HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1992-06-12SPIlINGFIELr) RESIDENI"IAL PERMIT AI'PLICAI ION lrts 1rc'ctions: 7 :'6'3709 O{fice: 72-6-.)71'',) LOUAI ION t)l ASSi,l;S(JRI,,] , ]AP: LO'l .- JOt3 NUMBER 225 Fifth Street 7ueo7 PRoPosED woriK: - 145-U Z,j.4=-_#/74 34=_ I Springf ield, Oregtn 9747 / TAX LOT: -@ J E]I OCK:SUBDIVISION To rerluest an irrspectic)n, you rnust call 726-3769. Tltis is a24hour recording. All inspections retluested bcfore 7:O0 a.m. will lio rrurclc the sarr,j workinl; clay, inspections requesterl after 7:00 a.m- will be made the following work day. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS [- | Ienrpor;rry Electrir:L.-, I | | Site lnr,pcctiotr -- fo be trutcleL- -i .rItt:r ir), .rvirliorr, l,ut pri()r to setl rl l(l l()rnls. | -l Rotrgh Meclranical - Prior tolJ cclvr.r- l'-l notrgh Eleclrical - Prior totJ c()vt)r I-] Final PlumLing - Wlron ..rll llluttrbing w<)r li is c()ilrl)l(-.tc. Final Eleclricirl - Wlrt.:n arll ()lectrical worl( iS corrrlrlcte,. Final Mechanical - Wltr;n all trtecltanical worl< is r;orrrlrlete.fr Ulrder sl;rb Plurrrbirrg/ Eleclrical/ Meclrarrical - Prior to cove r. Footing - After trcnches are excava l{ rd. Masonry - Str:r.ll location, bond bearr)s, Uroutir)U. Foundation - Afler forms are erecte(i l)ut prior to concrcte placenr( in t. Underground Plunrbing - Prior to filling trench. Underlloor Plurnbing/ Mechanical - Pri<lr to irtstrlaliurt or tlct;king. Posl :rlrtl Bearrr - Prior to floor t rlr;trl;iti,,r r or (l()ol(tlg. Floor lrr:,ulalion * Prior t() cler:kirril Sanilary Sewer'-- Prior trr lrllirrg tren c tr . Slorrrr Slower - I'rior to Iillirrg t rcn c lr. Water [.lne - f)rior to fillin0 lrench. Electrical Service - Must be approved to obtairr penn.rnent electrical power. Fircplace - Prior to facing materials zrnd framing lrrspr. offif finat Building - Wlrr:n ;,ttqvequired insp,.ctions lr;rvi. l)r:er r approved ancl l>uildinry is completed. fttu-i"g - Prior to cover' Other - t Wall/Ceiling lnsulation - Prior to cover. Wood Slove - Af te.r irr:;tallation. lnse rt - Af ter f ircl:lar.'r: :rpproval ;rrrrl lnstallatir>rr of uttit Cutbcut & AJrproach - Af ter forttrs are croclt;(, l"rut pritrr to l)lacement ()f con(;Iet(,.. Sidewalk & Driveway - After ex<;avation is r:orrrl;letc, forrns ilrtrl sub'l'l;r:;e rrr;rtc.rial irr 1tlacc.. [-l Fence - Wtren completed. Streel Trees - When all requirecJ trees are lrlanled. MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS Blockir-rg and Set-Up -- Wltcrr .rlt tllocking ls cornpletr:. I'lunrbing Conrrections - Wlrr:rr lrorrte has ber.lrr conr-r*rtlr,rl t() water anci scwrir. Eleclrical Conrrection - Whcl lrlocking, set-ul), artrl lrlLrrrrbirrrlir)sl)cctions lltve bccrr itl)l)r()vr:(l ;rnd the horne is conne(itu(l t() the service p;inel. Final - Af ter all requirccl inspections are approvecl ancl ;;orches, skirting, decl<s, ;rrrrl venling have lrcen in:;t;ill,:cl. t'_l LJ t_l rl [] ouJr.t i R: ADt)lil,:i:; CilY N 23 #;/J pHoNE: -7q 7 -Q65O OR ztP: 77 q77 STATT: "TL4re o +.J r)f rt n *,u*' 7A-*. ^T tJlal -.,-fuq.i *t- rtt:Mc)r)r r At){ll rlc)N DEM( )l l:ll-l OTHER t -J ./esP- rcd{,.),DL ll(: i l ltl i" N t:\^/ C()lt lilA(ll( ,li 'l NAIIIl-\- Icl Nt:llAI . \ra P\ v\ t,t t,Mlllr'.1(; MECI.iANICAI, Ar)DlrF-:;s 88N?Ao"ro* , EXPTRESI \ .,,-.- E^*€,-d_i_.,}e:r' _ _ t'C'B h'i3t l t:Jr!,ri z t,r loNr s}(-74L-46s3fr"L= ELE CI RICAL : JOUAD ANIN IlANG I:: l'l EAT I;OURCF.: ---- . CONSTR. TYI'E: r OF t'NITS: E OF BDRMS: SI:CONDARY llt:AT: SQUARE FOOTAGE: - FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: # OF r:;TOlll[:'.. WAT[[] HEAIIR: -- ,I OF BLDCS: OCCY GROUI' Rough l)lurnbing - Prior lo C()V(l r . rl fl l-l DrVwall - Prior to taping. r__l Dr r_e.ro use::1'[:lT' _ _t,.) i-] tl Lot faces Lot sq. ftg. Lot coverage TopographY Total height Lot Type e lnlerior -- Corner - Panhandle - Cul-de-sac Se P.L.HSE GAFI ACC N 7' S E i-tt&<HE PROPOSED WORK IN TFIE l-rrSTOFllCAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE }.{ISTORICAL FIEGISI ER? lf yes, this application trtust br.-'si1lt'tcd and approved bY the Fl istorical Coor<linator prior to pe,rrrit i:istl:tnce. APPROVED BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This perrnit is granted on the express contJitiorr th'rt tlle said construction shall, in all respects, conform to lhe Ordinance adoptecl by the City of Springiield, inoluding the Development Cocje, regulating the constrttctiotr ancl usc of buildings, and may be suspendecJ or revol<ed at any lirile upon violation of any provisions of said ordirrances',,- 29 PlanCheckFee, /)' -- ,/r,i,fr- Plans 'L ewcd B v Date Paid Fleceipt Nurnber: Received BUILDING PERMIT VALUE 3l2- (A)4aa Nru-x4-$/(N "" 23 €o SQ, FT. X $/SQ. FT. / ,/b ITEM Main Garage Carport Total Value Building Permit Fee State Surcharge Total Fee Systems Development Charge is due on all utttJr'lvcloped properties within the City limits which are treing ttrrllroved'SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ITEM Fixt u res Residential Bath(s) Sanitary Sewer Water Storm Sewer Mobile Home PLUMBING PERMIT FEE No FT. FT. FT. (c) Plumbing Permit State Surcharge Total Charge Woocl Stove/ lnsert / Fi replace Unit Dryer Vent MECHANICAL PERMIT (D) N0 Mechanical Permit lssuance State Surcharge Total Permit Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan By signature, I state ancl agree, that I have caref ully examinecJ the completed application and clo hereby certify that all informationhereonistrueandcorrect,andlfurtlrt:rcerti{y that any and all work perfornred shall be done in a<;cordattce withtheordinancesofttreCityofspringfieIcl';.ltrcjltleLaws of ttre State of Oregorr 1>ertaining to thc wor.l< tlcs<:tibt-'rl herein, and tl.rat NO OCCUPANCY will be trtatjr: o( atry structure without pertnission of the Building Safcty Divisiott' I further certify that only contractors and ertrployces wlto are in compliance with ORS 701'055 will bc ttsr:d on this proiect. I f urther agree to ensure that all required insipections are requested at the proper time, that each addtess is readable from the street, that the permit carci is locater-l at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will renlain ture qc- Qalo I e site at all tirnes d ring construction MTSCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State lssuance Stats Surchargo Sidewalk ."*--*--- {t Curbcut --- ft Demolition State Surchargc Total Mlscellaneous Permlts (E) ,La FIECEIVED BY --_ VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBEH -,,,-, DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVEI) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excludlng electrlcal) (A, B, e, O, ancj E Comblned) o