HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-06-13" RESIL -.rlTlAL..{ APPLICATION/PERIII? 225 North Sth StreetSprtngfield, Oregon TZ4ZZ Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Iocaticn: Aecessors Map #ao svbdioision: Q,rnen: Addtess: City: Descz,ibe hlotk {5-3/tr SPRINGFIEL.D ?cE IDt * il*cqnAdd.iticn RenoCel Date of AppL -ontrccaors tr X 4oc ilone I Date VaLue 7..-ro Phtme:,4 GenercL PLwbin4 l.!ecisr:iecl t-: is the resconsibility of the penrtt holder i'z,on tle at?eet, anC tiu.t the penrit eard isr?uilCt:-4. Di;tisict azppou*€d. clan sizcLl tenain to see that aL! insoections ate nad.e at lhe ?rope? tine, tLat acch al,tness ig vsa;ai^i2 on ttTE EuaLaan? :at; a: aLL tines. I .,4 _-:: - . !70u3s;Ca u!:en uau be ready for i CALL 726 -3769 (yecotder) stdte uou" City d.esigtttxed job nu:tber job aicress, t'gpe of ircoec:icn :til be nade xhe sa:;e dcy, neouesxs maie cfte! 7:00 cn uiLL be maie xhe nczt:.totkin; nsDcction, Cont?dctcrs cy A;tters ncne cni aione ni,atccr. Peques;s recei.-ed befcre Z:CC c: l l l l l escaoaticn, but prtor b set up of fame.tcquineci oapor borie?s dre in ol.o.cebat befcre ory laLh, Wpsutn bcati ortnLL couez,ing is aoolied, and beioreoty irculation is concealed. DRYHALL MSP!*rcil: Ic be made aftet, aLL ityuall is in place, but prior to cny tapirq. .: lo be na<ie after Icur CzLty Desiora.ted Job llumber f s: !rat,i r!,IS?!C?IC:: 7o be r,ade a \AS)NRI: Steel Location, bond beans, grouting ot, uerticals in aecor<i.otce ttith U,B.C. Section 2415. JJ LAts .DLI-,PIC,1I, 8io be be1'ore any cted, P1O!.liiC 1 F)UID,1?ICN: ?o be ruCe afte: xrenches a?e eccaoated and. forms ore erected., but priot, to pourir,g ccnerete. Df nf,mTAi.a SEW?. D?,AillACi: To be naie Lirg vrenchee. DrLO? XO UIIDERFLOCP PLUI,EIIIG & IIECIIANICAL Io be nati.e pricr to insxallation of floor insulction or decking. After installation is CURB & APPRCACH APPAN:After fortnsue erecteC but prior to pour"ing conc"ete. SIDEIIALK & DRT',WAI: Eor aLL can- etete patsing uithr.n street right-of-re!, to be maCe after aLL ezea- vating conplete & forn uork & sub- base rnaterLal i.n place. lEItrCE: hthen conplate -- bouiCe gate6 o" mooable eections through P, wffi a Posr l,po atm: To be nade prio? to ) i;sxai.Lffin oi iloop insui.anion or deeking. - PC!'C!I PLL?Br:,'C, ELEI?!?TCAL ,", |,IECH- I - u1:til these inspeetiors haue been mad.e and. aoprooei". 1 rrptpr,ncei pnron b plceir4 fccing) ^ctAle aru) before'froring inspeL- tion. -- tRA]!I!c: ttust be requesteil. aften ) {prooal of rough plurbing, electri-cal & neclnnical. ALL toofing bracing E ehinmeys, etc. must be . conpleted. llo ocrk is to be con- . cealed until this inepectton has-''been nad,e anC apprcoed. b* 6tu*yb l xl l o PfilAL PLUF:BIllc PII|AL MECHAIIICAL FINAL EI,EtrRICAL /v-- ALL pro,ject condi.tions, sueh ae the i.nstallation of st"eet trees, eon-oletion of the tequired Latdsccping, etc., mtat be sattsficd befote the BUfLDfNG FfllAL can be requested. PINAL BULLDIN?: The Final Building fnspeetion mtst be requested clter the Pi,nal Plw".birq Electrical, anC Meclatical Inspecti,ow harte been nade atd approueC, Sani:at1 seser ecpcei ct properzi- Lire Septic totk ptned cnn iJLLeC oith ctatei linal - h1ten abcue itens are ectclexei and uhen iencLt-xior is eot=Lete o:. s-.:--:- xuye nauei otc pterLses cl'ecned ut. L e Blocking otd Sec-up Plunbing connections -- aa)e? d. ucter Electriccl Cotnection - Blockir4, set-u. and plwnbing eonnections m;st be cJ)?cu-zi. before requesting e?.ecirical inspee=iot Accessorg BuilClna Pinal - After pcrckes, skirting, decks, etc. a?e ccnpleled, Page I of 2.ALL T,IANHCLES AND CT,EANOU?S MUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUS'TIIEiI? TO BE I,'ADE I.T IIO CIST TO CIIY Constrteticn Lencien 4- //u I T tr u tr *o 8(00 ,l 0{soLAn ncc^s REQ.-r--co CJOB Eedtoons:?one: Iat Sq. Etg. i of Lct Ccverage_ ! of Stortes iotal Height ?ooocrahu Grouz: LCT lWE fntericr Cor.ner Panhandle ^--1 )^ ^-^L4L-Ue-Ouv Aecess Sourees th Df House Lot Faees - FirboLace toxe )lain Building Volue & Permit This per*i.t is granted on the etp?ess eond-ition tlat the- said'eonstntction "noff', 't, a|.L r'Zspects, eonfcmn'to the Otdinance adopted la tt'n City of \p"i"bf;ifi, ,:n"tia.ng'tiL 2o"i.ng c,dtnanc.e, regulctittg tle ccnstracticn ;'d ;;n of 'buildings,- ond ,iv be suspended on reookeC at cnJ t:'ne upon vic- l.a.tion of any prcttisions of said 1rdir'ances' TCTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 z Buildz.ng PerwLt ?otal Cltztges -j:i: ?;.:tiites 3esiietttial (1 bath) Sa,itcru Seuer D7-,-;-'-- D-*;- ELeetrica Date Pa:-d: Reeeipt #: Signeci Electricol Permit Lrhere State La reouires thac the eleetrical uork be dotte by an gleetrieci Cont?aetor, tite electr:,cal ooTxion of this pernit s4,aLL tcx be ualii until the Label i.,as been signed. by t'ne Eleetti.cal Contr.sxar. CiAPCE Plumbing Permit Ilo pe?son slwll constntet, instal!'- alter. ot' cltange anu neD cr e:isting - ;i;;;A o, droiraqn syst;n in ahole or in part, unLess sueh person is thc iegol p"osse"sor of a uZlid pl*,ber's Licens-e, erceDt tha.t a.pelson na! q9 ptititLhg uork to pt,ope?ty uhioh i" oDr,eC, Leased o, operatea by the appli-- cant. ValucSQ. FTG X k Fee- I 15.@ so bo -a,asqaa DAll I e :iza.tst Hood '€nt Fot 'codstote Mechq nicql Permit Pentrit issuznee Meehanictl Penwtt L -- Ei,ICRCACHI.IET'T - - :etr.!tt ?atal Charoes !ie"talk -ec L :bile H*te PLant Date I HAW CAREFULLy EXAIIINED the eompleted aoplieation for petmit, cnd dohereby centifg that aLL info;,nation het,eon' is ttue anC ebrreeti c,.C ffuyther -cettify that any ard aLL uoztk perforned slnll be do:;_ 'i;i aceor-dance trtth the ordinances of the city of spningfield, and thc Ldts of thcstate of 2regcn pertainino to the wrk ceseribed herein, cnd tirat No occu-P/.Nc.y vill_ b-e nyd.e of a\y st?uctu?e trithout permission of the 3uittiing Di-uLsion. r further eertif'g that otly contractors ci.,d enplcyees ul.:o ar'e ineonpliance uith 1RS ?)i..Oss uiLL be-used on this pnojeit 6 ::AL A'IOU|T DUE:'3c.t"c Date teq/ e-vvtb -