HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-10..RESIDENTIAL.. APPLI CAT ION /PERI4IT 225 North |th Street Springfield' Cregon 97477 Building Diuiston 726-37 53 SPFIINGFIELD .i ?*a -r-VYe 5PF2.Job Locaticn: \xry.ck)\>!d, Lot, O5t Uf )Assesso"e :4@ # Subdioisian: DAt//.D /Ar4lS*.mer: f46 5-78e Phone: 7+V7 ?bz-Addte-ss: cite: 5 PplrY;rrErO r7477 Descrtbe i,tork: Eg,m.i, f/'r-e_ )<mo7<- rt residetcL lo-to -g,g val,/ + ooo . o o w1 Date of App kiiiticn RemoCeL General b i4eclunziccL DEI.IOLITIA!: CR :,:CV!i tsL,JILDi:iCS Sotitot"l seuer cqpeC ct Wopatt! Lire Septic totk p-,irpeC ann fnlled uith gratzi linal - i4en cbcue itens ate ecnoT-eted ard ',tircn ier.tcliticn is =orrle;e br st-tc- ture naued oa prantaes cleanei up, icx':es tslocking otd 1et-up Plmbing eonzeczlcns -- sanet e,l. ualet EZectylccl Ccnnecto:an - Blockirq, sei-ui and olwbing coanectians m;st be qprct:ai before request')ng e|ectr,)cal irsaee=iot Aceeseorl BuiEtng :crekes, skir+.tra, dec?s,itral - Aftet -+^ it ie .!he responsibility of tle penri! itolder to see ihat aLL inspections de nade at lhe fron the street, cnC that the petmit cod ie Located at the fzv+rt of the oropetty.iSui!<iirq Dt;ticior- ccptou-eri iian sitci.L yeaain on ti i"-:ia":"h-:i;e "at "1t't+hl"," P!?OC1DAPE FAR INSPEXICTT RT1.OEST;CALL 726-3769 (tecordet) state !ou! City desigtnted. job tequested ar<i ahen gou ,,rtLL be readg fon inspeetion, Corlt"acta?s c" A;nets nane crd. phone':iLL be na.<ie the sane Ccy, "eque6ts naie aftet ?:00 aa ttLL be naCe the nczt."nrking- daE, you! City'Desigra.ted. Jab lhnber fs: l-1 317! lltiPEC?IJit: To be naCe after i i d;A;ror.;G pr)cr =c se= up of ICms. Co4s3?tcticfl_Lende!- llrln?ae- nD )rttttu-rta j"JadoTalr ) WC|.;||CAL: ?o be made beiore cnywrk t s eouez:ed. FAOTINC 1 !AU:|DATIC\|: 7o be r,vCe diet '"rffi; cr,;Asecz.tated ard 1'czms ote erected, but prior to pourirg ecnctet€. utlDiic?1ultD ?at.tM?i:tc. sErEP,'t.1T83, DRAIIAGE: To be ra.ie pt+or to fil-T@F6nctee. lDllPolf ^aa Df ,ttmfra ) tttfr r lrTa. f . ?c be noae pr"Jcr tc tnszaLlatian of Fr\ln r Df ttta"\ta ?7rl I f rEauA rtf .^ t uTllAr il?adcf^.t.1t]du --tw-. /u^L p?ope" tine, that ecch cddtess is ren;ab'-e nzotber, ;ob ol,&ess, type of inspec-.icn ntrtbcr, P.equesxs reeei"'ed befcre 7:C0 an 3Z ? I I floor insuk;ion or decking. fi pcsr .a.ND 3E;.i4: ?o be r.aie orzcr to ,-) trlsuaGdc; iloor insui.tzioti cr deckin4. R?LtcE ?!:ltBI:!G, !t:::P!:A: , ;.8C1- AtlICLL: t'lo 'sotk is to ce ecu-eyed. di'.T-these,tnsceetiors'ecue beer naie cnd. a?grruea. t'.?PfJf=. )ra'aa +a -7F^;-- f-^4'-- ^cY;Al; arui beicre -ircr:ng inup"Z- tion. FFA-!'Ii|G: i,tust be reo.uested efler apprcua| of rcugh pluibir4, electtl-cal C necizanieel. AL7- roofiz,4 btac:-n4 ! ehinmcgs, ete. rust be eonolered. ito 'sct'< ")s to be con- - c"oled until this insceceicn has'been na,l.e anC appro,-eZ. INSALAIIOII/IIAPCR BARRIER iIISPICTIAN : To be naCe zftez. aLL insulattcn ei rcquired vqot berie?s @e in place but before ory l-a.th, Wpslun bcard oz, tnLL couering is coolied, cnd. before otg ittsulaticn is concealed. DRYIALL f!lSP9C?i0!l: lc be nade -.. after aLL CrluaLL is in place, but prior to crty tapirg. IUSO!!!: Steel Locatton, bond beans, g:routitq or uerciccls in aceordswe ,,/L'-h a.8.C. Section 24 1 5,. After installation isi,ICCDSTC'/I: *_1 ^L ^; CUP.3 4 IPPRCACH !.P1CN:n;-;;a;a-;ut ?6 After formsto pcur-ing eonc?ete. SIDEHALK & 3RIrTl.4!: For all con-cl,et;Vffi-ffim s h,eet right- of-uny, to be naie after aL7. e*ca- uating comolete .l iont tnz,k & sub- fo.se natez"|al in place. ALL pro;ect conditions, ;uck as the .-.nstci,Lctica cf st?eet cTees, cc::tler:.on cl tie reqttired ianl.sccpirq, atc., tnust be satisiied. befcre the SuiLDItiC iljlAL :en be z.equestei, --t I r ?IilAL tsUILDMG: The Fincl Eleccrieal, od. llechznlcci Buitdin4 Insoection rast be teouested zi'let the l.lnal PlmbitrS inspecticns ique been nacie and ccorouei, 'ALL i'lAtlECLES AttD cLEANOars !,tUS? BE . CCES;I7L|, ADiits?:liill io 9! :t4Di :,.t lto C?sT rc cry coni?ectors Addzess L1,sc. Plunoina ( acat1nad t79notl. at9 :ll l T T -'LNC\: ,(hen COiTlDL€Xe -- rVODLCejG or nooable'sections through |_lP.u.E. I I u JOB NO bt Sq. Ftj. 7 cf !.ct Ccueteqe I of StorJes n^+-7 aa'-Lt lopogryhy SOLART :ESS REQ.- ict :y?! f-+ ^n-' ^i - cornn _ ?cnhcd.le Ctl-tie-sac a--- t L-CO G+ # s 1-o?ted- : Plumbing Permit llo pereon slwll cotl,si;zttet, i.nstal!, al,ter or chan4e cnA nea cr eeisting plunbing cr dtainage sAstan in ulwle or in part, uzless such person is the Legal possessot of a ,talid pltuaber's License, escept thai a ce:son nay do plw;bing uork to prope"tJ uhich is otmed, Leased or ooerated by the appli- cant. Electricsl Permit l{here State Lan requires tltat the electrtcal uork be dcne by qn lleetr.tcal Conhdeto", the eleetrical portion of thia pernit siu,Ll not be ualiC until the Label las been sigaeci by the Electrical Conttactot, Mechonicol Permit PZtnbirq PerTii-t !otal Penrtt !,lechaniccl Pernrit L D/ffi;rn.*An E I HAW CARE?ALLY lKWfilED tle conpleted applicaticn for tetmi!, crui Ca hereby cettify tlnt aLL itfotmation hez,eon ls tnte anl. ccwect, anC f furtker eertiir- that any ard aLL uork per,fotned alu.Ll be done in accct,- dance :'rith the Ardin*tces of the Ctty of Sprn)ngfie1-d, anC. the Lc;s of the State of Cregon perraining to bhe aork Cescribed'netean, cnd tiu.t :10 CCCU- P,41CI 'nill be naie of any atl,1tctut,z rsithout permisaict cf tne 3uriding Di- uision. I futther ce"tifi th.at ottlg cofit?dclors otd enplcgees ;1".c ore in canpll.ance Dath CRS 707.055 aiLL be used on this project 3ectoons Lot Faees -.neT1u >auraes ar House Carade Accass ilater !ea!",/,Iiorth liv,eoLace South l/est -- Fae.s --::z:4 I '/aLue ,rbi.n Gzcce frao.r lllftt?tur).cI' 5.D.C. r.5: Building Vqlue & Permit This gernrrt is granted on the ecp"ess eonditian thlt the satd ccnstmtctions'nali, ln:.1L:estects, conicrm:o the CrCindnce zdoc=e,i cy iV,e Ci:1 ofSor'-tgjtelJ, inel.ud',-ng :he 1on:ng Crdtncn:e, :,eg,tl::-),tg =ie =crs:rtccicncnti use cf bu:-L,i.ings, atzi nay be susoend.ed oz. teuckec at cril tiee ulcn uic- Latian of ,tr,.y ptcuistcns of saiC Crditances. 9.,:7 S.'-- .^*'+ lotal Chatges State wt'H-'L Resid.attta.L (1 bcth) Sanitart Seuer ,cte! :i0.,-tr, _-ai les. So. f+a, ileu/Estend, Ciredts lamcroy Sertice l,r,,Itir,.\r-f)n \) ^i, t=^cfa, Fvrr3ap 97r1t3 Ezh.a.tst HooC Vent ?at VcoCstc:se L*'rs, .\r*OO.iL \ti *=* ) I 'l ) -. Z;iCP,CAC:i;,:E:!? -- lqqr:q Dercsit Stor:te !4cintencnee Pe -rit, Csttbcut SiCa,taLk 13!AL i,],!0U!1? DUi:' 'Yobi !e ilcr,te |t'ct>: .acacsS 3t:) !?!y ;'to. :!!it I ?.C,1) u -00 /O-/U< ( FIRE DAMAGE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE:9-26-Y 7 TO: FROI4: SUBJECT: Building DePartment Springfield Fire DePartment Structural Damage to Bui'l di ng s 8t{Address or location of build'ing ?V LS Name of ot'/ner Type of bu i 1 d'i ng e (Dwe i ng , Store, llarehouse, etc.) Estimated val ue of bui'ldi ng Estimated I oss to bu'i1d'ing ) ?-)t- r 3Date of fire Location of damage in buiiding (Roof, Wall, Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the f i" 6u, ''td( 6<o ' (Burned raf ters, Beams, ,-1oists, e tc.) Addi ti onal perti nent 'i nforma t'ion El ectri ca'l Hazard cc Siqned )(l,li ri ng , 0ut1 ets , etc . a F a a LOG SHEET INSPECTIONS JOB LOCATION, Q\(., SO\)\\\ AB= JOB NUITIBER:$t DATE RECETVED' q \21 owNER, De:-{ c\ SNcx\r U OWNERS ADDRESS: AI\\C.C\P q\r\ G}CTft\\E CITY, STATE,zrPz SCr\\A PHONE:U TYPE OF INSPECTTON COURTESY (Renter Request) HOUSING OCCUPANCY FIRE DAMAGE REFERRAL FROM OTHER AGENCY DANGEROUS BUILDING NUISANCE COMPLAINT ZONING COMPLAINT OTHER Y INSPECTION DATE'\D-S-BB OUTCOME INSPECTOR(S): ].ST LETTER DATE: COMPLIANCE GATNED: NOTICE AND ORDER DATE: COIVIPLIANCE GAINED: DEAD LINE: YES NO DATE: DEAD LINE: 7iu,NO DATE: REFERRAL TO LEGAL PROCESS: CITY ATTORNEY NOTIFIED: COMPLIANCE GAfNED: COMPLIANCE DEAD LINE: YES NO REFERRAL FOR PROSECUTION: OUTCOME: DATE FTNALED: CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE ISSUED: (SEE OTHER SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL)( i.lorEs ) ?4Cr tlo L *oo::*r.rLI I L.Ir I Nti FEft l.l L T {}ot-.*o4 --trLHC;TH r *AL {, 03-.O0cl-- Hri f, HAN I [:AL fi o 1 *o99* ft E nLJ I riEHE.l.{l' {} 0?" CIs?-- HtitiLl I HHHE N]' t) o 3 * * ? 9' -- ft E r.i u r Fl E: i"l E: N l' #,)4 - 0 ?9 -- h:[: tt t.J I ft El,{H NT -.cffl.lrRAf;T0ft$.- GENI**liilUTl-l FFt F.LHF* E I-.Fit:T - FiE YNOL TI$ I.IEIH*$fiLITH F'A lfi1ii J ttJ L}L'J.L' 1LJ' 4I LI J. L.I 56. (r* 10,00 1U I ll I FUIt..trINti F,HFlt,iIl' ITULIHL.H F'E:E:'. Il [[i.{$TftLtcT r fi l,l t}EtjiAN $f FririH ilTITAINIilG T}EITI,IIT$ -prIrI]ftri$$*s 3i3'rH IIH$*ft I Ir I H[ Ilf.tHAffti. *f,L,l.lER- TIAUIII i"lAY$ 94f. S[}L'TH 3STH STHEE:T sFE l:l'{GF r E.Llr r nftHGtrl.{ v7 477 --TIESIGN TEAT,I-. F'RIM. $T./E* Et_./E* Fl.l/E* -.1...r$.AL-. t..r",T frL.iltt'i L tl0ttr+ l.3tli9C,O \--r. LlL}ILIrIl'{G ITIUISIUI''l Jt}Bb'--3:,:O?ii Srfi1'l:UH "UALU[- * I I'IFS- 4TC}O RE:F.AIR RE$I TJENT I AL ??99 *30??rr / S3L0?4 -STATS-trLIrG Z0i.{fi TiTOIIIE$ FIftE ZOI,IEBENftI,I FLfffiTJF'LA I I..I U}-II T$ $fi FEET -Ei'{EnfiY* HEAT 1- :I". l{2Ct* HANGE* $Hfi-r,iEttilIF:[tr F.[Ht4]:'r$--*----FriE.-*-.SURi:Hirr{GH*['ATH*F{E[:EItiT-*-FE.R14I1'**-----UALUE:--- '-t - '-t lL 0,40 Ei31{'1 $3L{iL h'3L0L ? VC] Ll fl r tf I tt tt f'rti, _a.tl $tiu.-t'tINl:i'iui,t Il,l$FjE[:T I ul'l$ + ri olt:riEltEt{T$--.**-* ----*--[xF' trfrl'E*.-*AUT I]fiTH-. ttH E:RRAL. F.RSI.1 FIftE T'EF,AET},IHI'{T fi 0 I -.o43.-FrOUtil-l E:LH[:TR1 f, O*11*063--F I FtH ItAHfrtiH $ERUI [E i'lirr$TEFt,/NCI F ERI'I I TI; O 03* 0 L 1 -- trR Y t{,FrL[.. fi04*'006--r:FiAHr NG +05-'O1?-FINfit.. ttuIL-ilIN$ l-Llf;l{.EIrl {i0&*049-FIHAL ELE*TRIf,FTL {}07-04?*r I NAL E:1..Ef, Tn r IAL- ft 0tt-.049--F r I'IAL ELHCI'ftr fi At.. *09*O:1?--FINAL. FITif,FIfiNIi]AL ITANGE: HOOT' AilTI UE:NT F.IF'E ft I I *O L 9-F l:t'tAL tlUrI-trr I,lfi 133l. {r/i7 g3 | fi07 S-{ L (' 1t} f];L01.(! $:{ 1 (}:11 f{? 1 fr?1 s3 I *:1 ii31(}'i4 t]31(t:4 ft3 L ii:?4 oli N0l'oti 0rt Ct^,I UiiE tt'7 {i3 ilGr: Ltst: t] l.i u!i nri L'J frEi f1,.,