HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-04-16.. RES'D {ilA[.. /PERILN21-.t,r.*n r* iro""aPPLr cAr !!y.fr:"ry, oz,eson sz 4z Z*r^t*ry Diuision r zo-i755 ,# \ /t" ct*1 oK It i" _!h" rceponribitity of ilc pernitt ho&a.lral gls at?eet, @1d tlat the pdnrit eal, ia*BuiHi.g D)uicio* alprw-ed, ptii initT"Z"t" tlnt.all-inspeetiotts ae nad,e at tre prope? tine, that e44ft -,t,-s6e 4s vsqtahie*,*e fry! of the -propertyButLding Site at aLL- tines. Genetal Cotttttrctiott Lendel SI?E TNSPEC?TON: ezcauation, but ?o be rrude afterprior tc se+. up of fotme yot? cit| Deeigr,ateil Job lhtnber rs: 86O ')-6 7 Data: nmber, rumb*?a,1",,ttll be nade the ,d," a"y, "Zqillf,'^lrlZ 26-3769.(rccordet) state yout, Citg designated iobinspection, Contractc?s oi A,ners- narte 'atd. ptnne .,aftet ?:00 an rttlt be nad.e tn nerliri,G a"g. job adFness, tgpe of inspee2icn P.equests receixed befcte ?:00 s:t b see lacated ott the requited Dqor but before otgrnlL @tg ' boriets ee in plaee Lath, ggpant bcatC oris applied, and. beforeis concealed. aLL .cooeringL?|SUL4tL0n tu9?I\c & F)UNDATICN: Io be tmCea-Itet trenches are e.acaoated attd. forms. ane enected, but prior topurtng ccncreta. DRYWALL TNSPEC?ION: ?Cafter aLL dtguall is in \|O2DS?OVE: A.fter instalLation isarnpleted. CURB & A?PRCACH APPOil: Ai,ter fonsee eyecteC but prLor to pour.tng concrete. MASONRI: Steel Location, bondbeans, grouting ot, uerticals in accordorce Lrith U,B.C. Section 2415. SIDEWALK & DRTVWAI: Eor aLL eon- c"ete pa,r@Affi atreet r.ight-gf-txA" to be nade after aLL ezca- oating eonplete & forn wz,k. & sttb- base taterLal in place. be made place,but prior to any taping. AleE: I{hen cornplete -- tuoutCe gates ot mouable sections tlwough P,A.E. E .litq trenchee. , wRFNg-B_2Lul.lBrNG & trECttANrcnL :'Jo be mdl.e priot to instalLation of:. floo" insuTa,tion or decking. .. . PPST 4NP PEau: To be nade prtot to LnataLLatLan of floot insulation ot . clecKl,fig, R)UCH pLnlBrilc. ELECTRTCAL & ]4rCH-ANrCAL: Uo@ .w:til these inspections ltante been nod,e and. cpproved.. FIPEPL.A?E: Priot to placirq faeingDw.tertals and befone franing inspelc-tion. 1 fnMtttC: l,lust be reqaested after ) dpp"olal of rough plwr,bing, electri-u.L E meclwnieal. ALt roofing .' btactng & chinmegs, etc. rmtst- be ! oortpleted. Ilo uopk ia to be corl- .--*cecled until this inspection lnst,b"? nad.e anC apptooeT. l :l X _l f FTUAL PLUAOING ?INAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELEC?RICAL ALL q'oieet conditione, such ae tlv installation of stteet ttees, conpletion of tie requined Landscqing, etc., mtst be eatisfied before the BtlfLDfNG FLNAL can be requested. n F|NAL BItrLDrNc: The Einal Build.ittg rnepection mtst be tequested after the Fi.nal Ptwnbittg \J ELectrical, od Mechanical fnspectiona taoe been nade atd approoed. DEr.l0LrTr0t! Sanitary easer capped at pz,operfii Line Septic totk p-,t::ped and. filled uith grael lindl - hAten abcoe itans ane conoletedand uhen Cernclt tion is ccmplete br s*ue-tut,e noueC and. prenises cleaneC up- Hcmes Blocking otd Set-up Plunbing eonnectians -- Baie? otd. uatet Electt'ical Ccnnection - Bloeking, eet-up and plwnbing eonnections rrust bb qptca'ed before requesting electrical inspectiott Pirnl - After pcrehes, ekirting, decks,etc. ate compleled. Pege 1 of 2 t)o f@bt# Aoceesors Map #oo3o b Q*tet,: Add?ess: Phone:pa4\n"*q Deset4be Hork: Addition Date of Applicaticn Value*(., Luoz+u;%"" *ALL MANITCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSLBLE, ADJUST!{EIIr TO BE MADE t\? tto CCST T0 CI?y ,r t' uotk is couered. r tr z L-codSOLAR ^CCESS REQ.'</nJOB NO. 5\-U Bedroons: Lace -- Fees -- Building Volue & Permit This pernnt is granted on the erpttess eond._ition ttat the sail-consttaction slnll', in atl rZspects, conforrn'to the h'dina,ce adopte'7 big the Ci'ty 2fSpilngyted, inctluding- the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnstmtcticn i,n i'" of buildi,ngs,-ord nay be suspended or reookeC at cnu tine upon oic- Tation of oU ptcoisions of said Ordir,ances, Building Perwit State ?otal Clnrges \ f HAW CAREFULLY EXA),1I!]ED. t_le eonpleted. appl.i,cation foz, permit, and. dohereby cettify that aLL t"yor.ittZi- irZinon is tmte anc correct, and. rfi,thet, cez,tify tha!-any "ra^"1t io=i-;;"*rred shall be done in accor,_dance ttth the ,ydinenc-e.s of the clta Li bpnl.rgfi.Ji, ""a*tiZ Lw_s of the* state of ,z'egon Denta-ining to the aoik-'ceseribed, herein, cnd. llat No |ccu_PANcv ttitl be nad'e of qa" "trrii"i iitio"t permissi_on Ly iie- sutzding DL-,ision. r furthen .211"i^g tn"t---;"La-;;:;r""cto.ts and, enplcyees uho are ineonpliance Dith oRS zot.bss u.f.LL b""usZi on this project 1*f,u Lot Fdces - Aceess.DfZ cf Lot Cotserage_ # of StorLes Total Height LO? ?WE _ fnteriot _ Cormer _ Panltatd.Le C'ul-de-sac bt Sq. Ftg. Topogrqhy ITEM SQ. FTC x TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x PLan Date Paid Receipt #: Sigred: FEE CHARGE Fi.ztutes Resil.ential (1 bath) Seuer Plumbing Permit No- pereon slnll constrwct, instal!, alter ot, ehange anA nea cr eristing glutnb_ing ot dtainage systan in uhole or in pott, inless such person is- the Legal -possessot, of a ualid pltmbet,,s Li-cens-e, eseept that a pZt"on nay dopltmbing uork to property uhieh is ouned, Leased ot, opet'ated by the oppli- @rtt. Plunbing Pemit State Neu/Ectetd. Circuits Serttiee whez'.e state Lan re_quires tlnt the eleetrtcal uork be done bg an Eleetr.iealconttactot, the electrical portion of this permit stnll noi be oalic untilthe Label lns been signed fu tne Electy.tcal Contracto". Stcte ?otal Electricol Permit NC iet CIlARCE klwet Hood, Vent Fan Ilcodstotse l roo 6O /5 o Mechqnicol Permit Permtt fssu@rce Mechanical pertrnt -- ENCROACHMENT Pentrit ClEbcut SideuaT,k Mobile llone TO?AL AIilOIJN? DIJE: *1;,ect Date X 4