HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1966-09-22CITY OF SPRINGFIELD
840 North Ttfr Stneet
To the 0ceupant of:
490 North 37th Street
Spnl ngf ie ld, 0regon
City Code, Cha
a I I persons ma inta i
boundny I ine is witpublie sewen latena
and a
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ln tl'le event that you are not the proy th is of,f iee, e ithei" by phone or rna i
ddress of, the p!'esent c,r,,vne.n. (Phone:
o\dner, please
v i ng L.rs t he name
1674) "
Joseph F. Reeves, J!'.
Dinecton of Building & Zoning
pte r
n rng
ll, Antie ie i0, Seetion l, requires that
p lunL: ing upon property whose nearest
orle hr.;ndred and twenty ( 120) feet of a
se connect to said sewen Iatenal.1 mur
At the date of [ir I s rioi iee we f ind r:hat no eonnect ion f or
the above address has be. i,'n r*,ade, to the ne,^r ly aeeepted sewer
I a te a-a I se nv i ng you r 6 6^t:,.1 "
You are heneby EI'u'i',;, r.hlr"ty {;O) da-ys from the date of this
notiee to obtain a ser,"^.,(':i- ;-rp pe"jrrn":t dfid to cc,nnect to the sewer.
pertyI, ci
7 t+6-
Furrthermore, If voi.i lra.1e se:er;ned a sewer perrnit prior toreceipt of this no[ieer, p'lease disnegand this orden"
Dat.ed; Sept . 22,l9oo
Yoi: ns t ru 1 y,