HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2000-12-06Job# 00-01758-01 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT City Of Springfield Community Services Division Building Safety SP]IINGF!ELD Page 1 of2 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, OR97477 Location Of Proposed Site: 185 S 00037th St Spr AssessorsMap#: 17023142 Lot: Block: Addition: Job Number: 00-01 758-01 Office: 726-3759 Inspection Line: 726-3769 Tax Lot #: 06600 Subdivision: oITY OF SPRTNGFTELD, OREGOTV Owner: Terry Travis Address: 1495 Cheek St Scope Of Work: Single Family Residence demolition accepted by fire for training Phone Number: City/State/Zip: Demolish 541-747-9940 Springfield, OR97477 Value: $O Quad Area: # Of Units: Constr. Type: Water Heater: Office Use - Land Use: Zoning Code: Bedrooms: Range: # Of Buildings: Occupancy Group: Heat Source: Sq. Footage: To request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at726-3769. All inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following working day. Required lnspections Building Demolition Sanitary Sewer Cap -Capped within five feet of the property line and capped with an approved material as required b Construction Types: Occupancy Groups: # Of Buildings: # Of Bedrooms: Handicap Access? Area (Sq. Main:Accessory # Of Stories: Height (feet): Current Units: Proposed Units: Census Code: Does not apply rnu 009Total: Fee Minimum Plumbing Permit Fee State Surcharge - Plumbing Miscellaneous Plumbing Paid On Receipt#Fee Amount 1210612000 12t0612000 12t06t2000 3979 3979 3979 Valu 15 $.00 $1.05 $15.00 33 lv\H3d stHl uloNn olztuoHlnv HIJI SUlcX3llVHS llt/\luld SlHlPlumbing i Job# 00-0'1758-01 Page 2 ot 2 Fee Paid On Receipt# Value/Quantity Fee Amount Administrative Fee - Plumbing Total Plumbing Plumbing 12t0612000 3979 $.45 $16.50 Grand Total By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I also agree to call for the required inspections as noted above (726-3769) at the appropriate times. I also state that I was provided with Lane Regional Air Pollutions phone number and asbestos removal information. I further agree that the address will be readable from the street, and the permit card is located at the front of the during the demolition process. Date $16.50 6 fuoz*n C|TY OF SPR OBEGO'V SPFI. ;TELO DEI,ELOPMENTSERY'CES PUBUC }?IORKS M ETR O FO LITAN WAST EWAT ER M AN AG E M ENT DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS I grant the City of Spri ngfi eto the redocumentation pr iorS,7+\z6 Property owner signature: Date:l2 o ld pe rmission to enter my property to complete ed demolition of the structure located at. / oo - <> t'l g-r-ol your demo'lition permit is currently being .processed. There .may_ -be a sl ight aeiay, of up to 2 working days for-small structures, due to-the time required io ie,iiew tlie history of [he itructure to determine if it needs to be documented U.for. demolition. -This documentation is for archival purposes only and_will not aff.ct the granting of the demolition permit. If the structure is-very large or complicatedihe Aoiumentation process may take u.P- to a.maximum.of 4 working days. Documentation will consist of photographing the !_u_il.ding,. taking meisurements and making scaled drawings. The documentation will be undertaken by the City at no cost-to you. Documentation is being.{one--on all structures aitea prioi to 1940 that may have historic importance to the City's development. -, T,{IS DoCUUENTATI0N I{ILL NoT IHPEDE THE DE}|0LITI0N PRoCESS. An age cut-off of 1940 was chosen because this is the date that the National Parki Service and the Springfield Development Code use to determine potential hi storica1 signi ficance. Ifyou would prefer to complete this documentation yourselfygu must provide the City with the following information: l) black and white photographs of each elevation, a floor plan with measurements, and a set of elevation drawings with measurements. Thank you for your patience. :D={-{ t= ;if:D T}n4Z.mmcD(a'. d+r'r (= (, ..i5 .. mcl{o l'J lrl rr -lF{fl@C)Cfm:E cF.()T7D* O.; Z c|,. f.J L,l(3trJ'o'-ofr.' m Ln c3 --.1ts." C)O\D 225 FIFTH SIFEEI SPR/NGF/ELD. OR 97477 (fi3)726-3753 C'TY OF SPR"VGFIELD, OREGOA' SPR FIELO DEV ELOP M ENT SERVIC ES D E PARTM ENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 Address: )gf S 3VL'S Structure to be Demolished:-, .--)---- f- 11 Job Number:c)o-c)l?tg-o/ The applicant is hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply with all of the applicable laws, codes, ordinances, policies and plans in effect at the time the redevelopment proposal is accepted as complete for City review. This would include correction of substandard conditions associated with the present development. Examples of such corrections may include modification of inadequate drainage facilities; compliance with building set-backs from property lines; correction of substandard sidewalks and street improvements, including driveway width and placement; and other corrections which may be necessary to comply with existing development standards. Furthermore, if an existing use is demolished or otherwise removed prior to the development of the proposed use, then the system development charge credit for the previously existing use shall expire two years after the date of issuance of the demolition permit or other removal of the previously existing use. (Springfield Municipal Code 3.416(1). My signature below indicates that I have read and understand the above conditions relating to the demolition of the above mentioned structure. tz,/o 64 un#7 Page I of I I :\WORDFILE\PERMITS\Demosdc.doc I>={-{ t= ;rJ}D;o-{zmmco C'1 .. **rf E r=..]E> .r Frl(fC.'f FJ rf ts -lF{C3€*(}Om- cr.c) 7I] D F C:)., z cl'.. r.J L"lom. (f,..otI.mLnO--l}J.. OO\o C'TY C'F SPANGFIELD, C,f/EGON SPRINGFIELO HRE AND LIFE SAFETY STEVEN W: ROEHL DEPUry CHEF OF OPEBATIONS 4SSIGNMENT TRAINING 225 FIFTH STREFT. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477pHoNE (s4t) 226-zss. FAx (s4iiiia:ieii SPFII IELO h,225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD. OR 97477 (503) 726.3737 FAX (503) 726 2297 Area Code changes to (Sal) November 1995 BIJRN AUTHORIZATION D tle'-t5 fu"/O TO:City of Springfield, a Municipal Corporation, acting by and through its Depanment of Fi and Life Safety You are hereby authorized and permitted to burn under supervision and for education and instruction pulposes that certain house or building located on: rax Lor # l'/. O.U 3 I .4a.- o bboful Addition to Springfield, Oregon which is designated asi/fS 5. 37fr Ji Street, Springfield, Oregon. I/We, expressly rvarrant and represent to you that VWe, the undersigned, are the owner(s) of said properry, and that the same is free and clear of any and all liens, encumbrances. judgments, and any interest, right, title or claim in any other person other than the undersigned, and that this consent is freely and voluntarily given, and that we will save the Cify of Springfield harmless from any liability to any person whomsoever by reason of any statement or warranty contained in this letter. I/We, the undersigned, also agree to the following requirements imposcd by tLe Department of Fire and Life Safety to assure completion of all regulations. 1. The propcrty orvner(s) shall remo?e all debris on the lot(s) involved in this bunr within sixty (60) days after completion date of the burn by the Departnrent of Fire and Life Safety. 2. The property owner(s) is to secure the required demolition and plumbing cap permits fronr the Building Deparknent when inside the Ciry Limits. 3. Outside City Limits, County regulations apply. 4. The properly owner(s) shall have the structure inspected for asbestos. This includes: a. An internal and external inspection of the shucture by an asbestos or environmental consulting firm. b. Removal of asbestos containing materiais, as indicated by the inspecring firnt. A licensed asbestos removal company must perform asbestos removal anci disposal.c. The property owner(s) shall submit a cop,v ol'the original asbestos inspection as written by the inspecting firm and a signed note stating that the asbestos has been removed.5. Provide proof of insurance cancellation (see attached form) 6. I, as the property owner, have read and understand the letter expiaining the anticipated contlition of the burn structure at the training burn's conclusion. OWNF,R(s)I h ADDRESS t4q1; Oneer SVcaf PHONE a.rneat+e.r.,faa/ei4r4.Al4 p4aaaac2 do fu*f /,rd/&d/h4d/o /na/zdu4, ile czrr.rrrtrfq -l+7 lqLO C,ITY OF SPB"VGFIELD,OFEGO'U SPF .FIELD DEPARTMENT OF FIRE & LIFE SAFETY OPERAT'ONS 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (50s) 726.s7s7 FAX (sjs) 726 2297 Area Code changes to (5a1 ) November 1 995 October 17,2000 Terry Travis 1495 Cheek Street Springfreld, Oregon 97477 Regarding: Proposed training burn of the structures at 185 South 37th Street The anticipated condition of the structures, dwelling and garage, at the conclusion of the training burn: The combustible portion of the dwelling and garage should be reduced to ash. There may be small chunks of wood that remain, not totally consumed by buming or smoldering. Any non-combustible items within the structure such as metal pipe and hardware, concrete, etc, will survive the fire and be amongst the ash. The remains of the burn should settle within, or adjacent to, the foundation area of the structures. The tree against the southeast comer of the garage and the bushes against the house will not survive: The tree on the northwest corner of the property, the tree on the east side of the property (east of the dwelling), and the bushes bordering the property along South 37th Skeet may sustain some radiant heat damage. We will protect the vegetation, not in direct contact against the structures, with water streams and hopefully minimize any damage. Sincerely, Steven W. Roehl Training Chief tolt7l00Prebrn €druk? prafulrrry /rz a"""rt"tZV CITY OF OREGO'U SPr -iFtELO OEPARTMENT OF FIRE & L'FE SAFETY OPERATIONS Thank you, Springfield Fire and Life Safety TRAINING DIVISION h,225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-37s7 FAX (50s) 726.2297 Area Code changes to (541) November 1995 2. 3 INSTRUCNONS TO PROPERry OWNERS (TRAINING BURNS) The Owner will: l). Complete the two (2) authorization forms (FD-158) - provide: date, properly address, tax lot number, signature of Owner(s), address of Owner, and phone number of Owner Retain one copy of the authorization and return the other to the Deparhnent of Fire and Life Safety. Complete the insurance "Notice of Cancellation or Nonrenewal" form. Retain one copy and return the other to Springfield Deparfinent of Fire and Life Safety. Secure the demolition permit (there is no charge when the Departnent of Fire and Life Safety accepts the building(s) for taining purposes), but the permit requires the Owner's signature, so please sign and date the permit. The City of Springfield does require a septic/sewer permit and inspection fee to be obtained by the property Owner. Please contact the Springfield Development Services at726-3753 for both permits, and submit a copy of each to the Deparhnent of Fire &Life Safety. Have the following disconnected: Water Electrical power and meter removed Natural gas meters removed and line of supply capped at street Telephone lines removed from building Cable TV lines removed from building Remove: All closed vessel containers (water heaters, fuel tanks, etc.) All asbestos containing materials, as indicated by the inspecting frm (a list of inspection and abatement frms is enclosed). .fu.{7d