HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1993-06-11ST'R!]\lGFtELE)RESIDET\iTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections 726-3709 Of f ice: 726-3759 LOC/"TlOl'l oF PROPOSED WORK: - h, JoBNUMBE"@ 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97 477 lh e ASSt SSORIi MAP: - /?2 ? LOT: TAX LOT: BLOCK: SUBD|V|SION PHONE ZIP: Lacfiq STATE: oOWNER OtvCITY ADDRESS:qvL -lr-,x (/DEMOLISH OTHER - DESCRIBE \r'/ORK IJEW REMODEL ADDITION ADDRFSS EXPIRES PHONEduACON TRNCT()R'S NN ME GENERNL ELECTRICAL CONST. CONTRACTOR , PLUl\,4BING: - MECHANIC,CL . , SECONDARY HEAT: SQUARE FOOT,AGE ""177 f= - # OF BDRMS WATER HENTER: - # OF STORIESI , OF BLDGS: ,. - OUAD ARE ZONING CODE: FLOOD PLAIN I OF UNITS: LAND USE: oCcY GRouP,- ,S RANGE: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: To request;rn inspection, you must call 726-3769. This is a24hour recording. All inspections requested beforeT:00 a.m. will be madt-'the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the follcwing work day. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Temporary Electric Rough Mechanical - Prior to cover. Final Plumbing - When all plumbing worl< is complete. E r B Site lnspection - To be macJe af tcr ,:x<;avation, but prior to settir g {orms.,X Rough Electrical - Prior to IV1 final Electrical - When all ,,lA\etectrical work is complere.c cr/e r. Underslab Plumbing/ Electrical / Mechanical - Prior to cover.Electrical Service - lrlust be :rpproved to obtain permanent electrical power. []Final Mechanical - When all mechanical work is complete. Footing - After trenches are excavaled.Fireplace - Prior to facing materlals and framing lnsp. f51r[ finat Building - When all)Agequired inspections have been approved and building is completed.Masonry - Steel location, bond beams, grouting. f,"^*'ng - Prior to cover' w OtherFoundation - After forms are erected but prior to concrete placernent.Wall/Ceiling lnsulalion - Prior to cover. Underground Plumbing - Prtor to fill ng trench.Drywall - Prior to taping MOBILE HOME INSPE TIONS Underlloor Plumbing / Mechanical - Pr,or to insulation or decking.Wood Stove - After installation fl Post and Beam - Pricr to fl()or insul;rtion or decking.lnsert - After iirsp:;.ce approval and rnstallation cf unit. Blocking and Set-Up - When all blccki ng is complete. Floor lnsulation - Prior to decki ng.Curbcut & Approach - After forms are erected but Ptior to placement of concrr:le. Plumbing Connections - When home has been connected to water and sewer. Sanitary Sewer - Prior to f iliing trenc'r.Eleclrical Connection - When blocking, set-uP, and Plumbing inspections have been aPProvcd and ltre hotnc is connectcd to the service panel. [-- | Srornr Scwet - Pt;'11 1e f iliir !L' trr-.nc t. i -i Water Line - Prror to fillingL_l rrcfrc..r. Sidewalk & DrivewaY - Aiter cxcavalton is comPletc, forms anrJ sutr-base nlaterial i': piace. Fence - When coniPleted. Rough Plumbing - Prior to Final - After all requirecl rnspections are approved and porches, skirting, decks, and venting have been installed.n cover i---l S:reel Trees - lVhurt a:l requtted| | tr"". are planled. .4//9 fl E E r] LJ I rup t L] Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage TopograPhY Total height Lot Type - lnterior - Corner - Panhandle - Cul'de-sacN ks P.L.HSE GAR ACC N S E IS THE PROPOSED WORK IN THE HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTOFIICAL BEGISTEFI? --lf yes, this application must be signed and aPProved bY the tJistorical Coordinator prior to permit lssuance' APPRO\,/ED BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUII.DING PERMIT This perrnit is grantcd on the express conclition ttrat the said consiruction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance oOop,uO by the City of Springfield' incltrdrng the Development Code, regtrlating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any trme upon vtlation of any provisions of said ordinarrces' Dare Paic: -*e€> - 43kt ewed % Receipt N umber:- Received BY Plan Clreck Fee: BUILDING PERMIT VALUE /4to (A) SQ. FT. X $/SQ. FT.ITEM Main Garage Carport eb, Total Value Building Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee Systems Development Charge is due on all undeveloped properties within the City limits which are being improved'SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARG , (B)0 (SD ADDITTONAL COMMENTS ITEM Fixtures Residential Bath(s) SanitarY Sewer Water Storm Sewer Mobile Home FEE (c) N0 FT. FT. FT. PLUMBING PERMIT Plumbing Permit State Surcharge Total Charge Wood Stove/ lnsert/ Fi replace Unit Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT (D) N0 Mechanical Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit Fu rn ace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan By signature, I state and agree, that I have care{ully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I f urther certif y that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springf ield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be marde of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division' I further certify that only contractors and employees t'vho are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all requircd inspcction;; are requested at the proper time, that each address rs readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approvecl set of plans will renrain nat u re Date 2 ngon the site at all times struct MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance state surcharge Sidewalk .-.ft Curbcut - ft Demolition State Surcharge Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C, D and E Comblned) G, VALIDAJION FECEIPT NUMBER DATE PAID Ai\,,iOUNT AECE RECEIVED BY \ * ) Fill in Permit No Address: lssued Date OFFICE USE ONLY STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4) , requires residential construction permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. This state- ment is required for residential building, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing permits. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. licable blanks, and initial boxes 1 and 2, and either box 3A or 38 I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. I understand that I must register as a construction contractor if the structure is sold or offered for sale before or upon completion. 1 2 3 A Contractor registration number-. I will instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the struc- ture must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR 3.8 I will be my own general contractor. lf I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construc- tion Contractors Board. lf I change my mind and do hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the lnlormation Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side ol this form. 6-z/- % na ure o rm Date CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J Bt91 My general contractor is , WHITE COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE PINK COPY TO APPLICANT INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES lf you are acting aS your own contractor to construct a new home or make a substantial impf&ement to an existing structure, you can prevent r.nany problems by.being aware of the following responsibilkias and areas of concern EMPLOYER RESPONSIBILIT'ES. ' lf you hire persons not registered with the Construction Contractors Boar( to do labor in constructing or assisting in the construction or imprduement of a residential structu're, you witl, in most instances, be Yuled to be an "employer" and the people you hire will be "employees". As the employer,'you must comply with the following: Oregon's Withholding Tax Law , - ! :. As an employer, you must withhold income taxes from employee wages at uwillbeliableforthetaxpaymentsevenifyoudon,tactuallywithholdthe tax from your employees. For more information, call the Oregon Departrnen! o$Revenue at 378-3390. Unemployment lnsurance Tax , . '.:. " , : As an employer, you are required to pay a tax for unemployment insurance purposes on the wages of all employees. For rnore information, cal.l the Oregon Employment Division DHR at 378-3224. Workers' Compensation lnsurance: As an employer, you are subject to the Oregon Workers'Compensation Law, and must obtain workers' compensation insurance for your employees. lf you fail to obtain workers' compensation insurance, you may be subject to penalties and'will be liable for all cldim cosfis ifbne of your employees is injured on the job. For more information, callthe Workers' Compensation Division DIF at 973-7434. U.S. lnternal Revenue Service: As an employer, you must withhold tgderal income tax from employees'wages. yment.evenitvouoion'tactuallywit.iitrolothetax.Formoreinfoimation,call the lnternal Revenue.service at 2Zt-SgOb. -'ri : OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES AND AREAS OF CONCERN Code.ComSiance: As the permit holder for this project,you are responsible for resolving any failure to meet code requirements that may be brought to your attention through inspections, Liability and Property Damage lnsuranee: Contact your insurance'agent to see if you have adequate insurance coverage for accidents and omissions such as falling tools, paint overspray; water damage from pipe punc- tures, fire, or work that must be re-done. Time to Supervise Employees: Make sure you have sufficient time to supervise your employees. Expertise: Make sure you have the expertise to act as your own general contractor, to coordinate the work of rough-in and finish trades, and to notify building officials at the appropriate times so they can perform the required inspections. lf you have additional questions, write to:Construction Contractors Board 700 Summer St. NE, Suite 300 Salem, OR 97310-0151 Phone 503-3/8-4621 NOTE: This lnformation Notice to Property Owners About Construction Responsibilities was developed by the Construction Contractors Board in accordance with ORS 701.055(5), passed by the 1989 Oregon Legislature. 0244J 10124189 JoB N0 . Qbol34 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE WORKSHEET (CoMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL) NAME OR COMPANY: LOCAT IoN: 29+N.38u ft.lToz>t4z- ooil? DEVELOPMENT TYPE: LDR_ APOITION BUILDING SIZE: 204?b tNLLoDes AvqOT SIZ S a. Ft. 1.STORM INAGE IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT.5Lo X $0.192 PER SQ. FT. 2. SANITARY SEt,lER-CITY NO. OF PFU'S (See Reverse) X $39.78 PER PFU TRANSPORTAT iON NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP x - x $401.05 3 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES BASE CHARGE (SUBT0TAL ABoVE) X .0s SANITARY SEhlER-Mt,'lMC NO. OF PFU'S (Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) MI,IMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) $ $ SUBToTAL (ADD iTEMS 1,2, & 3)s qqsj TOTAL-CITY SDC $ lol s: $13.62 PER PFU + $10 MI,{MC ADMIN. FEE $ X X x $401.0s x $401 .05 4 5 ,-/- TOTAL-MWMC SDC TOTAL SDCKp Burdick SDC Coordinator 0 g3 CITY OF OBEGO'U SPrlTNGFIELE, % 225 PTYTH STREET SPRTNGFIEL,D, oREGoN 97477 INSPECTI0N REOUESTt 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 1 P L Dl" City Job Nurnber6 [ i, f'rt % JOB DESCRIPTION parmits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vithin 180 daysof lssuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALISTION ONLY iilectrical Contractor Add ress ci ty_ Phone Supervisor License Number Expiration Date Constr Contr. Number :.:- Iixpiration Date .'-lignature of Supervising Blectrician 0vners Name g Add ress CONPTTTE PEE SCBEDULE BELOV Nev Residential-Single orHulti-Family per dvelling unit. Service fncluded: f tems Cos t 1000 sq.ft. or Less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion t hereo f Each Hanuf'd Home or -Hodular DveIling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 s 1s.00 s 40.00 A Sum Ci ty Phone ? q/-2t/.? OVNER INSTALI.ATION The installation is being made onproperty I ovn vhich is not intendedfor sale, lease or rent. Ovners Si DATE: B. Services or Feedersfnstallation, Aherationsor Relocation: C D 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -over 401 to 600 amps -0ver 600 amps or 1000 vo'Its Branch Circuits E 200 amps or less S201 amps to 400 amps - $401 amps to 600 anps - S601 amps to 1000 amps- Sover 1000 amps/volts - sReconnect 0n1y S Temporary Services or'FeedersInstallation, Alteration or Relocation .,00 .00 .00 ee nBu a5O-vE- Nev, Alteration or Extension per panel One Circui t 2-- S :S.00 35Each Addi tionalCircuit or vlth Servicg A ^/\or Feeder permi, _4_ $ .Z.OO :l-J' Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/0utline Lighting- Limi ted Energy/Res -Limi ted Energy/Comm SUBTOTAL OP ABOYE 5Z State Surcharge TOTAL s0. 00 60.00 100. 00 130. 00 r00 .00 300 40 40 55 80 s $ $ s (^ s 40.00 s 40.00 s 20.00 s 36.00 BRECEIVED ure: 5 (f-) . ELBCTRTCAL PERHIT APPLICATION ..RESIDE] 'IAL.. 22 s itoy,th sth stneeAPPLrcArroNl-''ERMrr Springfteld, 1r,egon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 >b Locaticn: taeaoorc Map ll t SPNINGFTELD i4os I Tcr Lot ll bdivision: Jne? : ldre:t additicn Date of Applica S enera I -) n"^oa"r 1 ,ourr",,o,o DIL Deaoyibe l{onk: \ fln* , kn{nsftctt rm F/* -B- 0 h,to Value 1r s lac<_ rD( ?l^,l4l.zzl9 oar Iutnb 1ng echanica l,eccrical uperv_isi.ng Dlec c r'.t ( !ll rr t io +-he reoponoibi.lity of-tle permit ho-Lder to a6e that all inopsssi6^t are nada at thc propcr tine, that ocoh cddreaa is readab)enon tha street, anc that the pcymtt oavd is Located at the front of the otooertu.9uilding D'!vi=iot: ap7'ov'ed plan shcll renain on the Building sitc At atl' tihea.' ?ocspu?E Fon IN9PEC|I)N R9QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) atate yout City Ceolgrated job nunber,zquestcl-ail u*n yoill be nnde the sarne 'u uill be ready fon inopeotton, Contractora or A.mers nana arul plone nwbcr. dcy, requesta ncde after ?:00 on viLL be nada the ncat l,nrking xruired fn:;oeetion:t lottr City Deaigr.atad Job Ntnber fo: job aCdteaa, type Requeots veceiued of inspec)ictt before 7:00 cn l l l l l ercavation, but prior. tc set up of forme, UIIDERSLAB PLUiIEIIIC, ELECINICAL E ilECHI.|IICAL: !'o be nade before anyl i[TiiZu"red. FOOTING 4.F1UNDA?ICN: To be naCeafter trenches are ercauated atul forna are erected, but prtor to pouring ccncretc. U!|DSRC!?OU!!D P!.Uil:t rNC , SSUTR . u.lTElU DRAIllLGl: 'l'o be nal.e prlor to t'il-Tl{Tiinchre . UNDERI'LOOR PT,UI.!DI:IC .1 I,IECIIANICAL:lto Ae naae priot,-io inetallation of floor inaulcLion or decking. 1 posr nno atau: To be nadc prtot, to ) Tfu-talfi7ibibf floor insulation or decking, I NiU t,A',t' t 0N 1 vAl,oR BA ua !:R J ilslLclloil :DEtl)LIT-To b;;a{e after ulr-;nouktion dA rcqu'Jred vapor ban'iera e)'e in plaoe but beJ'ore any Lath, gypsta boayJ on tnLL oouering io applied, crd before ay inculation ia concealed. DnYUAl,t. INSPEA'ION: ?o ba nada fif"r. atTliiyuatfta in place, but prior to any taping. i!AS1Ntl!: Stccl Tocation, bond tifrilgrcuting or terticala in accordance uith U,B,C, Sectionqi1< Sanitary aetter capped at propert'; Lire Septic tork pwrped ad. fil,Led uith gratal Final - l{hen aboue itena ate ccnpletccl and uhen danalition ia oanplete or atru:- turo nooed and, premisea aleaneC up. Blooking atd set-up Plunbing connectione -- oasar aru! uater Elaotnioal Conneotion - Slooking, aet-u, and, plwnbing conneotione trust be apprcted baforc nequooting elaotrioal inepec:iott Aooesaor; Building 'l'o be mtde aJ'ter e I , I.IDODSTO|/E:ly ccnuf;;a. After inatallation io CU4B & AI'PnQAql AP:\QN: After formo,il,e;t*be,J6;t pt"i;;' to pouring concrete. SIDI:tilf.K $ DRfVEILAY: For all con- "re t. -p"vlrr,fi$fi; a trect tight- of-rx:y, to bc made aften all erca- uating canplete & fotn utork & eub- base tmtertal in place.pcrchea, ekirt"Jng, decke, leted. Pinal, - Aftar eto. ate oanp ROt-tcil Pl,uil?I:!c. ELr:CrRlCA!, 3 MECII- TnrcAL: No .",o;k-l; t;-;;"or*r;A'GiTthcse inspections have beer made arul approuei. FIPDPLNE: Pnior to plccir4 facingmctet'ials and bcfore franing inapec- tion. fW!tlc: l'tust be requeoted af!er approval ol rough plwnbing, elcctni-cal & ncclanical. ALI roofing bracing A chinncyo, etc. m,tst be , conpletcd. llo uctk ta to be con- . cacled until thio inspection lwa'been nade anC approved FIIIAL PLUI,:DIIIO F I II A L I'IEC I IA II T C A I, IENCE: hthen cornplcte -- ProuiCe gatei on novable sootiona tlnough P, U, E, AtL project conditiona, :tuch ao che i.natallat:.on of alroot traeo, conplation of the re.quir.cd lantlscaping, cto., rmtot be aatiafiod bclore ths BILILDLNC FIt'lA\ c.an.be tequeote<l. FINAL BUI:,DINC: 't'lte l'itrul Building frtopcotion nrot be nequeoted aften tho Final Plwnbinn Elecbrical, anC Meclwrical Inepeotiono hqva been wde ard appt'ouad P4te 1 of 't FINAL ELECTNICAL .At,I, I.IANIICLTS AND CLI:^NOUI'S IIUS'I'DT: ACCE:SSII]LE, ADJUSTIIENI TO DE TL4DE A? TIO COST ?O CI?Y u l ll l JOB NO 7 of Lot Coueragc_ ! of Storiae Total lteight Topogmplry 'BuiWing Pendt State Total Clangea. Pltnbing Pernit €tdte Stcte Total Pertit laeuowe l,leclanioal Penrit ?otal SOLAP-TT.ICESS REQ.-L-CO G+ Bedroona TNT TYPE , Interior''." ', . COnmen'r:rl ' Panhandle _ Cul-de-oao [-ot Faceo - -- Feea -- !leat c; t.oDe Building Vqlue & Perm it Thio V:rmit t'.o lranl:ad on tliia oipfeos corvl.ttion tlnL the tr,zid.cotrctrttc'Liott ahall, irt atL raapccLi," "oi'tiiri-'to- l;ha orclinn;r:e :nlopt'o'! ltiy drc Ctty of iruiihfirta, i.ncllud!no' tii zo"ing Crdinanc.'2, rc'lulcLtlvj Lha ac:rc1.t'tt"-l!."'.',,^ ird uon of LuiLdinge , ant! ma,y bo aucpendc'l or rcttokcC aL ctiy LLnc upon ulc tation of arry prcuiaiono of aaid'Ordinarrces' il k )t Datc Paid: Reeeipt ll Signed: Mech<Inicql Permit Plumbing Permit No nercort oltall conntt'rtct, inalal!, alter or clvtngc -cny neu.cr e:isti-trg'ilrri^t't"g "r}riii"oL ,yiton in tthole or in parh, inlcss cuch petcon ie tho injal p"oaoesnon oi'o ,Lli.a pt"^tror'c Lic.cns'e, eaccpl; Llnt a pc:son nay lo. plGttiii ,ork to propo.l'ty "itri"n ia ouned, Leascd ir opet'ated by thc app'Li- cant. Electricql Permit llhere Stnta tan,t requit,o:t tlat tha cloctrtcaL uork be dona by .an Slect'rical contnactor, tha ol)ch.ical porLiott of thts ponnit clnLl tot be ualic until the Label lno bean oigned by the ElecLrical CottLraatot' I PLan [ranL,tct' A I IIAVE CAREFULLY DXAMINED the conpleted application fon permit, and do hareby certify thal; aLL itfotru.tion hereon ie true and, corncct, anC I f\trther certify thal; any ar.d aLL aork perfor.zcd ehal! be done in acoot - dance with the ordinanceo of tlra City of Springficld, ad thc La.ta of tho State of 0regcn psrl;aining to tlrc utork Ceacribcd hereln, cttd alat N0 1CCU- PAtlCy DILL be nnde of any atruotur,e ui.thout, perniaeion of the Suilding Di- vieiort. I furthct, certif;; that otly contractots at;d etplcileea ul:o are in cmpliance Dibh cRS 701.1ss ui.ll be uaed on thie proiect P. L,llouBe 6at aep-Accc{tg. North Elaa t South Hoot trG x VaLuarTEM I'ktitt Ca'doe Carpcrt Accessoflt rOTAL VALUE S.D.C. I.5 r CIIARGENO,FI:E Fi.*twea ReaidetrLial (1 bdth) Sanitary Seuer l,lctor - CHARGENO.FEE Red. So, ftq, Nau/Exterd Cincuita Ternporary Serttice ilc.FgE P.ttttce EIU'S bhant llood. Vent Fan l,lcodetote -. ENCROACHMENT .- 7. I I ', . ,t 't,,/r rr',1r,' rl I l:.. r Maintenance Pcrmit Curbeu! - sidp:,talk fence Electrical ta.bel Mobile llane 16;, oo l{tob t A2 A t A Tdte - \\ \^(NN- \\onk^ tttttt ITliM CIIARCE Stato Suro,Vrae Total Clarooo TOTAL AMOUI.I:I DUE:' Signed - \ er