HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 07 Proposed Amendents to City Engineering Design StdsEngineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual Attachment 1, Page 1 of 2 Attachment 1, Page 2 of 2 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 1 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1.00 DESIGN STANDARDS 1.01 PURPOSE These standards are meant to provide a consistent policy under which certain physical aspects of street design and plan preparation shall be implemented. The following standards apply to public streets. Only the Basic Geometry (1.02.1), Pavement Design (1.02.7), Driveway Approaches (1.02.13), and Private Improvements (1.02.15) sections apply to private streets. These standards cannot provide for all situations and are not intended to substitute for competent work by design professionals. It is expected that the Engineer of Record representing the Applicant will bring to each project the best professional skills from their respective disciplines. These standards are also not intended to limit any reasonable, innovative, or creative effort which could result in better quality and/or lower costs. Any proposed departure from these standards, however, shall be brought to the attention of the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer, and will be judged on the likelihood that it will produce a comparable result that will be satisfactory for the user and Springfield. 1.02 DESIGN STANDARDS - GENERAL These standards are intended to be consistent with the Springfield Development Code (SDC), the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), any relevant refinement plans, the Springfield Transportation System Plan, and the current Springfield Standard Construction Specifications. These standards pertain to the design of streets within Springfield and its Urban Growth Boundary; establish appropriate right-of-way widths and improvement requirements; and provide standards for the various City street classifications. All public streets are considered fire department emergency apparatus access roads and shall meet the fire code minimum design standards. Private streets may or may not be considered fire department emergency apparatus access roads as determined by the Fire Marshal. All new or altered public streets and all other facilities located in the public right-of-way must meet the Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (2011) (“PROWAG”) published by the U.S. Access Board. By this reference, the City adopts the PROWAG into its standards. Where the PROWAG conflicts with standards in this manual or in the Springfield Standard Construction Specifications, the PROWAG standards will prevail. Streets shall be engineered in a manner to allow economical future maintenance, provide the lowest life cycle cost, and to ensure a minimum practical street design life of at least 20 years for local streets and 30 years for arterial and collector class streets. 1.02.1 Basic Geometry The location, width, and grade of streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, and the planned use of land to be served by the streets. Grades, tangents, curves, and intersection angles shall be appropriate for the traffic to be carried, considering the terrain. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 1 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 2 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 1.02.2 Design Speed Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer, the design speeds identified in Table 1-1, Minimum Design Speeds, shall be used in the design of all public streets. The Engineer of Record is responsible for evaluating and choosing the necessary design speed for the conditions. In the event that a project is a continuation of an existing street, the design speed of the new project shall be appropriate for the context of the extended street. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 2 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 3 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Table 1-1: Minimum Design Speed Street Classification Zoning Minimum Design Speed (MPH) Local Residential 20 in nodal overlay zones, otherwise 25 Non-Residential 20 in nodal overlay zones and business districts of high pedestrian activity, otherwise 25 Collector Residential 25 in nodal overlay zones, otherwise 30 Non-Residential 25 in nodal overlay zones and business districts of high pedestrian activity, otherwise 35 Arterial All 35 - 50 1.02.3 Right-of-Way and Street Width Right-of-way and street width shall be determined by applying standards specified in this Manual and other adopted policies such as the SDC; the Metro Plan, applicable refinement plans, and Springfield Transportation System Plan. Final decisions on street width may be a function of information provided in a Traffic Impact Study (TIS). A TIS may be required by the City Traffic Engineer for streets within, or adjacent to, developments. 1.02.4 Vertical Alignment A vertical curve shall be used at all grade transitions on collector and arterial class streets. Grade breaks may be utilized on low speed local class streets where the grade transition is 2 percent (algebraic difference) or less. Multiple grade brakes shall not be used in lieu of a vertical curve. Vertical curves shall be designed in accordance with the most recent standards set forth in “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” published by AASHTO. Vertical curves shall be of adequate length to provide ample sight distance and safe stopping sight distances for wet pavements based on minimum design speeds identified in Section 1.02.2 or as determined by the Engineer of Record and approved by the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. 1.02.5 Horizontal Alignment and Super-elevation Horizontal alignment and super-elevation shall be designed in accordance with the most recent standards set forth in “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” published by AASHTO. Horizontal curves shall be of adequate lengths to provide ample sight distance and safe stopping sight distances for wet pavements based on minimum design speeds identified in Section 1.02.2 or as determined by the Engineer of Record and approved by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer. Spiral curves shall not be used on any City streets unless otherwise approved or required by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer. Super-elevation shall be considered for use on all collector and arterial streets in Springfield. A maximum super-elevation rate of 4 percent shall be used unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 3 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 4 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 1.02.6 Maximum Street Grades Standard street grades shall not exceed the following grades: Street Class Grade (Percent) Arterial 8 Collector 10 Local Streets 12* * Street grades may exceed the 12 percent local street standard only where topographical conditions make it impractical to meet the 12 percent standard, subject to the following conditions: (a) No driveways or intersections shall be permitted where street grades exceed 12 percent; (b) No street with a grade of 15 percent or greater shall be permitted for a distance of more than 200 feet; and (c) In no case shall a street grade exceed 18 percent for any distance. Refer to Chapter 7 Hillside Development and related Sections for special design considerations and conditions for developing on hillsides in Springfield. 1.02.7 Pavement Design A pavement design shall be submitted for review with the construction plans for all street construction projects in Springfield with the following exceptions: A. The proposed street completes a partial width street (2/3 or 1/2) and the existing design is utilized. B. The proposed street is classified as a “local street” or a private street in a residentially zoned area with internal circulation only, and will never carry through traffic, as approved by the City Engineer. In this case, the minimum flexible pavement design structure of 4 inches of Asphalt Concrete on 12 inches of crushed rock or the minimum rigid pavement design structure of 7 inches of Portland Cement Concrete pavement on 6 inches of crushed rock and geotextile fabric shall be utilized. C. The requirement is waived by the City Engineer. All local street pavements shall have a minimum of a 20-year or greater design life. Collector and Arterial class streets shall have a 30-year or greater design life. Transitions between pavement types (flexible and rigid) shall be made at or near an intersection. On all collector and arterial streets and selected local streets (as determined by the City), both flexible and rigid pavement designs shall be included in the plan set and bid as alternates. The Engineer of Record shall then submit the cost difference to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to construction. If requested by the City Engineer, the Engineer of Record shall prepare life-cycle cost analysis to show the difference in cost savings over time. If the City Engineer determines the more expensive alternate is required, Springfield will reimburse the developer for the cost difference between the two alternatives after the project is accepted. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 4 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 5 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 All plan sets, regardless of the anticipated construction schedule, shall include a wet weather construction provision. The wet weather design shall be used for any project which initiates excavation for street construction prior to May 1st. The City Engineer will begin considering the use of the dry weather standard after May 1, depending on ground conditions and existing and forecasted weather conditions. In addition, any project that is started after May 1st, but is not scheduled for pavement by October 15th of that same calendar year, shall use the wet weather construction standard. Minimum wet weather provisions include 8 inches of additional crushed rock and geotextile fabric under the dry weather design pavement structure (rigid or flexible). These minimum provisions may be increased at the Construction Inspector’s discretion if materials tests and field inspection dictate. In all cases the pavement structure shall be placed on a subgrade that is firm and unyielding (verified by proof rolling) and compacted according to the specifications. The Construction Inspector, at their discretion, may require additional measures to ensure the pavement structure meets the design standard intent. Flexible Pavement Design Asphaltic Concrete (flexible) pavement structures shall be designed in accordance with the most recent edition of the “AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures.” Alternate design standards which provide an equivalent or more durable road structure may be used if approved by the City Engineer. The following steps are necessary to calculate a flexible pavement design. Step 1: Order soils test from independent testing laboratory to obtain the Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus, Mr. Soils tests shall be made at a depth of the proposed subgrade, no less than 2 feet below the existing ground level. Soils tests shall be gathered from enough locations within the proposed right-of-way for the sampling to be representative of actual conditions. At a minimum, one soil test shall be obtained for every 500 feet of proposed roadway. Where possible, a soil test shall be taken in the intersection of two newly proposed roadways. Soil test information shall be submitted with the pavement design. As an alternative, the Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus, Mr, can by determined if the Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k, is known by the relationship: Mr = 19.4 * k Step 2: Determine the estimated total 18-kip Equivalent Single Axle Load Applications, W18, as described in Appendix D of the AASHTO guide. Traffic volumes shall be based upon actual counts and/or traffic studies. See Table 1-2 below for minimum terminal serviceability values based on roadway classification when using the AASHTO design method. Assume an initial structural number, SN, of 3 and a minimum of 10 percent truck traffic. This calculation shall be submitted with the pavement design. Step 3: Obtain the minimum acceptable values of the Reliability (R%), Overall Standard Deviation (So), and Design Serviceability Loss (PSI) from Table 1-2 below based on the roadway classification. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 5 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 6 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Table 1-2: Minimum Acceptable Values for Flexible Pavement Design Local Collector Arterial Reliability, R% 90 95 99 Overall Standard Deviation, So 0.35 0.35 0.35 Initial Serviceability, Po 4.2 4.2 4.2 Terminal Serviceability, Pt 2.5 2.5 3 Design Serviceability Loss, PSI 1.7 1.7 1.2 Step 4: Obtain the Design Structural Number (SN) from the “Design Chart (nomograph) for Flexible Pavement Based on using Mean Values for Each Input,” Figure 3.1 in the AASHTO design guide, using the specific and constant values determined in Steps 1-3. Step 5: Determine the thickness of the pavement layer based on the formula: SN <= a1 D1 + a2 D2 m2 + a3 D3 m3 1 Where: a1, a2 ,a3 = layer coefficients representative of the surface, base and subbase courses respectively. Maximum values for each construction material are identified in Table 1-3 below. D1, D2, D3 = actual thicknesses (in inches) of the surface, base, and subbase courses, respectively. No less than 4 inches of asphalt or 12 inches of crushed rock shall be specified in any pavement structure in Springfield. Deep lift asphalt may be approved by the City Engineer under certain circumstances. m2 ,m3 = modifying coefficients to allow for drainage effects. Acceptable values are identified in Table 1-3 below. Table 1-3: Coefficients for Flexible Pavement Structural Layers Material Layer, (Subscript No.) Layer Coefficient, a Modifying Coefficient, m Asphalt Concrete, Plant Hot Mix 1 0.42 N/A Crushed Rock 2 0.14 0.80 Cement Treated Base, CTB 2 0.25 1.00 Bituminous Treated Base, BTB 2 0.22 1.00 Sandy Gravel 2,3 0.11 0.60 Sand, Sandy Clay 3 0.08 0.40 Lime Treated Soil 3 0.11 0.40 Lime Treated Clay, Gravel 3 0.16 0.40 1 Only imported or treated subbase shall be considered to contribute to the pavement structural section. Native subbase shall not be used in the structural section. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 6 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 7 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Flexible Pavement Design Notes: A. The minimum thicknesses of asphaltic concrete and crushed rock for permanent pavement are 4 inches and 12 inches, respectively, for local streets, and 6 inches and 14 inches, respectively, for collectors and above classifications. B. Where crushed rock base is specified, 1 inch of asphalt is considered equivalent to 3 inches of crushed rock. C. Full depth asphalt may be approved by the City Engineer under certain circumstances where the underlying soil type is free draining. Even when the AASHTO method yields a design thickness less than 8 inches, the minimum full depth asphalt design thickness shall be 8 inches. D. All design thicknesses shall be rounded up to the nearest 1/2 inch. E. In all cases, the pavement structure shall be placed on a subgrade that is firm and unyielding (verified by proof rolling) and compacted according to the specifications. F. All designed cross-sections shall include wet weather construction provisions including geotextile fabric and an additional 8 inches of crushed rock between the native material and base of the asphalt concrete pavement structure. Rigid Pavement Design Portland Cement Concrete (rigid) pavement structures shall be designed according to the most recent edition of AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures. Alternate design standards which provide an equivalent or more durable road structure may be used if approved by the City Engineer. The following steps are required to calculate the rigid pavement design. Step 1: Order soils test from independent testing laboratory to obtain the Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k (pci). Soils tests shall be made at a depth of the proposed subgrade, no less than 2 feet below the existing ground level. Soils tests shall be gathered from enough locations within the proposed right-of-way for the sampling to be representative of actual conditions. At a minimum, one soil test shall be obtained for every 500 feet of proposed roadway. Wherever possible, a soil test shall be taken in the intersection of two newly proposed roadways. Soil test information shall be submitted with the pavement design. As an alternative, the Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k, can by determined if the Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus, Mr is known by the relationship: k = Mr / 19.4 Step 2: Determine the Concrete Elastic Modulus, Ec (psi) Specify, in the design calculations and in the plans, the compressive strength, f ’c (psi) of the concrete mix design. The Concrete Elastic Modulus, Ec (psi) can be determined from the relationship: Ec = 57,000 √(f ’c) Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 7 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 8 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Step 3: Determine the Mean Concrete Modulus of Rupture, S ‘c (psi). The minimum Mean Concrete Modulus of Rupture, S‘c (psi), is specified in the Springfield Standard Specification 311.3.02c, Flexural Strength. Step 4: Determine the Load Transfer Coefficient, J Pavements with a monolithic or tied curb and gutter that provide additional stiffness and keeps traffic away from the edge may be treated as a tied shoulder. If the curb is not integral with the pavement section, rebar shall be provided to join the curb to the slab section (Refer to Springfield Standard Specifications for requirements). Under normal circumstances, load transfer devices are not required on City streets. Obtain the value from Table 2.6 in the AASHTO guide. Step 5: Determine the Drainage Coefficient, Cd The Engineer of Record shall determine this value using Table 2.5 of the AASHTO guide and information gathered from soils test and references such as the USGS Soil Survey of Lane County. Step 6: Determine the estimated total 18-kip Equivalent Single Axle Load Applications, W18, as described in Appendix D of the AASHTO guide. Traffic volumes shall be based upon actual counts and/or traffic studies. See Table 1-4 below for minimum terminal serviceability values based on roadway classification when using the AASHTO design method. Assume an initial pavement thickness of 6 inches and a minimum of 10 percent truck traffic. This calculation shall be submitted with the pavement design. Step 7: Obtain the minimum acceptable values of the Reliability (R%), Overall Standard Deviation (So), and Design Serviceability Loss (PSI) from Table 1-4 below based on the roadway classification. Table 1-4: Minimum Acceptable Values for Rigid Pavement Design Local Collector Arterial Reliability, R% 90 95 99 Overall Standard Deviation, So .25 .25 .25 Initial Serviceability, Po 4.5 4.5 4.5 Terminal Serviceability, Pt 2.5 2.5 3 Design Serviceability Loss, PSI 2 2 1.5 Step 8: Obtain the Design Slab Thickness, D (inches)from the “Design Chart (nomograph) for Rigid Pavement Based on using Mean Values for Each Input Variable,” Figure 3.7 segments 1 and 2 from the AASHTO design guide, using the specific and constant values determined in Steps 1-7. The minimum design thickness allowed in the City of Springfield is 6 inches. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 8 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 9 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Rigid Pavement Design Notes: A. The minimum thicknesses of Portland cement concrete and crushed rock for permanent rigid pavement are 7 inches on 6 inches respectively for local streets, and 8 inches on 6 inches respectively for collector and above classifications. This minimum is based on a minimum compressive strength, f ’c, of 4000 psi and a minimum beam strength, based on a beam strength, S’c, of 600 psi. B. All pavement structures shall include a minimum of 6 inches of crushed rock and a layer of geo-textile fabric. C. All design thicknesses shall be rounded up to the nearest 1/2 inch. D. In all cases the pavement structure shall be placed on a subgrade that is firm and unyielding (verified by proof rolling) and compacted according to the specifications. E. All designed cross-sections shall include wet weather construction provisions including an additional 8 inches of crushed rock between the required geotextile fabric and the base of the concrete pavement structure. F. A jointing plan shall be included in the public improvement plan set for review with the project. 1.02.8 Curbs and Gutters A Springfield standard curb and gutter shall be used on any fully improved public street unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. The minimum gutter grade shall be 0.30 percent, and preferably 0.50 percent. The minimum gutter grades along short-radius curves, such as curb returns and cul-de-sac bulbs, shall be 0.50 percent. No intruding structures, including, but not limited to, manholes, valves, and junction boxes shall be located within 2 feet of the curb or gutter. On partial (i.e. 1/2 or 2/3 width) street sections, an ODOT extruded concrete curb, or equivalent, shall be used to delineate traffic. Where necessary to allow drainage to pass through, 1 foot wide curb cuts shall be provided, a minimum of 20 feet on center. A Springfield standard curb and gutter shall be used when drainage conveyance is necessary or required. Where intermittent emergency or maintenance vehicular access is to be provided and pedestrian access is to be discouraged, an ODOT mountable concrete curb, or equivalent, shall be used. 1.02.9 Valley Gutters Valley gutters shall not be used within the public right-of-way, unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. 1.02.10 Cross Slope Public streets shall be designed with a 2 percent cross slope with the crown in the middle of the street. Parabolic crown sections may only be used on public streets when approved by the City Engineer and Traffic Engineer. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 9 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 10 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Shed sections may be used on public streets, when approved by the City Engineer and Traffic Engineer, where upslope runoff is collected in a formal drainage system and is not allowed to travel across the roadway. Steeper cross slopes may be approved in accordance with AASHTO standards. 1.02.11 Public Sidewalks Concrete sidewalks shall be located on both sides of the street for all public major and minor arterial, collector, and local streets, and shall be designed to the following criteria: A. In conformance with the existing or planned street grades. B. In conformance with the PROWAG standards. C. Sidewalks shall be 7 feet wide along all arterial class streets, and 5 feet wide along all collector and local classification streets and cul-de-sac bulbs unless otherwise specified in the SDC or adopted development plans. D. All public streets shall have setback sidewalks placed within the public right-of-way unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. When replacing damaged sidewalk new work shall be located in the same position as the existing sidewalk. When extending a sidewalk along a block frontage with existing curbside sidewalk, the new sidewalk must physically transition to comply with current sidewalk standards as determined by the Director. E. Sidewalks that are not installed with the street improvements shall be shown on the public improvement plans and labeled “FUTURE SETBACK SIDEWALK”. All sidewalks that do not abut future building lots shall be installed as a part of the public improvement plans and may not be delayed. F. Facilities including, but not limited to, mail boxes, water meters, valves, junction boxes, manholes, utility poles, trees, benches, fire hydrants, signs, and bus stops must not be located within public sidewalks. Said facilities must be removed or relocated prior to the construction or reconstruction of the sidewalk, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. If these facilities are permitted to remain, there must be at least 5 feet of unobstructed width on arterial class streets and 4 feet on all other streets. G. All public sidewalks shall be a minimum of 4 inches thick concrete placed on a minimum of 2 inches of compacted 3/4 inch-minus crushed rock base. Sidewalks behind or integral with driveway approaches shall be designed to the standards set forth in Section 1.02.13 “Driveway Approach.” All concrete shall meet or exceed the mix design standards specified in the current version of the Springfield Standard Specifications. 1.02.12 Pedestrian Access Ramps All Pedestrian Access Ramps shall conform to the PROWAG standards. . Refer to the current version of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications for specifications and sample drawings. Sample drawings are available in electronic format via the City Website. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 10 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 11 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Pedestrian access ramps shall be designed within the following guidelines: A. Ramp approaches shall be aligned with, and be wholly contained within, the crosswalk markings. B. Ramp approaches shall not be positioned directly in the path of catch basin grates. C. Ramp approaches shall be directly aligned with one another with no offset through the intersection. D. Ramp approaches and crossings shall be (as close as possible to) perpendicular to the street they are crossing in order to minimize the crossing distance. E. Ramps shall be aligned to point directly to the ramp across the road that is intended to receive the pedestrian. F. Obstructions including, but not limited to, mail boxes, water meters, valves, junction boxes, manholes, utility poles, trees, benches, fire hydrants, signs, and bus stops shall not be located within the ramp area, including flares. G. Ramp flares may extend beyond the crosswalk markings. Pedestrian access ramps shall be located using the following guidelines: A. Two ramps shall be provided at each curb radius to allow direct access from the ramps into the street. Ramps shall not be directed diagonally into the middle of the intersection unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer. B. Driveway approaches are not acceptable ADA accessible routes of travel. ADA routes of travel shall be designed and constructed to PROWAG standards and may not be altered by driveways or other improvements unless an approved alternative route of travel is provided. C. At some signal-controlled intersections, the crosswalk and pedestrian access ramps may be excluded from a crossing to accommodate unusually heavy turning movements, as approved or required by the City Traffic Engineer. D. Pedestrian access ramps shall be designed and constructed as specified in the Springfield Standard Specifications. All pedestrian ramps shall be shown with a detailed drawing submitted within the plan set with specific detail sufficient for review and construction. 1.02.13 Driveway Approaches All driveway approaches shall be defined on the plans as either Residential or Commercial. Any driveway serving property which is used for purposes other than Single Family Residential or Duplexes shall be designated as and built to the standards of a Commercial driveway. A concrete alley apron serving public right-of-way or alley shall also be built to the standards of a Commercial driveway. Refer to the Standard Construction Specifications, Section 314 DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, PEDESTRIAN ACCESS RAMPS AND PATHWAYS and Standard Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 11 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 12 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 drawings for construction details. 1.02.14 Curb Return Radii A WB-67 design vehicle shall be used when designing curb radii for all truck routes. Unless otherwise directed and/or approved by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer, all other curb radii at public street intersections shall be designed in accordance with table 1-5, Suggested Radii and Design Vehicles for Determining Curb Radii: Table 1-5: Suggested Radii and Design Vehicles for Determining Curb Radii Primary Street Classification Secondary Street Classification Zoning Suggested Radii (ft) Design Vehicle Local Local Residential 10 SU or Emergency Local Local Non-Residential 15 SU or Emergency Collector Local Residential 20 SU or Emergency Collector Local Non-Residential 20 SU or WB-50 as appropriate Collector Collector Residential 20 SU or Emergency Collector Collector Non-Residential 20 SU or WB-50 as appropriate Minor-Arterial Collector All 35 WB-67 Minor-Arterial Minor-Arterial All 35 WB-67 Note: The above suggested radii and design vehicles are beginning points for design only. Larger or smaller radii and/or design vehicles may be required to accommodate existing or planned turning movements. Designers should try to accomplish the minimum turning radius allowable that incorporates all of the differing elements affected by the radii such as turning movement speed, traffic calming, ADA ramp construction, and pedestrian pathways. On local to local street intersections, design vehicles may use half of the width of the approach street and all of the width of the departure street exclusive of parking lanes. On non-local streets design vehicles shall begin their turn in the travel lane closest to the curb and if there are multiple approach lanes may straddle the lane line, and they may use the entire width of all departure lanes on the departure street. Three center curves, which are right-of-way efficient and decrease the pedestrian crossing distance, are encouraged when designing for larger vehicles. 1.02.15 Private Improvements Private improvements shall be privately owned and maintained and be identified on the construction drawings as “private”. When proposed private systems, like water quality/quantity features, are essential for public improvement projects to function properly, they shall be shown on the public improvement plans. 1.02.16 Glenwood Riverfront Street Cross-Section Standards SDC Table 4.2-1 provides the minimum street right-of-way width and the minimum curb-to-curb width for public streets in Springfield. During the adoption of the Glenwood Refinement Plan, the Springfield City Council approved street design policies and implementation strategies for Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 12 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 13 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 use within the Glenwood Riverfront to promote the design and character of this area. Appendix 1A of this Chapter provides the standards for designing public streets in the Glenwood Riverfront. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 13 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 1 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 TRAFFIC STANDARDS 5.00 DESIGN STANDARDS 5.01 PURPOSE These standards outline and define the current traffic design standards, including illumination, signals, bicycle facilities, roundabouts, medians, roadside features, parking design, transit stops, and miscellaneous items for Springfield. These design standards may be subject to revisions by the City Traffic Engineer on a project-by-project basis. All construction standards and drawings for transportation related items are defined in the Springfield Construction Standard Specifications Sections 317, 501, and 502, and Standard Drawings 5-1 to 5-25. All designs shall be performed by an engineer capable of performing such work and licensed by the State of Oregon. Any private streets shall be designed to the public facility standards. All public streets are considered Fire Department emergency apparatus access streets and shall meet the Fire Code minimum design standards. Private streets may or may not be considered Fire Department emergency apparatus access streets as determined by the Fire Marshal. 5.02 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 5.02.1 Illumination 5.02.1.A General As part of the public improvement process, a street illumination design shall be included with all project plans submitted to the City as well as a power plan from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). The street illumination design shall clearly show where the luminaires, conduit runs, junction boxes, service cabinets, and power sources will be located. Each lighting component shall be identified using the Oregon Department of Transportation drafting symbol library and the corresponding legend. Submitted plans shall follow the City of Springfield Standard Specifications and Standard drawings related to illumination. Lighting plans shall be submitted on a sheet devoted exclusively to street light work. All illumination plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Transportation Section. 5.02.1.B Design Standards The lighting plan design shall utilize Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) drafting standards. The plans shall include symbols indicating such features as: conduit, wiring, junction boxes, power sources, poles, luminaires, luminaire arms, and all the relevant sizes and locations required to accurately construct the lighting system. For street lighting drafting typical, refer to the City’s latest edition of Standard Construction Specifications and the ODOT drafting symbol/legend library. The City standards for street illumination are: A. Street lighting designs shall be prepared by an engineer capable of performing such work. The engineer shall be licensed by the State of Oregon. Lighting plans shall be submitted on a sheet devoted exclusively to street light work. The lighting plans shall also include wire size calculations and circuit diagrams. Lighting systems shall comply with the provisions of the National Electric Service Code (NESC). A space shall be provided for Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 14 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 2 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 a chart listing the specific location (geographic coordinates), address, pole number, pole owner, manufacturer’s name and catalog numbers for each type of fixture, lamp, driver and city approved lighting controls including photocell in the project on the plan sheet. This chart shall be completed when preparing the as-built plans. Lighting circuits shall be designed to reduce the number of utility connection points. B. Lights must be located in accordance with the standards in SDC 4.2-145.C. See the Illumination Standards Table (Table 5-1) for configurations that comply with these standards. In cases that are not defined in Table 5-1, a photometric evaluation of the pole spacing shall be made using accepted procedures and illumination levels in Illuminating Engineering Society, American National Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting – RP- 8-14 and these standards. C. Lighting must meet the following design standards adopted in SDC 4.2-145.C: 1. Lighting must comply with Illuminating Engineering Society, American National Standards Practice for Roadway Lighting – RP-8-14 and applicable National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and National Electrical Code (NEC) standards. 2. Intersections must be illuminated to a level equal to the sum of the average required illuminance of the two intersecting streets. 3. Mid-block crosswalks that are approved by the City Traffic Engineer must have two times the illumination required for the street. 4. Decorative poles with City-approved LED fixtures and lighting controls must be used on all streets within the Nodal Development Overlay District and where any refinement plan or plan district requires decorative lighting. Decorative poles may be used on streets, paths, and accessways in any other zone at the option of the developer as approved by the Director. 5. City-approved LED fixtures and lighting controls must be used when lighting is required along multi-use paths and accessways. 6. Roadway style poles and “cobra head” fixtures with City-approved LED fixtures and lighting controls must be used along streets in all other locations. 7. Roadway style poles must be steel, fiberglass or aluminum. 8. Where lot frontages are 80 feet or less, poles must be located at property lines unless approved by the Director. 9. The weak point illumination must not be less than 0.1 foot candles. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 15 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 3 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 10. Roadway style poles set behind sidewalks must have eight (8) foot arm length. Roadway style poles set between curb and sidewalk or where no sidewalk exists must have six (6) foot arm length. 11. Pole handholes must be used instead of junction boxes where feasible. Junction boxes for street lighting must only be utilized for street crossings or where necessary to comply with electrical code standards cited above. 12. Pole Height. a. Lights on arterial and major collector streets outside of a residential zone must have a 35-foot fixture mounting height. b. Lights on local streets with a curb-to-curb width of 28 feet or greater and collectors within residential zones must have a 30-foot fixture mounting height. c. Lights on local streets with a curb-to-curb width of less than 28 feet must have a 25-foot fixture mounting height. d. Decorative poles must be 12 feet tall, except that 16-foot tall decorative poles may be approved by the Director when the required illumination levels cannot be achieved with 12-foot tall decorative poles. e. Lighting on local streets must be installed on the same side of the street and on the side of the street first constructed, except where necessary to be consistent with the existing lighting design and placement. f. Light poles must not be placed on the outside of curves with less than a 1000- foot radius. D. When roadway style poles are used, they shall be direct bury fiberglass, or steel or aluminum on concrete foundations. Direct bury fiberglass poles must be used as replacements or infill in areas with existing wood poles. E. Poles shall be placed at least 3 feet from the face of curb. Luminaire arms shall be aligned at right angles from the curb line. F. Conduits shall be electrical PVC with a minimum size of 1 inch and be in whole inch sizes only. Street crossings shall have a 2 inch minimum diameter. All conduit runs shall Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 16 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 4 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 be clearly indicated on the plans showing the route from the power source (typically a SUB vault) to the street light. G. All electrical conductors shall be copper. H. A manufacturer’s specification ‘catalog cut sheet’ shall be submitted for all materials for city review and approval prior to installation. I. All new City street light poles shall have City pole tags installed on the pole 6 feet from ground level and facing the street or multi-use path that the light is on. The pole tags are provided by the City by contacting the Springfield Transportation Section. Use approved methods and materials for attachment. J. Electrical Circuit Identification A tag shall be attached to each conduit entering underground junction boxes. The following information shall be written on the tag with permanent marker: Voltage – 120 or 208 or 240; Circuit – Alpha or Numeric as shown on the plan set; Power Source – Utility name and pole or transformer number, distance from power source, and compass direction to source. The proposed street lighting design shall include a note directing the contractor to include lighting circuit identification tags. Approved manufacturer: Brady – Yellow Color-Code Plasti-Tags Catalog # 56926, 3- 1/2” H x 2-1/2” W, 10 Mil Plastic, with nylon tie. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 17 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 5 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Table 5-1: Average Maintained Horizontal Illuminance1 For Street and Pedestrian Facilities (Residential Zones Only) Classification Fixture Height Foot Candles Required Ave/Min Lamp Spacing Local 20' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 25 0.5 6 : 1 200' Local 28' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.5 6 : 1 200' Local 36' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.5 6 : 1 200' Minor Collector 34' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.6 4 : 1 200' Minor Collector 42' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.6 4 : 1 140' Minor Collector 50' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.6 4 : 1 140' Arterials and Major Collectors > 50’ Curb to Curb (2 poles opposite) 35 0.9 3:1 200’ Areas with curbside sidewalk 8 foot arm length Areas with no sidewalk or setback sidewalk 6 foot arm length 5.02.1.D Conduit Size A. Conduits shall be sized according to the requirements of the National Electrical Service Code (NESC) current edition. B. All conduit runs shall be as direct from point to point as possible, shall remain within the right-of-ways, and maintain as straight an alignment as possible. C. The minimum conduit size shall be 1 inch. All conduits under the street shall be a minimum of 1.5 inches in diameter. Conduits placed on SUB utility poles shall require ‘stand-off’ mountings and need to be specified in whole inch diameters. D. A junction box shall be included at each end of street conduit crossings. 5.02.1.E Conductor Size A. A catalog cut sheet with maximum starting and operating amperages information shall be included in the plans submittal to verify the wire sizing calculations. B. A circuit diagram and load calculations shall be included on the plan sheets at the end of the lighting construction drawings. C. The maximum voltage drop shall be two percent from the utility to the service equipment and three percent from the service to the farthest load. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 18 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 6 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 D. Any suitable method for calculating voltage drop and conductor sizes may be used. Provide reference to any source of information. 5.02.2 Signals 5.02.2.A General Signals shall be designed as specified in this Section. Consultants shall perform traffic signal designs using current National Electric Code (NEC), AASHTO, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Oregon Supplement to the MUTCD. This work shall consist of furnishing and installing a complete and functional traffic control system of controllers, signals and appurtenances as required by Springfield (See Division 500 of the Springfield Standard Construction Specifications based on ODOT Standards). The locations of signals shown on the plans can be approximate; the exact locations shall be established by the Engineer of Record in the field, unless relocated by the City Traffic Engineer. Please see section 5.04 regarding intersection analyses. 5.02.2.B Signal Design Standards The traffic signal design shall be submitted on a separate sheet of the project plans. The design shall clearly show the following: A. Existing and proposed topography including edge of pavement or curb line, center lines with stationing, lane use, striping, signing, sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, right-of-way lines, street names, driveways, adjacent lots, existing and proposed trees, and other topographical features as needed. B. Existing lighting, poles, wiring, vehicle signals, pedestrian signals, overhead signs, traffic signal controller, service equipment, and all other equipment that needs to be removed. General notes shall state what is to be removed. C. The location and specification of traffic signal poles, underground conduit, traffic signal loops or detection zones, traffic signal wiring, junction boxes, vehicle signals, pedestrian signals, pushbuttons, pushbutton instruction signs, overhead signs, traffic signal controller, service equipment, pre-emption devices, existing power sources, and all other equipment needed to install the signal. D. A loop detector wiring diagram showing loop number, phase, function, slot number, and notes for symbols and details used and/or video camera detection details. E. A normal phase rotation diagram and fire preemption operation diagram for the intersection. F. Interconnect cable. G. Bus rapid transit priority equipment. H. Radio communication equipment. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 19 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 7 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Each signal component shall be identified using the ODOT drafting symbol library and the corresponding legend. Submitted plans shall follow the Springfield Standard Specifications, Drafting Standards Section 9, and Standard drawings related to traffic signals. All public signal designs shall be prepared by an engineering firm capable of performing such work. The engineer shall be licensed by the State of Oregon. 5.02.2.C Induction Loops Induction loops shall be constructed as specified in Standard Drawing 5-12. A. Loops shall not be cut into the final lift of new asphalt. 5.02.2.D Conduit A separate conduit shall be used for low voltage and high voltage circuits, such as: signal circuits, detector circuits, service wires, and 240 volt or greater illumination circuits. Metal conduit shall be coated in corrosive soil areas. Schedule 40 PVC conduit shall be used for all signal, interconnect, and lighting designs. Conduit sweeps shall conform to current ODOT standards. 5.02.2.E Junction Boxes A. Junction boxes shall not be placed in sidewalks or ramps. B. Junction boxes shall be sized to meet current ODOT standards. C. Junction boxes located in the travel way shall be traffic load bearing junction boxes. 5.02.2.F Power Source A. A separate post or pedestal shall be provided for service. Refer to current ODOT standards. B. Power source shall be underground from power source to meter. C. Meter and service cabinet shall be mounted as close to the controller as practical. D. Service equipment shall not be mounted on the controller cabinet. E. Power shall be run underground from service cabinet to controller. 5.03 BICYCLE FACILITIES 5.03.1 General All bicycle facilities shall conform to the latest addition of the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Oregon Bike and Pedestrian Design Guidelines, the Springfield Bicycle Plan, City of Springfield Transportation System Plan, the Regional Transportation System Plan, AASHTO guidelines, and applicable Sections of the Springfield Development Code (SDC). 5.03.2 Design Standards A quick reference table on bike lane and multi-use path design standards is shown below. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 20 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 8 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Table 5-2: Quick Reference Bike lanes and Multi-Use Path Design Standards Bike Lane 6 feet Shoulder Bike Lane 6 feet Multi-Use Path 10 feet with 2 foot wide gravel shoulders on each side (see SDC 4.2-150), unless otherwise specified in Springfield Transportation System Plan Bike Lane Stripe 8 inches Shoulder Stripe 4 inches Vertical Clearance 10 feet Pavement Thickness Shall be designed to withstand an 80,000lb load and withstand frost heave 5.03.3 Bike Lanes Bike lanes are required on arterial and non-residential collector streets. SDC 4.2-105.C and Table 4.2-1. Bike lanes shall have an 8 inch lane stripe and thermoplastic bike stencils. Motorists are not permitted in the bike lanes for driving or parking, but may use the bike lanes for emergency maneuvers or breakdowns. The standard width of a bike lane is 6 feet, measured from the center of the stripe to the edge of pavement. See SDC 4.2-105.C and Table 4.2-1. Bike lanes wider than 6 feet may be required in areas of very high use, on high-speed facilities where wider shoulders are warranted, or where they are shared with pedestrians. Adequate markings shall be used to discourage motorists from using the bike lane as a travel-way or parking lane. At a minimum, bike lane pavement markings designating the facility to discourage automobile use must be placed at all street intersections in both directions. Where a bike lane is to be designed adjacent to a parking lane, its location will be reviewed and evaluated by staff on a case by case basis as there may be a variety of elements that may need to be taken into consideration. Bike lanes on one-way streets shall be on the right side of the street, except in the case where a left-side bike lane would cause fewer conflicts, and the bicyclist can return to the right safely. See SDC 4.2-105.C and Table 4-2.1, footnote (3). 5.03.4 Bicycle Parking Refer to the SDC Sections 3.4-270G.13 and 14, and 4.6-140-155 for the minimum required bicycle parking spaces and additional bicycle parking standards. 5.03.5 Multi-Use Paths A. A multi-use path must be paved a minimum width of 10 feet. See SDC 4.2-150.C. B. The path design must include a 2 foot or greater clear distance on both sides of the multi- use path. This area must be at the same slope as the path. See SDC 4.2-150.C. C. The overhead clearance must be a minimum of 10 feet, unless additional overhead clearance is required for fire access as determined by the Fire Marshal. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 21 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 9 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 D. Where a path is parallel and adjacent to a street, there must be a 5 foot or greater width separating the path from the edge of the street, or a physical barrier of sufficient height must be installed. See SDC 4.2-150.D. E. Multi-use paths must be strong enough to support maintenance vehicles and emergency vehicles. F. The maximum grade shall be 5 percent for bicycle use. G. If a fence or railing is used along a path, the height, openings in the railing, and rub-rail requirements shall comply with AASHTO standards. Lighting shall be installed on multi-use paths. See SDC 4.2-150.E and the lighting standards for recommended illumination in Section 5.02. 5.03.6 Striping and Signing A. Plastic bike stencils must be placed at all street intersections in both directions. B. Additional stencils may be placed on long sections of street with no intersections. The correct spacing in feet is equal to the designated travel speed (mph) multiplied by 40. C. All bicycle striping going through an intersection or crossed by high volume traffic shall be thermoplastic striping. D. Signs shall have a 3 foot lateral clearance from the edge of the path. The bottom of signs shall be 5 feet above the path. Signs placed over a path shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet. 5.03.7 Protected Bike Lanes Protected bike lanes or “cycle tracks” must be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 5.03.8 Other Bicycle Facilities Other bicycle facilities may be designed such as but not limited to bicycle boulevards, lanes, routes, parking, and paths but shall be evaluated on a case by case basis to ensure the proper safety for all users. 5.04 INTERSECTION CONTROL When a project includes reconstructing or constructing new intersections, all intersection control types will be evaluated using Springfield’s “Intersection Control Checklist” provided in Appendix 5.A. 5.04.1 Roundabouts All roundabouts on City streets shall be designed by the City of Springfield Transportation Section staff. Private developers shall arrange for these services from Springfield staff as part of their planning for developments which include a proposed roundabout. Roundabouts shall be constructed in concrete unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 22 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 10 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 5.05 MEDIANS Section 5.05.1 General median description, 5.05.2A Raised Median Width and Size, and 5.05.2A Length of a Raised Median are requirements adopted in SDC 4.2-105.F. Where these sections conflict with the Springfield Development Code, the Development Code prevails. 5.05.1 General Medians are provided to deter crashes caused by crossover traffic, head light glare distraction, traffic turning left from through lanes, refuge for pedestrians crossing the street, and to remove turning traffic from through lanes thereby maintaining efficient and safe traffic flow. A median is defined as an area between traffic lanes for control of vehicle movements or for pedestrian refuge. Within the intersection area, a median or an outer separation is considered to be an island. Median design and installation must follow the standards in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and AASHTO’s “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.” 5.05.2 Design Standards Landscaping and irrigation shall be installed when directed by the City Traffic Engineer. A detailed median design plan shall be included in the public improvement plan set on a separate sheet and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 5.05.2.A Length of Median The length of a median is determined based on the storage length requirements as determined in the Traffic Impact Study (T.I.S.), based on safety and/or operational efficiency needs of the street first and the access second, and as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The usable length of a pedestrian refuge area along a street shall not be less than 8 feet or the width of the crosswalk, whichever is greater. The median length shall not be less than 30 feet. 5.05.2.B Median Width Elongated medians intended to deter turning movements shall be a minimum of four (4) feet wide and no less than 150 square feet in area. In special cases, where right-of-way is limited, elongated islands may be as narrow as 2 feet, except when used as pedestrian refuge areas. Pedestrian refuge medians shall be at least 8 feet wide unless special circumstance limits the width possible. In no case shall a pedestrian median be less than 6 feet wide. 5.05.2.C Median Openings Median openings that allow left turns in both directions shall be not less than 50 feet nose to nose. All median turn lanes and openings shall be designed for at least a WB50 truck, and a WB67 truck on designated truck routes. 5.05.2.D Median Types The type of median shall be determined by the City Traffic Engineer. 5.05.2.E Visibility Fixed objects shall not normally be permitted on medians. Planting shall be located so as not to Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 23 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 11 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 violate sight distance standards or the turning radius of emergency apparatus. 5.05.2.F Access to Required Fire Features Where access to an existing fire protection feature (i.e. fire hydrant, fire lane or other required fire protection feature) is limited by a median installation, the Fire Marshal shall be consulted in order to evaluate an equivalent fire protection feature. 5.06 ROADSIDE FEATURES 5.06.1 General Miscellaneous features included herein shall be developed and constructed to encourage the uniform development and use of roadside features wherever possible. Any roadside facility installed in the public right-of-way shall first be permitted and reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer for safety evaluation. 5.06.2 Design Standards The design and placement of roadside features included in this Section shall comply with the specific requirements listed for each feature, and must comply with PROWAG standards as applicable. 5.06.3 Mailboxes A. Mailbox supports shall be 4 inches by 4 inches or 4½-inch diameter wood posts, or a metal post with no greater than a 2 inch-diameter standard strength steel pipe, with a height of 42 inches to the bottom part of box, embedded no more than 24 inches into the ground with a lateral distance of 6 to 12 inches from the edge of curb, or 8 to 12 inches from edge of pavement if there is no curb. For example, a single two-pound-per-foot U- channel support would be acceptable under this structural limitation. Mailbox supports shall not be set in concrete unless the support design has been shown to be safe by crash tests. B. Mailbox-to-post attachments shall prevent mailboxes from separating from their supports under vehicle impacts. C. Multiple mailbox installations shall meet the same criteria as single mailbox installations. Multiple support installations shall have their supports separated a minimum distance of 4 feet above ground. This distance shall be 12 inches for a single support. D. Neighborhood delivery and collection box units are owned by the U. S. Postal Service and are a specialized type of multiple mailbox installation that shall be located outside the clear zone. See ODOT Standard Drawing RD 100 for Mailbox Installation drawings. 5.06.4 Roadside Traffic Barriers See AASHTO, Roadside Design Guide for Roadside Traffic Barrier design requirements. 5.06.5 Signing A. See City Standard Drawing 5-18 for sign installation details. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 24 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 12 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 B. See the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control (MUTCD) and Oregon Supplements to the MUTCD for specific signs. C. Street name signs: 1. Street name signs shall be erected to identify street intersections in both urban and rural areas. In residential districts at least one sign is required at each intersection. In business districts or on major arterials, street name signs shall be placed on diagonal corners so that they will be on the near left-hand and far right-hand side of the intersection for traffic on the major street. 2. The sign shall be white letters on a green background. 3. Street name signs shall be mounted a minimum of 9 feet above the pavement. D. Signs shall be placed on street light poles when practicable. 5.07 MISCELLANEOUS 5.07.1 Turn Bay Lengths The elements of a turn bay are comprised of four components which include: d1 = distance traveled during the perception-reaction time d2 = distance traveled while driver decelerates and maneuvers laterally d3 = distance traveled during full deceleration and coming to a stop d4 = storage length The physical length of the turn bay excludes the distance traveled during perception-reaction time.  It shall be designed so that a turning vehicle will develop a speed differential of 10 mph or less at the point it clears the through traffic.  The length of the bay shall allow the vehicle to come to a comfortable stop prior to reaching the end of the expected queue in the turn bay.  The deceleration/maneuver distance (d2 +d3) is found in table 5-5.  The turn bay shall be longer than the queue in the adjacent through lane so that entry is not blocked. Limiting conditions may only be used if approved by the City Traffic Engineer. TABLE 5-3: Upstream Functional Intersection Area, Excluding Storage, in Feet(1) Desirable Conditions Limiting Conditions Operating Speed (mph) Maneuver Distance (2) (6) (d2 +d3) PIEV(3) Plus Maneuver Dist. (d1 + d2 +d3) Maneuver Distance (4) (6) (d2 +d3) PIEV(5) Plus Maneuver Dist. (d1 + d2 +d3) 20 70 130 70 100 25 110 185 105 140 30 160 250 145 190 Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 25 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 13 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 35 215 320 190 240 40 275 395 245 305 45 345 475 300 365 50 425 570 365 440 55 510 670 435 515 60 605 780 510 600 65 710 900 590 685 70 820 1025 680 785 (1) Rounded to 5 feet (2)10 mph speed differentials, 5.8 fps2 deceleration while moving from the through lane into the turn lane; 6.8 fps2 average deceleration after completing lateral shift into the turn lane (3) 2.0 second perception-reaction time (4) 10 mph speed differential; 5.8 fps2 deceleration while moving from through lane into the turn lane; 9.2 fps2 average deceleration after completing lateral shift into the turn lane. (5) 1.0 second perception-reaction time (6) Assumes turning vehicle has “cleared the through lane” (a following through vehicle can pass without physically encroaching on the adjacent through lane) when the turning vehicle has moved laterally 10 ft. Also assumes a 12 ft. lateral movement will be completed in 3.0 seconds. Source: Vergil G. Stover and Frank J. Koepke, Transportation and Land Development, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1988, 2nd edition in preparation. 5.07.2 Sight Distance The minimum sight distance available on a street shall be sufficiently long to enable a vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. Sight distance at every point along the street shall be at least that required for a below-average operator or vehicle to stop in this distance. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 26 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 14 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Table 5-4: Clear Distance to See Sign1 Speed Limit (MPH) Non-Critical Signs1 (FT.) Critical Signs2 (FT.) 30 150 250 40 200 350 50 250 450 60 300 600 1 Source: Vegetation Control for Safety, USDOT, FHWA 2 Critical signs are STOP, YIELD, DO NOT ENTER, ONE WAY, WRONG WAY, and other regulatory signs or warning signs. Non-critical signs are destination guide signs, parking regulations, or information signs. Stopping sight distance shall be designed in accordance with the current standards specified in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets published by AASHTO. At intersections, a vision clearance triangle shall be maintained. In addition to AASHTO sight distance requirements, refer to SDC 4.2-130 for requirements. 5.07.3 Bus Turnout A turnout is a specialized bus stop where passengers who board and de-board a bus can load in an area that is separated from the traffic lanes. Turnouts are appropriate in certain conditions. A properly marked turnout also serves as a reminder of the availability of transit service. It is important that turnouts be properly designed with sufficient length to allow for easy and safe flow by the bus in and out of traffic. If there is a high traffic volume on the street, efficient bus operation may require that the timing of nearby traffic signals be designed to ensure that there will be sufficient gaps in the traffic to allow the bus to pull back into the traffic flow. Safety and traffic flow are important considerations in deciding whether to install a turnout. Turnouts may be helpful on streets that function with higher speeds (over 35 miles per hour) because there is less risk of a rear-end collision while the bus is stopped to board or deboard passengers. A bus stopped at a turn out, will also not impede traffic flow, which could be a significant advantage for traffic operation on the street, particularly if the stop time is long due to high passenger activity or boardings by people who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices. Installing turnouts on streets that function with speeds of 35 mile per hour or less shall be approached with caution. If there is high volume traffic (exceeding 600 vehicles per hour) for all or part of the day, with few gaps in traffic flow, it may take an extended amount of time for the bus to safely enter the travel lane after a stop, resulting in longer travel time for transit riders and higher operational costs. This could be mitigated by the use of traffic control signals, or queue jumpers at a nearby intersection. Bus turnouts shall be designed as specified in the current standards in “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets”, “Guide for Design of High-Occupancy Vehicle and Public Transportation Facilities”, and “Guidelines for the Location and Design of Bus Stops” published by AASHTO. The following standards are from “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets”. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 27 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 15 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 The interference between buses and other traffic can be considerably reduced by providing turnouts on arterials. The bus turnout shall include a deceleration lane or taper, a standing space long enough to accommodate the maximum number of vehicles expected to occupy the space at one time, and a merging lane to reenter the travel way. The deceleration lane shall be tapered at an angle flat enough to encourage the bus operator to pull completely clear of the through lane before stopping. A taper of 8:1, longitudinal to transverse is a desirable minimum. The boarding area shall provide 50 feet of length for a standard bus and 60 feet of length for an articulated bus. When two or more buses that use the stop at the same time use the equation; [50’+65’(x-1)], x = number of buses. The width shall be at least 10 feet, preferably 12 feet. The merging or reentry taper shall not be sharper than 8:1. 5.07.4 Bus Stop Locations A. A transit or bus stop is a designated place along a transit route where a public transit vehicle stops to allow passengers to board and deboard. General decisions about where to locate a stop are based on the following criteria: 1. Distance between Stops: The standard distance between bus stops on a standard local route is 750-1300 feet. Bus stops shall be installed when service is needed in each direction at the same intersection where practicable. Lane Transit District (LTD) can operate service most effectively by balancing customer convenience and accessibility to the service with the need to retain operational speed and efficiency. 2. Safety for Passengers: Stops are placed in areas where passengers can have a safe and direct access to sidewalks, walkways, and waiting areas. Stops shall be placed so that there is adequate sight distance between bus operators and waiting customers. A safe environment shall also be provided for all necessary operational movements. It is important for passengers with disabilities, or other needs, especially those who use wheelchairs, mobility devices or have children in strollers to have an accessible route to and from the bus door. 3. Convenient Access: In order for public transit to be effective, passengers must be able to access service that is close to major passenger destinations. It should also be easy for passengers to transfer from one bus to another, either at the same bus stop or to one on a nearby cross street. 4. Operational Characteristics: A properly developed bus stop allows for safe movement by the bus into and out of the traffic flow with minimal delay. If the stop is on a heavily used transit corridor, there may be a need to accommodate two or possibly more buses using the stop at the same time. Turnouts may be desirable in some cases. B. The actual position of a bus stop from a street intersection can depend on transit operations, safety, bus riders’ needs, traffic flow, parking, physical roadside constraints (trees, poles, driveways, etc.) and property concerns. There are three basic types of bus stop locations along a street: far-side, near-side, and mid-block bus stops. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 28 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 16 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Far-Side Bus Stop: A bus stop that is located immediately following an intersection and is recommended for use when: 1. Traffic in the direction the bus is traveling is heavier approaching the intersection than leaving the intersection. 2. There is a high demand for right turns in the direction the bus is traveling. 3. The crossing street is a one-way street where traffic flows from left to right. 4. A preferred bus stop length is 90 feet measured from the crosswalk to the bus stop sign. Near-Side Bus Stop: A bus stop that is located immediately before an intersection and is recommended for use when: 1. Traffic in the direction the bus is traveling is heavier leaving the intersection than approaching the intersection. 2. The cross street is one-way where traffic flows from the right to left. 3. The location is one that offers a clear advantage for transit riders by providing improved access to a major destination or to other intersecting bus routes. 4. The preferred length is 90 feet measured from the crosswalk to the bus stop sign. Mid-Block Bus Stop: A bus stop that is generally located 100 feet or more before or beyond an intersection and is recommended for use when: 1. Traffic or physical street characteristics prevent siting a stop close to an intersection. 2. The distance between intersections will far exceed the standard for bus stop spacing. 3. The bus stop serves large businesses, housing developments or other significant trip generators. Generally, activity is limited to the bus stop side of the street. If there is a mid-block crosswalk, the stop shall be placed on the far side of the crosswalk so motorists and pedestrians can have clear sight lines. 4. The preferred length is 100 feet measured from the crosswalk to the bus stop sign. C. Even if a chosen bus stop location fits a recommended description for one of the types than others, both LTD and Springfield need to consider the advantages and disadvantages in their location decision. Common advantages and disadvantages of each type are listed below. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 29 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 17 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Table 5-5: Bus Stop Locations Near-Side Advantages Disadvantages Minimizes interferences when traffic is heavy on the far side of the intersection. Conflicts with right turning vehicles are increased. Passengers access buses closest to crosswalk. Stopped buses may obscure curbside traffic control devices and crossing pedestrians. Intersection available to assist in pulling away from curb. Sight distance is obscured for crossing vehicles stopped to the right of the bus. No double stopping. The through lane may be blocked during peak periods by queuing buses. Buses can serve passengers while stopped at a red light. Increases sight distance problems for crossing pedestrians. Gives bus operator the opportunity to look for oncoming traffic including other buses with potential passengers Far-Side Advantages Disadvantages Minimizes conflicts between right turning vehicles and buses. Intersections may be blocked during peak periods by queuing buses. Provides additional right turn capacity by making curb lane available for traffic. Sight distance may be obscured for crossing vehicles. Minimizes sight distance problems on approaches to intersection. Increases sight distance problems for crossing pedestrians. Encourages pedestrians to cross behind the bus. Stopping far side after stopping for a red light interferes with bus operations and all traffic in general. Requires shorter deceleration distances for buses. May increase number of rear-end accidents since drivers do not expect buses to stop again after stopping at a red light. Gaps in traffic flow are created for buses re- entering the flow of traffic at signalized intersections. Mid-Block Advantages Disadvantages Minimizes sight distance problems for vehicles and pedestrians. Requires additional distance for no-parking restrictions. Passenger waiting areas experience less pedestrian congestion. Encourages patrons to cross street at midblock (jaywalking). Increases walking distance for patrons crossing at intersections. D. Operating convenient, safe, and efficient transit service means that there shall be sufficient service and sufficient amounts of curb space for bus stops. Aligning a bus Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 30 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 18 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 parallel to a curb or street edge is important for boarding and deboarding riders, especially those who use wheelchairs, mobility devices such as walkers, child strollers or carts. Bus stop location and design must comply with the PROWAG standards. E. If a stop is located at a mid-block location on a collector or arterial street, a pedestrian actuated control device and street lighting may be required to be installed at the discretion of the City Traffic Engineer. 5.07.5 Bus Stop and Shelter Layout Bus stop sign poles shall be located a minimum of 1 foot 6 inches, with 2 feet preferred, from the curb face to assure both visibility and clearance from passing vehicles. Passenger shelters are generally placed in bus stop locations where there are 30 or more boardings per day. 5.08 RESERVED 5.09 ON STREET PARKING On street parking shall be designed to aid in the safe and efficient mobility of pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. When designing on street parking, please refer to the AASHTO ‘A Policy On Geometric Design of Highways and Streets’, ITE guidance, the Springfield Downtown Parking Study, the Institute of Traffic Engineers design guidance, the Springfield Development Code, and any relevant refinement plans. When parking is only allowed on one side of the street, parking shall be located on the side of the street that has pedestrian amenities. New or altered on-street parking must comply with the PROWAG standards. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 31 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 1 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 LANDSCAPE VEGETATION 6.00 DESIGN STANDARDS 6.01 PURPOSE The purpose of creating design standards for landscaping is to be consistent with the adopted Springfield Development Code (SDC), the Springfield Standard Construction Specifications, other Chapters of this Manual, and to provide standards for existing vegetation requirements. This Chapter will aid the development community when they are required to provide, enhance or preserve vegetation and/or street trees. This Chapter provides standards that will ensure that City streets, urban waterways, stormwater quality facilities and natural resource areas are planted with healthy, vigorous trees, shrubs, grasses, and other vegetation chosen for aesthetics, appropriate conditions and locations, ability to filter and capture pollutants, suitability and other desired characteristics. A well-designed landscape layout will promote a quality image of Springfield, appreciate the value of neighborhoods, and enhance the removal of environmental pollutants. Additionally, these standards have the objective to:  Maximize efficient use of Springfield’s natural riparian areas, natural resource areas, and wetlands;  Promote the protection of Springfield’s overall water quality and facilitate implementation of further water quality improvements;  Be designed in a manner and use materials that allow efficient and economical future maintenance;  Be designed using methods and materials to insure a minimum practical design life;  Be designed based on land use, local climate, and local habitat diversity; and  Provide clear vegetation and tree standards for sections of the SDC pertaining to the Willamette Greenway Overly District (3.3-300) and the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District (3.4-800). 6.02 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS When considering a landscape design, existing vegetation, desirable tree and vegetation species, locations, planting procedures, and plant establishment shall be taken into account. Vegetation type and species will be selected for appropriate locations suitable to vision clearance and overhead obstructions. Species with roots that will not cause damage to utilities, curbs, sidewalks streets or other infrastructure must be selected. Species selected for stormwater quality facilities must be suitable to the facility and remove target pollutants. The goal is to have appropriate vegetation growing after a 2-year period that will not be a nuisance or interfere with city infrastructure, neighboring utilities or existing native vegetation. A. Street Trees: Design plans for projects requiring street trees shall show the street tree locations in a shaded format on the street lighting plan to ensure street tree locations do not conflict with street lights. Trees shall be at least 20 feet from decorative post top mounted streetlights, and 30 feet from cobra head streetlights. All locations will need to take into consideration Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 32 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 2 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 the presence of overhead power when choosing street trees. Street trees shall not be planted in planter strips less than 4 feet wide. If the planter strip is less than 4 feet, tree placement shall be on the property side of the sidewalk. Tree wells set in concrete or sidewalk areas shall be a minimum of 4 foot x 4 foot. Street trees shall be planted at 30 foot intervals except where the planting interferes with traffic vision, street lighting, traffic signage, or public utilities, or as approved by the Street Supervisor, City Operations Division. When planting large canopy trees, tree spacing may be modified if approved by the City. See Appendix 6A – Approved Street Tree List for the approved street tree species. A Tree Felling Permit shall be applied for and obtained before removing more than five trees of five-inch diameter breast height (DBH) on private property. City of Springfield Development and Public Works Department staff is available to evaluate trees located on private property. Stormwater facilities located in the public street rights-of-way are not required to use evergreen trees to meet landscaping requirements. B. Median and Planter Strips: Ground cover in median and planter strips includes shrubs, grasses, ground cover vegetation, perennials, annuals and/or flowers, and non-vegetative permeable ground cover such as bark, mulch, and landscaping rocks. This does not include vegetation selected for stormwater quality facilities as described below. The abutting property owners are responsible to maintain vegetation in planter strips. Vegetation selected for medians and planter strips in rights-of-way must be selected and located so that it does not impede vision of drivers, bicyclists or pedestrians at any vision triangle as listed in Springfield Development Code Section 4.2-130 - Vision Clearance. Vegetation species in vision triangles is limited to species that at maturity will not be taller than 2.5 feet above the top of curb. The City Traffic Engineer has the discretion to require an elongated vision triangle based on traffic speed, road curvatures or extenuating circumstances that warrant an elongated vision triangle. Vegetation shall not be planted in medians less than 4 feet wide. Vegetation in areas outside vision clearance areas will be limited to mature height of 4 feet unless the vegetation species has been selected for screening purposes that must be approved by the City Operations Division. Vegetation species will be selected and located so that plants at maturity shall not extend past the back of curb and into the street. Species shall be selected appropriate to the Willamette Valley. Species native to the Willamette Valley are encouraged. If irrigation is not used, the species selection must be drought tolerant. Landscaping projects over 2,000 square feet require a landscape plan and must include elements that ensure landscape plant survival, species, location and plant material density. Projects greater than 2,000 square feet require not less than three species, unless turf Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 33 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 3 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 grasses are used. Species with thorns, spikes, or barbs are not desired and must have prior approval by the City Operations Division Street Supervisor. Plants listed by the Oregon Department of Agriculture as noxious (either A or B lists) or plants listed as invasive are prohibited. Potted or container trees and/or shrubs located in rights-of-way are the responsibility of adjacent property owners and must be documented by agreement between the owner and the City. Location and species are to be approved in advance by the City. C. Stormwater Management Facilities: All vegetated stormwater management facilities will require a landscape plan. The design must include elements that ensure landscape plant survival and overall stormwater facility functional success. Construction specifications and/or drawings need to include the following elements: 1. An irrigation system for the plant establishment period and permanent long-term use as needed based upon the selected vegetation. Note: public stormwater management facilities shall be designed so permanent long-term irrigation systems are not needed. 2. A Landscape Plan showing the location of landscape elements, including size and species of all proposed plantings, and existing plants and trees to be preserved. 3. A stormwater management matrix listing the facility square footage and the required numbers of plants required per plant type (Evergreen or Deciduous Trees, Large Shrubs/ Small Trees, etc.). Quantities shall be rounded up to the next whole number. 4. A stormwater management plant list/table, including scientific name, size at time of planting, quantity, type of container, evergreen or deciduous, appropriate planting season, proper location within facility where plants should be placed and other information in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design, in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual, and landscape industry standards. See Appendix 6B – Approved Vegetation List for approved plant species by facility type. 5. Topsoil stockpile location(s), including the source of topsoil, if imported. Include an erosion protection plan and best management measures (BMPs) for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control per the City’s Land and Drainage Alteration Program (LDAP). Vegetation is a key element in the pollution reduction performance for many stormwater management facilities. The practices described in this Manual are based on experience and/or landscape industry standards for design and construction, and are required to be covered by a 2-year warranty period. At the end of the first year and again at the end of the 2-year warranty period, all plants that do not survive must be replaced. Establishment procedures, such as control of invasive weeds, animal and vandal damage, mulching, re-staking, watering, and mesh or tube protection replacement, shall be implemented to the extent needed to ensure plant survival. Vegetation management after the warranty period is the responsibility of the property Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 34 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 4 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 owner, Home Owners Association (HOA) or as specified in an Operations and Maintenance Agreement required in Chapter 3. Vegetation shall not become overgrown and shall be managed to include controlling noxious or invasive vegetation. Designers may elect to use an Alternative Re-vegetation approach, which allows smaller materials to be planted in larger quantities. If this approach is chosen, the following practices shall apply: 1. A 5-year warranty period from the time of plant installation shall be provided. 2. Plants must be installed during the dormant season, typically defined as December through March. 3. A survival rate of 75 % (no replacements) must be achieved for all bare root plants measured in the third and fifth year after installation. If the survival rate falls below this threshold, a number of additional plants sufficient to meet the 75% survival rate must be installed. The number of additional plants required will be based on the mortality rate of the initial planting. 4. Density and size of plantings shall be in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design, in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. 5. Bare root seedlings must be dormant in order to harvest from farm sites for planting. 6. All plants must be native from local seed and/or stock sources and found on the Approved Vegetation List, Appendix 6B. A minimum of four different species of trees and shrubs must be used. At least half of the trees must be evergreen. Ground covers must be native grasses and wildflowers from local seed and/or stock sources. 7. During the period between harvest and installation, the plants must be kept in a temperature controlled facility. Temperature must be kept between 33 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit, and plant roots must be kept moist at all times. Plants must be planted within 24 hours of removal from the temperature-controlled facility. Stormwater facilities located in the public street right-of-way are not required to use evergreen trees to meet landscaping requirements. Also, all planting in the rights-of way and adjacent to rights-of-way shall use appropriate plantings that do not interfere with vision and sight clearances and will not become a nuisance growing out over the public sidewalks. In some cases, other landscaping that is required by the Springfield Development Code may be counted toward meeting the facility-specific landscape requirements for stormwater management, if the plantings are located within the facility area. Similarly, in some cases, plantings that meet the schedules in this section (Stormwater Quality Facilities) may also meet other Springfield Development Code landscape requirements. Selected plant material must be appropriate for soil, hydrologic, and other facility and site conditions. Each of the vegetated stormwater facilities may have individual planting Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 35 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 5 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 requirements. The list of recommended and approved plants is provided in Appendix 6B –Approved Vegetation List. Designers may select plant species not on the list, provided the species is appropriate for this climate, meets the size criteria, and has received approval by the City. The appropriate sizing criteria for the plant materials listed in the individual facility landscaping requirements are described as: 1. Large Grass-like Plant: A large grass-like plant shall reach a minimum height of at least one foot at maturity and shall be grass-like in form. 2. Shrub (Shrub vs. Large Shrub): Shrubs are multi-stemmed woody plants. For the purposes of implementing this Manual, the term "shrub" refers to shrub species having a documented mature height of 12 feet and under. "Large shrub" refers to shrub species having a documented mature height greater than 12 feet. 3. Trees (Large vs. Small): For the purposes of implementing this Manual, the term "small trees" refers to tree species having a documented mature height of 20 feet and under. "Large trees" refer to tree species having a documented mature height greater than 20 feet. The planting design should minimize the need for mowing, pruning, and irrigation. Stormwater quality facilities will be designed so that the use of fertilizers, pesticides, or soil amendments on a long-term basis is not needed. Some facility agreements may restrict the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Additionally, some facilities may be located in drinking water wellhead protection areas where additional restrictions may apply. The City may approve the limited use of fertilizers and/or pesticides based on the facility location and site conditions. Grass or wildflower seed shall be applied at the rates specified by the suppliers. If plant establishment cannot be achieved with seeding prior to the completion of the project, the developer or owner shall at a minimum protect the facility against erosion by installing erosion blankets before water is allowed to enter the facility. D. Riparian Areas Along Rivers – Willamette Greenway and Local Water Quality Limited Waterways (WQLW): The City’s objectives for protecting riparian areas along rivers include preserving natural scenic, historic and recreational qualities of lands; protection from flooding and erosion; and preservation of native plant species and wildlife. The Willamette and McKenzie Rivers are both designated Water Quality Limited Waterways by the State and the City. Additionally, both Rivers have wetland areas along their banks. See Section(s) 4.3-115, 4.3-117, and 3.3-300 and 3.4-800 of the Springfield Development Code for Water Quality Protection, Willamette Greenway Overlay District and Natural Resource Protection Areas for additional regulations for work along riverbanks and riparian areas. Willamette Greenway vegetation standards will apply along the McKenzie River in regards to enhancement, bank or vegetation work. Design plans shall include elements that ensure landscape plant survival. Construction specifications and/or drawings need to include the following elements: Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 36 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 6 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 1. An irrigation system for the establishment period. 2. A Landscape Plan showing the location of landscape elements, including size and species of all proposed plantings, and existing plants and trees to be preserved. Species selection shall be appropriate and native to the Willamette Valley and the surrounding native vegetation. 3. A matrix listing the square footage and the numbers of plants required per plant type (Evergreen or Deciduous Trees, Large Shrubs/ Small Trees, etc.). Quantities shall be rounded up to the next whole number. Density and size shall be in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design – Constructed Treatment Wetland, in Chapter 2, of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. 4. A plant list/table, including scientific name, size at time of planting, quantity, type of container, evergreen or deciduous, appropriate planting season, proper location within facility where plants should be placed and other information. 5. Topsoil stockpile location(s), including the source of topsoil, if imported. Include an erosion protection plan and best management measures (BMPs) for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control per the City’s Land Drainage and Alteration Program (LDAP). Vegetation survival and area stabilization are required to be covered by a 2-year warranty period. At the end of the first year and again at the end of the 2-year warranty period, all plants that do not survive must be replaced. Establishment procedures, such as control of invasive weeds, animal and vandal damage, mulching, re-staking, watering, and mesh or tube protection replacement, shall be implemented to the extent needed to ensure plant survival. Vegetation management after the warranty period is the responsibility of the property owner or as specified in an Operations and Maintenance Agreement required in Chapter 3. Selected plant material must be appropriate for soil, hydrologic, and site conditions. The appropriate sizing criteria for the plant materials listed in landscaping requirements are described as: 1. Large Grass-like Plant: A large grass-like plant shall reach a minimum height of at least one foot at maturity and shall be grass-like in form. 2. Shrub (Shrub vs. Large Shrub): Shrubs are multi-stemmed woody plants. For the purposes of implementing this Manual, the term "shrub" refers to shrub species having a documented mature height of 12 feet and under. "Large shrub" refers to shrub species having a documented mature height greater than 12 feet. 3. Trees (Large vs. Small): For the purposes of implementing this Manual, the term "small trees" refers to tree species having a documented mature height of 20 feet and under. "Large trees" refer to tree species having a documented mature height greater than 20 feet. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 37 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 7 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 The planting design should minimize the need for mowing and pruning. Areas should be designed so that the use of herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, or soil amendments on a long-term basis is not needed. Some sites may be located in drinking water wellhead protection areas where additional restrictions may apply. The City may approve the limited use of fertilizers and/or pesticides based on the location and site conditions. Grass or wildflower seed shall be applied at the rates specified by the suppliers. If plant establishment cannot be achieved with seeding prior to the completion of the project, the contractor shall at a minimum protect the facility against erosion by installing erosion blankets before the start of the wet weather season. E. Natural Resource Areas and Local Wetlands: Enhancement, vegetation and vegetation maintenance in resource areas shall be in accordance with Springfield Development Code Section 4.3-117 Natural Resource Protection Areas. Additionally, design plans and vegetation standards shall be in accordance with Section D above. Density and size shall be in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design – Constructed Treatment Wetland, in Chapter 2, of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. F. Riparian Areas along Urban Waterways: Major waterways through urban areas are part of the City’s stormwater conveyance system. Most of these urban waterways were either streams or irrigation channels at one time. Urban waterways move, slow and treat stormwater before infiltration or discharge to the rivers. Some of Springfield’s urban waterways are Natural Resource Areas and/or Water Quality Limited Waterways, and in these cases, Section(s) D and E above shall apply. Additionally, most major stormwater conveyance systems are in City ownership or in public rights-of-way. This section applies to systems located on privately owned land. Since stormwater conveyance systems move water throughout the City and eventually discharge into the surrounding rivers, it is important that vegetation that is planted along these systems do not produce invasive seed that will be transported downstream. Plants listed by the Oregon Department of Agriculture as noxious (either A or B lists) or plants listed as invasive are prohibited. Vegetation planting standards shall be consistent with Section D above. Density and size shall be in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design – Constructed Treatment Wetland, of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. 6.02.1 Existing Trees and Native Vegetation A. Trees: Existing trees that meet standard requirements shall be evaluated for health and retention to meet Springfield Development Code standards. Where practicable, the City desires to retain trees that are healthy, free of disease, and of a suitable species. The trees retained should be an asset to the neighborhood before and after street construction. If the trees are Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 38 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 8 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 in sound condition and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) are employed in the field to minimize the stress of construction, the trees can be saved. Trees without adequate protection will become a liability and will die after a few years. BMP’s to save existing trees must include, but not be limited to, the following methods: 1. During initial planning phases of street design, determine which trees should be saved. If 2/3 of the root system can be protected from construction, the tree shall be considered for saving. 2. Surround the trees with a fence along the drip line (edge of the tree canopy). As a minimum effort, this area shall be considered off limits to all construction activity. 3. Apply a four-inch thick layer of chips or mulch around the tree roots to prevent compaction of the soil where construction machinery would cross the roots. 4. Prune all roots encountered during construction using sharp tools. 5. Trim low tree branches to prevent breakage. 6. Design sidewalks of variable width, elevation, and direction to help save an existing tree. 7. Tunnel or bore for utility installations rather than trenching around the trees. B. Vegetation: Existing native vegetation desired to be retained shall be free of disease, healthy and of a suitable species and meet Springfield Development Code. If vegetation is in sound condition and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) are employed in the field to minimize the stress of construction, the vegetation can be saved. Vegetation without adequate protection will die after a few months. BMP’s to save existing vegetation must include, but not be limited to, the following methods: 1. During initial planning phases determine what vegetation should be saved. If 2/3 of the root system can be protected from construction, the vegetation shall be considered for saving. 2. Surround the area or vegetation with a fence. As a minimum effort, this area shall be considered off limits to all construction activity. 3. Prune all roots encountered during construction using sharp tools. 6.02.2 New Street Trees and Right-of-Way Vegetation A. Street Trees: New street trees shall be selected from the approved species list or as approved by the Public Works Operations Division Street Supervisor. Select healthy trees that are free of disease and have good form with a dominant central leader. Look for large root balls free of girding roots. Avoid trees with cankers, scars, and dead or broken branches. Acceptable trees for planter strips of varying widths are located in Appendix 6A - Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 39 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 9 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Approved Street Tree List. Street trees are not recommended in planter strips less than 4 feet wide as significant sidewalk damage generally occurs. When planter strips are less than 4 feet wide, trees shall be planted behind the sidewalks in adjacent yards. Where curbside sidewalks exist or are proposed, street trees can be selected from any approved category and shall be planted at least five feet back of sidewalk but not more than ten feet. In larger planting strips, plant the trees in the back half of the planter strip closest to the sidewalk. When selecting and planting trees in a Green Street project see Appendix 6A – Approved Street Tree List for acceptable Green Street tree species or Appendix 6B - Approved Vegetation List. B. Right-of-Way Vegetation: The Development and Public Works Operations Division Street Supervisor shall approve new vegetation in public rights-of-way. Select healthy stock free of disease and that have good form. Avoid vegetation with cankers, scars, and dead or broken branches. Plant species native to the Willamette Valley are encouraged. 6.02.3 Acceptable Street Trees and Vegetation Lists See Appendix 6A - Approved Street Tree List for the appropriate and approved street tree species, suggested spacing and planting location. See Appendix 6B - Approved Vegetation List for the appropriate and approved species, suggested spacing and planting location. The Development and Public Works Operations Division Street Supervisor shall approve median and right-of-way vegetation. Select healthy stock free of disease and that have good form. Avoid vegetation with cankers, scars, and dead or broken branches. Plant species native to the Willamette Valley are encouraged. In hillside developments with curbside sidewalks, use of native trees as street trees is encouraged. Note that native trees shall not be planted in the City right-of-way and shall be planted in adjacent yards. Trees shall be planted from five to ten feet back of the sidewalk, and root retainers shall be used. Refer to Chapter 7.00 HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT; and Section 7.07 COMPLIANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, and related sub-sections of this Manual, for guidelines to native trees. Native Trees in Hillside Development Scientific Name Common Name(s) Scientific Name Common Name(s) Abies amabilis Pacific Silver Fir Pinus attenuata Knobcone Pine Abies concolor White Fir Pinus contorta”contorta” Shore Pine Abies grandis Grand Fir Pinus contorta Lodgepole Pine Abies lasiocarpa Alpine Fir Pinus monticola Western White Pine Abies magnifica Red Fir Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa Pine Abies nobilis Noble Fir Pinus lambertiana Sugar Pine Acer glabrum Rocky Mt. Maple Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf Maple Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 40 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 10 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Alnus rhombifolia Alnus rubra Arbutus menzieii Calocedrus decurrens Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis Castanopsis chrysopylla Cornus nuttallii Fraxinus latifolia Lithocarpus densiflora Picea breweriana Picea engelmannii Picea sitchensis White Alder Red Alder Madrone Incense Cedar Nootka Cypress Chinquapin Pacific Dogwood, Western Flowering Dogwood Oregon Ash Tanbark Oak Brewer's Weeping Spruce Engelmann Spruce Sitka Spruce Quercus garryana Quercus kelloggii Rhamnus purshiana Sequoia sempervirens Taxus brevifolia Thuja plicata Tsuga hetrophylla Tsuga mertensiana Umbellularia californica Oregon White Oak California Black Oak Cascara Coast Redwood Western Yew Western Red Cedar Western Hemlock Mountain Hemlock Oregon Myrtle 6.02.4 Street Tree Size Street trees shall be two-inch minimum caliper. Caliper is the stem diameter of the tree measured six inches above the root collar, which is the flare of tree bark at the base of the tree where the tree meets the dirt. 6.02.5 Street Tree Location Street trees shall be planted at 30 foot intervals except where the planting interferes with traffic vision, street lighting, traffic signage, public utilities, or as approved by the City Development and Public Works Operations Division Street Supervisor. When planting large canopy trees, tree spacing may be modified if approved by City. Trees locations shall be: A. 35 feet from the perpendicular curb line of street intersections or 25 feet from the inside intersection of the sidewalks. B. 5 feet from water meters or other utility fixtures, 10 feet from any utility pole. C. 15 feet from alley intersections, 10 feet from driveway intersections. D 20 feet from a decorative post top mounted streetlight, 30 feet from cobra head streetlights. 6.02.6 Tree Planting Procedures and Establishment Street trees shall be properly planted and watered to establish healthy trees. (See standard planting specification, Standard Drawing 2-2). The following methods shall apply: A. A planting pit shall be excavated large enough to accommodate the tree root retainers that shall be used whenever the tree(s) are planted within eight feet of a concrete surface. The retainer shall be placed against the concrete to prevent root evasion. Typically, a retainer is placed on two sides of the tree. One retainer shall be set against the curb, the other against the sidewalk. The root retainer shall typically be 12 to 18 inches deep and two to four feet in length along the concrete structure. The root barriers shall be of a design Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 41 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 11 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 similar to Tree Root Barriers by Deep Root or equivalent. Never encircle the root ball with a root barrier. B. Remove tree from burlap or container and place on solidly packed soil so that the root collar is slightly above the surrounding or anticipated grade. C. Insert aeration tubes on two sides of the tree. The tubes shall extend from the ground surface to the base of the root ball. This will allow evaporation of excess moisture and provide for efficient summer watering. The tube shall be filled with pea gravel. The minimum aeration tube specification is a three-inch perforated ADS drainpipe or equivalent. D. The tree shall be supported with two stakes on either side of the tree and tree ties. Stakes shall be an adequate size to support the tree. E. On a typical four-foot planter strip, plant trees at least 1½ feet from the sidewalk and 2½ feet from the curb. On larger planter strips, locate the trees in the back half of the planter strip closest the sidewalk. F. Place loose friable native backfill around the tree. If the excavation material is heavy clay, planter mix shall be used as backfill. G. Spread a two- to three-inch layer of mulch around the tree but keep mulch six inches from the trunk. H. Black plastic shall not be used as a weed barrier around trees as it promotes surface roots. I. Water the trees with 10 to 20 gallons per week during the summer months of the first and second years. Use a hose at low trickle for several hours to provide deep root watering. This will encourage roots to grow deep rather than on the surface. Home irrigation systems are designed to water turf and shrubs, but not tree roots. Trees should be augmented with additional watering as needed throughout the growing season. J. Fertilizers shall not be used the first year of planting. A B1 vitamin shall be used to promote root growth. K. Street trees planted in the right-of-way shall be subject to a two-year warranty period. Trees shall be alive and in vigorous growing condition after two growing seasons. See City of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications for further information. 6.02.7 Noxious Vegetation and Maintaining the Use Plants listed by the Oregon Department of Agriculture as noxious (either A or B lists) or plants listed as invasive will not be acceptable as plantings and must be managed. It shall be the continuing obligation of the property owner to maintain the plantings required by this Chapter, in an attractive manner free of weeds and invading vegetation after the warranty period. In some cases, Operation and Maintenance Agreements may be in place that specify additional and/or specific management practices. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 42 of 43 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 12 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020 Vegetation management and maintaining the use shall be in accordance with Section 4.2-100 – Infrastructure Standards – Transportation, Section 4.4-105 – Landscaping Standards, and Section 5.17-155 – Maintaining the Use, of the Springfield Development Code. Attachment 1, Exhibit A, Page 43 of 43 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 1 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1.00 DESIGN STANDARDS 1.01 PURPOSE These standards are meant to provide a consistent policy under which certain physical aspects of street design and plan preparation shall be implemented. These following standards apply to both public and private streets work. Only the Basic Geometry (1.02.1), Pavement Design (1.02.7), Driveway Approaches (1.02.13), and Private Improvements (1.02.15) sections apply to private streets. These standards cannot provide for all situations and are not intended to substitute for competent work by design professionals. It is expected that the Engineer of Record representing the Applicant will bring to each project the best professional skills from their respective disciplines. These standards are also not intended to limit any reasonable, innovative, or creative effort which could result in better quality and/or lower costs. Any proposed departure from these standards, however, shall be brought to the attention of the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer, and will be judged on the likelihood that it will produce a comparable result that will be satisfactory for the user and Springfield. 1.02 DESIGN STANDARDS - GENERAL These standards are intended to be consistent with the current Springfield Development Code (SDC), the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan), any relevant refinement plans, the TransPlanSpringfield Transportation System Plan, and the current Springfield Standard Construction Specifications. These standards pertain to the design of streets within Springfield and its Urban Growth Boundary; establish appropriate right-of-way widths and improvement requirements; and provide standards for the various City street classifications. All public streets are considered fire department emergency apparatus access roads and shall meet the fire code minimum design standards. Private streets may or may not be considered fire department emergency apparatus access roads as determined by the Fire Marshal. Streets shall be engineered in a manner to allow economical future maintenance, provide the lowest life cycle cost, and to ensure a minimum practical street design life of at least 20 years for local streets and 30 years for arterial and collector class streets. 1.02.1 Basic Geometry The location, width, and grade of streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, and the planned use of land to be served by the streets. Grades, tangents, curves, and intersection angles shall be appropriate for the traffic to be carried, considering the terrain. Construction specifications and design standards for private streets shall be the same as for public streets. 1.02.2 Design Speed Attachment 2, Page 1 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 2 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 Unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer, the design speeds identified in Table 1-1, Minimum Design Speeds, shall be used in the design of all City public streets. The Engineer of Record is responsible for evaluating and choosing the necessary design speed for the conditions. In the event that a project is a continuation of an existing street, the design speed of the new project shall be appropriate for the context of the extended street. Attachment 2, Page 2 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 3 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 Table 1-1: Minimum Design Speed Street Classification Zoning Minimum Design Speed (MPH) Local Residential 20 in nodal overlay zones, otherwise 25 Non-Residential 20 in nodal overlay zones and business districts of high pedestrian activity, otherwise 25 Collector Residential 25 in nodal overlay zones, otherwise 30 Non-Residential 25 in nodal overlay zones and business districts of high pedestrian activity, otherwise 35 Arterial All 35 - 50 1.02.3 Right-of-Way and Street Width Right-of-way and street width shall be determined by applying standards specified in this Manual and other adopted policies such as the SDC; the Metro Plan, applicable refinement plans, and TransPlanSpringfield Transportation System Plan. Final decisions on street width may be a function of information provided in a Traffic Impact Study (TIS). A TIS may be required by the City Traffic Engineer for streets within, or adjacent to, developments. 1.02.4 Vertical Alignment A vertical curve shall be used at all grade transitions on collector and arterial class streets. Grade breaks may be utilized on low speed local class streets where the grade transition is 2 percent (algebraic difference) or less. Multiple grade brakes shall not be used in lieu of a vertical curve. Vertical curves shall be designed in accordance with the current most recent standards set forth in “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” published by AASHTO. Vertical curves shall be of adequate length to provide ample sight distance and safe stopping sight distances for wet pavements based on minimum design speeds identified in Section 1.02.2 or as determined by the Engineer of Record and approved by the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. 1.02.5 Horizontal Alignment and Super-elevation Horizontal alignment and super-elevation shall be designed in accordance with the currentmost recent standards set forth in “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets” published by AASHTO. Horizontal curves shall be of adequate lengths to provide ample sight distance and safe stopping sight distances for wet pavements based on minimum design speeds identified in Section 1.02.2 or as determined by the Engineer of Record and approved by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer. Spiral curves shall not be used on any City streets unless otherwise approved or required by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer. Super-elevation shall be considered for use on all collector and arterial streets in Springfield. A maximum super-elevation rate of 4 percent shall be used unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer. Attachment 2, Page 3 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 4 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 1.02.6 Maximum Street Grades Standard street grades shall not exceed the following grades: Street Class Grade (Percent) Arterial 8 Collector 10 Local Streets 12* * Street grades may exceed the 12 percent local street standard only where topographical conditions make it impractical to meet the 12 percent standard, subject to the following conditions: (a) No driveways or intersections shall be permitted where street grades exceed 12 percent; (b) No street with a grade of 15 percent or greater shall be permitted for a distance of more than 200 feet; and (c) In no case shall a street grade exceed 18 percent for any distance. Refer to Chapter 7 Hillside Development and related Sections for special design considerations and conditions for developing on hillsides in Springfield. 1.02.7 Pavement Design A pavement design shall be submitted for review with the construction plans for all street construction projects in Springfield with the following exceptions: A. The proposed street completes a partial width street (2/3 or 1/2) and the existing design is utilized. B. The proposed street is classified as a “local street” or a private street in a residentially zoned area with internal circulation only, and will never carry through traffic, as approved by the City Engineer. In this case, the minimum flexible pavement design structure of 4 inches of Asphalt Concrete on 12 inches of crushed rock or the minimum rigid pavement design structure of 7 inches of Portland Cement Concrete pavement on 6 inches of crushed rock and geotextile fabric shall be utilized. C. The requirement is waived by the City Engineer. All local street pavements shall have a minimum of a 20-year or greater design life. Collector and Arterial class streets shall have a 30-year or greater design life. Transitions between pavement types (flexible and rigid) shall be made at or near an intersection. On all collector and arterial streets and selected local streets (as determined by the City), both flexible and rigid pavement designs shall be included in the plan set and bid as alternates. The Engineer of Record shall then submit the cost difference to the City Engineer for review and approval prior to construction. If requested by the City Engineer, the Engineer of Record shall prepare life-cycle cost analysis to show the difference in cost savings over time. If the City Engineer determines the more expensive alternate is required, Springfield will reimburse the developer for the cost difference between the two alternatives after the project is accepted. Attachment 2, Page 4 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 5 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 All plan sets, regardless of the anticipated construction schedule, shall include a wet weather construction provision. The wet weather design shall be used for any project which initiates excavation for street construction prior to May 1st. The City Engineer will begin considering the use of the dry weather standard after May 1, depending on ground conditions and existing and forecasted weather conditions. In addition, any project that is started after May 1st, but is not scheduled for pavement by October 15th of that same calendar year, shall use the wet weather construction standard. Minimum wet weather provisions include 8 inches of additional crushed rock and geotextile fabric under the dry weather design pavement structure (rigid or flexible). These minimum provisions may be increased at the Construction Inspector’s discretion if materials tests and field inspection dictate. In all cases the pavement structure shall be placed on a subgrade that is firm and unyielding (verified by proof rolling) and compacted according to the specifications. The Construction Inspector, at their discretion, may require additional measures to ensure the pavement structure meets the design standard intent. Flexible Pavement Design Asphaltic Concrete (flexible) pavement structures shall be designed in accordance with the current most recent edition of the “AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures.” Alternate design standards which provide an equivalent or more durable road structure may be used if approved by the City Engineer. The following steps are necessary to calculate a flexible pavement design. Step 1: Order soils test from independent testing laboratory to obtain the Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus, Mr. Soils tests shall be made at a depth of the proposed subgrade, no less than 2 feet below the existing ground level. Soils tests shall be gathered from enough locations within the proposed right-of-way for the sampling to be representative of actual conditions. At a minimum, one soil test shall be obtained for every 500 feet of proposed roadway. Where possible, a soil test shall be taken in the intersection of two newly proposed roadways. Soil test information shall be submitted with the pavement design. As an alternative, the Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus, Mr, can by determined if the Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k, is known by the relationship: Mr = 19.4 * k Step 2: Determine the estimated total 18-kip Equivalent Single Axle Load Applications, W18, as described in Appendix D of the AASHTO guide. Traffic volumes shall be based upon actual counts and/or traffic studies. See Table 1-2 below for minimum terminal serviceability values based on roadway classification when using the AASHTO design method. Assume an initial structural number, SN, of 3 and a minimum of 10 percent truck traffic. This calculation shall be submitted with the pavement design. Step 3: Obtain the minimum acceptable values of the Reliability (R%), Overall Standard Deviation (So), and Design Serviceability Loss (PSI) from Table 1-2 below based on the roadway classification. Attachment 2, Page 5 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 6 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 Table 1-2: Minimum Acceptable Values for Flexible Pavement Design Local Collector Arterial Reliability, R% 90 95 99 Overall Standard Deviation, So 0.35 0.35 0.35 Initial Serviceability, Po 4.2 4.2 4.2 Terminal Serviceability, Pt 2.5 2.5 3 Design Serviceability Loss, PSI 1.7 1.7 1.2 Step 4: Obtain the Design Structural Number (SN) from the “Design Chart (nomograph) for Flexible Pavement Based on using Mean Values for Each Input,” Figure 3.1 in the AASHTO design guide, using the specific and constant values determined in Steps 1-3. Step 5: Determine the thickness of the pavement layer based on the formula: SN <= a1 D1 + a2 D2 m2 + a3 D3 m3 1 Where: a1, a2 ,a3 = layer coefficients representative of the surface, base and subbase courses respectively. Maximum values for each construction material are identified in Table 1-3 below. D1, D2, D3 = actual thicknesses (in inches) of the surface, base, and subbase courses, respectively. No less than 4 inches of asphalt or 12 inches of crushed rock shall be specified in any pavement structure in Springfield. Deep lift asphalt may be approved by the City Engineer under certain circumstances. m2 ,m3 = modifying coefficients to allow for drainage effects. Acceptable values are identified in Table 1-3 below. Table 1-3: Coefficients for Flexible Pavement Structural Layers Material Layer, (Subscript No.) Layer Coefficient, a Modifying Coefficient, m Asphalt Concrete, Plant Hot Mix 1 0.42 N/A Crushed Rock 2 0.14 0.80 Cement Treated Base, CTB 2 0.25 1.00 Bituminous Treated Base, BTB 2 0.22 1.00 Sandy Gravel 2,3 0.11 0.60 Sand, Sandy Clay 3 0.08 0.40 Lime Treated Soil 3 0.11 0.40 Lime Treated Clay, Gravel 3 0.16 0.40 1 Only imported or treated subbase shall be considered to contribute to the pavement structural section. Native subbase shall not be used in the structural section. Attachment 2, Page 6 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 7 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 Flexible Pavement Design Notes: A. The minimum thicknesses of asphaltic concrete and crushed rock for permanent pavement are 4 inches and 12 inches, respectively, for local streets, and 6 inches and 14 inches, respectively, for collectors and above classifications. B. Where crushed rock base is specified, 1 inch of asphalt is considered equivalent to 3 inches of crushed rock. C. Full depth asphalt may be approved by the City Engineer under certain circumstances where the underlying soil type is free draining. Even when the AASHTO method yields a design thickness less than 8 inches, the minimum full depth asphalt design thickness shall be 8 inches. D. All design thicknesses shall be rounded up to the nearest 1/2 inch. E. In all cases, the pavement structure shall be placed on a subgrade that is firm and unyielding (verified by proof rolling) and compacted according to the specifications. F. All designed cross-sections shall include wet weather construction provisions including geotextile fabric and an additional 8 inches of crushed rock between the native material and base of the asphalt concrete pavement structure. Rigid Pavement Design Portland Cement Concrete (rigid) pavement structures shall be designed in accordance withaccording to the most recent edition of AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993. Alternate design standards which provide an equivalent or more durable road structure may be used if approved by the City Engineer. The following steps are required to calculate the rigid pavement design. Step 1: Order soils test from independent testing laboratory to obtain the Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k (pci). Soils tests shall be made at a depth of the proposed subgrade, no less than 2 feet below the existing ground level. Soils tests shall be gathered from enough locations within the proposed right-of-way for the sampling to be representative of actual conditions. At a minimum, one soil test shall be obtained for every 500 feet of proposed roadway. Wherever possible, a soil test shall be taken in the intersection of two newly proposed roadways. Soil test information shall be submitted with the pavement design. As an alternative, the Effective Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k, can by determined if the Effective Roadbed Soil Resilient Modulus, Mr is known by the relationship: k = Mr / 19.4 Step 2: Determine the Concrete Elastic Modulus, Ec (psi) Specify, in the design calculations and in the plans, the compressive strength, f ’c (psi) of the concrete mix design. The Concrete Elastic Modulus, Ec (psi) can be determined from the relationship: Ec = 57,000 √(f ’c) Attachment 2, Page 7 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 8 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 Step 3: Determine the Mean Concrete Modulus of Rupture, S ‘c (psi). The minimum Mean Concrete Modulus of Rupture, S‘c (psi), is specified in the Springfield Standard Specification 311.3.02c, Flexural Strength. Step 4: Determine the Load Transfer Coefficient, J Pavements with a monolithic or tied curb and gutter that provide additional stiffness and keeps traffic away from the edge may be treated as a tied shoulder. If the curb is not integral with the pavement section, rebar shall be provided to join the curb to the slab section (Refer to Springfield Standard Specifications for requirements). Under normal circumstances, load transfer devices are not required on City streets. Obtain the value from Table 2.6 in the AASHTO guide. Step 5: Determine the Drainage Coefficient, Cd The Engineer of Record shall determine this value using Table 2.5 of the AASHTO guide and information gathered from soils test and references such as the USGS Soil Survey of Lane County. Step 6: Determine the estimated total 18-kip Equivalent Single Axle Load Applications, W18, as described in Appendix D of the AASHTO guide. Traffic volumes shall be based upon actual counts and/or traffic studies. See Table 1-4 below for minimum terminal serviceability values based on roadway classification when using the AASHTO design method. Assume an initial pavement thickness of 6 inches and a minimum of 10 percent truck traffic. This calculation shall be submitted with the pavement design. Step 7: Obtain the minimum acceptable values of the Reliability (R%), Overall Standard Deviation (So), and Design Serviceability Loss (PSI) from Table 1-4 below based on the roadway classification. Table 1-4: Minimum Acceptable Values for Rigid Pavement Design Local Collector Arterial Reliability, R% 90 95 99 Overall Standard Deviation, So .25 .25 .25 Initial Serviceability, Po 4.5 4.5 4.5 Terminal Serviceability, Pt 2.5 2.5 3 Design Serviceability Loss, PSI 2 2 1.5 Step 8: Obtain the Design Slab Thickness, D (inches)from the “Design Chart (nomograph) for Rigid Pavement Based on using Mean Values for Each Input Variable,” Figure 3.7 segments 1 and 2 from the AASHTO design guide, using the specific and constant values determined in Steps 1-7. The minimum design thickness allowed in the City of Springfield is 6 inches. Attachment 2, Page 8 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 9 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 Rigid Pavement Design Notes: A. The minimum thicknesses of Portland cement concrete and crushed rock for permanent rigid pavement are 7 inches on 6 inches respectively for local streets, and 8 inches on 6 inches respectively for collector and above classifications. This minimum is based on a minimum compressive strength, f ’c, of 4000 psi and a minimum beam strength, based on a beam strength, S’c, of 600 psi. B. All pavement structures shall include a minimum of 6 inches of crushed rock and a layer of geo-textile fabric. C. All design thicknesses shall be rounded up to the nearest 1/2 inch. D. In all cases the pavement structure shall be placed on a subgrade that is firm and unyielding (verified by proof rolling) and compacted according to the specifications. E. All designed cross-sections shall include wet weather construction provisions including an additional 8 inches of crushed rock between the required geotextile fabric and the base of the concrete pavement structure. F. A jointing plan shall be included in the public improvement plan set for review with the project. 1.02.8 Curbs and Gutters A Springfield standard curb and gutter shall be used on any fully improved City public street unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. The minimum gutter grade shall be 0.30 percent, and preferably 0.50 percent. The minimum gutter grades along short-radius curves, such as curb returns and cul-de-sac bulbs, shall be 0.50 percent. No intruding structures, including, but not limited to, manholes, valves, and junction boxes shall be located within 2 feet of the curb or gutter. On partial (i.e. 1/2 or 2/3 width) street sections, an ODOT extruded concrete curb, or equivalent, shall be used to delineate traffic. Where necessary to allow drainage to pass through, 1 foot wide curb cuts shall be provided, a minimum of 20 feet on center. A Springfield standard curb and gutter shall be used when drainage conveyance is necessary or required. Where intermittent emergency or maintenance vehicular access is to be provided and pedestrian access is to be discouraged, an ODOT mountable concrete curb, or equivalent, shall be used. 1.02.9 Valley Gutters Valley gutters shall not be used within the public right-of-way, unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. 1.02.10 Cross Slope Public Sstreets shall be designed with a 2 percent cross slope with the crown in the middle of the street. Parabolic crown sections may only be used on public streets when approved by the City Engineer and Traffic Engineer. Attachment 2, Page 9 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 10 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 Shed sections may be used on public streets, when approved by the City Engineer and Traffic Engineer, where upslope runoff is collected in a formal drainage system and is not allowed to travel across the roadway. Steeper cross slopes may be approved in accordance with AASHTO standards. 1.02.11 Public Sidewalks Concrete sidewalks shall be located on both sides of the street for all public major and minor arterial, collector, and local streets, and shall be designed to the following criteria: A. In conformance with the existing or planned street grades. B. In conformance with current ADA standards. C. Sidewalks shall be 7 feet wide along all arterial class streets, and 5 feet wide along all collector and local classification streets and cul-de-sac bulbs unless otherwise specified in the SDC or adopted development plans. D. All public streets shall have setback sidewalks placed within the public right-of-way unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer and City Engineer. When replacing damaged sidewalk new work shall be located in the same position as the existing sidewalk. When extending a sidewalk along a block frontage with existing curbside sidewalk, the new sidewalk must physically transition to comply with current sidewalk standards as determined by the Director. the applicant may select either curbside or setback sidewalk. E. Sidewalks that are not installed with the street improvements shall be shown on the public improvement plans and labeled “FUTURE SETBACK SIDEWALK”. All sidewalks that do not abut future building lots shall be installed as a part of the public improvement plans and may not be delayed. F. Obstructions Facilities including, but not limited to, mail boxes, water meters, valves, junction boxes, manholes, utility poles, trees, benches, fire hydrants, signs, and bus stops shall must not be located within the public sidewalks. Said obstructions facilities mustshall be removed or relocated prior to the construction or reconstruction of the sidewalk, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. If these obstructions facilities are permitted to remain, provisions shall be made to maintainthere must be at least 5 feet of unobstructed width on arterial class streets and 4 feet on all other streets. G. All public sidewalks shall be a minimum of 4 inches thick concrete placed on a minimum of 2 inches of compacted 3/4 inch-minus crushed rock base. Sidewalks behind or integral with driveway approaches shall be designed to the standards set forth in Section 1.02.13 “Driveway Approach.” All concrete shall meet or exceed the mix design standards specified in the current version of the Springfield Standard Specifications. 1.02.12 Pedestrian Access Ramps All Pedestrian Access Ramps shall conform to the current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) federal regulations. Refer to the current version of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications for specifications and sample drawings. Sample drawings are available in electronic format via the City Website. Attachment 2, Page 10 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 11 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 Pedestrian access ramps shall be designed within the following guidelines: A. Ramp approaches shall be aligned with, and be wholly contained within, the crosswalk markings. B. Ramp approaches shall not be positioned directly in the path of catch basin grates. C. Ramp approaches shall be directly aligned with one another with no offset through the intersection. D. Ramp approaches and crossings shall be (as close as possible to) perpendicular to the street they are crossing in order to minimize the crossing distance. E. Ramps shall be aligned to point directly to the ramp across the road that is intended to receive the pedestrian. F. Obstructions including, but not limited to, mail boxes, water meters, valves, junction boxes, manholes, utility poles, trees, benches, fire hydrants, signs, and bus stops shall not be located within the ramp area, including flares. G. Ramp flares may extend beyond the crosswalk markings. Pedestrian access ramps shall be located using the following guidelines: A. Two ramps shall be provided at each curb radius to allow direct access from the ramps into the street. Ramps shall not be directed diagonally into the middle of the intersection unless approved by the City Traffic Engineer. B. Driveway approaches are not acceptable ADA accessible routes of travel. ADA routes of travel shall be designed and constructed to ADA standards and may not be altered by driveways or other improvements unless an approved alternative route of travel is provided. C. At some signal-controlled intersections, the crosswalk and pedestrian access ramps may be excluded from a crossing to accommodate unusually heavy turning movements, as approved or required by the City Traffic Engineer. D. Pedestrian access ramps shall be designed and constructed as specified in the Springfield Standard Specifications. All pedestrian ramps shall be shown with a detailed drawing submitted within the plan set with specific detail sufficient for review and construction. 1.02.13 Driveway Approaches All driveway approaches shall be defined on the plans as either Residential or Commercial. Any driveway serving property which is used for purposes other than Single Family Residential or Duplexes shall be designated as and built to the standards of a Commercial driveway. A concrete alley apron serving public right-of-way or alley shall also be built to the standards of a Commercial driveway. Refer to the Standard Construction Specifications, Section 314 DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, HANDICAP RAMPS AND PATHWAYS and Standard Attachment 2, Page 11 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 12 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 drawings for construction details. 1.02.14 Curb Return Radii A WB-67 design vehicle shall be used when designing curb radii for all truck routes. Unless otherwise directed and/or approved by the City Engineer and City Traffic Engineer, all other curb radii at public street intersections shall be designed in accordance with table 1-5, Suggested Radii and Design Vehicles for Determining Curb Radii: Table 1-5: Suggested Radii and Design Vehicles for Determining Curb Radii Primary Street Classification Secondary Street Classification Zoning Suggested Radii (ft) Design Vehicle Local Local Residential 10 SU or Emergency Local Local Non-Residential 15 SU or Emergency Collector Local Residential 20 SU or Emergency Collector Local Non-Residential 20 SU or WB-50 as appropriate Collector Collector Residential 20 SU or Emergency Collector Collector Non-Residential 20 SU or WB-50 as appropriate Minor-Arterial Collector All 35 WB-67 Minor-Arterial Minor-Arterial All 35 WB-67 Note: The above suggested radii and design vehicles are beginning points for design only. Larger or smaller radii and/or design vehicles may be required to accommodate existing or planned turning movements. Designers should try to accomplish the minimum turning radius allowable that incorporates all of the differing elements affected by the radii such as turning movement speed, traffic calming, ADA ramp construction, and pedestrian pathways. On local to local street intersections, design vehicles may use half of the width of the approach street and all of the width of the departure street exclusive of parking lanes. On non-local streets design vehicles shall begin their turn in the travel lane closest to the curb and if there are multiple approach lanes may straddle the lane line, and they may use the entire width of all departure lanes on the departure street. Three center curves, which are right-of-way efficient and decrease the pedestrian crossing distance, are encouraged when designing for larger vehicles. 1.02.15 Private Improvements Private improvements shall be privately owned and maintained and be identified on the construction drawings as “private”. Private streets shall be designed to the same standards as public streets. When proposed private systems, like water quality/quantity features, are essential for public improvement projects to function properly, they shall be shown on the public improvement plans. 1.02.16 Glenwood Riverfront Street Cross-Section Standards SDC Table 4.2-1 provides the minimum street right-of-way width and the minimum curb-to-curb width for public streets in Springfield. During the adoption of the Glenwood Refinement Plan, the Springfield City Council approved street design policies and implementation strategies for Attachment 2, Page 12 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 1 - 13 EDSP Adopted January 21, 2020December 03, 2012 use within the Glenwood Riverfront to promote the design and character of this area. Appendix 1A of this Chapter provides the standards for designing public streets in the Glenwood Riverfront. Attachment 2, Page 13 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 1EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 TRAFFIC STANDARDS 5.00 DESIGN STANDARDS 5.01 PURPOSE These standards outline and define the current traffic design standards, including illumination, signals, bicycle facilities, roundabouts, medians, roadside features, parking design, transit stops, and miscellaneous items for Springfield. These design standards may be subject to revisions by the City Traffic Engineer on a project-by-project basis. All construction standards and drawings for transportation related items are defined in the Springfield Construction Standard Specifications Sections 317, 501, and 502, and Standard Drawings 5-1 to 5-25. All designs shall be performed by an engineer capable of performing such work and licensed by the State of Oregon. Any private streets shall be designed to the public facility standards. All public streets are considered Fire Department emergency apparatus access streets and shall meet the Fire Code minimum design standards. Private streets may or may not be considered Fire Department emergency apparatus access streets as determined by the Fire Marshal. 5.02 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 5.02.1 Illumination 5.02.1.A General As part of the public improvement process, a street illumination design shall be included with all project plans submitted to the City as well as a power plan from the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). The street illumination design shall clearly show where the luminaires, conduit runs, junction boxes, service cabinets, and power sources will be located. Each lighting component shall be identified using the Oregon Department of Transportation drafting symbol library and the corresponding legend. Submitted plans shall follow the City of Springfield Standard Specifications and Standard drawings related to illumination. Lighting plans shall be submitted on a sheet devoted exclusively to street light work. All illumination plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Transportation Section. 5.02.1.B Design Standards The lighting plan design shall utilize Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) drafting standards. The plans shall include symbols indicating such features as: conduit, wiring, junction boxes, power sources, poles, luminaires, luminaire arms, and all the relevant sizes and locations required to accurately construct the lighting system. For street lighting drafting typical, refer to the City’s latest edition of Standard Construction Specifications and the ODOT drafting symbol/legend library. The City standards for street illumination isare: A. Street lighting designs shall be prepared by an engineer capable of performing such work. The engineer shall be licensed by the State of Oregon. Lighting plans shall be submitted on a sheet devoted exclusively to street light work. The lighting plans shall also include wire size calculations and circuit diagrams. Lighting systems shall comply with the provisions of the National Electric Service Code (NESC). A space shall be provided for Attachment 2, Page 14 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 2EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 a chart listing the specific location (geographic coordinates), address, pole number, pole owner, manufacturer’s name and catalog numbers for each type of fixture, lamp, ballast driver and city approved lighting controls including photocell in the project on the plan sheet. This chart shall be completed when preparing the as-built plans. Lighting circuits shall be designed to reduce the number of utility connection points. B. Lights shall must be located in accordance with the standards in SDC 4.2-145.C. See the Illumination Standards Table (Table 5-1) for configurations that comply with these standards. In cases that are not defined in Table 5-1, a photometric evaluation of the pole spacing shall be made using accepted procedures and illumination levels in Illuminating Engineering Society, American National Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting – RP- 8-14 and these standards., most current edition. C. Lighting must meet the following design standards adopted in SDC 4.2-145.C: 1. Lighting must comply with Illuminating Engineering Society, American National Standards Practice for Roadway Lighting – RP-8-14 and applicable National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) and National Electrical Code (NEC) standards. 2. Intersections must be illuminated to a level equal to the sum of the average required illuminance of the two intersecting streets. 3. Mid-block crosswalks that are approved by the City Traffic Engineer must have two times the illumination required for the street. 4. Decorative poles with City-approved LED fixtures and lighting controls must be used on all streets within the Nodal Development Overlay District and where any refinement plan or plan district requires decorative lighting. Decorative poles may be used on streets, paths, and accessways in any other zone at the option of the developer as approved by the Director. 5. City-approved LED fixtures and lighting controls must be used when lighting is required along multi-use paths and accessways. 6. Roadway style poles and “cobra head” fixtures with City-approved LED fixtures and lighting controls must be used along streets in all other locations. 1.7.Roadway style poles must be steel, fiberglass or aluminum. 8. Where lot frontages are 80 feet or less, poles must be located at property lines unless approved by the Director. 9. The weak point illumination must not be less than 0.1 foot candles. Attachment 2, Page 15 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 3EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 10. Roadway style poles set behind sidewalks must have eight (8) foot arm length. Roadway style poles set between curb and sidewalk or where no sidewalk exists must have six (6) foot arm length. 11. Pole handholes must be used instead of junction boxes where feasible. Junction boxes for street lighting must only be utilized for street crossings or where necessary to comply with electrical code standards cited above. 12. Pole Height. a. Lights on arterial and major collector streets outside of a residential zone must have a 35-foot fixture mounting height. b. Lights on local streets with a curb-to-curb width of 28 feet or greater and collectors within residential zones must have a 30-foot fixture mounting height. c. Lights on local streets with a curb-to-curb width of less than 28 feet must have a 25-foot fixture mounting height. d. Decorative poles must be 12 feet tall, except that 16-foot tall decorative poles may be approved by the Director when the required illumination levels cannot be achieved with 12-foot tall decorative poles. e. Lighting on local streets must be installed on the same side of the street and on the side of the street first constructed, except where necessary to be consistent with the existing lighting design and placement. f. Light poles must not be placed on the outside of curves with less than a 1000- foot radius. C. Intersections shall be illuminated to a level equal to the sum of the average maintained required illuminance of the two intersecting streets. D. Mid-block crosswalks that are approved by the City Traffic Engineer shall have two times the illumination required for the intended streets. E. Decorative poles and fixtures shall be used on all streets within any Nodal Development Area designation or Nodal Overlay district, where any refinement plans require decorative lighting, and all off street public access ways and multi-use paths. Decorative poles and fixtures may be used on local streets in any zone at the option of the land developer. All decorative fixtures shall use metal halide lamps. F. Roadway style “cobra head” fixtures, on standard poles, shall be used in all other locations. Metal halide or high pressure sodium lamps shall be used as follows: Attachment 2, Page 16 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 4EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 G. H. Metal halide lamps shall be used on all Bus Rapid Transit corridors; zones of Community Commercial, Major Retail Commercial, Campus Industrial, Light Medium Industrial, Booth Kelly Mixed Use, High Density Residential, and Medical Service. I. J. Public Land and Open Space zones shall use the lighting type described in this Manual regarding adjacent zones so that a continuous light type is achieved. K. L. Zones of Medium Density Residential, Low Density Residential, Neighborhood Commercial, Light Medium Industrial, Special Heavy Industrial, Heavy Industrial, General Office, and Quarry/Mining shall use high pressure sodium lamps. M. N.D. As other zones or overlay districts may be established, the City Traffic Engineer will determine the lighting type based on similarity to the zones list above and record it on the “Street Light Type by Zone Map”. O. When roadway style poles are used on arterial and collector streets, they shall be steel or aluminum. P.E. When roadway style poles are used on local and collector streets in residential areas, they shall be direct bury fiberglass, or steel, or aluminum on concrete foundations. The only time wood poles will be permitted is when replacing damaged poles or when installing additional lighting in an area that has wood poles used throughout to maintain consistency. If used, wood poles shall be class 4 pressure treated polesDirect bury fiberglass poles must be used as replacements or infill in areas with existing wood poles. Q.F. Poles shall be placed at least 3 feet from the face of curb. Luminaire arms shall be aligned at right angles from the curb line. R. In areas where lot frontage is 80 feet or less, poles shall be located at or near property lines when possible. S.G. Conduits shall be electrical PVC with a minimum size of 1 inch and be in whole inch sizes only. Street crossings shall have a 1.52 inch minimum diameter. All conduit runs shall be clearly indicated on the plans showing the route from the power source (typically a SUB vault) to the street light. Junction boxes shall be placed near the base of each light as shown in Standard Drawing 5-22 (SD 5-22). All junction boxes used for the street lighting system shall have the words STREET LIGHTING displayed on the lid. (See Section 502 of the Springfield Standard Specifications for additional details.) Junction boxes shall not be placed in sidewalks or ramps. If there are more than four (4) conduit stubs in the junction box, a junction box number 2 shall be used. Junction boxes located in the travel way shall be traffic load bearing junction boxes. T.H. All electrical conductors shall be copper, THWN with a minimum size of Number 12 AGW. Attachment 2, Page 17 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 5EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 U. When a service cabinet with a master photoelectric cell is provided, the service cabinet shall provide a photoelectric cell bypass/test switch, and contactor(s). V. Luminaire poles shall not be placed along the outside of curves. W.I. A manufacturer’s specification ‘catalog cut sheet’ shall be submitted for all materials for city review and approval prior to installation. X.J. All new City street light poles shall have City pole tags installed on the pole 6 feet from ground level and facing the street or multi-use path that the light is on. The pole tags are provided by the City by contacting the Springfield Transportation Section. Use approved methods and materials for attachment. Y. Conduit Plug – Wire Theft Deterrent All new street lights shall be constructed with wire theft deterrents. Wire shall be glued inside the conduit to a depth of 8 inches at every conduit stub up at underground junction boxes. The conduit leading to the pole base shall not be glued. Conduit larger than 1 inch shall have approved polyester or fiberglass filler material installed 8 inches below the stub up end to prevent the adhesive from slumping. The proposed street lighting design shall include a note directing the contractor to install wire theft deterrents. Construction adhesive meeting the following requirements shall be used. Approved manufacturer: PL Sealants – PL Premium Polyurethane Construction Adhesive Z.K. Electrical Circuit Identification A tag shall be attached to each conduit entering underground junction boxes. The following information shall be written on the tag with permanent marker: Voltage – 120 or 208 or 240; Circuit – Alpha or Numeric as shown on the plan set; Power Source – Utility name and pole or transformer number, distance from power source, and compass direction to source. The proposed street lighting design shall include a note directing the contractor to include lighting circuit identification tags. Approved manufacturer: Brady – Yellow Color-Code Plasti-Tags Catalog # 56926, 3- 1/2” H x 2-1/2” W, 10 Mil Plastic, with nylon tie. 5.02.1.C Street Light Spacing Street lighting shall be engineered and designed to reflect the level of illuminance listed in Table 5-1. Weak point light = 0.1 foot candles minimum. Table 5-1: Average Maintained Horizontal Illuminance1 For Street and Pedestrian Facilities High Pressure Sodium Lamps Concrete R1 Asphalt R3 Street Classification Pole Height Area Class Foot- Candles Required Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing Foot- Candles Required Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing Attachment 2, Page 18 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 6EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Arterial 72' Street (2 Poles Opposite) 35' Commercial 1.2 3:1 250w @ 210' 1.7 3:1 250w @ 170' 35' Intermediate 0.9 3:1 200w @ 210' 1.3 3:1 250w @ 210' 35' Residential 0.6 3:1 150w @ 210' 0.9 3:1 200w @ 210' Collector 48' Street (poles on same side) 35' Commercial 0.8 4:1 250w @ 210' 1.2 4:1 250w @ 170' 35' Intermediate 0.6 4:1 200w @ 210' 0.9 4:1 250w @ 210' 30' Residential 0.4 4:1 150w @ 200' 0.6 4:1 150w @ 190' Local 36' Street (poles on same side) 30' Commercial 0.6 6:1 150w @ 210' 0.9 6:1 200w @ 210' 30' Intermediate 0.5 6:1 150w @ 210' 0.7 6:1 150w @ 210' 30' Residential 0.3 6:1 100w @ 210' 0.4 6:1 100w @ 200' Local 28' Street (poles on same side) 30' Commercial 0.6 6:1 150w @ 210' 0.8 6:1 200w @ 210' 30' Intermediate 0.5 6:1 150w @ 210' 0.7 6:1 150w @ 210' 30' Residential 0.3 6:1 100w @ 210' 0.4 6:1 100w @ 210' Areas with pole set behind sidewalks - 8' arm length Areas with poles set between curb and sidewalk or in sidewalk - 6' arm length Attachment 2, Page 19 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 7EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Metal Halide Lamps Concrete R1 Asphalt R3 Street Classification Pole Height Area Class Foot-candles Required Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing Foot-candles Required Ave/Min Lamp/Spacing Arterial 72' Street (2 Poles Opposite) 35' Commercial 1.2 3:1 400w @ 180' 1.7 3:1 400w @ 180' 35' Intermediate 0.9 3:1 250w @ 180' 1.3 3:1 400w @ 180' 35' Residential 0.6 3:1 150w @ 180' 0.9 3:1 250w @ 180' Collector 48' Street (poles on same side) 35' Commercial 0.8 4:1 400w @ 210' 1.2 4:1 400w @ 180' 35' Intermediate 0.6 4:1 400w @ 210' 0.9 4:1 400w @ 210' 30' Residential 0.4 4:1 150w @ 160' 0.6 4:1 150w @ 160' Local 36' Street (poles on same side) 30' Commercial 0.6 6:1 150w @ 170' 0.9 6:1 250w @ 170' 30' Intermediate 0.5 6:1 150w @ 170' 0.7 6:1 150w @ 170' 30' Residential 0.3 6:1 150w @ 170' 0.4 6:1 150w @ 170' Local 28' Street (poles on same side) 30' Commercial 0.6 6:1 150w @ 170' 0.9 6:1 150w @ 150' 30' Intermediate 0.5 6:1 150w @ 170' 0.7 6:1 150w @ 170' 30' Residential 0.3 6:1 150w @ 170' 0.4 6:1 150w @ 170' Areas with sidewalks - 8' arm length Areas with no sidewalks - 6' arm length Decorative Metal Halide Lamps Local 36' Street (poles on same side) 12’ Residential 0.3 6:1 150w @ 100' 0.4 6:1 150w @ 100' Local 28' Street (poles on same side) 12’ Residential 0.3 6:1 150w @ 100' 0.4 6:1 150w @ 100' Public Access Way - Decorative Metal Halide Lamps Bike Paths 12' wide, (Pole 3' from edge, poles on same side) 12’ Access Way .5 10:1 70w @ 120' 1. Source: American National Standard Practice for Roadway Lighting. ANSI/IES RP-8-00. Illuminating Engineering Society of North America. Attachment 2, Page 20 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 8EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Residential Area Class Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Residential Mixed Use Commercial Area Class Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Major Retail Commercial Commercial Mixed Use Intermediate Area Class Booth Kelly/Mixed Use General Office Light Medium Industrial Light Medium Industrial/Community Commercial Campus Industrial Heavy Industrial Special Heavy Industrial Quarry/Mining Office Mixed Use Employment Mixed Use Residential Mixed Use Table 5-1: Average Maintained Horizontal Illuminance1 For Street and Pedestrian Facilities (Residential Zones Only) Classification Fixture Height Foot Candles Required Ave/Min Lamp Spacing Local 20' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 25 0.5 6 : 1 200' Local 28' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.5 6 : 1 200' Local 36' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.5 6 : 1 200' Minor Collector 34' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.6 4 : 1 200' Minor Collector 42' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.6 4 : 1 140' Minor Collector 50' Curb to Curb (Poles on Same Side) 30 0.6 4 : 1 140' Arterials and Major Collectors > 50’ Curb to Curb (2 poles opposite) 35 0.9 3:1 200’ Attachment 2, Page 21 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 9EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Areas with curbside sidewalk 8 foot arm length Areas with no sidewalk or setback sidewalk 6 foot arm length 5.02.1.D Conduit Size A. Conduits shall be sized according to the requirements of the National Electrical Service Code (NESC) current edition. B. All conduit runs shall be as direct from point to point as possible, shall remain within the right-of-ways, and maintain as straight an alignment as possible. C. The minimum conduit size shall be 1 inch. All conduits under the street shall be a minimum of 1.5 inches in diameter. Conduits placed on SUB utility poles shall require ‘stand-off’ mountings and need to be specified in whole inch diameters. D. A junction box shall be included at each end of street conduit crossings. 5.02.1.E Conductor Size A. A catalog cut sheet with maximum starting and operating amperages information shall be included in the plans submittal to verify the wire sizing calculations. B. A circuit diagram and load calculations shall be included on the plan sheets at the end of the lighting construction drawings. C. The maximum voltage drop shall be two percent from the utility to the service equipment and three percent from the service to the farthest load. D. Any suitable method for calculating voltage drop and conductor sizes may be used. Provide reference to any source of information. 5.02.2 Signals 5.02.2.A General Signals shall be designed as specified in this Section. Consultants shall perform traffic signal designs using current National Electric Code (NEC), AASHTO, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the Oregon Supplement to the MUTCD. This work shall consist of furnishing and installing a complete and functional traffic control system of controllers, signals and appurtenances as required by Springfield (See Division 500 of the Springfield Standard Construction Specifications based on ODOT Standards). The locations of signals shown on the plans can be approximate; the exact locations shall be established by the Engineer of Record in the field, unless relocated by the City Traffic Engineer. Please see section 5.04 regarding intersection analyses. 5.02.2.B Signal Design Standards The traffic signal design shall be submitted on a separate sheet of the project plans. The design shall clearly show the following: A. Existing and proposed topography including edge of pavement or curb line, center lines with stationing, lane use, striping, signing, sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, right-of-way lines, street names, driveways, adjacent lots, existing and proposed trees, and other Attachment 2, Page 22 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 10EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 topographical features as needed. B. Existing lighting, poles, wiring, vehicle signals, pedestrian signals, overhead signs, traffic signal controller, service equipment, and all other equipment that needs to be removed. General notes shall state what is to be removed. C. The location and specification of traffic signal poles, underground conduit, traffic signal loops or detection zones, traffic signal wiring, junction boxes, vehicle signals, pedestrian signals, pushbuttons, pushbutton instruction signs, overhead signs, traffic signal controller, service equipment, pre-emption devices, existing power sources, and all other equipment needed to install the signal. D. A loop detector wiring diagram showing loop number, phase, function, slot number, and notes for symbols and details used and/or video camera detection details. E. A normal phase rotation diagram and fire preemption operation diagram for the intersection. F. Interconnect cable. G. Bus rapid transit priority equipment. H. Radio communication equipment. Each signal component shall be identified using the ODOT drafting symbol library and the corresponding legend. Submitted plans shall follow the Springfield Standard Specifications, Drafting Standards Section 9, and Standard drawings related to traffic signals. All public signal designs shall be prepared by an engineering firm capable of performing such work. The engineer shall be licensed by the State of Oregon. 5.02.2.C Induction Loops Induction loops shall be constructed as specified in Standard Drawing 5-12. A. Loops shall not be cut into the final lift of new asphalt. 5.02.2.D Conduit A separate conduit shall be used for low voltage and high voltage circuits, such as: signal circuits, detector circuits, service wires, and 240 volt or greater illumination circuits. Metal conduit shall be coated in corrosive soil areas. Schedule 40 PVC conduit shall be used for all signal, interconnect, and lighting designs. Conduit sweeps shall conform to current ODOT standards. 5.02.2.E Junction Boxes A. Junction boxes shall not be placed in sidewalks or ramps. B. Junction boxes shall be sized to meet current ODOT standards. C. Junction boxes located in the travel way shall be traffic load bearing junction boxes. Attachment 2, Page 23 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 11EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 5.02.2.F Power Source A. A separate post or pedestal shall be provided for service. Refer to current ODOT standards. B. Power source shall be underground from power source to meter. C. Meter and service cabinet shall be mounted as close to the controller as practical. D. Service equipment shall not be mounted on the controller cabinet. E. Power shall be run underground from service cabinet to controller. 5.03 BICYCLE FACILITIES 5.03.1 General All bicycle facilities shall conform to the latest addition of the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, Oregon Bike and Pedestrian Design Guidelines, the Springfield Bicycle Plan, TransPlanCity of Springfield Transportation System Plan, the Regional Transportation System Plan, AASHTO guidelines, and applicable Sections of the Springfield Development Code (SDC). 5.03.2 Design Standards A quick reference table on bikeway bike lane and multi-use path design standards is shown below. Table 5-2: Bikeway Quick Reference Bike lanes and Multi-Use Path Design Standards Bike Lane 6 feet Shoulder BikewayBike Lane 6 feet Multi-Use Path 10 feet with 2 foot wide gravel shoulders on each side (see SDC 4.2-150), unless otherwise specified in Springfield Transportation System Plan Multi-Use Path (High Use) 12 feet with 2 foot wide gravel shoulders on each side Bike Lane Stripe 8 inches Shoulder Stripe 4 inches Vertical Clearance 10 feet Pavement Thickness Shall be designed to withstand an 80,000lb load and withstand frost heave 5.03.3 Bike Lanes Bike lanes are implemented on urban arterial, major collector streets, and rural streets near urban areas where high potential bicycle use could be presentrequired on arterial and non-residential collector streets. SDC 4.2-105.C and Table 4.2-1. Bike lanes shall have an 8 inch lane stripe and thermoplastic bike stencils. Motorists are not permitted in the bike lanes for driving or parking, but may use the bike lanes for emergency maneuvers or breakdowns. Attachment 2, Page 24 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 12EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 The standard width of a bike lane is 6 feet, measured from the center of the stripe to the edge of pavement. See SDC 4.2-105.C and Table 4.2-1. The minimum bike lane width is 4 feet on open shoulders and 5 feet from the face of a curb, guardrail or parked cars. Bike lanes wider than 6 feet may be required in areas of very high use, on high-speed facilities where wider shoulders are warranted, or where they are shared with pedestrians. Adequate markings shall be used to discourage motorists from using the bike lane as a travel-way or parking lane. At a minimum, bike lane pavement markings designating the facility to discourage automobile use must be placed at all street intersections in both directions. Where a bike lane is to be designed adjacent to a parking lane, its location will be reviewed and evaluated by staff on a case by case basis as there may be a variety of elements that may need to be taken into consideration. Bike lanes on one-way streets shall be on the right side of the street, except in the case where a left-side bike lane would cause fewer conflicts, and the bicycliste can return to the right safely. See SDC 4.2-105.C and Table 4-2.1, footnote (3). 5.03.4 Bicycle Parking Refer to the SDC Sections 3.4-270G.13 and 14, and 4.6-140.-155 for the minimum required bicycle parking spaces and additional bicycle parking standards. 5.03.5 Multi-Use Paths A. A two-way multi-use path shall must be paved a minimum width of 10 feet. See SDC 4.2-150.C. B. The path design shall must include a 2 foot or greater clear distance on both sides of the multi-use path. This area shall must be at the same slope as the path. See SDC 4.2-150.C. C. The overhead clearance shall must be a minimum of 10 feet, unless additional overhead clearance is required for fire access as determined by the Fire Marshal. D. Where a path is parallel and adjacent to a street, there shall must be a 5 foot or greater width separating the path from the edge of the street, or a physical barrier of sufficient height shall must be installed. See SDC 4.2-150.D. E. Multi-use paths shall must be strong enough to support maintenance vehicles and emergency vehicles. F. The maximum grade shall be 5 percent for bicycle use. G. If a fence or railing is used along a path, the height, openings in the railing, and rub-rail requirements shall comply with AASHTO standards. Lighting shall be installed on multi-use paths. See SDC 4.2-150.E and the lighting standards for recommended illumination in Section 5.02. 5.03.6 Striping and Signing A. Plastic bike stencils shall must be placed at all street intersections in both directionsafter most intersections. Attachment 2, Page 25 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 13EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 B. Additional stencils may be placed on long sections of street with no intersections. The correct spacing in feet is equal to the designated travel speed (mph) multiplied by 40. C. All bicycle striping going through an intersection or crossed by high volume traffic shall be thermoplastic striping. D. Signs shall have a 3 foot lateral clearance from the edge of the path. The bottom of signs shall be 5 feet above the path. Signs placed over a path shall have a minimum vertical clearance of 8 feet. 5.03.7 Protected BikewaysBike Lanes PIf protected bikeways bike lanes or “cycle tracks” are proposed, theymust be reviewed and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 5.03.8 Other Bicycle Facilities Other bicycle facilities may be designed such as but not limited to bicycle boulevards, lanes, routes, parking, and paths but shall be evaluated on a case by case basis to ensure the proper safety for all users. 5.04 INTERSECTION CONTROL When a project includes reconstructing or constructing new intersections, all intersection control types will be evaluated using Springfield’s “Intersection Control Checklist” provided in Appendix 5.A. 5.04.1 Roundabouts All roundabouts on City streets shall be designed by the City of Springfield Transportation Section staff. Private developers shall arrange for these services from Springfield staff as part of their planning for developments which include a proposed roundabout. Roundabouts shall be constructed in concrete unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. 5.05 MEDIANS Section 5.05.1 General median description, 5.05.2A Raised Median Width and Size, and 5.05.2A Length of a Raised Median are requirements adopted in SDC 4.2-105.F. Where these sections conflict with the Springfield Development Code, the Development Code prevails. 5.05.1 General Medians are provided to prevent accidentsdeter crashes caused by crossover traffic, head light glare distraction, traffic turning left from through lanes, refuge for pedestrians crossing the street, and to remove turning traffic from through lanes thereby maintaining efficient and safe traffic flow. A median is defined as an area between traffic lanes for control of vehicle movements or for pedestrian refuge. Within the intersection area, a median or an outer separation is considered to be an island. Attachment 2, Page 26 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 14EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Median design and installation must follow the standards in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and AASHTO’s “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.” 5.05.2 Median Location Criteria A. Medians may be required on arterial and collector streets if any of the following conditions are met: 1. There are two or more through traffic lanes in each direction on the street being accessed; 2. The street being accessed has a crash rate of over one crash per million vehicle miles traveled, and currently has a two-way left turn lane or exclusive left turn lane. 3. Topography and horizontal or vertical street alignment result in inadequate left-turn intersection sight distance along a street segment and it is impractical to relocate or reconstruct the connecting approach street or it is impractical to reconstruct the street in order to provide adequate sight distance. B. If the forecast Peak Hour Flow exceeds 600 vehicles per lane, or if the forecasted Peak Hour Flow is less than 600 vehicles per lane but the posted speed limit is 45 miles per hour or higher, a vehicular restrictive median at least 6 feet wide shall be considered. C. A raised median pedestrian refuge island shall be considered on streets that have a posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour or higher where large pedestrian volumes and high traffic volumes make pedestrian crossings difficult. Enhanced signing, marking and beacons may be required in cases where the pedestrian is exposed to high threat traffic. 5.05.23 Design Standards Landscaping and irrigation shall be installed when directed by the City Traffic Engineer. A detailed median design plan shall be included in the public improvement plan set on a separate sheet and approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 5.05.23.A Length of Median The length of a median is determined based on the storage length requirements as determined in the Traffic Impact Study (T.I.S.), based on safety and/or operational efficiency needs of the street first and the access second, and as approved by the City Traffic Engineer. The usable length of a pedestrian refuge area along a street shall not be less than 8 feet or the width of the crosswalk, whichever is greater. The median length shall not be less than 30 feet. 5.05.23.B Median Width Elongated medians intended to deter turning movements shall be a minimum of four (4) feet wide and no less than 150 square feet in area. shall not be less than 4 feet wide. In special cases, where right-of-way is limited, elongated islands may be as narrow as 2 feet, except when used as pedestrian refuge areas. Pedestrian refuge medians shall be at least 8 feet wide unless special circumstance limits the width possible. In no case shall a pedestrian median be less than 6 feet wide. Attachment 2, Page 27 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 15EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 The minimum desirable width of a median that will accommodate a turning lane is 16 feet. Where right-of-way is limited, a median width of 12 feet can be used with a 10 foot turning lane. Triangular medians shall be at least 75 square feet and preferably 100 square feet. 5.05.23.C Median Openings Median openings that allow left turns in both directions shall be not less than 50 feet nose to nose. All median turn lanes and openings shall be designed for at least a WB50 truck, and a WB67 truck on designated truck routes. 5.05.23.D Median Types The type of median shall be determined by the City Traffic Engineer. 5.05.23.E Visibility Fixed objects shall not normally be permitted on medians. Planting shall be located so as not to violate sight distance standards or the turning radius of emergency apparatus. 5.05.23.F Access to Required Fire Features Where access to an existing fire protection feature (i.e. fire hydrant, fire lane or other required fire protection feature) is limited by a median installation, the Fire Marshal shall be consulted in order to evaluate an equivalent fire protection feature. 5.06 ROADSIDE FEATURES 5.06.1 General Miscellaneous features included herein shall be developed and constructed to encourage the uniform development and use of roadside features wherever possible. Any roadside facility installed in the public right-of-way shall first be permitted and reviewed by the City Traffic Engineer for safety evaluation. 5.06.2 Design Standards The design and placement of roadside features included in this Section shall comply with the specific requirements listed for each feature, and must comply with PROWAG standards as applicable. 5.06.3 Mailboxes A. Mailbox supports shall be 4 inches by 4 inches or 4½-inch diameter wood posts, or a metal post with no greater than a 2 inch-diameter standard strength steel pipe, with a height of 42 inches to the bottom part of box, embedded no more than 24 inches into the ground with a lateral distance of 6 to 12 inches from the edge of curb, or 8 to 12 inches from edge of pavement if there is no curb. For example, a single two-pound-per-foot U- channel support would be acceptable under this structural limitation. Mailbox supports shall not be set in concrete unless the support design has been shown to be safe by crash tests. B. Mailbox-to-post attachments shall prevent mailboxes from separating from their supports under vehicle impacts. Attachment 2, Page 28 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 16EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 C. Multiple mailbox installations shall meet the same criteria as single mailbox installations. Multiple support installations shall have their supports separated a minimum distance of 4 feet above ground. This distance shall be 12 inches for a single support. D. Neighborhood delivery and collection box units are owned by the U. S. Postal Service and are a specialized type of multiple mailbox installation that shall be located outside the clear zone. See ODOT Standard Drawing RD 100 for Mailbox Installation drawings. 5.06.4 Roadside Traffic Barriers See AASHTO, Roadside Design Guide for Roadside Traffic Barrier design requirements. 5.06.5 Signing A. See City Standard Drawing 5-18 for sign installation details. B. See the latest edition of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control (MUTCD) and Oregon Supplements to the MUTCD for specific signs. C. Street name signs: 1. Street name signs shall be erected to identify street intersections in both urban and rural areas. In residential districts at least one sign is required at each intersection. In business districts or on major arteriales, street name signs shall be placed on diagonal corners so that they will be on the near left-hand and far right-hand side of the intersection for traffic on the major street. 2. The sign shall be white letters on a green background. 3. Street name signs shall be mounted a minimum of 9 feet above the pavement. D. Signs shall be placed on street light poles when practicable. 5.07 MISCELLANEOUS 5.07.1 Turn Bay Lengths The elements of a turn bay are comprised of four components which include: d1 = distance traveled during the perception-reaction time d2 = distance traveled while driver decelerates and maneuvers laterally d3 = distance traveled during full deceleration and coming to a stop d4 = storage length The physical length of the turn bay excludes the distance traveled during perception-reaction time.  It shall be designed so that a turning vehicle will develop a speed differential of 10 mph or less at the point it clears the through traffic. Attachment 2, Page 29 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 17EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020  The length of the bay shall allow the vehicle to come to a comfortable stop prior to reaching the end of the expected queue in the turn bay.  The deceleration/maneuver distance (d2 +d3) is found in table 5-5.  The turn bay shall be longer than the queue in the adjacent through lane so that entry is not blocked. Limiting conditions may only be used if approved by the City Traffic Engineer. TABLE 5-3: Upstream Functional Intersection Area, Excluding Storage, in Feet(1) Desirable Conditions Limiting Conditions Operating Speed (mph) Maneuver Distance (2) (6) (d2 +d3) PIEV(3) Plus Maneuver Dist. (d1 + d2 +d3) Maneuver Distance (4) (6) (d2 +d3) PIEV(5) Plus Maneuver Dist. (d1 + d2 +d3) 20 70 130 70 100 25 110 185 105 140 30 160 250 145 190 35 215 320 190 240 40 275 395 245 305 45 345 475 300 365 50 425 570 365 440 55 510 670 435 515 60 605 780 510 600 65 710 900 590 685 70 820 1025 680 785 (1) Rounded to 5 feet (2)10 mph speed differentials, 5.8 fps2 deceleration while moving from the through lane into the turn lane; 6.8 fps2 average deceleration after completing lateral shift into the turn lane (3) 2.0 second perception-reaction time (4) 10 mph speed differential; 5.8 fps2 deceleration while moving from through lane into the turn lane; 9.2 fps2 average deceleration after completing lateral shift into the turn lane. (5) 1.0 second perception-reaction time (6) Assumes turning vehicle has “cleared the through lane” (a following through vehicle can pass without physically encroaching on the adjacent through lane) when the turning vehicle has moved laterally 10 ft. Also assumes a 12 ft. lateral movement will be completed in 3.0 seconds. Source: Vergil G. Stover and Frank J. Koepke, Transportation and Land Development, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1988, 2nd edition in preparation. 5.07.2 Sight Distance The minimum sight distance available on a street shall be sufficiently long to enable a vehicle traveling at or near the design speed to stop before reaching a stationary object in its path. Sight distance at every point along the street shall be at least that required for a below-average operator or vehicle to stop in this distance. Attachment 2, Page 30 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 18EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Table 5-4: Clear Distance to See Sign1 Speed Limit (MPH) Non-Critical Signs1 (FT.) Critical Signs2 (FT.) 30 150 250 40 200 350 50 250 450 60 300 600 1 Source: Vegetation Control for Safety, USDOT, FHWA 2 Critical signs are STOP, YIELD, DO NOT ENTER, ONE WAY, WRONG WAY, and other regulatory signs or warning signs. Non-critical signs are destination guide signs, parking regulations, or information signs. Stopping sight distance shall be designed in accordance with the current standards specified in A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets published by AASHTO. At intersections, a vision clearance triangle shall be maintained. In addition to AASHTO sight distance requirements, refer to SDC 4.2-130 for requirements. 5.07.3 Bus Turnout A turnout is a specialized bus stop where passengers who board and de-board a bus can load in an area that is separated from the traffic lanes. Turnouts are appropriate in certain conditions. A properly marked turnout also serves as a reminder of the availability of transit service. It is important that turnouts be properly designed with sufficient length to allow for easy and safe flow by the bus in and out of traffic. If there is a high traffic volume on the street, efficient bus operation may require that the timing of nearby traffic signals be designed to ensure that there will be sufficient gaps in the traffic to allow the bus to pull back into the traffic flow. Safety and traffic flow are important considerations in deciding whether to install a turnout. Turnouts may be helpful on streets that function with higher speeds (over 35 miles per hour) because there is less risk of a rear-end collision while the bus is stopped to board or deboard passengers. A bus stopped at a turn out, will also not impede traffic flow, which could be a significant advantage for traffic operation on the street, particularly if the stop time is long due to high passenger activity or boardings by people who use wheelchairs and other mobility devices. Installing turnouts on streets that function with speeds of 35 mile per hour or less shall be approached with caution. If there is high volume traffic (exceeding 600 vehicles per hour) for all or part of the day, with few gaps in traffic flow, it may take an extended amount of time for the bus to safely enter the travel lane after a stop, resulting in longer travel time for transit riders and higher operational costs. This could be mitigated by the use of traffic control signals, or queue jumpers at a nearby intersection. Bus turnouts shall be designed as specified in the current standards in “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets”, “Guide for Design of High-Occupancy Vehicle and Public Transportation Facilities”, and “Guidelines for the Location and Design of Bus Stops” published by AASHTO. The following standards are from “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets”. Attachment 2, Page 31 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 19EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 The interference between buses and other traffic can be considerably reduced by providing turnouts on arterials. The bus turnout shall include a deceleration lane or taper, a standing space long enough to accommodate the maximum number of vehicles expected to occupy the space at one time, and a merging lane to reenter the travel way. The deceleration lane shall be tapered at an angle flat enough to encourage the bus operator to pull completely clear of the through lane before stopping. A taper of 8:1, longitudinal to transverse is a desirable minimum. The boarding area shall provide 50 feet of length for a standard bus and 60 feet of length for an articulated bus. When two or more buses that use the stop at the same time use the equation; [50’+65’(x-1)], x = number of buses. The width shall be at least 10 feet, preferably 12 feet. The merging or reentry taper shall not be sharper than 8:1. 5.07.4 Bus Stop Locations A. A transit or bus stop is a designated place along a transit route where a public transit vehicle stops to allow passengers to board and deboard. General decisions about where to locate a stop are based on the following criteria: 1. Distance between Stops: The standard distance between bus stops on a standard local route is 750-1300 feet. Bus stops shall be installed when service is needed in each direction at the same intersection where practicable. Lane Transit District (LTD) can operate service most effectively by balancing customer convenience and accessibility to the service with the need to retain operational speed and efficiency. 2. Safety for Passengers: Stops are placed in areas where passengers can have a safe and direct access to sidewalks, walkways, and waiting areas. Stops shall be placed so that there is adequate sight distance between bus operators and waiting customers. A safe environment shall also be provided for all necessary operational movements. It is important for passengers with disabilities, or other needs, especially those who use wheelchairs, mobility devices or have children in strollers to have an accessible route to and from the bus door. 3. Convenient Access: In order for public transit to be effective, passengers must be able to access service that is close to major passenger destinations. It should also be easy for passengers to transfer from one bus to another, either at the same bus stop or to one on a nearby cross street. 4. Operational Characteristics: A properly developed bus stop allows for safe movement by the bus into and out of the traffic flow with a minimal um of delay. If the stop is on a heavily used transit corridor, there may be a need to accommodate two or possibly more buses using the stop at the same time. Turnouts may be desirable in some cases. B. The actual position of a bus stop from a street intersection can depend on transit operations, safety, bus riders’ needs, traffic flow, parking, physical roadside constraints (trees, poles, driveways, etc.) and property concerns. There are three basic types of bus stop locations along a street: far-side, near-side, and mid-block bus stops. Attachment 2, Page 32 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 20EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Far-Side Bus Stop: A bus stop that is located immediately following an intersection and is recommended for use when: 1. Traffic in the direction the bus is traveling is heavier approaching the intersection than leaving the intersection. 2. There is a high demand for right turns in the direction the bus is traveling. 3. The crossing street is a one-way street where traffic flows from left to right. 4. A preferred bus stop length is 90 feet measured from the crosswalk to the bus stop sign. Near-Side Bus Stop: A bus stop that is located immediately before an intersection and is recommended for use when: 1. Traffic in the direction the bus is traveling is heavier leaving the intersection than approaching the intersection. 2. The cross street is one-way where traffic flows from the right to left. 3. The location is one that offers a clear advantage for transit riders by providing improved access to a major destination or to other intersecting bus routes. 4. The preferred length is 90 feet measured from the crosswalk to the bus stop sign. Mid-Block Bus Stop: A bus stop that is generally located 100 feet or more before or beyond an intersection and is recommended for use when: 1. Traffic or physical street characteristics prevent siting a stop close to an intersection. 2. The distance between intersections will far exceed the standard for bus stop spacing. 3. The bus stop serves large businesses, housing developments or other significant trip generators. Generally, activity is limited to the bus stop side of the street. If there is a mid-block crosswalk, the stop shall be placed on the far side of the crosswalk so motorists and pedestrians can have clear sight lines. 4. The preferred length is 100 feet measured from the crosswalk to the bus stop sign. C. Even if a chosen bus stop location fits a recommended description for one of the types than others, both LTD and Springfield need to consider the advantages and disadvantages in their location decision. Common advantages and disadvantages of each type are listed below. Attachment 2, Page 33 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 21EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Table 5-5: Bus Stop Locations Near-Side Advantages Disadvantages Minimizes interferences when traffic is heavy on the far side of the intersection. Conflicts with right turning vehicles are increased. Passengers access buses closest to crosswalk. Stopped buses may obscure curbside traffic control devices and crossing pedestrians. Intersection available to assist in pulling away from curb. Sight distance is obscured for crossing vehicles stopped to the right of the bus. No double stopping. The through lane may be blocked during peak periods by queuing buses. Buses can serve passengers while stopped at a red light. Increases sight distance problems for crossing pedestrians. Gives bus operator the opportunity to look for oncoming traffic including other buses with potential passengers Far-Side Advantages Disadvantages Minimizes conflicts between right turning vehicles and buses. Intersections may be blocked during peak periods by queuing buses. Provides additional right turn capacity by making curb lane available for traffic. Sight distance may be obscured for crossing vehicles. Minimizes sight distance problems on approaches to intersection. Increases sight distance problems for crossing pedestrians. Encourages pedestrians to cross behind the bus. Stopping far side after stopping for a red light interferes with bus operations and all traffic in general. Requires shorter deceleration distances for buses. May increase number of rear-end accidents since drivers do not expect buses to stop again after stopping at a red light. Gaps in traffic flow are created for buses re- entering the flow of traffic at signalized intersections. Mid-Block Advantages Disadvantages Minimizes sight distance problems for vehicles and pedestrians. Requires additional distance for no-parking restrictions. Passenger waiting areas experience less pedestrian congestion. Encourages patrons to cross street at midblock (jaywalking). Increases walking distance for patrons crossing at intersections. D. Operating convenient, safe, and efficient transit service means that there shall be sufficient service and sufficient amounts of curb space for bus stops. Aligning a bus Attachment 2, Page 34 of 47 Section I - DESIGN STANDARDS 5 - 22EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 parallel to a curb or street edge is important for boarding and deboarding riders, especially those who use wheelchairs, mobility devices such as walkers, child strollers or carts. Bus stop location and design must comply with the PROWAG standards. E. If a stop is located at a mid-block location on a collector or arterial street, a pedestrian actuated control device and street lighting may be required to be installed at the discretion of the City Traffic Engineer. 5.07.5 Bus Stop and Shelter Layout Bus stop sign poles shall be located a minimum of 1 foot 6 inches, with 2 feet preferred, from the curb face to assure both visibility and clearance from passing vehicles. Passenger shelters are generally placed in bus stop locations where there are 30 or more boardings per day. 5.08 RESERVED 5.08 PARKING LOT DESIGN Parking lot design shall comply with the latest edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Transportation and Land Development reference book and applicable Sections of the SDC. 5.09 ON STREET PARKING On street parking shall be designed to aid in the safe and efficient mobility of pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. When designing on street parking, please refer to the AASHTO ‘A Policy On Geometric Design of Highways and Streets’, ITE guidance, the Springfield Downtown Parking Study, the Institute of Traffic Engineers design guidance, the Springfield Development Code, and any relevant refinement plans. When parking is only allowed on one side of the street, parking shall be located on the side of the street that has pedestrian amenities. New or altered on-street parking must comply with the PROWAG standards. Attachment 2, Page 35 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 1 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 LANDSCAPE VEGETATION 6.00 DESIGN STANDARDS 6.01 PURPOSE The purpose of creating design standards for landscaping is to be consistent with the adopted Springfield Development Code (SDC), the Springfield Standard Construction Specifications, other Chapters of this Manual, and to provide standards for existing vegetation requirements. This Chapter will aid the development community when they are required to provide, enhance or preserve vegetation and/or street trees. This Chapter provides standards that will ensure that City streets, urban waterways, stormwater quality facilities and natural resource areas are planted with healthy, vigorous trees, shrubs, grasses, and other vegetation chosen for aesthetics, appropriate conditions and locations, ability to filter and capture pollutants, suitability and other desired characteristics. A well-designed landscape layout will promote a quality image of Springfield, appreciate the value of neighborhoods, and enhance the removal of environmental pollutants. Additionally, these standards have the objective to:  Maximize efficient use of Springfield’s natural riparian areas, natural resource areas, and wetlands;  Promote the protection of Springfield’s overall water quality and facilitate implementation of further water quality improvements;  Be designed in a manner and use materials that allow efficient and economical future maintenance;  Be designed using methods and materials to insure a minimum practical design life;  Be designed based on land use, local climate, and local habitat diversity; and  Provide clear vegetation and tree standards for sections of the SDC pertaining to the Willamette Greenway Overly District (3.3-300) and the Glenwood Riverfront Plan District (3.4-800). 6.02 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS When considering a landscape design, existing vegetation, desirable tree and vegetation species, locations, planting procedures, and plant establishment shall be taken into account. Vegetation type and species will be selected for appropriate locations suitable to vision clearance and overhead obstructions. Species with roots that will not cause damage to utilities, curbs, sidewalks streets or other infrastructure must be selected. Species selected for stormwater quality facilities must be suitable to the facility and remove target pollutants. The goal is to have appropriate vegetation growing after a 2-year period that will not be a nuisance or interfere with city infrastructure, neighboring utilities or existing native vegetation. A. Street Trees: Design plans for projects requiring street trees shall show the street tree locations in a shaded format on the street lighting plan to ensure street tree locations do not conflict with street lights. Trees shall be at least 20 feet from decorative post top mounted streetlights, and 30 feet from cobra head streetlights. All locations will need to take into consideration Attachment 2, Page 36 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 2 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 the presence of overhead power when choosing street trees. Street trees shall not be planted in planter strips less than 4 feet wide. If the planter strip is less than 4 feet, tree placement shall be on the property side of the sidewalk. Tree wells set in concrete or sidewalk areas shall be a minimum of 4 foot x 4 foot. Street trees shall be planted at 30 foot intervals except where the planting interferes with traffic vision, street lighting, traffic signage, or public utilities, or as approved by the Street Supervisor, City Operations Division. When planting large canopy trees, tree spacing may be modified if approved by the City. See Appendix 6A – Approved Street Tree List for the approved street tree species. A Tree Felling Permit shall be applied for and obtained before removing more than five trees of five-inch diameter breast height (DBH) on private property. City of Springfield Development and Public Works Department staff is available to evaluate trees located on private property. Stormwater facilities located in the public street rights-of-way are not required to use evergreen trees to meet landscaping requirements. B. Median and Planter Strips: Landscape vegetationGround cover in median and planter strips includes shrubs, grasses, ground cover vegetation, perennials, annuals and/or flowers, and non-vegetative permeable ground cover such as bark, mulch, and landscaping rocks planted in rights-of- way. This does not include vegetation selected for stormwater quality facilities as described below. The abutting property owners are responsible to maintain vegetation in planter strips. Vegetation selected for medians and planter strips in rights-of-way must be selected and located so that it does not impede vision of drivers, bicyclists or pedestrians at any vision triangle as listed in Springfield Development Code Section 4.2-130 - Vision Clearance. Vegetation species in vision triangles is limited to species that at maturity will not be taller than 2.5 feet above the top of curb. The City Traffic Engineer has the discretion to require an elongated vision triangle based on traffic speed, road curvatures or extenuating circumstances that warrant an elongated vision triangle. Vegetation shall not be planted in medians less than 4 feet wide. Vegetation in areas outside vision clearance areas will be limited to mature height of 4 feet unless the vegetation species has been selected for screening purposes that must be approved by the City Operations Division. Vegetation species will be selected and located so that plants at maturity shall not extend past the back of curb and into the street. Species shall be selected appropriate to the Willamette Valley. Species native to the Willamette Valley are encouraged. If irrigation is not used, the species selection must be drought tolerant. Landscaping projects over 2,000 square feet require a landscape plan and must include elements that ensure landscape plant survival, species, location and plant material density. Projects greater than 2,000 square feet require not less than three species, unless turf Attachment 2, Page 37 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 3 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 grasses are used. Species with thorns, spikes, or barbs are not desired and must have prior approval by the City Operations Division Street Supervisor. Plants listed by the Oregon Department of Agriculture as noxious (either A or B lists) or plants listed as invasive are prohibited. Potted or container trees and/or shrubs located in rights-of-way are the responsibility of adjacent property owners and must be documented by agreement between the owner and the City. Location and species are to be approved in advance by the City. C. Stormwater Management Facilities: All vegetated stormwater management facilities will require a landscape plan. The design must include elements that ensure landscape plant survival and overall stormwater facility functional success. Construction specifications and/or drawings need to include the following elements: 1. An irrigation system for the plant establishment period and permanent long-term use as needed based upon the selected vegetation. Note: public stormwater management facilities shall be designed so permanent long-term irrigation systems are not needed. 2. A Landscape Plan showing the location of landscape elements, including size and species of all proposed plantings, and existing plants and trees to be preserved. 3. A stormwater management matrix listing the facility square footage and the required numbers of plants required per plant type (Evergreen or Deciduous Trees, Large Shrubs/ Small Trees, etc.). Quantities shall be rounded up to the next whole number. 4. A stormwater management plant list/table, including scientific name, size at time of planting, quantity, type of container, evergreen or deciduous, appropriate planting season, proper location within facility where plants should be placed and other information in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design, in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual, and landscape industry standards. See Appendix 6B – Approved Vegetation List for approved plant species by facility type. 5. Topsoil stockpile location(s), including the source of topsoil, if imported. Include an erosion protection plan and best management measures (BMPs) for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control per the City’s Land and Drainage Alteration Program (LDAP). Vegetation is a key element in the pollution reduction performance for many stormwater management facilities. The practices described in this Manual are based on experience and/or landscape industry standards for design and construction, and are required to be covered by a 2-year warranty period. At the end of the first year and again at the end of the 2-year warranty period, all plants that do not survive must be replaced. Establishment procedures, such as control of invasive weeds, animal and vandal damage, mulching, re-staking, watering, and mesh or tube protection replacement, shall be implemented to the extent needed to ensure plant survival. Vegetation management after the warranty period is the responsibility of the property Attachment 2, Page 38 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 4 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 owner, Home Owners Association (HOA) or as specified in an Operations and Maintenance Agreement required in Chapter 3. Vegetation shall not become overgrown and shall be managed to include controlling noxious or invasive vegetation. Designers may elect to use an Alternative Re-vegetation approach, which allows smaller materials to be planted in larger quantities. If this approach is chosen, the following practices shall apply: 1. A 5-year warranty period from the time of plant installation shall be provided. 2. Plants must be installed during the dormant season, typically defined as December through March. 3. A survival rate of 75 % (no replacements) must be achieved for all bare root plants measured in the third and fifth year after installation. If the survival rate falls below this threshold, a number of additional plants sufficient to meet the 75% survival rate must be installed. The number of additional plants required will be based on the mortality rate of the initial planting. 4. Density and size of plantings shall be in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design, in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. 5. Bare root seedlings must be dormant in order to harvest from farm sites for planting. 6. All plants must be native from local seed and/or stock sources and found on the Approved Vegetation List, Appendix 6B. A minimum of four different species of trees and shrubs must be used. At least half of the trees must be evergreen. Ground covers must be native grasses and wildflowers from local seed and/or stock sources. 7. During the period between harvest and installation, the plants must be kept in a temperature controlled facility. Temperature must be kept between 33 and 36 degrees Fahrenheit, and plant roots must be kept moist at all times. Plants must be planted within 24 hours of removal from the temperature-controlled facility. Stormwater facilities located in the public street right-of-way are not required to use evergreen trees to meet landscaping requirements. Also, all planting in the rights-of way and adjacent to rights-of-way shall use appropriate plantings that do not interfere with vision and sight clearances and will not become a nuisance growing out over the public sidewalks. In some cases, other landscaping that is required by the Springfield Development Code may be counted toward meeting the facility-specific landscape requirements for stormwater management, if the plantings are located within the facility area. Similarly, in some cases, plantings that meet the schedules in this section (Stormwater Quality Facilities) may also meet other Springfield Development Code landscape requirements. Selected plant material must be appropriate for soil, hydrologic, and other facility and site conditions. Each of the vegetated stormwater facilities may have individual planting Attachment 2, Page 39 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 5 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 requirements. The list of recommended and approved plants is provided in Appendix 6B –Approved Vegetation List. Designers may select plant species not on the list, provided the species is appropriate for this climate, meets the size criteria, and has received approval by the City. The appropriate sizing criteria for the plant materials listed in the individual facility landscaping requirements are described as: 1. Large Grass-like Plant: A large grass-like plant shall reach a minimum height of at least one foot at maturity and shall be grass-like in form. 2. Shrub (Shrub vs. Large Shrub): Shrubs are multi-stemmed woody plants. For the purposes of implementing this Manual, the term "shrub" refers to shrub species having a documented mature height of 12 feet and under. "Large shrub" refers to shrub species having a documented mature height greater than 12 feet. 3. Trees (Large vs. Small): For the purposes of implementing this Manual, the term "small trees" refers to tree species having a documented mature height of 20 feet and under. "Large trees" refer to tree species having a documented mature height greater than 20 feet. The planting design should minimize the need for mowing, pruning, and irrigation. Stormwater quality facilities will be designed so that the use of fertilizers, pesticides, or soil amendments on a long-term basis is not needed. Some facility agreements may restrict the use of fertilizers and pesticides. Additionally, some facilities may be located in drinking water wellhead protection areas where additional restrictions may apply. The City may approve the limited use of fertilizers and/or pesticides based on the facility location and site conditions. Grass or wildflower seed shall be applied at the rates specified by the suppliers. If plant establishment cannot be achieved with seeding prior to the completion of the project, the developer or owner shall at a minimum protect the facility against erosion by installing erosion blankets before water is allowed to enter the facility. D. Riparian Areas Along Rivers – Willamette Greenway and Local Water Quality Limited Waterways (WQLW): The City’s objectives for protecting riparian areas along rivers include preserving natural scenic, historic and recreational qualities of lands; protection from flooding and erosion; and preservation of native plant species and wildlife. The Willamette and McKenzie Rivers are both designated Water Quality Limited Waterways by the State and the City. Additionally, both Rivers have wetland areas along their banks. See Section(s) 4.3-115, 4.3-117, and 3.3-300 and 3.4-800 of the Springfield Development Code for Water Quality Protection, Willamette Greenway Overlay District and Natural Resource Protection Areas for additional regulations for work along riverbanks and riparian areas. Willamette Greenway vegetation standards will apply along the McKenzie River in regards to enhancement, bank or vegetation work. Design plans shall include elements that ensure landscape plant survival. Construction specifications and/or drawings need to include the following elements: Attachment 2, Page 40 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 6 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 1. An irrigation system for the establishment period. 2. A Landscape Plan showing the location of landscape elements, including size and species of all proposed plantings, and existing plants and trees to be preserved. Species selection shall be appropriate and native to the Willamette Valley and the surrounding native vegetation. 3. A matrix listing the square footage and the numbers of plants required per plant type (Evergreen or Deciduous Trees, Large Shrubs/ Small Trees, etc.). Quantities shall be rounded up to the next whole number. Density and size shall be in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design – Constructed Treatment Wetland, in Chapter 2, of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. 4. A plant list/table, including scientific name, size at time of planting, quantity, type of container, evergreen or deciduous, appropriate planting season, proper location within facility where plants should be placed and other information. 5. Topsoil stockpile location(s), including the source of topsoil, if imported. Include an erosion protection plan and best management measures (BMPs) for Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control per the City’s Land Drainage and Alteration Program (LDAP). Vegetation survival and area stabilization are required to be covered by a 2-year warranty period. At the end of the first year and again at the end of the 2-year warranty period, all plants that do not survive must be replaced. Establishment procedures, such as control of invasive weeds, animal and vandal damage, mulching, re-staking, watering, and mesh or tube protection replacement, shall be implemented to the extent needed to ensure plant survival. Vegetation management after the warranty period is the responsibility of the property owner or as specified in an Operations and Maintenance Agreement required in Chapter 3. Selected plant material must be appropriate for soil, hydrologic, and site conditions. The appropriate sizing criteria for the plant materials listed in landscaping requirements are described as: 1. Large Grass-like Plant: A large grass-like plant shall reach a minimum height of at least one foot at maturity and shall be grass-like in form. 2. Shrub (Shrub vs. Large Shrub): Shrubs are multi-stemmed woody plants. For the purposes of implementing this Manual, the term "shrub" refers to shrub species having a documented mature height of 12 feet and under. "Large shrub" refers to shrub species having a documented mature height greater than 12 feet. 3. Trees (Large vs. Small): For the purposes of implementing this Manual, the term "small trees" refers to tree species having a documented mature height of 20 feet and under. "Large trees" refer to tree species having a documented mature height greater than 20 feet. Attachment 2, Page 41 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 7 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 The planting design should minimize the need for mowing and pruning. Areas should be designed so that the use of herbicides, fertilizers, pesticides, or soil amendments on a long-term basis is not needed. Some sites may be located in drinking water wellhead protection areas where additional restrictions may apply. The City may approve the limited use of fertilizers and/or pesticides based on the location and site conditions. Grass or wildflower seed shall be applied at the rates specified by the suppliers. If plant establishment cannot be achieved with seeding prior to the completion of the project, the contractor shall at a minimum protect the facility against erosion by installing erosion blankets before the start of the wet weather season. E. Natural Resource Areas and Local Wetlands: Enhancement, vegetation and vegetation maintenance in resource areas shall be in accordance with Springfield Development Code Section 4.3-117 Natural Resource Protection Areas. Additionally, design plans and vegetation standards shall be in accordance with Section D above. Density and size shall be in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design – Constructed Treatment Wetland, in Chapter 2, of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. F. Riparian Areas along Urban Waterways: Major waterways through urban areas are part of the City’s stormwater conveyance system. Most of these urban waterways were either streams or irrigation channels at one time. Urban waterways move, slow and treat stormwater before infiltration or discharge to the rivers. Some of Springfield’s urban waterways are Natural Resource Areas and/or Water Quality Limited Waterways, and in these cases, Section(s) D and E above shall apply. Additionally, most major stormwater conveyance systems are in City ownership or in public rights-of-way. This section applies to systems located on privately owned land. Since stormwater conveyance systems move water throughout the City and eventually discharge into the surrounding rivers, it is important that vegetation that is planted along these systems do not produce invasive seed that will be transported downstream. Plants listed by the Oregon Department of Agriculture as noxious (either A or B lists) or plants listed as invasive are prohibited. Vegetation planting standards shall be consistent with Section D above. Density and size shall be in accordance with Section 2.9, Facility Selection and Design – Constructed Treatment Wetland, of the Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. 6.02.1 Existing Trees and Native Vegetation A. Trees: Existing trees that meet standard requirements shall be evaluated for health and retention to meet Springfield Development Code standards. Where practicable, the City desires to retain trees that are healthy, free of disease, and of a suitable species. The trees retained should be an asset to the neighborhood before and after street construction. If the trees are Attachment 2, Page 42 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 8 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 in sound condition and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) are employed in the field to minimize the stress of construction, the trees can be saved. Trees without adequate protection will become a liability and will die after a few years. BMP’s to save existing trees must include, but not be limited to, the following methods: 1. During initial planning phases of street design, determine which trees should be saved. If 2/3 of the root system can be protected from construction, the tree shall be considered for saving. 2. Surround the trees with a fence along the drip line (edge of the tree canopy). As a minimum effort, this area shall be considered off limits to all construction activity. 3. Apply a four-inch thick layer of chips or mulch around the tree roots to prevent compaction of the soil where construction machinery would cross the roots. 4. Prune all roots encountered during construction using sharp tools. 5. Trim low tree branches to prevent breakage. 6. Design sidewalks of variable width, elevation, and direction to help save an existing tree. 7. Tunnel or bore for utility installations rather than trenching around the trees. B. Vegetation: Existing native vegetation desired to be retained shall be free of disease, healthy and of a suitable species and meet Springfield Development Code. If vegetation is in sound condition and Best Management Practices (BMP’s) are employed in the field to minimize the stress of construction, the vegetation can be saved. Vegetation without adequate protection will die after a few months. BMP’s to save existing vegetation must include, but not be limited to, the following methods: 1. During initial planning phases determine what vegetation should be saved. If 2/3 of the root system can be protected from construction, the vegetation shall be considered for saving. 2. Surround the area or vegetation with a fence. As a minimum effort, this area shall be considered off limits to all construction activity. 3. Prune all roots encountered during construction using sharp tools. 6.02.2 New Street Trees and Right-of-Way Vegetation A. Street Trees: New street trees shall be selected from the approved species list or as approved by the Public Works Operations Division Street Supervisor. Select healthy trees that are free of disease and have good form with a dominant central leader. Look for large root balls free of girding roots. Avoid trees with cankers, scars, and dead or broken branches. Acceptable trees for planter strips of varying widths are located in Appendix 6A - Attachment 2, Page 43 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 9 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Approved Street Tree List. Street trees are not recommended in planter strips less than 4 feet wide as significant sidewalk damage generally occurs. When planter strips are less than 4 feet wide, trees shall be planted behind the sidewalks in adjacent yards. Where curbside sidewalks exist or are proposed, street trees can be selected from any approved category and shall be planted at least five feet back of sidewalk but not more than ten feet. In larger planting strips, plant the trees in the back half of the planter strip closest to the sidewalk. When selecting and planting trees in a Green Street project see Appendix 6A – Approved Street Tree List for acceptable Green Street tree species or Appendix 6B - Approved Vegetation List. B. Right-of-Way Vegetation: The Development and Public Works Operations Division Street Supervisor shall approve new vegetation in public rights-of-way. Select healthy stock free of disease and that have good form. Avoid vegetation with cankers, scars, and dead or broken branches. Plant species native to the Willamette Valley are encouraged. 6.02.3 Acceptable Street Trees and Vegetation Lists See Appendix 6A - Approved Street Tree List for the appropriate and approved street tree species, suggested spacing and planting location. See Appendix 6B - Approved Vegetation List for the appropriate and approved species, suggested spacing and planting location. The Development and Public Works Operations Division Street Supervisor shall approve median and right-of-way vegetation. Select healthy stock free of disease and that have good form. Avoid vegetation with cankers, scars, and dead or broken branches. Plant species native to the Willamette Valley are encouraged. In hillside developments with curbside sidewalks, use of native trees as street trees is encouraged. Note that native trees shall not be planted in the City right-of-way and shall be planted in adjacent yards. Trees shall be planted from five to ten feet back of the sidewalk, and root retainers shall be used. Refer to Chapter 7.00 HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT; and Section 7.07 COMPLIANCE WITH GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, and related sub-sections of this Manual, for guidelines to native trees. Native Trees in Hillside Development Scientific Name Common Name(s) Scientific Name Common Name(s) Abies amabilis Pacific Silver Fir Pinus attenuata Knobcone Pine Abies concolor White Fir Pinus contorta”contorta” Shore Pine Abies grandis Grand Fir Pinus contorta Lodgepole Pine Abies lasiocarpa Alpine Fir Pinus monticola Western White Pine Abies magnifica Red Fir Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa Pine Abies nobilis Noble Fir Pinus lambertiana Sugar Pine Acer glabrum Rocky Mt. Maple Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir Acer macrophyllum Bigleaf Maple Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen Attachment 2, Page 44 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 10 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Alnus rhombifolia Alnus rubra Arbutus menzieii Calocedrus decurrens Chamaecyparis Nootkatensis Castanopsis chrysopylla Cornus nuttallii Fraxinus latifolia Lithocarpus densiflora Picea breweriana Picea engelmannii Picea sitchensis White Alder Red Alder Madrone Incense Cedar Nootka Cypress Chinquapin Pacific Dogwood, Western Flowering Dogwood Oregon Ash Tanbark Oak Brewer's Weeping Spruce Engelmann Spruce Sitka Spruce Quercus garryana Quercus kelloggii Rhamnus purshiana Sequoia sempervirens Taxus brevifolia Thuja plicata Tsuga hetrophylla Tsuga mertensiana Umbellularia californica Oregon White Oak California Black Oak Cascara Coast Redwood Western Yew Western Red Cedar Western Hemlock Mountain Hemlock Oregon Myrtle 6.02.4 Street Tree Size Street trees shall be two-inch minimum caliper. Caliper is the stem diameter of the tree measured six inches above the root collar, which is the flare of tree bark at the base of the tree where the tree meets the dirt. 6.02.5 Street Tree Location Street trees shall be planted at 30 foot intervals except where the planting interferes with traffic vision, street lighting, traffic signage, public utilities, or as approved by the City Development and Public Works Operations Division Street Supervisor. When planting large canopy trees, tree spacing may be modified if approved by City. Trees locations shall be: A. 35 feet from the perpendicular curb line of street intersections or 25 feet from the inside intersection of the sidewalks. B. 5 feet from water meters or other utility fixtures, 10 feet from any utility pole. C. 15 feet from alley intersections, 10 feet from driveway intersections. D 20 feet from a decorative post top mounted streetlight, 30 feet from cobra head streetlights. 6.02.6 Tree Planting Procedures and Establishment Street trees shall be properly planted and watered to establish healthy trees. (See standard planting specification, Standard Drawing 2-2). The following methods shall apply: A. A planting pit shall be excavated large enough to accommodate the tree root retainers that shall be used whenever the tree(s) are planted within eight feet of a concrete surface. The retainer shall be placed against the concrete to prevent root evasion. Typically, a retainer is placed on two sides of the tree. One retainer shall be set against the curb, the other against the sidewalk. The root retainer shall typically be 12 to 18 inches deep and two to four feet in length along the concrete structure. The root barriers shall be of a design Attachment 2, Page 45 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 11 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 similar to Tree Root Barriers by Deep Root or equivalent. Never encircle the root ball with a root barrier. B. Remove tree from burlap or container and place on solidly packed soil so that the root collar is slightly above the surrounding or anticipated grade. C. Insert aeration tubes on two sides of the tree. The tubes shall extend from the ground surface to the base of the root ball. This will allow evaporation of excess moisture and provide for efficient summer watering. The tube shall be filled with pea gravel. The minimum aeration tube specification is a three-inch perforated ADS drainpipe or equivalent. D. The tree shall be supported with two stakes on either side of the tree and tree ties. Stakes shall be an adequate size to support the tree. E. On a typical four-foot planter strip, plant trees at least 1½ feet from the sidewalk and 2½ feet from the curb. On larger planter strips, locate the trees in the back half of the planter strip closest the sidewalk. F. Place loose friable native backfill around the tree. If the excavation material is heavy clay, planter mix shall be used as backfill. G. Spread a two- to three-inch layer of mulch around the tree but keep mulch six inches from the trunk. H. Black plastic shall not be used as a weed barrier around trees as it promotes surface roots. I. Water the trees with 10 to 20 gallons per week during the summer months of the first and second years. Use a hose at low trickle for several hours to provide deep root watering. This will encourage roots to grow deep rather than on the surface. Home irrigation systems are designed to water turf and shrubs, but not tree roots. Trees should be augmented with additional watering as needed throughout the growing season. J. Fertilizers shall not be used the first year of planting. A B1 vitamin shall be used to promote root growth. K. Street trees planted in the right-of-way shall be subject to a two-year warranty period. Trees shall be alive and in vigorous growing condition after two growing seasons. See City of Springfield Standard Construction Specifications for further information. 6.02.7 Noxious Vegetation and Maintaining the Use Plants listed by the Oregon Department of Agriculture as noxious (either A or B lists) or plants listed as invasive will not be acceptable as plantings and must be managed. It shall be the continuing obligation of the property owner to maintain the plantings required by this Chapter, in an attractive manner free of weeds and invading vegetation after the warranty period. In some cases, Operation and Maintenance Agreements may be in place that specify additional and/or specific management practices. Attachment 2, Page 46 of 47 Section I – DESIGN STANDARDS 6 - 12 EDSP Adopted December 03, 2012January 21, 2020 Vegetation management and maintaining the use shall be in accordance with Section 4.2-100 – Infrastructure Standards – Transportation, Section 4.4-105 – Landscaping Standards, and Section 5.17-155 – Maintaining the Use, of the Springfield Development Code. Attachment 2, Page 47 of 47