HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1985-12-09.. RESIE NTIAL.. APPLICATION/PERIIIT 225 North ith Street Sprtngfield, 1negon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26- 37 5s Job Locaticn: General PLmbing ldech.aricaL ft- si%ed: C U tl SPFIINGFIFT TT -. tA @ (^x ^r!, -/6,(. *c/( THrloC(/Assessote Map #?cz lat # Sttbdiuision: A,nter: L-'/ 9tAddress: zip:ci ValueDate of AppL ieation Additicn RernoCel / /"r4 ry? Cu2-"-^L(L/4 DescrLbe Hoyk: '/ulaz c Pqelof2 Constuuet ion_lende? rt ie the respottsibility oi-tle penit ho?l.er to aee that aLL inspeetions oe nade at the p"opet tine, that ecch a,l.lness is ?e.d,^^ietyl-tly str.eet, atd that the-penot,e-atd ie l^tcated. at thZ frcni of the properfu.*Buiuins Diuicio, appro"^ed ptbn stu.Ll yemain;;-Ltu Ei:7a1"b'lil" "t aLL tines. CALL 726-37 69 ( reeopdet ) state your City designated job nmber, job aiitess,type of itsoeclic-niou i)L be ready for ir.sp ection, Conttactcrs cr Asnets notte cnd piane nu-lber. Requescs receixed befcte 7:00 sL be made the sante day,requests nad.e after 7:00 az dLL be nade the neot uotking dag Iour Cifu Desigra.ted Job Numbey fs: DRWALL TNSPE2fON: Ic be nadeafter aLL C,ryuaLL is in pla.ce, but prior to cng tagtng. US1!!!: Steel Loeation, bond beans, gtouting or uerticals in aceordorce ttth U.B.C. Secti.on 2415. WOODSTOI'E: cctnpleted. After installation is 0R ::cw) Soilaty sa,ter eapped ct ptopettg Lize Septic totk y.ryed and fil,led tith gra;el ?-s //sb Pinal - h1tet cbcrse i,tens ate ccnoleted and uhen Caclition is conrolete bt stnie-ture moued od ptatrLses clZ,ztei try. ANDERSLAB PLttl,l:BINc. ELECTRICAL &wct!s:ycnL@ny t'totk is eotseted. FCO?fNG 4 FOUNDATTCN: ?o be naCe - alt.er t?encnes a.?e eccatated and. forns. ate etected, but prior to pout>Lng ccnerete. u"\ p 9! c Po u !! p P LUMP r N G DRAfilAGE: ?o be mad.e pr"iot to fil-Lirq trenehee. SfiE IiISPIC!ION: eccauation, but forme. FTNAL PLUI,IONIC PIIIAL I.IECHAIIICAL FINAL ELEffRICAL Io be rmde after pr.ior tc set up of TNSALA?TOTI/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION : ?o be made after aLL insulattcn drequired oapor burie?s @e in place bttt before ay lath, gqpsltn bcatC or tnLL coueting is applied, and beforeotg ir*ulation is concealed. I I CURB & AWROACE APPON:ee erecteC but priot, cottcrete. SfDEWALK & DRLIWAI: Fot aLL eon- crete patsing uithin stteet ri-ght-of-rxy, to be maCe aftet all. esca- oating canplete & forn wrk & sub- fuse na.terial in pl,ace. PENCE: llhen conplete -- ProuiCe gates on mooable sections through P.U.E. Hcmes Blocking otd, Sat-up Plutnbi,ng cotmectiote -- aare? otC. uatet Pinal - After pcrekes, skirtitq, decl<s,etc. oe eompleled. Electrieal Ccnnection - Bloektrq, set-ut and plurnbing eotznections tn:st be qptcr;ei before z,equesting eleclrlcal inspec1io;t Accessory BuilCing uilpElFL1jR pLUtE IitG & MECHANICAL : To be maa.e prio? to installation of floor insulation or decking. P2ST AND BEAI4: ?o be na.d.e prLor to instaLLaticn of floot ittsulation ot decking. R)t-tGH PLUtBIItc, ELECTRTCAL 4 !,1ECE-AIIICAL: Aoffiw:til these inspeetions haue beer.nale and apptoued.. FTPEPL.AC_E: Pt*Lor to plaeirq faeingmdterlals and. before fratting inspee_ t7.On. -1 pAutnc:_ ttust be tequested afteri I app_toual of tough plunbing, eiectri-q,L & meclnnieal. - LLL robfingbtacitlg E chinmcys, etc. rrust- beeonpleted. lto tirk is to be con_.cealed until this inspection las'been nad.e anC approted. Aftet formsto pottr"tn4 l- i IlI l ALL pro,jeet condi:ions, such as the installation of stteet trees, conplct-Jon of therequired Landsccping, ctc, ' mtst be eatislaied befoTe the BUILDIN: FIiaL can be tequested.. 1l Prlul BarLDrNc:- The Final Build.ing. rnspeetion nast be requested cfter the pinzl plunbing \*./ Electtical, otC Mechanical fnspections ltaoe been nade atd'approved. 'ALL I4A\|ECLES AND CT,EAnOWS Httgr BE ACCESSTBLE, A&IASalEill ?O 3E t!4DE A? UO C1ST rO Cjr7,y )-H Phone: n tr tr JOB NO Zone Lat Sq. ?tg. z cf Lct Couerage_ # of Stories ?otal Height Topography Building Pettrrit Sta.te ?otal Clnrgee soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co * secvoons LCT ?WE _ Inteticn _ Corner _ Panhand.Le CUL-de-sac Seat Cheek Date Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Laee Building Vcllue & Permit This pernrit is granted on the erpress eond.ition tllat the said constmtctionslnll, in all nespects, conform to the Ordinance c.dopteC biy the City ofSpt-ingfield, includ.tng the Zoning Crdinance, r,egulctitzg tli ccnstra-cticn anl.-use of buildtngs, and may be suspend.ed oy rbuokeC-at oty ttne upon uic-lation of any prcoistons of said 1ydir,ances. NELl Plunbing Petnrit State Sutchayae Stcte PermLt fssustce Meehanical Pe"nit Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, instal!, alter or elange cnA net cr etisting qlutnging or dtainage sAstqn in uhole ot in part, inless such person is the Le_gal.possessot, of a ualid plutnber,s Lieensb, eccept tha.t a pe:son nay doplurbing uork to propertA uhieh is otmed, Leased ot, opetated Ay the oppli- cant. Electricol Permit Wez,e State Lan requiz,es tlu.t the eleetrieal uork be done by an Eleetrical Cont?d.etor, the eleetrical portion of this pernit shall not be uali.C. untilthe Tabel las been signed by the Electuical Contracto?. Mechqnicol Permit PLafl Liianlnev TataL 1ttbeu! Sidalalk lilobile Haae f HAW CAREEULLY EXA]I|LNED the eortpleted appli,cation for pernit, etd dohereby cettif.y thdt aLL ittfotrnation heteoi is trwe and. correct, anC ffu,ther cettify that any ard aLL uork perforned slnll be dote in accor- dance rrtth the )r'dinances of the city of springfield, and. the Lcrus of the* State of 0z,egcn pertainina to the wik Ces.rit'"d hnnZin, €nd. :i1dt NO OCCI-PAllcy ttill be nad.e of ana structute uithout permission of the Buitding DL-uision. r funther certilE that otly eontracions a:;d enplcgees uho atb ineur.pliance aith ORS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this ptojec-t udxe 1z*?- Lot Faeee - Df House Lceess th hlest SQ. FlG x VaLue tlain C,aace Carport Aeeessorq TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 7.5 e - CHAP,CEN0.FEE Fistt+t,es Resilenti-al (1 bath) Sanitang Seuer llatey ;1u. Res. Sa. fto. Neu/Eotend Circuits IanDc!@y Sez,uice '2€-go<\*).? L)1ltHLL,ITJ14 NC I LL ?tsnaee E?U|S Ezhangt HooC Ve7.t Pot Ilcodsto;:e -- ENCROACHMENT -- Sec"tt-ity Deposit Stotage Maintenance Petmtt r \<-._/ II-*I tB 2D TIEAL AI,TdIM DIIE:'.-2./ e ^*'zD a Ddte TctaL Chanqes /,oo ) b-oo?otal Charces _Electrieal Peymit Total Charoes State lenee o z.-{r'&f/<- ,-v-77 ffi/ -/*-*-* e.-Z- /--.---*-- -& *----Zb-<- -4-f 4-