HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1988-11-09Reeeipt ll APPLICA - -)N/PERILIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, )r'egon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26- 37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPIIINGFTELD- T//Job Locaticn Assessore Map # i 0a oo /oooTa.r Lot ll $tbdiuision: A.mer: Address 77 City L t2?/3 ttlAt) Desct ibe h'ov'k:n@ ;4r*- h \\ldditicn RenoCeL co Date of App Lieeticn /1-q-t E Date Val-ue s Cenet aL L Consttaction Lenden tt ie the responsibility of tle permit ho-Ldet, to see that aLL inspec-tions ate nade at lhe p?oper tine, that eeeh addtess is t'eadab"e fron the streLt, anC that the-permtt-eard is Located at.th-e. ft'o1! of -the,,p:o.P-e^\ty'ieiiwt"S ioiciot appyou*ed plan shclL vemain on the Bu')Lding Sitc at aLZ tines. pnocgDup| Fr)R INS?!g!!9!_ryg!!S!;CALL726-3769 (t,ecorder) state Aour City Cesigrnted iob nunber, iob aCiress' !Ul1 of inspec:^i^ct; ffitber.eadyfo.ninspection,Contr,act,n"o",oumels",wne-endphoienwnbcr.P,equestsreceixedbefcre7:00an;.,iLL be made the sone dcy, requests-made afiey ?:00 on uiLL be rnade the ncrt',sorkirq dau' rou, CiLy Destsrated Job Nwnbet' ,r' Z 7/C O t/ Reouired ans 4Tfrn TilQDtrfrfnil etcauation, but ?o be nnde after pricr tc set up of INSUI,ATION/VAPO? BARRIER ITISPIiCTION : roE ^"d; after aLL insulaticn and required oapor barriers are in plaee bui belore cny Lath, gypsun boarC ot' tnLL cooet'ing is dpplied' and before oty insulation is concealed. DEI,IOLTTIA!] OR BUILDIiICS MECH{IIICAL: To be made before anY Gfr-i{Sortct'ed. POOTINC & FOUNDATICN: To be naCe ;f;et tr.en.6s "r" "tcaoated and fot'ns are erected, but Priot' to pouring ecnct'ete. fotme, a N DE RS LA B P L Ut,tB riv t, !149! t!! t!_ t FIIIAL PLUI,IBITIG FINAL I,IECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DRYWALL INSPECII)N: Tcifri" au-fifiitT-,:s ;n but prior to any taPing. MAS1NRI: Steel location, bond dZffilgrouting ot' terticals in accordance LtLth U.B,C. Section 241 5, Y9928!9ry: After tnstallation is ccmpleted. ,\?, CURB & APPRCACE A?P?N: After fonnstle er.e"TA b"tV;ifi tu pouring concrete. SID\I,\ALK & DRIYEVAI: Fot' aLL ccn- cret;ndofr-;ltl;n street right- of-e:A, to be maCe after aL!- etca- Dating conplete & fom uot'k & tub- bace ncterial in Place. Sanitatg seser.eapped ct pt'operty Lir.e Septie tank p;itped a,td filled aith graiel Final - hhten abcue i.tens are ecnpleted and uhen Cqnclition is complete or strur- tut,e noueC and prenises cleaneC up. Bloeking and. Set-uP Plunbing connections -- scl)eY arlC uater Eleetrical Ccnneetion - Bloeking' set-u: and ptwnbing eonneetions m;st be appr'*ed' before requesti-ng eleclrical inspee !io:'. Aceessory* Builditrg be nade place, UNDIRGPOUIID PLUM?INC, SII'IEP, W.|TER' DRAIIIAGE: To be male PPLIP Eo JLL- l@-Tren hn", uttpERFL)oR PLUI.ET\IC 4 ilEC!!-4NIC.AL: ^T75i nde prior to installation of floor insuLction or deeking. POST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to iiiiiT|ilGi-of floot' insulation or decking. R)UCH ?LU|\BT:lC, II,ECTEICAL t \|ECH= ANICAL: llo uorl'. 'Js tt-t i'c coc-ered GliT-tho"e inspecl;iors hatse been made and approueT. E!|E!!/!E: t\'ior to Plccir4 facittgncterials arrl before franing inspec- tion. FRA!'!|NC: I,lust be requested after appnoiit of rough plwrbing, electri- cal E' nechanieal, ALI- roofing bracing & chitmeys, ete. rntst be eonrpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspection lns been made anC appt'o"^ed. W Final - After etc. ate ccmP pcrckes, skirting, decks, Le!ed. IENCE: h\ter conPlete -- PYooiCe gilii or nooable sections through P. U. E, ALL pro:iect cond.ttions, suc!'; as the i'nstallatton of street tree-s., conplction-of the ,nqi.i"id. Landscaping, ete., mrst be satisfied befot,e the B\TLDTNG FIIIAL can be requested' FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building fnspection mtst be requested clter the Final Plwnbing Electr..ical, qnC Mechanical fnspections ltaue been made and approued. Page 1 ol 2*AT,T, ILANHCLES AND CLNANOUTS I\UST BE ACCESSIDLE, ADJUSTIIEIII ?O BE I.IADE !1.T NO COST TO CI?Y TI Lot Faces -Sources oe tbacks lleat P.L House Access, th I of Stortes Iotal Height Topography LC? ?YPE _ Intericr Corner Panlnnd.Le CuL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Cooerage t SOLAR AC9f SS REQ.-G*JOB NO L-CO Bedroons -- Pcao -- ITEM SQ. FTG X Value Main TOTAL VALUE s.D.c, L.5 r Date Pai.d Building Vqlue & Permit This perrnt-t is granted on the ecpress cond.ition tlwt the said construction slmll-, in all r"espects, conform to the Crdirwnce edopte'7 fuiy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulctittg the ccnstracticn and use of buildings, and may bc suspende,l. or reuokeC al; ctry time upon oic- l,ation of any prcuisions of said 1rdinances, * Building Pernrtt Total Clntges State Signed ITEM NO.fLL CHARGE Fixtures Residential (1. bath) Sani Seuer Plumbing Permit No person sltall consttuct, ins*alL, alter on clnnge cn!! nel cr ecisting plwnbing or drainage systan in ahole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plwnber"s License, etcept that a pe"son nag do plunbing aork to pt,opet,ty ahich is ouned, Leased or operated by the appLi- cant. Plwnbing Pernit State Surcl"a.rge NO Nan/Eetend Circuits Set uice Electricol Permit Wet,e Sl;ate Lao requires tkat the elecl;rical uork be done by an Eleotrical Contractor, the elec!;rical portion of this pernit slu.Ll not be ualiC until the Label hns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. L Permit Total I?!M NC DED CIIARCE Exhanst Hoo,l. Vent Fan Wcodstoxe ao ,/5, OY Mechonicol Permit PertrrLt Issucnee l,lechanicaL Penntt State -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secari Pcrmit Cut bcut Sida,talk ELectrical L Mobile Home /5,75T?TAL Al"l1UltT DUE: * f HAVE CAREEULLy EXAILINED the cotnpleted applieation for permit, and do hereby certify that aLL infox,nation hereon is ttue and. correct, ani f further certifg that any ard. aLL uork perforned sltall be done in accor- dance wLth the Ordinances of the Ci,ty of Springfield, and the La:,;e of the State of 1regon pertaining to the aork Cescribed herern, cnd tlnt N0 ICCU- PI,NCY DiLL be made of any strueture uithout permission of the Building Di- uision. f further certifil that otLLy contractors and enplcyees dho are in conpliance aith oRS 701..055 aiLL be used on this proiect fLafl Efidnine?Date \-,rt(- Total DateSigned // q-fu ll. Caraqe ''lorth Ens t tt FinenLace l tlood.atoxe tl Stot'age Maintenance Pence