HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-08-03t-z" RESIDENTIAL.. APPLICATION /PERIIIT 225 Nov,th Sth Street Springfteld' 1regon 97477 BuiLding Diuision 7 26-37 53 Job Inceticn:/'1" <37 Aesessone Map #rl oa= t 2- Subdio"Jsion: Otmer:€-4A Address: K]t 4 O ci , 13.r €nlC- Describe Not'k: Tzla/ 4o fie TLoc<- aL d 4n,z A6( - va"n?''{ 3 2- c) o ' SPFITNGFTEl-D ( i ri-f (",'/r,cp Iaz lpt #o Additicn RemoCeL ,&ePA 4< Exi'++lnle,(-ISiqated:,gJ Date: A '1-rt1 Date of A.pp Licaticn 1- GeneraL 3 44 -/oG 3PhoneJ/) ,<* ELectrieal 14echaniccL It ie the ir@l the s *p,,.'1).'-- resporzsibility of the penrlt holler 't?eet, anC tiwt the penrrtt catci ia Diuicion eprou'ed plan slclL remain located at the frcnt of the property on the Building S1,ta at aLL tines- to aee tlat aLL inspeetions ee nade at the ptoPe" tine ' that eceh cd.dress is teadnii'e PP,OCIDUPE FOR II\SPEC?IOII RESUEST:CALL 7: requested anti uhen gou uiLL be reatiy for:iLL be made the sone day, requests ma<ie 26-3769 (reeorder) state your Ci-ty designated job rutnber, inspection,Conttaetcrs ot' Oumers ttane end. phone numDe?. after 7:00 an rtLLL be made the ncst :sot'kirq day, job aiiz'ess, tYae P.equests recei"*ed of inspee=icn befcre 7:00 c:,gCBI your CitA Desigra.ted Job Number Is: Remtirprl --1 fcormc 4 F)UNDATT)N: To be tnace ) ;Fer wenc;es zt"e etcauated and fonns ate erected, but prioz' to pourLng ccneret€. - uNDSRcpou::D pLUMpJN,_jEhEL_ tr!!E&, )-Lirq trenches. l Io be natje prior to instaLlation ofUI\DEPFLCCP PLUi,SII]G 8' I,IECIIANTCAL : -1 SriE ritSPliiroll:il-!, I e.ccaratlon, but --1 u:tDERSLAz ?LU43ING, !LEC?RrC,1L & I IEC[!;:;;C;;: To be made beiore ang uo?k Ls coDe?ed.. floor insul.ction or decking. 1 posl Lrl aynl: To be na<ie priot, to -) 6;;;ti;t;of floor insulation ot, decking. .---1 ROUGT| ?LU:BI!]G. ELECTRICAL & I,IECH- I - uriil tnese irupeetiors haue been nade at"d. coproxed. I FIPIPLACE: Pt-Lor to ) ncYeP*dL; arui before ?o be natie after pz.i.or tc set up of placirq facinq franing inspec- FP,AilIllC: l,lust be "equested afte? approual of rough plur,bing, electri- cal & necitanical. ALL tooftng bracLng & ehinmeys, ete. nast be cornpleted. llo ucy,k is to be con-. cealeci until this inspeetLon has'been ma<ie anC approued. FTUAL PLUI.IBIIIG FIIIAL I,IECIIAIIICAL FTilAL ELECTRTCAL TNSULA?ION/VIPOR BARRTER IIlSP|C?IC\I : To b. r""" "fte" aLL insulaticn a'd rea.uired oapot burie?s 8e in P1fce bui belore oty 'l.a.th, Wpsum boatC ot' tnLL eouering is applied, and' before oty iwuLation is eoncealed- DRYWALL fi\SPECTT1N: Ic be made after-dT@uatT;,s in place, but prior to any taPing. WSOIIPI: Steel location, bond 6i6ijg"o"ti.ng or oerticals in aceordotee Lrith U,B.C. Section WCODSTOT,/E: After installation is ecmpleted. ^ftr1f Tfrrall ^oDLtle',Ll/!V'. vtl BUILDI;:CS Sanitazrl seser capped at ProPerti Lite Septic totk ptnped add filled ttith gra;sei. Pi-nal - Ifiten abcue itens ate ecnpleted and uhen Canolition is eotwlete o! st:,uc- ture naued od przrrLses cleaneC up. I'lobile llcmes Bloeking ord. Set-up Plunbing connections -- sarer otd' uater Electrieal Ccmnection - Bloeking, set-uo and plwnbing conneetions tn:st be apprcteC before requesting eleelr'Leal inspeeliott Aceestory Bui.LCing Eirnl - After pcrclzes, skirting, decl<s, etc. ale completed. CURB & APPRCAC'\] APPAN:After fornsee evecteC but prior to pouring conc?ete. SIDEWALK & DRIIEWAY: Eor aLL eon- crete patsing uithin stteet ri.ght- of-txA, to be made after aLL erea- uatina canplete & fotn tsotk & aub- base mater"Lal in place. IENCE: h1ten conplete -- ProuiCe gates op motsable sections through P. A. E. lI l l ALL project eonditions, such as the i.nstallation of street trees, con-oletion of tie requ.ired Landsecpitg, etc., mult be satisfied before the BUILDIilG FINAL can be requested' ilNAL BUfLDIN7: The Final Building Inspeetion nu6t be requesteC cfter the final Plwnbitq Eleetrical, otd Necltanical fhspections hqtte been nade ard approueC, ,ALL IIANHCLES AND CLEANOWS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS?IIEIII TO BE T:.4D8 I? IJO C1ST TO CI?Y Page 1 of 2 4 JOB NO.5:/ soLAR AccEss REe.-t-co c* Building Per,-ri,t State ?otal Clwges ITI!.: Pi.ztures Resiiential (1 bath) Seuer PLutnbing Pet::it State Suz,ci.:eyce LC! ?WE Gra fntericr Corner Panhandle CUL-de-sac Building Vcrlue & permit This--perrnt is granted on the e,p?ess co,dition that the said. consttuctions^LnL.L, in all _respects, gonform lo the Crdinance ad.opted by the City ofspringfiel.cl, including the 'zoning cydinance, regulatirg tn"n iii"lro"t.t.", T\.yun of buiLdtngs,. utd mzy be- sucpend.ed o, r"euokec"ot "*y time upon uic-Latlon of any prcoisions of said Ordinances. Signed.: Plumbing Permit Ng pereon shall eonsttact, install-, aLter or clurqe ana ne, cy, ezistincqlwn2ing or drainage "y"-1"! in uhole ot in part, "unles"s """i, p"iioi-i.i-ttnlegal.possessot of a oalid plwnbet,,s LicensZ, e$cept tl,at a p'e?son nay d.opltnbing aork to p?ope?ta uhi"h is oaned, Leased o, operatei oy- tn" ippli-eant. /Cor-st Eealoors: - [at Faces - Setback s P.L ilouse Caraoe Aceess Aate" llea:e?llo"th East South West SQ. FTC x VaLue llain Aecessct u 5q0) TOTAL II,4LUE r-\3QO- tuclu;)D.u.L. t.5 :c ff). rD 132. sl / laReceipt #: CiliRSE 53.03 - FEE Nas/Eztend Cireuits Seruice Elecf rico I Perm i t we?e stdte Las re_quiyes tLnt the electrical uork be done bg an Electz,ieaLcontraeto?, the electriccl oortion of tizis oermit siull nat be oalil. untilthe iabel i",as baen sigmed cy ilte Electrical' Contracto?. \Lr \uc-\..AeA rr-v?e*,,,.F I Mechqnicql Permit bhanst HooC Vent Fdl 'icodstotse Permlt fssuance llecittnictl Perxtlt -- EilCRAACHI.:ENT -- t Parmit )wbcat ;ideusalk L Label ,lobile llane f HAW CAREFULLY EXAUfNED the cornpleted aopLication for permit, cnd dc hereby certify that aLL itfornation het,eon is true anC earrect, anC f furthez, certify that any ard aLL aork perforned slnlL be dote in aecor- dance tith the Ordinances of the Ctty of Springfield, anC thc La;s of ther State of Oregcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed he?ein, cnd tiu+- NO CCC!./- PANCY uiLL be nade of any str'ueture uithout permission of the Building Di- otsion. I fut'ther eertif'g that only cont?actoos an;d enplcyees uho ate in eanpl;-ance uith oRS ?01.055 uiLL be used on this project :'.f ag:l -;'AL i.:iir)|' Dua:'5jE.1^ g 3 -tr7 Lat Sq. Ftg. X cf Lct Couerage_ # of Stories ?otal lteight Topogrzphy t+-BD - Enerou Sou?ees Tute i'incpLace Hoodstote Coace \\lN, i ..RESIP- NTIAL.." APPLTCATT)N/PERMIT 225 North |th Street SprLngfield, }regon 9747? Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFTINGFTELD Iour City Designated Job Nunber fs:. # 4uf ,tr't I ,r.t{-..iIa- Date: ConSjratetiot_IendeL GeneraL ELectyical l4echotical Ramti ta,l Tv enan*t' nva l_t ia the responeibility of the petmit holter to eee that aLL inopectiot'ts are nade at the prope! time, that ecch addrees is reaCabi.e try--tlp at?eet, and, tlnt the petmtt card is Located at the fuant of the property.*AuiHing Diuicion appz.o"*ed pl-an slc.Ll yemain on tlp BunldinA Sftc'at aLL' times." PRO2IDUPE- Foq INSPECU)N ?I.?UEST:CALL 726-3769 (yecorder) state you! City designated job ntm,bet,, job aCitess, type of inspecti.cnteQuestedanduhen gouuiLLbe ready forinspection, Cotttractot,s oi Oumeys nane andplnne number. P,equests receiibdbefcriT:00 anuiLL be nade the sone dcy, "eqrcsts nade after 7:00 a,n viLL be nade the neat torking day. Job Locaticn:6 a ? zqzf e-{DAesessote Map #?az Lot #6() Subdiuision: Anter: Address -10 6,3( ci zip: 7Z o Value DescrLbeLINeu t-t ?{ 4t\ Date of AppL ieation Additian RenoCel Pege 1 of 2 SIIE INSPEC?I1N: ?o be nade aftet, escaoation, but priar tc set up of forne. INFALATION/VAPOR BARRTER IIISPECTION :nEr!nf fmT^^, ^D t,^tEt DttTf h-':ac To be nade aftet, aLL insulaticn and requit,ed oapor burie?s @e in plaee but before ang Lath, gApsutn baatC ot, unLL cooering is appli,ed, utd before oty insulation i,s concealed. ANDERSLAB PLUMBTNG, ELECTRICAL & WCHAI\fCAL: To be made befoz:e any uork is eot;ered, FjOTrNc & E1UNDATICN: Io be rm.CeAfiAEencG-are "acauated and forns are eteeted, but prior to pourtng ccncrete, UNDSRGROUTID PLUMBING. SEWER, WATER, pB4!U4e-: To be made pz,ior to fil- @-Tidnehee. AilDERFLOOR PLUI,ETNG & I,IECIIANICAL : oy floor insulation or decking. POSI AND BEAM: To be nade priot, to instalLaticn of floon ir*ulation ordeeking. ",;, ROUGH PLA|BTilG. ELECTRTCAL & IIECH: ANICAL: No uoy,k is to be co"^et,ed -_- mtil these inspeetions hanse been made and approued. fiPEPLACE: Pt"Lot, to plaeirq faeingmatetials and. before franing inspec- tion. FRAI.|INC: l4ust be requested after apptoual of rough plwnbing, electz,i- eal & meclunieal. ALL roofittg btacing & chinmeys, etc. rntst be , eornpleted. llo ucyk is to be con- , cealed unti.L this inspection has?been mod.e anC appz,ooed. DRYHALL TNSPECTTON: Tc be nade -., after aLL dryuall is in plaee, but prioz, to any tapirq. I4AS1NRY: Steel Locati,on, bond beans, grouting or oerticals in accotd.otce LtLth U.B.C. Section 2475. WOODSTOVE: ccmpT;TA. After installation is Scrtitory sa,ter capped at ptopertii Li-r:e Septic totk plonped and filled trith gratel Final - hlten abcoe itens ote cctnpleted and uhen Canclitior ie eomplete o" struc- ture motseC and. pterrLses cleaneC up. Mobile Hcnes BT.ocking ord. Set-up Plttnbing connections -- aa/)e? otd, uater Electu tcal Connection - Bloeking, set-u? and. plutnbing conneetions rn;st be apprcted before requesting electz.Lcal inspecliol Aecessory BuilCing CURB & APPROACH APPON:ee erecteC but prior to conc?ete. SIDETALK & DRfIULAI: For all con- c"ete paufuAffi street nlght- of-uay, to be made after aLL erca- oating conplete & forn tsork & sub- base materLal in place. After fonns 'pouyrtns Finzl - After etc. ote e,cmp pct ches, skirting, decks, 1 ^L^) FTUAL PLUAAING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL ALL pr.oject conditions, such ae the installation of stteet trees, conpletion of the required Landscaping, etc., mtst be satisfied before the BUILDING FLNAL ean be requested. ilNAL BULLDIN1: The Final Building Inspection mtet be requested aftet the Final Plunbing Electrical, and. Meclnnical fnspections haDe been made and approued. K qq *ALL \LANHCLES AND CLEAN1UTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASTI\ENT v0 BE \L4DE AT N0 CCS? T0 crTv 71 YNce: h4ten conplete -- ProtsiCe L)AAA o? mooable sectians through |-lP.U.E. L--] T r z SOLAR PCCESS REQ.- Bedrooms: fJOB NO L-co c Ileat Accesspr.House Lot Faces -Iat Sq. Ptg. + % of Lct Couetage # of Storiee Iotal Height, Iopogrqhy LCT TWE _ Intericr Corner Panhandle Cttl-de-sac Building Vqlue & Permit This permit is granted on the enpress condition tlnt the said eonsttaetion slnll', in aLL rbspects, conformio the ordirwnce adopted 6:y the CitA of Springfield, ineluding the Zoning Crdinance, reguLating the ccnsttacticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or reuokeC at cnA tine upon oic- Lation of dnA prcoisiona of said 1rdinances. . FTG Value TOTAL VALUE Date Paid: ruEM x * Signed: S.D.C. L.5 s Building Pernrtt ?otal Clwrgea State Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll constmtct, install, alter or cltange anA neu cr ecisting plwnbing or dtainage systan in uhole or in pott, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a ualid plutnber:'s L,Lcense, eseept that a pe"son may do plu:nbing uork to property uhich is or,med, Leased or operated by the appli.- cant. N0.FEE UrufrUL Sani Seuer ?ictu.z,es Residential (1 bath) Plutnbing Pernit Electricol Permit Were State Lan reEtires tlat the electrical uork be done by an Eleetrical Contraetoz,, the eleetz,ical portion of this permit slnll not be oalil. untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electuical Contracto?. o-Z h/j.- -L FEE o NC FEE , * Mechqnicol Permit Na,t/Ectend Circuits Set'uice State ?otal bh.anet ilooC llcodstozse Vent Fdt Permlt fssucnee Mec?nnical Permit -- ENCROACHMEN? -. Qeew'tty Deposit Storage Mainteranee Permit Cutbcut Fence ,s0 Mobile Home # PLan E&otrlne?uate f IIAW CAREEULLy EXAttfNED the contpleted application fot, permit, and do hereby certify that aLL information het,eon is ttue and ebrrect, anC f furtket, certify that ang ard aLL uork perfozned slnll be done in aceoz,- dance l,tith the 1rdinanees of the City of Springfield, and the Las of the* State of Oregon pertaining to the uotk Cesbribbd hnnb"n, an"d. tlnt No occu- PANcy uLlL be nnce of aTta st"uctule tvithout pennission of the Buitding Di-tsisio-n. I fut,ther certifg that only eontz,aitors and enpicgees uho arb inconpliance uith 1RS 701.055 uiLL be used on this projecl -1r/ 3-s(-w L TOIAL /il40W? DUE:*q Pi.8>Signed Date rTlM State Swchanqe Iotal CTaraes Sideualk ,B ..-:??5r-r--,-i.f.{tr'r!dr}' :.:-1a.. .. j.t+i-. ..i,rr.L-..e. -:;.wi.:rff*,J.d x *,.,-,arr.rtr " RESIDTNTIAL". APPLICAruON/PERIII! 225 North ith Street . Sprtngfield, 1t,egon 97477 Bui.L&ing DLrsision 726-37 53 Job Iacaticn:37 Aesessors Map #rl oa.s t l SPTIINGFIEI.D k;(" Ia Iot # 'l z/a / &!-op Subdioision: Q.mer:e Aitd,ress: K78 t/ O ci ,Eu C. 1A Ort I tlll t--l Describe Hork: NeD 7 ^*rrr"n H et A 4e 4" Be-7Lr+c<- aL I gx;r=+;!n!c, 4nalq - Siored:l- Date: k-1-t1 Date of App GetzeraL Plwzbin_d 3 o Phone:344-/t163+4 sc. i ELectrlcal lleciun:ical Constntetiott Leaniet - -s-- It is ,he responribility of tle penit holdet b aee ttut aLL inspectiotts oe nade at lhe ptope, tine, tLat 2'sl1 aitirsse is rt2asrAiE ftzn tha at?eet, and tizat the pertmt eard ie l^tcated at the frcnt of the property.aeuildi.W Dtuicion approt;ed ptan slcll pemain on t|tz Building Site at aLL' tines.- P:?OC9DUPE, Fo4 IiISPEN2N ,W?ES?:CALL 726-3769 (recordet) stdte you City designated iobtequesteci ara. ulzen gou uiLL be reatiy for inspection, Cont?dctc?s o? Oone"s nane crui phone':tiLL be ttade the sone dcy, "eqttests maie aftez, ?:00 on viLL be nade the nczt:sorking day. Rcati,ao,l T*qo^|t' na< YolE City Desigrated Job ltunb* Is: I ntoibe?, iob aiitess, type of insoee=ictt ntnber. P.equests teceiu'ed befcte 7:00 ct 810s3 I ._] SM IIIS?i1!tull: lo be rm.rie after I j er.catazlon, ouv ptlo" Ec sex ip oi Jotng. ailpgRSLAE ?LUtlBrNc. EtECl:LrCl-L 4lECM.l:iCAL: lo be nade befot,e ang t,prk is eooered. fcoruc ,, Foai\tDA?rcil: ?o be tmceafter crenches are eccaated and fonns are ereeted, but prior to pourLng ccne?ete. tryL\llpou:tD PLnt4EIrlC, slloP, w.ATEj'?, - l.trq trenehes. UTIDEPFLCA? PLU\EI|IG & I|ECITANICAL : of il|SULA.?ION /VAPOR BARRIER I!|SPIC?IOII : Io be nade after aLL insulaticn ed. tequired oapor boriers @e in pl.a.ce bttt befcre ory Lath, Wpsutt bcarC or rnLL couering is app!,led, attd. before ory insulation is uncealed.: DRYTIALL filSPEIf1N: lc be rmde after aLL CaguaLL is in pla.ce, but prior to any tapins. lUSQllg: Steel Location, bond tffilgrouting ot oetti.cdls in accotdotee LrLth U,B.C. Section 24L 5. WOODS?OYE: ccnATetA. After installation is CURB & APPR1ACH AP.oQN: Aftet fornsd';;CAA-fr;V;lo" b pourins cotLc?ete. SIDEIALK 8 DRfIEWAY: Eor aLL con- crete pauit'tg uithi.n street night- of-txy, to be maCe after aLL esca- tating caaplete & for-n wk & sub- base natertal in plaee. OP, Sanilag easer capped at ptopcrfui Zhce Septie totk p'"rped ad fi.Lled vtth gra;sei Pinal - hhen abcoe itqts are eryLeted ar:.d uhen Cqnclitiot is carryLete or at,rl3- ture moued oi, pner,rlses cleaneC up. llobile Hcnes Bloeking od. Set-up Pltnbi,ng connections -- ,?o otC uatet Electrical Ccmnection - Blockittg, se'"-u? and pluttbing connections ttr;st be apprct;eC befote requeating electrlcal inspecliol Accessory Buidittg I --1.J l l floot insulction or decking. I POS? Al19 BEAI4: 7o be nade pnior toJ ffi;iffi;of floor insui)tion oy d.eckittg. -I ROUGH ?LUBI!\G. ELEilRICAL & I,IECH- I1- - .w:til these inspeelians lnue beer nad.e ard coorotsed. 1 r**ucti *Lon to plccira facino) ffi;G arui before'franini in"p"-o- =&*, U*", be requested. after Z .ppr"url of rough pitrr,bing, electri- a.L t necianieal. ALt roofing .' btacing A chitmeye, etc. rrust be i conpletcd. lto ucrk is to be con-. cecled until this inspeetton las'been nade anC approoed. Pinal - Afte" etc. are conp pcrches, skirting, decl<s, Le'"ed. l l l l FIIIAL PLII!,EIIIC PIIIAL I,{ECHA1IICAL PINAL EIEERICAL IENCE: hrhen conplete -- ProtiCe gatei or mottable aecticns through P.U.E, ALL y,oject cotditiow, such as tle installation of slreet trees, eonoletion of the rcquired Land.sccpirg, ctc., iluat be eatisfi.cd before the BUILDIUG FfilAL can be tequested. PINAL BUILDIN7: The Einal Building fnapection truBt be tequesteC cftet the Final Pltnbing Electtical, otC Meclutical lispectiona lstta been tad.e atd apptoued. .ALL LTANHCLES AND CLEANOWS HUS? BE ACCESSIELE, AATUSAIEI|? ?O 8E I'IADE AT IlO C1SI ?O CIIY P4e7of2 tl [+\"\ \a u T tr I I ! i I ; I I JOB NO.5S/ soLAR Ar -Ess REQ.-t-coc* Building Volue & Permit lhis pennt is granted on the eup"ess condition ttnt the said-consttaetionslnll, in a'l.L tespects, conform to the Ordtrwnee adopted 6iy the City ofSpringfield, includ.ing the Zoning Cvdinanee, regulcting the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, otd nty be suspend.ed ot reuokeC at cny time upon uic- lation of dng prctsisions of said Ordinances. irot sq. rq. il cf Lct Cctserage | { of Stortes It?otal f;eight ?opogrcphy S.D.c. 7.5 r I Euilding Permit State ?otal Cltargea TDT TWE . fntetiot _ Come? _ Panhod,le C'ul-de-eac * ) Sigxed: \Beltoons: - Lot Pacee -Enetau Sourees Tute lleat Df House Canaae Aceess.Udte" !!eate"No"th Eost FireoLace South tlaoactote Uest -- Fees -- Value l.lain Aeeesscru 5qr) TOTAL \'ALUE \^\3QO- 5r). tD -srN-- Date Paid:2. sl Reeeipt #:53.C)3 @EEE .Fritures Resid.znti^a.l (1 bath) Sani Seuer Plutbing Pez*it State lcta! llezt/Ertetd, Circuits Sentice Petrit Total Plumbing Permit No pereon slwll consttact, instal!, alter ot change cnA nel cr e:istingplmbing or drainage sAstan in uhole or in part, utless sueh person.is the Legal possessor of a oalid plumbet's License, esceot th,at a pe"son na-g dopltnbing uork to Wope"tl uhich is oozed, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. Electricol Permit Wete State Ia,t tequites tlnt the eleetrtcal uotk be done by an glecty.ical Cotttactor, the eleetriccl aortion of this permit siull not be oali.C, untilthe Label las been signed by the Electri.cal Cont"dcto?. $or \\:c-\uAeA r':Ren,,.F.t .;u'. I Mechonicol Permit *lwnat llooC Vent Fan tore 9ecari Pentrtt Issuaee l,leelaniczl Perrit -- E|]CRCACHI.:ENT -- Pclrrrit ?otal Charoes )utbaf- ;ideuaZk "enee .lobile H*te f HAW CAREFULLY SXAifiNED t|e eornpleted appli'cation for permit, dnd d.o hereby certify tlut aLL itfo:nation hereon is true attd eorrect, atz,ll f .,\ firther certify that any ard aLL uork perforned slatt be dote in aecor- dance ti,th the 2rdinances of the City of SprLngfield, anC the La;s of thet State of Otegcn pet,taining to the tnrk Cescribbd herein, cnd tlat NO OCCU- Pr'.ilCy ttill be naie of any st?uctu"a uithout permission of the Suilding Di-uision. f further eertify that otly eonttaetors ard. etplcyees uho are in canpliance atth ORS 701.055 uiLL be used on this project tr a:_ J;,iL fi,:Arii' Dna:.5iE 1' B - 3-tr7