HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-01-274..RESIDEN'-lAL" APPLICATIONTPDRIIIY 225 North |th Street Spn'Lngfteld' )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 b locaticn:Tf) DTYWALL INSPECII1N: Tc be nade ;Fb"";tT6fi.,r,tf ts .in Place, but ltrior bo cnlJ tdPlng. MAS1NRI: Steel Location, bond Gffil.qrouttng or uerticals itt asssvf,lice LlLth U.B.C. Section 2415 . WOODS'1O1"'[:: Afler installation ia 6naT;;;4. SPNTNGFIELD {>a 7y tcessone Map il 0e3( t3 bdiuision: ,ner: klret;c:0 Additicn I'c.x Iot ll o zip: Deseril;e h'ork: Value aftet 7:00 on uiLL bc ruule the ncd; aorki Iour City Decigtnted Job Nunber Is: r:R TI)N To be aj-Ler a L insulat ?cqu .Jre.d uapor l;arriets are in place but before cttY lal;h, gYPsun bcarC or rnLL cooeri.ngJ is applietl , and befone ay inculatiott is concea Led. 0a l- vo q'15 \\t\ r7 Date of Applica 'eneral IL 4ecfunieaL )onstrac !!en-!gru!g-r t ia the ron the a 9uildin41 1 ,,ourr" r*n Date:-t tho Lder to see tlutt aLL inapactions are nade at ile ptoper. time, that eceh addreas is readable resoonaibilitY of the Petmi tre'et. anC bhat the Permtt Oiuiciot aPProted PL'tn slt':L the ftont of thc PtoPertY, L.ltniJ ::i.t; at aLL- tine s.card ia Loeated at L renttin on Lhe Bui 26-3769 (recorden) state your City les Lgn-t, cncl job ad&'css' tYPe, Pequestg recelvedted iob nwi:ber, inspcctiort Cont?(tctafs or A^mers nane phone nunbcr,'!?ocgDUPE FoR INSPECITOil =II.QUEST:CALL 7: equested ard uhen iiou 'D|LL be )'oadu lot' iit te made the eane dcy, requests mcde '' *'' f /ov4o of inspeelioi befcrc 7:0C cl _1 SITE INSPEC?ION: TO , | ;;;*;;7;;;T;t p";"n J lorns._1 UNDERSLA! PLUI"IBING, ELEC'IRICA I rtEcninicAL: To be nade before anY -r Gfr-l;Aoered. F17TINC ,l FOUNDATICTI: To be rnCe i7t6-iifrEii-ii7Z tc art a t e d and 1or*" *" erected' but Prior to pouring ccncrete. \N\ERGROU\I D PLUMDI NG? Sgt!.t?. w,ry-!-.8.. DRAINAGE: To be rade P"Lor to ILL- Tfffrnehes. uilpERFLOoR PLUTEING 4 MEC!!,4NIC,AL: -ro be nade priot to LnstaLLatlon ol floor ineu'La.tion or decking' P1ST AND BEAM: To be rmde Ptior to Tiiiiiffi{of floot' insulation or deckittg. Roucil PLUt|BIttC, E?ECAq!?AL e MECII:- ANICAL: No uot'k is to be aoteretl ilrtTth.se ir*pecttotis h,xte becn nade and appt'ooed. FMEPLACE: Prior to Plccir4 fceing *ct"i;C and before fi'aming insPec- tion. FRAMNC: l,lust be requeated aften 6;;;;AL of roush plwnbing, elecbri- ia'L & neclanical. ALL rwofittg bracing A ehittmcYa, ete. naat be conoletcd. llo :";lcr.k is to be con- eecled unti.L thia insPection las been nade anC apptotled. 1URB & APPncACtt AP!?QN: Afte:' forms are erecLe,l but Prior to Pourlng concre be. SIDIHAT,K ,q DRI"'.!:t!A.y: Fon aLL can- 6A;woW Dnhin e h' e et ris ht- of-tnti. to be madc after aL! enca- ,tlti."-rt- carytletc & fora unrk I cub- base incter'tal in Place. be nnde after tc set uP of FITIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECHANICAT, FINAL ELECIITICAL \ENCE: h4ten conPl^;te " Prortidc liGi or nottable cectiane l;lu'ough P. U, E. ALL pno;iect; aor':<litionst, stc:li a8 Ll.te int;t:.al-lation of s!'-'eet t-!?n-"-.: con'nlc'"ion of the requined Larulsecping,'Lt".,';lii t,n ,"tfi1tii-L,af)ire- the BUTLDIt'ib PItiAL can be requested' FfN,qL BUILI)INC: 'Ihrt t'i,nal Duilding Insper:tiott muot bc requested-clier thc Final Plunbiry u Elccbrical, and Mecluricrzl Inspcetiona lrantc been made and app"oDrr, l'lzottt:r OR'DEl.loL BU. Sanilaty setet eapped et propetiy Lire Septte tank pl::ped and iiLled uith gra:;el Final - l{hen abcoe itens ate ccnpleted ard uhen CancLition is conplete or si:r'-'- ture nooed anC prenises cleaneC up' llol.rile llcmes Blocking and Set-"tP Plunbing connectiane -- aa,e? anl ualet Electri.cal Ccqnection - Blocking' set-u= -Zi nlwnbino conneetions rrust Le apprctei! ief"rc requbating e'!.ec2rical i'nspeelion Accescot'U BuiLC'Jng Pinal - After Tcrchee, akirting, decks' etc. a.re canPle!.ed. Psie 1 of IFqt tAr,l,ltANilcLES ANr) CLEANUffs NUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD'tUSTltEttt ?o BE tttDi llT ilo c:sr T0 cl?y /-1 nnroant o tr l L.CO G+SOLAR AACESS t?EQ.' :one Becbooms [,ot Faees ' ( ['Lart tlate laid Reaeipb ll Signed Building Vqlue & Permit Thi.spenniti:tq?antedontheer?reaseond.iLiontt@tthesaid'constt'ttct.ion slmLl, itt,ttt rettpecti,"'t""iZ'-""-li',e. on'tino^ce adopte'd liy the c.itv of :)1trin1f iaL,l, i.nn!u,1i,,1:i '-l'"'2o";"n Cr<llna.trc.e' regulcLi,ng .Lltb ccn'strtt"li-"'-'., ^ antl trcc ttl' Itt! l,ILrt11:;,",il'i'n7y b.c-'cuspentl':'l or reuokeC aL ctill tine u1'on utc- tnLion oJ' rnry proui;itttis of sctitl Utdlndttaes' IreeDuilding Pet'mLt State Total Clnrges Plunhing !\:n:i- t Stabe TctaL e Plumbing Permit No ttercott shttll cottsLrucL, ins!al!'. alLer or clnnge -ilty ned.cn eristing ii,j,i't,ii""i''1,.t"i,iL-"iZ;L"-;;-;i';i" or in patt' -unless sueh pet'son is the lesal possesso" o! a;i"1;;'pi:;;;ln-'i Li'nn''n' etcept that a pe:son na'g do plwtbins uo,k to p""p;'-;i;-;hlZi"Lo o*"a, Lelsed or openated by the applt- cant. Electricol Permit Whet'eStateLaurequ.[t'estlnttheelectricaluonkbedoneby-anElectfical Contractor, thn nln"tu:;;"L;;,t;;"- 'f th.ts .permit stnll not be ualiC until lite Label iras been aigned iy the Fllectt'icaL co'ltractott' L Stete Total Charges uaLeTf,an Exc^niner Total 4L a) Signed JOB NO. Ca|eIlouseP. t,. t Lot Sq. Ftg. x of Lct Ccueraga- 4 of Stories Total lteight ?opograPhY LCT TYPE Intericr Corner PanhandLe CuL-de-sac: Valuext';t,rTEM TOTAT, VAT'U[: s.D,c. 1.5 c t,L,E CIIAR(;[:N(.)11' Fiztw'es Residential (1 bath) SeuerSani. I'lctet IilAI'l't:N Net/Extetd Circuits Seruice 00 7 c-Jt ClltlRCll , bhanst Hood Vent Fm l,lrxistote Mechqnicql Permit Pet,mtt fssuan<"i: Mechanicel Pernrtt -- ENCROACIIIIEN'I -- tSec:at i Pcrmit C\rbcu! Sidasalk ,ZO Mobtle llone t TO?AL AI,IOIJII? DUE: *,75 Date \ "rv 6t I HAVE CARilFULLy LXAMINED the conpleted application f1 pennil' and do hereby certify thai"'a'Ll-|t;fo-runtibn hereoi ie t?ue and. corlecL, an'l I 'i7-*1i"", ..,t'i\y that'any a'rd aLL uork penforaed slutl be dote in accon- dance :,tittt tn, o*,ti""f,"2"* "f li'i -ctti Lf bpri'ngfield' .attd the ta;s of thc ' {;LaLe of ()re(tcn pr;';';;';;1;, io bhc t'to''k ccscribZd hcte:'n' cnd tlnt No occu- PtNcv r,ill bc rm:!c ;V"';;;; 't-'";i"'*- "itno"t permission of the suitdtns Di- utsion, I fin'tht:n cetti'f,1 that only eonlt'oc'tore and enplclJees dho are in Zi*pl,l..on n iith c'ns iol.bss wiLL be- used on thia proiect