HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1989-11-15I'lovember 15, 1989
Hargari ta Pierzina
41.5 Union Avenue
Springfield, OR 97411
Re: Lot Line Adjustment
the lot to the vest,
(Journal l.lo. B9-09-164)
in Springf ield, 0r-egon.
Located at 415 Union Avenue and
Dear Mrs. Pierzina,
Staff Decision: Preliminary Approval vith conditions - see belov
Findings of Fact
The request is for a Lot Line Adjustment to allou the existing carport and shed vhich
belongi to Mrs. pierzina but vas built on Tax Lot 700 to be entirely on Tax Lot 600
(Assessor's HaP 18-03-02-21).
Apparently the existing carport and shed vere constructed on Tax Lot 700 in error'
This Lot Line Adjust*"nt, upon Final Approval, vi1I correct the error. Tax Lot 700
is currently orr,ld by the city of Springfield and Tax Lot 6CC is ovned by Margarita
Currently Tax Lot 600 ccr,tains approximately 10,000 square feet and Tax Lot 700,
approxinately 8,500 square feet. approximately 2,600 square feet vi11 be conveyed
trtm Tax Lot 700 to Tax Lot 600. Tax Lot 600 includes an existing house and and out
building. Tax Lot 700 includes an existing carport and shed vhich vere built on the
lot in error.
Criteria of A roval (Ref. Section 33.040 of the S'pringfield Development Code)
The lot line adjustment does not:
1. Create a nev lot or land-Iocked parcel;
No nev lot or land-locked parcel is proposed to be created. 'Ivo lots existed
prior to this application; tvo lots vi11 exist upon approval of this
application. Both lots vi11 have direct access on public right-of-vay.
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Pierzina LLA
Reduce an existing lot berov the minimum dimensions established by theappricabre zoning district or othervise viorate the standards of the springfietdDevelopment code, or Structural Speciatty and Fire and Life safety codes tandards I
Both lots are zoned Lov Density Residential and are designated Low DensityResidentiaL in the Metro Plan. Tire minimum 1ot size in residlntial districts is6'000 square feet on corner ]ots (for a future duplex) and 4,500 square feet forlots on east-vest streets. The' increaseJ-.ir" of Tax Lot 600 (12,7t2 squarefeet) and the reduced size of Tax-Lot 700 (6,028 square feet) exceed the minimum1ot size standard for residential districis. app.oual of this request vilr notviorate the standards of the Springfield Development code, or structuralspeciarty and Fire and Life safety code standards.
*3"u" the implementation of adopted transportation or public facirities prans;
This request virl not impede the implementation of adopted transportation orpublic facirities plans' Both Union and Park Avenues are crassified as rocarstreets' Locar streets are not discussed in Transplan. Access to Union andPark Avenues vill- continue upon approval of this request. Hovever, due to thegeographic conditions' an access agreement virl be required across Tax Lot 700to Tax Lot 600.
viorate any previous requirements or conditions the Approvar Authority may haveimposed at a prior public hearing or neeting.
This apprication does not viorate previous requirements or conditions theApproval l'-rtheri tv imposed at a prior puutl" hearing or meeting.
Since !h" request complies vi th the cri teriaproposed Lot Line adjustment vi11 be granted prelim
The Springfield Developmentproperty pins and create nevhas been met,
from the date o
code requires that a surveyor be hired to set neu1:9"] deseriptions. vhen the conditions risted belovvilI be granted. preliminary Approval expires 90 days
oi .:;proval r ?sinary Approval.
condi tioned, the
Final A roval
th S e t ter.
Condi tions
1' Tvo copies of a survey shoving points set (already completed).
2' A copy of the nev 1egal descriptions for the lots (arready completed).
3' A copy of the recorded access easement for Tax Lot 600 (needs to be done).
An appeal of this decision may be filed by an affected party vith the DevelopmentServices Department vithin l-0 cal-endar days of the date of this letter (Ref. Article15 of the Springfield Development Code). Any action taken pursuant to DevelopmentApproval before the 10 day appeal peri.od has elapsed shalt be sole1y at theapplicant's risk.
Addi tional Information
The City does not record lot line adjustment maps. Therefore, you should requestthat the Lane County Department of Assessment and Taxation combin" th" property beingtransferred into the same tax Lot as the recipient lot. The recipient iot shouldthen be considered as a consolidated single land unit for tax purposes.
If you have any questions, please call_ me at (503) 726-3759,
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Pierzina LLA
. Karp,
Associate Planner
CC:DRC members
Joe Leahy, Assistant iity Attorney
Mike Kelly, City Manager
Joe Clouse, Medford ReaI Estate
0lson & Thompson