HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-09-28Reeeipt # /2 77.. REsID_,tTlAL.. APPLICATION/PERILIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield" )z,egon 97477 BuiLding Di.tsision 7 26-37 53 SPFINGFTELD / cL-a-. Otz- Av n 6 LLI 7 Date: GeneraL Electt ical I4echanical Congtm.ction Ld* Reoti.rerl I-t is lha rcepffiEl'ip of_tte penrit lotde* to aee tlat alt inspectiot1s ee nade at the proper tine, that each .adtlnees is rea4ahlefnat tlu stteeto sA tW de p*nrit catl, i.e Located at the frcni of the orooerht.*Buiaing Nuiciat 'ryryraed plan shal| remain on fie Bunlding site Zt att'11,.hii." PROCIDUPE FOR InSPEtrIgII 3EQWLrCALL726-3769(teeotden) state Aou" City desi.grnted. job m.onber,, job aldz,ess, type of inspeclicnre4uested a1d!".wt iiou aiLL be ready fo_r i,nspection, cont?detors o7 a,mers naneLnd phoie rurnbet. -aequests rnZel.i;La tLfcri ?:00 cz ',>iLL be tade the wae dc4' ?eE)eets nade after ?:00 on ttLLL be nnde the neat uotkiS day. Iour City Desigr,ated Job ltumber fs:8loqo ,7 tt)nts 8#a Toa-u *3 i4-Job Locaticn: Assessors Map # /8 O a oala rc,s lot # O</O@ Subdiuision /ersr-A,mer: Address: 84a S Sf e 7{7 - 4sa_2*Phone: zip: q ?y'? 3City: Describe Work: /a sert Ne1) VaLueDate of Addttic,ra RemoCel Page 1 of 2 SI?E INSPECTI1N: Io be nade after eacantation, fu.t prLor tc set up of fonns. INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISP.ECTTON: To be nade after aLL insulaticn ed, required uapor bavie?s @e in pl,ace bat before ory Lath, Wpstnn bcarC oytnll cooering is applied, ard before any iraulation i,s eoncealed. nD tintEt Dttrfnr'tad Sanitaty seuer capped et properq- Line Septic tutk plorped and fi-Lled trith gza:tel linal - l{hen abcoe itens ote ccrnoleted and uhen Cer,tolt tion is eotrplete by sbuc- tuye notled atd. prenrLses cleaneC up. Hcmes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connectione -- aa,,re? od. aaten Electrical Ccmnection - Bloekin4, set-up and plwnbing eonneetions rn;st be apprcr:ed before tequesting eleclrLcal i,nspteetiotz Aeceseory Building ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG" ELECTRICAL & WCHAIIICAL: ?o be trrude befoz,e anyaork is cooet,ed. !=OLltrNG & F)UNDATICN: Io be taCe M ttenfi;;-at;;scatsated and fortns are ereeted, but ptior to pout-i.ztg ecnaret€. ANDERGRAUilD PTIUTJBIIIG. SEWEP,. WATER, DRAIilAGE: ?o fu tm"Ce prioz, to fil-Lirq trenehea- UNDER?LOOR PLUI.EING & MECHANTCAL: To be nade pri.ot bo installatlion of floor inatbLion or decking, P1ST 4!P QEAM: 7o fu nade prLor toffiof flaar insul)tion ot decking. ROUGH PT,]&WJMG, ETECTRICAL & I,IECH- ANfCAL: ila woa.k "f.s to be cooez,ed .uTttil tlw-ae ilwpeetLons ha,se been made cnd. qprooe,C- EIPEPTACE: bt,at b plc,eirq faeingmatetials od. befare fraring inspee-tion. FRA).,!TNG: l&tst fu requested aftet approual of tough pl,rorbing, electri-cal & nechoi,eal. ALL roofing bracing & chhrmeys, ete. rntst be . eompleted. !1o ucrk is to be eon- , eealed until this tnspection lns'been nad,e anC approoed. DRIIIALL INSPECTION: ?c be nade aftez, aLL dtyuall is in p|.a,ce, but prior to any taping. MAS)NRU Steel beons, grouting accordotce ttLth 2415. Location, bond on uerticals in U.B.C. Section il )?,", installation ieWOODSTOTIE: ;cnpT;TA. CURB & APPRCACH APPON: After fonnsee erecteC but prior to pouring @?1e?ete. SIDEhIALK & DRf',WAI: For aLL con- ctete paufrniffi styeet right- of-uay, to be nade after aLL erea- oating conplete & font tsotk & sub- base naterLal in pl.ace.Firnl - After etc. are compt' pcrches, skirting, deeks, Leted. PNIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHAIIICAL PIIIAL ELEC?RICAL ?ENCE: hlten conplete -- ProuiCe gates or motsable sections through P.a.E. ALL p,ojeet conditions, such as the installation of street trees, conpletion of the rcquined Landsccpirq, etc., tmtst be satisfied befote the BUILDfilC FiltAL ean be requested. IINAL BUTLDII,IG: The Final Building fnepeetion nast be requested after the Final PluntbingEleetrical, and. Mectnnical fnspectiona laoe been made and'approueC. *ALL I,\ANHCLES AND CLEAN)UTS ttUST BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI\EIE TO BE ttADE A? NO CCST TO CI?y ,p Cont?actors iisA:T-Ad.dtess tr r JOB NO.SOLAR AT -ESS REQ.-L-co c Zone: Building Pe"mit ?otal Chargea TotaL Bedtooms: Sources e -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the enp?ess cond.ition tlnt the said.eonsttwctionslnll, in all respects, conform to the 1tdinance adopted by the City of Sprtngfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and. use of buildings, utd may be suspen-d.ed or reuokeC at cny tine upon oic- Lation of crlA prcoisions of said Oz,d'Lrnnces, Receipt #: PLan Exaniner Date f HAW CAREFULLY IXAMINED the cornpleted application for permit, and. do hereby cettify that aLL infonnation het,eon is true and, eorreet, and, I furtker certify that any ard. aLL uork perfor.ned slnll be done in accor- dance vith the 1rdinances of the City of Spr.tngfield, and the La,;a of the State of )regon pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, eltd. tlnt N0 )cCA- PANCy LI|LL be nwd.e of ang structute uithout pennisaion of the Building N-uision. f further cet,tifg that only contractot s and e:nplcgees uho are in eanpliance dith 1RS 701.055 ui.LL be used on this project t: Access. st Df House Lot Faces - Fire % of Lot Casenage_ # of Stortes Total Eeight LOT TWE _ Interiot _ Cormer _ Panlnndle CuL-de-sac SQ. FTGITEM x Va lopogt cphy Lot Sq. Ftg Main C,eaae- Cat:port Accessoru TOTAL VALUE s.D.c. 1..5 c Cheek Fee Ddte Paad.: Signed: Plumbing Perrnit No pereon slnll consfuaet, inetall, alter or clnnge anA nel cr eristing plwnbirg or drainage sAstqrt in ulole or in pa.z't, unless such pet,son is the Legal poseessor of a oalid plutnber's License, eseept tlnt a pe?son nay do plwlbing uork to propetty uhich is ooned, Leased or operated by the dppli- ednt. FEENO.CHARGE Ftbtures Resil.ential (1 bath) Sani Saner Plntbing Petmtt State ?otaL Electricol Permit Were State Lan requires tlat the electrical uork be done by an Electrical Contraetor, the electyical portion of this permit shall not be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electtical Contractor. Iotal L Neu/Eaterd. Circuits Setoiee tz oO13) - t< o9 >(" ITgM NC.FEE ,t Mechqnicol Permit oI5 ,?q tlcodstooe Vent Eat Erhanst Hood. ,S Permit fssuanee Meclnnicel Pernrit -. ENCROACIIMEN? -- Secarity Deposit Stotage Mainternnee Perwit Curbcat Sideualk Electz,ieal Label Mobile Horne TO?AL AMOUNT DUE:*/58 L State rTEM Water Pence Recei #.. RESID-NTIAL.. APPLICATTON/PERMIT 225 North |th Street Spr"Lngfield, 1regon 97477 Building Ditsision 7 26-37 53 /zt-oL /,/-tt, - 7.25Lg:ned: s*- L- SPRINGFlELD GeneraL t4echanicaL Conefuuction_-Lfu* L rt ie the respay6ib'ili4 of-Et* penrtt ltold* to see tlnt alt inspectiotts oe nad.e at ttp ptope" tine, tv,at ecch ad,lneas is reaCabief-y,!-W 8t?.ee-tq @d tM tlza-gnit_cgtd ia Located at thi froni oy the woperty.*Building Noisian. wFw^ed pthn sltall yemain on-ttte B";7air.h'-s'iie at aLL times. PP).IDUPE. FoR INSPECTI7II RE?WST..CALL 7requested, and uhqt gou uiLL be z.eady fot,uiLL be nnde the 6w dcy, reqtests-mZd.e 26-376 9 (z,ecot det, ) state youz, City desigrnted job ntoaber, insp ection, Contractars or Atneys rntne and phone rwnber.aftet 7:00 an vLLL be nade the next aotkinE day tIour City Deeigr,ated Job Nutnber fs iob aCltess, tgpe Requests receixed 0 of inspeeticn befcz.e 7:00 a,l Reouit,erl fnsoeetio'ns 37 ra 7 0J /LAesessore Map #Iar lat # svbdiuision: I // A,nter: Phone: 2q7 2Z_/* citA 2JAddtess: Describe lt'ork: Date of Value )^)Lq-r7 omvlAddi.tis! RenoCe'L Pege 1 of 2 SnE TNSPECIfOT: ?o be nade after eocauatior4 hnt prior tc set up of forne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBTNG. ELECTRICAL &wcyttliiel@ny ,wrk ie eoaered. POOTIN? & !"AUIT|DATICN: Io be maCe - al'xer t"etchea a?e eseauated and. fonns ue ereeted, but prior topout"ing c.c-acrete. U_ND9i1R)UXD PLut;Ip INc. SEWR, tn.4IER, DRAIilAGE: To fu naCe pnior to fil-Lirq trenehee- ail DERFLO1R FLUMB rltG & MECUA!]J CAL :robe@of floor instlction or decking P9SI AND BEI+N: To be nade pr.Lor toinstallabian af flooz, insulation or deeking. ROUGH PLUrBrilc. ELECTRTCAL & MECE-ANICAL: @until these inspections Tntse been made otd. approoeC. FIPEPL.,ACE: fuint to placirg faeinonta.tez,ials ard before franing Zr"pnZ-tion- INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRIER IIISPEC?ION:robe@ required oapor burie?a @e in place but before any Lath, Wpslltn boaz,C ortnLL eoueying is applied, and. befoz,eoty insulation is concealed. nFlrnf T4fait AD t.^fft^ Sani*aty seuet ecpped at properog^ Lire Septic totk y"rtped atd filled trtth gta;;el DRIWALL fNSPECIf)N: Ic be nadeafter aLL dtyuall is in pl,ace" but prior to cny taping. MASONRL Steel Location, bond beons, grouting oz'oez,ticals in aceondance uLth U,B.C. Section 2415. linal - h4ten abcoe itens ate eanpletedqnd uhen d.*tclition is ecntplete bt struc- tuz,e moued and. prenrLaes cleaneC up. r ,IOODSTOVE: ccmpT;m. After installation is Le llcnes CURB & APPROACH APPON:ue eyeeteC but prior After formsto pouring con:rete. SIDEWALK & DRITWAI: Por aLL con- crete paoing tithin street right-of-teA, to be mad.e aftet aLL etea- oating conplete & fotn uoyk & sub- base nc.terial in place. !!!!8, tt4ten conplete -- PtooiCe gates ot mooable seetions through P.A.E. pct ckes, skirting, decks, leted. Pinal - Afteretc. ue cornp FRA.IIING: titust be -requested afterapproual of rough plwnbing, electyi_cal & nechanical. AL! r,oofirq btacing & ehinmegs, ete. rrust- be . conrpLeted. llo uork ie to be con-._cecled until this inspection haslbee.n nwd,e anC apptotted.1L{ FTilAL PLUMBITIG PTNAL MECHANICAL PINAL ELECTRICAL ALL proiect eonditions, such aa the installation of street tz,ees, conpletion of tierequined landseaping' ete.' mtat be satisfied befote the eutioin:e EriAL ean be tequested.. PINAL BUTLDING: The ?i.nal Building Inapeetion mtet be requested aftet the pinal plunbingElectrical, and Meelurieal fnspec*ons laue been ,ai"- and'ipp"oi"d. *ALL \LANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS t,tUS? BE ACCESSTBLE, ADJUSTI1EW ?O BE t"r4DE AT NO CCST ?O Crr a)', rob t-ocaticn' f42 0 Lisc. #lddress Blocking old. Set-up Plutnbing connections -- aanet otd. uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Bloeking, selu-up ard. pltnrbing eonnections m;et be qprcvid before requeating eleclz.teal inspecliott Aecessorg Bui.Lding Itr E P* -9;*, a SOLAR A'AESS REQ.-L-co d Zone: TotaL PLdn LiaonLne? I HAW CAREFULLY \XAILINED tle conpleted application for pernit, cnd do heteby certifg that aLL infotmation het'eoi is true and eot'reet, otd I fuz'tkZz, certify that any ard. aLL dork perforned slnll be done in accor- 'dance vith th-e- Ordinancbs of the City of Spt'ingfield, atd the Laas of the state of lregon pertaining to the wtk cescribed herein, crld thdt No occa' PANcv ;LL bZ ,raZ. of ony structut'e uithout permissi-on of- the Bui'l'ding DL- oision, I furthen centify that only eontractoPs ald a'nplcAees Dho @e Ln eanpLiance aith ORS 701..055 uiLL be used on this proiect Date Accesg t DT House Lot Fd.ees - % of Lot Cooetage_ # of Stories ?otal Eeight LO? ?WE _ Intenict _ Cor.net, _ Panhandle _ CVl-de-sac JOB NO. Iopogrephy Lot Sq. Ftg -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This penntt is granted on the ecpt'ess eordition tlnt the said-eonstmtetion shall', in all r,"espects, conform to the crdirnnce adopted 6y the city o-f Spningfteld, incLuding the Zoning Cz'dinance, r'egulating the ccnsttaeticn qnd. use of buildings, and may be suspended ov' reuokeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dnA prco'isions of said 2tdinances. TOTAL VALUE I!EM FTG x Value *Signed s.D.c, 7.5 d Building Pe"ntLt Iotal Clwrges State Plumbing Permit No pe?son shall construct, instal'!., altet or ehange ,anA ned -cr etisting -ptt;nbing on dTainage sAsta'n in uhole ot in part' unless sueh person is tlte iegal pbsses"on of o oZlid plr bnr's L'tcense, eteept ttnt a pe?son r*a qo- ptintlig uork to property ihich is otmed' Leased or operated by the apPli'- cant. NO FEE CHARGE Sa,ter fiEM Resilential (1 bath) ELxt'uz,es Plunbing PetqrLt State Swel,.atge Tctal Electricol Permit Vhez.e State Lan requires tha.t the electrical uork be done by an Eleatu'teal Contraetor', the electr"Lcal portion of '.his permit stnll not be oaliC unt'il the Tabel lns been si.gned by the Electu'ieal Contt'actor. PentrLt ila,n/Eoterd Circuits Setnsice State ?otal Eohanat Hoo,C oo CIIARCENC.FgE llcods f 6D Stdte Mechqnicol Permit Mectwnicel Pev,mit -- ENCROACHMEN? -- SeeurLtu Deposit Stotage Maintenartce Permit Cvzbeut - Sideutalk ?ence Electrieal Iabel Mobile Home Bedtooms IIeat Date Paid {. TO?AL AMOUNT DUE: *Is oa llatcr hmnace B?U I S v?pfr-t t-\ - tt -..-- K.fto -) PennLt Issu.ence