HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-11-03RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION lnspections: 726.3769 Office: 726-3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOHI(: sPFllnrGFtELD qtrt\(? %Y, 5+, JOB NL]Mi]ER 225 Filtlt Strcct Spring tlclcl, Orcgorr 97477 sbq 3 fi ASSESSORS MAP:I 7oz 3tt,TAX LOT:of ) o u BLOCI(:SUBDIVISION: ----LOT: PFION E,: DRSTATE:7+t q7-tP rOWNEFI; ADDRESS: CITY: NEW - REMODEL ADDITION DEMOLISI] OT}.rEI:I DESCRIBE WORI(: ADDRESS EXPI}I E,S PIIONE b- CONTFACTOR'S NAME MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL; CONSI. CONTRACTOR / GENEFIAL: PLUMBING To rcquest an lnspcctlon, you must call 726'3769. Tllls ls a 24 lrour recordlng. nll lnspcctlo,ts rc(lucsted 5cfore z;00 a.rn, wlll bcmade the safile worklng clay, lnspcctions rcquestcd aftcr 7:00 a.rn. will bc maclc thc toltowlng worl( day. REQUIRED INSPECI'IONS [-l Temporary Etocrric Rough Mcclranical - prior to cover. Site lnspcction - To be maclc aIter excavation, but l)rior tosettinO foilrrs. Urrderslab Plunrbing / Elcc trical / Mcclranlcal - Prior to cover. Footlng - Af tcr trenches are excavated. Masonry - Steel locatlon, boncl beams, groutlnO. Foundatlon - After Iorms arc erected but prior to concretc placernen t. Undcrgrourrd Plumbing - Prior to filling trench. Underlloor Plumblng/ Mcchanical - Prior to lnsulatlon or decking. Post and Bcam - Prlor to fioor lnsulation or decl(lng. Floor lrrsulation - Prior to dec kl n0. Sarritary Scwer - Prior to titling trcnch. Storrn Scwcr - l)r'ior to lillinO t rench. Watcr Linc - Prlor to lilling trench. Rouglr Plunrbing - Prior to cover. Rough Elcctrical - Prior to c ove r, Elcctrical Scrvlcc - Must bc altprovccl to <lbtain pcrrnancrtt clectrlcal l)owcr. Flreplace - Prlor to faclng materlals and (raming lnsp. Wall/Cciling lnsulation - Prlor to cover, Final Pltrrrrbing - When allplunrl:ing work is completc. iFin:rl Elcctr\cal - Wlrcrr allclcctrical worl< is corrrplctc. ( al Meclrarrical - Whcn all Iranicai worl< ls cornpletc. Final Lluilcling - Wlrcrr all requircd inspcctions have becn ;rpprovcd and builciing is co rn plc lcd. Otlrcr MOBILE I.IOME INSPE TIONS Blocliirrg arrd Sct.Up - Wlrcn all blt:cl<in11 is cornplcte. Plrrrnbirrg Corrncctions - When lrolno has bcen cotlrlccted to walcr il,tcl scvJer- l-l Utcctri,:irl Corrrrcctiorr - Whcn.J lrlockirrU, sct.up, and pltrnrbing irr..;pcctions lravc bcon approvcd ilnd tltc trorrrc is connccted to tlrr:5q1YiCs Px1ig1. Firral - Af tcr all requircd irrspcctions arc approved and porchcs, sl<irting, decks, and vcntlng havc bccn lnstalled. i-_j DrY',vall - Prior to tairing lnsert - Alter flrcplacc apltroval and installatlon ol unlt. Curbcut & Alll.rroaclr - Aftcr forms are crccted bUt prior to placcrncrrt oI corrcrctc. Sidcwalk & Drivcw;ry - nftcr cxcav.llion is complctc, Ioilr]s and sul).basc tnalcriill irr pl;rco. [-l Fcncc - Wrlcn cornplcrccl {;troot Trces - Wlren all rcqulred lrces arc plantcd. 8A)3 CODE: THE WORK NOT OR adopted QUAD follow rules FLOOD I)LAIN: 952-001-0010,oF OCCY GRO forthe, OF STO WATEH I.IENTER:FOOTN C E: E tl E tl tl tl I-l Framlng - Prlor to covcr. tl [-l Wood Stovc - n (rcr lnsrall.rtion. T tI tl l-_l rl E Lot faccs Lot sq. f tg. Lot coveragc TopographY Total helght Lol 'fypc \/ - lntcrior' -- Corncr - Panlrarrcllc .__ Cul'cjc'sac Sct P.L.HSE GAR ACC N S .*.rS THE PIIOPOSED WORI< iN Tl-lE. I{ISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON TI{E HISTORICAL REGISTER? - ll yes, tl'ris application must be slgned arrd approvcd bY the Historlcal Coordinator prior to permit issuance. APPHOVED: BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT -flris 1:crrnit is granlctJ orl lllc cxprcss conditiotr that the said construction shall, in all resFlccts, conlorm to the Ordinance adoptccJ by the City oI Springticld, including the Development Codc, rcqulating the construction and use of builcJings, ancJ may bc suspcnded or rcvol(cd at any tlme upon violation oI arry provisions ot said ordinances. DatcPlans Rcvicwcd I3y Plan Chccl< Fec Datc P;:id Rct;cipt Nutttbcr Rcccived By: BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SO. FT. Main Garagc VALUE (A) x $/so. I--T. Carport Total Valuc Building Pcrmit Fcc State Surchargc Total Fcc Systcms Dcvclopmcnt Chargc is duc on all undevelopcd propcrtics within thc City linrits which arc bcing improved' SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (B) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ITEM Fix tu res Rcsldcntial Batlr(s) Sanltary Sewer Watcr Storrn Scwcr Moblle Hotne FEE (c) NO I._'T, FT. PLUMBING PERMIT Plumblnq Pcrmit Statc Surcharoe Total Cltarge / By slgnature, I statc and agree, tlrat I have carcf ully examlned the completcd application and do hereby certity that all irrformation hcrcor'r is true an(l correct, and I lurther certiIy that any and all work pcrformcd shall bc done in accordance with tlrc Ordinarrccs of thc City o( Springllcld, arrd tlrc Laws of thc Statc oI Oregon perlairring to thc worl< described lrcrcin, and ilrat NO OCCUPAI.JCY will be rnacic o( any structurc without pcrrnissiorr oI the Building Safety Division. I [urtl'rcr certi[y that only contractors and enrployees who aro in cornpliancc with ORS 701.055 wlll be used on this proiec t. i furihcr agrec to ensLrre that all rcquircd inspections arc requeslcd at thc proper tin'lc, that cach address is readablc thc pcrmlt card ls locatcd at thc front approvcd sct of plans will remain, al') al Slgnatirrc Datc es du n9 cons.lon ( frorn thc strcct, of tlre l)ropcrI on tlre sitc a WoocJ Stovc/ lnscrt / F lrcplacc Urtil Drycr Vcnt MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Honrc Statc lssuancc Stalc Surclratgc Sidewalk -- tt Curbcut --.- ft Ocmolltion Statc Surcharoe Total Misccllaneous [)cnnits (E) l{. o,t 0tl N0 7 4. t-l Vcnt Fan (D) MECHANICAL PERMIT Fu rnacc Exhaust Hood 0 3t 1'lf (1 N MOUNT RECEIVED FiECEIVED 8Y DATE PAID VALIDATION: IlECEIPT NUMBEI.I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (cxcluding clcctrir:rtl) (A, B, C, D, and E Cotttt:irtcd) t: I:T t' Mcclranical Pcrrtrit lssu ancc Statc Surcharoc Total Pcrnrlt