HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1978-12-06JOURNAL NO. S-7 ?trI APPLICATION FOR ZONE CHANGE, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPI,IENT PERMIT, OR VARIANCE TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL AND CITY PLANNING COMMISSION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 1 2 Appl icant's Name General Locat'ion C)e/?e of the Property ?/a<o - E ai+g i J" a$ Q*..<t c>t 3 Property as rec CIerk's 0ffice. Assessor's Map Tax Lot Number(s) ress, s s treet ,ocat oneo orded in Deed BookF;/e 7a Number /I-o)..r/.4- )- n cross stree S , Page JeSs dq S.Jl;Y)s)a"qr o 4 Legal Description (Attach separate sheet if necessary) At+ac-f,orl 5. Size of parcel:acres and/or 7s36.8 square feet. 6. Presentuseof propertyi Vaeant Lo+, -z^^"d 0n^^,n.ra..,,\ 7. Present zoning of property ,C O tyl tr o.n t c-+ 8.Proposeduseofproperty(Exp1ainindetai1):#.,<1r..oJ..,oo+Ii.iol.' C"d 9. Covenants and restrictions on property (if any):Zr-L.-'-4- 10. Applicant's request: Zone Change: (Check one) From Crm-nu ru To R ) By Reso'lution of Intent to rezone: By 0utright rezonino: Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development permit Variance from Land Use Restrictions PL.1 OVER /22 tt 1f+! recorded in County 11. Explain why the request should be qranted. Show how the change is consistent with and promotes the objectives of the General Plan and the Zoning Ord'inance. Also provide information showing how this request supports a publjc need, convenience, or the general community welfare. o ef L-lo E tJ 9t o*oJd tuo{{; c to r e{ I den * to( S+re "* : La'q' E a-!- A*rL--, ..---0 I hereby certify that: 1) the forego'inq statements and other infonnation attached hereto are true and accurate to the best of my knorvledge and bel'ief; 2) I have the following er of record; _contract purchaser; _1esrchase; _du1y-authorized to act for-a per lega'l interest in the property: )< or,rn holder of an exclusive optionT pu who has the fol l or,,ii ng 1ega1 interest: 3) the owner of record is knowledgeabl see; son 0wner's Name eo t s app cat on Add res s Tel ephone: Address: am no e owner r4 Appl i cant' s Si gnature : By: Date Filed: Received by: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Journal Number:ql Date Fi-xed For Planning corrrunission Hearing , 14-6 -78 Action Taken: Resolution of Intent Number: Appeal By Applicant: Date Eixed For Common CounciL Hearing Action Taken: Ordinance Ntunber: Receipt Issued To:,/24-il il /1-FINDING OF FACT FOR ACTIO}tr TAKEN: I I Te1 ephone: RESOLUT ION No. 78-358 RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO REZONE WHEREAS, an appfication has been made by Kay H. Hollenbeck (Journal No. S-78-.I2-98 Springfield Plann'ing Commission) to rezone certain property locatedat .l33 North 38th Place on the east side of the street, one lot north of MajnStreet, from its existing C-4 Service Commercial l,'lholesale District classificationto R-2 Limited Mul tiple Family Res'ident'ial District classif ication; and WHEREAS, the prospective change of zone 'in such area is in accordance with, and in furtherance of, the logical and orderly development and comprehensive zoning plan of the City of Springfield; and WHEREAS, the Council is desirous of allowing such zone change, but does notdesire that the zone be changed and held in a vacant condition for speculatjve purposes, and'it therefore appearing to be in the public interest that theresolution of intent procedure as herein set forth be followed; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNC]L OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AS FOLLOI,JS: l. The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby resolve itsintent to rezone by appropriate ordinance the following described property: Pro er ocated at I 33 North 38 Place on the East Side of thetreetOne Lot ort l4a'in Street erv ce Commerc a esa e District to mt te Mu tt'I e Fami S1 nt a Di stri ct 2. That sa'id ordinance rezoning the property hereinabove described will beadopted only upon the happening of the following conditions: a. Approval of a site p'lan within six (O) months.b. Start of construction within six (6) months of site plan approval.c. Comp'let'ion of constructjon vrithin one (l ) year of site plan approval . 3. In the event the foregoing conditions are not compf ied wjth within thetimes hereinabove mentjoned, then and in that event this resolution of intentshall be of no further force and effect, and in the event of such compliance, theCouncil does affirm its intention to rezone such property as hereinabove stated. _ ADOPT!D_by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this l8th day ofDecember,.l978. r d"-qrr**-w ATTEST: ty Reco er CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIETD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING I'IEETING ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTIL]TY BOARD AT 250 NORTH 'A' STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: Kay H. Hollenbeck (Jour"nal No. S-78-12-98) Assessonrs Map 77 02 37 42, Lot 2 and five feet of Lot 3 of the Malinda Subdivision. Located at 133 N. 38th PI. on the east side of the stneet, one lot no::th of Main St. Applicant requests a change of zone f::om R-1. Residential and C-4 Commercial Wholesale Distr"ict to R-2 Limited Multiple Family Residential Distnic! fgn the punpose of constructing multiple family dwelling units. In tlre event -of appr.oval by the Planning Commission on appeal by the applicant or othen intenested panties, the City Council will conduet a public hea::ing Monday, Decembe::18, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at the afo::e- mentioned place for the punpose of heaning views fon o:: against the above land use request. Richard Johnson, Secnetany Spningfield Planning Commission 126 N. 4th Str"eet, Spningfield 726-3759 /\ ul NORTH SCALE: 1rr = 400 t AREA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1, and C-4 to R-2 R-I c-4 c-+ L-4 R-V P-r R-l R-t -lL-+c-+c-+ c-4 c-+ c-4 'A, ST c-4 c-4 r)t< n.L: r: JJIt\' ROIa, R-2. R-2 l'1-3 3 t- R-2 11-2 l! 0 c-+ O4t\-4 RA.RX R-2 R-2 RX I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING MEETING ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, AT 7;30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH IAI STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: Kay H. Hol-lenbeck (Jounnal No. 5-78-12-98) Assessorrs Map t7 02 3t 42, tot 2 and five feet of Lot 3 of the Malinda Subdivision. Located at 133 N. 38th PI. on the east side of the stneet, one Iot north of Main St. Applicant requests a change of zone f::om R-1. Residential and C-4.Commercial- Wholesale Distr"ict to R-2 Limited Multiple Family Residential Distric! fgn the pu::oose of const::ucting multiple family dwelling units. In ttre event _of approval by the Planning Commission or appeal by the applicant on other" interested parties, the City Council will conduct a public hearing Monday, December" 18, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at the afone- mentioned place for the purspose of heaning views for" on against the above land use nequest. Richa:rd Johnson, Sec:retar"y Spningfield Planning Commission 126 N. 4th Stneet, Spningfield 726-3759 /\ a NORTH SCALE: 1" = 400' AREA TO BE CONSIDERED FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-1, and C-4 to R-2 c-4 R-t R-r R-l ArK-l ROT L- AT c-+c-1 L-+ N L-4 t<-v l/t c-4 r P R-r L-rt r) IL t <r- L 'rc K- R-2 c-4 c-4 F1-3 RN 3 R-2 14-2 c-+c-+ t)-t\- 4 RA.RN R-2 R2 >l STa oL i"tl 3 "l ar" /n "lr "lr*-S ul,e"li^a,r;.,t tr-- D (Jc'utnc^\ Itc'' 'S-lg- I a -qo P2 l/'3o -zY S P'.' t I SrJry"J : cd- aZ a--10,- 3 5rt', P7- . 7 a/v,t - --$"""^- 9-u*- R-t Ren./t,,I,r;J [^)R-a /.;1J m *,Xrri"lr +e",,,*!H i*fi^,C -/ il* -ilrghJ"ooJ. D*'-. S*.-,. I Sr^^r^t ,ilr^ f(nb n ZprrPl S p".^^r6l,, N ,0, QlnZ ?/b-S,fog. c\ lU^.' t-i t 234 No. 38th Place Springfield, 0regon Dec. 5, 1978 City of Springfield Planning Commission Re: Kay H. Hollenbeck (Journal No. 3-78-12-98) we approve of the proposed zone change of161 2 & 5 feet of Lot 3 of thl Malinda Subdivision, springfield to B-2 Limited Multiple Family Residential District. We own our residence located at 234 No. 38th P1ace, Springfield Oregon, which is located on lot 42, Malinda Subdivison. M. Har OW I'-*'"?"4'oo'Chfistine M/ Harlow 2433 Mohawk Rd Springfield, Oregon Dec. 5, 1978 Plannlng Commission City of Springfield, Springfield, Oregon Re: Kay H. Hollenbeck (Journal No. 5-78-12-98) We have no objection to the proposed zone change of Lot 2 & 5 feet of Lot 3, of the Malinda Subdivision, Springfieldto R-2 Limited Multiple Family Residential District. We own Lot 1, Malinda Subdivison which is directly south ofLot 2. We desire to leave the zoning on our Lot 1, Malinda as itis. That is, we want to keep the Commercial zoning as itexists today for our 1ot. ge ow e Mae Har ow