HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1981-10-15I -- RESr--^il1 -- -- COI,TBINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT p.EcErgt # SPRINGFIELD CEY O! SPRI,'IOFIELD 225 ii2gV .(tr{ SL?Eg? sPRritcFrE!,D, oRECOil 97477 Auildirq Divisio,.' 726-37 53 t 6ffi i5,c"o @+UP L-- IDC\- ty Agent \-)Job Location: ( Subdivi sion: Asoasao"s llq l! t 1 -7- 3t -4 l@ fnt # Antet \{-\Phote #Add*sa I \\-) Deec*ibe l{otknllqn In 5M edlition S.anodaL Cont?dcrcrs llaie Addreea Liecil ErV;.tea Plone # Ganenal Plunbing lleetriu,L 7 \t o h,;t-tlaclanical Cottst"wttoi Letdet ?age t of 2 CURB E APPROACII APP.ONffi;.cGaTit F$r- concrete. After forms to pcuring REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It ls the responsibitity of the pcrrnit holder to see th3t all irspcctions arc madc at thc ProPCli ti"Eer that each address is readable frrrn thc str€et, aod that ths p€fllit card is locatrd at th. front of the Pr:'oPerty.r .{11 manholes aid cleanouts anc tc bc adJustsd at no cost to the clty To bG nade after prior to sct up of rrlrDr anF nateria]'s DRYI{ALL INSPECTICN:;;;frffi@.s day Prior to placing facing and befcre fi:ating inspee- To be medc in place, i\J| flooDSTovES: Ai=tcr instarlatl.on, [l :" *"nt"t"a'fotrs. U}TDEP.SLAB PLIJI'BING, ELECTP.IC.qL 6 I'TECHANICAL: To bc made beforc any work is covercd. FOO?I}IG 6 FOUIIDA?ION: to be nude after tr.nches are e:lcavated aed for.ns ara eFect:d, but pricr to pouning @ncret.. UNDERGROUND PLU!{BINGT SEWER, I{ATER, DRAII{F.GE: To be made prior to fil- Iing trenchcs. U}IDERFLOOR PLUI{BING € HECHANICAL: To be nrade prior to instaliation of floor insulEticn or decking. tion FMMING: Must be requcsted after approval of rough plurnbing, elcctri- cal 6 mechanical. AIJ, noofing' braclng 6 chirnaeys, etc. nust be conrpleted. No ronk ls to be con- cea.Led until this inspcction has been raade and approved. P\ST 6 BEAM: To be nade prior toIiffiilffi; of flaor insulation or Cecking. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION : To be ngde after al.l insulation and ncquired vapon barriera a:ia in place but bcf,ore any la or ra.l.I coveriag is any insulation is concealed. SIDE!{AIK E DRIVEyIAY: For alL con-Effi st::.e€t night- of-way, te be Eade after aJ'J. exca- 'rating ccmplete 6 form work € sub- base naterial in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: nay be required in accordanc€ ilith BuilCing CoCe, to be indicateC in ;lans or by no- tice fron Building Inspec:or. reccrder state your ty designated BoucH PLUMBING, ELECT : ANCII\L: llo ?ork is to be covered iiill. these inspections have been uadc and apProved. FINAL PLUUBING FINAL ELSCTRIC.{L FINAL HECHAUICI.L but prior to any taping IIASONRY: Steel location, bond !ffi, grouting cr ventical,s in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2q15. A11 pr'oject conditions, such as the installation of sfiieet uiees, coEpletion of the nequired landscaping, etc.' must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FIIAL BUILDI]IG: The Pinal Building Inspeetion must be rlcquested aften the fina.L P!.umbingElect:rical. and Hechanical Inspections have Seen rnaCe ard apprcved llo occuPancy of the premises can be made until the final BuiJ.ding fnspection has been nadE and APPTOVEd' and a CERTIEICATE OF OCCUPAUCY HAS BEEq ISSUED BY IHE BUILDIIIG DIVI. SICN A}ID PCSTSD O}I THE PREMISES. PROCEDURI FOR INSPEC?ION REQUEST: CaII 726-3769 ( nulber, job adCress, type of inspection requestedticn, Contractors or Osners nane and phone nunbens obJ wilL be made the sane and rhen you r.riIt be neady for :.nspec- Reques tS .ved before 00 a m.7 request made after 00 m.i11 be he next work lngtday YOUR CITY DES IGII,ATED JOB NUMBER,IS sJuf-' SI?E I}ISPECTICN:ffi;EG I Page 2 I JOB !{I,I:BER.REFERENCE NTB,IBERS t-an" ''.' ?a ZONE OCCLIPANCY GROUP TYPE/ CONSTRI'CTION BEDROOMS Lat Sauate ?td. :i cf' Lot Couered i of Storiee :1taL Heidh! -c?og"d?)h4 - Lot TA?e Setbacks fntevior Cotttey i;..tep0thet ?oo Ilorth gd.Bt South le,t FEES BATL D I II G V ALLIE /PERUIT Sq. Ftg. Carage lhis pernrtt is granted on the eet€ss c.ndit-:on tlatthe said eonsxruetion shall, in all nes:ects, eonfonto tle Mite.ees odopted by the Ci;7 o.-' Spr)ngiieki,incl.uiing the Zoning -o*iin&ee, reqilaing- :ie- ccn-et?ctiol, otd. uee of brildittgs, oti tay be xnpeid,eior rasoked at aq tine tpott iiotatica Zi or-c pic::i- aions of aaid. Nittotces. Sq. Ptg. Caryo?? IUJAlJ LIL'iI(ULJ P?an CTteek lee Date Paid # 1 PLTIMBINC PgildTT Sani So,tet No petoon elall coradvct, i.netzll, allet ct choqe cay ,nel, or ezt eting plwbing or drcituqe sge=an i.nulele or in pot, tmZeaa such petaor. ie :hb )egal poaseeao? of a ualid, pluttbet,e Ltcerae, ezcelt ihat a person n4g & phnbtng xoyk to p?c?e?? uizch ie otned, Leased or opetated bg the qglicant. swTdt.4L State Suteltatge rqTAL CHARGES ELECTETCAL PERI,ET l,lhe?e Stqte La.t tequitea tlat the eieet-ica! uork be done bg ot.glectr.ical C2nt?oeto", tha elcctr|cal por- tLon of tlria penrit elnll not be oaiid untii the b-bel lus been si4ned by the ilectticcl Ccnt?crto". The Electrieal Safefu La,t doea not !eq/-:te , ?elsonto obfuin a license as dt electrtcian ord,/ot elec-triea! attracto? fu make an electr)cal ins::Llaticnot pope"tV ahich is ooed bg hinaeif ot a -ttbe: ofkts imtedicte fontly uhich ie aot irtenied j:t sale, lease cr rEnt. Ccts*ltction SAST1IAL MECEAITC.AL P4RMZT , Eclast Vent Fot Uood <-Y L EllcR2A,EME!t? Seeur|PLot Ea nne? Date- I EAW CAREPULLY EXAMINED the cotrplated qplication for genrlt, ord, do herebg cettify tltat aLL infonatioa hereorz 7e tmte otd. cortect, *td. I ftpther eat")fy thdt dw atul aLL wrk petfcrned shd,Ll be done in accor- dattee utlh the r)rdinorces of tlle city of Spri.ngfield, tttd. the Lae of theSu,te of 1rcgan pertaining tc the uo:,k deectibed h*ein, dd that llo OC- CWANcy viLL be rude of @ry stnrctute blitllout penrlssicn of the Building D_i,-tieion. I f,*thet certifg tltat only cont?acto"a od. enployees ur@ avbin cotpliance uilh oRs 701.b55 tiZL be tsed on this ptoject. ilaincnanee Penrit AlloaltT D!.!E Ctrbaut StCa,talk Zlectrteal Label Npatrc DUE tutee Nuiaion pla slall rqein on the 'at al,l P. r,-!11uae