HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-06-12INSPECIION tINE 7263769 i. / OF SPRINGFIETD COMEINATICN APPUCAIION / PETMII INFORA{AIION IINE 726-3753 47 SZ Z Job Addra: De rcri Sq. Ft9. Othcr -New*Add -Alter-RaP'---Fence-Demo-Chonge/ U reVolue of Work: -Otheroo\ ENERGY SOURCES lleot Wol.r Hcqter Ron Sq. Ftg. Accerr. Sq. Ftg. moin Owner Re Peq barcribe Work (i.e.' Build Single th AttochedFomil Euil PhoneZ.Addrerr ctrt /4 d \-/ t/() -0 Addrs rr Phonc (lics. no.)(phonc no.)(o ddres:)DESIGN TEA^{(nome) Primo //? dress)(nomc)NTT k "sz // Cl Elccrriol EI.ECTRICATPTUMsING Ale<honicol CHARGEI FEECHARGENOEE frrnoce/ bu.ner io -8TU'r Re:idence oi -rq. ft.Ecch ringlc fixrurc Applionce venl sepqro te New <ircuits. olterotionc or extension!Relocotcd bvilding (naw {ix. oddirionol) Stolionory evop coolerSERVICES S.f. Reridento (l both) Vent fon with sinqle ductTemporory ConstruclionDuolcx (l bolh) coch Vent syllem oport from heoting or A.C.Ampr.Aciditionol borh Meehonicql exhou:l hood ond duaWoter iGrYic! Wood rtove/ heoterSewcr Heqt PumoFEEDERSSlor.m Sewrr Air hondler to I0,000 cFrY{Ampr. Air hondler over 10,000 cFM tsstlANcE oFfPERMtr TOTAT CHARGESTOTAT CHARGES FOR OFFICE UsE ONI.Y BUITDING PERMIT Chorger ond Surchorgc r Syrtems DeveloPmont Fee ck. Btd RerPlon 301',"1 Totol Comb. Permit PI.UMBING PERMIT Demo Chorger ond Surchorgar ETECTRICAT PERMII SidewolkChorger ond Surchorger ./ TOTAL MECHANICAT PERTAIT Chorqar ond Surchorgcr Curb Cvt MECHANICAL NO.E TOTAI CHARGES wHEtE SIAIE lAW REOUIRES thot fhc Etcctricol work br donc by tha Elertrirol contrqcro?, the clechicol portiorr of thir pcrmit :hcll not br volid until o lqbol hor bon ;ignod bY on Elactriccl Controctor cnd ottochcd to tho clcdricol ponel' t HAVE CAREf ULLy EXAMINED thc complered opplicotion for permit, ond do hereby certify thot. oll infomolion hereon ir lruc ond correct, ond I further <ertify ihct ony ond oll work pcrfor-.j sholl be dona in qcrcrdonce with the ordinonces of the Ciry of springfield ond the Lows of the Store of oregon p.rroinlng to tirc wort dcrcriixd hcrin, ond thot NO oCCUPANCY will be mode of qny tfructute without the pcrmir:ion of lhc Building Division. I furthcr tatfy rhot my ,egirrorion wit6 the grildcrs Boord i: in full fore ond effect or rcquired by ORS 701,055, thot if exempl thc bosis {or exemption ir notcd h"ro., ond thor o;ly rub6ntrocto6 ond cmployeer who orc in complioncc wirh ORS 701.055 will be usd on lhis proiect. Borir for Euilde/r Boord exempiion; NA,$E (plcorc print)SIGNATURE DAIE Zone -fype/Conrr. nilr -Sq. Ftg. Moin x ----Volua ;, VolucFire Zonr-Ecdroomr ccy Lood Sq. Ftg. Accer ftood Ploin---5tori.r-occy Group-sq. Ftg' Othcr-x -volue TOTAT VATUATION 3e) 'r43 .HAPGF /t 5i,") Plon Ck, Comm/lnd 65aLl Bl<1d Per Fee3tu Fenta A/C Povino COMBINATION APPLICATION, PERMIT (CAP) l. Applicoru. ro furnish A. Job Address B. Legol Descriptionl. exomole-tox lot I00, Lone County Mop Reference I7 03 43 2. ex"-pG-Lor I. Block 3, 2nd Addiiion to Springfield Esrores C. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy Sources PERMIT VALIDATTON E. I. exomole-heotu'electricol ceiling/or forced oir gosz. exomore-woler heoler electncol/ or solor Sguore footoge or vol961is6, .1a.I. exomoie-1250 sq. foot house, 500 sq.2. eEEiE-,ilE- proiecr, cnecr new-ri odd, etc. foot goroge oddition, check F. Building permit informotion: I. exomole-construct single fomily house with on ottoched goro9e 2. exemole-remodel existing goroge into fomily room 3. ex#Fl-e.converl single fomiiy residence into restouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Section 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolrv Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONIRACTORS To ovoid design or construclion deloys, Building Division Stoff must be oble to contoct oppropriofe persons regording design informction or iob site corrections, etc, ll. AbLievioted Plumbing, Mechonicol & Elecrricol Schedules A. Except where blcnk spoces occur in the description portion of the Mechonicol onci Electricol Scheciules, the oppiicont need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes odiocent to the oppropriote. ilem(s) to be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Electricol Schedules ore ovoiloble ot the Building Division I. To conserve spoce on the permii form the schedules .: hove been obbrevioted 2. lf the item(s) lo be instolled ore not covered on the obbrevi-. oted schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicotion will be used os o worksheet only. Where possible, Building Division Sroff will prepore o typewritten copy ond return it to the oppliconl ot the time the octuol permit is issued for his signoture. lV. Fees ond Chorges Plon check fees ore due ond poyoble ot lhe time of the opplicotion, ond no plons will be processed until these fees ore poid. All other fees ond chorges ore cjue ond poyoble when the permif ir issued. V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk PROJECT CONDIIIONS TO BE SATISF|ED BEFORE OCCUPANCYT ( Additionol Proiect lnformotion: nctme signo lure dole PLANS REVIEWED BY: 5. 37^ sz':13 tegol Dcrcriotion Sq. trg, Orhcr -Ncw-Add.-Altcr -ReP.- - -Fe ncc-Demo-Chongc/' U rr -Other Fo mr Reridencc Dcrcriba Work (i.o.,8 uild 5in9la Ro e- ENERCY SOURCES: H€ot Volue of Workr Euildinq Permit Infoi co Sq. FtE. Moin Sq. Ftg. Accerr. Wolcr Heoler Er,v lorc<en 44 Phone d Ee I e nder Phonc gT_ furnscc/ burner io --BTU'I Reriienco of -rq. fr.Eqch rinqla {ixrurc Applionce vcnt repo.o te New <ircuilr, olterolionr or exlensignt Ralocorrd bvilding (ncw Iir. oddirionol) Slolionory evop. coolerSERVICES S.f. Reridenco (l both) VEnt fon wilh sinqle ductTemporory ConrtruslionOuolcx (l bothl coch Vent syttem oport from heoting or A.C.Ampr.Additionol both Hcchonicol exhourl hood ond ductWoter rrvica Wood rtove/ heoterScwcr Heoi PumoTEE D ER5 Air hondler io Ampr. $swrr Air hondler ovar CFMI IOTAI CHARGESIOTAT CHARGES FOR OfFICE USE ONTY Sy!rem5 Devclopmant Chorqe (1.596) Plon Ck. Comm/lndBUII.DING P:RMIT oc,DI ?er Fee 309',"/ Bt Per fec Plon Ck. Rc: Chorgcr ond S urcho r gc r Totol Comb. Permit Pl.UrrABlNG PERMIT Chorgcr ond SurchorEer Fcnce Dcmo ETECTRICAI PER^,UT SidewolkChorgcr ond Surchorgcr TOTAT MECHANICAI. PERMIT Chor-orr ond Surchorgar Curb Cut IN5PECIION IINE 7263769 tNfOI^{ATION [INE 72t3t53 (oddrerr)(li<:.(cxpirer) hone e no.) F7 DESIGN TEAM (nomci col NTRACTO (nomc) e Pl um Ele<lricol Mcrhonicol PI,UMBING r FEE I CHARGE NO. wHEtE 'AIE tAw rEoulREs rhol lhc Elactricol lobol hor bon rignrd by on Elactricol Conlroctor TSSUANCE OFnPPR/,AlI IOTAI CHARGES work bo dono by tha Elartdcol Contrqcro?, tha cle<rricol portiorr of thir permit rholl nor bo volid unril o ond ottoched to thc chslricol poncl. n re! s ETECTRICAL raz CHARGE NO. MECHANICAL DAIE H I HAVE CAREfutty EXAA.{INED thc complctcd opplicorion for permit, ond do heraby certify lhot. oll informotion hereon ir truc ond corr:cl, ond I further Gerrify thor ony ond oll work p".for-rj rholl bo donc in qcerdonco with the Ordinonces of rhe City of Springfield ond lha Lows of thc Stqte of Oregoa pcrroining lo ric work dcrsriixd hcrin, ond rhot No OCCUpANCY will be moda of ony tlruclure without tha pcrmirrion of lhc Building Divirion. I further clrti{y th;r my,egir;otion with thc guildarr Eoord ir in full forca qnd effccl o: required by ORS 701.055, lhot if excmpl thr boris for cxemption ir notcd hcror, ond rhot onty rubontrsciorr ond amployeer who ore in omplioncc wilh ORS 70I.055 will be usd on thil proicct. Eorir for Evildc/r Eoord excmption;a ;/a'NAA1E (pboro prinr)SIGNATURE Zone -Iype/ Conrt. -Unitr _-Sq.Ftg. A{oin firc Zonr-Scdroomr occy Lood 5q' Ftg' Acce:r tlood Ploin -----Storicr-Occ7 Group-Sq. Ftg. Other- x ---Voluc x Yoluc r -Voluc TOTAT VATUATION. 32' Addrcrr f Not IO OOO CFM 3J-/ ( r , OF SPRINGF IELD COMAINAIICN APPI'ICA'ION / PERT^17 Additionol Proiect lnformotion signoture dolenctme PTANS REVIEWED BY: coMEtNATtON AppLtcATloN, pERMtT (CAp) l. Applicoru ro furnish A. Job Addresr B. Legol Descriprionl. exomole.tox lot 100, Lone County Mop Reference I72. eGpre--Lor l. Block 3, 2nd Addirion to Springfield EstC. Nome, etc. of owner ond construction lender D. Energy Sources PROJECT CCNDITTONS TO BE SAIISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Ciiy Holl Springfield, Oregon Deporlment of public Works OFTtCtAT RECEIPT No. d l. exomole-heotz electricol ceilinq/or forced oir aasl. exomote-woter heoter electricolz'or soior E. Squore footoge sr voluotion. etc.l. exomole-l_250 sq. foot house, 500 sq. foot goroge2. elG7iiE-;ri6^/ proieo, checki.-ew-ii oddition, cieck odd, etc. F. Building permit informorion: l. exomole-construct single fomily house with on ottoche goroge 2. exomole-remodel existing goroge into fomily room3. exo.nd-e-convert single fomiiy residence into reslouront (chonge of use) G. Volue of work os defined in Secfion 303 (o) of the Structurol Speciolw Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTCRS To ovoid design or construction cjeloys, Building Division Stoff must be oble to contoct oppropriote purror,, regordi design informction or iob site corrections, etc. ll- Ab6rcviored Plumbing, Mechonicol & Elecrricol Schedules A. Exceot where blcnk spoces occur in the description portior of rhe A{echonicol onci Electricol Scheiules, the oppiicont need fill-in only rhe No. Boxes odiccent to the oppropriofr- .item(s) ro be instolled B. Full Plumbing, Mechonicol, ond Elecrricol Schedules ore ovoiloble or the Building Division l. To conserve spoce on the permit form the schedules hove been obbrevioled 2. lf rhe irem(s) to be insrolled ore not covered on the obt. oted scheciules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING DIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT AtL FEES AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES lll. Applicont to sign ond dote Whenever possible, the iniriol opplicotion will be used os o F worksheer only. Where possible, Building Division Stoff will prepsre o typewrirten copy ond relurn it lo the opplicont ot the time the octuol permit is issued for his signotuie. lV. Feer ond Chorges t- ( ( SS Received For: Amounl Received AUIH srcNAiuRE EUG'iE OR 9"O! (:,- ( BY sH€Llor.ruiNEULL PirXrf i3 Plon check fees ore due ond coyoble ot the time of the opplicotion, ond no plonr will be processed until these fees ore poid. Xll other feer ond chorges ore ciue ond poyoble when ihe permitir irsued- V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Permit Clerk ( \ AB C Pest Contrul *I9,8'STREEI srRmEneu, on gz47z PlroNE 747-1187 A LICENSED PEST CONTNOL OPERATOB IS AN EXPERT IN HIS FIELD. ANY OUES. T|0NS RELATTVE T0 THrq REP0RI .SHOULO 8E REFERRED TO HIM. I FrRil LTCIRSE t'{UltEtR South 37th. Str.ee? STREfi CITY :,Ortiaon OAIE OF INSPECTION 12-10-80 I nspecton Ordered b, (N!'rtC and tddrcss)I(enneth Banscaa Samo as aboro cr L) fl€rort Senl to (l{rmc rnd Address) GrDer's NarE rnd Addr6s @J l-17h & rL?? YES t"J0 I i{d. coruoinoNs FAVoRTNG wooD. DESTROYING ORGAN ISI,,4S YES NOx A. WOOD DESIROYING ORGANISfuIS F. (1) Funsi (Rot)x CD (1) Collulose Dobrls ;X t t.,;2 I Earth-[trood Contact /\DT (2) Dampwood Termites AxEIJI'c'Excessivo Moisturo x ST (3) Subterranean TermitesCA (4) Carpenter Ants x x I xWB (5) Wood-boring Beetles x DF Dirt Flll(6) 0ther lC (7) lnadoquatg Clearanco,^ ',TF (7) Ireatable Fungus x IPF I B) lnadequato Porch'Flashlng :,.'n (9) 0ther. x Are there inaccessible areas?x ls further inspection recommended? Licnsa No. lns6ctt{ 8y RobarB & lfel THIS lS: mORlGlNAL REPORT REPORT ,t . SUPPLEIdIENTAL. .-.., :' .r. t. 1. '1- ,l rf 'i '. ''i"nti! i I ! ., ,"- i.FF fl l F8a,t t":.t", t: IIi- It: 'ri" I i., r? -t 't fl ti slah i: 1 ,-. ADORESS OF PROPSRTY lltsrzEcTEO 8103. tto. b3lr \ f4 ri I-r . _j.:i.l"i t; 'l,l ' I t f T t I rg.F,Btl I t 1..' il i I i 1 ,-l a t I', ! . .i,x r 1' -i_---:,l , ,,,0 , r; :'- i ..' ,'!ir#1. nrmgug dry rot ienago to mrd s111, rlln Jo1st, sub floon, and onds of ,fll,o['I" 'joists as indicated by lettors IE". Beeomnon-d- Rercotrs extorlor oidirrg as noeogearTr. Ronow end roplecs alX., dqf,:not damago as necossary ustng prossung tc€atod l-umbsr for tho nud cglL. :'' , a #2. Fungus dry mt danego to vont franing. -.,.. ,- EecorslQnd- Rgnove darugod frmlng and rvplaco wlth prossuro treatod'ltrcbsi" 'Install ueu {a wirs neab 6ctton. .'"-.:,. . i lf, 2f,b utng raI1 at roar of otope'aoindicated by lottors "Ftt. , {: nssgtnmgEd-- Rqngvo and replaco daonagod zxh and sot it on ooncroto footlngil tobreak earth-lood-contac t. #lr. EH.dence of danprood termltes lrr sub 8r.rBB. .. Recgryn{: €tu" alL othor work has boen completed chsmLcalLy tnoatrsrrbcoatnol of ID.?o. :' : #5. Fono boards.amrud load post footlnga and arcund ehlnney footing tn sul+ .i. . r.i aroa for atTta. , i #6. Insrrffloient vpnttlatlon to sub drroar Reesrrrnend- Install trm (a) afr wnts as indleated by |ettars r!1il. ,.r ''i I h ' ir #7. Sub aroa access is tn faulty grgqe and ls wtth out fraralng or door. Eeeqmtr--Iouor soll ano rislaLl a well nade of prr-"G"truuteo-irrnbep, f4etbfrfreodag aade of pressurr treatod Lumbor ard-a nerrdoon nfth dn alr nent"in sane; #8. Faulty grade to air vent at rear of stmcturo. Boco_$mend- Ioroor sotl and in #9. Vapor barrler is owr ptors. s\ill a $811 rnade of prossure treotsd Lumbor. Roeormnend- Cut vapor barr{.or frcrn anorud plors to Lay f}at on the grou:d. lbis lnspoctioa does not lnelude tho r.oof, attle, or any othor inaccosslble ansassuch as closod walls, under floor covorlngs, or undor Eny furnlture. Olr bid for completing itens 1Lsted abova is------- --; Total for both 1s----.-- g 8h0.00 $6rt, oo 00 7l-0. 13t0. 1