HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1982-03-16.. RE5-JENTIAL.." APPLTCATION/PERMIT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfiald, 2regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 SPTIINGF!EI-D Aeaeasore uap # l7*OZ'31 -42* rob rocaticn. 453 il . 39lg Ql- ?aB rat # &L) /2.{) Subdiuision: t7 c- k t//t,<r./.M kA0,mer: Addtess: ,AS-.6 A/ .'i "€ f- I Phone: Desct+be htotl<: Renodel 3:16- Pz N etn Additicnf--l VaLueDate of App Licaticn UL q,ltAA-L /l44L Isorb %/A,nutr 4?o J U-a+ilrg,o, ,ba d /s,bt GeneraL PLwtbing DE!.t0LrTr0lt linal - hlzen abcoe itens ate ecnplexed and ahen ienclition is complete br s*ac_tute maueC od. pretrtses cleaneC up. Sanita.g saser eqtped .t p?op€?rr- Li?1e Septic ta,k pu::.:ced ari fiLled uith gz,c:;el tlobile tcnies ii?, : _,;ftet;cre.kes, skirting, d.ecks,ecc, @e eotrnleled- Blocking otd. Set-up Pltnrbing eonnecticas -- saie? d. water Elecfu.iccl Ccnnection - Bloeking, set_ucand plwnbing cmneetions *rt ir"i'oeJo"iiaDei o?e req,.esting eleclrtcal l""p "":li".'"Accessori BuiHin4 Coastruction Lerder It is the reepono:ibi-Lity of tle pen"it hode? to see that aL|, inspectiofls @e nade at lhe propet tin., that "^"iq a,],#esa is rea4n't-;e fnorn tha st?eet, and, thdt the pernrtt eazd, is l^tcated ct the fzutnt of the Droze?-tu.*3uilding )iuicion appro"'ed plan siu.zl z.emain on the Building s[e;'a: att'ithis." ll?:*yqg ry !r!.q!jiL!-.!N =gePyEtr:CALL 726-3769 (tecorCet,) state aou? city Cesiyraled. iob rwr:bey,, iob aCiress, tspe cf inapecticn::tr"i:<-T!_ll":to-",r:LL b-1r1y1t fot'inspectton, cont?det"rs "? a,ners"naneL"a pn"l" nwnbei.' R;A;;;;)LetiZa b'efcre'z:co anLruLL oe ncrde th€ s@ne dd!, "equests nade aft* 7:00 on vtLL be nade Lhe nert tntkinE da.g. Iour City Desigtated Job Number fs: SITE INSPEC?I2N: ?o be nade aftez,eccanation, but priar tc set up of UNDERSLAB PLUT,IBfiG. ZLECTR:CAL t.lscUt:licTWns uot k is eotsered. PCOTING , FAU)IDATICN: ?o be naCe - alter t?enches are esedilated and. forms ote etected, but prior to pouzn)n4 ccncreta. ulpqc:o=uxp :Lrlw ruq sEW p. U-1AJUAUE: t'o oe natre pt4or to jil_lirq 'brenchee. a2wL0c!E!.8_rilG- j- :aECXl.lrcAL :7o be nad.e piZoi-co--Giilffi orfloor ineuktion or decking. loST 4AJ,s.tau: To be nad.e prtor toLnstaLLaticn of floor insulation oz,decklf1g. unt..r.L t?\ese --itsoectiot:s hcoe beennaz.e qnd. cporoued- YtSW+qcti Fz,ton to plceira fccinonaterials and before fr*ri6'f;;;;;Z_tion- lit s !LA? r0 !,t / vApc R B ARR rER rtrspl C ?rO lt : ?o be na.de after aLL insula:icn ed. yeqtired uqpor ba,riers @e in placehtt before otg Lclh, gApsun bcari oz,tnLL couering is rnplied, znd. beforeoty ir*ulation is cor.cealed. DRWALL INSPIC?I?N: ?c be nadeafter aLL &guall is in cl.ace,but prior to any taping. UASCNRI: Steel Locati-ott, bondbeans, grouting or verticala rnaccozdorce iih U,B.C. Secticn ,/O1D€-TOV\: After instalZatian isenpLet€d. cul-EJ-9ry949!-A.PP.9!: After lornss3 eyeeteC buc prior :o pour,"Jigcofic"ete. STD!'iALK t ,R;,t.TiAy: pot ail con_cr-ete pauing aithin street righx_of-.y7, lo be maCe a;.!en alt Zcca_uaiLng cotrp.Lexe d font tnrk & tub_oase material in plaee. !E]!!, r,{hen eonpZete __ ptouiCe Tl,n". o, ;nouable secticns thrcugV. ALL pnoject conditions, n:u"\:,,tt. t.rstoU)t"Zjj ,rr*..e"_r.Z*tJ."ri,o_required Landsccpittg' ete" rmtst t" i"tiiri"a before tn" euir,iiii F,.AL ean be tequested.. l:tt!I: B.UrrDrNc: rhe Einal BuiZd.zng rnspectl.atectricaZ, otC Meelta.nteat rnspeetions .4auer?, *"t be requested caeen nad,e ord oppnrrr{tez' the linaz PZwnbinS CLEAIIOA?S IIUS? BE ACCESSLBLE, .4DJAST!Ti|? ?O BE I44DE I? EO CCS? ?O CNY !RA-l'!I:lC: ttust be tequestsd. aflen #i : itr*izi:, 1ff";;:, L;;,". - i:yry ! ehirmeys, ete. rrust becompLeted. .-}lo uct,k is to be eoi_ ?11!.d until _this inspeeuon -iii Deen nd.e anC appror;ed PIIIAL PLUMBING FTNAL AT€IAiVICAL FilIAL ELEC?RTCAL *ALL i4ATIHCLXS A|ID Pcge 1 of Z Date: 2-/t+6 AdCtess i,L3e - I *r-z- t.r T I rr icqaanc cJOB NO.soLAR ACC S REQ.-L-CO BeCtooms: Building Vqlue & Permit This perrntt is granted on the etpress ccndition that the said ecnstrtction sVnLL, in all resaeets, confcrrn to the Crdirnrce adocted dg the City of Spt"Lngfield, including the Zoning Cz,dinar.ce, r,egulcttttg tke ccnst!.tct1:cn and. use of builiirqs, cnci n::r1 be susperuiei or ye,;okei at cr.y tine uton uic- Lation oi oty crc,tiaions of saiC }rdtr"ancee. lClAL VA.LUS N^+^ D^;5. Aceess x Va cn^14- L House Lot Faces -So;tlees Building Pemrit ?otal Clwges LCT ?WE _ fnte*ior _ Co?ne? _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Lot Sq. !tg. % of Lot Cooerage # of StorLes Total Eeight Topography Plumbing Permit No per€on slall cottsttttct, tnstall, aLter or clun4e anA nea cr ez.Jsting plunbin4 cz. drainage sAata'n in uhole or in patt, unless such person is t?e Legal posseesor af a ualid plwnbez,'s License, cept that a petson nay do plwnbing aork to Wope"ty uhich is crozed, Leased or operated by the appli- cdnt. Fidtu'es Resid.etltial (1 bath) Seuer Plunbing Petrit State Electricol Permit l{he?e Stdte Las requirea tha.t the eLectrLcal uork be Cane by an Electz-fcal Contz,actor, the eleetrical portion of this permit slnl1- not be oaL'!,J until the Label hzs been signed by the Electrical Contracto?. ?otal Na,t/Eztend Circuits Setaice Esha$t ;looC I AL CIiA-qCE Mechqnicol Permit Vent Fot 'ntcodstote Pertrut fssu,tue Mec?anicel Permit -- ENCRCAC|I\{E!]T -- Sec;pitu Depoait Storage PemLt Cvtbc'u! Stda,talk Elect@ Mobile Hone IEAwCAREFULLysxAj4INEDthecom,oleted.applicatianforpeznrt.t'alldcai,';;L; ;;;;;rr-;h":;- ii" t-i",-iriln heteoi 1-s ffite and cb*eet' md r frirtket certifu that i'l- a;n- it |to*t' periorned stull be d'ote in tceor- #rZiJlriri^ "nL' oiii,r-,,i'""*f,r lLn i'i .'or''spri.nsfield' .and' :he -:as of r'ne State of Cregcn p"rtriTilnr'to- ii.n ,ort, describZ-d herein, crL *an tto SCCU- pArlcy ,,rtli be na,ie "f'';;' "i;Z:i"*- ",itnZrt- oir,rtssion of the 3uildins D:" vision. r furthet' "*i:;ifu";:';1"-7"1t's- "L*;""\io" a'd' anplcvees at"o are tn Z;;1;;""; bt*, cas zol"oss uill be'used on this ptoiect uata ',1'ctaL -2 ,/)7 Signed c)- Pf,an EoorLner ICTAL AJ4OU\T? DIIE: *0 Receipt #: /e /-