HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-09-17.. RESID {TIAL.. APPLICATION/PERT,IIT 225 North Sth Street Springfield, 1regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision ,oe 21F2I LU-.) I .).) Job Loeaticn: Aesessote Map #4 /o-q2 / ftR ?z'a6" ?eeelot # B SPRINGFIELD j fi ld 97 477 Tcz Lot # 7d,./2.<> z> €2 Subdioision: Oumer: Addyess: Viola R. La el 'iers 4105 Jas er Road S rin field Phone: 7 46-367 3 97478 Descz"ibe llotk: Two runners each 18-20"wj de to 70' 1 ong, 6" deep TIOODSTOVE: etnpT;TA. Aftet, ittstall.ation is ldditicn RemoCel Le Date of App Licatian Sept. 17, l9B5 Genetal Constuaelaon_lender a-l Date: 9 Value You" City Desigr,ated Job Numbet, Is:8f,aS 1 5 L r-t ie the tesponsibi-Lily oi-the penrit holder to aee tlut aLL inspeettons oe nad.e at the prope? tine, that s4sl1 td,l-ses is r,saso;'-"iy--tly stree.t,. anc that the-penrit_eatd. ie Located at the fuoni of the property*Building Diuiciott appro"*ed plan shcll remain on the n"l.lai"lg- lite at aLL tines. ?l?ocEDUPErFo\ rySPECTr1N,E:)u,EST;CALL726-3769(tecorder) state gout city Cesignated job nu;ber, job aCitess, type of inspee--i.cn ::Y"il"1^T!-?:: io"-uiLL beieady for ir,spection, contiactars o7 arr"r"'ror.L"d pui. nunber,.- -pequests reier.iZa bL1cre'z:00 c,LLLL be nade the sane day' "equest.s nade after, 7:00 on viLL be nade tke nezt..nrking'd.ay. l x SI?E INSPECTfON: Io be nade aftez, eceantation, but prior tc set up of forns, UNDERSLAB PLUI,{BING. ELqCTRICAL &wcr!uii4ar,@ny ttotk is eouered. FO)TIN} 8 FQUITDATICN: To be taCe - after trencnes a?e escatsated and. forms are etected, but ptior topout'ittg ccnerete. INSULATTON/VAPOR EARRTER ITISPECTION: Io be made aftez, aLL insuLaticn qnd required oqor burie?s @e in placebut before ory lath, Wpsttn bcaz,C ortnLL coueting is applied, and. befoneoty ir*ulation is concealed. DRIHALL TNSPECTTON: Tc be madeafter aLL dryuall is in plaee, but prior to an7 taping. MASONRI: Steel Location, bond beans, gtouting ot oerticals in accoydotce Dith U.B.C. Section 241 5. - uNDERcpoulD pLUMErNc. sEhtEp. w.ATER.)Lirg trenchee. I uuomrtoon ptutnrnc a utqsnwcu,trob@of floor insulction or decking. I P.9ST AND BEAM: ?o be nade prior toI instaLlatian of floon insulation ot decking. - ROI.IGH PLA,DIIIG, ELECTPICAL & TIECH-| 4.NJCLL: I'1o uork is to be couered- - wttil these inspeetions haue been mad.e and coproued..-l PrnPlac-!, Wio, to plaeirg facingI matez,ials and. before froning inepeb-tion. -l pnu.ltuc: lfust be teouested afLe_n ) dppz,otal of rough plwrbing, electri-cal & meclwnical. ALt roofitrg btacing E ehitmegs, etc. rrust- be . eonpleted. Ilo ucyk ie to be con-. cealed until this inspeetton has'been mad.e anC apptooed. CURB & APPROACH A?iQIt: After fortns @,e er.ectAE ido" to pouttng conc?ete. SIDE\iALK & DRfTEWAI: For aLL eon- c"ete p6@-;|ffi stteet right-of-rny, to be naCe after aLL ecca-tating canplete & forn wrk & sub- fu.se materLal in place. YENCE: gates P,A.E. l,lhen conplete -- ptouiCe ot, mooable sectians through llll FTilAL PLUI4BITIG PINAL I{ECHANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL ALL p.z'oject conditions, such as the installation of stl,eet trees, eonpletion of tierequired Landsccping, etc., rmtst be satisfied befor.e the BUTLDIN:G FTI\AL can be tequested.. B_uilding Inspection mtst be requested cfter the Final plunbing fnspections hauc been nade ard approtleC. FINAL BUILDTNC: The FinalEleetrical, and l,lechartcal BUILDI;ICS Sanitary seuer eappted at properfii Lir:e Septic totk ptryed and. fi.Lled trith gta;tel linal - hlten chcoe itens ate eanpleted and uhen d.anclition is eonplete ot st?ue- tuye mo'ued and. g'ewises cleaneC up. Hcmes Blocking od. Set-up Pltnbi,ng connectio'ns -- sallte? otd. aatey Electt'ical Connection - Blocking, set-uD and plunbing connecti.ons rnist be a-pptc;*eC before requesting electrical inspeelio;t Aecessory Building Firal - After pctekes, skirting, decl<.s,etc. ee cornpleted. Page 1 of 2 *ALL I'IANH7LES AND cLEANours rtus? BE AI]ESSTBLE, ADJUSTIIEIE To BE I.,"4DE A? I:o cgsr ro crry u 7 4/-? e3 2 bru* tt !v\JIri\>-Nrn (,-\) sr-lra\ ,:i U 4,s N |-) 6'\. uO (:-- L ,t /.5 $_ T Hr,// \ \ tod I ( hr rtl 1*6*{6- (^ \ \ c^ \). ilN T :- c lP,atLet I I f a,fu.+onle -LJ (