HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-06-08- ror NUMBER ?Z-AU-4- SUBDIVISION li,'RITTJCiFIE TJ *=i-.%8 €= rAX Lor - 22zqo - LOCAI ION Ot l'nOP()St:D WOtil(: ASSESSORS MAP: - - 26^// 225 Flltll Street Spri ngf ield, Oragon 97 47 7 RESlDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspect ions: 7:16'376!J Ollice: 726-il!,9 LOT: BLOCK: IIEMOD[i-,- ADDITION -- - DEMOLISI] -- OTHER -*za,-- /.tP'...1 I At-[: NI:W PHONE: 2{-/- w DESCnTBE w()RK: kz b@ OWNER: - ROOnrss: CIIY: fu-e;WtrZ?r)[)"#r.#'z2b3,4ffiD c()t.l I I:IACI()ti :; NAMt: CONST. MECI.IANICAI ELECI-RICAL: CEN t:t:lAL. PLUMf]IN(} RANG[:: ZONING CODE# OF BLDGS _ OFFICE USE _ LAND USE: -- . - WATEtl t-tEAl't,t]: HEAT:JOURCI] FIOOD PLAIN: # OF BDRMS: .-..-' SECONDARY l{EAT: - SOUARE FOOTAGE: - OUAD AREA: OCCY GROUI'', # OF STOnlFr: --- # OF UNITS: ---CONSTR. TYPE: ----, To re(luest ;rrr rrrspection, you nrust call 726-3769. Tlris ls a 24 hour recording. All inspections requestecl before 7:00 ;r rn. wrll lrr_r madc the sarr r.j working day, inspections requeste(l atler 7:OO a.m. will be made the following work day. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS [ | t-cmporirry EleclricI t L] I] ll Rough Mecharrical - Prior tolJ Cov(rr- I -'l Rough Eleclrical - Prir;r toL--J covcr. Site lnspection - To be rrrarle iefter cxt;avation, trut prior lo settirrq forms. Undersl;rb Plunri:irrg/ Elec trical / Mecharrical - Pti<tr to cover. Masonry - Steel locatior-r, bond bearlrs, llrouting. Foundalion - After forms :rre erecte(l [)ut prior to concrete placenrc'rr t. Underqround Plunrbing - Prior to fillirrg trenclr. Post arrd Beam - Prior to floor insulrrl ir-rrr or <1r,.cl<i rrg. Floor lrrsulation * Prior to decki ng Sanilary Sewer - Prior to f illing trenctr Slornt SL-wer - Prior to {illing trenc ll Waler Line - Prior to filljrts, trench. Final Plumbing - Wlrcrr ,,rll lrlunrbing worli is corrrlrlcte. Final Electric:rl - Wlrt:rt all clectrical worl( is corrrplt-,te. Final Mechanical - Wlrlrr all rnechanical work is c;onrplelc. Final Builcling - Wlrt:n all required inspections l)avt; bee.n approved and builcjrnrl r:; t:ompleted. Electrical Service - Must be apf ,rov€d to obt;rin perrnanent elet;trical power. Fireplace - Prior to facing m:rterials anrl f rarning lnsp. Wall/Ceilirrg lnsulation - Prior to cover, l-l OrVwall - Prior to tapin0 Eo,nu,-E*-f* Curbcul & Approach - After forrns are ()re(jtud but prior toplar;emenl of concrete. Sidewalk & Driveway - After e'xr;avation il; r.'onrplete, {orms atrrl sub-l-i:r:;L),ilitt(jrial in ltlace. Fence - When cornpleted. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS lllocking and Set.Up - Wherr ail Lrlocl<i ng is L-()r'nplet(r. Plun'rbing Conneclions - Wlrcn lrorne has l:eerr connt:t]lcri t() water and sewer. Electrical Connecliorr - Whr,:rrblocking, set-up, ancl y;lunrbilrr; inspections hirve bcer r ;rlrl.lrov(:r lirnd the horrte is coltrioClc(, t()the service pilnel. Final - After all requiredtnspections are apprcrvr_.cl ancjporches, skirting, decks, ancJventing have lrcen inst;rllr:tl. Rough Plumbirrg -- prior to cover.[-l Street Trees - When iill required'J trecs are l)l;ltled. L] Footing - After trL.nches are exc avat Lld. L] tl tl l-l Frarning - Prior to cover. [_-l Underlloor Plurrrbino/MechanicalI I Prior fo irr"rroii"'n ;;J;,;k-i;;. l--l wooa Stove - Af ter installation. t__,1 lnsert - Af ler {ircplace approval anc! installation of unit. Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage TopographY Tolal height Lot Type - lnterior *--,- Corner - Panhandle -- Cul-de-sac Setbac l<s HSE GAR ACC ^.ur. PRoPoSED woFtl< lN THE l,,.,.lORlCAL DISTRICT' Ot-l ON THE I-.IISTORICAL REGISTEB? ---.-lf ycs, lhis application tntts;t l:e si1;ned and alrproved by t l-ro l-l istorical Coordinator prior to permit issuance. APPROVEDE N J BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This pernrit is gr;rnted on tltc express conditiorr that the said construr;tion shall, in all respects, conforrt to tlle Ordinance acJoptecl by tlre City of Springfield, ir.rcludir.rg the Development Cc>cle. regulating the construction and use of buildings, anrJ nray lre susplcncJecl or revol<eri i]t atry tirne upon violation of at-ry provisions o( said ordirrances' Plans Rcviewecl BY [);]t(l F'lan Clteck Fce: Date P;rid Receipt Numbc'r:-- fleceivcd BY: VALUE ?zr @\o- (A) BUILDING PERMIT Iol;rl Valur-' tluil(iin(l P()l rrlit Fec St;ttc Sltx;llilrge "li.rt;rl Fet: 24? /- /s ze,-za- SO. FT. X $/SO. FT.ITEM Main Garage Carport Systems Developtrtcrrt Cl)arge is clue on ;rll tttttlcvclopcd properties within tlre City lirrrits which 3rs [;girrg itrtprror"cd'SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ITEM Fix t u res ResicJential Bath(s) S;rrritary Sewer Water Stortr Sewer Mobile Home FE,E (c) No FT. FT. FT, PLUMBING PERMIT Plumbing Permit State Surcharge Tot;rl Char.r;c Wood Stove/ lnsert i Fireplace Unit Dryer Verlt MECHANTCAL PERMIT (D) No Mechanic:rl Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Perntit Fu rn ace Exhaust Hood Vetrt Fan By signature, I state arrd agree, that I llave caretrrlly r:xanrined the cotnpletcd application and do hereby c(:rtify lhat all irrformation ltcreon is lrttr: ancl correct, ancl I f trtthcr ccrlily that any alld allworl< prr:r[ortrlccl shall be done itl act;ordance withthr,'OrdinarrcesofthcCityofspringfieId,arrtjtlreLaws of the State of Orctlon pcrtainirrg to the worl< describcd Iterein, ancl tlrat NO OCCUPANCY will bt-' trra<lt: of atry structurewithoutpertnissionoftheBuildingsafctyDivision. I f urther certi{y that only contractors and ettt[rloyees who are in compliance with ORS 701'055 will be used on this project. I {urther agree to ensurc tlrat all required it-lspections are requested at the propcr time, that each address is readable from the street, that tlre pcrmit card is locatcd at the front on the site at all Signatu re Dare - 4- -8-: f Z- c of the PropertY, and the aPP roved set of Plan:; will rernainMISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Hotne State lssuance llt.rte Surcll.rrge llirlcwall< ---- ft C)r-rttrcut lt Dt:ttrt>li tirltl lll ;il() S(l I(;ll;rrge Tolal Miscellaneous Permits (E) VALIDAI ION: RE,CEIPl' NUMt]EF] DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVEI) NECEIVED BY Ga2* 7= TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) B, C, D. ancl E Combined)(A, PL.