HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1987-09-22" RESID*,rlTlAL" 2 2 5 North rrr r,ron nor"tr cAT roN /PERllrr SprLngfield" 0regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-3? s3 P Lu,nD1,f1g Peeei,! SPHINGFIEI.D {- b it I u t t/ L Date: Job Locaticn: o>Assessote Map #Tc,s lot #o J 0svbdioision:e Amer,: PhoneAddresst Vt,+oLiriN A tlouse Descz,Lbe tlork: AddLtio'r," I -27-67Date of APPL i.attilm I Oo. ad,"rf ,O GeneraL L Pege 1 of 2 OR i,i)w: BU srTE INFEC!!2F: ercaoatl,on, cl&prilo* tc set ttP oflobe trade after W* fufr1{cooeted- PAOTING & ?7UNDATICN: To be 276 trerrctes o-re scaated io-u *n etected, but Priot' W#W"r;"i1but Pt'i.or to anY taPl't1g forns. pourLng cclotete- be mad.e p'l.ace' Loeation, bondILASONRI: Steel S6ffilsrouti'ns #*ffi#ffi'':in\{r" or terticals in aceordswe urlth U.B.C. Section conctete. Dtnlal.llhen comP Lete -- PtooiCe gates P.U.E. or mooable secti,ons through such SanitatY saseY caPPed tt ProPerQi Lire Septic tuk p;nped' and filled r'ti'th gra;tel Pinal - h4ten abcoe itens are ecnPleted and uhen Cqnclitiort nooed od PtertrLses eorttplete , cleaneC up. ot sttwc- tuye Hcnes Bloeking otd Set-uP ELectti,eaL Catneetion - Blocking'set-uP and Phttnbing connecti.ons nr,ist be appra;ei, before requea ting eleelrlca L i,nsPeetio;t Aeeessorg Bui'Ldittg POST AND BEATI: -. instaLLatum o;flwt ircu orlor to tatior, or9o fu nade deckirtg. 'iane ard tuiot tufiP.EPLACE: - materlaLa ad hefare tion. EITIAL PLUU,BIIIG FINAL MECHANICAL traCe atd to Y* ffi-{enctw. , iioi l.r*tlrrton ot decki'ng' LIOIDSTO',1E: After installation is @ffia.Plwnbing connecti'ons '- aaiet ad" uater of ,o t tn "u iwY''etions iatse been ffiffi,::;:i\,';l""'r1,'iri* ti Le ^ade after aLL etca- ;;;r"r' o*,plLtn & forn wrk & sub- base natertaL in PLdce' Eirnl - After etc. are comP pcrckes' skirting, decl<s' Leted. pLaci,rg froning ffiY;r trhtr. Wriff . i "1"""* - Zlr't' 1- ilitiii"it-' ttt rco fiztg . fr;.;"g- a ihi'*nY" etc' tntst be-.*it"ioa. No tPr.k is f'o be con- . ""i[tZa- iitil thi's inspection tas 'LZi" *an otl aPProted' ALL ry'ojeet eonditions re qui r e d Lands c cPt't4' as tlz installatl'on of stree t tlee6, cot:roletion of the bi requested' atc. t tnts t be aatisfied before the BUILDING FINAL CAN ?INAL BUILDING The Fi,nal Electrical, otd'I,!eclnnicaL Building Inepection mtst be requested aftet the Firnl Plunbing T"ii"it"ii-'d,o bnnn made ard app?olzc' FINAL ELECTRICAL *ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE AC CES S I BLE, ADJ U STI {EIIT rO BE T'L4DE AT NO CCST TO CITY facing inepee- JOB NO O 7 oYsoLAR A'- :Ess REe.-t-co c* Bedtooms Sources !!eat Reeeipt # e? -- Fees -- Building Volue & permit *i-",,o"y*t .is gnanted on the erpress eondition trwt the said const,uctioni.uLL' Ln aLL ,espects, conform to the ordirwnce adopted 6;y the city of!!y-r;n14 inctuding' the 2oning c"'al"Lilz,, r,egulcting the ccnsttucticn T1.lo" of buildirgs,. and may be- suspend.ed. or ,euokeC at cnA time upon tsic_Latlon of anA prcoisions of baid Ordinon""s. Building pemrit State ?otal C?nrges * P7,an ?otal {^yy cARllur,Ly ELAMTNED the eornpteted P.::?, certif.v-lut ott info:mation nnrnlp-p1!'1tion fo-t' permit, and, dof"tttket.cettify tha.t "y "i- iit';.'i';Z:1^?: \*: gp ebrrect, and. r. dance "ith the Otdinrnn"..-)i:i: ii.; pqlonned stull be donery;"1_#?'i;;iwffi,!;3#,#T#;{f".#rr!r,h";;;*t uision. r fw,ther ;;;;:tu';;:;";;i"T::1!t_ permissi.on of the suitdins ;._eonpliane) LTr;";;r"i;',:[!rr'*;irL:r":.;':1.i{li"iirT:r,;:Z" ,no o,z tn ,'rzz-t ru AceessDIHouse Lot Faces - North East South I lloods', Lot Sq. Ptg. % of Lot Cooenage # of Stories Total Eeight Iopogrqhy rTEM FTG x Va LCT TWE _ Interior Conle! Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac West Main -@aqe larpot,t A ?O?AL VALUE ueS.D.C. 7.5 a Date Paid: NO Signed, CHARGE Fi.stut,ee Resid.ential (1 bath) Seuer s oa State 79 E I e c t I PrIco e r a tNezt/Ectend. Citcuits Were State Lan requiz,eso.?xlagto?, the electrt-eathe Label lwa been signed m tlat the e Lectrical uoz,k be dane bySeruiceLpottionofthispermi an ELeetrica L bg the sha L L no L be DA untiLELectrieaLContractot, State ?otal NC.FEE CIIARCE Mechqnicqtkhanst ltood.Permit Yent Fot Permit fsauanee /{ t,sr, 4 * lo d */,v)i * Anrm* &a* MeehanicaL Pertnt t Pezmit co L L Mobi le Horne CYrbcut Sideutalk ?O?AL AMOIIN? DIIE: *33.75 Date 7 \\