HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-12-17I LOCATI ON OF LEGAL DESCRIPTIONll o ],'Svu Ll 07 ?oo J DtrSCRIPTIONFt:u{ L oO Am? 5fr.uc{1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or Modular Drvelling Serv'ice or Feeder $ 106.00 $ r 9.00Permits are non-transferable and expire if rvork is not started within 180 days of issuance or if rvork is suspended for 180 days. . The ,vrng pro.iect as submitted has the tollowing zonrnu, ano toei not require specilic tand use -ELEC,^.rCAL PERMIT AP?LICATION SPzuNGFIELD, OREGOHP g4IT tD8 Ct_c)i3c3.(rl 225F]J.TH STREET 'a;+., I^l'INSPECTION REQUEST:726-7ffi91s OFFICE: 726-3159 Date ll* . \1.0 r A. Nerv Residential-Singlc or Multi-Family per dl'elling unit. Scrvice Included: B. Seryices or Feeders Installirtion, Alterations or/+L Retocation: 200 antps or less 2t)1 anrps to 400 arnps ,10 I antps to 600 amps 601 anips 1o i00ti arnps Over 1000 ampVvolts Reconnect Only C. Temporarl.scnices or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 arnps or less 201 anips to -100 amps Over :10 I to 600 arnps Or.cr 600 anlps or I000 r,olts see"B" abor e D. Branch Circuits One Circuit .I. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7%o State Surcharge 87o Administrative Fee SCHEDULE BELOW Items Cost Sum $ 5o.oo _ tC-) Supen'isor License Number I1* Expiration ;a/;g $50.00 $6e.00 $ 100.00 Constr Contr. *u*O", Expinrtiorr Date (t 1 .- 2 q - n3 Signatur-e of Superuising Electrician Nerv Alteration or Estension per panel OWNER IIYSTALLATION The installation is being nrade onpropcrt\ I own rvhich is-not irtenO.O for srle. lease or renl. Ow'rrers Signalure: Eacli Additional Circuit or u.ith Serv.ice or Feeder permit $ 3.00-_- E. lVliscellaneous (Seruice/feeder no t in clu rled)-Each installation Pump or irrigation $50.00Sign/Ourline Lighring ;;.;Limited Energv,&.es Li,rited Energry'comm fil33 IVlinimum Electric permit Inspection Fee is S-t5.00 + Surcharges a5 TOTAL Z;,