HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-05-12" RESlt(NTlAL" zzs itorth sttr streeAPPLicA?r,N /PERI,rr Sprtrqfield, }regan 97477 Buildtng Diuision 726-37 53 Date: 9d SPFIINGFIELD 6rJob Loccticn: Aasessore jlao # l7-OZ.t- l ?cz bt # A85OO Subdiu;.E:.cn: DescrLbe L'ot k: +z,r-{3 Phone z 1 Vai.ueDaxe of .|pp Licaticn 500 );ner .ld&ess aCer.eraL lLectrtcal |.!ecicniccL |CW) 3UILD:;:CS Sardtar,l seaer capped =t prcpetfiy Line Septic totk p:x_ted ad. filled ,,rith graiei Final - I.,4ten abcue itens ue ccnoLetei ari uiten TencLition is ecr:ole:e -cr s+r"re-tute noueC att aretlaes eleened up. l.lobile Ecnes Blocking otd. Sec-ug Plmbin4 conneccicne -- a€ri€! al. aaler Fina.L - .t,fter ;crckes, skirting, decT-s, etc. @e cctnle;eC. Electr.Jecl Canneet.Jon - Blceking, €et-u, and, plwnbing eonneetions rr;st be apprcoed. before requesting el,ec:rical insceclio;,: Aeeessat'; tsuild'-n4 Cons jrueticn_lende!_ IWPinIAil CALL 726-3769 (yecorCey) state gour City Cesiq.a.ted job ntmber,ahen uou reaiy fot inspection,Conttactcrs or A;ne:,s r,cne ad.plone n;;r.berL be ma<ie the sane dcg, "eouests nc<ie aft* 7:00 on viLL be naCe the neet :nrking day. I-! ie lhe responeibility of-ths petnrt; ioZd* to see that aL|. nJnapeclians @e r.a<ie at 2he ptoper tlne, i!,,at aach.-C,lnesa is v2n;q:^i2;'roa thB st?eet, anc iitac the pemtt card is t.ocated at the froi of tl,e grooerht.t3uiai.4 vi:ti:io- cppro"'ed plctt sitcll remain on the Bdlding site 'at ett'1.tkes." iob aCiz.ess, type Pequests recei'"-ed of inspee=icn befcre 7:00 a:i Si!! IJSPafllt: To be rm.de aiter e.zcct)ctlav., but priar to se! up of forms. U\ID|RSLA3 ?LU:.!BI!G. ZLZC?PIC,\L 1 ,:ECiii.;liCAJ: 7o be ncaie cejare cngwrk is ccuetei. lF tUy i!-f lcqlr:lc M!-':tDAT:c!t: lo be tr*ce lA | ;j-'-e; --t.-n;i;;-a';;.cancted ad. foz.-na cte erectei, but pt4o" to pouz-i,rq ccnctete. your City'Desigra,ted Job Nunbet Is: |IISULATIAN /VAPOP BA.RRIZR iIISFlCifiII : To be naCe aftey aLL instlc'cicn ad. requiz,ed uqor bawie?s @e in pl,ace but before ory l.a.th, Wpszon boatC cr unLZ coueting is cpplied, ani beiore ozy insula',ion is corzcealed. DRl'tlA.LL |IISPICTICN: Tc be naCe after aLL ityuall is in place, but prior to czg tapin4. WSC!!!: Steel Location, botzd beans, groulin4 or ,terticcls in accoriaoe ,./ith U,ts.C. Section 2415. R3lLoql ullDiaczarynt paL'!!2 L:;c, s1w?.. U.1!!R. DP,AIIIAGE: lo 'oe nsie prior rc fil-Lir4 crenchee, AilDERFLCOR ?'U:.8 IIG " }4!C!!A!TCAL :ffioi floor ineul,ctian or Ceeking. ?0ST AilD 3eA!'!: ?o be naCe prJot loinstallaticn of floor insuT.axic-n ot decking. 2auat a?r^tD-.tr ar?dorarr 2 teao_ Ailii,:.'-: .lio ';orx is tc ce co.;epec w:til :kese ir-sceetiox,e 'naue beet; naie qrd. tpprctied.. F!?P!-;,:Z: fui.on ;.o c'tccira cceina ffi;G cr.d beJbre'iro,rins ;irr"L-tiot. lRAjlLlC, ltust be recuected cflerqorou;L cJ' rcugh plwrbin4, zlect?.:-cal I nechanica!. ALI t:ooijrg btccltg A ehi:rmcys, etc. mtsc be corngleted. llo ;crk is to be con- - cecled until lhis insoec:icn h,as'been tode atC cpprc,^ed. FI|IAL PLU:/;BI:iG FI;IAL .'.!EC.|AIICAL ?!:IAL ZLZCIPICAL ar tr a]I E KW After installation is e!88_,1 AP?-c4e.q ,a?!.QN: After fornsa,e ez,ecteC6i pAA to pottr:r,a coftcrete. SIDEIIA.LX n DRT,EIAI: For all cctt- erete pauitq aivhln street right- of-tx7, to be maCe a!'ter aL! erca- uating snnplete & fozn ,"prk 3 eub- base rcterial in pl^zee. ALL proj required ?tNC!: tnthen eonplete -- PtoviCe gates o" nooable eections through D tt, eex eor.diiions, suck ds the insxallaxicn cf st?eet crees, :az-c|.eticn cf .;E' Lanlscqirg, ctc., rast be saxisiieC be;'ote the tsUiiDI:;G ?fliAL tcn be requested. 1fl I1NAL B-urLDr!,lC:- Tne Final- Buildin4 lnsoeetion ,ntst be z,equested ,zfter th,e lira.L Plunbizx Y_/ liectrical, cni lleciozr.iccl itscecclons '4c11)c ceen aaie arui' ,pprcued. 'ALL !'|A\IHCLES AND CLEATTOATS |\UST BE.ICCESOBLZ, .4DJ(.t57:!Z:t! lO 3E:.!,4D8:'.1 tto:iiT TC CI?y x x X -eaa2 : ot -! r ?zge 2 JOB NO r-at Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Ccueraga il of StorJes ?otal lleighx Cutbeu! 8?at--o-ZZa Iniericr Corter I'dnn-dfta L e LtL-de-sac / soLAR-CEss REQ.- Clrtb Lc? !Y?z L-co c Plumbing Permit No pez,eon sl,a.ll ca.stzwct, install, .zl,tez' or clange dnA neD cr e:isting plunbin4 cr drainage stlstez in ahole or in pott, unLess such person is the Legal possessor of e ualid plwtber's License, e.cept that d ?elson nag do phmbrhg xork to prope"b! uhich is otmed, Leased ot, opera'ced by the dppLi- eant, Elecf rico I Perm i t l,l7ere State La,s teqtiree that the electrical uork be done by an Eleetz-ical Contr.tetor, the eleetzti.cal porlion of this petnit sLaLL nat be uaLiC until the Label has been signed by the Electrtcal Contracto?, Mechqnicql Permit _L Plmbing PerrLt Petwtt fssuanee Mechanieal Perttrtt Stdte lotal Charaes f ilAW CARE|ULLy lX,L,"lJilED tle eorn.oletzd coplicaxion for petnit, c-rui do hereby certify thdt aLL ,)lfotnation hereon is true ar-d. carrect, anC f fitttket certiJ'y :hat cny ard. aLL xork pery'orned shall be dote in aceor- dance :,ttth the 1rdinanees of the City of SpringfieLd., anC. the Las of the Sr,ate of 1regcn peri:ainina to tke uor,.k CescribcC herein, cnd tiur :1o ?cCU- ?Allcy vtll be rraie of cnl acructule uithout petnission of the Suilding 7.- uision. I f,ttlher cett.Jf'g tiut onlg ccntrac'tcts o';d nplcgees ai"-o atz in eetpliance uith CRS 701.055 aiLL be uled an this project /2 t7g3 tseircons:I Lot ?aces -!ne!o,t Souz.ees I!e2 oe ! --- ar i!ouse Cetace Aecess ,/ate":!2atat' ilarth lq,Rdnge lasx u6,FireoLaee Sot;th &/r7 Vaoastote i'/est {ft>r. -- lees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pertnt is gnanted on the eup"ess eond.ition that the said-eonstzwction sira.Ll, in ail rescects, confcrtt to the )rdirwnce edoote,T iliy the C'i,ty cf Sprt)ngf)eld., incluiing the 3or.ing CrCir.ar.ee, regulcting tke ccnst?,tet':cn ind use oi butLd.ings, anti n=y be sucaerieC cz. reuckei at at! t')ne u:cn u'tc- Lation af tny prctisicns of saii Criircnces. Talue 37,y| i!c x J AD a FZd LFAtlU: Tnat., )lain d^fraf ,rtf ttd ?uilding ?errit ?o+-al Ch,angea State ?Lan Lh-e,cK tec,: Fistloes Resid,zttti,al ( 1 bcth) Sa,itanl Seuer Srwt be*tt,gt'/o,*7^'/o.* ,7/a /a.rb ,-a't Ja=)io.;4tr Res- So. ftc, Nal/Extetd Cireuits ?.1 .Vqt e /fr" lanpc"@nt Semsice /9." eo/frp :!z:,!,,i,. Fvtr'"zce 2TU'S *hatst HooC ?ent lot 'rlcocistote I f,,oo /O, n' /u'n,& /fi'@ -- J,tuavALJ.l):.i: -- C^^,;t., ^^^^^.'+ Sto"4.ge i,laintencnce Perwit ilaexz,ieal La.bel :AT.AL AilOUiI? DUE: * "?.dy I i Mobile Hane s.D.c. 1,5 x llete:. \ CITY OF SPRTNGFTELD--BUILDING DIVISION 346 MArr.r sr. 726-.3753 (susrNSSs\ 726-3769 (rNSpECTroNS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAI I,ABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OWNER The Electrical Safety Lar.' of the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by himself or a member of his immediate family which is not intended for sale, lease, or rent. (PIEASE PRINT) APPLTCANT'S NA}IE l(\-\arneS trJ:n*ve-f t't- ADDRSSS L/5 ?8 ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED I{ORK re *2 a7- "7 a/ ,ts? N, 3 y "^ s-l ,.ul BUILDING OWNER (IF OTIIER THAN APPLICANT)SA-.- 9 PHONE f certify that all of the above information is true and correct, and that no portion of any wiring system requiri.ng a labe1 as applied. for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shall be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is'complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: 4 5 6 1 2 3 Temporary Service Underground. Service Service Rough Electric cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions Mobile Home Connections Signs Swircming Pools 7 I 9 I further certify that I wiII notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAI INSPECTIONS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, I am a member of his or her immediate family. Signature Date TNSPECTTON REQUESTS SHOULD BE ].IADE ON THE BUTLDTNG DTVISrON',S 24 HOUR A DAy TNSPECTTON LINE. THE II'ISPECTIO}I NUMBER TS 726-3769. INSPtrCTTON REOUESTS WI{TCH ARE CALLED IN BE- FOR 7 A.I{. WTLL BE },LADE ON THE SA}IE DAY. FOR OF'FTCE USE ONLY LABEL }ruI\IBERS e's{ B LABEL ISSUAIJCE FEE RECEIVED BY FC-,DATE G- re- 83 2o? SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works March 20, L9B4 Mr. l,Jinfrey 457 North 38th Pl ace Springfield, Oregon 97478 Dear Mr. l.linfrey: Your request for an extension of your permit for work being done at 457 South 38th Place, Springfield,Oregon, City Job #831641 has been reviewed by the Superintendent of Building. After reviewing your request, the Superintendent of Building has granted a one time 180 days extension which will expire on September 20, 1984. If you have any questions, p'lease fee'l free to contact me at 726-3659. Si ncerel Y' L B uilding Safety Division S Hopper th 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3753 / JOB ADDRESS: 457 North 38th Place JOB #: 831 641 LAST ACTIVITY DATE: September 20, l9B3 N0 INSPECTION REC0RDED: OTHER: CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: _L VALID: However, your permit wjli expire on March 20, l9B4 If _you wish to request an extensjo,r of your permit, please not.ify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentjoned date _- EXPIRED: Your permi t expired on If you pian to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must beappl ied for. *If the "expired" box, above 10) days from the date of this lette is checked and we do not hear frorn y0u r),we will clear by ( ten t ( our files of all related information wjth regard to the permit. / 3 y'lqr r/ /, t./ th * y')/*, q "r r e, h*.,-( ^,/ 7t ar ^^. f ., Dr e 7u ecc'tu.\tc! /4< ctt'.a..; lrnrlron /-t zt-,.,7 lccfi f *,jAerl a /4/4*t SPRINGFTELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works March 6, 1984 CERTIFIED L ETTER Mr. Winfrey 457 North 38th Place Springfiel d, 0regon 97478 Dear Mr. Winfrey: Li Bu sa Hopperilding Sa fety Division The springfie'rd Building code Administrative code.requires that,.in order for a permitto remain valid, corstruction work autho"liua-iI rt must begin within 180 days from thedate of purchase of the pe.*it-' it-.JII jr"lrii,.nded or iuirion.o during the course ofconstruction for a period exceedirg i8b'aurr,"ih. p.rrit niii''irtomatfcarly expire.If a permit has-expr'red a1! susRension and/or abandonment of work on a project has notexceeded one year' a perm'it to start or resume-work ruy b.-pr".r,usea for one half theI;: ;:ru1;:f ;?1,: ff[rll'3;:.1;l.fl[;',=nllJiii;'ti;;i ;; ffiil.s have o..n ,Iau in If a permit has n9! Vet expired and a.permit hoider anticipates the need for more timeii,!':ii,;3?;l'x;';;i UXi,iffi,'i5.I:i:;,,rui';l-l,ii;;;;'#;"sh?e:. to sranr-a oneor a written request ei[rii,iriii wr,v irre-.rt.rrrJir;rr|::.iff:;:, rrom the puirri r,oro., The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard toconstruction activitv iiiJiiJi.a wrth v.rir"p.iri,it. piease ijrir. this office-6i yourintentions with resaid t;-;;;;;di;"oi"i.nrlirj our, ;;;; i[.,jut. of this Ietter.Please direct all inquiries to the springfield Bui.lding safety Division at 726_365g. S i ncerely, attachment th 225 North Sth Street .Springfield, Oregon gZ4Tz a 503/726-3753 JgB #: 83.l 64.|JOB ADDRESS: 457 North 38th Place LAST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: sep tember 20, I 983 NO iNSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PERMIT: X VALID: However, your permit will exp'ire on our CS a re a th If you wish to request an extension of your permit, please notjfy this office in writing p.ior to the above mentioned date. March 20, I 984 If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new permit must be appl ied for. * *If the "exp'ired" box, a bove, is checked and we do not hear from you by ffi-(10i;;rs i"o* in. date of thjs letter)' we-intoi*ition with regard to the permit' will clear A* .J *%at toz CITY OF SPRINGF]ELD--BUILDING DIVTSION 346 MArl{ ST. 726-.3753 (BUSTNESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTTONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL I,ABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OWNER {/e8310 */',) The Electrical Safety Law cf the State of Oregon does not require a person to obtain a license as an electrician and,/or electrical contractor to make an electrician in- stallation on property which is owned by himsel-f or a member of his jmmediate family which is not intended for sale, lease, or rent- (PLEASE PRINT) APPLICANT'S NAME t(-\-\arneS L-tJ: n *ve / L/5? N, 38 ee*PHoNE 2 A7- 27 ryLtt- ADDRESS r ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED I^IORK ,{57 N'3 y "^ Sl ,nul BUILDING OWNER (IF OTI{ER THAN APPLICANT)s$a-rn <- ADDRESS PHONE f certify that all of the above information is true and correctr drrd that no portion of any wiring system requiring a labe1 as applied for herein and intended to be con- cealed by any permanent portion of the building or structure shal1 be concealed until inspected and approved. When the installation of the system is complete, an additional and final inspection shall be made. Inspections are generally required for at least the following conditions and or stages of construction: 1 2 3 Temporary Service Underground Service Service Rough Electric Cable Heat New Circuits or Extensions 4 5 6 7 I 9 Mobile Home Connections Signs Swi:n'aning Pools I further certify that I will notify the Building Division when any of the above ELEC- TRICAT INSPECTIONS are ready, that all work will be done in accordance with the Electri- cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon, and that if not the building owner, f am a member of his or her immediate family. Signa ture Date r INSPECTION REOUESTS SHOULD BE ].1ADE O}J THE BUILDING DIVISION,S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION LINE. THE INSPECTfON NUMBER LS 726-3769- INSPECT]ON REQUESTS WHICH ARE CALLED IN BE- FOR 7 A.I4. WILL BE }trqDE ON THE SA},18 DAY. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY LABEL \IUNIBERS os LABEL ISSUATICE FEE RECE IVED BY FC-' {i3 DATE G-tL- 83 .2o c 6n