HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-09-12Reeet tr SPRINGFIEI-D .. RESIDT 'TIAL.. APPLICATihL/PERITIT 225 Notth ith Street SprLngfield, )negon 97477 Building Diuision /ao-o/b,t Job Loeeticn:IC Tff noa =t L3Aasesso"s l'!aD # svbdiuisi.on: A,ner: Addtess:(D City: 6toc C\L,IJ l9 "r-.-lu L o ,o o L,N,^ul /ft% N I /r7.,Lc/r/-o /C 3 &rH L carJ v /2.1 f-zb - tr6 To.x lat # W,*DescrLbe ltork: VaLu Additicn Renod.el l'!obi Datc of CetzeraL q- 17 XLectrical L ;-ta-\*i ^-1 Consttaeticn Leruier !-! is the rescotzsibility of the permit \oL-d.et'to see that aLL inspections ate nanie at the p?ope? tiln€, thdt ecch iiness is nea;a'^'"tlon!-tlze atreet, arLc that the pevmtt catd is Loeated at -gh-e front of th,-e Drooetta']ui!ii:'4 d.ui:io- aeprou'ed cl'an sj*LL venein o, ti eu:iaLn!'si", o, aLL tines. 1'to::'""?9 Fon iiisPac?rcil PZ0UES?.'CALL 726-3769 (teeordet,) stdte youtl City lesigr.:axed job ntnber, job aii.ress, t-!=e o: ilsoec=icn??oucs;ea ana uien uou.uiLL be reatiy for insccexion, contrdcxc?s c? (nmets nc:ne cr.d. ;lone nunbcr.- p"que"", releil;ed.'c'eicre' ?:cg c-,:LLL De nade the sane dcy, reouesxs nccie cfxcr ?:00 on uilt be maCe the ncct:soz.kit::-cc:". lcur Ci,ty Desianated Job Nunbez. fs:Etcc sq q leoaJLnc-1 ecticnslezcatc.xion, cut prtc? to set up of JO?me. e--- rr!^--^--ar,.To be nade after : :: 5 L' L,1.! I C :; / VApC.q A{ p.p.r5.? M S ?! 3 ? I C t ) : ?o be na:ie after aLL insulaticn a"drequired oapor ba,yie?s a.!e in placebut before ory lath, Wpsutn bcard ortnLi eouening is ccolied, and befoneoty insulation is concealed. rl but prior to cnA tapirg. MAS1NPI: Steel Location, bond beans, gz,outino or uerticcls in accordsrce vLth U.B,C. Section Scnitarl seaer :a;nei =t pt ooert3- Lite Septie totk pt:ced afr filled *ith graiei !'LIGL - htilen cDctte itens ane cczcleted end. uizen ienclition is con=Le=e op s--:-i3-iuye nouei. anc pyenises c|eanei ut. )E: :SLri IA :i CP :.:3tia,- -1 uxD!.ssLAg FLU:.BIirc. !LE:Tprc..,r. s ) r:zt l.:-,.r-^-: tO- DO maae DeJOye dnuuorK Ls colered. y1 !-lcrt!3-L4!lplzlg!_: ro be nace L:) aJXe::: Erencnes are escauated and fotm:; are enected' but prior tc POUZ.tng ccneret€. pRyr;;LL fitsPlCAI)N: Tc afxet, aLL ar.yuall is in be made place, E l l I l E ila lo be prior to UIIDERFL!)CR PLU:gNG E I,IECITAI:ICAL : 'l'o De ma.e prict to insxallation of floor insulation or decking, l0ST AllD BEAIi: To be nade prior toinstallaticn of floor insulation on decking. EQ.IicJ ! =p ru.:s r :: c @ffi t, t lE c a :AttlCAL: tto UO?k L3 tO OC eo""eredGii-these inspeetiors haue been nad.e anti approued. FIPEPL.AC-E: Pt-ior to plceir4 fceingmcterials and before froning inspee-tion. !-EAi:!lj!: tlust be tequested after appnoval of rough plur.bing, electni-cal d nechanieal. ALl. roofittg braeing E ehinmcgs, etc. nast beconpletcd. llo ucrk is to be eotz-. cecled until this inspeetion tas'been nade anC apptooed. t/ooDS?0,,t8: AcnpCT;a. After installation is CURB & APPRCACE App.)N: After fornsee ereeteC but prior to pout Lrq cone?ete. SfDEWALX & DRI\EHAI: For aLL eon-etete pauing uithin stz,eet right-of-tty, to be naCe after aLL esca- oating corplete & forn uotk & sub- base mctertal in place. ?E!!!: hhen conplete -- ProuiCegatel o? nouable eections through P.A.E. ll &l FIIIAL PLUIIBIIIO FIIIAL I,TESHAIIICAL FINAL ELTCTRICAL ALL project conditions, such ae tle i.nstallation of street trees, conolction o;' t?e requined LanCsecpitg, ctc., iast be sattsfied beiore the BIJILDITiG EIIiAL canbe requested. ilNAL BUILDTNG: The Final- Building Inepection mtst be requested cfter the linal PlwtbinqElectrical, od l,lecinx,ieal fnspect..ons iaoc been made arui aoptoued. Bloeking otd. Set-up Plwnbing connections -- scue? d. ucter Electticcl Ccnnection - Bloekin_.e, set-u: an<i plutnbing co-nneetions rn.st be ac>rcx}i beforc requestang e?.ec :ri cal inspe'c'=io- Aeeessory BuilCing pcrckes, skirting, decks, 1 ^a-) Pinal - Afteretc. ane eornp Page 1 of 2 .ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS WS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSI\II:]I TO 3E I.'4DE T? IlO C1SA TO CI?Y rrAf,%- C4/-" *JL Oou*103 Phone: tr tr JOB NO.0 sql SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-CO G+ :one: I-ot sq. Fl€. i cf Lct Cctreraga 2 ! of Stories |otal p.eisht Jz_k_ lopography o'22a, + OecuDancu G?ort= LCT ?WE ,/ Intenior - corn", _ Panhandle CUL-de-sac lieat Rangc Lot Faces - P. L,House Canaoe /,ceess l,lo"th Eos t 23/II South /2',ll HaoastoDe I,lest 4g/l :?E:.t Building Vcrlue & Permit This permtt is granted on the eLT"ess eondition that the said constntctionslzall, in all respects, eonfcrm to the Ordinance edopteC 6iy the Ctty ofSy,ingfield, inelud.ing lhe Zoning Cydinance, r,equlaiing thb ccnstraeticnotd use of buildings, and mey be suspended or reuokeC dt cny tz.me upon oic-Lation of dny prctsisions of said 0rdir,ances. I3.D.C. 1.5 * TOTAL VALUE Build.l-ng Pesrrit Iotcl Chatgee -r Reeeipt #:00. X Value ? l./U tr9d" z-7/ 7/.zr PLan Cheek Fee: Date Paid Siqted FEE a! 1: -- :esiiz:r,tial (i bath) :4.'+-n, Q^, t^n State Strci:an ae Plumbing Permit No pereon shall consttact, install, alter ot ehange GnA nel ct e:istinc qlutnbing or drainage systen in uhole or in part, unLess such Deyson is ti..eLegal possessor of a ualid. pltntber,s License, esceDt that a D'e"son nat d.colunbing uork to p?operty uiztciz is ot>teC, Leased or operatei pu the "i>Li-cant- aa/ /s.*& /f.€o Electricol Permit l{nere state Lan reouires tv,a.t the electricaL uork be dote 'cv an zLecttieaiContrdcto?, the electrical oortion of this pe?nLt siiell nox be paiii ut::iitite Label ius been signed by tile Electtical Con.yccto?. ilara, /z4rnr /r /2|,r'r€R Z>/rya e<-:m/<-F ,y'fp ft<ac'Pe r|*a*nrA /2rz' Bz*- lF *-/5. as/Zzteni Cirs"dts 2?UIS :itatst Hool codsto:se Pen:t t issuanee Meciunicel Per,fitt .lr I ll--i\4echonicol Permit -ctitu ofcoe ..,n 'FX-,! Ca,taLk bile Hatte -- n;,tcRcACHtlE!1T -- Tctal Cncrocs 2-tt-sa - I HAW CAREFULLy IXAIIINED the eornpleted aoolication for permit, cnd cichereby certify that aLL info:nation hereon is true ani corree;, cnC. I fuz,ther eettify that any arl aLL uork penfor.ned shall be dote i.y aecot,- danee ."ritlt the Ozdinances of the City of Springfield, and thc Lc;s of ti,.cState of Oregon pcz,taininc to the wrk Ceseribcd herein, cnd t)nt NO OCCI- Pr'.ilCI uttl b'e nade of an!/ st?ucture uithout petmission of the iuitd.ina D.t--vision. f futthen certifi; that otly cont?aetors a;;d enplcyees uho aie inconpliance Dith CRS ?0i..05s uiLL be used on this project .IAL A,IIOU]]? DIJE:'s{Date e -trb I b7 d.aa -.:.:-.-i- ettt Fot