HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-11-03R.ESIO ENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726-3769 Of tice: 726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORI(: 51;PN',vGFIELo +b 225 Fif tlr Strcct Sprlngllcrld, Orcgon 97477 TAX LOT:o'1 3> JOB NUMBER 7t rs ASSESSOFS MAP:ILt0r?- LOT:BLOCI(:SUBDIVISION: -_--% NEW - REMODE.L t/- ADDtrtoN DEMoLtstl orr-tEn PFIONE,: - DPSTn]'E 7-lPi OWNER; ADDRESS; CITY: ADDRESS EXPI}:1ES P}.iON E NV 1ltfl "r,i CONTBACTOB'S NAME GEN EBAL: WATER I.IEATEf]:RANGF-:- PLUMBING: CONST. CONTRACTOR , r'f flrnl'5QUn nt:. FOOTACE: .-"_._-__-- MECHANICA] ELECTRICAL: To rcquest an lnspcctlon, you must call 726-3769. Tlrls ls a 24 lrour rccor<Jlng. All lnspections rc(lucstcd trclorc 7:00 a.rn. wlll bc made thc sante worklng cjay, lnspections rcquestcd aftcr 7:00 a.m. will bc ma<Jc thc tollowlng worl( day. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Temporary Elcctric Rough Mcchanical - Prlor to covcr. Final Plr.rrrrbing - Whcn allplunrl:ing work is conrplete. Sitc lnspcction - To be macjc after cxcavation, but prior to scttlng (orrns, Rough Elcctrical - Prior to Final Elcctr(cal - UJhen attcoveral worl( is conlplctc. / ccharrical - Whcn allUnderslab Plun'rbing/ Elcctrical / Mcclranlcal - Prior to covcr.Electrical Scrvlcc - Must bc a1>provccl to obtain pcrrnancnt clectrlcal l)owcr. anical worl( ls cornplctc. Footln0 - A(tcr trenches arc excavatcd.Flrcplace - Prlor to facing materlals and lraming lnsp. Final Uuilclirrg - Wlrcn all required ir-rspcctlons have bccn approvccl and building is corn plc tcd.Masonry - Stcel locatlon, bond beams, groutlng.Framlng - Prior to covcr. Fourrdatlon - Aftcr (orms arc erected but prlor to concrete placernent. Othcr Wall/Cciling lnsulation - Prlor lo c over Undergrourrd Plunrbing - Prior to fllllng trench.Drywali - Prior tc, tapirrg Underlloor Plumblng/ Mcchanical - Prior to lnsulatlon or decl(ing.Wood Stovc - AItcr lnstall.rlion Post and Bcam - Prlor to floor lnsulation or decl<lng.lnsert - AItcr ilrel.rlacc approvol and lnstallatlon oI unlt. Blockirrg arrd Sct-Up - Whcn all blt':cl<i ni; i s cornplete. Floor lnsulation - Prior to dect<lng.Curbcut & Alll.rroaclr - Aftcr [orms arc crcctcd but prior to placcrncnt oI corrcrctcl. Pltrrnbirrg Conrtcctions - Whcn lrornr.: has bc.en coltr'tccted Io watcr,1ul(l ScvJcr, Sanitary Scwcr - Prior to f illing trcnch.Elcctrir:al Corrrrcction - Wltcn blocking, sct.up, and plunrbing Irtspcctions lrnvc bccn approvcd ilnd tlrc trornc is connccted to thc scrvicc f)ancl, Stonll Sewcr - l)r'ior to (illing trcnch, Sidcwalk & Drivcwal, - nftcr cxcav.rtiorr is complctc, [oIrns ancl sub.basc rnalcriill itr pl;lcc. Water Llnc - Prlor to filling t rcn ch. Ferrcc - Whcn cornplctcd {itroot Trccs - Wlrcn all rcqulred lrccs are plantccj. Firral - AItcr all rcquircd Inspcctions arc approvcd and porclrcs, skirting, decks, and vcnt/ng havc bccn lnslalled. Firra Rouglt Plurnbirtg - Prior to covcr. l:] %, DESCRIBE WORI(: tl E E E E tl tl E E fl tl tl E rl n n D E E tl tl t:] MOBILE I.IOME INSPECTIONS t_l L] Lot (accs Lot sq. f t9. Lot covcrago Topo0raphY Total l'lclght Lol 'fyp( - lntcrior -- Cortrcr - Panhatrcllc -- Cul.tjc'sac Sc lbacl<s PL HSE Acc N S GAR IS THE PROPOSED V!OR\( iN T\18 . I.IISTOFIICAL OISTRICT, OB ON TI]E, I]ISTORICAL REGISTER? - llyes, this application must be slgncd arrd approvcd by the Historlcal Coordinator prior to permit issuance. APPROVED BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Main Garagc VALUEx $/so. t--T. Carlror t Total Valuc Building Porntit Fcc Statc Surclrar0c Total Fcc BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This pcrrnit is grarrted olt thc cxprcss condition tlrat tlrc said construction shilll, in all respects, con[orm to the Ordinance adopted by thc City of Springficld, including the Dcvclopment Codc, rcgulating the construction and use of buildings, and may bc susperrdcd or rcvol(cd at any tlrne u pon violation of any provisions of said ordinances. Plans llcvicwcd 13y Datc Plan Cl'rccl< Fec Datc Paid Rcccipt N urnbcr Rcccivcd By SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) Systcms Dcvclopmcnt Charge is duc on all undeveloped properlics witlrin tlrc City lirnits wl)iclr are bcing lmprovccl, Rcsldcntial Batlr(s) Sanltary Scwer Watcr Storrn Scwcr Moblle Horne PERMIT FEE (c) t--'1. FT. Plumblng Pcrmit Statc Surchargc Total Clrargc PLU MBIN G ITEM Fix tu res ADDITIONAL COMMENTS By slgnature, I statc ancl agrec, that I havS carclully examlnecl the complctcd application and do hereby certlly that all irr[ormation l]crcot'l is true ancl corrcct, ancJ I lurther certity that any and all work pcrformcd shall be done in accorrJance with tlrc Ordinanccs of tlrr: City of Spring(lcld, ancJ ilrc Laws of tlrc Statc ol Orcgon perlaining to thc worl< cJescribccj hcrcin, i.trrd tlrat NO OCCUpAITJCy will tic r.r.la(Jc of any structurc without pcrrnission oI thc Buil<Jirrg Sa(ety Division. I Iurtlrcr certity tlrat only contractors and employees who aro in cornpliance with ORS 701.055 wlll bc used on thls proiec t. I Iurthcr agrec to cnsurc tltat all rcquirccl inspcctions arc rcqucstcd at thc propcr timc, Iltat each addrcss ls rcacjablc c pcrnrlt card ls locatcd at thc f ront c apgrrovcd sct of plans will remain ,:I Slgnaturc Date t U4J lo frorn thc strcct, tlta n.ctdurg consl oI tlrc property, on thc sitc at Wood Stovc/ lnscrt / Fjlrcplacc Urrit MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Honrc Statc lssuancc Stalc Surchargc Sidewalk - lt Curbcut -.- tt Dcmolitlon Statc Surcharge 0tt l{.o" To t al M iscc llirn e ou s [)c rtn i t s (E) / tr Dryc r Vcnt /+( ? C L") (r' ,) ) Vent Fan (D) MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rnacc Exlraust Hood No Mcchanical Pcrunit lssu anco Stalc Surch:rrgc Total Pcrrnlt VALIDATION: RECEII)T NUMBEF'I DATE PAID AMOUNT REC FIECEIVED BY oi r 1{Y TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (oxclutling olectrical) (A, B, C, D, and E CortrbinccJ) EIVT..D c F (^) [:T. .atl.cFtll,Lo BI.ECT&ICAL BERI{IT Job l{urber BELOT' Nec Residential-Slnglc or 1b 1 OF IAGAL DESC&IP TON JOB DESCRITIION lce pcr dv-lllng un uded: I teas tt. Cost s 85.00 $ 40.00 I K0 o 5 c tt Sum less Pernlts ire non-trensferablc and explrclt uork is not starred rlthln 180 diysof luuenq€ or lf uork ls suspended ior 180 days. 2. oGfltsaGIOR IHSIAL! ATTO| Otrty Electrlcal Con *actot _81 a ,;cTpc fuo 4^+*l h.t,.c-Address gttY {-qi..fdr= -. Phone bl5-6}?L Suporvlsor Llcense Numbcr a_^ Erplratlon Date Eech addttlonal 500 sQ. ft or portion thcrcof Each t{enuf'd 8ore. or -Hoduler 'Duelltng Srrvlcc or Fecder Servlces or Feedersfnstellatton, Alteratlonsor Rclocatlonr D. Branch Clrcults 200 aups or less ?91 urps to 400 aops - 401 eops to.600 eupg - 601 ups to t@0 .lps- Ovcr 1000 anps/volt Reconncct 0n1y - B .-,*'$sos60 -effi .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .@ .00rBr s100 $130 $300 $ao see Constr Contr. Nunber 2o*e? Expt ratlon Date Slgrature of SupervtsilU Electriclan Orncrs Name address .Pf LS i 1TL ST cl Phone q Pf,- 3f , ) Temporqy Services or FcedersInstalletlon, Alteratlon or RelocstJon 200 amps"or lels 201 anps to 400 arps -0ver 401 to 600 anpe -over 600 amps or 1000-i6ll[s $40 $55 $80 40.00 40.00 20.00 36.00 Ncv, Alteratlon or Extenston per pancl, Onc Clreuit I Each Addttlonal # Clrcult or vlth Serviceor Feeder Peral t - l_ $ 3s.oo 3< oo $ 2.oo 2COOI'IIER TNSTALT.ATTOII tho inrtallatton ls betng nede onpropcEty I oun uhlch ls not intendedtor sa1c, lease otr rcnt. Ovncrs Slgnature! Hiecollaneous (Servlce/fesd.r not includrd)-!iaC[ r'nStallatlon E Puup or irrlgation SStgn/outllne Llghting- SLlnlted Energy/Rc S DArl;5. SUETOTAL OP ABOVE5Z State Surchcrge3I Admlnlstratlve Fee TCIALRICEIVED Notification Center.Those rules are in OAR 952-001 -0010 through OAR 0090.You maY obtain coPies of the rules calling the center.(Note: the telePhone 22i!ItEftE UtilitY Notification EEpECrIoil by,,, tn; A^,.,;I3gsiffOTETGB:726-3759 88 $ 1s.00 -?t.oo l::- OREGO'V ---4q-J?',{b