HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 1984-02-02..RESIDENTIAL.. 22s ltorth s* s;treeA??t'r cArrcl /?ER![T Spr-rqfielC, 1regon 97177 BuilCing ?iuision 7 26-37 53 ?.cce'-tt ! sPFllNGFlFt rr r.Q'.-- *44...,-tE.oo 10. o o ,(o Zg .q'o t,,-F I -/u C Lf,* ConstFtctic^ !eid2l_ !' ia lhe reaponaibi-Lity or'.the peoal iotdar to aee trl4t aL! iwpeetions @e nad,e at lhe propet tine, thct elsft:),rnsss is rsn;-i.."i.y.-t!" stre6.t, ctC tlat the-p&nt-c-od. ie L,xated ct -{,_e frott'of the property.t2uiai:q Jiuicio- ac=rcted plbt shc.il rettain on the a":iai"-r- stie at aLL tines. W:CALL726-3769(recotcer)state!oulCitycesigr'zted'jobntmbel,,jobaciless,typeofinspec)icn :fftil1 a'<i_utzen 9ou wiLL beiea<iy fo.r ir.spection, contract"o" ,i a,*rr'rorr,."""d;h";" nwnbct.' riqri"." riee;i'ed. befcre'7:00 ,=t'--1"LL be tzce tlze sar;e Ccg, reEtests ncie cfta ?:00 an vtLL be ruie the ne5t l,nrkitq'dci;. sloog / T S-f?g f.?SP:f;r.Y: ?o be ntie afletacdvct)on, cut pricr tc ae! u? of J?rm9. WO|?SLA3 ?:L':TgI:IG. ZLZEPrc;L ';aci:t:tics@yrpri :.s copcted. I rcq!::;c I :cufiarrct: To be tnCeLJ ai:et zrenches cre e.ceJated crd,f*ns cte erec-.ed, but priar topurtrg ccncteta.:l I l,ilDEPlaCCR !,LU:s D:C 2 !1iC7AtlfC;L:@offkor .Jrauictlon or decking. s'l AitD 3t;il: ?o be raie pricr toiGilido; Jloor iwuition cn decktng, 70t,ci: ?,_i:s!:;c. !Lz:P!C:a ) :.tzc1- w.='-L these tr-sceciiatg ',zzue 'aeen tnie sl. :27rcie!. Fi?!?LAi!: Pr:l.or .a Vlccir4 !cc.,ngnc=er-.tLa at^d, before frmirg ineoei-tioz. SP-dyIilC:_ i.ioa le rec.tacted aflerqprc,tc! of rcugh pltr.cirtJ, a-Lecti-a,L I neci."ztzica!. - AL! :vai-:r1q btac'Jrg ! chiacya, etc. tttsc- bcanple=cd. ::o ,rl.< is ,-o be cctr- . cecled. uacil :his inscec;lct ia.a'been nra,J,e atd. cppm,-ed. r Iout City'Desigru.ted Job ttutnb* Is: TYSULA?TC N /I/APO? BARRI]R I|TSPIC?rcII : To be naae after aLL insukticn oi rcqu'Jred vqor beie?a @e in p|a,ce but befcre ay la.th, WpsLn boarC ortnLL covering is qglied, and. befcreotg ins'ala.yion is cortcealed. oDFJ4f I trrQDn@titt. 4^ QlZiZff-@T-ts tn but prior to ctty taVing. be nanie place, rE:,e znot ao L- W.S)llP.!: Steel Locatiott, fund. beanc, groutin4 ot oerticcls in accorbtce ,'n;h U.B.C. Section 2415. ',I00DSTA'/!: Aftet *wtallation ieanoleted,: zrer:ei,ae . FI;!Aa PLA:.9!:]6 lI:I;L :E:A:IICAL .rl'j/ttr, 3:ir.9r;;, CLIR9 E ATPRCACI] .I.?PCN: se arecxeC but prior After formsto patr)ng coictete. STD{IALK & DREEiA!: Por all corcret;Vilffim s t?eet risht- oi-tscg, to be naCe aftar all. ezca- vdtir,g cqrplete 3 ;'om t;ork & aub- base na*"erial in pkee. ALL pro;ect cotz<ii:icns, such cs che installaxlcn of s:reet trees, :cnlcxion ol *tetequired iantzscccirg, .tc., i,Lst be satisiied beiore the tsuiI2I:C !!)!AL :an be reqaested. ?IIAL SUILTI:IC: The Final Build.in4 Insoection :tst be teaueste,i zf:zr the iinz,L Phtnbitgileccriecl, sd, J4eciu:t-Jccl insceccicns ique been nacie arti'eco:ouai. _lIl '23 Job bcaticn:i ttoAasesoors !,!q I T6= Lot fl Subdi'r)sicn: G":rar... 7?,1,.-Ad&esa:DL*-. ziv: Ql ,l Dataof eppr;*:fon J-Q- I { Deacribe Ltotk: i;1\) ,1J ^P Va|-ue L /.o,.^-4; d ),*,. ACliicn al2c--ot8 Generc.L Lt ,l ?-2 l(PL:nbir-a t(i.l L se;et eqted =t Fogarfui Lit:e Septie totk yqeC a;d fiLLeC r,rith gr.i;ei catpLete cLeanel irhetz i',ens ole cC::ALe c.4 uhen zstior:ol g*:".J- naucl,xue u9pretttses dc:tes tsLocking o'td. Set-ztp Plumbing cotmeczictts -- aa)e? otC uater Electrlcal Ccnneexion - Blockittg, set-u. o'd. plwnbing connections nr;st be qptct;ad before rcquest'Jng elec2rical inspec=io;z Accessorl Builijng -i1lrk"", slirt.Jtg, deci,s,PLH.L - Aftz! etc. @e cttto Date: 2- 'ALL:!AJEC!:S AltD clEAltows:tus! 3E.4CcJSS!3|i, .lDjus?:!i:t!:o gg:.!4D9:'.! ::o::ST ?o CM ?z?e 1 of 2 l rl r @€E: l{hen conplete -- ProviCe gates or nouable sectians thtough J-lP,A.E. I I I ,--- , _ lnxenict _ Corae" _ ?otiunrile Cul-<ie-sac o 0v TaLue JOB NO, Aeca-ss in Lo'. ?eces - !.bin a=c:e .f ccessc::t !c!.,,t vAf,!.iE s.D.c. I.5: lr=arres ?es:ient'"al (1 bc;h) Seten io. o o v0 a :io. fla.t/E:t,ed, Ciretits Sensice att 1aa-ir,' bletet IloC Yent Fzt Tcodstore Stor:ze ,Wintez:r:e 5L.Ce)d Lt oo SOLAFF-,lCCESS REQ.- ?c:tacr-ct 'irlt I L-CO G+ 3ecccr:s Building V<:lue & Permit This penet is granted on the eq"ess condition thdt the saii eonstmtction siu.L.l, ia all respects, conJ'crm to the Crdinance cd.ogte:i'eiy the Ci;1 ofSor)ngfielC, ')nc!ud-.ng lhe Soning C'rdiruznce, regalcting ;he ccnstrti-.kn and.use of buiiciings, oid n=:1 be susoenl.ed or reucl,,ei dt e! tine u7az uic.ktton of a.y ptcuia:.ons oi saiC 1rdirances, ?eo aO u'e Fee:Euidirq Perntt Tob,L Chcges Petnit Stcte Ss-cte Pesrrit Issttztce I'teclanic=L Peni; -- a;1c,..oAc:t:.!a:!? -- # Sr.gted: Plumbing Permit N9 per.soa siull -constrtet, inatal!, alter ot charqe crry /,ao ct etisting ylwn7ing cr dtainage sgst€1t in uhole ot in patt, uzlass such person is- th.e le,gal poeseasor oi a oalid olunbet's License, ereept th.ct a oelsot naX doplnbing wrk to ?tope"tJ akich ia onted, leased or ogeruted, by the qpli- @tt. Electrico I Permi t Itlere Sta,te lan requires that the electrical uork be Ccne by ot llecdealCo*ruclo?, the electrlcal porliott of lhis pernit s],aLL lot be oalil. untiltlu Label las been ei.gnel, bg the Electz-i.eal Conttactot. Mecho nicol Perm;t t PLdn iaanner uci2 J rec !'loflle ilae f EAW CA-RE?ULLy SX.IL\!I;|ED thz cono'!,etzd apgl,icaticn lor peni:, czd, dc ttereby ,ce"tifA tl@t aLL info ,atibn hereon' is tnte aiC cZ*eeti a^t Ifittker ca"tlf! th,at ang crC aLL uork perJ'o*.zed dlall be do;e ia accct- datce :,ttth rhe 2rdinsrces of the City oi Soringfield., otl, ;he Ldi;s of tttot State of 1regcn pertaintno to the wrk Cesdbed hetein, od. :i"a.c )tO 2CC:.1- F.I:|CI izi be ,2s,.1.e of dny st|uce&a uithc:,tt cermission cJ' the 3uiiding D:.-vtsion. f j'ur+-he. cettif;i lhst o:tly conl"actcrs a-.C eqlcyees uho aZ inco;oljance oath CRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this ptoject -2,/a /f / :?TAL .i!OU:I! DUE:'e8 4c Sigtz<i 3e=!aei,s 'j::tcce ir<: tot Sq. Fi€. 2 cf r*t Catere.ge _ { of Stor-es iotal ldght ?oooctwhl Eleetrical Penrit,+ lotal Aaces i\)?-aec pltlrS !o2:L Clcrtes Stano 9ee"ty);u Dz=osit tatcL fic,taes