HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-09-27)Yt,)
22s North sth streffPLrcATr,N/PERMrr
SprLngfield' )regon 97477
Building Diuision
7 26- 37 53
€}{aq tr--38s \c,,tc-L -iob !,occticn:
Assessore |4ao #Tcs Lot #
drt*Lr|\Qic"-ir- lilonla..r\\-!c,y U!Ctner,:
So.-ry ,r.--E-slqt-offitAddtess:Pl"one
DescrLbe l'lork:
t/.-rr:o U
c)oalDate of Applica
n r.r$
RenoCeL tf,rrs.q.ft -
cALL 726-3769
l! is the resxotzsibility of tl,e pernit houet to aeefron the street, ctd tltat the eal. ia Locatedt 1uiHitg D.)uiciot- ccprot:ed
L be ralie the sane dcg,?eque6ts ncde cfte.t 7:00
tltat aL'!, inspections ee nade at lhe p?ope" line , thdt ecch c.ddresa is rea;alz':e
1t .94e ircnt of tlre ytoperty.
Suil<inry Siie at aLZ- ttnes.
) state yout, City Cesigrated job nwr,ber,;ob aC&ess, type of inspec)icnCantTdcta?s cr A,mez,s nqne atd phone ntnbcr P,equests receiued befcte Z:C0 c:,an wiLL be naCe the nezt tnrking s-.,
Iout Cifu-DesiEra.ted ,iab llwtbey Is:83zbq
Sanitey seaer eappeC ct Woperci- Lile'
Septic totk p;rced and filled trith g,ateL
.: ?o be nade afterptlc" tc set uD of
l-1 siTt r!ts?!c!:)x| | acaucior56;
wP?!rtzuti.llLAL! 'zo D€ no.d.o be;cre anywrk is eoveyed.
PC_oT!:tG 1 F?U:tD,lTIOtt: ?o be np.Ceaice? Jrenctes .7re ezecuated anri
fczms. ote erecteci, but ptior topoutLry ecnc?eta.I
yequire! uqor ber.Je?s @e in place
b'at,-beybre o:g kiz, gApsln baazd. or
unLu .couering ts aoLied, oui beforeoty insula:tcn is concealed.
DR.YTALL :!lSPtC!:C:t: Tc be r.adeaitet, aLL *1uali is in pLace,but pnior to any tapitg.
UA.S1NPI: Steel Locat:.on, bonCbearsr- erautirn or uer=iccis ,Jn
aeco"dotee oi;h l.B.C, Section
tt0ODS_?0'/J.: .4.fter instclTatton is&ntDLeted. 1
linal - il1tea cbcue ltens ate cctaT-eteiatd uhen Cenclition is conrplete by str.e_ture nooe{ od. prenises elbaned up,
CURB 4 APPR14C\! .!.p?.CN: After forms.?.e ereciei but trio" .-o pour)ngconarete.
j[D||/A.L:< 4 )R!.TiA!: Fot aLL cott_
1!!1 l"rrt"g uich,.tn stteet mght_oI-Y!, lo ce naie aiter a1.7, Zcca_uatLnq canaiete I iczn r;ork & .iub_oase nctezlal ln ,olaee.
-'3,VCE, |,/hen conpZ;te __ pyouiCe
?ates o" tttouable eeetians tfu,ougt^.P. U. E.
Aii, ct,c;ect eori!:ions,-.:",:1 ,che ins=.cilc!O?^ :f s.?eeD r,".",2_.iJ""i,*_teqairei icrcseccizrg, .tc-, nust i" uot;iiiLe beibte *" etiiii,-ti i!.tAL 2an be rzquester).?:;iAL ts[tf:)Ijtc: ?I3s i-.__t - ..,.
E z 2 c ct'i ca z' *ra .dlL-: iI i 11'- * t"s. rn s -o e c
tacrl inspecr:;"";':;;-?:^7"t ?" requested z.oeen naae ord
the ltnat PZubing
UIIDEPFLCCR Df .it:.r71:e 2 ,rtao t i?.. r .
To be na<ie prici-co liiilGli ";fXaon insulcxian ot decking.
I ep. si l;!o ltty: ro be n:ace p?ac" to, I L.v-sxaLrc.dton of f7oor insula;ion ord.eckLtl€,
io CCu*€!4d.these t nsoectior:s,tc,;e beennarie and.zcprc,,ted.r FIPZ?L.AQ?: Pt4or lo ?Lccirz rcointncxertcls and, beiore fr.*i"S ::i"i"Z_tioz-
W!: ttust be nectecteC =ftet
T:'i'i;ri"iz1,:, 1tr is', t "i.n -
lil1;"9 ! ehinmegs, ete, .fis6'5scottto_Le-ted. )lo tct,k ts to be e;,_-.c,ealed unttl, _ihis insg.cr-c-n iiDee.n Eole ani approueci.
f rnur pLa:.:Br;tG
] rtut l.lEatlAitrcAL
tsLocking otd, Sat-:.tp
Plunbittg connecxions -- san€! otC uatet
Electrical Cmnecx:Jon - Blocking, ser_Leani gl"unbing cannections *rt i;L'qor"r.iaoeio"e requesx--ng eleclrical inspeb=icrz
AecessorS* BuiLCing
Itnal - After_pcrc,kes, skirtitg, deci,s,ete. ee eatoZeled.
?23-e 1 of 2
tr'.Zi lt4yg21i"AND CLEAITOA?S ,IfiS?EE .J.CCISSI3LE,.lDjts?:E;il ?0 39 ,.tl t\F :t? lto :rST ?C Cny
0 -t
Lot Sq. F:g.
i sf 1-ct Ccuercle
L-co c
) of Stcr':es
lctaZ Je")Eht
-- aJe i:.AL.1t::.,. --
PLcn ixantner
I HAW CARETLLy !)Lil4IilED the com,olete-d appl.tcation fot pemit' cnd' do
;";;;; i"it;fu-ln i "ti-i"lor "-ion het'eoi is tnte anc ccrreet' cn'c r
;;;hL, LnrrtTT :hax cng alL aLL uork ceriorned shali be io::e i'n dcscr-
'd";;i;;-"; ,aL'oraL"-rn'nr-of tan citv oi.'spt4n'gf.ieLd'' .anc the Lc;s oi 2he
#;1""'"7- i";,i""-ii"r"l.lrllns- to th.e uoik ces-cr4bbd herein, cnd '-i'a.! u0 3ccu'
p.tlc:t dtl ba naie "r'*ri'"tlr"i""z il,tio"t oetnissio, cf t'ne 3uiiding D'i-
oision. r !'1l!the" ."r;:;?J";h;;-7'Lv-"o"i"3':oPs Gd otpLcvees ut"'o cte it
"";;1,;;""; iltt, cns 701-'0'5s uiLL be- uaed on this ptoiect
' :,!obi!e ilste
Lot Faces -
-_=U ?aa :l ','aLue
4^n.f ,lnf i,E
: na r c -
\i1 -nerrnt_is grc-nted on the eiP?ess condition thax the said eonatructioas^ttall,
^,.n-122.:es,oe-c.ts, conlbrn io the Crdirmce tCocrei by the CitT ofEpz".ngftel,1, tnclucitng the Xoning Crdinrm.ce, regruLc!-Ltg ;he ecnstrtit.icn
cnti.,,tse of bu:-Litngs, anC n=y be susoend.ed. or rbuckei Lt cny tine ,tion uic-Lattan oi; ,oty pr"oistons of ZaiC criir,nnces.
Building Vqlue & permir
lotcl Ctz:ges St---"ed
l::.v FEE I C:-APCE
Realienti-a.L (i bcth)
Plumbing Permit
llo pereon sinll cons'bzaet, instal!, alter or chan4e dny nea cr eristi,ngplubing or drainage €gsts-n in ahole or in part, wzless such person is the
Legal possessor of a ualid plumbet's Lieense, ezcept th,at a Delsan nag doplu$ing uoz,k to p"ope?t! ahich is oumed, Leased or opetateti bg the appli-
?Lznbir'4 Pemit
;l a,t /Ezt end. Cirgeit s
Electrico I Permit
Were State La,t reqtdres that the electrLcal uork be Cone bg an llectz-tcal
Contractot,, the electrical portion of thie permit sltall rot be uali.C until
the 7,abel las been eigned by the Electrn)cal conttactor.
Lzhast ilooC
Vent ?zr
Mecharnicol Permit
?e*i't issu.cee
!4ecV,:nrcc!, ?erwlt
-^6rr ,rtalt\ta ^t:?.4
-J:42 *'t-v't' !-J's.b$