,are consistent with these adopted policies and do not alter compliance with the Parks and Recreation Facilities Element of the Metro Plan,and are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 31 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit B, 32 of 33 Findin : I. Historic Preservation Element This Element of the Metro Plan is written to preserve historic structures in the Metro area.There are no transportation specific Historic preservation Element policies in the Metro Plan that directly relate to the 2035 Springfield Transportation System Plan. However, individual projects in the TSP that use Federal funding must go through a National Environmental Policy Act(NEPA) process during project development. The NEPA process includes requirements for historic preservation which the City will adhere to.These amendments do not alter compliance with the Historic Preservation Element of the Metro Plan, and are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. J. Energy Element The Energy Element of the Metro Plan deals with the conservation and efficient use of energy in the metropolitan area and is meant to provide a long-range guide to energy-related decisions concerning physical development and land uses. The Energy Element of the Metro Plan contains the following relevant policies related to the Springfield 2035 Springfield TSP:1.2,J.7,and J.8. J.2 Carefully control, through the use of operating techniques and other methods, energy related actions, such as automobile use, in order to minimize adverse air quality impacts. Trade-offs between air quality and energy actions shall be made with the best possible understanding of how one process affects the other. J.7 Encourage medium-and high-density residential uses when balanced with other planning policies in order to maximize the efficient utilization of all forms of energy. The greatest energy savings can be made in the areas of space heating and cooling and transportation. For example, the highest relative densities of residential development shall be concentrated to the greatest extent possible in areas that are or can be well served by mass transit,paratransit, and foot and bicycle paths. J.8 Commercial, residential, and recreational land uses shall be integrated to the greatest extent possible, balanced with all planning policies to reduce travel distances, optimize reuse of waste heat, and optimize potential on-site energy generation. The Springfield 2035 TSP contains goals and polices which support these Energy Element policies.These include, but are not limited to: • Goal 1:Community Development—Provide an efficient,sustainable, diverse,and environmentally sound transportation system that supports and enhances Springfield's economy and land use patterns. • Policy 1.2: Consider environmental impacts of the overall transportation system and strive to mitigate negative effects and enhance positive features. (NOTE Action#1—Strive to reduce vehicle-related greenhouse gas emissions and congestion through more sustainable street, bike, pedestrian,transit, and rail network design, location, and management, and Action#2— Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP)Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 32 of 33 ORDINANCE NO.6413 4 Exhibit B, 33 of 33 Coordinate the transportation network with new alternative energy infrastructure such as electric vehicle charging stations, natural gas, and hydrogen cell fueling stations. • Policy 1.3: Provide a multi-modal transportation system that supports mixed-use areas, major employment centers, recreation, commercial, residential,and public developments,to reduce reliance on single-occupancy vehicles (SOVs). The above stated TSP goals and policies are examples of consistency between the Springfield 2035 TSP and relevant Energy policies.The amendments to the TSP project list and figures, including the adoption of TSP Figure 12:Conceptual Street Map,are consistent with these adopted policies and will further support and enhance the Metro Plan's Energy Element by considering environmental impacts and energy usage when planning and implementing Springfield's transportation system.The amendments will also enhance the pedestrian environment for new and redeveloped properties,create a more livable community and support mixed uses with high frequency transit.The amendments are consistent with this Metro Plan Element. K. Citizen Involvement Element The Citizen Involvement Element of the Metro Plan recognizes that active, on-going, and meaningful citizen involvement is an essential ingredient to the development and implementation of any successful planning program.A Public Involvement Program for the update of the 2035 Springfield Transportation System Plan was developed in preparation of the Project.This Program was reviewed and endorsed by the Committee for Citizen Involvement(i.e.the Springfield Planning Commission).The Program outlined the information, outreach methods,and involvement opportunities available to the citizens during the process. Details of the process are included in the Statewide Planning Goal 1 finding of this report.The amendment is consistent with the Metro Plan Element. CONCLUSION: Based on the findings above,the TSP amendments do not make the Metro Plan internally inconsistent.SDC Section 5.14-135 Criterion B is met. Springfield Transportation System Plan(TSP) Implementation City of Springfield Case Number 811-17-000166-TYP4 Plan amendment;and Lane County Case Number PA 1359 Page 33 of 33 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit C, 1 of 17 TSP Project List Amendments(1-21-2020) PB=Ped-Bike,R=Roadway,S=Study,T=Transit,US=Urban Standards PINK TEXT=Amendments Estimated project costs are in 2013 dollars,including updated costs shown. Project ID Project Name Project Description Cost List Project Type PB-1 McKenzie Gateway Path-Existing Path Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the end of the $3,000,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Pedestrian/bike to Maple Island Road existing Riverbend Hospital path to Maple Island Road PB-2 Flamingo Avenue to Gateway Street Construct a 12-foot wide path west from Flamingo Avenue to $70,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Pedestrian/bike Gateway Street south of Game Bird Park PB-3 Oakdale Street/Pheasant Street/et.al.- Add signing and striping for bicycle facilities $80,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Game Farm Road to Gateway Road PB-4 Wayside LoopLane/Ann Court/Manor Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from Wayside $80,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Pedestrian/bike ive to Riverbend Path Lane/Ann Court to the existing Sacred Heart Medical Center- Riverbend path PB-5 Hartman Lane/Don Street-south of Add signing and striping for bicycle facilities and construct sidewalks $180,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Harlow Road to OR 126 to fill gaps PB-6 Springfield Christian School Channel Path Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from Dornoch Street to N/A Beyond 20 year projects Pedestrian/bike -Dornoch Street to Laura Street Laura Street PB-7 Extend EWEB Trail-Pioneer Parkway to Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path in the EWEB powerline N/A Beyond 20 year projects Pedestrian/bike Don Street corridor from Pioneer Parkway to Don Street with a crossing of Pioneer Parkway and Laura Street PB-8 Hayden Bridge Way/Grovedale Drive, Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $260,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Hayden Bridge Way/3rd Street,Hayden Bridge Way/Castle Drive PB-9 EWEB Path crossings of 2nd Street,9th Improve path crossings to emphasize path priority and to improve $50,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Street,11th Street,Rose Blossom Drive, safety Debra Street,15th Street,33rd Street, and 35th Street PB-10 2nd Street/Q Street Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-11 By-Gully Path Extension-Pioneer Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the existing By- N/A Beyond 20 year projects Pedestrian/bike Parkway to 5th Street Gully path at Pioneer Parkway to 5th Street PB-12 1-5 Path—Willamette River Area Path to Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path parallel to 1-5 from N/A Beyond 20 year projects Pedestrian/bike By-Gully Path Willamette River area path/Eastgate Woodlands to the end of the By- Gully path PB-13 Anderson Lane-By-Gully path to Add signing and striping on Anderson Street and West Quinalt Street $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Centennial Boulevard for bicycle facilities and construct 12-foot wide multi-use path between Anderson Lane and Quinalt Street PB-14 Rainbow Drive-Centennial Boulevard to Restripe for bicycle facilities with signing $60,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike 71:/ West D Street PB-15 West D-Mill Street to D Street Path Add bicycle facility signing and striping $10,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-16 West D-Aspen Street to D Street Path Add bicycle facility signing and striping;construct sidewalks to fill $190,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Z gaps rn PB-17 Glenwood Area Willamette River Path—I-Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the end of the $2,500,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Pedestrian/bike Z 5 to Willamette River bridges existing path,east of 1-5 to the Willamette River bridges 0 PB-18 Glenwood Area Willamette River Path— Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the Willamette $2,900,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Pedestrian/bike Willamette River Bridges to UGB River bridges to the UGB w Page 1 of S Exhibit C, 2 of 17 Project ID Project Name Project Description Cost List Project Type PB-19 Bridge between Downtown and Construct a new pedestrian and bicycle bridge between Downtown $10,300,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Pedestrian/bike Glenwood or modify Willamette River Springfield and Glenwood,or modify the existing Willamette River Bridges bridges PB-20 Mill Street-Centennial to Main Street, Restripe for bicycle facilities with signing $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike south of Main Street to Mill Race Park PB-21 Pioneer Parkway at D,E,and F Streets Add crosswalks on Pioneer Parkway with signage $80,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-22 5th Street/Centennial Boulevard Add bicycle facilities through the intersection area $560,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Intersection PB-23 5th Street-Centennial Boulevard to A Add bicycle facility signing and striping $50,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Street PB-24 D,E,or F Streets from 5th Street to 28th Add bicycle facility signing and striping $190,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Street PB-25 5th Street/D Street Add bicycle facility signing and striping to improve visibility $10,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-26 A Street-5th Street to 10th Street Restripe for bicycle facilities with signing $40,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-27 South 2nd Street to Island Park Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path along the Mill Race $3,100,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Pedestrian/bike from South 2nd Street to Mill Street at Island Park PB-28 South 3rd 2nd Street to South B Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from South 3Fei2nd N/A Beyond 20 ycar ojccts Pedestrian/bike Street Street to SouthhB Street $600,000 20-year projects:As dew' "t occurs PB-29 Mill Race Path Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from South B $7,100,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Pedestrian/bike Street to South 32nd Street/UGB PB-30 33rd Street-V Street to EWEB Path Add shared-use signing and striping $10,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-31 Moe Motet-,in ^uarry Ridge Lane Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path Quarry Ridge Lane River NAA Beyond 20 •car pr ectc Pedestrian/bike R. to Marcola Road Heights Drive to Marcola Road $1,200,000 20-year projects:Priority projects PB-32 McKenzie River Path-McKenzie Levee Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from the existing $3,700,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Pedestrian/bike Path to 52nd Street McKenzie Levee path at 42nd Street to 52nd Street PB-33 Main Street-34th Street to 35th Street Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-34 Pedestrian crossing improvement on Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Main Street/38th Street PB-35 Main Street/41st Street Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-36 Virginia Avenue and Daisy Street-South Add bicycle facility signing and striping $130,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike 32nd Street to Bob Straub Parkway PB-37 Booth Kelly Road-South 28th Street to Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from South 28th Street $2,817,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Pedestrian/bike South 49th Place to South 49th Place PB-38 Haul Road-Daisy Street to Booth Kelly Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path in the Haul Road right- N/A Beyond 20 year projects Pedestrian/bike Road of-way from Daisy Street to Booth Kelly Road PB-39 Main Street-48th Street to 49th Street Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike 0 PB-40 Main Street/51st Street Add a mid-block crosswalk with signing a rapid rect: $10,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike beacon PB-41 Main Street/Chapman Lane Add a mid-block crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-42 Main Street/57th Street 66th Street to Add a mid-block crosswalk with a pedestrian hybrid rapid rectangular 99988 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Z flashing beacon $300,000 rrri PB-43 Bob Straub Parkway/Daisy Street Add a pedestrian/bicycle signal and crossing,coordinate with R-44 $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Z PB-44 Mountaingate Drive-Mountaingate Add shared-use signing and striping;construct sidewalks and $260,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike 0 Entrance to Dogwood Street drainage improvements to fill gaps �rn PB-45 Mt.Vernon Road/Bob Straub Parkway Add crosswalks at three or four approaches with signing and striping $390,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike and install pedestrian hybrid beacon on the north-south leg Page 2 of 8 Exhibit C, 3 of 17 Project ID Project Name Project Description Cost List Project Type PB-46 Haul Road path-South 49th Place to Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from South 49th Place $3,600,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Pedestrian/bike UGB to the UGB PB-47 Thurston Road/66th Street Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-48 Thurston Road/69th Street Add a crosswalk with a rapid rectangular flashing beacon $90,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-49 South 67th Street-Ivy Street to Main Add shared-use signing and striping and construct sidewalks to fill $160,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Street gaps PB-50 Ivy Street-South 67th Street to South Add shared-use signing and striping $20,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike 70th Street PB-51 South 70th Street-Main Street to Ivy Add shared-use signing and striping $50,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Street PB-52 City-wide Rectangular Rapid Flashing Install mid-block crossings City-wide with rapid rectangular flashing $4,400,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Beacons beacons PB-53 66th Street-Thurston Road to Main Add bicycle lanes 75899 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Pedestrian/bike Street $25,000 PB-54 G Street-5th Street to 28th Street Add bicycle lanes or route $75,000 20-y" proje: iity projects Pedestrian/bike PB-55 48th/G/52nd-High Banks Road to Aster Construct a new multi-use 12-foot wide path from High Banks Road $1,600,000 20 projects:Prior -ojects Pedestrian/bike Street to Aster Street PB-56 Holly Street to Rocky Road Construct a multi-use bridge "48999 fond 20 year projects destrian/bike R-1 North Gateway Collector-Maple Island Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with $4,300,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway Road/Royal Caribbean Way to sidewalks and bicycle facilities International Way R-2 Gateway Road/International Way to Construct five-lane cross-section consistent with 2003 Revised $950,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Roadway UGB Environmental Assessment R-3 allector-Game Farm Road East Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with $6,300,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway to International Way sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-4 Maple Island Road—Game Farm Extend Maple Island Road with a two-lane cross-section with $3,100,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway Road/Deadmond Ferry Road to Beltline sidewalk,bicycle facilities,and an intersection at Beltline Road R-5 Extend Riverbend Drive to International Extend Riverbend Drive with a three-lane cross-section with $1,600,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway Way(Northeast Link) sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-6 Improvements to serve Riverbend Improve Baldy View Lane,construct a McKenzie-Gateway Loop $10,200,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway connector/new collector and construct off-street path connections R-7 South of Kruse Way and east of Gateway Construct a new roadway to improve local connectivity south of N/A Beyond 20 year projects Roadway Road Kruse Way/east of Gateway Road area R-8 Mallard Avenue-Gateway Street to Change Mallard Avenue to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks $4,530,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway 0 Game Farm Road and bicycle facilities and extend Mallard Avenue to Gateway Street with a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-9 Laura Street to Pioneer Parkway Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with $3,300,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway sidewalks and bicycle facilities in or near the EWEB powerline corridor with a right-in/right-out intersection at Pioneer Parkway; mcoordinate with PB-7 is required to serve as sidewalk and bikeway Z O rn N w Page 3 of 8 Exhibit C, 4 of 17 Project ID Project Name Project Description Cost List Project Type R-10 Q Street/Laura Street and Laura Street Construct traffic controls at Laura Street/Q Street intersection, $1,600,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway Interchange Area extend the second westbound through-lane through the Laura Street intersection,and construct a westbound right-turn lane;coordinate with S-3 and PB-7;conduct study[S-3]prior to implementing project R-11 5th Street/Q Street Construct right-turn lanes to the eastbound and northbound $550,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Roadway approaches or a roundabout R-12 Franklin Boulevard Riverfront Collector Construct a new collector as shown in the Glenwood Plan;two travel $7,700,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway lanes with on-street parking,sidewalks,and bicycle facilities R-13 Franklin Boulevard Multi-modal Construct multi-modal improvements on Franklin Boulevard,from I-S 350000001 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway Improvements to the railroad tracks south of the Franklin Boulevard/McVay $35,000,000 Highway intersection,and construct a roundabout at the Franklin Boulevard/Glenwood Boulevard intersection R-14 Franklin Boulevard/McVay Highway Construct a multi-lane roundabout $7,000,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway Multi-lane Roundabout R-15 Glenwood Boulevard-1-5 to Franklin Convert Glenwood Boulevard from three-lane to five-lane cross- N/A Beyond 20 year projects Roadway Boulevard section R-16 East 17th Avenue-Glenwood Boulevard Change East 17th Avenue to a three-lane cross-section with $1,900,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway to Henderson Avenue sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-17 Henderson Avenue-Franklin Boulevard Modify Henderson Avenue with a three-lane cross-section with $3,400,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway to East 19th Avenue sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-18 East 19th Avenue-Henderson Avenue to Change East 19th Avenue to a three-lane cross-section with $3,500,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway Franklin Boulevard sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-19 McVay Highway and East 19th Avenue Construct a two-lane roundabout $2,500,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway R-20 McVay Highway-East 19th Avenue to I- Construct a two-or three-lane cross-section as needed with $47,000,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway 5 sidewalks,bicycle facilities,and transit facilities consistent with Main Street/McVay Highway Transit Feasibility study and project T-3 R-21 Pioneer Parkway to South 2nd Street Construct a new collector between Pioneer Parkway and South 2nd N/A Beyond 20 year projects Roadway Street R-22 Extend South 14th Street South of Extend South 14th Street south of the Union Pacific Railroad N/A Beyond 20 year projects Roadway Railroad Tracks mainline with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-23 South B Street-South 5th to South - Extend South B Street with a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks N/A Beyond 20 year projects Roadway and bicycle facilities 0 R-24 19th Street-Hayden Bridge to Yolanda Extend 19th Street with a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and $2,400,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway Avenue bicycle facilities R-25 Hayden Bridge Road-19th Street to Change Hayden Bridge Road to a two-lane cross-section with $12,000,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway Marcola Road sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-26 Yolanda Avenue-23rd Street to 31st Modify Yolanda Avenue to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks $460,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway mStreet and bicycle facilities Z R-27 Yolanda Avenue to Street Construct Yolanda Avenue from 31st to 33rd Street with sidewalks 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway 0 and bicycle facilities,add sidewalks and bicycle facilities from 33rc rn Street to 35th Street Page 4 of 8 Exhibit C, 5 of 17 Project ID Project Name Project Description Cost List Project Type R-28 Marcola Road to 31st Street Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with $9,000,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-29 31st Street-Hayden Bridge to U Street Change 31st Street to a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and $3,800,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway bicycle facilities R-30 Marcola Road/19th Street Construct right-turn lane on westbound approach or a roundabout $320,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Roadway R-31 28th Street/Marcola Road Construct a roundabout $1,900,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Roadway R-32 42nd Street/Marcola Road Construct a roundabout $2,800,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Roadway R-33 Centennial Boulevard/28th Street Construct a roundabout $1,800,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Roadway R-34 Centennial Boulevard/Industrial Avenue-Extend Centennial Boulevard/Industrial Avenue with a three-lane $9,500,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway 28th Street to 35th Street cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities R-35 OR 126/42nd Street Interchange OR 126/42nd Street interchange improvements N/A Beyond 20 year projects Roadway Improvements R-36 42nd Street-Marcola Road to Railroad Modify 42nd Street to a three-lane cross-section and traffic controls $6,000,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway Tracks at Marcola Road and the OR 126 westbound ramps R-37 Commercial Avenue-42nd Street to Extend Commercial Street and add a north-south connection;three- $19,000,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway 48th Street,north of Main Street and lane cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle facilities North-South Connection R-38 South 42nd Street/Daisy Street Construct a traffic signal or a roundabout $1,800,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Roadway R-39 Extend South 48th Street to Daisy Street Extend South 48th Street with a Egfeetwo-lane cross-section with 3200000 20 y or projects:Priority projects Roadway cid ycle facilities a parallel re 12-foot wide path $3,600,000 20-year projects:As development occurs and roundabout intersection treatment at Daisy Street and South 48th Street R-40 OR 126/52nd Street Interchange Construct a grade-separated interchange on OR 126 at 52nd Street 49808000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway Improvements with ramps and traffic controls at ramp terminals on 52nd Street $40,000,000 consistent with the Interchange Area Management Plan R-41 South 54th Street-Main Street to Daisy Construct a new two-lane collector with sidewalks and bicycle 9600008 Roadway Street facilities R-42 Glacier Drive _..,.-,t/Holly to South Construct a new collector with a two-lane cross-section with 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway 55th Street Holly Street-South 48th sidewalks and bicycle facilities Street to So'''' 57th Street R-43 OR 126/Main Street Interchange Construct a grade-separated interchange with ramps and traffic 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway Improvements control at ramp terminals on Main Street consistent with the $50,000,000 Interchange Area Management Plan;needs further study R-44 Daisy Street crossing of Bob Straub Construct a or Roadway Parkway undercrossing of Bob Straub Parkway $2,400,000 R-45 Improvements within the Jasper-Natron Construct multiple roadways in the Jasper-Natron area between Bob $67,000,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway O Area Straub Parkway,Jasper Road,and Mt.Vernon Road X) R-46 Bob Straub Parkway to Mountaingate Construct a new collector with a three-lane cross-section with 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway CD Drive _ sidewalks and bicycle facilities Z D R-47 Haul Road Construct a two-lane green street in the Haul Road right-of-way; 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway Z r,to UGB coordinate with PB-46 n m R-48 Mountaingate Drive/Main Street Install a new traffic signal $900,000 20-year projects:Opportunity projects Roadway Z R-49 79th Street-Main Street to Thurston Extend 79th Street with a two-lane cross-section with sidewalks and $8,200,000 20-year projects:As development occurs Roadway O Road bicycle facilities rn R-50 Gateway/Beltline Phase 2 Project As defined in the 2003 Revised Environmental Assessment including $12,000,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway A 1-+ Kruse/Hutton couplet,Gateway Road improvements W Page 5 of 8 Exhibit C, 6 of 17 Project ID Project Name Project Description Cost List Project Type R-51 Gateway Street/Harlow Road Construct traffic control improvements 2-948808 20-year projects:Priority projects Roadway V/A S-1 Phase 2 of Beltline/Gateway N/A Study projects Study projects improvements S-2 OR 126 Expressway Management Plan N/A Study projects Study projects S-3 Pioneer Parkway/Q Street/Laura Street N/A Study projects Study projects circulation study to improve Q Street/Laura Street/Ramp safety,access, and capacity S-4 Study a new crossing of OR 126 between N/A Study projects Study projects 5th and 15th Streets S-5 Centennial Boulevard-Prescott Lane to N/A Study projects Study projects Mill Street operational improvements study S-6 Pioneer Parkway/Centennial Boulevard N/A Study projects Study projects intersection study to improve pedestrian safety S-7 Centennial Boulevard-Mohawk N/A Study projects Study projects Boulevard to Pioneer Parkway operational improvements study S-8 Study safety and operational N/A Study projects Study projects improvements in Mohawk Boulevard/Olympic Street/ 18th Street/Centennial triangle S-9 Study a new bridge-Walnut Road/West N/A Study projects Study projects D Street to Glenwood Boulevard/Franklin Boulevard intersection S-10 Study Main Street/South A Street N/A Study projects Study projects improvements-Mill Street to 21st Street 5-11 Refinement study for Glenwood N/A Study projects Study projects industrial area 5-12 Pedestrian/bicycle bridge study between N/A Study projects Study projects Glenwood and Dorris Ranch 7J S-13 Access plan study on Main Street N/A Study projects Study projects 0 between 21st Street and 48th Street Z S-14 Study east-west connectivity between N/A Study projects Study projects D Z 28th Street and 32nd Street n S-15 Study a new crossing of OR 126 near N/A Study projects Study projects m z Thurston High School 0 S-16 Connectivity study south of OR 126 and N/A Study projects Study projects -P iJessica Street N w Exhibit C, 7 of 17 Project ID Project Name Project Description Cost List Project Type S-17 Study street connectivity and traffic Study projects c* calming improvements in 1-5/Harlow Rd/Laura St/Hwy 126 area that would retain motor vehicle diversion at the intersection of Don St and Lochaven Ave. T-1 Transit on Centennial Boulevard-1-5 to N/A Transit projects Transit projects Mohawk Boulevard T-2 Transit on Franklin Boulevard/Main N/A Transit projects Transit projects Street/South A Street to OR 126/Main Street(east-west) T-3 Transit on Franklin Boulevard and McVay N/A Transit projects Transit projects Highway to 30th Avenue(north-south) T-4 Transit on Mohawk Boulevard- N/A Transit projects Transit projects Centennial Boulevard to 19th Street/Marcola Road to 28th StreetOlympic Street to Mohawk Boulevard US-1 Game Farm Road South-Mallard Modify and expand Game Farm Road South with a cross-section to 448% 20-year projects:Priority projects Urban standards Avenue to Harlow Road include sidewalks and bicycle facilities $2,200,000 US-2 Laura Street-EWEB powerline corridor Change Laura Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and N/A Beyond 20 year projects Urban standards to Game Farm Road bicycle facilities US-3 Aspen Street-Centennial Boulevard to Change Aspen Street to a three lane two-lane cross-section with 2200000 20-year projects:Priority projects Urban standards West D Street sidewalks and bicycle facilities $2,200,000 US-4 21st Street-D Street to Main Street Modify 21st Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and $2,300,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Urban standards bicycle facilities US-5 28th Street-Centennial Boulevard to Change 28th Street to include sidewalks and bicycle facilities $4,300,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Urban standards Main Street US-6 South 28th Street-Main Street to South Modify South 28th Street to a three-lane cross-section with $6,000,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Urban standards F Street sidewalks and bicycle facilities US-7 South 28th Street-South F Street to Modify South 28th Street to a three-lane cross-section with N/A Beyond 20 year projects Urban standards UGB South M Street sidewalks and bicycle facilities _ US-8 35th Street-Olympic to Commercial Change South 35th Street to a three-lane cross-section with N{A ! .__ _ _ Urban standards Avenue sidewalks and bicycle facilities $3,600,000 20-year projects:Priority projects US-9 Commercial Avenue-35th to 42nd Modify Commercial Avenue to a three-lane cross-section with N/A Beyond 20 year projecto Urban standards Street sidewalks and bicycle facilities $4,500,000 20-year projects:Priority projects US-10 36th Street-Commercial Avenue to Change 36th Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and N,LA Beyond 20 year project: Urban standards 0 Main Street bicycle facilities $3,000,000 20-year projects:Priority projects US-11 Clearwater Lane-south of Jasper Road Modify and expand Clearwater Lane with a cross-section to include $470,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Urban standards Z within UGB sidewalks and bicycle facilities US-12 Jasper Road-South 42nd Street to Modify Jasper Road to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and N/A Beyond 20 year projects Urban standards Z northwest of Mt.Vernon Road bicycle facilities 0 US-13 Bob Straub Parkway-Mt.Vernon Road Change Bob Straub Parkway to a three-lane cross-section with N/A Beyond 20 year projects Urban standards A to UGB sidewalks and bicycle facilities Page 7 of 8 Exhibit C, 8 of 17 Project ID Project Name Project Description Cost List Project Type US-14 Thurston Road-Weaver Road to UGB Change Thurston Road to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks $4,800,000 20-year projects:Priority projects Urban standards and bicycle facilities US-15 Main Street east of 72nd Street to UGB Modify Main Street to a three-lane cross-section with sidewalks and N/A Beyond 20 year projects Urban standards bicycle facilities US-1to C Street ,grade to a two-lane urban facility.PB-55 is is 1848888 20-year projects:Priority pre Urban standards tewalk and bikeway. $600,000 US-17 G Street-48th Street to 52nd Street Upgrade to a two-lane urban facility.PB-55 is required to serve as 678080 20-year projects:Priority projects Urban standards sidewalk and bikeway. $370,000 US-18 52nd Street-OR 126E to G Street 'to ser, •c 430908 20-v i ity pm' Urban st $250,000 US-19 Oakdale Avenue-Pheasac '.oulev nd N/A Bev 20 year pr is Urh Game Farm Road 0 0 z z n m z O rn LA) Page 8 of 8 Exhibit C,9 of 17 Vicinity Map Lincoln Linn _ TSP 2020 Project Updatesl* � ,iy 1 ) 411. New project(s)added ' 1,; , —J Project scope altered "�' Lane Project(s)timeline shifted o= s i ii; 4 ( os Kla ..ia ,4 1,' ce.. i Legend r J �= Functional Classification J��zr ; `� Major Arterial �4;1r e ; Ss !'n� I t • • f\ L Minor Arterial HARLOW Rb -- . - • - `-,J -1 �e Major Collector r ` Y 1' .__', - ,f 1 Minor Collector i ELI; r { iI'� v- 1 , / \ r' E Local Road/Alley rt 1 Urban Growth Boundary r,,.:/_-_:rprrtea ,, :rir r, 1rr , oL Plc a 1 r „..._..., . -1k Water Body 1/4 YM lamalane Park& e daAt,.�; TEWNIAL e�r-t (1 •4_,t + ' •t 1 egm lcreation Property 1 1 J - u !- ?r. "` - % ; E'` ,,,..,sr. -- ;I'v.L.1!' `- City Limits - i _ o a aur at c,. sau _ z - <. . r Note:At new alignments are conceptual. 4 l++�e^tea - ` i--. k2 li �' r {-c EN Actual alignments will be determined during i IR i tk 7 "`""°'° . a— J -�' { r-Ht RNZt project development. L.. �. -am ST 5. 1- -_I ,i 1 C-- tl /`, ST • 1 • FILL' ,y , . �O f Wit.". y ".- I —,_,:,r-_—______-_-___'P b. ):I tea__ —;�,- ^ ' ..2- I / N r -,�� F-77-- -----.-- ---, �y .,r--_;----- 1 r c --. (101 �� J - ) , i i; f]' t �, -- • -. r,.:.' j r _�j 0 0.25 0.5 1 i "-,--I �, 1 I •�-r,�I 1 1 i,,j , 1 1 I 1 i S, P r`I Miles ad„ .. 0 I co JI I f� SPRINGFIELD 2 Jan o — Alb :a • 2020 v q�. .wL 'is �„ _ oaaaow m ,� FIGURE 2 v. z - Functional Classification Q r Springfield TSP Springfield,Oregon IP I'-' w Exhibit C,10 of 17 Vanity Map Linn irr ' i TSP 2020 Project Updates Ie,,,,, Iht rlAPINIII#WIF ' • New project(s)added r %s.ti_ ) Project scope altered a Project(s)timeline shifted D, •_s OS Kia•at or Legend 0 PB-2 - _ * Roadway Project J.......r .. 'AYDEN BRIDGE RD , ,_:' Roadway Project NInc r. 5 AR-• RD L. "'� , •✓ VO NDA AVE~ ik ) Roadway Project _z_.--- ' >/ v —Urban Standards Project P� 1-i ' i , ;ti —Pedestrian/Bike Off-Street Path Project 1,. g MaR, e ! ' — Arterial /� r w jj • — Collector ,.7""'r--FAIRVIEW DRQ ""+ �l � ;/' �� ® , -6, . . a ` .= UrbanGrowthBoundary • - O NTENNIAL BLV• `O ,x /, �r GH BAN ` 1..".i•a �` • Water Body ...NINIP a \: ✓ x 1'!: . RS RD t i-� �� : ® s,rJ` I.. COMM �' U �R RSTON P –� ,y•, ..^ 7. N NP Os-t4 Willamalane Park& Dsr 11� € v z PB is: € Recreation Property ` ' I•PRIMI $ 'Gc �� ,� " CKENZIEN City Limits .t1:.1::0' ; .y.r. �i�� MAIN STay. M v �� -. �' (--• '�� © t ' Note:All new alignments are conceptual. % a m VIRGINIA AVE DAI�/ST 'S Op Actual aFgnments will be determined during y PG-29 € j 6^F I project development. • 0. p Project Modified , , r/ N "a - ... r ' I �� a ' r TVERNO B. iI '_5 D. ,�J 0 0.25 0.5 1 w ` v . m I I I I � /- '4 .. / Miles v ...:01 - �� - .`�,, !+o 0iw^Teo-bout 0 —• i Ja $� h 1_w \ \ . t SPRINGf1EW $a 20 N IF DORIGiON �'�fprm�os Z j' �r� FIGURE 4 m, `� �^ 20-Year Improvement Projects: z / Priority Projects Springfield TSP Springfield,Oregon N w Exhibit C,11 of 17 'tinny Map ^,./) Lincoln. (allIllh Linn l,,f,' 17 TSP 2020 Project Updates lw.. viii! ''` 1 . O New project(s)added 7 `. 1 Project scoealtered ` Lane „..„....Asi a Project(s)timeline shifted o.• •-s � os Kla,at. Legend ® ' * Roadway Project .. ,�–� HAVD:NBRIDGE RD .— —Roadway Project PB-3 11111\ 5 ■ ...• '✓ PO NDA AVE PB J `rjl * Pedestrian/Bike Project AR.•W RD BB-8'� F _*P60 �1. / v e9 M t✓/ —Pedestrian/Bike Project E PB 9 P13,-,2.....,...,B., w "',,,/""‘-•,_____—) '� – – Pedestrian/Bike-Alternative Project /A ,,,, 5 x MARco�ARD t — Arterial knriglir IJ► PB to a • T r.` _ FAIRVIEW DR l ". .... ^# Collector t VP% PB-zz ~ 1 0 4 HIGH SAN s p t �.. "s` 1 – Urban Growth Boundary _ . G wt a wdy T D PB 4; Il. �`. W auralWater n STON 0. z - GSTPE-54 '7,-- •m P848` ~'� >4 lama ane Park& yl w a n fv o 4' € Recreation Property °' m K. 11 City Limits Nlim lWAM P6-33 MAIN ST < PR•39 PH 41 MGKE t Extent '--� PB•34 PB , P8-40 Q ' PB-42 ' q Note:All new alignments are conceptual. J ;.,.,. WRGINI•_VE DAISY PB-43 OR 1 Actual alignments will be determined during `f" .., a 'Va IsIs a rtr, I project P ro'ect develo ment. m a 0_,: .,..12_,w -,\" h c ., i 3 Pso . N I y ,, �•� r• ` N i �^�� MT VERNO R-'B_4i Protect Extent �• Modified — I ��� � m r--•�J 0 0.25 0.5 1 "� I I• I I -� 7 is / Miles 9 i n Tech0 Ili luiimp• P Jan t2 70 >,�i At:' y i t , SPRINGFIELD 20 CD r N J `> a'a ���y9 D ORISON C/oyp��ot.S Z ai FIGURE 5 m , ♦� 20-Year Improvement Projects: z1 Opportunity Projects O \.. Springfield TSP cn Springfield,Oregon N w Exhibit C,12 of 17 /1411.Vicinity Mop et/ j L�n. Linn _ j ]T4i TSP 2020 Project Updates � �4 ® New project(s)added '- w Project scope altered J Lane °8' ,-`. co Project(s)timeline shifted D. s ' �' Kla• . r} t Project Ext +GOO. ilk® ',N"' Jam'z''M_ Mod: „, y 1Or Legend a ' 4111 'Project Ext -- r� 4--+ Conceptual Roadway Project did.! '—.,I HAYD NBRDOE RD Conceptual Pedestrian/Bike 5 ♦ N� rci VO4ANDA AVE a\ _ J ' Off-Street Path Project NAR OW RD I_;". N-7,,---#-- ��, /' �� ,, y Conceptual Pedestrian/Bike PE ° ' E �� r ,/ ® Off-Street Path Project R x J MARCOLA RD•� # / Niel; S �'./ `' — Arterial T 1,41.--„.....a.. __. ! \ — Collector FAIRVIEW DR' LRis� `� ` ' � • _ Urban Growth Boundary i 1 + a \ CENTENNIAL BLVD ""RU Y f� i A dr _, HIOH BANKS RO 1 J "....j r.. 'f-��'1 - Water Body Pr CoMME °q -,.RSTONax Willamalane Park& .-®. j v NP N Recreation Property 0 `� ¢ WDST € '4L� a yx, ~ r ,���� F x City Limits EN Tx* *., 41Mta�� MAIN ST v s.,. u CCKEN ' �- "`�� > Note:All new alignments are conceptual. 2s' --,- nt F . I- Actual development. nts MI be determined during ,id 7p PS p ,,,, A E n! I I DAISY ST 1. c. x project development. ;o �� 3O . k ! m a N MT VERNON � a I r�1r'�7.e.r Project Extent Modified , r i 1 _ Project Extent J 0 0.25 0.5 1 ` m Modified r I I I I 9goR1, I� Miles ry Project Extent n Tech r f an 70 I S NG�IELE 20 Q \j' ��� � msµ,Project Extent i z --`. ....0 $ 20 v Modified 1 b I:t , ``> 11111F2104eRa7ER:m6"p a'O4 �`h Z \n Ix Q= ¢ \ \ ��/ e�"Mormotlof�Sz y ^�Ln11 `\ rovement Projects: z As Development Occurs O Springfield TSP rn Springfield,Oregon w Exhibit,C,13 of 17 Ucinity Ma j Lincoln lllik Linn ill arallillem Ail ifir TSP 2020 Project Updatesmighk_iPri j4a_: ' ` • New project(s)added Project scope altered ilWr �' .-'--- (a Project(s)timeline shifted ( o> . .s tos K IIVP Legend I ' Roadway Project -. AVDEN BRIDGE RD Roadway Project US-20 ♦� ✓ VO ANDAAVE � A- • RD , —Urban Standards Project q y /' —Pedestrian/Bike Off-Street Path Project "� `'t 1� �! — Arterial !al m MARCOLA RDf ' `-'- -1 — Collector I.Ia . T . ;.�' FAIRVIEW DR L—I'„� -- - __ I -T - _ Urban Growth Boundary Ill irl" y : . , ,r, +..i 1 -___„,,,,/'---‘-- tit,,,,..__„,„ � ` No Water Body a ",, x),',> HIGH BAN SNO 1. II 6..rt -..,,:-.-/ ;�J-� _- Willamalane Park& w " wf.IN R p a n ,'®. �'m COMM STON N I ._ Recreation Pro e N — r,, - „ City Limits a wDST, M����� 1111117‘1L1 IIIHIMEM z y~ ' x 14 �� �� M MAIN ST is�, Note:All new alignments are conceptual. ----.. .1�....z A,�S' 1 Actual a5gnments will be determined during a- , � _�- �, r � 1 project development. �• .. ` Vi VIRGINIAAVE DAISY S 1 '. 'LO i, Project Extent A m 1 a � ? .., jfied r�J� rn � � N 1111. :,,, ''fieri nt_... Us-t 2 +r w, 'y.� ;, ' U419 F r"��+ TVERNO D '� 1 .h�+"ti 0 0.25 0.5 1 I.\ - p——rJ I I I I '� 9N ° / Miles 0.cigion 7,6%4i, ig -- dirt .42 O I SPRINGEIELD 0 �' y- +"J J a 2020 D , ,� 11:11111LBF7311.?jc‘eEum2470:-nYteparro 45���o motor Sz �,Jm N'a ♦zkjects O Springfield TSP Springfield,Oregon cn I--, W Exhibit C,14 of 17 Vicinity Map „��� Lincoln' lik Linn lik 1119:, thiwr TSP 2020 Project Updates i '- m._ e New project(s)added ;Marl"' ```~-_ �f�, /' Project scope altered 1•.4111L ~J Co Project(s)timelineshifted t plfPT os KI- ' Legend - _ * 1 illP u Study Projects NAVD N BRIDGE RD int ) Phe it 5 I �� VO ANDA AVE m • l\ -' —Transit Project N' -- �� — , r .,�"' — Arterial 5.1y _ ~ a MARC LA RD r -_� 1 \__.',' -1 — Collector 1.. 5 °' GST ..._ —._ ' ,- +° Urban Growth Boundary �.^'""" FAIRVIEW DR S 1111 \_ ._, _ Project Extent __. .$ ,3:44 '4 •V P C T ♦ i�- ♦` t' 1 Modified - �� Water Body * T t 1 a J ( Willamalane Park& � KSRp t `� �_J' Recreation Property �4 _ p-, MME F- ST N ^� City Limits iIi-- - / p h - EN t Note All new alignments are conceptual. 5-,15 a MCO Actual alignments will be determined during m M f z sT aI.s Q project development. J r.A. N VIRGINIA AVE DAISY SSv.... u) P r.II J\ w m = ^. rn 3 CO w N ,y I I.—1. —r i�d ut II ^1••�0 MTVERNO R, 'I •.. ,i I I.- 0 0.25 0.5 1 7. • A ‘4,1, a ♦ Miles � / 1, .. i t X0.4. so , Fptwn Teen o� ,, v. Jan g 02 , , SPRINGFIELD $a O 0 N D /e�eo Z J' 11111LION c--) �� FIGURE 8 Z Transit and Study Projects Springfield TSP 0 \ al Springfield,Oregon 0. i-- c.,1/4) N Exhibit C,15 of 17 Vidnity Map Lin n. .��1�'� Linn � . ^✓"* te ir liw TSP 2020 Project Updates ' 1 ir .514 .1 • Neuv project(s)added %�� " Project scope altered111111046. / Ca. Project(s)timeline shifted o, gi..s os Ki- at, 1, 1 Legend may _ ,• .,,%, 1 "" ' +r _ fi * Roadway Project a' �t 761Z...7.7.Ro `,'' —Roadway Project Us so a �>• ... I s ,' ♦ ✓ - vo NDAAVE-�'_ - 4-►Conceptual Roadway Project :. HARLOW RD a, 4 -i r / v Roadway Project F. tk r 5 ~ IARc.a o , \� —Urban Standards Project !.- 46 ' y — Arterial 11°)"."- ►_ � GST . Q •'u ... M. r,--- FAIRVIEW DR's—,".1 , " ;s— �` Collector M• fled \ , ' Urban Growth Boundary 't .,, WM ■ 1 • , . ,, _ x j J 'sem ��GH BANKS RD Z J •\' 1l� r_/ c. .= Water Body F �® GST 1,r: G• ME J q.,, s•,7 _ .RS70N P• .. Willamailane Park Y8: YN D ST �� ;€ v� ecr1e_Mi N�,a,= i r City Limits P os- ro eke �r---_ v� MAIN ST © MCKEN25 t5 [ Note:All new aN nments are conce tual. .W ,. 9 P tr., I<-I, 3: - Actual alignments will be determined during «wj'tR I ur §5; ,% % • I project development. �Yj ;+ H VIRGINIA AVE *`+ DAISY ST '" ¢• , ■ I, ...4,....,-,,,ted,,';''... ---�. n K r m m S F ti a N V N N • ex r—a ,7, ' . Project Extent o �....� , 3 I, N Nfe I -» .Modified y ,n qj r I US-12 �v Y 1 US-1e 1 �.� , , MT VER • R 1 w.-,.. / �t:,: 0 0.25 0.5 1 • �.n. • ��•--" I I I I ,„;0, 1 � 9 v Miles .r/i. 1, A. , i ` ....- Project Extent �pn Tech ` "l+` ,11• R 1� Modified .AYxt'p ooi$ Jan `Y spa= E R-15 O ; q `f' ate.. r� - L. $x5202p zD `� �\ I � I GREOON 711111110 .04. 46,,,„%ke- z ___44, ��i FIGURE 10 m `Y i Recommended Roadway z Network Springfield TSP ol Springfield,Oregon l.- u...) Exhibit C,16 of 17 Vicinity Map ^✓✓ Linc 1 u Ilik Linn j ilk- 1.4 �._ TSP 2020 Project Updates j jt. r 1 • New project(s)added '�"� I ksibibir ' 4 - Project scope altered ii C RBL�� �.� a Project(s)timeline shifted ( It `' os Kia at, or e /,: Legend �pje tER • - `! + Pedestrian/Bike Project PB-,„. 1 Modifi. J'.-1r . V ��� "4 NAVD:N BRIDGE RD ink !' — Pedestrian/Bike Project 5 ♦� ✓� VO ANDAAVE y e Q� `' —— Pedestrian/Bike-Alternative Project A- ON RD PB z„'a H r, -- Project t �* <� Pedestrian/Bike-off-Street Path Project E PB 9 PB 0 i r Conceptual Pedestrian/Bike- PBa I- ps Pe 9 Pe ? r ,�'' s ÷+ Off-Street Path Project ,, .c a = MARC LARD _�.■�� / �t Conceptual Pedestrian/Bike '- FAIRVIEW •RE"^N►"`f ” 0 ' � ®off-Street Path Project lit • F _` x + `_ --••• Arterial 1 IALe VD ill l a w N E pBz2 r ---:,,,„/, NIGH BAN SRD Z J L'. "s'' l ,.._l,".1�`\ — Collector z m - . `_"�APINE •OMME-ry-�.«.,,,,, PB-55 THURSTONP�PB ' Fg,E., .—/ P._ Urban Growth Boundary w { H l'') I��'� ""6 v N Water Bod a 7Nitr,.WD37 �, aNI��- € LF ry Lii Prgect Extent y . c { ��� PB 3,M Modified '$ ,n mcota i A Willamal dne Park& �Jf� MAIN 57 :7":3S>111...111111111111111110":''''''''' °5S-�-, --.rte Recreation Property,S� -- �� ,pPP 1 6-s5 PB-39 P6�41 ® PB-42PB.ze Ci LimitsP VIRGINIA AVE __..- PB_.GDAI-Y Pas ;gip �m �: )11 wn m^ �� re.�a "d Note:All new alignments are conceptual. ,. •-'41rP oject Extent r—JHfpe-56 + k3n PBSc� Actual alignments will be determined during m m V p� Modified , ' project development. ITI .1 ��. � MT VERN R. 10.1111 ''''' :Ur II ' _r J ,�A _ 9,' �s 0 0.25 0.5 1 4•6°.v"�� / F� I I I I Pa Miles +r I�' -^..rr� N g iron Teµ, O • �'�... / •,...af l 7!7 �� • !b SPRINGFIELD Jan g o F 202 Z D e BISON Qle, O ^x: z �J FIGURE 11 °�n�� m N,s a Recommended Pedestrian z , and Bicycle Network O Springfield TSP Springfield,Oregon W Exhibit C,17 of 17 Vicinity Map Lincoln {r / ^✓}� 11,1k Linn \ WiliTra ." ( \ W <' ti t � f DV! 111 li Qp.... ios Kla -t /C, • /� Legend . w-- ,_ J+ ' a ..-_ ,-ir...-_. p - -. , j i l,'` EXISTING PLANNED .:.,,t- 010 ----___ .. Y Major/Minor Arterial __ ..... ..0VOL ANDA AVE y r' -. Ma or/Minor Collector r HARLOW RD t f Vb., �rI -,.. ( Multi-use Stret - Q / u i use Path ` ' I MAReOLA RD ✓! / r_' Th 1 \ , PST ©_ a I - 6� Pedestrian/Bike FAIRwEw DR �, r V� Off-street Path Project ,,'. k ....: OLYMPIC ST ♦�., w- ". r I S ' w N,°ENNIALBLVD f n - CE TENNIALBLD H "'"�' A �� + HG BANK RD L J� 1�•� 1 f�l Urban Growth Boundary(2015) W CE y F r 1 ` _ I H v r £ THURSTON KD "�� l _ 2 z ice ti� GST x -it,-m-CDMMER''4?? C .... . _� x Water Body 17, . I -W D sr E sr l '� ��"OF y<, rNEI Willamalane Park& y M I - A ST B ST ,,°' lr� 'N, •�' Recreation Property t ml MAIN ST { ._' City ..��1.. K Limits 1 ®?) m VIRGINIA AVE • ISV ST /W( , ',t . � N i• .) NA rn C SOD ,^f......- • ` `MT VERNON RD f . �. "� j«~~�+ o r.... 0 0.25 0.5 1 "- ► � Miles Teo,n �. ��4 • $ 202 0 "� y` !� T_-. �r y_. -'`'!. SFNINGFIELE 0 Z Vit) �• OI.'0r,.,,,Aws J, OREGON rn ♦ FIGURE 12 z _r Conceptual Street Map O Springfield TSP 'I ` i I Springfield,Oregon IP I- w Exhibit D, 1 of 23 The following pages contain updated and additional cost estimates for TSP projects that are amended or added as part of the TSP Implementation Project. Cost estimates were based on 2013 dollars for consistency with the existing cost estimates that informed the initial adoption of the Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan in 2014. ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 2 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: PB-28-South 2nd Street to South B Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Madeline Klein 10/25/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage, Lighting, LENGTH(MILE): SHEET: 0.4 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. 0.4 $217,900.00 $87,160 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 Interconnect Signal LS $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 1,247 $7.50 $9,353 11 New Signs EA 2 $500.00 $1,000 12 Thermoplastic Striping(Crosswalk) SF 640 $10.00 $6,400 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.09 $235,000.00 $21,150 14 Illumination Mi. 0.4 $260,000.00 $104,000 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $229,063 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $5,726.56 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $18,325.00 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $22,906.25 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $4,581.25 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $91,625.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST $372,227 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 17.50% $65,139.65 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $111,668 Construction Engineering 15.00% $55,834 TOTAL PROJECT COST $604,868 Assumptions: Project extends from Booth Kelley Path Trailhead to connection with South 2nd St. .40 miles multiuse path(12'path with 2-2'buffers) Add two stop signs at the S.5th and S. B st. Add a cross walk(64'by 10') ROW required .09 Landscaping ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 3 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: PB-31 -Moe Mountain Path- River Heights Drive to Marcola Road PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 11/5/2018 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage, Lighting, LENGTH(MILE): SHEET: 0.4 1of1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. 0.35 $217,900.00 $76,265 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 Interconnect Signal LS $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 700 $30.00 $21,000 11 New Signs EA 6 500 $3,000 12 Thermoplastic Striping(Crosswalk) SF $10.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.09 $235,000.00 $21,150 14 Illumination Mi. 0.35 $260,000.00 $91,000 15 Bridges SF 800 $250.00 $200,000 SUBTOTAL $412,415 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $10,310.38 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $32,993.20 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $41,241.50 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $8,248.30 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $164,966.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $670,174 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 10.00% $67,017 Easements&ROW Acquisition 20.00% $134,034.88 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $201,052 Construction Engineering 15.00% $100,526 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,172,805 Assumptions: Project extends from the beginning of River Heights Drive at V street to Marcola Road .35 miles multiuse path(12'path with 2-2'buffers) Add wayfinding and path signs at the V New Bridge across slough L 50',W 16'(12'path,2-2'rails) Earthwork includes cutting on a 2H:1V Additional Row required from railroad to make connection to marcola ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit D, 4 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: PB-42-Main Street/66th Street to 67th Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Final construction Michael Liebler 12/6/2019 KIND OF WORK: Signal LENGTH(MILE); SHEET: NA 1 oft NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Mid-Block Crossing 4-L EA 1 $269,498.00 $269,498 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY $7.50 $0 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $269,498 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 0.00% $0.00 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 0.00% $0.00 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 0.00% $0.00 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 0.00% $0.00 Contingency 30-40% 0.00% $0.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2017 Construction Year 2019 SUBTOTAL $269,498 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 10.00% $26,949.80 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 0.00% $0 Construction Engineering 0.00% $0 TOTAL PROJECT COST $296,448 Assumptions: Cost Estimate reflects actual bid and anticipated overall construction cost for P21142 Additional costs incurred for screening fencing and some easements associated with siting signal hardware and ADA facilities ORDINANCE NO. 6413 a Exhibit D, 5 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: PB-53-66th Street- Thurston Road to Main Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 11/5/2018 KIND OF WORK: Roadway LENGTH(MILE); SHEET: 0.54 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Concrete Lane-Mi. $595,700.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Concrete Sidewalk SF $5.00 $0 7 Restriping Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.54 $8,700.00 $4,698 8 Permanent Pavement Marking EA 20 $250.00 $5,000 9 New Signs EA $500.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY $7.50 $0 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $9,698 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $242.45 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $775.84 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $969.80 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $193.96 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $3,879.20 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $15,759 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $4,728 Construction Engineering 15.00% $2,364, TOTAL PROJECT COST $22,851 Assumptions: Improvements are for striping and pavement marking 66th Street addition of bike lanes Markinos will be at 1/250' ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 6 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: PB-54-G Street-5th Street to 28 Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Madeline Klein 10/25/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway LENGTH(MILE): SHEET: 1.63 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Concrete Lane-Mi. $595,700.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Concrete Sidewalk SF $5.00 $0 7 Restriping Roadway Lane-Mi. 1.63 $8,700.00 $14,181 8 Permanent Pavement Marking EA 34 $250.00 $8,500 9 New Signs EA 17 $500.00 $8,500 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY $7.50 $0 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $31,181 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $779.53 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $2,494.48 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% . $3,118.10 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $623.62 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $12,472.40 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $50,669 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $15,201 Construction Engineering 15.00% $7,600 TOTAL PROJECT COST $73,470 Assumptions: Improvements are for signing,striping and pavement marking G Street will be restriped with bike lanes,signed and marked for bike route Signs will be at 1/500' Markings will be at 1/250' ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit D, 7 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: PB-55-48th/G/52nd-High Banks Road to Aster Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Madeline Klein 10/25/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway, Earthwork, LENGTH(MILE): SHEET: Landscaping 1.11 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. 1.11 $217,900.00 $241,869 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 Interconnect Signal LS $35,000.00 $0 • 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 3,440 $7.50 $25,800 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 1.11 $260,000.00 $288,600 13 Landscaping Mi. $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $556,269 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $13,906.73 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $44,501.52 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $55,626.90 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $11,125.38 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $222,507.60 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $903,937 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 25.00% $225,984.28 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $271,181 Construction Engineering 15.00% $135,591 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,536,693 Assumptions Path assumed along the right side of the road from Main St.to High Banks Road ROW.25 of total project along one side needed. Assume 1'average depth earthwork over new work areas length of improvements is 1.11 miles Illumination is assumed not included ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 8 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: R-27-Yolanda Avenue to 35th Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Madeline Klein 10/25/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage, Lighting, LENGTH(MILE): SHEET: Landscaping 0.32 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.32 $935,700.00 $299,424 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Concrete Lane-Mi. 0.48 $595,700.00 $285,936 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.15 $438,900.00 $65,835 6 Concrete Sidewalk SF $5.00 $0 7 Restriping Roadway Lane-Mi. 2 $8,700.00 $17,400 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 3,900 $7.50 $29,250 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.32 $260,000.00 $83,200 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.19 $235,000.00 $44,650 14 Bridges SF 11400 $250.00 $2,850,000 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $3,675,695 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $91,892.38 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $294,055.60 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $367,569.50 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $73,513.90 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $1,470,278.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $5,973,004 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 10.00% $597,300 Easements&ROW Acquisition 10.00% $597,300 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $1,791,901 Construction Engineering 15.00% $895,951 TOTAL PROJECT COST $9,855,457 Assumptions: Urban collector;3-L with bike lanes(3-12'lanes,2-6'bike,2-6'sidewalk)(including curbs and drainage) From end of Yolanda across the field south to the intersection of Yolanda between 33rd St and 34th St. 2-L with bike lanes on existing Yolanda roadway from 34th to 35th St. 60 ft ROW for improvements.Minor ROW impacts assumed. Roadway through wetalnd assumed on a bridge.L-220',W-52'Assumes 2-lanes on the bridge structure Length of the new roadway is about 900 LF not including the bridge.Lighting included for improvements Landscaping needed for constructing new roadway. Earthwork assumed at 1'total depth(cut/fill)for length.Grade is flat Roadway surfacing is assumed concrete for wetland area.Actual surfacing will be determined by LCCA per City Policy Sensitive area impacts are assumed.Mitigation included at 10%due to high value wetland. ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 9 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: R-39-Extend South 48th Street to Daisy Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 11/6/2018 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork, Drainage, Lighting LENGTH(MILE); SHEET: 0.21mi 1of1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY _ UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.42 $935,700.00 $392,994 2 Multi-use Path Mi. 0.21 $217,900.00 $45,759 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 1.26 $412,500.00 $519,750 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA 1 $300,000.00 $300,000 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 2,750 $7.50 $20,625 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.21 $260,000.00 $54,600 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.21 $235,000.00 $49,350 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0, SUBTOTAL $1,383,078 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $34,576.95 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $110,646.24 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $138,307.80 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $27,661.56 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $553,231.20 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $2,247,502 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 15.00% $337,125 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $674,251 Construction Engineering 15.00% $337,125 TOTAL PROJECT COST $3,596,003 Assumptions: Improvement are 2-L collector street(2-12'lane, 12'Mulit-use path)L-1109', .21 mi Grade is relativly flat. Assumes 1.5'average depth of earthwork over new work areas. ROW already purchased as part of the willamalane and COS Weyerhauser Haul Road IGA No walls or bridges assumed Landscaping and illumination included 1-lane roundabout in residential zoning ORDINANCE NO. 6413 1 Exhibit D, 10 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: R-42-Holly Street; South 48th Street to South 57th Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 11/6/2018 KIND OF WORK: LENGTH(MILE); SHEET: Roadway, Earthwork,Drainage,Lighting 0.70 mi 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.7 $935,700.00 $654,990 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 2.1 $412,500.00 $866,250 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 11,500 $7.50 $86,250 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.7 $260,000.00 $182,000 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.7 $235,000.00 $164,500 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 L $0 SUBTOTAL $1,953,990 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $48,849.75 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $156,319.20 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $195,399.00 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $39,079.80 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $781,596.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $3,175,234 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 5.00% $158,762 Easements&ROW Acquisition 15.00% $476,285.06 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $952,570 Construction Engineering 15.00% $476,285 TOTAL PROJECT COST $5,239,136 Assumptions: Improvement are 2-L local street(2-12'lane,2-6'bike,2-5'setback sidewalks)L-3696.00.70mi Grade is relativly flat. Assumes 1.5'average depth of earthwork over new work areas. Majority of ROW assumed to be dedicated at time of development. One single family home property at S 57th street may need to be acquired for connection. No walls or bridges assumed Landscaping and illumination included ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 11 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: R-44-Daisy Street crossing of Bob Straub Parkway PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 9/13/2019 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage, Lighting, LENGTH(MILE): SHEET: Signals,Landscaping 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 2-L Roundabout EA 1 $852,400.00 $852,400 7 Interconnect Signal LS $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Removal EA $25,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 1,950 $7.50 $14,625 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $867,025 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $21,675.63 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $69,362.00 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $86,702.50 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $17,340.50 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $346,810.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $1,408,916 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 25.00% $352,228.91 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $422,675 Construction Engineering 15.00% $211,337 TOTAL PROJECT COST $2,395,157 Assumptions Project is for intersection improvements at Daisy Street and Bob Straub to construct a 2-L roundabout Grade at the intersection is flat.1'average depth earthwork is included for new work areas No bridges or walls Illumination and landscaping are included in the per unit cost for the roundabout Improvements are for the intersection only and do not include approaches more than 150'from the intersection ROW impacts are included Roundabout designed for instead of signal because signal may not be warranted. ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 12 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: R-46-Bob Straub Parkway to Mountaingate Drive and Future Local PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Madeline Klein 10/25/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway, Earthwork,Drainage,Lighting, LENGTH(MILE): SHEET: Landscaping 0.44 mi 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.44 $935,700.00 $411,708 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 1.5 $412,500.00 $618,750 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 17,070 $7.50 $128,025 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.44 $260,000.00 $114,400 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.44 $235,000.00 $103,400 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $1,376,283 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $34,407.08 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $110,102.64 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $137,628.30 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $27,525.66 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $550,513.20 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $2,236,460 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 - $0 Environmental Mitigation 7.50% $167,734 Easements&ROW Acquisition 37.50% $838,672.45 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $670,938 Construction Engineering 15.00% $335,469 TOTAL PROJECT COST $4,249,274 Assumptions: Earthwork is assumed at 1'average depth over the imporvements area Urban collector;3-L with bike lanes(3-12'lanes,2-6'bike,2-6'sidewalk)(including curbs and drainage) 60'ROW needed for 1221 LF of the project. 20'ROW needed for 660 LF of the project.Serviceable roadway exist. Roadway surfacing assumed asphalt to match existing Lighting included for improvements Landscaping needed for constructing new roadway. Intersection improvements at crossing of W-E and S-N would be a roundabout.No walls or bridges are assumed No impacts to sensitive areas or railroad crossings No structure impact assumed ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 13 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: R-47-Haul Road -Quartz Ave to UGB PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 11/6/2018 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage, Lighting LENGTH(MILE); SHEET: 1.40 mi 1 of 2 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 4.19 $412,500.00 $1,728,375 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 21,800 $7.50 $163,500 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. 1.4 $235,000.00 $329,000 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF 4425 $75.00 $331,875 SUBTOTAL $2,552,750 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $63,818.75 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $204,220.00 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $255,275.00 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $51,055.00 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $1,021,100.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $4,148,219 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 5.00% $207,411 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering, Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $1,244,466 Construction Engineering 15.00% $622,233 TOTAL PROJECT COST $6,222,328 Assumptions:Next Page ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 14 of 23 Assumptions: Project Limits are on the existing Haul Road thruough the Jasper Narton area from Quartz Avenue south to the UGB line,assumed wallace creek road Project removes the existing paved surface(which has failed)and constructs a green street section. The section assumes asphaul surfacing and shoulders,no curb or enclosed drainage and parallel swales for drainage. Sidewalks are not included as a parallel multiuse path is assumed by project PB-46 The roadway width is assumed at 36'(2-12'lanes,2-6;shoulders) Landscaping is included Illumination is excluded Assume the proposed improvements match the existing roadway grades limiting cut and fill. Assume 1'total depth for earthwork over the roadway surfacing area. Additional excavation is assumed for the swales at 2'depth and 6'width The existing roadway is approxametly 24'wide. 12'slope earthwork for one side. Existing geometry assumed to remain. No improvements to curvature or grade assumed. Existing ROW is 100'wide. No new ROW anticipated No Bridges Assume 20%of the length,one side to have 3'average height retaining walls Assume impacts to sensitive areas. ORDINANCE NO.6413 Exhibit D, 15 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: R-52-Main Street/48th Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Madeline Klein 10/25/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway, Earthwork, Drainage,Lighting, LENGTH(MILE): SHEET: Signals,Landscaping 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $89,400.00 $0 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 2-L Roundabout EA 1 $852,400.00 $852,400 7 Interconnect Signal LS $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Removal EA $25,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 1,950 $7.50 $14,625 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $867,025 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $21,675.63 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $69,362.00 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $86,702.50 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $17,340.50 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $346,810.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $1,408,916 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 25.00% $352,228.91 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $422,675 Construction Engineering 15.00% $211,337 TOTAL PROJECT COST $2,395,157 Assumptions Project is for intersection improvements at Main Street and 48th Street to construct a 2-L roundabout Grade at the intersection is flat. 1'average depth earthwork is included for new work areas No bridges or walls Illumination and landscaping are included in the per unit cost for the roundabout Improvements are for the intersection only and do not include approaches more than 150'from the intersection ROW impacts are included Roundabout designed for instead of signal because signal may not be warranted. ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 16 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: US-1 -Game Farm Road South - Mallard Avenue to Harlow Road PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Sophie McGinley 11/1/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway, Earthwork, Drainage, Lighting LENGTH(MILE) SHEET: 0.48 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.41 $935,700.00 $383,637 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $173,700.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 0.46 $412,500.00 $189,750 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 1.14 $89,400.00 $101,916 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 2,410 $7.50 $18,075 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.48 $260,000.00 $124,800 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.48 $235,000.00 $112,800 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $930,978 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $23,274.45 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% . $74,478.24 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $93,097.80 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $18,619.56 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $372,391.20 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 0 SUBTOTAL $1,512,839 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $453,852 Construction Engineering 15.00% $226,926 TOTAL PROJECT COST $2,193,617 Assumptions Urban collector cross section;2-12'lanes,2-6'bike,2-6'sidewalk(curb and drainage included)Length of improvements is measured 2,545 LF from Mallard Avenue to Harlow Road Existing ROW is 50 ft, Proposed ROW is 56'Signals and bridges are not included No impacts to sensitive areas or railroad crossings 36 ft wide road exists for 730 ft north of Harlow Road and 25ft wide road exists north to Mallard Ave for 1815 ft which is in serviceable condition Landscaping and Illumination included No structures assumed to be impacted ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 17 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: US-3-Aspen Street from Blvd Centennial West D Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Sophie McGinley 11/1/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage,Lighting, LENGTH(MILE) SHEET: Landscaping 0.45 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.45 $935,700.00 $421,065 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $173,700.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 0.45 $412,500.00 $185,625 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.9 $89,400.00 $83,142 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY $7.50 $0 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.45 $260,000.00 $117,000 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.45 $235,000.00 $105,750 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $912,582 _ ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $22,814.55 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $73,006.56 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $91,258.20 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $18,251.64 _Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $365,032.80 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 0 SUBTOTAL $1,482,946 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering, Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $444,884 Construction Engineering 15.00% $222,442 TOTAL PROJECT COST $2,150,271 Assumptions Urban collector cross section;2-12'lanes,2-6'bike,2-6'sidewalk(Curb and drainage included)Length of improvements measured at 2350 LF Existing ROW is 60 ft.No additional ROW needed Signals and bridges are not included Lighting and Landscaping included for improvements.No impacts to sensitive areas or railroad crossings. Serviceable roadway exits however it needs overlay ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 18 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: US-8-35th Street- Ovimpic Street to Commercial Avenue PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 11/6/2018 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage, Lighting LENGTH(MILE); SHEET: 0.45 mi 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.45 $935,700.00 $421,065 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 1.05 $412,500.00 $433,125 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.75 $89,400.00 $67,050 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA 1 $76,500.00 $76,500 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 4,244 $7.50 $31,830 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.45 $260,000.00 $117,000 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.45 $235,000.00 $105,750 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $1,252,320 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $31,308.00 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $100,185.60 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $125,232.00 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $25,046.40 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $500,928.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $2,035,020 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 1 $600,000.00 $600,000 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $610,506 Construction Engineering 15.00% $305,253 TOTAL PROJECT COST $3,550,779 Assumptions: Improvement are 3-L urban collector street(3-12'lane,2-6'bike,2-5'setback sidewalks)L-2376.00.45mi Existing ROW is 80 feet 20 foot wide asphault road exists Signals and bridges are not included Proiect includes one rail crossing Roadway surface assumed to match existing asphault Earthwork assumed to be 1'of depth for only new roadway area and setback sidewalk ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 19 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: US-9-Commercial Avenue- 35th to 42nd Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 11/6/2018 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork, Drainage, Lighting LENGTH(MILE); SHEET: 0.79 mi 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.7 $935,700.00 $654,990 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 1.63 $412,500.00 $672,375 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 1.17 $89,400.00 $104,598 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA 1 $76,500.00 $76,500 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 6,570 $7.50 $49,275 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.7 $260,000.00 $182,000 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.7 $235,000.00 $164,500 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $1,904,238 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $47,605.95 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $152,339.04 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $190,423.80 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $38,084.76 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $761,695.20 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $3,094,387 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $928,316 Construction Engineering 15.00% $464,158 TOTAL PROJECT COST $4,486,861 Assumptions: Improvement are 3-L urban collector street(3-12'lane,2-6'bike,2-5'setback sidewalks)L-3696.00.70mi Existing ROW is 80 feet transitioning to 70 feet.09 miles before 42nd intersection 20 foot wide asphault road exists Signals and bridges are not included .09 Miles of Roadway up to standard at the 42nd intersection heading west only requiring re-striping. Roadway surface assumed to match existing asphault Earthwork assumed to be 1'of depth for only new roadway area and setback sidewalk ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 20 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: US-10-36th Street- Comercial Avenue to Main Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Michael Liebler 11/6/2018 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage, Lighting LENGTH(MILE); SHEET: 0.47 mi 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0.47 $935,700.00 $439,779 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $217,900.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 0.47 $412,500.00 $193,875 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 1.41 $89,400.00 $126,054 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. $438,900.00 $0 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $350,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 2,012 $7.50 $15,090 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. 0.47 $260,000.00 $122,200 13 Landscaping Mi. 0.47 $235,000.00 $110,450 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $1,007,448 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $25,186.20 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $80,595.84 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $100,744.80 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $20,148.96 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $402,979.20 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 2013 SUBTOTAL $1,637,103 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 40.00% $654,841.20 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $491,131 Construction Engineering 15.00% $245,565 TOTAL PROJECT COST $3,028,641 Assumptions: Improvement are 3-L urban collector street(3-12'lane,2-6'bikelanes,2-5'sidewalks)L-2470.00.47mi Existing ROW is 50 feet 36 foot wide asphault road exists with curbside sidewalk. Signals and bridges are not included Sidewalk not setback to minimize required ROW aquizition. Roadway surface assumed to match existing asphault and overlayed Earthwork assumed to be 1'of depth for only new roadway area and sidewalk ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 21 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP - ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT:US-16-48th Street-Main Street to G Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Sophie McGinley 11/1/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork,Drainage,Lighting LENGTH(MILE) SHEET: 0.48 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0 $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $173,700.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 0 $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.48 $89,400.00 $42,912 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.48 $438,900.00 $210,672 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 0 $7.50 $0 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. 0 $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $253,584 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $6,339.60 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $20,286.72 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $25,358.40 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $5,071.68 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $101,433.60 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 0 SUBTOTAL $412,074 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $123,622 Construction Engineering 15.00% $61,811 TOTAL PROJECT COST $597,507 Assumptions: Improvements for urban facility,3-L(2-12'lanes) Bike and Ped elements included in PB-56 No additional ROW needed lighting included but landscape assumed to be included in PB-56 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 22 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: US-17-G Street- 48th Street to 52nd Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Sophie McGinley 11/1/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway,Earthwork, Drainage, Lighting LENGTH(MILE) SHEET: 0.39 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. 0 $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $173,700.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. 0 $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.78 $89,400.00 $69,732 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.2 $438,900.00 $87,780 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY 0 $7.50 $0 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. 0 $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $157,512 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $3,937.80 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $12,600.96 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $15,751.20 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $3,150.24 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $63,004.80 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 0 SUBTOTAL $255,957 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $76,787 Construction Engineering 15.00% $38,394 TOTAL PROJECT COST $371,138 Assumptions: Improvements for urban facility,3-L(2-12'lanes) Bike and Ped elements included in PB-56 No additional ROW needed lighting included but landscape assumed to be included in PB-56 ORDINANCE NO. 6413 Exhibit D, 23 of 23 SPRINGFIELD TSP -ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATE PROJECT: US-18-52nd Street- OR 126E to G Street PREPARED BY: DATE: DESIGN LEVEL: Preliminary Sophie McGinley 11/1/2017 KIND OF WORK: Roadway, Earthwork,Drainage, Lighting LENGTH(MILE) SHEET: 0.2 1 of 1 NO. ITEM UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 Curb,Gutter,Sidewalks&Drainage Mi. $935,700.00 $0 2 Multi-use Path Mi. $173,700.00 $0 3 New Roadway Asphalt Lane-Mi. $412,500.00 $0 4 Overlay Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.2 $89,400.00 $17,880 5 Reconstruct Existing Roadway Lane-Mi. 0.2 $438,900.00 $87,780 6 Intersection Widening EA $76,500.00 $0 7 1-L Roundabout EA $35,000.00 $0 8 New Signal EA $300,000.00 $0 9 Signal Modifications EA $75,000.00 $0 10 Earthwork(See Note) CY $7.50 $0 11 Traffic Calming 5-10% - $0 12 Illumination Mi. $260,000.00 $0 13 Landscaping Mi. $235,000.00 $0 14 Bridges SF $250.00 $0 15 Walls SF $75.00 $0 SUBTOTAL $105,660 ADDITIONAL CONST.COSTS SUGGESTED PERCENTAGE COST Construction Surveying 1.0-2.5% 2.50% $2,641.50 TP&DT 3.0-8.0% 8.00% $8,452.80 Mobilization 8.0-10.0% 10.00% $10,566.00 Erosion Control 0.5-2.0% 2.00% $2,113.20 Contingency 30-40% 40.00% $42,264.00 Escalation Rate(per year) 0.5-2.0% 2.00% Design Year(or Estimate Year) 2013 Construction Year 0 SUBTOTAL $171,698 Anticipated Items UNIT QUANTITY UNIT COST COST ,Railroad Crossing EA 0 $600,000.00 $0 Environmental Mitigation 0.00% $0 Easements&ROW Acquisition 0.00% $0.00 Indirect Costs PERCENTAGE COST Engineering,Legal/Admin,Coordination 30.00% $51,509 Construction Engineering 15.00% $25,755 TOTAL PROJECT COST $248,961 Assumptions: Improvements for urban facility,3-L(2-12'lanes) Bike and Ped elements included in PB-56 No additional ROW needed lighting included but landscape assumed to be included in PB-56 ORDINANCE NO. 6413