HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1989-12-06.Iob Locaticn: ?ot: Lot llAssessora Map ll Subdiuision Otmer Phonc City Addt,ess ll.. REsl:_.'lTlAL" APP L I t ),1'! Irzrv / PE RI l I T 225 North Sth StY'eet Sprtngfield' )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIELDI Date resS qa BUILD,TiICSOR Sanilaty seuet capped a.t propet't'; Line Septic tank punped a;td filled uith grattel L - I{lten abcue itetns are ccmpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete o1' stru3- tuye noueC artd pt'ernises cleaneC up. ItlobiLe llcmea Desct+be L'or'l<: Addi.ticn uD,,'rcLlaa f 1 no^oant .. le llirxta (r Date of Appliauti,;rr nfr (lt'trer:-t I P Ilrnrbi.ng l1t:chatr Lclt I rg l', l,'r'l l l ( iil lr VaLue DRYI,LA\,L INSPECTI1N: Tc be made iftnr;iff arwitT-ts in place, but prior to cn!1 taPing. MAS)NRI: Steel Location, bond TiiGlgrouting or oerticcls in accordance urLth U,B.C. Section 241t. VOODST1W:: Aftet installation is aonp Le Lecl. D Lt:t't r'r:it I StlDt'rv It io tlte respttnsibi.Lity t:j'Ltte pernt! iLctLL:r ro see thut all'tnspec-ttons are nade at the p:to;'zt'time' that ecch eddress is readable jron the $tre-et, cu,;1 that the pernrit t.,tril 't:;. Loaaterl at .th.e. ftolt of the -ptoperty-it:uildiry\ Diu'i,i!'.,::.tpi.l'o:rl i--LLn siui' !'.'n'tlrL ot Lit' t:u:Ltlbry:':t: at:tll titnes' PIIOC9DUPE FOR IN:)'.97'TCALL 726-3769 (tccord,zr') state yout' City Cesigntted iobI nwi':ber, iob a&fuess, type of inspecli-cn nwnbct', Requests recei"-ed befcre 7:00 tttctton, Conttactot's or Asners rwne end phone '-,iLL be nade the satne dcy,Peqliest s tt,;.le aJ'ter 7:00 dn uiLL be made the ncot -,,nrking tlay Ycur Ciby Desigrnted Job Nwnben Is reques al:ert gou L be ready 1'or, inspc trrt ,Y57t5)r;';'1 )N: To be n,tde aJ'Lr:t'INJI,'I,A'!ION/ VAPOR I]ARKIFR T!1SP\iCTLON : ro b,,;Al; afte; dttTn;;f;ric";A rcqulred uapor L'att'iers are in place buL l;efcre any Lath, gApsutn boat'C ot' *tL1. couer''ing is applied, arul befone an11 insulation is concealed, eecaoancn, ilrt pricr tc set uP ttf forms. POST AND Bf:A!!To be nadc Prior to floor tnsulatioil ot'Znia1lati"t,t ':j' decking. Blocktng and Set-uP Plttnbing eonnections -- siuer anC ualer Electrical Conection - Blocking' set-ut and oltunbinq eonneetions mtst be appnctei befirc requZsting electt'ical inspeclion Accessor"g Building Pinal - After pct'ckes' skirting, decks, etc. ave canp!.eled. CURIT & APPROACII AP?ON: After fonns tre ,:necte:l but Prion to Pou?1ng ooncrete. SID\HA\,K & DRfVEI'|AI: For aLL con- .*-ti;;;fr DEm stt'eet right- of-u:u. to be nale alter aLL erea- ,Ltt,,"n- conplete 3 fot'e utork & sub' bate matenial in Plaee. UNDERSLAB iLU\.EINC. ELECTRIC,IL i MtctlLilIClt: '!o be made be1'ore tuY ffii-l{io,trnod. FCOIIN? t FOUNDATICN: ?o be naCt afierltenltes a,re eccauated and forns are erected, but Priar to pouring ccncreta. --l uvofficnou!'p p:,uuetwg, stt!.sp, w.q::'1t' ! I )nalanCt: L',t be mLtJ,: prttr to J t'L- Lhng trenchec, ll uaomrrcor. !t!:!J!9--1" !E!:!t-UJl,t :' | | ?o be nade 1,t"ior to irtsLa!.LLLLLOtt '.'J floor insulat-ion or decking' ANICAL: NctGiTtlr.s,,i tr;pec L ti> ltc coaet'il, iots h,zue beer' :,",r?l: made arul aporoued.. FIPEPLACE: Prion to plccir4 fccitL'1 ,r,cr;;l;C ,truJ before ft'anttng insi"'a- ti,on. FRAI1INC: ltust be "equested afirl' ffii6iit of roush plwrbini, ele,'trt- cai & necttznical, AL! r'ocfing bracing & ehirmeYs, etc. rrust be eompleted. llo ucrk 'i-s to be t:ctn- .eiled unLiL this insPactton lrt:; been made und. dPPt'o'-ed. IENCD: ta4ten conPlate -- PnooiCe ddiei ot'nouable sectians thnough P. U. E. A.LL pt,o,jet:L condLtions, sucll tls tJ:e installttLion of |tl.,eet -t1e-2.. con?Letion of the reqtir,til Land:;ccping," nto-.-, *r"t be satisf iu)-L)filnn- tl," BUILDIN: FIiAL can be nequested' FINALBUILI)INC:,I,heEinalBuildinglnspectiottmuetbet.equestedaftertheFinalPlunbing E L ec tt' LcaL, onc un.l*,i' 1ji,t 1 "i p' i i':";;-'ho' o b e en made ard- apptou e d'I FIIIAL PLU\T|BINC PINAI, MECIIANICAL FINAL ELEC'I':IICAI, I *,4t,t, l.llit!!t'l tlS AN[) CL\ANOU'IS I\UST DE ACCESSIBLT'AD,IUST!1;;:|I! TO BE I.IADT !1.T NO COST TO CITY Page 1 of ': tffi\ r-t L-co * JOB NO Lot Sq. Etg. % of Lot Cooerag. # of Stori.es Total Height TopograPhY SOLAR AC(1ESS R EQ.- B't,11'oottis ,.,O1),aP {i teLol: Faces -LOT TYPE _ Intericr Corner PanhandLe Cul-de-sac Aceeria.Cat,daeP.L IIou:;e North liast South :.,,i., Ran,le va l:t:tt: l,loori;.: ValueXITEM lulain Cat Dort Accessoru TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x lre.e1'tti t',t t c Faid Building Vqlue & Permit This permit i'" '1,o'1"."1=ort |'h-e e:tprcss ':o:rliti'on Lfuit the 5'1i(l'eonBtntctio't shall, in aLL re'sp(:ct'i'' trlr.l"'-'t.tt lJt.". lrdin'ti;':e :'1o7tt'! i'u Lhe CLty of sprin(tfield, ine!ud!tt1. l'iJ""'i'''o,.""'1 ' r'i"''.I-'l.!."' ri"tJuL';L'i.t"'J tl:'c acnst-r'tctioz ' and use of build,nas, n'',i'n"' t'i :ttl:tl .' t1'lc'7 it' reuckeC 'rL ':'::i tLme uFon olc- Lati-on of dny prcDtii'ons of suttl t)t' :;'t''tlLca!\' Duildingt Pernrit Total Chat'ges State NO,t t"L CTIAIiCI::Plumbing Permit No nercon slnll constnet, insial!' 'titcr. or ehanoa dny t'PiJ'cP exisLing ol,nttra or d.t'ainalve ":!:':;;-"';;;L'':":". in pot't' L"tes"" sl;L'\ perso-n-:: t:" Legal possessot' of n i)'t'i'i r\*il'er't l.i ':.ens-e' ext'npt bhat a pcx'son md! ao plwtbtns uork to o,"r)"1'i!r""1'i7i'''i'" .,'l ''t''ll"'la a'r operats'i bv the appzi- cant. Fi-ttutes Resi.d.ential (1 bath) Plunbinq Pernit State Total I1'EM Electricol Permit Whet,e State Lant requt',t't.s ttutb the tl'-"'Lri'eoL u'ork be rlonc 1':!1 -an Electrical contractot" the etecti''"oi'";'i'ntil" "1' tlti;-pri-:'.it shal'L rol' be tali) unti'L ;i;';1;;;f i*" Lnn' eignctl 51, ttrc titr:"t,i"al (:ottLt'aator'Na,t/Efiend circuits Sentice tcte Total ITXM NC DCn CIlANCE Mechonictll Permit rs Lrharct Hood. Vent Fqn llcodstooe PermLt Issuanee Mechanictl Permtt -- ENCROACHMENT .- tSeanrt Permit Cvrbcut Sida'talk K.nnoi L Mobile Home \K ODqO 1io,,.:ipt ll : i r':,', l.' DaLcPLart Excmtner and do ana J in accor' Lcts of the hat N0 )CCU- Building Di- rtho are inTotal trj\\ - Dv- r ('t bj- ?\F\ 2 lt't !. I'O?AL AMOUNT DUEi { Sto.te-|z- lo & II frfdde Seuer /"nl CITY OF SPF"VGF'ELD, OREGO'V h SPFlINGFIELE, DEIlELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION PLANNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ETROPOLITAN WAST EWATER MAN AG EM ENT CERTIFIED LETTER October 18,1989 George M. IYytoskt & t'l-5( 603 Tinamou Springfield, Oregon 97477 0tt subject: WARNING OF INTENT TO CITE FOR CIVIL INFRACTIONS al proterty located at 1188 N. 3?th Street, Springfield, Oregon. Tax Lot #1702 30 43 02300 On December 8, 1988 a notice was sent to regarding the substandard condition of the building located at the subject address. Although you made inquiries at this oifi". regarding possible alternatives for the fire damaged building, you have not taken appropriate measures to abate the subsGndara corr]aition as required in that notice (copy enclosed). This is your final notice that the substandard structure must be demolished, witir the appropriate permits obtained from this office. In the event you fail to correct the problem within the time limit designated below, the City will take the ,rui.".tty action to cause abatement of the substandard condition. In addition, materials/debris are present on the site which constitute a violation of the City's Nuisance Ordinance: SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 5-5-1 (3) (d) and (j) of the Springfield City Code (copy attached). Several inoperable vehicles, vehicle parts, tires, and other used materials are located around the building and in public view. REQUIRED CORRECTION:In an effort to eliminate conditions which may adversely affect community economic stability and to promote pleasant neighborhoods, stored, damaged or inoperable vehiclee and used materials must eitherberemovedorscreenedfromviewby''...a structure or enslosure of a permanent nature affixed to the ground" (building or solid fence)' In the event that you have not taken corrective action by obtaining the required permits .r,a Uy removing the structure and'the materials/debris wittin 30 days of the date of this notice, a civil infraction citation will be issued If you wish to meet with the Code Enforcement Officer or the Building 225 FIFTH SISEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR97477 (50s) 726-s753 k) George M. Wytoski October 18, 1989 Page 2 Oficial to further discuss the violationsl you may attend an informal conference on October 26, 1989 at 9:00 A.M. at the Development Services DepartmenL, 225 N. sth Street, Springfietd (726-3759). If this time is not convenient and you wish to echedule another time, you must do so prior to 4:30 P.M. of the day before the scheduled confcr€nceo For further clarification or information, please contact the undersigned at this office during regular business hours. Don Moore Construction Representative Jackie Murdoch e enforcement Officer cc.Dave Puent, Building Official Mike Hudman, Fire Marshal Greg Mott, Development Code Administrator M r+\l) SPnIN(,FIELO DWELOPMENTSERY'CES ADMINISTRATION P/,ANNING / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ETBOPOLITAN WASTEWAT ER MANAGEM ENT 225,FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s7s3 CERTIFIED LETTER Docomber 8, 1988 George M. IYytoski 1474 Q Street Springfield, OR 97477 Subject: Substandard Building at 1188 N. 37th Street Springfield, Oregon. Tax Lot *l7OZ 30 43 02300 The structure located at the above address, more particularly described as Lane County Asseosor's Map & Tax Lol, # reforenced above, is for the reasons indicated below an unsafe and substandard building as described in t.he Springfield Building Safety Codes Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxutiorr records indicate that you are the owner of this properLy. Section 203 of the Administrative Code describes buildings which are subslandard or unsafe as those which are st,ructureally inadequate, have inadequate egress, or which constitute a potential fire hazard or ure otherwise dangerous to human life. The following items include but are not limited to conditions existing al, the struclure, clusnifying it as a substandard building: , :, Structural 1. Doors and/or windows are broken or unlocked allowing access to the building interior and creating an atl,ractive nuisance for children and transients. 2. The entire roof structure was damaged by fire. Sorne of the damaged roof has not been removed, which has allowed a potontially unsafe condition to exist unabated. 3. The concrete tilt-up wulls are potentially unstable without the roof slructure for lateral eupport. The structure is located on residentially zoned property and cannot be rebuilt for commercial use or occupancy. George M. Wytoski' Decembor 8, 1988 Puge 2 Scction 204 of the Building Sufcty Codc Adnrinistnrtive Codc requires thut strucLures classified as substandard buildings musL either be repaired or dcnrolishcd. l{hcn the subetondurd buildinrt is classified us r.r non-conforming use, repair of Lhc building for lhc Jrurpose of conl,inr.ringor r(:slrltring thc non-conforming use shull nol trc pcrrnitted. 'I'hcr.cfore, Lhis is your nolicc that you rnust securc pcrmits Lo dornolish thc building. Dcurolition work rnust conrlu(:ncc within 30 duys,und rnusL bo cornplcLcd within 60 days from thc date of this no[ice and ordcr. Complction means thal, thc .sl.rucl.urc and property must be inspcct.ed and upprovcd by thc appropriertc rcprescnatives of the Building Safety Division. If one is prescnt, the aelvcr lttust bc cuppcd at the property linc or thc scptic tunk lnusL be pumpcd and fitled by a person holding a :rewuge disposal service liccnse as provided for in Chaptcr 340, Division 7 of the Oregorr Ad:rrirristrutivr: Ilulcs. PcrmiLs to dernolish can bc obtaincd ;rL Lhc Springfield Planning und lluilding Dcpartmcnt, in thc City llull/Librury ,lluiirlin6 ut SLh und Norlh A Street. If you do not take comective action within the time frame outlincd above, the CiLy may scek compliance with the Building Safcty Codcs through lcgal rscoursc which uruy includc Municipal Court procccdings or tht> City mtry proceod Lo elimina[c Lhc hazard and chargc Lhc cosLs Lhereof against lhcpropcrty or its ownera. Any porson huving any record title or legal intercst in the building nray arppeal from Lhis notice and order to the Building Board of Appcals,provided that thc appcal is nrude in writirrg und filod with the Oity lluilding Official within Lhirty (30) days fronr thc d:rLc of service of Lhis noticc and order. Fuilure to appeul will corrslitutc u wuivcr of ull right Lo an administrative hearing and determination in Lhis matLer. Your anticipatod courtesy and cooperation is upprcciated. Pleusc direcl, all inquirics to the Springficld Duilding Safety Division at 726-3759. Sinccrely, le ,4rr,-u Don Moore Structurul Inspector CC: Duvc Pucnt, Building Official Miko lludman, Firo Marshal Grcg Mott, Devclopmcnt Code Adrninistrator I llear i.ir Sr i,'1,.. Ro d Sticka, Trustee I 7 High Street Bene , 0regon 97 4Ol RE: John A. WvEoski and Mary Wytoski BankrupEcy Case No. 686-90455-R7 William R. Durbin, dba Durbin Trucking Chapter 13 Case No. 687-07582-W13 John A. Wyf.oski 1474 rrQrr bt.."t Spri.ngfield, 0R 97477 September 24, l987 fu-*qu This letter is regarding the property I 188 No. 37th, Springfield,0regon, and the letter from Attorney Gavin W. Armstrong 'representing1{illiam R. Durbin, dba Durbin Trucking, dated Septembe r 2r, 19g7.Here is a summary of my involvement about the property in question. f Purchased this property in 1979 from Mr. Merlin R. Stam andin time, r sold the property to william R. Durbin to be used forh1" trucking business. In the mean time my eye sight failed and Ialso became critically i11. r then assigned trr;." property and aBargin and Sale Deed to my son George M.Wytoski because or my health. In the mean time, due to a series of complaints from neighbors,the city contacted Mr. Durbin about the property and questioned thezoning and Ehe land use limits which they h;d t; enforce. Due to theenforcing of the zoning Mr. Durbin was forced to take his businesselsewhere and he stopped making payments on the property. since myson""George M. t{ytoski- ,as not getting any income he stopped makingpayments to l'lr. Stam and he stated he no longer had an interest inthe property. Attached is a copy of the letter from Attsrney David T. Brownrepresent-ing l!r. Merl,rn R. Stam. dated FebrL!:.-ir'y' 15, 1987. stor j.ngthat payments would have to be brought up to date or Mr. Stam routaregain possesion of the property. App.oiimately the 24th of epiiiafEer the 60 day option had expired,-Mr. Daniel T. Brown contactedme stating that if I sti11 had any interest in Ehe property that Ishould conEacE Mr Stam. I then contacted Mr. Stam ind- the confir-mation was made on ApriL 27th,7987 for a pay off amount to EugeneEscrow and the Warrenty Deed was given to me since George M. Wytoskiand William R. Durbin forfeiEed tIeir interesr through default ofnon-payment of contract,payments and property taxes. Please reviewthis information, it shows my involvement in this property. k Y?.: A -r-=.:t JAW: cwhcc: Gavin W. Armstrong Thomas F. Searceytjilliam R. Durbin ,-,6eorge M. ldy tosk i John A. Wytoski /"'(./A.'q, B?3?a?, Mailin R. Stam ,,*,.,..*flWl#,, conve,'s and warranrs ro....John A. wlttoski and Marlt wytoskir edch gs io9ne1tt.411 .i-nte.rest.. as. tenants . in c.ommon .r..r. ., ,r rrii;i.riii, "rr'i"rri nrrr;, .iirrirJ ir."t'I:"i:oe.tottowin! described reat propertv lree ol encumbrances Lot 6 Block s, FrRSr ADDrrroN ," ;;;, "";; "" ,;;' oteton' to-wit: and recorded in Book 15, page 2, Lane county oregonPlat Records, Lane County, 5regon. property also knownas 1189 N. 36rh and also known as 11gg N. 37rh,'sp.ingiierd, 0R. Additional note on dttached paper. 17-0 2-30-4-2300 ......Crantor, an undi.vided 38i 242'07 IEC 15. 1C INOIVI(,)UAI- GtsANToK .-(\-,'Jt 643?A0 0:. *rC 0 C3*x The saidrestr llF 3)/:{E rr.iSUi;,.-.:at.;;. CC.i.iiti"ui ii5iraFiiOii r-::n ;E1,.€a>t ...jtE; .pro.ryrty is tre-e trom encumbrances except easements, covendnts, conditions andlctrons of record 643eA001 08/?4/8?PFND r*0 0 03r* Dared fhis 22./,Mdfltn'R TA.TE'.AF,,OREGON, f ersonally'hgpeared .. .,::-l...ll.il:...,r'...'.'.i......... .),,^, tO.i:'irrrcr*i-!Siru;' .. C ou nty o/.......Lane.. the above named Belore me -...-....--.) sr. ...l,Ier.l.in .. R .....Stan loregoin! instrument be. .hi6.. .r,oluntary act and deed :ra Notary Public lor Orcgon-My commission'', (o ri ii WARRANI'Y DEIiJf} !4entri'h' R. S t.an........ .....-,{.g-h.n.4.......1-....}te}:...!Yy.t_o-s_kf; :::1": GR N TE E NAHE. AOOREs3, ZI2 Unrll o chongr ir r.qu.rtad, oll lqr ttot.m.nh STATE OF OREGON, ') It'' County ol ................ ,|I certily that the within insnu- ment was rxeived lor rccord on the .............day ot .............. 19........, at. ...............- ..o' clock....- -M., and recorded in book / reel / volume ^IVo...,,., .....,-. .......on Pade .... .. ........or asdocument/leeitile/ instrument/ microlilm No. ................. ...., Record ol Deeds of said county. Witness my hand and seal ol County atfixed. ..........9p.rr.ng.f.r.e-1-d. AB 9 74_7 .7 . . Aftrr ocording r.lurn lo: John A. Wytoski . .. . !-!i7.4...:.lQil...S.c.reet...... ... $prr.nsf.r.e.]d, o-B 9.747.7 ........ . .?ACE RESCRVEO FOF ilcoiotR'r utr rholl bl !.nl lo th. following cddrsr: .... . .Jo.hn. A... ..Wy.toski 1474 "Qtt Streer . SpringfieId,. OR TITLE97 47 NAUE, AODRESS, ZIP 8y NAME .Deputy 5 .t e The truc considetation |or this conveyance is tr.30rO0.0.-.0O... (Here comply with the requirements of ORS 9i..o3o) of No.vember.............., t9. . s .,.. Novemner . 1/ rs .7.g 'a\ .....-.and B"3i27S I John A. Wytoski do hereby present these following this statement as proof of payment and ownership of as of this 27Lh day of April 1987. A.,*r(/02 d documents and this property A 60 day letEer of notice of default from Attorney Brown rep- resenting Merlin R. Stam dated February 16, 1987 was sent to me stating to either bring payments up to date or ownership of property will be forfeited. After the expiration of the notice, a mutual agreement was made to pay off the property debt including principle, interest, and other fees on Land Sale Contract agreement with Mr. Stam. AEtached is exhibit rrArt which is a copy of the money order Eo Eugene Escrow for amount of pay ott agreed upon wrEir i\ir. SEam. Also attached is exhibit trBrr which is a copy of the pay off state* ment from Eugene Esbrow. This muEual agreemenE was executed and Warranty Deed originally dated November 9, L979 was delivered to my hands on this 27th day of April 1987. guJ'-t-un L6 I gned John A. htyroski SprlnsrtGld Branch P. O. Box 9 Sprlngflold, OR 97177 t /*q O l1**.*.,^o B Ffu'sthtffialre. Bank DArE lratl trr_lr8? First lnterstate Bank of Oregon, N.A.N9 02520 24-12/ 1230 PAY TO THE N""0 N.'-,;1,_..t,f''Et$tt CIjSTOMER'S RECEIPT rOR YOUR PROTECIION PIEASE RTIAIN THIS PERMANENT RECORO, F x-260 6't-81 TRIPLICATE R EMITTEFI/PURPOSE t Gqr{" ,,f*.. U o ;I t aa &73?2?s I.ii;;l_ ji. i i:;l:;::,.:t.. ,i::-,!..,,,: .1...:i:il: ililr.'|.:i ;'.':'.',.: - [:l.J[:::::.511:.r (.:ii:]:.(if l;'l ':) . "1 .i.i,'; l ' ll i: : i-. l- i::. l:l ' l!1.-'-; ir 1' r, ti.rr- rt,. ,i: i , I-:,!l JriSii:,:j i.t ,1.-i {i:i iii.lt:il.: l::t j(:jl:.fdl:.. i.it.:,.)'ils.fr1. '.iJtti'i_'7,'l7 i:.;ii'iri..ir.- l:i l'i.il-f-:r,i;,,,-',:.!t,.'ii;. l.:i.liJl,i l.+: :t_)i.,,...: ( ( { : i.i i.i j i i :'i',!,- .r.t H i f{ ll l. F'Ai_ }:: n! -. fi iit.;i: Il..t'it1l1E5l' FRoM ttrF,/ E:tr / t\E .1-1..1 rl4 / ;i::7 / t77nNE*tlALF FFty0F'[: sER\i it]i: f:.1:[. NTJ|JORDIN6 F:EE:t: .ilt_ ;il:tlt-l L lilj.i:) ;:[-r:i r:'/:ty[jf.r. l]ti ;.Jr:i,./;.;;l,ri;\j ,i.,1 :!,, ii'-,j,)). /+,:.1 $ L (}7" tlB s.i:::-i. [trA $ 1. /. ktfi :i.i:j: ^ l;:::a;, :ri[i i..r] {'+ t}AYt)[:r'f i:i-JI\iDs i\ii.ilji I]E i I'J TH[: r:r-]H11 r-lr: i:l L]Flijl.i ]. 1.;i:? r :j i]HE:r.:t-( rl!-i irlilrii.:,,. .*?i)i:;.i:t ir :+( ( p F \3 $ I 5 e.- r,u,q 9 - ^-F> [c+ =Dg ixs si I i*r fl{rD:lt j t€e 9 =6eEa6t I +- d_o dq{p nr.)88 r{€€Aoo{rX siI-E frr! r -ort i,Lf56O oII p4e e//a> DANIET T. BROWN ATTOBNEY AT LAW 525 WEST CENTENNIAL SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 February 16 CERTI FTED *frurr"^ r.4:-" A€c€/r/q0&f PHONE (50s) 726.1645 , 1967 RETUR,I{ RECEIPT REQUESTED /no Y, /es) John A. Wytoski -1 47t nOtr.street. Springfield, Oregon Re: Stam to Dear Sir: 97 477 Wytosk i please be advised that I represent MerIinregarding your land sare contract with him datedL979 involving the sale-oi-u warehouse located atStreet in springf iel<i, -oilgon. R. Stam November or near 28, 37 rh No payments have been received on this rand sare contractsince the last insrallment paia on ;; ioout iu;;"r+]'rqeo. Bythis letter, demand is miie- upon iou-"na a,r successors ininterest to bring the ri"J sale c6ntrict payments current. Todate monthly insialLment layments are owed for the instaLlmentsdue'J,uly 7, I?.86 through i'"o.uary i,-tgal . pemanj iL maae uponyou to bring these insiallment plyments current. Eurther, ithas corne to our attention that -tt. taxes on the property arepast due in the amount of $7r5ZO.OO.---i"*u.,A is maal upon you tobring the real property taxes current on the propercy. rn the errent the re11. prop'er: ty taxes an.i insta]lme:.rEPayment,s are not current within ii"tv days of the date of thisletter, a suit r+i1r be institutei -io'ror.crose. ruiiner, in t,hemeantine, we will expect that the instalrment payments thataccrue will be paid according to tn. ["i*= of the cont.ract.Therefore, vre wirr not accep[ any instarrment payments ]ess thanthe fu1l amount of $300.00 per monrh. From this'oaie forward,we !i1+ expect strict, performance of arr the terms andconditions of the land sale contract. DfB: kmcc: Merlin Stam s I T.B N, PC 'Afrqr5rs i.ra.filMrta rl t0/-/gzPa,a '--0sursco//, I I '1. tl,ftt ili rtlll {rraI IHIrrrt II 1 r'' .D.tcd '; i.;l'.CETDT "b. I 8.- xLveurruvp ,-.: . .'; .s. t :1. lIltBII rDa lrrtr tTlItiSIr t - . .--it ::"r !r i il la I i".:) ,1:1.:.*": ' ,; ';t .l .'.....' ". -*:.---'"^'- n -- -*F.' f .:ri'.-;.i ..i >aa) DEVELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION PLANN/NG / BUILDING PUBLICWORKS M ET ROPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER AI AN AG EM EN T CERTIT'IED LETTER George M. lYytoski L474 Q Sl.reet Springfield, OR 97477 bot Ttt)l-tuoLl *<nd6f ,s {-b 77fi7 SPttINGFIELE, December 8, 1988 225,FIFTH SIFEEI SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-s75s Subject: Sr.rbstandard Building aL 1188 N. 37th Street Springfield, Oregon. Tax Lot *L702 30 43 02300 The structqre locatcd at the above address, more purticularly described as Lane County Assessor's Map & Tax Lot # referenced above, is for the reasona indicated bclow an unsafe and substandard br"rildirrg trs described in t.he Springfield Butlding Safety Codes Administrative Code. Lane County Assessmenl. and Taxation records indicate l,hat you are the owrler of this properLy. Section 203 of the Administrative Code describes buildings which are substandard or unsafe as those which are et,ructureally inadequate, have inadequate egress, or which constitute a potential firc hazard or are otherwise dangerous to human life. Thc following items includc but trre not limited to conditions existing at thc struclure, cltrssifying it as a substandard building: Structural 1. Doors and/or windows are broken or unlocked allowing access to the building intcrior and creating an att,ractive nuisance for children and transienLs. 2. The entire roof structure was darnaged by fire. Sorne of the damaged roof has nol been removed, which has allowed a potontially unsafe condition to cxist unabated. 3. 'I'he concrete tilt-up wtrlls are potentially unstable without the roof structure for lateral support. The structure is ]ocated on residentially zoned property and cannot be rebuilt for commercial use or occupancy. George M. Wytoski December 8, 1988 Page 2 Section 204 of the Building Sufety Code Adnrjnistrtrl.ive Code requires that structures classified as substandard buildings musL either be repaired or deurolished. When thr: substandard building is classified as a non-conforming use, repair of the building for Lhc purpose of continr.ring or resurning thc non-corrforming use shull not be perrrritted. 'I'herefore, this is your nol,ice that you mrrst srocure permits to demolish the building. DcuroliLion worlt must corrrnence within 30 days,and rnust be cornpleLcd within 60 days from thc date of this notice and order. Complction moans that thc sl.ruc:t.ure and property nust be inspect.ed and approvcd by thc appropriate represenatives of the Building Safety Division. If one is present, the sewer nnrst bc cupped at the properl,y line or thc septic tnnh urus[ be pumpcd and filled by a person holding a sewage disposal service license as provided for in Chapter 340, Division 7 of the Oregon Adurinisl.ratiwe Rules. PcrmiLs tr: dernolish can be obtained at thc Springfield Planning and Building Dcpartmcnt, in the CiLy llull/Library lluiiding al. SLh und NorLh A SLreet. If you do not take corrective action within the time frame outlined above, the CiLy may seek compliance with the Building Safcty Codes through legal rccoursc which nrtry include Municipal Court procecdings or tht: City may proceed to eliminate the hazard and charge the cos[s ttrereof against the property or its owners. Any person having any record title or lcgal interest in thc building uray appeal from this notice and order to t,he Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appoal is urade in writirrg und filed with the City Brrilding Official within Lhirty (30) days frorn thc date of service of this noticc and order. Irtrilure to nppeul will conslitutc u wniver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination in this matLer. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division aL ?26-3759, Sinccrely, /4ffii,<_ Don Moore Structurtrl Inspector CC: Duve Prrent, Building Official Mike Iludman, Fire Marshal Grcg Mott, Developmcnt Code Administrator CITY OF . : :=:= 4 Ey E' OP/gElr7 SER yrCES ADMINISTRATION PUNNING / BUILDING PUBLIC WOBKS M ET ROPOLITAN WAST EWAT ER MAN AG EM E NT /)^Fl-lH\lHiri SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s03) 726-3753 I.IARNING CiTATiON CITY OF SPRINGFIELD NAME Willian R. Durbin D.0.8. L-?e-?e ADDRESS p. o. Box 73 8 ZIP 97477 LOCATiON t18B N iTrh S free t --f 1,t np DATE a-ze-ag Til4E 8:00 a.n. Case /188-332 ViOLATIONS: Section 5-1-I(3)(d)and (j) of the Municipal Code of the City of Springfield. Nuisance Ordinance. Several inoperable vehicles, used tires, used vehicle parts and other used materials are located on the roperty and in public view. 0n numerous occasions since first notified of this violation, !1r. Durbin has agreed to remove the items. The property has been in violation since Nov. 8, I9B8 Potential Scheduled Forfeiture $1s0.00 w 'ithin 7 days from the date of this warning ci tat'ion , a ci tati on wi I I be i ssued. n orc n cer #2t7 5 ' tr'Yq QL//zz/ --- 5-to r V/j/ 5-5'F?tu.P-'- 72 N-(b. '{///{-LLLP/- b, CITY spri"gfi"ld. o."g /+1rl) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON (fr sPRlta\aFtELo DA/ELOPMENTSEFY'CES ADMINISTRATION Pl/NNING / BUILDING PUBLIC YVOFKS M ET ROPOLITAN WASTEWATER M AN AGEM ENT 225,FIFTH SIBEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726-s75s CERTIFIED LETTER December 8, 1988 George M. lYytoski 1474 Q Street Springfield, oR 9747'l Subject: Substandard Building at 1188 N. 37th Street Springfield, Oregon. Tax Lot *1702 30 43 02300 The structure located at the above address, more particularly described as Lane County Assessor's Map & Tax Lot # referenced above, is for the reasons indicated below an unsafe and substandard building as described in t,he Springfield Building Safety Codes Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records indicate that you are the owrler of this properLy. Section 203 of the Administrative Code describes buildings which are substandard or unsafe as those which are structureally inadequate, have inadequate egress, or which constitute a potential fire hazard or ure otherwise dangerous to human life. The following items include but are not limited to conditions existing at the struclure, classifying it as a substandard building: Structural l. Doors and/or windows are broken or unlocked allowing access to the building interior and creating an attractive nuisance for children and transients. 2, T161e entire roof structure was damaged by fire. Sorne of the damaged roof has no[ been removed, which has allowed a potontially unsafe condition to exist unabated. 3. The concrete tilt-up walls are potentially unstable without the roof structure for lateral support. The structure is located on residentially zoned property and cannot be rebuilt for commercial use or occupancy. Georgc M. Wytoski December 8, 1988 Page 2 Section 204 ol the Building Sufety Code Adnrinistrtrtive Code requiree that structures classified as substandard buildings musL either be repaired ordcnolished. When the substandard building is classified as a non-conforming use, repair of the building for Lhc purpose of continrringor r(:sl:Illing thc non-cortforming rrse shull nol, bc pcrrnitted. 'I'hr:refort:,this is your notice that you must socure permits to dornolish the building. Denrolition work lnust coulluence within 30 days,und must bc completcd within 60 days from thc date of this notice and order. Completion means that thc sl.rucl.ure and property must be inspected and upproved by thc appropriate represenatives of the Building Safety Division. If one is present, the aewer must bc u-rpped at the property linc or thc septic tnnh rnusL be pumped and fitled by a person holding a sewage disposal service license asprovided for in Chapter 340, Division 7 of the Oregon Adnrinjstrative I?ulcs. PcrmiLs tr: dernolish can be obtained at thc Springfield Planning nnd lluilding Dcpartmcnt, in the City llull/Librury Building at SLh and NorLh A Slreet. If you do not take corrective action within the time frame outlined above,the CiLy may seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recoursc whictr rnay incltrde Municipal Court proccedings or the City mnyproceed to eliminate the hazard and charge the cosLs [trereof against theproperty or its owners. Any person having any record title or legal interest in the building nray appeai from this notice and order to the Building Board of Appeals,provided that thc appcal is made in writing and filcd with the cityl3uilding Official within Lhirty (30) days from thc r.late of service of this noticc and order. Ftrilure to appeal will consLi{.ute a waiver of all rightto an administrative hearing and determination in this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. Pleuse direcl.all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division aL 726-3759. Sirrccrely, M, /(r't,<- Don Moore Structurtrl Inspector CC: Duve Puent, Building Official Mike lludman, Fire Marshal Grcg Mott, Developnrcnt Code Adrninistrator lr)-*ii FIRE DAMA.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD YWCW5 (t'l?j TO: FROI4: SUBJECT: Building Department Springfield Fire Department Structural Damage to Building DATE: //-;0 -g I ol'1u lr? I {}o0 Address or location of building /By /t/, 3? /71 Name of or./ner /t*c k,'n Type of bu i I d'i ng c (Dwel 1 i ng,Store, l,Jarehouse, etc. ) Estimated val ue of buil d'ing Estimated 'loss to bui 1di ng $ 2C)s Date of fire )-)0 - 87 c Location of damage in building I (Roof, Wal l, Exterior, Interjor, etc. t 's c (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists, etc. Additional pertinent information Electrical Hazard ? ltttl<z , /./ CC: c/rf S i gned lr' (I,li rinq , 0utl ets , etc. ) ) Structural weakness as a result of the fire +770r85 FIRE DAI4P.GE REPORT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE://- )0 '8 q TO: FROI4: SUBJECT: Building DePartment Springfield Fire DePartment Structura'l Damage to Bui I di ng /t*c kln Type of buildi ne ?Vt tcL ,9ho P , l'larehouse, etc' ) Name of ot',ner Estinrated val ue of bui 1di ng Estimated loss to building $c 2C) Date of fire )-)0 - 87 ILocation of damage in building (Roof, Wal l, Exterior, Interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire e ,s €c- (Burned rafters, Beams, Joists, etc.) Additional pertinent informatjon E'lectri cal Hazard a l,Ji ri nq , 0utl ets , etc . cc: /./ S i gned & aT ;.* Address or location of build'i ng //ll /l/r. 3? il