HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-02-08" [E:Y,i#;]hi 225 llorth 1th Street Sgringfield, )regon 97477 Buili,rng Diuiston 726-37 53 SPFrINGFIEI-D Date: D,/' s*fui 15,00,4Yo ,60 /5,60 Job Loccticn: Tcz bt #Aeseseors !!q # Subd;-uiEicn: };net: Phone:.;d&ess City: Desci.be l'!ork: Date of Ap.oL ilqs Vai-ue Phone CeteraL )lechcticcl Scniiwl seser cepped :t pz'cpetty Lita Septic to'tk p'"iryed ard. fiLLeC oith gtaiei linal - i',4ten abcue itens ate cc,roletei ari xhen laqcl):ior. is ecntie=e br str;:- ture nooeC a'1. ar-'ises eleanei up. Ecnes tsLocking od Set-ug Plunbing conneccicns -- sdtar ad. ualet ELectriccl Ccrnection - Blccking, set-u, ard. plwnbing conteetions mist be apprc"^ei befor e reques tlng e!,ec'-rieal insp ee:ior. .lccesso, s- tsuiliirq tcrckes, skirting, dec|-s,FiTtaL _ .t fte" ^+- lLeetd.ceL Constrtctic-n Leruier r: ia :he responcibility of the penrtt itoLder to see thot aL! inopectio?1s crre natie at )he proper tlne, -"ket ecch Cldtese is rea;al^1,e jron the stre-et, arlC that the pet*it c_azl. i.e Located at -lh3 fio*t of thg-ryo?ertV-'tguilditq iiuicio- agproted pl,an sircll remain on the Buikiing Site ai eLL tines. pROCSDUpg FOR IttsptffIglt.oggUeSt:CALL726-3769 (tecorCet) state you! City d.esiq,eted job ntm,ber, iob aCitess, laee-9f inspec=i-cn atiyforinspection,Contt,actcrso|na,,"."-,o,,.-,ldpto,en;;rlbcr.P.equesYsrecei.cedbefcre7:cCz:l '-"iLL be nade the sane dcg, requests nade aft* ?:00 at aLLL be naCe the nert:.mrkinE da.y. Iout, City'Desigra,ted Job Nutnber Is &3 D(,O,3 LI!! jl{P!!::!l!: To be rmcie ailerffi$|frfr prtar tc set up of forms. IIISULA?TON/VAPOR SARRI1R IIISPICIIAN,: io be naCe after aLL insulaticn ed required oqor baT iers @e in pla.ce but before otg lath, Wpsun bcarC cr unLL couozing is cpplied, erd. before ay insu|ation is concealeC. UiID|RSLI.S ?LL'IEiYG, ZLZC?RIC,IL 1i:gciiilici|!: ?o be r,atie belore cny - PC)TI:IG , ??UitDAI:Cn: To be rpCe aiter trenches are ard. forme ote ez,ectei, but prior to pourtnA ccnc?ete. floor ineui,ction or decking. ?OSA AilD 30Ai4: ?o be ncde priot +.o -^- insxalliticn o;' floor insui,4tic-r, o" Ceckittg. FAUCi! ?!A|EI!]G, ILEC-??ICAL 1 )IECI: Ai!i$: )io :crk is to oe eo"^ered. wttil ii-ese ir"sceelior.s haue been naze *d :gprcu'el.. FI?SPLACZ: *Lor ".o plccir4 fcengncteriais ar.d. before i'rar[r4 inspec- ,tion. Fq-a+j'!MC: ltust be recuested af'-en qorov,;L of rough plunbing, alectr")- cal d nechanieal, ALt t:oofirg bractng t chinneys, etc. nrasc be . ccnoleced. llo .;crk is to be con- . cecled until this insoec;icn l-a,s'fasa nade cnC aporcted. FTilAL PLU:/,gIJC FTilAL IISCEATTCAL ?TXAL ELEC!?ICAL DRYWALL I,'|SP!C?IOY: TCdfi6ZtT@Gt-;s i, buc priorto ang tapin4 be nade place, - u :tDlRc ?c u:r 9 ? tatl! p2_!v,ttL_l AT:1,j Lirq crer.ches. 7 utwpe:coP ?LUlsctG i :.lrcgAtrcAL:tt@oi MASC\IR!: Steel Loeation, bond frGjgralttit4 or uerticals in aceori,otce ,ith U.ts.C. Section ffi rcoos:c'nt After installation is LAI ectpleted. CURB g, AP?l2Lel E.".CN: After fornsa,. e"rctAT:ut pfior to pcttz"ita cottc7924. SIDIWLLK t DRflTnAT: lor aLL cat- ct eteVffi-;l;En stneet right- oi-,;c!, tc be naCe ai'ter aLL etea- udtina eanolete ,1 for*;t wrk ,tr sub- base ncterial in place. r II !!llC|: ',ther conplate -- ?rovide ffi or nottable'secxians through D I' ? ALL project cor.ditions, suc!', as the insxallaxion cf slreet t?ees, :oryleiion cf ci,ie reqtined LanCscc,cing, ctc., last be satisi'ieC befcre the tsUILDI:lG FIiiAL :cn be reqested. fiNAL BUILDM1: fne FincL Building. Inspection tast be recuesteC zilet, th.e iinal ?L.a,rbirtiElectrical, anC tteclariccl inspecttons hauc been nade ard'eporcued. .ALL ILAIIHCL1S AIID CLEATIOUTS,',!IJST BE ACCESSIts'|, ADJAST:Ii:]T lO 3E:,!ADE /,? IIO:357 ?C CI:Y ?4e1of! T , Lot Sq. Ftg. 7 cf Lct Couetage I of Stop.eg ?otal Height Iopography :ra:,t SOLAR Ar ESS REQ.- _ fnterior _ Cormer _ Pcnharuile CUL-de-sac Plunbing Petr;Lt taL Pe*ta.t fssuanee Meclanical Pernit Plumbing permit No- person shall constntct, instalr, arter oz, ehange cny neu cr eeistit.g El-y1.;ry cr drainage "y:l? i-n .siole or. in part, "ur.Lesi """A p""in -Js theLegdL.passessor af a ualid plunberts License, e.eept tr-a.t a p'erson nat dop,unblng io?k to ??opert! uhich is ouzed, Leased or ooe,cted'bg the "ppti-@ttt. Electric<:l Permit llhere sta,te Lan re-qtires tlnt the electn)cal uork be done by an Eleotricalcontre.etor, tlte eleelrical potlion of this ?etnit slwll rat- be ualil untilthe label lu.s been signed ly the Electt ical' Contractor. Mechqnicol Perm!t Sta PLcn Ltat2 f EAW CAR9FULLY |X,LVIittD lhz coraletei ccplication ior pernit, cui cia herebg certt,fg that aLL infotnattbn heyecn'is true arL ebrtect, ar,,C. f f.*tker' .cez'tify that anA and. aLL uotk teriorned shali be done in aceor,- dance vith the Oz,dinances of the Ctty bf Spr"ingiieLd, atd. the ic;s of theState of )regcn peri:ainino to tke uork CeseibcC herein, crl. :)u.t XO OCC!- Pl.llC.I DiLL be ra.ie of anJ sttuccuye uithout cermission of the 2uiiding Di-uision. I further zertii'g tkct o:tlg .cntvdctcr.s o,;C etpLcyees ui".o eZ in cmpliance uath CRS 701.055 ailt be used cn .,his project 4f -4;7 JO8 N Cccttcancu Cratc:tsedtcar.s lneY?u $6t1y2gg !ueeieat ilouse ictaae .lecess :y'ate" :!.q:e! East LACeSouth :lest I I ,(VaLue 3;tzce lccessot:t I!;AL VP.LU3 S.D.c. l.s , tu" Chec - This--penrJt is granted otz the e*ress cond.ition tlat the said. consrmtctionsha,Ll, in all z.esoects, gonfctm'to the crdirance .iet;C iri- tnZ- iiU ,f ?T:1::"1:: i.nc.tiing'ch-e :Jonrng c"al"ii.,in,- z.egzlcti,.rg t;,L .iiri*,"t-:", T:1,':", oJ- :u:.Ltiing.s,. and n;.y ba-;usce.nieC or rluckei ,t cr,1 t-Jne u2ctz uic_taiLan c!' azy trcuisions cf sa.)i. Jydtnz.nces. ?uild;.ng Pentit Total Ch,arges State Building Vqlue & permit FZT li:tures Residettial (1 bath) Seuet CiAtlGE Naa/Exterd, Cireuits Setttice ryi?i:.r F:! 7t*-^^ 2oltre *halst Hood, Vent ?at fioarror"fy111\o #I /5,U i,5,bo oa a -- E:tc,..cAC:;;.!i:t? -- Secar.it! 2?coeit Storqqe l,latntenanee Eleccrical Labc-L :OTAL A,IIOU:E DUE:' i\obile ttae L-CO G* 5L,7AiALK