HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2014-05-07SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET . SPRINGFIELD,OR97477 c PH:.(54L)726-3610 o FAXr (541)726-3689 May 7,2014 SUBSTANDARD LETTER Hans Kristian & Jennifer Dawn Johnson 237 Pebble Beach Drive Creswell, OR97426 Lb OREGON RE: Compliance with the Springfreld Building Unsafe and Substandard building at 489 S. 37th Dear Property Owners: Safety Code Administrative Code Relative to the Steet, Springfield, OR. As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the structure located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessors Map # 17023143-01500, for reasons below, is considered a substandard and unsafe building as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner of this properfy. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Code specifies conditions constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structure identified above, classiffing it as a substandard and unsafe building. 1. Each dwelling shall be provided with hot water, adequate heating facilities, proper operating ventilation equipment, and required electical lighting. The properfy is not currently served with electrical services, rendering these required items inoperable. 2. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub and/or shower. Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities. The Building Official has detennined the property is currently in an unsanitary and unsafe condition. To address the items listed above and to become in compliance with the Springfield Housing Code and the Dangerous Building Code, the removal of animal waste and the debris located in the structure must begin immediately. Once the unsanitary conditions and debris has been removed, the structure must be sanitized and the structure inspected and approved by this office. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedwes where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediatehazardto life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is vacated by 01700, Wednesday May 7,2014 due to the potential hazards to the occupants OREGON resulting from the above cited conditions. If you or your tenants do not vacate the premises within the time frame specified, the City will seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Any person having record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Substandard Letter to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this letter. Faihue to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, you may contact me at 541-726-3665. Sincerely, Steve Graham Plumbing lnspector Cc: Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Officer Matthew Ruettgers, Current Development Supervisor V David Bowlsby, Building Official - , (( Joe Leahy, City Attorney's Office ! *-' Springfi eld Police Department CITY OF SP GFTELD, oft.EGOw a SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTHSTREET . SPRINGFIELD,OR97477 o PH:(547)726-3610 oFAX:(54l)726-3689 May 2,2074 PRE-POSTING LETTER Hans Kristian & Jennifer Dawn Johnson 237 Pebble Beach Drive Creswell, OR97426 6 OREGON RE: Compliance with the Springfield Building Unsafe and Substandard building at 489 S. 37th Dear Property Owners: Safety Code Administrative Code Relative to the Street, Springf,reld, OR. As a result of a recent inspection, the City of Springfield Community Services Division, Building Safety, has determined that the structure located at the above referenced location, also known as Lane County Assessors Map # 17023143-01500, for reasons below, is considered a substandard and unsafe building as described in the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code. Lane County Assessment and Taxation records reveal that you are the owner of this property. Section 203 of the Springfield Building Safety Code Administrative Code classifies structures which are structurally inadequate or dangerous to human life as unsafe. Section 1001 of the Springfield Housing Code specifies conditions constituting substandard buildings. The following conditions include but are not limited to conditions existing at the structure identified above, classifuing it as a substandard and unsafe building. 1. Each dwelling shall be provided with hot water, adequate heating facilities, proper operating ventilation equipment, and required electrical lighting. The property is not currently served with electrical services, rendering these required items inoperable. 2. Each dwelling shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub and/or shower. Although these fixtures are installed in the dwelling, the lack of water service produces inadequate and unsanitary sewage and plumbing facilities. The Building Official has determined the property is currently in an unsanitary and unsafe condition. To address the items listed above and to become in compliance with the Springfield Housing Code and the Dangerous Building Code, the removal of animal waste and the debris located in the structure must begin immediately. Once the unsanitary conditions and debris has been removed, the structure must be sanitized and the structure inspected and approved by this office. Section 204 (b) of the Administrative Code provides procedures where the Building Official may require vacation of the premises when cited deficiencies represent an immediatehazard to life, limb, property or safety of the public or its occupants. Notice is hereby served that the property is vacated by 01700, Wednesday May 7,2014 dne to the potential hazards to the occupants \? \J resulting from the above cited conditions. If you or your tenants do not vacate the premises within the time frame specified, the City will seek compliance with the Building Safety Codes through legal recourse, which may include Municipal Court proceedings. Any person having record, title or legal interest in the building may appeal from this Substandard Letter to the Building Board of Appeals, provided that the appeal is made in writing and filed with the Building Official within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this letter. Failure to appeal will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and determination of this matter. Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation is appreciated. If you have any questions, you may contact me at 541-726-3663. Sincerely Guy Dixon Electrical Cc: Cindie Mott, Code Enforcement Officer Matthew Ruettgers, Current Development Supervisor David Bowlsby, Building Official Joe Leahy, City Attorney's Office Springfield Police Department 5t22014 Regronal Land lnfornation Database: Detailed Property Report SiteAddress +8q SgZTHSTSpringt^-.d, ORgZ+28-6g86 Map &Taxlot# t7 -o2-3r-43-or5oo SIC N/A Tax Account# orz4o89 a r Additional site address(es) are associated with this tax account Property Ow..er r JOHNSON }IANS KRI STIAN & JENNIFER DAWN zgz PEBBLE BEACH DR CRES\AIELL, OR97 426 Anprox. taxlot acrt'age o.r3 'f ax account acreage o.14 Maps fI &Taxlot # r Business Information Multiple Businesses at This Address There are z businesses associated with this address. Click on any ofthe links below to open the ftill business report . Johnsein Kris Constmction, Kris Johnson. Kr:is Johnsoa Jelstrqetiqll, Kris Johnson Slrrrcc: irr[,GrrriLP,i(;,)\r'r'llrTrelltI)ivision,5TrrSB6thCircler.Omaha,NE6BltT,utt"r'v.inftt{JSAqov.com ^erryfnLlli4.{irzu Irnprovements Dwelling r / Building Type > Plex Assessor Photo Assessor Sketch inrage not availableimage not available 5 Inspection Date Building Class Year Built Effective Year Built L2l 281 L99S Pg r997 r997 Bedrooms Full Bath(s) Half Bath(s) Depreciation Roof Style Roof Cover Masonry Fireplace(s) Improvement Complete Heat Gable Comp shingle medium No LOO Yo Wall units 6 4 o tO%o Floor Characteristics Base Sq Ft Finished Sq Ft Exterior rst l.-loor %6 %6 T rrr plywood znd Floor :r272 1272 Trrr plywood Total Sq Ft 2208 zzoS Other Square Footaee Detached N/A Garage Basement N/A Garage Paved Patio N/A Attached Garage Carport Paved Driveway 6r6 N/A 400 1t5 ffi€Is ffi uEEDes d*l t : 5t22014 Site Address Inforrnation Regional Land lnfornntion Database: Detailed Property Report +89 S gZTH ST SPRI NGFIELD, OR 9z +z 8-6S ti6 House * +89 Suf6x Street Name ZTT}{ Street Type Mail City, SPRINGFIELD State Zip + 4 6386 Create Date Lancl Use rl20 Two Family Housing Unit (Duplex) USPS Carrier Route Coz4 Additional site address(es) attached to this tax accouut +82 SSZTHST General T axlot Characteristics . Geographic Coordinates X 427 o9gz Y 8Z SzZ 1 (State Plane X,Y) Latitude 44.o4lg Longitude -rzz.97 38 . Zontng Zoning Ju risdictio n Springfi eld Springfield Parent Zone LD LOWDENSITY RESIDENTIAL . Land Use General Land Use Cocle Description D Duplex T axlot Characteristics Incorporated City Limits SPRINGFIELD Urban Growth Boundary Springfield Year Annexed 196o Annexation # N/A Apuroxinr ate'f axlot Acreageo.t3 Approx Taxlot Sq Footage 5,663 2o1o Census Tract 1go2 2010 Census BlockGroup 1 Plan Designation Metro Plan Map Eugene Neighborhood N/A Metro Area Nodal Dev Area No Historic Property Name N/A City Historic Landmark? No National Historical Register? No N/A ST OR Sep 23, r996 Pre-directional Unit type / # Zip Code Update Date S N/A 97478 Apr o8, zoog Detailed Land Use Code Description r r 2tr Tu'o Family Housing Unit (Duplex) Serwice Providers Fire Protection Provider City of Springfield Ambulance Provider Springfield Dept of Fire & Life Safety Ambulance Dstrict EC Arnbulance Service Area East/Central LTD Service Area? Yes LTD Ride Source? Yes Soil Water Cons. Dist/Zone UPPERWILLq.METTE/ data not available Erne|ald People's Utility District N Envir'onn-. ental Data FE\,IA Flood Hazard Zone Code Description X .Areas determined to be outside of 5oo-year flood FIRM Map Number 4ro39Ct r6rF Comnrunity Number 4LSSg2 Post-FIRM Date og/zZ lrgSS Panel Printed? Yes http://v2.rlid.org/property_search/standard.cfm?d6=propsearch_standard.detailedreport&dsp=&ai_uebappjrop_reprl-]d=2337927 Z5 stZ2O14 Regional Land lnfornntion Database: Detailed PropertyReport Soils Soil Map Unit# Soil Type Descriptiun % of T axlotAg Class rHydric 32 COBURG-URBAN LANDCOMPLEX goo/o 2 No z 6 MALABON-URBAN LANDCOMPLEXSo% 1 No Schools Code Name School District 19 SPRINGFIELD Elementarl, School 545 lbuglas Garclens Middle School 1353 Agnes Stewart High School 560 Springfield Political Districts Electiorr Precinct 2456 City Council Ward SP+ City Cr-runcilor Dave Ralston Co u nty.' C<-r rn missio ne r District z (Springfi eld) County Commissioner Sid Leiken E\ArEB Cornrnissioner N/A LCC Board Zone 3 Liens Building Perrnits Land Use Applications Petitions Tax Statements (current and previous tax years) ACCOUN'I #. or24o89 View tax statement(s) for a{}13 z{',12 Orvner/Taxpayer Owners Owner JOHNSON HANS KRISTIAN & JENNIFER DA\,!'I{ Taxpa)rer Party Name JOHNSON HANS KRISTIAN &JENNIFER DA\^/I{ State Representative District rz State Representative John Lively State Senate Dstrict 6 State Senator Lee Beyet' Address zez PEBBLEBEACHDR Address zgz PEBBLEBEACHDR City/State/Zip CRLS\VELL, OP'97 426 City/State/Zip CRES\,\ELL, OP.gZ +26 l)ata source: Lane Llountv Assessment and Tir-xation Account Status Status Active Account Current Tax Year Acr:ount Status none Remarks none Special Assessment Program N/A http://r2.rlid.org/property_search/standard.cfm?do=propsearch_standard.detailedreport&dsp=$2i-rir,ebappjrop-reportjd=2337927 5t22014 General Tax Account Information Tax Account Acreage o.r4 Fire Acres N/A Ploperty Class ror RESIDENTIAL,IMPROVED Statistical Class z3z CI-A.SS 3 DUPLEX Neighborhood Code 19r5oo Category Land and Irnprovements Township-Range-Section / Subdivision Data R eg i onal Land lnforrnati on D atabase: D etai I ed Property Report I)ata soulcc: l.ane Countv Assessrnt:nt and Taxatiotr f)ata s<.rurce: L,anc L'r.rnntv Assessment and Taxation Subdivision Type N/A Phase N/A Subdivision NameN/A Lot/Tract/Unit # TL olSoo Subdivision NumberN/A Recording Number N/A l)ata sou rce: Lane Cou n tv Asse.ssment and'I'axation Property Values & Taxes -I'he values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes tvpically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, iutelest orving or previous years owing. It also does not leflect any value changes. Real Market Value (RMV) Land Improvement $33,823 $r49,zro $ 34,683 $ 146,81 6 $3g,g4g $ r45,4o5 $+o,82 r $138,930 $6o,ss8 $15o,z6o $7 r,o86 $16r,59o $Sg,raS $r88,o7o $qg,ggo $r84,32o $+z,srr $r'4,r4o $gS,oZs $r4o,r3ogzg,t4z $ r 3o,r4o $28,294 $146,230 $27,7 4o $143,36ogz|,tzo $ r5o,9oo gzz,7 5o $ 143,7 ro $3o,o7o $191,930 $27,84o gr4o,79o $zz,8zo $S7,zoogr5,38o $5o,z8o Total Assessed Value Tax Year 2()1:J 2ro12 2011 201o 20O9 2()0 8 2007 2Co.6 20 O5 20 O4 2OO3 2rlc)2 20 C)1 20 ()c) r999 1 998 1 997 1996 r995 Total $ r 83,o33 $ r 8r,499 $r85,954 $ r7 9,8o t $zro,8r8 $232,67 6 $z4z,zos $ 234,31o $rg6,6Sr $ r7 5,2o3 $ rs9,z8z $rz +,s24 $r7 r,roo $ r 7 S,ozo $t66,+6o $ zzz,ooo $ r 68,6So $ 8o,ozo $ 6s,66o $ r 8g,ogg $ r 8r,499 $ r 85,r 95 $r79,8or $ r Z 9,68t $tz 4,448 $r6g,S6z $t64,434 $ r 5 9,64s $ rs4,995 $ r5o,48r $ r+6,o98 g r4r,843 $r37 ,7 tz $r33,7or $17 t ,297 $rzq,gz g $ 8o,ozo $ 6s,66o $S,zz6.s6 $ S,o 28.+6 $g,ogz.8:l $ g,oo9.6g $3,ro3.r 8 $3,o5r.64 $2,7 6z.rz $2,684.r2 $2,624.99 $2,s7 4.6s $2,47 z.oo $z,z8q.Z S $2,24t 36 $2,r87 .zt $z,zrr.r3 $ 2,836.So $2,t 23.64 $r,247.5o $r,o3o.64 Current Y ear Assessed Value $ r 8g,ogg Less E>iemption Amount N/A Taxable Value 9r83,o33 Frozen Assessed Value l.)a ta stru lcc: La n o Cou u t v Asse.ssrn cn t a n d'lla x a l. iorr Tax Code Area & Taxing Districts http://t2 .rlid.org/property_search/standard.cfm?fl6=propsearch_standard.detailedreport&dsp=&ai_vrebappjrop_reprtjd=2337927 415 5t22014 Reg i onal Land lnforrnati on D atabase: D etai I ed Property R eport year o190O CITY OFSPzuNGFIELD I-ANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE LANECOUNTI' t/.NE EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRIST SPRI NGFI ELD ECONOMI C DEV ELOPMENT A GENCY SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT T9 WI LLAMAT/.NE PARK & RECREATI ON DI STRI CT l)irta source: l.ane Courttv Assesstnent and Taxation 'fax Code Area (Levy Code) for current Taxing Districts for TCA o19oo Sales & Ownership Changes Sale Date Sale Doc # Price orlr4lzooT $o 2oo7- 4232 o6/o5/zoor $o 20o1- 350 84 orltqlrygg $o 1999- 447 3 tt/ oz/ rggo $r4,ooo r99o- 53o88 Image Analysis Multiple Code Accts? ;6No Yes No data not available 6 6 V Grantor(s) Grantee(s) JOHNSON ROY E JOHNSON TIANS KRISTIAN & JENNIFER DAW JOHNSON, HANS KRISTIAN JOHNSON ROY E JOHNSON ROY E JOHNSON ROY E & TIANS I( & JENNIFERD data not availableDEVEREAUX,.IAMES R& YVONNEM H&W l)ata sourr:c: l.ane Countv Assesslnent aud'I'axation Generated by CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, City Managers Office on May z, 2oL4 al1:59pm using Regional Land Information Database, http ://www.rlid.org/ http://v2.rlid.org/property_search/standard.cfm?do=propsearch standard.detailedreport&dsp=$3;_webappjrop_reporl_ld=2337927 5/5