HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1976-10-11E t- ,4 CIIfTf OF SPF'IIi'GI+IEITD . SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 October L1-, L976 ll'g' '? (? Ac) 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS C.R.E. Services, Inc. 740 Maix Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Housing Code Inspection - 428 North IBth Street Dear Sirs: At your request llre Building Departrrent of the City of springfield made an occupancx/ inspecrion o., o"toL r B, L916, f il;;Jiar-g=-1;"t"d i q1e North lgth street' Springfield, Oregot. The follo,+ing itors hTere found tttat were iI need of relnir arfi'/or were not in coinpriance with the uniform n""J"g Coa" ut "d;ttd ry trre CitY of Springfield: ,d l*:H=tffiffi #::"LH: ffi.H:fls,T*u"oHffH"H%r u - L - risled' 3,1/ *te electric box near the bat]-ro..n iloor nmsL have a @ver olate' Ay,tfneelec*iJaL-="*i"" i= 'rlt to-Coa"' af-i-fS and 20 amp Lreakers m,st have a main breaker ahead of thsn. Ttrere ut" noit than the 6 mails allcnved' Sl/ll^rcrafters and joists jn the garage *" oJJ=p;J and rmrst have additional -support: , r-- -r^^ ^-) has rotted at the base ard rmrst be 6l/ Trt'r- post suplnrlilg the garage door header ,r4r::l:*t be a fire protection provided belween the connection of the house and the garage- By'T\^e rotted ii"", iI the battrrocrn nn:st be replaced- g{t}te front =;;-"t; f.V""a*U't"--Ji.o"Ue ditferene j-n height' lo {AddLtional suptrnrt r-:nder tr," -ir".r is needed and all =,rppoit nn:st bear on ccncrete footings. ly'rtZ*frSrri po."t overhang m,st have additional support' L2.. rr-ewarr between t,.e livinfioor, ..,a rcitcr,en-i= ttu" e) inches otit of plu'r,c' L3.t/Tlrere is no access provia# ;;;;;.;i;-;ai tr,*. is inadequate atLic ventilalion' L4-vThe roof shcx/,rs excessive saggi,g that indiu;=-th" roof ne&s additional suplnrt' tst/*,,,e concrete b10d( fornaati6i r,u" .,o no.di-irr-trr" joints- Ttre bl0cks are 100se a.d need to 5" s1,bilized jn scrre approved manner' &i*;fd ;i,+t'r "){';,'-* C*ei tfu**-A i.},y"'a ^l*t/o/ t. -----TF --PW-15 CITY OF SPRTNGFIELD, oREGOll Bulldlng DepartmenE CERTIFICATE OF COMPTIANCE Thls certlfies thar the building and property 1ocated at a)9,h'r thhas b een ins pected and f ound to c omply;wirh the ordiniSpringfie 1d , Owners Name Oregon.nces of the City of Address cir C.R.E. ServL 740 Maln SprLngfield ees Street , oR 97477 Items of special consideration are: Novenber 8 4 Date , L976 Bui ng Inspectrrr