HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1978-05-17-\ ___)URNAL No. J-7,r_ 6- 5 3 TO: APPLICATION FOR Z-ONE_CHANGE, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPI4ENT PERMIT, ON_VNNiNT,Idi THE COMMON COUNCIL AND CITY PLANNING COMMISSIONSPRINGFiELD, OREGON 1. Appl icant's Name c ia Ha ES 2. General Location of the property , 5/t- gT,Zz+ + ress, s e s tre oca on n cross strt 3 Property as recorded in Deed BookClerk's Office.Page recorded in County Tax Lot llurnber(s )760 4. Legal Descnjpt'ion (Attach separate sheet if necessarJ) See Attachment I tr 6 Size of parcel:,?3 acres and/or 4frrq. ^ W square feet. Present use of property:one s Ie familv sidence - 7. Present zoning of property:R.A. su an District B. Proposed use of property (Explain in detai'l):Limited ultiole Housino 9 Covenants and restrictions on property (if any):None Known 10. Appl icant's request: X Zone Change: (Check one) From R.A. Suburban Dist. T o R-2 Limited Multipie By Resolution of intent to rezone: By 0utright rezonino: Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development Permit Variance from Land Use Restrictions PL- 1 OVER Assessor's Map Ilumber 1 z -02-31 -42 11. Appl i cant' 5i gnature: By : Peter L.H. Date Filed: \'- - /)-7 s Received bY: Receipt Issued To:Ya infonnation attached hereto 2) I have the fol'lowi ng ct purchaser; -1essee;zed to act for a Person Exp'la'in why the request-should be granted. ^Show how the change-is consistent with and promotes the odiectives of t[e'general ptan anJ the Zoning Orainance' Also orovide information showing hon tnir r.qrest supports a publii need' convenience' br the general communitY welfare' I hereby certifY that: 1) the foregoing statements and othe are true and accu rate to the best of mY knowledge and belie leg al 'interest in the ProPertY:otJner of record;cont rrffi'6 has the following 1eg hol Cer of an exc I u s'i ve oP t 1 10 n=[o- purchasel X-du 1[autho al nterest:H 3) the owner of record 'is knowl edgeab eo s app ca on am no 0wner's Name: G ia Ha CS Address:1 66 Telephone: 344-872s r f.rt rari and S e owner. veAddress:244 0 Oak rove Dr Te1 ephone:7 9son FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Journal Number:5=7 Y-G-53 ,L '-1 4 L Date Fixecl For Planning Conunission Hearing :-7Y S5 Iho-Action Taken: \ /r:fH E)€JE\rv REGfllgST Resolution of Intent Number Appeal By Applicant: Date Fixed For Common Council llearing: Action Taken: FINDING OF FACT FOR ACTIO}tr TAK.EN: Ordinance Number: Snv ss 484 d. 5. oBo oo o o o cot,o ec Eo() Urlol ErlEIolol<l zlEIflFI IJJIcl,o I Tom Marx' i: 2?5L .371h StSETDER: \ . Complete items 1 and/or 2 for additional services.. Completo items 3, and 4a & b. . Print your name and address on the reverse of this form so that we can return this card to You.. Attach this form to the front of the mailpiece, or on the back if space does not permit. . Write "Return Receipt Requested" on the mailpiece below thg article number, . The Return Receipt will show to whom the article was delivsred and the data delivered. I also rsh to receive the following services (for an extra fee): 1. E Addressee,s Address 2. n Restricted Delivgry Consult for 3. Article Addressed to: Jody Bianchi P.0. Box 483 Junction City, 0R 4a. Article Number P 866 797 967 97 448 n lnsureo tr coD 5 Return 4b. Service TypeE Registered ffi Certified E Express Mail 7. Date of Deliverv/z'-to -9 for 8. Addressee's Address and fee is paid) (Only if requested 6. Signature (Agent) PS Form , December 1991 * u.s.G.P.o.:1ee2-307-530 DOMESTIC RETUR N RECEIP- q;(, oo a.oooG c I oE o) o = o o Itro PM -JA lO ')E- (l_)-) u) ts ( UNITED STATES PL S-TAL Ofticial Business Print your name, address and ZIP Code here a a DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 225 FIFTH STREETliPQr\tt:FlEL.D, CR 91471 * iJ.S.MAIL - -r-- \ USE a I Supplement to Zone Change Petition Haynes Property 1. Conformance with the Comprehensive PIan and Zoning Code: The metropolitan area I990 General P1an shows this area as Iow density residential of one to ten dwelling units oer acre. The Springfieid code shows this area to have a number of zones ranging from RA to R-2 to R-3 and finally special development district. The site does prov,ide from within the 1990 Plan the following: (a) The area of this prooosed change is centrally located in the City and is well served by major transportation routes (McKenzie Highway) . Provision for R-2 density development in this area would facilitate achievement of a compact growth form and reduce the need for provision of such housing on the fringe of the city. Development of a compact growth form with consequent reduction in urban sprawl is one of the primary objectives of the I990 General Plan. (b) The area of this proposed zone change is located in ciose proximity to two trnajor employment cehters: (1) the central business district; and (2) the industrial area to the west, Encouraqement of R-2 density development in this area would be consistent with the transportation objectives adopted by the city which encourage location of residential areas in such a manner aS to reduce dependence upon the automobile. Further, this area is well served by pubiic transportation' 2 We are asking for R-2 limited multiple housing' Demonstration of Public Need: The Eugene-soringfield area has an extremely low vacancy rate and therefore the area needs to conserve and expand its housing stock to provide a decent and suitable living environment for atl of its residents' see Greg Mott,s study on springfield housing. overall vacancy rate for this area is ,07g, clearly demonsirating springfield's need for additional housingr' public need would be best served by changing the classification of this proDerty as compared with other available property' The public already has made a ma jor investment in this area in roads ' The property is located near a major road and close to a highway interchange. sewers are available immediately adjacent to the property and other urban services are availabie' presently within the city there is a'scarcity of land of this designation for development so close to urban services and to the central business district area. 3 Supplement to Zone Change Petition Haynes Froperty Page 2 A fuII range of urban services are readily available to this property, making it definiteby suitable for R-2 limited multiple density development at the present time. 4. Mistakes in the original comprehensive plan: The current 1990 PIan shows the area as low density residential. The Springfield zoning ordinance shows the area as a mix of uses ranqing from special development district, which has in it commercial and residential activities, to the R-A suburban residential area which has in it a mix of R-2 and R-3 housing developments. The area is in transition and we feel that R-2 limited muitiple would heip to act as a buffer between the predominantly commercial activity along the highway and the single family residential to the east. Map Number 17-02-3L-4 2 Tax Lot 6700, Lol 7, Block 4, DOUGLAS GARDENS, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 73, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. 4v,O --912*>L"ti Z7 ,VF ..-t/a7 ,-"-* '1O - qf' 'Ftt?? T;'t ) @^{U/ 1v'r77>6r2.*vT -l{C 6n (/U a ,^'7) 7n.'2//'' , oS;0 / t\.c'7 r),(0 rrr' '-v,'72' -tzQ r)j/22 _/'7.2 9"r ,/^E 6c.0r f-T/'rrv"onn'Pvr T/ .'\b//o n T.',hY,ru 'ru6) oo?z /?r"tqt €/7 t' d? (\, 28,"f -sAf iu 'Yn'l,r{AQz #V,/"X \ n ltuMvldt jjgNtUdS : Alt}: .? :10fi J ll, o .n|Truor? Qtfuarmnb"/"r/ lzl/d*"Arry7ril+ w",fr7;4 //l/'6F-*4