HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-03-08-.-Ue D/so (I -',7-rt 6c -7 Lane County Authori za,ttort for, SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN RXVIEW FOR OT'FICE USE ONLY io":,*ii"i'""/&tr-trF 77 03 RAIIGE SECTION 22"4"2 5600 S J'BD IVI S ION/penrr rrON-GF applicable )BLOCK 'RCPOSED USE OF PROPERTY JE] ncsidential f] rndustrra:. Qfu,ort"Cc,rruner c ia 1 Z!P 592 STREET r_-i't'Y Le Street, SpringfieTd,Oregon East on HatTow Road approx. 7/2 miJe, turn north on Pheasant Street, CURRENTLY 3 bTocks, turnapptox. Existin s Je familg dweT west on SpringdaLe, Tast house on the tight hand side of road D=SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED b/ORK . BE SPECIi]IC SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEId DECI,ARED $ VALUE = OF BEDF.OOI'1S 3 # OP STORIES na # OI' EI'IPLOYEES none Proposed Exi s tingPubLic d Ritchie, !965 SgJvan St,, Eugene, Oregon 97403Rofan O;iNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS TELEPHONE NUMBER 342-3320 Chuck Wgont 1756 WiTlamette Street, Eugene, CONTRACTORIS NAME AND OSR 97 407Oregon 49 4-2022 TELEPHONE NT'MBER PTR}IIT TO BE liAiLED TO TNAME AN' ADDRESS) Same as above -r_--T-_TELEPHONE NUMBER i44-77 42 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THE COMpLEaED APPLICATION !'OR PIIRMIT, ard (lo h.r.lrr' certify thiL all rnforaatiolr hereon is true and correct, ild that I the following legaL interest in the property,f]o*n.t of recorcl; Icr,r,.'ra,,t p,,rchaser;ffiauthorjzed agent. CHECKXD THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY watte lpf*se printi 3-CharTes B, Wgon I f:rther ce that aI1and work shal If omed donebe n .1a1, .:t1r,;ntd,rtify any per LllanCe of CouLane and Lawsthe ofty the ofSlate OregonloworktheheredescribedINlhatandOCCUPANCYNOWIbe:nade :r:rCt ilfe thoutil1 the theof BUa r fur-pe ml s saon vlsfonDildin9therthattraLi-on th Bui lderthe s lsBoard ful Iln andtorce fectcerti fy regr 70IoRs 055 thaE f thebyrequired for ebasisexempt 1S noted and that ildsu.bcontractors arewho IN thWI ORS I READHAVE AND701be11onusedthisonlyemployecomplianceproject- READ THIS SECTION CAREEULLY. YOUR AUTHORIZATION'{AS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 3-07 -88Date: rnstallation Record rssued? fl v"" I u" COI&IENTS: na Date PI,ANNTNG ACTTON REOIITRENCOI'[\ENTS C L,s idefront I sRurtetrou, s. r. *B. P. * (;rorF Use interrcrr rear B pLeNNrnc,zzoNrNG:Parcel #ParceI Lineal Eeet of l)rdi nfie ld Installation Gallon specifications: _ Tank l,laximum Depth of Trenches SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW: NO SPECIAL Minimum setbacks, "", zon"L Partition #- IGNEE Der ORS 6 DATF OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION,687.4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INT'ORMATION LANE COUNTY cr4-2s R* I g/\ ll hereon, fl pr,ells EXAMTNATToN : tr -//'C .&u*,.,, F t SETBnC(S A\*D OT:l:R Ca:ilITlrJ::.1 OF APPROT/IL ]lUST BE STRICl:i'OESERT.'ED. TTiOLATION CA:l RaSULT IN REVO- C.i:IO:i O. ?IiIS i,:]Ni1I1, C]T;TI.],. LIND:R PROVISIO:]S C. LA\E J:).J::IY..; INFRACT]ON OiIDI:;.q:iCE, iI};D/OR OTIIER REiIE]DIES ALI,OHED BY LAW. liiiEri RE.lDY :!rR iliSt':CTION, C,r\La 687-i065. il MIi-I.\1U]1 OF -iT I-:iiST 21 IIOURS ADV.\::aE NOTICE FOR INSPEC- rru:l-R-Cir'-'=i: :t-:T i,ii aivl)i. liarre the iollowing in:o.i3tion ready: .crmit num6erT job ad'dress, type of inspecEion, when it ullI be ready, your name ard phoic run5er, ani aa] slcciaI Cirections to site- BUILDING DIVISION: REQUIRED INSPECTIONS : Fo\jndatiol ry!!!!!gq, To be made afte! trenches are excavated and forms er6cted and when aI1 narcrrals ior tire foundaEion are (iclivered on the lob. ;ioere colcrete t'ron a central mixing plant (comonly termed "transit mrxed") is to be useC, naterials need noL be on the job. Conclete Slab or Under-a1oor InsDection: To be maie aiLer a1I rn-s1ab or under-fLoor buj-lding iervi-e eCurp-mmt, a:nrot,Icrpmqressorres, and otrer anclllarlJ equipment itens are in pface but betore any concrete is Doured or ffoor sheathing installed, rncluding the subfloor. Framing & Insulation lnspections: To be made afte|Lhe roof/ aI1 framing, fare blocking, and bracing are 1n !lace ard alI cipes, fireolaces, chinneys, and velts are complete anC alI rough e]ectrical and plumbing are approved. All- wal-1 lnsulation and vapo! barrier are an p.l-aee. Lath and/or C)psum Boaro InspectLon: aro cxLcrj.or, is in place bur before To be made after all lathj-ig and qypsum board, interior any piastering rs applj-ed and before gypsm boald joints and fastenels are Laped aod finished. after lhe bu.iLding is complete and before occupancy J 5. Final APPROVAI, indica ted i.n each be done on any wi thout obtainiog Such approval shall be gj.ven cnly after an inspection shall have been made of each success.ive step ii the construction as indicated by each of the inspections requj-red. NOIE: AII buj.lding permits require inspections for the work authorlzed, such as but not limited to: A. Block I,IaI1: To be made after reinforcing is j-n place, but before any grout is poured. This inspectTm is required for eacb bond beam pour. There will be no approval until Lhe plumbj.nq and e],ectrical inspections have been made and approved, B. I^lood Stove: To be made after completioa of masonr!, (if appl-icable) and when i-nstallatj-on is mpleL4 Installation shall be in accordance witsh an approved, natj-onally recognized testing agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Mobile Home: An inspection is required after the nobile home i-s connected to an sewer or septic system for setback requ-irements, b1ockin9, footinE connection, ti skirti.nq, and plubing connections. 1.. Footings and piers to comply with State foundation requirements for mobile homes or as recomended by the manuiacturer. 2. Mobile home minimum finish floor elevatj-on shall be certified when required by a flood- pLaj-n management letter. 3. .uobile home ticdowns, when requi-red, and skirtinq shall be installed and ready fcr inspec- tion vithj-n at least 30 days after occupancy. TieJouns and skirting shal,l- be installedper enclosure. D. S!'iming PooI: Below grade when steeL is in place and before concrete is poured. Above grade ,lien -lrc]-ls installeC. ;PPROVED PLAN-S iIUST BE ON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURIr'G WORKING HOURS- TIIIS PERr4rT L.iILL EXPIREIF WORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN I3O DAYS, OR IP WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR }IORE THAN IBO DAYS. SUSPENS]ON OR REVOCATION:{qY O]CUP. IF THIS PERT\IT I.IAS ISSUED ON THE BAS]S OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFOR.I.IAT1ON. ANYONE PROCEEDING PNgT THE POI:JT OI REQUTRED ]NSPiCTiO}]S WILL DC SO AT TI]EIR OWN RISK. ALTER}.]ATIVE SEIiAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: Permits shall be effective for one year from the Cate of issuance. Upon comPletinq the construction for which a pernit has been issued, the permit holder shaLlnotify the Lane Ccunty Department of Pl-anning and Cormunity Development by submitti.ng thelrstnilation record forn. The Department shall inspecL the construction to detcrmine if itcomplies with the rules contained in this divisjon. If the construc+-ion does comply with such:uIes, the Deparlment shall. issue a certificate of satisfactory completion to the permiti holder.If Lhe construction rioes not comp.Iy with such rul-es, the Departnene.shalt notif), the permitholder and shall requrre satisfactory completion before issuing the ccrtifi.cato. pailure toneet the !equiremcnts for satisfacqfry compLet!on wit.hin a reasonable time constj.tutes a vio-Idtron of ORS 454.b05 Lo l5l.l45 dnJ this ruIc. !.!E:It - subsurt?cc !:M9 qlTl-:_er Scptic Trnk Dra infield :'ron: liLerior properti, lrics i0' i0' ECte o: roa.l rr.iirt-oI-lvay 10' 10 ! Rlrrliing foundatrln 10' i{clls, other udt?lr sources 50' 100 | par t of:he bui lCinq or structure beyond the point the ap!rroval of the buil-din9 off:cj.a c approved edouns, SUtsSURFACE AND l" ,1 h $tss \^h G, TA ) t' ------7<-'rzo I I!/ I,J: :i L.ANE: fiOUNTY DETT HFIV HGT FIHIEIF'T * :i48T}S DAI'H O3S?$8 6P}.'L.I (:ANI' IdYI]N , fiI.IIJCK ADDIT { '756 I{ I LLAHE'TTE .ST . , HIJ$HNH Tr.-+ 1'?03?;14?05600 SIJBDIV LUT BLK NHt'l B[-D{; ]'YF'E USH H EtDltl'i,S 0 UN:tT.S 001 #'fnRIHS ,$[tL.DGS 00{ FHUNE 9?? ?9?? 0{,,NfR Nt'lE HITCHIE, R0LAND ADDR {?65 SYLVAN T., EUGENE C[}DH AF.FI- NO ACTTON DF-SCIIIFTION S{I F'T UNIT (:$ST VALUATION BF Fr-' ,. BF,,BP BF, r:.HE DA At,..Il}llnI irlla iEi !o -o9 .6 o !o .o .o ! Ioo o 2. o l r3ln iE o !@ !o o!t .oo I E !d Nobs! 3oo oc 2 o 3 .5 ta T Pt... l'l li- [: l'l ;t:Uf{ T]CH LR {:ft1'G : Al-'F-*SEQU: I TAKh.N BY GT' *f:.I x./LlA.f H : t...(:: 54$$S SDSV S.'ldfil : F T. lal'I'tt : I'tf::{:HAN.t UAl.- Ft'- F- STA [: SI.JI;:fiHARfii: l-'l...FtN IH[::{::li FHI: Fr-' ,stl$ sI FIH 3 E"tT " finHrI[..H'rr0N DATE F'1'. FIAIN: 1'ft 4 IiH.F'{i,S I1' nit' F'"I' i.:) t" CIIJ - lirt, riA ilTH 60.00 cK 1 (}:m* ACTIV|TY TNFORMATTON SHEET Please complete all lteme above dotted llne ' ?s.l'1,*f;f,T'f" *t';,l " FILLING our {c LtNEs wtLL cET you INFoRMATToN oNLy *DArE z-t 7 t-g-:q *NPERSON MAKING REOUEST CITY TELEPHONE ACTUAL PROPERTY OW ol ,/, ra*d Sf '^rEZr/<-z,r-7Va Cua oA TELEPHONE (BUS)___JHO 2^3za 3 *pnOpeRTY ADDRES OR MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (round on tax maps in the Assessment & Taxation Dept.) L lR, STAFF WILL DETERMINE _/4 B --4z Townshlp Range Sectlon Tax Lot Townshlp Range Section Tax Lot Township Range Section Tax Lot TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY lN SAME OWNERSHIP: ACRES *REQUEST(aescribe what you want to do Zoned Zoned Zoned Flood Plain Flood Plain Flood Plain e Directions to sit &2.^-r-2t\ Ifu- 4/- ,,,ts,aru ,ttt,Statf Onlyttt:'araa, Com ments: ru'::/U, f af narfraa Land Management Division, PublicWorks Department 125 E.8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 phone 6874061 SlR - -