HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-07-28.. RESIDENTIAL.. 22 s No,th sth sttreeaPPLrcA?* - il/PnRllfi Springfield, 7z.egon gZ4ZZ Building Diuision 726-37 53 t# SPFTINGFIELD Date General Plumbi Mechanica EJectr a ervl€l-n Elec tr: ic ianSu rt ie the responsibi-Lilu of -tne pezwlt tolder to see that aLL inapections ote nad.e at the pz,ope? ti)n€, that each .-clcltess is neacabiet:q-W etr.eet, and tltat the-pez.zrit cand ie Located. at thi trr"i or the property.*Building Dioicion a:ppro"^ed plan slnll yemain on tvte al;.tai"lg' s'ite -at aLL' tikes." P:tlpcEDtlPE, F1R" rysPEcW;CALL 726-3769 (z,ecorder) state yout, citg cesigna_ted job ntaaber, job aciz,ess, type of inspee=icn :-1ff"i:"4-1:d-!,i":11" uiLL biieady for inspection, contractois ot oumers ncne and ptnie nunbet,.' rnq"""t7 teceit;ed befcre z:00 cn'*YLL be made the sane dcg' "equests nade aftx ?:00 on ryill be mad.e the nert aoTil{ ioy. 740You" City Desigr.ated Job Number Is:Reati,rai fnsoeeticns ?ar Lot # Describe lfotk: rac r) 44,-a Na,t rs l- ,8-rIDate of AppL icaticn Job Locaticn: ci I.!obi Ad&itian RenoCeL Assessot,s Map # Asner: Addt ess:Phone ,xpl-res Sanitaty saner eapped et pz,operW^ Lire Septic tutk p;"mped and filled urtth gra;:el Pinal - hthen abcue itens are ecrnoleted and uhen d.etncliti,on is eornplete br sfuue-ture noued an^d. premises cleaneC up. Mobile Ecnes Blocking otd. Set-up PLunbing connectians -- sau)er od, aater ElectticaL Conneetion - Bloeking, set-uo anl plutnbing eonneetions nr;st be apprcued befot,e requesting electrLeal inspeetion Aecescory AuilCing pct ekes, skirting, decks, Leted. Firal - After etc. ote comp Page 1 of 2 STTE INSPECTION: ezcansation, but Io be nade after pr"tor tc set. up of INSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTIR IIISPECTION :rot6 t,equired uapor berie?s @e in place but befone any Lath, gApsun bcarC oy, unZL couet,ing is dpplied, and before any insulation is concealed. nFllnf Tmfn\t aD t.^fDr I:t\DIRSLAB PLUMBTN}, ELECTRICAL & MECIIA-IICAL: ?o be made befone any .uotk ie couet,ed. P)OTIN9 & FOUNDATICN: To be maCeafter trenches are etcauated and forns ate ereeted, but priot to pour.ing ccncrete. UNDERGPOUTID PLUMEINC. SEWP. WATER, DRAIilAGE: ?o be naCe prior to fil-Lirg trenches. ultpqRFL))R ?LUT.EING & MECHANTCAL : To be made priot to instalLation of floot, insukti,on oz, decking. POSY AND BEAM: To be nade pr.Lor toilEidl@l)n of floot, insuT)tion or decking. ROI.ICH PLAIBII|G, ELEC?RICAL & T,IECH- ANICAL: No uotk is to be couered.wftil these inspeetions hatte been nade ard. approued. FIPEPITAC!: Prior to plaeirq facingma.tetials and befone franing inspeb- XLon. DRYWALL INSPECTI)N: ?c be made -. aftez, aLL CtyuaLL is in place, but priot, to any taping. ILAS)NRI: Steel location, bond beons, grouting or uerticals in accot'dotce Lrrth U.B.C. Section 2415. VOODSTOI|E: @naT;m. After instalLation is IENCE: hrhen conplete -- ProuiCe gates or notsable sections through P.U.E. CURB & APPR)ACH APP,)N: After forrnsee erecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SfDEWALK & DRf',EWAI: Fot, aLL con-crete pauirq uithin stteet right- of-ucq, to be made after aLL eaca- oating ccmplete & forn wrk & sub- base mateyial in place. forns. FIIIAL PLUI4BIIIG FIIIAL I,ITCHANICAL FI\,IAL ELECTRICAL FRA]'!IIIG:, ltust be requested aftet, approual of rough plwrbing, electri-cal & nechanical. ALL roofing btacLng A ehinmeus, etc. nrast be eonrpLeted. llo ubrk is to be con- . cecled until this inspection lns'been made anC approoed. ALL pt'oject conditions, such as the installation of sLreet trees, con-oletion of the required LanCscaping, etc., rmtst be satisfied before the BUILDfNG FIiAL can be requested. Building Inspection mtst be requested after the Final Plwnbing fnspections h$ue been made atd approoeC. PINAL BUILDING: The Pinal Electrical, anC Meclnnical *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOIJTS I.fuST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE I,T4DE 1.T IIO CCST TO CIIY J &I tr o value ffi-$ L-co d JOB NO. Zone: IataL SOLAR ACC ESS REQ.- Beitoons TTan-Eiantiner Dote f HAW CAREFULLY EXAMINED th.e completed application for permit' attd. do hereby certify that aLL infornation het'eon is ttae and eorrect, and I furtk-er eertify that any ard aLL aork perfor.ned sVnLL be dpne in accot'- dance tvith the 0rdinences of the City of Sptingfield, and. the Las of the* State of 1regon pertaining to the uonk Cescribed herein, end tlnt N0 occa- PANCy uitl bb nade of any strweture vLthout pemnisaion of the Buildtng DL- oision. I further cez'tify that only eontracto"s and enplcyees uho dre in eanpliance uith oRS 701.05s uiLL be used on this project c LCT TYPE _ Interiot' Cotner Panhanlle Cul'de-sac Lot Faces -Ileat % of Lct Caterage Df,House # of StorLes Iotal lteight TopograPhY ITE14 .tiu x Value Building Vqlue & Permit This pemri,t is granted on the erpress cottdition tLnt the said'construction slwll, in azl respects,"';.;i;;i;-llu. o"aL"""ee edop-ted 6v the c1'tv of springfield, inc-!-uding'ti''n'\oii"g ctdincnc-e' negulctittg thb ccnstra:!:":.r^ -;A ;"'" of -buildi.ngs'- utd may be" suslynd'ed or retsokeC at cny tlme upon oLc- lation of a"U prcoisions of said 0t'dir'ances' TOTAL VALUE 1.5 x ,( Buildi.ng Pet'wLt Date Paid State Reeeipt #: Iotal Clnrges Signed: ETT CHARGE Plumbing Permit No person s?nll consttwet, instaLl,- aLter ot clwnge-ang netJ)-c? existing - il**li ot' drainage systu" in tlni.e or'- in patt, unles.2 such person is the injol p"o""n""o, o7"o ullLa pt*,tn-r's LicensZ, esgept tlnt a pe"son naa q2 ptnU{"g uot'k to propnity iti"t, i" otmed' Leased or operated by the apPli'- cantt. Ei.stutes Residential (1 bath) Sede" Pltnbing Penrtt ?otaL * Electricql Permit h*tey,e state Lan requi?es t\"a.t the eleety,ical uork be done by _an Electrieal Contractor, the elict?ical portion of this pernit slnll not be ualil until the Label lns been signed by the Electrtcal Conttactor' FEE Neu/Extend Circuits Selice State IotaL t5, o0 FEE AI' A D'D State * Mechqnicol Permit l,lcodstote Vent E@r E*hanst llood ETUIS Mecltanical Permit PermLt -- ENCROACHMENT -- 9eetlr'it1t Deposit Stotaqe I4aintenance, Penrtt Cutbcut Sida,taT,k !ence Eleetz,ieal Label TOTAL AId)UIIT DUE: *EA0 ,+ Date 2g-8 n*ht tnht -J f Mobile Honte