HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sewer Connection Record 1964-08-18CITY OF SPRINGFIELD
To the 0ccupant of:
3770 Vl rglnla Straet
Clty Ordlnance No. 1623, Sectl on 3, requires that al I
malntaining piumblng within r:ne hundred anci twenty (lZOt)
publ ic selirer lateral must connect to sald sewer lateral.
feet of any
At the date of thls notlce, we flnd that no connection for the
above address has been rnade to the newly accepted sewer lateral servlngyour area.
You are irereby glven fifteen (15) days from the date of tliis noticeto obtain a sewer tap permlt and to connect tG the seh,er.
ln the event that yc,u are not the property owner, please notifytnis offlce, elther by phone or mail, giving us the name and addressof the present owner. (ehonez 746-1674).
Furthermore, lf you have secured a sewer permlt prior to recelpt
of this notice, please disregard this order.
Dated Auoust t8
Yours truly,
Robert T. Al len
Director of Bulldlng & Zoning
RTA: vp