HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2001-10-09C,ITY OF OREGON SPFT..JGFIELEt DEV ELO PM ENT SERVI C ES D EPARTMENT October 9, 2001 Certified Mail 225 FIFTH SIFEET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s75s FAX (s41) 726-3689 www. ci. s pri n gf i eld. o r. u s Shelly Waldrop 1211 37th st Springfi eld,Oregon 97 47 7 Re: Notice and order to comply with rhe Springfield Building Safety code Administrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Building At 1zl1 37th St, Springfield, Oregon Dear Mrs. Larelle Grant As a result ola recent inspection, the City of Springfield Conrnrunity Services Division, Building Safety, has detennined that the structure located at the above referenced location, also knowtr as Lane County Assessors Map #17023043,Tax Lot #03300, for reasons belor,v, a substandard and unsale building as clescribecl in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the o\.vner of this property. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures, which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 100i of the Housing Code specifies conditions constituting a substandard building. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at tlte structure identified above, classilying it as a substandarcl ancl unsafe building. I ' The property is not curretrtly served with electric service . Where there is electric power available within 300 feet of the building, such building shall be connectedto electrical power supply. 2. The property is not currently served with water service. The Housing Code requires that each residence shall be served with hot and cold runnirig water. 3' Each drvelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub orshorver. Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of rvaterservice produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities. 1211 37th Slreet October 9, 200L Page 2 4. Violations of the Springfield Nuisance Code include improper storage of dead, organic matter and debris. Because the improper storage and disposotion of waste creates a potentially serious public health hazzard, dead organic matter and debris must be stored in covered leak proof containers and be removed a minium of once every seven (7) days. Section 204 (b) of the administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacated by 5:00 pm October12,2001 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above-cited conditions. If you do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the City may seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Once the property has been vacated, occupancy shall not take place until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are corrected and approved by this office. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions. You may contact me at 726-3663. S ,ly Dave Gadomski Electrical lnspector Cc: Dave Puent,Community Services Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Jackie Murdock, Code Enforcement Officer Springfi eld Utility Board Larell G Grant Trust, Owner SENDER: E Complete items 1 ancuor 2 for additional services. Complete items 3,4a, and 4b. tr Print your name and address on the reverse ol this lom so lhat we can relurn this card lo you. tr Atlach 6is tom to the lront of lhe mailpiec€, or on ths back il space does nol permit. awile 'Retum Feceipt Requested' on the mailpiece below lh€ atlicle number. El The Relum Receipl will show to whom lhe article was delivered and lhe date 3. Article to:4a.Numberz 286 37l- 23e 1. E Addressee's Address 2. E Restricted Delivery Service Type E Registered E8Certified E Express Mail E lnsured E Retum Receipt lor Merchandise E COD 7. Date of I also wish to receive the follow- ing services (for an extra fee): Larelle G Grant T?ust 455 A1ocarder I-oop, #L49 Eugene, Oregon 974OL RE: 1211 37th Street 5. Received By: (Pint 8. Addressee's Address fee is paid) requested and ol Deliverv olt Iot 6. Signature or PS 11,December1994 10259s-ss-B-0223 Domestic Return Receipt c.op ooo o o o.c co ,ri =o I UNrreo Sreres Posrn- SeRvtce tililr First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-l0 PM o Print your name, add[ess,'- -) ZIP Code in this box o City of Spninqfield Develotrment Senzices Detrnrtnent Ccmnunity Services Division 22.5 Eifth Street Springfield, Oregton 97477 Attn: Dave Cadcrnski 4??+4t'38 ll,l',1,,,1,1',11,,'ll,,,l'1,,1'11,,1,1,,,1,1,,,1,1'l,l,,l,l,l t\ AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE srATE OF OREGON) ) ss. County oflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows 1. I state that I am the Building Safety Supervisor in the Community Services Division, Development Services Department, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Building Safety Supervisor, I prepared and mailed the original Certified Letter and a copy of the original certified letter which are attached Larelle G Grant Trust, 455 Alexander Loop, Apt 149, Eugene, Oregon 97401by delivering said letters at the U.S. Post Office with postage fully prepaid thereon. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On October 9, 2001 , Lisa Hopper personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument Before me: to be her voluntary act. \> for My Commission \<. 2oa<1) OFFICIAL ANCY J M MY N C,ITY OF OREGOA' SPR,'-GFIELE, D EV ELO P M ENT S ERVI C ES DEPARTMENT October 9,2001 Certified Mail Larelle G Grant Trust 455 Alexander LP Apt 149 Eugene,Oregon 97401 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s75s FAX (541) 726-s689 wvvw. c i. s p r i n gf i e I d. o r. u s Re: Notice and order to comply with The Springfield Building Safety codeAdministrative Code Relative To The Unsafe And Substandard Building At l2l I 37u,St,Springfield, Oregon Dear Mrs. Larelle Grant As a result of a recent inspection, the city of Springfield cornmunity Services Division,Building Safety, has deteimined ihat the structure rocated at the above referencedlocation, also known as L-an9 county Ls-es:ors Map #1 7023043,Tax Lot #03300, forreasons below' a substandard and unsafe -building aJa.r..iu"a illhe Springfield BuildingSafety code Administrative code. iur. county i.serr*ent and Taxation iecords revealthat you are the owner of this p.";"ny. Section 203 of the Springfielcl.Bu.ilding Safety code Administrative code classifiesstructures, which are structurally inadetuate or dangerous to hunran Iil.e as unsafe.Section 1001 of the [o^t'11e,Coo. ro*in.r "onartiZnJionstituting a substandardbuilding' The following conditions include but are r"tl,,,-,ii"o to co,ditions existing atthe structure identified uuour,.iu;qr,;, it as a ,,,br;;;;;; and unsafe buirding. l' The property,is not currently served with electric service. where there is erectriciJ:iJ#:lii:'JXlil 3o0 reet o r th e u,,l al,g,',.r, uu l ain*h;ii ; ; .o*..t.a 2' The property is not currentry seryed rvith water service. The Housing coderequires that each residence shall be served t"lir, rr",'rrd cold running water.3' Each dweiling shail be provided r.vith a ,ylt... croset, Iavatory, a.d a bathtub orshower' Although these fixtur;;;." instatteJ;, in.'a*.ilirg, trre rack of warerservice produces inadequate una ,,r.unitary sewag" lno ptu,rbing facirities. 1211 37th Street October 9, 200L Page 2. 4. Violations of the Springfield Nuisance Code include improper storage of dead, organic matter and debris. Because the improper storage and disposotion of waste creates a potentially serious public health hazzard, dead organic matter and debris must be stored in covered leak proof containers and be removed a minium of once every seven (7) days. Section 204 (b) of the administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediate hazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is being posted to be vacated by 5:00 pm Octoberl2,2001 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resulting from the above-cited conditions. If you do not vacate the premise within the time frame specified, the City may seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Once the property has been vacated, occllpancy shall not take place until the above mentioned unsafe and substandard conditions are corrected and approved by this office. Any person having any record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Notice and Order to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Notice and Order. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions. You may contact me at 726-3663. S v Dave Gadomski Electrical lnspector Cc: Dave Puent,Community Services Manager Lisa Hopper, Building Safety Supervisor Jackie Murdock, Code Enforcement Officer Springfi eld Utility Board Shelly Waldrop, Resident AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE STATE OF OREGON) )st County oflane ) I, Lisa Hopper, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows l. I state that I am the Building Safety Supervisor in the Community Services Division, Development Services Departrnent, City of Springfield, Oregon. 2. I state that in my capacity as Building Safety Supervisor, I prepared and mailed the original Certifred Letter and a copy of the original certihed letter which are attached Shelley Waldrop, l2l2 371e Street, Springfield, Oregon 97478by delivering said letters at the U.S. Post Office wrth postage fully prepaid thereon. STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane On October 9, 2001 , Lisa Hopper personally appeared before me, who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be her voluntary Before me: forN My Commission rBr2rr<f OFFICIALSEAL NANCY J MACHADO