HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-11-19.. RESIDE'^TIAL-.. APPLICA?IONI PERMIT 225 North |th Street' Springfield, 1regon 97477 Building Diuision ? 28- 37 53 Locaticn: lssescorc l"lap t 1 fudivision Asner: Addtess: ci SPFIINGFIEI.D (' =a<*h'onk: Value \il,\\Additicn RcnoCeL Datc of lleneral P lurnb in )lechanica * Ddte: TSKIT)Tc,r lot il \FAdr} tNr, Phone: lilecEri.r:a Srroervq4uiz-rg Elec Er:ic ia that acch addrees is readabie..It ie lhe responcibility of the petmtt holder to oee that aL'|. incpectione are nade at the pnopet tine, frat the ot?eet, aruC that the perwit oa*d ia L*ated at the frcnt of the ptopenty..9uildiwj blviciov: approv'ed plan sfu:Ll nem.in on the Building Sitc at all tinee. PnocsDUEq FoB !N1PE$!0!_E!OWST:CALL 7 eady fortill be rmde the sane dcy, requests ncde 26-3769 (yccondet) state your City designa inspection, Contractors on Asners nane and ted job nwnber, pltone ntnbcr. job aCdteas, type Requestl recei"*ed of inspeolicn befcre 7:00 at -1 ST?S INSPEC?ION: I escavation, but lorne. - UNDERSLAD PLUIIBINC. ELEC"TRICAL & I i.tEciliilIcAL: 'Io be nade before any tbr.k Ls coDe?ed. -'J,--rcorruc r F)UNDATT1N: ?o be nace ) ;7tet-tr.en;E; a;;ircauated attd. forns are etected, but ptior toput ing ccneteta.l l l u.4 to trenehee. UNDE?PLOOR PLUI.EIIIC & TIECITANICAL : floon insulction or decking. To be after 7:00 on vtll be tade the ncxt '"nrking day. Iour City Deaigrated Job I'lwbet fa: INSULATION/VAPOR BARRTER IilSPECTTON : ?o be nnCe after aLL insulaticn attd. rcquined rtapon batriera ave in p'lace but befote any Lath, gypsun bcarC ortnll couering is applted, and before ory insulation is conceal,ed. DRYWALL INSPECIION: Ic be nadeffi7tt@TT;a in ptace, but prior to cny taying. MASO\\RY: Steel location, bondtffiijgrcutitrg or oertiials in accordorce vith u.B.c. section 24 1,5, Qo tsbq @e,a*z- ,lr*-<z,f fiqotpe.4n A-=zS: ?o be nnde aftenprior tc aet up of WOODSTOVE: ccnpT;iA. Aften instalZation ie to or CURB & APPRCACN APPON:,t;;;ACAEt p;l*'Aftet fornsto pout i.ng tade and aporoted. 1 rrntpucti prron b plccir4 facing) ,rc;ffit; atd befot e |"ari"q insp"i--.tion. . r1f;fZtC(r--J,'E!4!!!!c: tdtst be wi(uebYed aften- _) app_roval of *ough plwrbing, electni-cal I nechanieal. ALt roofing braeing C chinmeys, ete. rrust beconpletcd. llo ucrk is to be con- cecled until thio inspeetton lus'been nnde anC approved. ANICAL: No until these ] rru,rr, pLUMBrttc haoe beer: FINAL BUILDINC: Electrical, anC conc"ete. SIDEI'IALK 8 DRfYil'lAl: Pon all con- erete pauttrg uithin street right- of-txy, to be nade after all exca- oating canplete & fon utot'k & eub- base npterial in plaee, ?ENCE: lthen conplete -- PnoriCe liiii on iouable' sections thnougf; P.U.E. fI tlEailAilICAL ELEC?RICAL SAtt tTtwa lenquruS' ALI project conditions, suck as tle i.nstallation of Itteet treee,.conolction of the required landsccpitg, cter, ,m.at be saticficd before the BTILDINC FilIAL can be requeated Building lnapectiott mtet be pequeoted alter the Pinal Plwnbtng fnepeetiona hqvc been nnde atd approteC. The Final Mechanical DEI.IOLITIOII OR I:OVE' BU ILDI;|CS Soilary aeuet eappddt at propcrtg Lire -, ' ,rrr*it,i,rllfi W'/Dd{,'r'ill i.lj[,1. ii Septic tork y.r;rVed atd ftlled vith gra;tzl Pinal - I{hen abcue itens are canpleted and uhen Cq.plitior;, is conplete op at,'l,;c- ture noued and, premises cleaneC up. Itcnes Plunbing connecttons -- aa)er ad, uater Ccnneetion - Blocktng, aet-up plwnbing eonnecttons mtst be apprcr:ed before requeeting eleclrieal tnspectioa Aceeasor.l- Butlding L - Aftar pcrehes, ate conpleted. skirting, decks, and, sat*p icAt 1 unaL {*\s J= Nr .Ail, I,IANIICI,ES AND CLNANOUTS IIIIST RE AECESSIBLIi, AD.IUSTIISIII TO 8E I,I.4Ir,E NY ilO C1ST TO CTIY Ptge 1 of 2 t fZ ,,or.rn oo " T fu(zts. g JOB NO. Zonc t: Lat Faces - Bedtoons AccesBP, L. th Iot Sq. Ftg. Z cf lot Cooeraqa ! of Stories Iotal P,eight TopogruPhY INT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac VaxSQ. FTGITEM T L VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x 3 NO.FEE Etb.turee Residential (1 bath) SeaerSatti 5 ts Senice FSENC, I &,hanet ltooC Vent F@r llcodsto'oe Pertt Issuance l'leehanictl Permit Sectri Pcrmit atbcul Stda'tal,k tricaL le llone L-co d SOLAR A.CESS REQ.- !lea {f, *s t l Building Volue & Permit This perwtt ia gtanteion the etpneas cond.ition Llat the sdid'constntction stull, in atl neepects,";":;;Z;7;']i,1 oli;"ce edopte'7 bv the c'itv of sprinsfield, inchding the'uning crditanc.elrli"iiti"g th-e ccnstru"-l'-":''^- and. use of bui.Ldi4se , ;;;A';;"- si-spended or rbuokec at cnv t"me upon ulc- tation of any prciisiond of eaid otdLrances' i Building Permtt State Totnl Clangea PLrnbing Pernit Stdte Total Date Pa:-d: ReceiPt il: , Plumbing Perrnit No pereon cha-ll .construct, install"" altet -or charqe 'cny ned 'cl^ ezisting ,j**.u*,,!.?.iry1"::i7';ii;y,tZZ;'i":"r:';:;:,"',f -y,^p??:i1";ifi"legal poseessoP of d t plunbins uork to pr"ollzi","ini;;1'"-r;;e, iZl"7a-i" op"rot"d by the appli- cant. Electricql Permit llhereStntela,ltequinesttattheele.ctricaluorkbedonebyansleetrical contractor' the eLectriZ"i'1o'til"- t| *i" -ii-"ii tt-tt ^oi b" valid until ;l;"i;L;L't-i L""" sisned 4 tne Elecbrical conttactot' Mechonicol Permit * , T1T/[L A!!1UNT DUE:' , * CITY OF OREGOA' SPF},ilGFIELE, DEVELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBLIC l,YlOPfS M ETNOPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEM ENT HANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT As required by the City of Springfield Development Code, I understand and agree that vith the approval of the attached tst one he foll I ng manufactured homes vi11 be placed at Springfield, 0regon, City Job Number V/\- 225 FIFTH SISEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 B Class A Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 24 feet in width and 167" (not less than 2:12) roof pitch, with exterior dimensions enclosing a space of at least 960 square feet, vith roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible vi.th site built homes. , tr Class B Manufactured Home. A manufactured home of not less than 12feet in vidth and 167" roof pitch, vith exterior dimensions enclosing a space of not less than 500 square feet, vith roofing and siding materials that are commonly used or compatible vith site built hones. I further state, by my signature belov, that I have been provided vith the following information: - MobiIe home blocking - Sanitary se\,/er connection - I{ater }ine connection - Electrical connection - Street tree standards - Minimum requirements for permanent steps ture t CITY OF 225 PIFTII SIREET sPRrNGPrBr.D, OREGoN 97477 INSPBCEON REOIIEST: 726-3769 OPPICB: 726-3759 sPRr, r-rELO EIJCTRICAL PEhl{rT Ctty Job Nunber 3. COHPI.ETB TEB SCBEDUI.B BBLOS A. Nev Resldential-Slng1e or Hultl-Famlly per dvelllng unlt. service rncruded: rtems cost I OT INSTALIJ\TION.n 3-1\rr-J)r IJGAL DESCRTPTION 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALI,ATION ONLI Electrical Contractor Address Ct ty Phone Supervisor Llcense Number Constr Contr. Number Explration Date Slgnature of Supervislng Electrlclan 0vners Nanre Address ci Phone OgNER INSTALIATTON The installation ls belng made onproperty I ovn whlch ls not lntendedfor sale, fease or rent s DATB: 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanufrd Home or -Modular Dvelling Servlce or Feeder I $ 15.00 $ 35.00 2* Servlces or Feeders (10 Branch Clrcultslncluded). Installatlon, Alteratlons or.Relocatlon: One Circult Tvo to ten Circuits Each Addtrl ten or .-- portlon thereof SUBTOTAL OP ABOVE5f Stite Surcharge TOTAL Sum s 8s.00 Permits are non-transferable and expireif vork is not started vlthln 180 daysof lssuance or if vork ls. suspended for 180 days. B \4J c. D t 100 amps or Less $ 35.00 101 amps to 400 anps - S 60.00 401 amps to 600 amps - $ 9o.oo 601 amps to 10oo amps- S13o.oo Temporary Servlces or FeedersInstallatlon, Alteratlon or Relocation 201 amps to 400 amps - S 4o.oo Over 401 to'600 amps - $ BO.0O 0ver 600 amps or'100016T[s see xBtr aE6G- Branch Circults Nev, Alteratlon or Extenslon per panel 3t $ 3s.00 s s0.00 s 1s.00 Hiscellaneous (Servlce/feedrir not lncluded) -Each lnstallatlon Pump or irrlgation S 36.00Stgn/Outline Lightlns- s 36.00Signal Circuit or RECEIVBD BY: re 5 a) 1: Expiration D"t"_