HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-01-26^;j-, O;,.;.'-1.. u,i ..,t; :1,.!V';; .jii ar,l ,r,r','.:lJij::, lf(tv 'tl'lllSSA:)JV jltl Jsill'l SJ1)NVAru 1NV SA'nilNVl'l 1'lVt .i -,no.rJrJt, In& apDu lt?aq i'arill suo14o?JsltJ 7otDoqcary ?uD '7Dc1.t?oo'l7 tutquo4j.lDul,i ?1!? .tti3: taTsari)?.l .,q JSnu t.o'LJ.!rlsu; DtnpTtng 7DuL;I allJ :)llIOIfnA'IVNII .pelsanbe,t aq ue.,jv1M.!101It')A all aroitq VatlttToe a(l lsnu ''o7e 'Dutdcospurr| paaz-nba,t aq? lo t(.. ,to7,-i-;c: 'sa?t4 +a?J';s.{o u:t':.'toTttt:}rilt;. atfl :}D qcn!} 'suolT\puoo 4caloaC 17.y 'aculc u1, 'lD1.ta+aut "sDq-qnc , Uoa tuoj I aqaTduoo Aut+oa -t)ora i?D aa{o apow cg o1 cfittt-to -.it1ita lcaa4s u1q+1a Dutaod ala,tc -Ltrc 'l'lD ,ro,{ :Ivtlil,,Jac t xlvllqols .alalcuo? fiut,ntcd oJ ao"LJd +nq pa+caae a.rD '1V)rUi3g71 '.lVNIt '1V)IilVI133t'l 7Vilrn 2t,tIgi4nId '1vilil 'paooaddo ?uD opDw ua"q soy uotqcadsu? s?U+ 'l?7un paleao -uoc aq o+ sa lac& oll .poqaXduoo aq ?sru 'c7a 'sfrcuu't4c g twtooaq Du,tlooa 77y 'TDcluDqcaw p 7oo -a.r.+"a7" '6utqum7d q0not lo Toaoaddoaaito paqcanbaa aq 4snq :$U-liiFEj -aadsuL bu'tuna! a.tolaq *, ,r".;:|n DuToc! tr,t.tocTd o+ no?ad :qfrleim 'Vaaoaddo puD apDu raaq aaDL! suo'L+cad$u1 ase4l 1:.1+tn p?,ra:to" cq 01 s1. 4aofi oN :,IV3INV '5u74oap ao uo?+Dlnsul ,too1t to ttcl.4o17o1sut oq aoV,td apDu aq oJ :frV-id-dfrF-ifii. 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J dwca am 'o1a ,tcl f 't - tt'trt t 6uVV7ing :i,tossaccy il t.r1 .).1 I .)aT il ur+uaJa I)S r?i, I:I1 :)aT !I LhL : auo\d( t"ns-? suc'LJoadsur PanlnDealtl J:)quolN qo7 paqan6'tsaq fi1t3 ano; :ici;aadslz jc. a,:ri7 '!-gr.i:':)D qof 'Jeq::mu -* UU. Z ?':opraa s'L lsalpp= !,?::,.t j;)'.a rr,ir-)l?r.rr' JJtlt,:!:il 't:L)p f:t{!),t,,ri(::1.1:2Lt etfi ?pDa';q 7??a uD 96:2 aeTJo apcw sqsanbaa 'frlp auns'cq+ aPDw aq 77?a :,noql 7,y1v' -'Lr:)u s,tcuo) .to s.tc?cDJ+tto3 'uotqocdsu't aot fipoaa aq 777.a noli u?l! PtlD Paqsanba.t .1(,i.[)2.ll1|i',:::..t.|i1tj,tnolia7o7t:(aaPJc'oca)6gLt-gzL11v): e t' .r, +t t t',t....,-., / L' 1, . ,;. ',tlT7?nu "tll uc u?rlua.T 77:n7s uoTC paaotCdn '.io?::?a?g Autpitn6, ti1.t;t,tt'.rtl i,!l'l J.) 1uo.t! a4? 4D paqDocl s? pdDo quua.ad aql lDttl puo '7aalTs a41 woaJ Llo2: ?!)!tl ':,uti ,t;,.!,,t.! .,\; ?D r?'L'!t it,tu {:ur.:'t?c?,1!}u? iTD ?Dq? aas o? ar.rfloq 47utad aq? to filtTtq\suoCsaa aq} e? 1! ; s IBrl uPrlJaJ.{ 8nl qurn i ,1 .r tr L) rI cl TBlauoi\ S., j Ll ):',1 5.r4 -itlt)s-l arLiDA :)L.roil aqa.Io$ao uc?+Do'17 ddy to apq dtp ,t:;-tnJ a 4ruO q2 La?owea UC?+?PPY T'AM :ssatpPv :aawo :uo'LslalPqns ll 'l 01 t'Dt 11 dt4n1 aaossassy ry-C!131:ISN!I dS t -!0 Ohh :ltc'L4Doo'I qoi' 99 19-92 I uo?s?a?O 1uVpTVng ttrt6 uo6ar0'pTa$butadg +aaa+s q+9 q+"tov 9zz ,r fi ,t a gd / N (' - - v J rI ddv "'lVlIN].5IS:IU " L_l ()t,L,!: JOB NO. Lot Sq. Ftg. 7" cf Lct Ccverage # of Stories 'lotal lleight Topography SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Bedrooms Receipt ll Mechqnicol Permit LCT :Y?!: Ir. t er.tcr L'o?ner ['anhtndl.e' Cul-rle-sctt: Lot Faces - Mechanicel l'ernrtt ?atal t'|n Plant Erctnt.tteY Tote I HAVE CAREFULLy IXAMINED the conpleted appLtcation for permit, and do iereby certify that aLL information hetteoi is tt'ue and eo*ect, otC r fut,th"er certi'1y that any ar,d aLL uot:k perfor-ned slnll be done in aceot- "dor"e. with th-e" ordinanc-es of the city of'sprtngfteld, and th,e Laas of the State of 7regcn pertainino'to the uot'k Cescribed herein, cnd tlnt No ocCU- pANCy ditl bL nade of any structut e uithout pewnissi_on of the Building N- uision. I furtlicr cer.tiiil that otly contrac'tors and enplcyees t)ho aY'e in eonpliance uith C,RS 701.05f uiLL be used on this project Soi.trces Cttt,ageDTilouse Nor th Iirtst l FirepLace South l Woodc tr.tt:e !,/e st ll Building Volue & Permit Th.Ls pernrlt is granted. on the efpress condition tvn-t the- said,consttaction slnl.L', in all rbspects, confc,rn:lto tlrc Crd1mtnce adop.ted biy the City of ::ptinr17teld., inctirling the 2oning Crdinance, regulati,rtg the cotstv"tcticn arrl ,',ie of bu'ildings, ancl mty bc suspentletl on reuokeC at cny time upon oic- 'laL-Lon ol- arty ltr.cuisions o!' said ordinances. Value.Y e ta t ,1ac 4 Signed s.D.c. L.5 x T']'TTI itlain TOTA\, VAI,U!: DC LIIC PLan Check ltee Date Paid Buildin{r Penmit Total Clnrges State Plumbing Permit No per.eon slnll constmrct, instalT-, alter ot change _cnli neD-c" existing _ pttkbing or 4rainage sys!;en in uhole o,r, in pant, unless such penson is the 'Legal {osses"o, of a rLliri plr*bor's Lic-ens,b, es-cept that a person nay 8o- ptir*t ;ig uork to property uhich is otsned, Leased olr operated by the appli- cant. cllAR()L' Wctet, t Lf, Seaer I1'EM Residential (1 bath) Plunbing Pernit Tctal Chcnges State Surcl:a4te Electricol Permit Were State Lau nequi|es tlzat the electrical uork be done by an Electvical Conttactor, the elictrical pot,tion of this pennit slnll not be uaLiC until the Label hns been aigned by the Electrical Contractor' 'Ectend CircttiLs Total Ch.at ces 2 t ta I 3 \ IL78 Stete Sur:: ITlM I Jt L'!l/lll!:l: F\rrnce PTU / S Erhrnst HooC Vent Fan Wcodstope -- L:NCRCAc'lllt!!::!'l - - Secut,ittt Deposit Storage l,ktintenance Parmit Cut bcut SiCeualk !eree Electv.ical Label llobile Hcne Pernrtt f:::;u.7ne,:: Datt: CIItrY O!.' SPF,I\TG--'IEIJI:) DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 477 September 11, 1981 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LETTER John L. Reavis 30848 Mapl e Dri ve Junction City, Oregon 97448 Dear Mr. Reavis: 0n September 1, 1981 an electrical inspection was made at 440% N. 38th Street at the request of the Springfield Fire Department. The following defects were noted: Ch 10(c)7.(e) , Ch 7-701(c) NEC 338-3 1. Serv'ice entrance cable used for interior wiring was installed as branch circu'its for electric range and clothes dryer; this is not in compliance with the electrical code. These cables are now deteriorated and are unsafe to use. NEC 110-22 2. One circuit of #12 non-metallic sheathed cable is feeding all lights and outlets for the entire one-half of the duplex. It NEC 240-3 is also connected to a 30-amp breaker feeding the dryer and has Table 3i0-16 been so heavily overloaded that the insulation has been damaged. NEC 110-8 3. Telephone conductors are used as branch circuit wiring. NEC 402-11 4. Lamp cord (zip cord) was used as branch circuit wiring. The above major defects are some, but not a'll, of the defects found; they are serious enough to require rewiring of the prem'ise. Much dryrot was observed in the area where wires had shorted at the roof line. This has been referred to a building inspector for inspection. The defects found are cause to require that a housing inspection be done on the entire building within seven days of receipt of this notice. ELECTRICAL SAFETY - The electrical s ystem has been improperly altered and maintained described'in Section 1001(e) of the Uniform Hous-and const'itutes hazardous wi ri ng as ing Code by the City of Springfield. A'lthough the existing electrical system may have met the standards of the code that was in effect at the time of its installa- tion, alterations, and/or improper majntenance requ"ire corrections to be made in accordance with both the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield a and the current Oregon State Electrical Specialty Code (E.S.C.). 0regon Electrical iui.iy 1iw Section iZ-110(b) states that electrical work performed on property that is foi rent, sale or lease, shall be done by an electrical contractor. ncerely, - i/l .44-./f*--* Mr. John L. Reavis Electrical InsPection 440r. N. 38th Street September 11., 1981 Page 2. Si Jim Matteson Electrical Inspector cc JM/s h File 1001.1b Springfiel d Fire DePartment Ronald B. Clark Superintendent of Bujlding Joseph J. LeahY Assistant City AttorneY Marion Johnson Bui lding Inspector