HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2001-02-20SPTINGFIFT D Job# 00-01697-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Commun ity Services Division Building Safety Page 1 of4ti.]AgHIiR 225 North Fiflh Street Sprin^{ield, C'- "- 477 Locat' r C' Asses. crs i Lot:159 ed Site: 2275 00037TH ST SPr 17021943 Block: Addition:1st Job Number: 00-01697-01 Office: 726-3759 lnspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot #: 08300 Subdivision : Amleside Meadows s' clTY oF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Owner: Addr..s: Sco-' -f Wo-' -,una Frey "129 Eagles Rest Road ;le Family Residence Phone Number: City/State/Zip: New 541 -937-1 339 'Dexter, OR 97431 Vatue: $174,532 '-ner r.,.rst sign plans to override solar setback reqmt. See Sarah Contractor T; Genc'^'Contr' yg6hrn;631 Qo'-,.- Plumt-.inl Co''- Contractor Registration # ^,lpine Construction/Dallas Frey ?.9129 Eagles Rest Dr, Dexter, OR 97431 ^'larshalls lnc 25790 ' 1 10 Olvmpic St, Springfield, OR ,/478-i -20 ).tes C,,"lity Plumbing lnc 122359 J- , :,weetbriar Rd, West Linn, OR' 1341 Expiration Date 12t23t2001 4115t2000 Phone 541 -937-1 339 541-747-7445 503-557-0121 Qua.l Area: # C' ' 'its: Cor .Typn Wat leat t Wood Frame Office Use - Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Zoning Code: LDR Bedrooms: 4 Range: Gas # Of Buildings: 1 OccupancyGroup: Dwelling Heat Source: Forced Air Gas Sq. Footage: 2379 To rr''' :st r a.m. \'. be r wort in. day. , ?4 hour recording at726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 r<ing day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following Required Inspections Public Works - A rter forms are ereceted but prior to placement of concrete. 'r forms are erected but prior to placement of concrete Curh'' t SW_ ,rsic!: I ) ly C' EXP|REIFTHEWORK Stfeo+ lq p1gy6'^' ^ ^+' Curl '*?7 San 3J'ver fr "'" '-*) Stornr lewc, I Speci-l Req.: Sectrrity Req ': Bon.' aegin i 'e Sp'"': Pro. Fully lmproved ln"provement Agr.? 6-4 Sidewalk Type: AdditionalROW? Size Of Line (in): Downspouts/Drains: Enchroachment Permit: San Sewer Tee (in): Page2of 4 Curbside - 5' 8 To Storm Sewer 6 Job# 00-01697-01 le? fr 00/00/0000 00:00 AM Bond End DateTime: 00/00/0000 00:00 AM I.!r connection to sewer or strom drain until infrstructure complete and acc' Types Of Warning Devices Reqd. Zon Flor " -tla nds? Overlay District: # of Street Trees: : 2: 3: 'er mu"t sion plans to override solar setback reqmt. See Sarah Land Use: Single Family Dwelling Pave Driveway? Z2rin? rnal a -nmen'. rorr.'t CIi YFE : X White l'liller ' .ry?' Glenwood Area? Additional Requirements: LDAP Required Required Attachments: Source Locn: Material: Flood Plain FEMA:Panel 1153 o'f 2975 Pla' Urh Qu Sur Dre. Floc Con Occ #c #c Ha: -A Ilt, I: ction rcy ' '-l i rr '/N) W^od Frame .vellin ^ces^ ory483 Accessory Structure # Of Stories: 2 Height (feet): 30 Current Units:0 Proposed Units:1 Census Gode: New SF - attached Total2862 q. l- 17cl -Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plan Check 11t20t2000 3839Re Tc 174,532 $391.14 $391.14 Buildinq Br St Br To - ,;t.l!n^ oofmit 02120t2001 0212012001 0212012001 4491 4491 4491 174,532 $601.75 $42.12 $18.05 $661.92 \d itd Electrical Te' St Ac To ^r Le."s ':el...'.;^^l 0212012001 02t20t2001 0212012001 4491 4491 4491 1 $40.00 $2.80 $1.20 $44.00 Plumbing Mi 0212012001 4491 $.00 4- il Job# 00-01697-01 Page 3 of 4 Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Plumbi Th.- st- Ad To' a a3{l;'6'.r 02t20t2001 02120t2001 02120t2001 4491 4491 4491 1 $192.50 $13.48 $s.78 $211.76 ,.__ r ifi0 ' r t ,lrrq Ho^ On Mir Adr Le' Vt G. Dr Mc Sta Tc .-l r: Mechanical 02t20t2001 0212012001 02120t2001 02120t2001 02120t2001 0212012001 02t20t2001 0212012001 02t20t2001 02t20t2001 4491 4491 4491 4491 4491 4491 4491 4491 4491 4491 1 1 $4.50 $2.00 $.00 $.e6 $6.00 $12.00 $+.so $3.00 $10.00 $2.24 $4s.20 -^r.nit .:lrir't:l I .;t 1 4 1 1 ) -ch: n ica I Nc N. Tc Public Works 0212012001 02t20t2001 4491 4491 60 1 $60.00 $60.00 $120.00 System Development Rc Sa Rr- Rt M\ ST Tc Fan i,,., _ StOrm 1^' .,1 'a nent 02120t2001 02120t2001 02t20t2001 0212012001 02t20t2001 0212012001 4491 4491 4491 4491 4491 4491 2,591 26 1 1 1 $621.84 $1,296.36 $507.82 $28s.91 $10.00 $136.10 $2,858.03 Willamalane SDC 02t20t2001 4491 1s.r Tc illamar:re SDC $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Gr PI ihecked By \.\/endy Stanley Date Completed 11t28t2000 $5,332.05 Comment On Hold does not meet solar setback as submitted- at Wendy's desk, resubmitted with a new plot plan, she moved the house to accomodate solar. Solar did not have to be met to the letter with this lot, as per an agreement between the city and developer to attain higher density in exchange for lenience on the solar requirement. The new plot plat comes closer to meeting solar and satisfies the intent of agreement, unless otherwise disputed by planning. see Sarah Sommers about the agreement NO occupancy until infrastructure complete and accepted. En.I.-lennis Ernst 11t29t2000 lni' Plan r: Pla^ -Checked By Liz Miller Job# 00-01697-01 Date Completed 11t30t2000 12t05t2000 Sarah Summers signed on plans for solar setback approval. LDAP applies for has not picked up yet. Should pick up with buitding permit. Comment Page 4 ot 4 Date stru",,1r,.r -aa Don Moore e. r^rrre that all required':' , i :m the street, that ,s will rcr-' :r on the Bys herr per the ofa ceri this lfur add apr sig ' ''''-te and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do- 'll infornr''i;nn hereon is true and correct, and I further certify ihat any and allworksh lone in I 'rdance with the Ordinances of the City of SpringfielO anO tne Laws of.C :ertainir ., lo the work described herein, and that I,tO OCCUpANCY will be madeI rtt pern'' ^;on of the Community Services Division, Building Safety. lfurthert ctors i,ir- employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on inspections are requested at the proper time, that each the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the site at alltimes during construction. SPFlTNGFTELc, arrproval . Zoning ii,.: toilowlng projecl as submitted has the tollowing 'r',',i,,'ig"i"ddoel not require specilic land use LDn- s7411 7.26-SVVgg.ignature 2.- o City Job Number OO -Ol6tf Z-O I 3. COHPIJTE FEE SCHEDTIIJ BELOV Sumst sq. ft or portion thereo f Y s 1s.00 Each Manuf'd Home. or -Modular 'Dve11ing SerVice or Feeder S 40.00 Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps -- -401 amps to 600 amps _ 601 amps to 1000 amps- 0ver 1000 amps/volts Reconnect 0n1y c.Temporary Services or Feeders lnstallation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps"or less $ 40'00 over 4b1 to 6oo amps -l $ B0.oo over 600 amps or fbOO-vofts see rrBrr aE6iG- Branch Circui ts ' .' Nev, Alteration or Exterrsion Per Panel D One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit s 3s.00 225 FTFTE STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON INSPECTION REQTIEST: OFFICE: 726-3759 1. LOCATTON OF TNST?33{ 3 a ALLA{t/\l-TTON 5 . I,EGAL DESCRIPTTON l70 L lq"3 o63ao Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not'started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days. 2. COI{TRACTOR INSTALLATTON ONLY Electrical Con llactor €uletw EleL#ks address IZO rnenrDg -St Ci ty Vu en"L phone Srl"l tsStbl Supervisor Lic ense Number )DqZS Expiration Date iD /o r lt>r Constr Contr Number CLVS 9AZOA Expiration Date,ein loe Signature of Supervising Electrician . 9)*r.r-e 0vners Name *u'ft Address ZZa { }+t^ >F Ci ty >€F0 Phone 7 3a - t>77 A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dvelling unit. Service fncluded: Items Cost 1-000 sq. f t. or less I S et.OO Each addi tional 500 B _a IC} Gu]+at:cl ffl s s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s130. 00 s300.00 s 40.00 OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended ior sale, Iease or rent' Orners Signature: $ 2.00 E Miscel-Ianeous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation _-_ Sisn/OutIine Lightitg- t iiited EnergY/Res - Limited EnergY/Comm SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge'rl la*i"istrative Fee TOTAL $ s $ s 40. 40 20 36 00 00 00 00 5T} t.J F..1 r3P DATE: (Jl(:Jr5-'H. r.J(3c]P RECEIVED DS Z-z6( 5 PERHTT APPLICATION JOB DESCRIPTION t^)*Ote- iOu<- tslt P-tt6- C'TY OF SPR OFEGO'V 225 FIFTE STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97 4ffiate INSPBCf,ION REQIIEST: 726-J/$$so OFFICE: 726-3759 City Job Number oo -01 3. COUPTATE FEE SCffiDI'rc BELOS A. Nev Residential-Single or Multi-FamilY Per dvelling unit. Service Included:Items Cost 1-000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or Portion thereo f Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 s 1s.00 s 40.00 B Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: SPFr iFIELO PERHIT APPLICATION 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amPs - 401 amps to 600 amPS - 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts - Reconnect OnIY Zoning -o C E L Slgnature 6q+-01 1. LOCATION OF ON25 ko Sum $ s0.00 s 60.00 s100.00 s130. o0 s300.00 s 40.00 00 00's see ilBrr aEo?e 00 00 00 00 Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vithin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for 180 days JOB COMRACITOR INSTALLATION ONLY2. EIec cal Contractor Address Ci ty Supervisor Lice Expi ra t ion Cons t r Expi S pervising Electrician 0vners Name Address Ci Phone l>z OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on property I ovn vhich is not intended for sale, Iease or rent. DATE: Temporary Services or Feeders Installaiion, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps''or less i201 amps to 400 amPs Over 401 to 600 amPs 0ver 600 amps or fOOO-6Tf Branch Circuits Nev, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit S 35.00 Each Additional-cii"uit or vith Service or Feeder Permit - S 2.00 Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation - Sign/Out1ine Lighting- Limited EnergY/Res - Limited EnergY/Comm 00 1C_s $ $ 40 55 BO D $ 40. $ 40. $ 20. $ 36. 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% State Surcharge 3Z Administrative Fee TOTAL ber ne r. Number on Date RECETVED SYlrtt I q) Cornnrunity Scrviccs Div, Building Safcty Job CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 225 5't'Stre ct, Springtleld. OR 91477 Ph.'726-3759 tnr', Citv Job # SPRINGFIELD Affidavit For Site Investigation Questionnaire Foundation Sub-Grade Approval for Residential Building Site in Ambleside Meadows - 1" Addition Subdivision The undersigned hereby affirms that the excavation, structural fill and moisture stabilization methods for the building site at the address shown above was observed by me or an authorized employee of my firm and that the following is true: l. The foundation sub-grade is capable of supporting a minimum of 1500 psf, and is adequate to support the building proposed for this site. 2. The moisture content of the excavation was adequately maintained during the site preparation process and was adequately covered to stabilized moisture content prior to any significant change in moisture content of the sub-grade. 3. The site is adequately graded and drained to prevent the collection of water in the excavated area during construction. 4. The accompanying report titled "Site Investigation Questionnaire for Consulting containing field observations and instructions made on -?-20 (date) for the building site was completed either by or by an of my firm under my supervision. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained in that report is complete and accurate Name of Licensed Professional (print)L" * -/'zo Lr S _T___7_7 NG e 7t o[GloNDate \ Park & Recreation District Job. No.7 SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CIIARGE WORKSHEET NAME:At*la-PHONE:-/ ADDRESS: 3 STATE: T\L ZIE: Q7y'-7 LOCATION OF PROPOSED BUTLDING SITE: Street Address: Ptat Nam ", hnbllsrl- r&nolrrlr-Tax Lor Number: l- o z t4 4z olloo Willamalane X $1,000 per unit = $ItrTD . - C. Multi-Family Apartment NO. OF UNITS X $692 per unlt $ D. Manufac,tured Home park WILLAMALANE SDC $ 2- sDc cREDtr (rf appricabre) sDGpayer must (umrsh proof o( witlamalane credit approvar. see soc credit wotkshoet. $ 3. TOTAL WILLAMALANE NET SDC ASSESSED (l( SDC reduoed for Credit) $ $ f duo . - Iouu - D Services ^ o 1. DEVEL9PI4ENT TYPE (check 1pe detinitions are on the back.) A. Single-Family Derached /v Single Family home NO. OF UNITS appropriate dwelling(s). SDC catcutations and dweiling t Manufactured home not in a park E City of l^J td Department Date -l-u -t ?go t 9o 7 B. Single-Family Afiaehecl NO. OF UNITS _ X $924 per unit = $ o K&AEngineering, Inc. P.0. Box 10524, Eugene, 0R 97440 521 Market St., Suile B, Eugene, 0R 97402 (541) 684-9399 Voice (541) 684-9358 FAXengineering February 23,2001 John Frey Alpine Construction 39129 Eagles Rest Rd Dexter, 0R 97431 Project 16.01 2-L7s s7Vl, "y Subject: Compaction of lmported Structural Fill Ambleside Meadows, Lot #159 Springfield, 0regon Dear Mr. Frey At your request, we have evaluated the in-place density of the compacted crushed aggregate placed on the subject lot to supporl the foundation as recommended in our Building Pad Evaluation for this lot. Three randomly-located tests were made to determine dry density and moisture content. The average dry density exceeds 95% of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-698. We recommend approval of the structuralfill by local building officials. Thank you for the oppofiunity to be of service. Please call if you have any questions or need further assistance. Respecffully, t{ a 19471 SL.-"u oRE@t{ ,)FN NIS Michael Remboldt, P.E K&AEngineering, lnc. ln-Place Densily Cr. Agg. Fill Lot 159 Ambleside Meadows I ln-Place Dens Modified. Proctor Maximum Dry Density Springfield Ouarry 1.5" (-) Moisture Gontent ( 139.0 pcf Average Std. Dev 3.0% 0.4o/. 97.1% 7.70/o Client AlPine Construction' Proiect 16'01 Dry Density, pGl otto Compaction lnitial Reading, cl Final Reading, cl-Volume, cl Weight, g lb Weight, Wet Density, pcl Pan, g Moist Sample + Pan, g Dry Sample+ Pan, g. Moisture Gontent, %Test 0.0300 0.01480 857.8 1.89 127.8 120.1 971.9 943 8 3.4o/o 123 B9%0.01521 1340.9 2.96 140.8 128.6 1469.5 1430.7 3.0%137 9B%0.0120 0.0330 0.021002 104%0.0123 0.0372 0.02495 1681 .3 3.71 148.6 128.9 1810.2 1767.9 2.6o/o 1453 ( K&AEngineering,lnc 02123t2001 o K&AEngineering, lnc. P.0. Box 10524, Eugene, 0R 97440 521 Marlret Sl., Suite B, Eugene, 0B 97402 'i:llill-'H?It'fiengineering February 23,2001 John Frey Alpine Construction 39129 Eagles Rest Rd. Dexter, 0R 97431 Project 16.01 Subject: Building Pad Evaluation Ambleside Meadows, Lot #159 Springfield, 0regon Dear Mr. Frey K & A Engineering, lnc. is pleased to have this opportunity to provide an evaluation of the suitability of the subject building lot for construction of a foundation for a single-family residence. The site has been excavated and prepared forthe construction of standard cast-in-place concrete strip footings, spread footings, and stem walls. These recommendations are made in accordance with "Excavation and Foundation Requirements for New Structures on lndividual Lots" established by the City of Springfield.l PURPOSE, SCOPE, AND LIMITAT!ONS The geotechnical engineering services summarized herein are provided to assist Alpine Construction in properly preparing the subiect building sites forfoundation construction. These services include engineering recommendations to avoid construction on unsuitable soils and quallty control of compacted fills only. The scope of our services does not include construction safety precautions, techniques, sequences, 0r procedures, except as specifically recommended in this report. Our services should not be interpreted as an environmental assessment of site conditions. This geotechnical investigation, analysis, and recommendations meet the standards of care of competent geotechnical engineers providing similar services at the time these services were provided. We do not wanant or guarantee these recommendations, site surface, or subsurface conditions, GENERAL Lot 159 is located nearthe top of a saddle and ridge atthe east boundary of the subdivision, The existing groundsurfaceslopesslightly(< 10%)towardthestreet,whichrunsatthewestboundaryolthelot. The existing ground is essentially bare, The ground surface (priorto excavation) is even and uniform across the lot r Ambleside Meadows Subdivision - l,tAddition K&AEngineering,lnc. several small deposits of igneous boulders and cobbles at the east edge of the lot indicate that imported material was placed on or near the property at some time in the past. we observed excavation of this lot onFebruary20-21,2001. Excavationandplacementofcompacted,engineeredfillwascompteteOandinspected on February 22,2001. LITH()LOGY Three test pits were excavated on the site to a maximum depth of 4.S-feet. soils in all the test pits were essentially the same. Soils on the lot consist of 1 to 1.S-feet of soft brown/tan highly plastic silt or clay (imported fill) over (assumed) native dark brown/gray, dense, moist, organic sandy-silt, The native sandy-silt is ipproximateiy 1.5 to Z+eet thic k. The naiVe sandy-silts are underlain by 0.5 to 1.0{eet of very soft saturated white/tan highly plastic clay which is a residual soil from the underlying gray highly weathered tuffaceous bedrock. me weatfrered tuff is pirly decomposed, craters on^impact (some areas are friable), relatively solid, and hasa low unit weight (<'l3d pcf), URC classification DEAE2. There are also zones of $aining. See attached graphic test pit log. GR()UNDWATER Groundwater was encountered in the white/tan soft clay layer, perched on the underlying tuffaceous bedrock. SURFACE WATER A significant amount of surface water appearc to be seeping from the saddle to the southeast. There is an unusual amount of standing water in the lot south and adjacent to lot 159. Our opinion is that the source of the water is from springs because there does not appearto be a significant contributory watershed area at the top of this ridge. 0ne possible s0urce of the springs is seepage from the adjacent water filtration plant on the knoll to the northeast or water storage tank on the hillto the southwest. EXCAVATION AND FOUNDATION SITE PREPARATION Due to the gentle slope of the lot to the street and elevation requirements forthe proposed structure, the desired elevation of the footings atthe east side are below the white/tan softclay (in the decomposed tuff), while the desired footing elevation on the west side of the structure is above the clay. Because the white/tan soft clay has extremely low bearing capacity and a potential for significant consolidation under load, it is unsuitable for support of foundations. Construction on this material on the west, with foundations in the tuff on the east side would present a significant risk of large differential settlement. Consequently, the primary load-bearing strip and spread footings on the west side of the structure were placed on a compacted crushed rock that extends to the weathered tuff bedrock. The east-west concrete stem walls were reinfgrced to act as grade beams, bridging the in-place clay from the east to west strip footings, reducing the likelihood of differential settlement. Attached are calculations, foundation plan, and a typical section of the reinforced foundation 2 Unitied Rock Classi{ication. See attachment' Page 2 of 3 Proiect:16,01 C\ient: A\Pine Construction February 23,2001 K&AEngineering,lnc ln addition to the subsurface drains, final grading should include intercepting surface flow from the springs at ffi::ffff1.flffi11ffi11'; .ntito tne slreei to the wesr. otnr*iru, rinir sradins ir,orro'rrt, surrace RECOMMENDATI()NS Surlace Drainage Roof Drainage lc,ra oncF', rL Michael Remboldt, P.E. Principle Engineer, K & A Engineering, lnc. 3 The geotextile should be a medium-weight needle-punched, non-woven fabric with a minimum A0S of 70. we recommend that the foundation excavation and preparation be approved by the local building official forconstruction of conve.ntional cast-in-plice concrete tounoations. - unsujtable ;rit; ,;;;;;;ath the proposedl',ilflilil;ffi1#ffiru'g:Xl;liim[::l;lSl[,1",i;',X,a,ri,, The rou,r,tion ,*,, as prepared, is ln addition, we make the following recommendations; Subsurlace Drainage A perimeter foundation drains system should b_e installed, including a cutoff french drain along the southfoundation to intercept grounowatei rroffir springs to the southeast. Perimeter foundation drains should consist of 4-inctr perforated pipe covered with a minimum of 12-inches ofclean drain rock and wrapped in a geotextiiri. ft,, rrrrrntrin Jr.l[uro consist of a 12-inch min. wioe trench tothe depth of the per miteifoundati,,i'-oirir, .it1 i a 11c1 ne;-;;il;p, at the bonom and firred w*h clean drianrock' The trench should be lined witr g;oiextile similar to il,ui ,ruo ior ilre perimeter drain system. The perimeter drain and french drain should route subsurface water to.the curb. The subsurface drains shouldnot be connected to the roof orains unteiii tritrot, backflow prevention device is used. Roof drains should be collected in and piped to the city storm drain system. we recommend that roof drainagebeseParated from the footing/crawtspa'ce drains by eiiher a mp".ir pip, system o,. i orr|.-iro* prevention Thank you for this opportunity to be of service. prease cail if you have any questions Respecffully, Project: 16.01 Client: Alpine Construction Page 3 ol 3 February 23, 2001 Date Excavated 2t20t0l LOG OF TEST PIT TPi- Logged by:MDR Surface Elevation(ft)Equiprnent:Backhoe a Foo Nozzzo 5 tcFaUF ozzz(,) :E U T a-<it&. a)of MATERIAL DESCRIPTI ON (! J a C ^3z,<6 OJ fFa >a F ZI ot aLa'a<(Jl]L CS rgneousaywet,Brown/Tan highly pl gravels and cobbles. Dark brown/gray sandy silt. Dense,wet. XXXX xxxx Areas SOcc vo canlc yel low/orange staining. White/tan ic tuff.tt White to gray, lvp weathered 2 J 4 K&AEngineering, Inc. P.O. Box 10524 Eugene, OR 97440 Phone: (541) 684-9399 Fax: (541) 684-9358 Ambleside Meadows Lot 159 Springfield, Oregon 16.01 I Y- A-E UNIFIED ROCK CLASSIFICATIONl Table 1 - DEGREE 0F WEATEBTNG Tab|e 2 . ESTIMATED STRENGTH Table 3 - DISC0NTINUITIES Classilication Nomenclature: A.E A.E A.E Weathering Strength Discontinuity Weight 1 Douglas A. Williamson, Bulletin of the Assoc. of Engineering Geologists, Vol. Ml No, 3, pp. 345-354. tgB4 2 Approxim ate Unconf ined Compressive Strength Represenlalive Altered Weathered > Gravel Size <Sand Size Micro Fresh State (MFS) Visually Fresh State (vFS) Stained State (sTS) Partly Decomposed State (PDS) Completely Decomposed State (cDS) A B G D E Reaction to lmpact ol1 lb. Ballpeen Hammer Remolding " Rebounds" (Elastic) (R0) > 15,000 psil > 103 Mpal "Pits" (Tensional) (P0) 8000-15000 psil 55-103 Mpal "Dents" (Compression) (D0) 3000-8000 psil 21-55 Mpal "Craters" (Shears) (c0) ' 1000-3000 psil 7-21ltLpa| Moldable (Friable) (M0) < 1000 psil < 7 psi12 A B c D E Very Low Permeability Mqy Transmit Water Solid (Random Breakage) (sRB) Solid (Preferred Breakage) (sPB) Solid (Latent Planes of Separation) (LPS) Nonintersecting 0pen Planes (2-D) lntersection 0pen Planes (3-D) A B c D E >160 pcf > 2.55 g/cc 150-160 pcf 2.4-2,55 slcc 140-150 pcf 2.25-2.40 Qlcc 130-140 pcf 2.10-2.25 slcc <130 pcf <2,10 g/cc A B c D E Table4-UNITWEIGHT kaenqrneerlng ge otec rlic*., *,,yil engtnee nng Eugene, 0R 97440 541 684 9999 S41 684 9358 fax Project:Lot 159 Client:ine 0n Job No:16.01 Date:-01 Sheet: 1 ot2 r -t J I IL I --l t--_l _l r VT--- L L l I ____J L __t 10171 €f.- orl@!t D1pTRES: / L/sr/o- PARTIAL FOUNDATION PLAN HATCHED AREA TO HAVE 4.#4 CONTINOUS REINFORCEMENT IN FOOTING SEE TYPICAL SECTION 1/8" = 1'-0" t- I geotec tilnic engineerin Eugene, 0R 97 g 440 541 684 9399 541 684 9358 fu Sheet: 2 of Z #4 VERT. @ 48'0.c. NOTES 1 J[ s]!!0R J_BoLT AN0H0RS NoT sHowN2. MrN. LAp splrcE uruern.ron ++ nEiruiiiricureNT rs 24-rNcHES.3. ^c-oNcRETE T0 HAVE n l,trruruuru oissil iri. "''''' ' . P^Q|IL.$D OEMENT pER CUBtc vnno l,rrx.-4. sLUMp sHALL BE rN THE RANGE oi l iri'b-rrucHrs. f- a' 4.#4 CONT. @ 2, MIN. SPACING MONOLITHICK POUR,PR OCTOR" STEMWALVFOOTING IS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE 2'-6, (MrN.) z', I 8u 4-#4 CoNT. MAX. SPACING 2" 1,-3u (MrN,) 19171 oRt@t{ EXPlRES: REINFORCED FOOTIN 1" = 1'-0" STEM WALL SECTION ),n2- engrnee Lot 159 Date:Job ka engrneerrng K & ,ineering, lnc. P.O. Box 10524 Eugene, OR 97440 (s41) 684-93ee (541) 684-93s8 FAX Title : Alpine Cos' I Job # 16.01 Dsgnr: MDR Date: 12:06pM, 23 FEB 01 Description : Reiilorced Stem Wall Section Ambleside Meadows Lot .159 Scope : Revr 510300 User: XW0603459 Ver 5 1 3.22-Jun.1999. Wrn32 {c) 1983.99 ENERCALC Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Des Description Modified Stem Wall Grade Beam General lnformation filesuo01 Page 1 6.0 Span Deplh width Beam Weight Not Added 22.00 ft 24.000 in 8.000 in Calculations are designed to ACI 318-95 and 1997 UBC Requirements fc 3,000 psi Fy 60,000 psi Concrete Wt. 145.0 pcf Seismic Zone 0 End Fixity Pinned-Pinned Live Load acts with Short Term Reinforc Rebar @ Center of Beam... Count Size 'd'from Top #1 4 4 22.00in Uniform Loads Rebar @ Left End of Beam... Count Size 'd'from Top #1 in Rebar @ Right End of Beam... Count Size 'd'from Top #1 in Dead Load #1 0.s 17 k Summary Live Load 0.155 k Short Term k End 22.000 ft Beam Design OK -0.2643 inMaximum Deflection Max Reaction @ Left Max Reaction @ Right Start 0.000 ft 7.39 k 7.39 k Span = 22.00ft, Width= 8.00in Depth = 24.00in Maximum Moment : Mu 59.73 k-ft Allowable Moment : Mn'phi 74.92 k-tt Maximum Shear : Vu 9.12 k Allowable Shear : Vn'phi 61.27 k Shear Stirrups... Stirrup Area @ Section 0.440 in2Region 0.000 3.667 Max. Spacing 11.000 Not Req'd Max Vu 9.123 7.298 7.333 11.000 Not Req'd Not Req'd3.649 3.562 14.667 Not Req'd 3.562 22 000 ft 11.000 in 9.036 k Bending & Shear Force Sum mary Bending... @ Center @ Left End @ Right End Shear,.. @ Left End @ Right End Mn*Phi 74.92 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-fr Vn-Phi 61 .27 k 61.27 k Mu, Eq. 9-l 59.73 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-l 9,12 k 9.04 k Mu, Eq. 9-2 44.80 k-ft 0.00 k-ft 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-2 6.84 k 6.78 k Mu, Eq. 9-3 28.15 k-ft 0.00 k-fr 0.00 k-ft Vu, Eq. 9-3 4.30 k 4.26k Deflection I:::-Deflections... Upward Downward DL + [Bm Wt] DL + LL + [Bm Wt] DL+LL+ST+[BmWt] Reactions... DL + [Bm Wt]I DL + LL + [Bm Wr] DL+LL+ST+[BmWt] 0.0000 in at 0.0000 in at 0.0000 in at @ Left 5.687 k 7.392 k 7.392 k -0.1348 in at -0.2643 in at -0.2643 in at 11.0000ft 11.0000ft 11.0000ft 0.0000 ft 0.0000 ft 0.0000 ft @ Rioht 5.687 k 7.392 k 7.392 k t,+ o ItJ otlooll ucnest:4bZL 18.333 Not Req'd 7,211 K6 , ,ineering,tnc. P.O. Box 10524 Eugene, OR 97440 (541) 684-93e9 (s41) 684-93s8 FAXRev 5t0300 LJscr KW.0603459. Ver(c) 1983-99 ENERCALC 5.1 3 22-Jun-1999. Wr,)32 Concrete Rectan Title : Alpine Ce I Dsgnr: MDR Date:,1rourr'!!PJ$3]Description : Reinforced Stem Wall Section Ambleside Meadows Lot 159 Scope : ka?nqineering gular & Tee Beam Description Modified Stem Wal I Grade Beam Page 2 1\1 Section Ana IS Evaluate Moment Capacity... X : Neutral Axis a=beta*Xneutral Compression in Concrete Sum [Steel comp. forces] Tension in Reinforcing Find Max As for Ductile Failure... X-Balanced Xmax=Xbal ,0.75 a-max=beta.Xbal Compression in Concrete Sum [Steel Comp Forces] Total Compressive Force AS Max = Tot Force / Fv Actual Tension As Center Z. r/b5 tn 2.350 in 47.945 k 0.000 k -48.000 k Left End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k Riqht End 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 13.020 in 9.765 in 11.067 in 169.330 k 0.000 k 169.330 k 2.822 in2 0.800 0K 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0K 0.0000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 k 0.000 in2 0.000 0KAdditional Deflection Calcs Neutral Axis lgross lcracked Elastic Modulus Fr = 7.5'fc^.5 Z:Cracking Eff. Flange Width 5.535 in 9,216.00 in4 2,466.73 in4 3,122.0 ksi 410.792 psi 93.331 ksi 8.00 in Mcr Ms:Max DL + LL R1 = (Ms:DL+LL)/Mcr Ms:Max DL+11157 R2 = (Ms:DL+LL+ST)/Mcr l:eff... Ms(DL+LL) l:eff... Ms(DL+LL+ST) 26.29 k-tt 40.66 k-ft 0.647 40.66 k-fr 0.647 4,291.840 in4 4,291.840 in4 ACI Factors (per ACl, applied internally to entered loads) ACt9-1 & 9-2 DL ACt9-1 & 9-2 LL ACr9-1 & 9-2 ST ....seismic = ST r ACI 9-2 Group Factor ACI 9-3 Dead Load Factor ACI 9-3 Short Term Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "1.4', Factor UBC 1921.2.7 "0.9" Factor 1.400 1.700 1.700 1 .100 0.750 0.900 1.300 1.400 0.900 Sketch & Diagram K6 . ,ineering, lnc P.O. Eox 10524 Eugene, OR 97440 (s41) 684-9399 (s41) 684-9358 FAX '10.86 2 20 4.40 ka rngineering Title : Alpine Co- I Job # 16.01 Dsgnr: MDR Date: 12:06PM, 23 FEB 01 Description : Reiiiforced Stem Wall Section Ambleside Meadows Lot 159 Scope : Rev 510300 user xw'o6o34ss vers13 22-Jun.reee win32 Concrgtg Rectangular & Tgg Beam Design_ ,- eao9..^s^ fii(c) 1983-99 ENERCALC:- -:..------.-- :Description Modified Stem Wall Grade Beam '6.60 p.so iio0 i32o 1540 i760 19.s0 22.00 6;1s 2.2d- -a.ao --60 s.sil- i1.oflir2o l5ro-i7.6a-9.80-22.00 5EZ-- 1-89 .4.34 :3.23 .4 85 . i ,,,,.]i -6 46 18.62 .m'.-t. Mu lrax = 59 73k-tl Dmar = 0.2643in Rmar:7.392k Vu-lrar = I 123k Moment (k-tl) Shear Loa! (k) s9.73 220 p661 = 7 392[3.76 4.40 6.60 Vu Max = 9.0fi1i79 41.81 (ft) _ Sheat Load (k) 60 19.AO 220014AO 220 l-0:z ' ts34-- I MorlUer (!) 15.40 17.60 19.80 22.00 ii 36 35.64 2s b7 2210 ' 23 89 17 92 Beam Sketch 5.12 220 440 6.60 880 11 oO 1320 1540 1760 19.80 22.00 1.OS 3.07 2.05 t.02 Momenl (k-fi) LocationAlongMember (fi) Stresses for ACI 9-1 Combination Momenl (k'fi) LocationAlong Member (ft) Stresses for ACI 9-2 Combination 6.60 880 - 11.00 r3.ro 1540 1760 aao 6.60 ir.b.) i1.o0 1320 t5io t7.gq 19.80 22.00 :*t. . '. :4.40 l-.5.!7. : -2.03 ,3 05 -4 oo Shear Lo6d (k) 28.15 2.2O 4.40 6.60 p.Eo 25.34 22.52 19 71 1 6.89 i 4.08 1 1.26 l,{qmqer th) 15 40 17 60 19 80 22 00 Localion Along Member (fl)Local "y" Oeflection (in) Stresses for ACI 9-3 Combination Lo€tion Stresses for Service Dead + Live Loads Stresses for Dead+Live+Short Term Loads 8.45 5.63 Locel "y" Defleclion (in)Localion Along Member (fr) ,,60 il.90 1 1.00 19.?.0,15. ffi{: l*:. Fr ffi i -f--' :2.93.4 40 O nro"g Merl"t ifii __-+- lob Address /-o7 ./.{7 City Job # 3759 SPtrINGFI ELD AMBLESIDE MEADO WS SUBDIVIS ION-IS, ADDITION on requlrements - new structures on re Owner and/or Contractor LPl.,u Co 9Tf,u ctz aa/ 1. Date of the design professional's site evaluation t Fw '2-<, - zL 24rv'. Community Serviccs Div, tr-rrilding Safcty CITY OF SPRINGFTELD, OREGON 225 5'h Srrecr. Springficld. OR 97477 ph.726_ 2' Has the design professional reviewed a copy of the geotechnical informationfor the subdivision that was provided with in. n,ritiing permit? yesliNo_ If not, please contact this ffice for a copy of the report. The design professionalmust be familiar with the geotechnical information before compleiin'g drr yor^. This form may be used as a temporary verification to allow construction to continueon the job site until the consultant's stamped affidavit on the site soil compactionand stabilization is submitted to the city. This form must be completed b! aIicensed design professional (engineer or architect) or hivher authlorized Jmployee,and submitted to the building inspector prior to requesting city inspe"tiors o.placing foundation_concrete. It is important that aliquestions be answeredcompletely for the foundation site to be approved foiconstruction. 3. What was the size and depth of the excavation and /or fill? Was existing non-structural fill or expansive soil encountered on the lot?I'es B.No If "yes", what depths locations?, and€r teSi In vestigation forQuestionnaire Design Professionals What measures were taken to remedy the neered fill used to stabilize the soil t/)(P n CL(f ap-7 FlLtsxrct+ pR+r rv I a (include type of tLl Comnrunity Serviccs Div, ,-roilding Safety CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22.5 5th Strcct. Sprin_uflctd. OR 97477 ph.726_3159 JobAddress / r _ O City Job # _ Is the site as prepared 1d^eayate S tnadequatu A to maintain constant moisturecontent in the sub grade? Note:'Verffication of moisture stabilization in the subgrade is a requirement of the geotechnicar rejort, and must be ffirmed brf;;;cons truction can continue. If inadequate, what measures are needed to provide constant moisture content inthe sub 4. Did the design professionar witness placement and compaction of the engineered fill, or is there a special inspection report forthcoming from aqualified agency? I witnessed Placemeit fuspecial Insp/compactiin report p5ea A-TraZzFi<V ca-y4l,e<JzetJ .pgfiF--5. The design professional inten'ds touse i[drorrd,oiilg method for installationof perforated perimeter footing drains: The design on the attached drawing provided by the design professional ...... trThe method shown on the original construction drawings . .. . . . ... DThe typical 'Foundation Drain' drawing attached to p"rirrit fuE..Agrar-BPerforated perimeter drains are not required . ......comments' rtrtsl uralrls are not requlreo n Is the site as prepared adequate $inadequate to support the proposed structure? An ffirmative answer is requisite to proceeding with construction.If inadequate, what additional work is needed to provide adequatefoundation p a Note: City inspectors will inspect instal, Call: 726-3769 to schedule inspection. 2 led drains prior to cover upon request.. Corlnrunity Scrvices Div, duilding Salety CTTY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 22-5 -5'h Strccr, Springlleld, OR 97477 ph.726_ Job City Job # 3759 Low'point crawl space drains are required to prevent the build-up of excessmoisture inside the foundations during (and aiter; construction. This drainmay be installed afte-r foundation placement ontv wmr trre expreof the design professional. a. The design professional has determined the following; The crawl space drain is required when the foundation is installed lW The low-point drain can be installed afier foundation placement without asignificant moisture build-up probrem withtn the foundation..... t (The low-point drain may be installed at the of construction) Has the design professional observed and approved the installation of therequired low point drain?.. yes, _No < tf "yes", where is the low point drain located under the buildtng ord where does it terminate at this time? (must be an approved locition, i.e. street gutter, storm sewer, sump pump and discharge line to the street, etc. ) post &et (:. b The design professional must determine whether the approved permit drawings have adequate foundation steel. Is any additional foundaiion steei required thit is nots_lown o2the foundation drawings for the building?Yes v No _. If "yes", describe additional steel required (or provide drawing). The following statement must be signed by the individual doing the observations andproviding direction for the excavation and site preparation wirk on the property. J Conrnrunity Scrviccs Div, Building Saiety CITY oF SPRINGFIELD, onEcb].i 22-5 -5'h Strccr. Springlrcld. OR 91417 ph.726_3j59 (Note): A copy of this report shall be times. Job Lrt 7 City Job # on site with the approved plans at all The undersigned desig.n professional (or authorized employee) attests that he/sheobserved required moisture stability procedures on this'site, and that such procedureswere accomprished befor: !ry changes occurred in the *o,irturc contenr $-*e sut_grade under and around the buildiig (where expansiv,e s-oil, nrrc encountered). Theundersignedfurther attests that theiu,b-grade, i, priporra, is adequate to support thebuilding proposedfor this site. Additional comments: kept This report shall be followed by an affidavit, signed and stamped by the designprofessional under whose auspices this report was completed, affirming the iiformationherein' The signed/stamped affidavit together with a copy of this repoi shall besubmitted to this office prior to requesting framing inspectlon for thl building. i Fwl Title Company /r" f{F e License 7 exprre 7 The geotechnical report for the Ambleside Meadows - I't Addition Subdivision recommends immediate moisture stabilization of exposed expansive sub-grades, and thatexpansive soils be over-excavated and replaced with at least l2 inches of nU compactedto at least 95vo of ASTM D698 for foundation preparation. The report also recommends that measures be taken to prevent water from colleiting in or around the foundation areasduring and after the construction process, and that positive site drainage be provided to reduce the infiltration of surface water into the expansive soils. The geotechnical report further emphasizes that the finish grade of landscape soil adjacent to the foundation should be at least 24" above the expansive bearing soils, firmly compacted to reduce the infiltration of water at the surface. The adequacy of fill soil material around the building must be verified to the satisfaction of the design professional. /t 4