HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-05-09.. RESIDLT.ITIAL.. 22 s ltorth stlt streeAPPLicAT r,N /PERI'ffr Spr,.ngfield, 2regan 97477 BuiLCin4 Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFlIHGFIELD Job Locaticn: Tcs Iot #A'sessor3 !!ap # Subd")uiszcn: 1-zer: b.A,rifuess D1.m a 4,?Ci.tA Desct+be ilork: SSSS \) Date of Applicaticn_Vai.ue !!obt Add.iticn RanoCeL GeneraL r\ L !Lectvn)ccL Dil.!1LrTrOlt 0R |cw) tsurLDt;ics Saniiary se,.ter ecpted :t prcperl-E Lire Septic totk p:,aped crd. filled aith gtaLei linal - ilhen cbcue 'itens ate ccnaietei qrC uhen ,TqrcLition is cot=Le=e ct, st:-n:- tute noueC u"i ct,er)ses clbaned uc. ECnzS Blockin4 od Set-up Plunbin4 ccnnecticns -- sane? al. aa*-ey Electrical Cannection - Blccking, set-u: azd. pltonbing eonneetions r.ast te apprcr:ei before requesttng el-ec2,ieal inspee)'lo;z Accessct.g' BuiliJrq Pinal - After pcrckes, skirting, deci'-s, etc. @e ccnple;ad. !1:2: Ol "i It iE lhe respoasibility of the perwit iolder to see that aLf, inspecfiofi, @e nade at lhe propet ti,,ne, tl,at aach addtess is readniie iron 6;n st?eet, crui tizct the penr.-t card. ie lacated at the fzvnt of tile DtoDe"tu. '?uildir4 V|uicio- egprw^ed riin si,c,Ll remain on the AtnkinA Site ex zLL'times.' Constptctic-n Laruier a1:: :.t>lat--'-)l: 'l'O Ce nAAe a7'ter ezcaoatian, but prio" to set up of U:IDSPSL;3 ?!L':.3::IG. !L:C?.21C,1' 1 :,!EC1;.;!iCAL: lo- be narie befor"- cny uo?K Ls catered.. nac.e avd 2f crenchee. UNDEPFLCOR ?LiJ:,,!9 IIG 2, i,I|C:!A]IICAL : @oi f1.ooz, ineuktian or Ceeking. PCST AND 3EA!,!: ?o be ncde pior, +.o installaxicn cf floor ir,.suiaticn or deekinE. F,AryC1 ?'L'IIEI:!G. ILZT?ICAL 1 ."ACl. Ailii).|: ;io '-sorL ls tc ce couered. ut:lil ;hese 'ir,scec:ioz:,s 'nau"- bem naie q"d. cppt cu'eL. Fl-=.!?!)'iZ: Prior '-o plcctrg !:c--ngmcreriai.s ar.d. before frorir,g inspec- tion. l?4)!!!t: I,lust be tec.uested af."er aptrou;L cf rcugh plut:bin4, electr:--cal 1 neci"anieal. ALI rooiirg braatrg E ch,inmeys, ete. traac be . cornoleted. llo ucrk is to be con- - cecled uttil this insoec?)cn ius'been rnode cni aporot^ed. Yow, Cifu Desigra,ted Job lluntber Is INSL'LA?IAN /VAPOR tsA.RRTiR IIISPIC?IATI : ?o be nade af'uer aLL iztsuleti.cn ed. requ'lred oqor bavrJers @e in oLace but befare otg lath, Wpsutl boayC cr tnLL couering is appLied, erd, before a,! ":nsulation is concealeC. I n&ibe?, iob aCiress, iype of inspec;icn ni*-,tbcr. Pequests recei;:ed befcre 7:CC c:, PRoCgDUPq F04 IsiSPEgTI1tt llQUeSlrCALL 726-3769 (yecorCet,) state Uout City desigtated job requesceci a-t:d u.iten gou uiLL be read.y fo,n irtspectton, Cont"acto"s or Antets nane ind plnnetiLL be na,ie the sane Ccg, ?equests naie after ?:00 oa vLLL be naCe the nest nrkinE'dag.b DRYWALL IIISPECIIAN: Tc be nade aftet, aLL atyuaT,L is in plaee, but prion i;o any taping. !LASA!\P!: Steel Loeation, bond beans, groutin4 or uerticcls in accorri.otce Lnth U.ts.C, Seetion After instaliation.)sr I:lIil tu'OaDSlO"E:ffi;a. CUP.B n .APPPCACH A?P.1N: Aftet fornsee erected. but prLoz, to po"cn)r4 coTtcrete. SIDlrll-LK 8 DRf'EiAI: For aLL con-;;A;@,,s A;E; st?eet risht- of-,xy, tc be naCe after all- erca- oating canolete & forn ,,pt'k & sub- base mcterLal in place. !il|Cf: ;fnen eonolate -- Prouiie gaces o? :Toudble secxions thz'ough Dil'1hbfls: E-q ar'l-Lv FIIIAL PLU:/3r:IC FI;IAL :,IECiIAIICAL ?7\lAr ?f=aFofa.t ALL projecx ca.iitions, suci as the Llaxtan of street crees, :c:eleticn cf the required Landsccpir.g, etc., nus befcre the tsUILDfliG FMAL ecn be requestei. PII\AL BUILDINC: lhe linal But-Ldir4 fnsoeetion rrust be requested zfter the iinal Ptwnbing \_/ Electrical, cnC !,lecitar.iccl ;nspectaans itaue been nade ard ccprcued. IALL,',IAJHCLTS AIID CLEAilCUIS:IUS? BE.lC:ES1:ts..:, .J.D;L'5?:!!:,'I:O 3::,:1:E.1.?:]O-::S! 7C CI:Y Date: { S-r.-rr{, r I ?:ce 2 JOB NO lb soLA._:cEss REQ.-L-CO G+ 3ei:ocoms:Gro,n:1.c,r-e: Aeeesa.,r ilouse Fi Lot Faces - iloocisto,;e 7 cf Lct Cooerage_ I of Stotles LCT ?WE _ fr.terior _ Corner _ Panhard.Le _ Cul-de-sac f^+ e- P+-woJq.Lv! Topograghy Ta=._t :{VaLue Building Vqlue & Permif This oenrit is granted on the esp"ess conditicn that the said-ccnstrtction sha.ll, in all z.espects, eonform to the )r*trunce td.oateC blJ th-e JttT cf Spr.Jngf:eld, lncluiing :he iontng Crd)nanee, regulating the ecnstr.-tc;'.cn cn<i use of buti,l.ings, and nay ba ;usoend.eC ar reuckeC at cry tine :,i:cn uic- lat'ton of zny prco.Jsions of aaiC Crdir,cnees. ilain .{ t'J-.1t t'1LU a S.D.C. 7.5 x cuL L,1Ln3 -rern -x Check ?o+-al Ch,atoes t:a CAP,GZ Plumbing Permit No persan shall cor,stt"tct, instal!, alter or clwnge anU nea cr ecistit".g plwnbtrq cr drainage systen in ,,thole or in pott, unless such person is the Legal possessor of e ualid plwnberts License, .scept that e ?erson naV do plurbing xoz,k to p"ope?b! uhieh is otmed, Leased or aperated by the 6ppzi- cant. :1-t-Ai?eS Residential (1 bcth) Seuer Plunbing Penit Total Electricql Permif Wete State Lan reqtiz,es tlnt the electr-ical uork be done by an ElectrJcal Contz,aetar, the electz"ical portion of this petmit shaLl not be oaliC untilthe Label ius been signed by the Electt"tcal Contraclot,. Na,t/Eztend Circtits Service :?3:.t a-,i--^^ )Olt I e bhast HooC Vent lot i,/cotisto:se -- L.tV;aAUJ.t::.i- -- 9ec.tritu Deaasit Stoyaoe i4ainterunee Pentrit Cuz,bcu! aLecv?."ceL LateL Mobile llane nn44 f rrt^rt\tm \tln. I # Sigr.ed Mechqnicol Permit Penntt fssu.otce Meei"an"icel ?ennt P LdrL i:ananer L'At2 f HAW CAAEIULLY gXAllIilED Jhe eornpleted -npl.-cation fol. pernit, arri io hereby certify tTat aLL infotnatian hereca is true attl. ecrtect, ar,,C, f f"tt+-ker cettifr- that any ard eLL uork terforned slall be done in accor- dance ltith the 1rdinsnces of the CitU of Sprtngfield, arui ;he Lc:;e ol th,e State of Creccn pertaininc to tke aork Cescr")beC herein, enC :iua :i0 1CCA- P!.!lCy vLLL be ,naie of G,nA sxrucrure uithout petmission of the 3uiidinE 9t-uision. I f,trther aercifi th.at o:zly ccntTaetops otd enplcgees ui-o cre in cotpliance a:-th CRS 707.055 ui7,7. be used cn this orcjee-c f \[7. Signed ta ?enze Y> Frr,