HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1984-01-31?ccetlt ! w Ddte: lt ic ihe reaponcibility of.tlt peni) iotder to aee that al! inspections @e nade at.-he;'v, ths st'.eet, ctuc tttct 7nc oiwit * -ti r-""1;; ,finZ- rr-irt o1 th,e wope?tt.'zuiai-q iluicio:: a=rcted ptb, yptiid--*{aiJ i"tZi7:"t'"slii" o, aLL tines. W'@at 72;-3T6ilrecorier) state !ou? city d,esigteted, job?scuestca ca uien uou viLL oe reaafui+apecf,2on, ciio.;;;'"n a-ie:s naze atd. citoze ;'-ill be tacie thc sd" c.cJ, ,;A;;;"";;lft-a z,oo'-, vili te-,*ne *ze nez,t urking- d,a,;. Genet:aL CoaarrucCtr Lcndo-e .,! :oocred. I---.1 sr?5 .r.zsrsr::t..-LJ ecsrcE "iT"tJitrmS. 7o be ntCe cfterpricr tc se: u? of f, rc_?r::;c t :ounarrc,t: ?o be nceI I aiaer atencaes cre e=cc:uated crd fcrlns cre etecseci, but ptior -.oputirg cancteta. DRY,|ALL L'lSPl1itll: ?o be nwieaiter aLL &y.nLL is in place,but ptior to cttg taVirq. !'IASO!li?!: Steel Locatiott, bonCbearc, arcuting or oertiq.Ls in aceorCorce ,,tuail U.B.C. Sect-i,on 2415. a!DEP?ICC.R ?!.iJi,. t::G ', :1ic.1A,titc:1, ff-wa$og: After btstal\a-"ion is;o ce ilce .prlcfio Lniicl-.,2c)on oi I l/1 enoleteti. :floor trauktioa or decking, prope, tiile, t!.ctt ecch ddreee is reaan'^'- tonber, job n)i-ess, type of inspec|icnnznbcy. p.equescs receiibd befcre' ?:00 ,:t Fincl - it4uz cbcue i,,eas aye ec::olet^'o:ti uien Cenclition is ec,plete'or st,*c_ture noaol. oi pre*iaes clearzed. up. Iour Cifu' Desigru.teC Job thnbe* f s: requirxi uqo? b@.lderE se in Place noilar7 se)e:. tq,?ed ct V..apero5- Z,i::ebutbefcre oty Z auering ir,s-tLai;ian Lath, gypr'a;t bcarC orrnLis qplied, atd.befcre Septic totk V"ineC cd. iilleC aith JTa';zi ao cn'! 7.1!!. @ty i,s concealed. Ir r e r.aJ.e :rerci.za. FT;:A' P!U:.gT::O II;IAL :.!8i9,1:IICAE ?7.t!?:-=-c7^.r. -.16s -d-e..:lea& e , nn iilD 3r;.:,t: To be race pr)or w tnsta.L,^zt--an oj 11oor iwula:ion cr d2Ck7r15. lot:tc? ?acgl:!c. ilz::9:c:a ) :.tzc.1-ettis.L:ffi ur.lzl thesa --r-scec?icz,s h;ue beer,rcie d. qVniei. Fi?!?!1ACi: H.or -a pk:Jr4 !cc.Jr4nc.certaia ard. beiore ir*irq inepel-tior:. F?-t"lIilC: i*uz; be reo.tected afler cVprcuc! of rcugh pZtrcirut, electr!-c<L I necfaiicaL. ALi rcoi-Jng brarJrg ! chilorcga, etc. rtsc beaz+olezcd. !!o .;ct< is to be een-.cczlad ilniil tli$ iwce.cicl i,ae'fi6an ru,y'e a:d, cpprcted. CL'R9 E APPRCAC|! A?*il: Afi:et fot:lnsa.e ,rAA@ b pcw-:ng conc"ete. SfDEilALK d DRflTnA!: Fot all cott- ct-ete paoing rithtn st"eet rigitt-of-ur!, to be naCe aflet aL! e.cea-uating eanplete t forn t:ork & eub- base nwtefl:al in Vkee. -tIiVCg.' l{hen conplete -- ?rouiCe gateE o? nouable sectians through P. U. E. al l l o ALL prc;ect corzdi:icns, suc.t as the;-.ns=allcx-Jon of stt,eet trees, :cqledon of ;i'te teqaireci ictascc-cir4, .tc,, :Iust be sacisiied beJbre the 3UiLDf]lG lIlAL can be rzqested. ?!:tAL aUfLJI:tc: The tinal suild,in4 lnsoection nst be requestei zi:er the ?itzl ?lunbinSileccrieal, oti tleci",antczl inscecttcns -iatle been ncie arni'ccorouzi. Deacribe kork: Value n ACl,i;icn Jsrft- P oeData of App Lia,ticn z2s itorth sth streeaFPLrcATr2ll/PERI,r?Spr-rqfield, 1regon gzl7? Building ?iuision 7 26-37 53 ..RESIDENTIAL.. SPFIINGFIELD Job loeaticn: Aoaesoo"s :1aD I lcs bt # Subdi.r|sicn: PV,or,zAd&esa: zip: 'JZ/-J tslocking otd. Sat-:tp Plwzbing conneci:-cns -- aate? otC ualet Elec=rtcci Ccnnecxion - Blockirq, set-u,crd planbing cottt:ect-ions m;st b|e- qprct;bi before requestiry e'Lecirical insteb;ior,: Aceeseory BuiEing Finzl - Aftcr tcrehes, slCrttng, Cec.ts,etc. @e ctuLe;€d. 'AiE :.!A;tECa:S AilD CLgAilCUlg rrUS! 3E .4CCiSi:312, .lDiJST:!!:l: :0 33 :'_109 !.! ::0 ::3T 7C CI?y ?=;e 7 oi' il tr 2 )-aa I :.ccess.)i iouse !.ot laces - _ntr.,-:c. F],.(TaLue !.kia bc:z ^44.? ,r,ftt? s.D.c. I.5 : JOB NO iat Sq. F*. Z cf Lcc Ca)ercg. { of Stoe.es iotal lz;.gh= ?ogoryiry EuiUirq ?en?it lotcl !72:ges Plunbt;q Petrrit lotal Pe-rit lssu,ctcz lecianic=L ?e*r|t -- z;lc...cAc:/:.!!::7 -- llobile l*e SOLAI. ^CCESS REQ.- _ lnzertcr _ Cor+tet _ ?mir.vile _ Cul-<ie-sac jn-etn') ied, ,looas to,Je F--- D-.'). ,$: Sig:.ed Mechqnicol Permit L-CO G+ -- lees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This Tertr-t ic gtatted on the eqtess atdi.tion ttldt the saii.constmtction stlaLl', in aZL rZs.oects, confcrn -to the Crdinance ed.oa.te,l'eiy the Cltg 1iio*if;"i, '-itud':ns' :he 2or"ing crdin'tn-e, regulc"'-ng che ccnstrteticn &a "L2 of iu:.i<iings, ar'd n=:g be susped.ed or revckei at cnu t'J:;e u>ar: uic- lation of a.y prcuislons of aaiC ?tCir,ances. Plumbing Permit No pereon sta.ll cons'intct, inalcl!, altet ot ciutqe c7t! 7.a) ce e:isting pltinbinA ot drcinage sgstai in uioLe ot in patt, ut:Less such petson is tLe Tegal p'ossearo, oJ'- a oZli.d pl*,ter'a Licensb' esgept thct a !?"8f na'1 lo-ptnting uork to prop"o;g ulkich is ooncd' kased oi opetzted by the qPLi- c@tt. Electricol Permit l,there Stcte I-an requires tt"at the eleetrical wrk be Ccne bg cn |'Lectrical Contfretor, the eleclrLcal portiat of :hia penrit sllELL lot be ualiC wttil the label has been aigrcl. bg the ETectr'lcal Coflttactot. t 1 PLan Exartner uo.i2 f EAW C1?E?ALLy gXA.:lI:lgD the conpleted qpllcaticn lor tenni:, ctui do hereby certify tlut aLL itzfo=a.tion hereon is true anC ccrtect, otC I fsther cerlif'g that any arl aLL aork cerlorted sha/.| bc. Cc;n9 ie ac=cv. tiapce tdth ;.he Ordin*tcee of th.e City of Springfie!,C' od. chz Lai;s of tha State of ?regcn pertainrno to the lto"k Cescribed herein, al. ;ha,= ll0 CCC'J- F.4ICI 'til.L be "s.!e of ary 3tTuctrre uitho;,rt ?enn'lssiotr cJ- the 3tc.iding Dz-tision. I !i.:s.1t"2, :'ert.Jf'1 tl:at o-Lg .ontrcc:uPs a'.C eqlcgees u,o 4a- ii cazoLlance alth CRS ?07.055 uiLL be used on this project L rl ?EZ I CFS.ICE!7Zy I ;'o -tisi.res Resilzrtti.a,L (1 bc;h) Sotitc1 Seser 1'ctey ili.v :io, Res. So. fla. ila,t/E:tetd, Ciretits latcrty Semttce ,,']C atr r a^? Flr-=ee 3!tJ'S *hanat HxC Vent ?J "lcoCsta!e I I.5.OO /S,OO ln(\ Seea*l Ij Stor:se l*intev=r:z Pe-i, 5lae;d L< ]3TAI -,CU.'.T DU9: I lSt,cs , (an-.-,/-_'),*_ .f cacsso!, r?:!, )