HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1984-03-09SPNTNGFIEIJ' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FE-, Fire Department rc Z?ar L? ,LsJ{- City of Sprirrgfield, a nunicipal corlrcration,acting by and ttr:rcugh its ffure Oepa::tr:er:t. AC.ri tion to Springfield, Or-egon !,rtich is designared asStreet, Sprhgfield, Oregon. frr'.de -oloressly warant and represent to you that i,/we, +-}..e r:ruiersigrred,are the c;'rvner (s) of said prcperty, and ttrat rtre sare j.s free ana ciear ofany and all Iiens, encLirnbrances, judgne-nts, arxi any i-r:terest, ri-ght, ti-il-e ?r 91".T in arry other person oil:er than the urrdersigned, and thai a.uis consentis freely and rrcluntarily girren, ar.d. that we w.ill sarr" ifre City of gringfielcharatess frcrn any liability to arry EErson wlrrn-eoerzer by reasorior any sit"-nent or warranty cont^aj.ned in this letter. LNe, tlre r:ndersig:ed, also agree to tlre follcndng requirsrEnts ir.pcsed bytlte Fire Departnent to assure ccrrpreticn of aL1 regriit-ions. 1. Ihe pr"opertl' olvner (s) shail rerpve all debris on the 1ot (s) inrrclved in tlris br:rn r.rithir: si:<ty (60) days after ccnq:letltcn Cate of tlre hrrn by the Fi::e Depar-Ercnt. 2. Ttre osvner is to secure ttre reqtdrec derou-tion and prunbing cap pe:nits frqn the Buildlng Depa:firent lften ir,side the citTlimit-s. 3. O:tside City Idrnits, Oor.:nQr reguJ.ations appiy. " A JE- ,r..-ra You are hereby authorized ard,pesrLitted to burn r:nCer srryerrrision and foreoucatior:al and certain house tuildinglocated on Ta< Iot o ].n 7-o2 cq I 225 North 5th Street . Springfield. Oregon97477 o 5O3/726-3737 ,