HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-06-19tJob Laeaticn: 00Tan Lot llAssessore Map # Subdittision: T .*1/bla /4t*t L. /!a z, {aa/)tmer: Addtess: / 4A-/l/" 3 ? rs<7 /7-Gs zx\t Phone zip: / 7 73City: S / 11.ValueDate of Applica t-l #qoa '9 DescrLbe h'ork: Addition RenoCel ,24a*(/ e"-'z"< llccei tll..RESIDHITIAL.. 2 2 5 North,sth s;treeAPPlr cAi - u Lv /PERl,rr Springfield, )regon 97477 BuiL&Lng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFTELD- Date resTAtoraL General P l urnb ing nical ec tr Suoervising ElE:c tric ian DEIIOLITIOI! OR Sanitaty seser capped at pt'opetty Line Septic tank p;rped and fiLled uith gra;sel Ftnal - l(hen abcoe itens are ccrnpleted and uhen Cenolition is complete o! strac- ture noueC and. premises cleaneC up. Ilcmes Blocking and Set-uP Plunbing connections -' sa)eY and uater Electrical Connection - Blocking' set-up and plwnbing connections nrtst be apprct;ed befire requesting electrical inspeclior Accesso"A Buildtrtg skirting, deeksEinaL - After pcrches, etc. a.re completed. Page 1 of 2 It ie the reaponsibi,Lity of the permit holder to see that aLL inspeetions are nade at the proper time' that ecch cddress is reaCable fnotn the street, and that the permit card is Located at the front of the- property. xgui|-diyrg Dioicior. approxed plbn sltc.Ll remain on the Building Sit; at aLL times. PR)1EDIJRE FoR TNSPECT!.oa !iQ!N!: C ALL 7 @beieadyfor**iLL be made the sane day, requests made SI?E IN PECTLQ!'I: ?o be nade after e4;A;rr-on,-iG prior to set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBINE, ELIEryICU. 4 !@9tt4!!t!l!: To be nade before any wik-iiio,sered. F))TING & FOUNDATICN: To be rmCe after trenches are ercauated and forns are erected, but ptiot' to pouring ccncrete. POST AND BEAM: installatian decking, ROUGH PLUIBIIIG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- niiiar,: No uork is to be eo,-ereri t ntiTth"se irnpections haue been made and approued., UNDIRGPAU!]D PLUMDING. SEWER, II, TE.R, DnLtlt4ct: To be nade prior to fil- T@-lFinchee . 11 uuoenrtooR pLUtrBrNG & MECHANTGAL:llof floor insulation or decking. of To be made pniot' to floor insulation ov: DRYI'\ALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be made after aLL dtyuall, is in place, but prior to cny taPing. MAS1NRI: SLeeL Locatton, bond 6ifrilgrouti,ng ot: oerticals in accordance Ltith U,B.C. Sectian q After installatton is ccmP CURB & APPRCACIT APPQN: After forms at'e et ect;Tbut' prioi to pouring concrete. SIDEilALK & DRIrlEl,lA!: For aLL con- ;r"t;naofi dlti;i streeL night- of-ucA, to be made after a71, erca- oating conplete & forn uork & sub' base natertal in Place. 26-3769 (recardet,) state yout, City designated job nunber, iob aCiress, type- of inspec:ich inspection, Contnactars oi arrnr"-r*ne Lnd phone nunber. Eequests receixed befcre 7:00 dn aftat' ?:00 an uiLL be made the nert aorking d%, ^(2() At '.2rout' cits Desisr.ated Job Nunbar ,", D-l U Ll ( 2 rN S I,I LATTON / VAPC R F,4 R RI E' R I,NISPE CT I O N : fo be made after al.L insulaticn attd required oapor bat'riers d)'e in place but before cny Lal:h, gApslun bcas'C or rnLL couering is applied, ard before ary insulation is concealed. FIP,EPLACE:mat;;l;G fu,ior to plcctrg and before froning faeing inspee- tion. FRAIIING: ttust be requested after approoal of rough plwnbing, electri- eal & meclnnieal. ALL roofirq braeing & chinmeys, ete. rmtst be cornpleted. No uork is to be con-'cecled until this inspection has'been made anC approted. FIIIAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL IENCE: h4ren eonPlete -- Ptauidej&6i or nooable sectians through P, U. E, ALL pt,oject conditions, suclt as the i'nstallation of street trees, conpletion-of the reqr'ireid LanC"ceping, Ltu,, ,rust be satisfied before the BUTLDING EII\AL can be requested' FINAL BTILDING: The rinal Building Inspectiort nust be requested alter the Final PLwnbing Eleetrical, and Mechanical Inspeet:lons Tntte been made and approoed' *AT,L MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS IIUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTIIE\IT TO BE I'IADE AT TIO CCST TO CI?Y 1o 4, h-,f/*z- L-co dSOLAR ACCES S REQ.-JOB NO. Iot Sq- Ftg. fr of Lct Cc,terage # of Stories Iotal Eeight ?opogrrphy BeCrooms: aces3. Grou En !leat toue D T,Ilouse l,ot Faces -LCT fyp| .__ Intet'iot' Corner Panha.ndle CuL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit This perm;.t is granted on the erptess cond-ition tlnt the said eonsttaction shall, tn aLL respects,- ioitloi,'to the Otdinance adopted biy the City o^f spilngiieta, including' the 2oning Crdinance, regulatbtg the ccnstmrcticn alrcl uls"e of Lu.i.Ldings, anrl nny be suspended o, reookeC at cny time upon uic- Lation oJ' any prcu'Lsions of said Ordinances- -- Fees -- ,I'OTAL VALUE Building Perfftt State ?otal {'lt'etges X ValuetluITEM e *s.D.c. 7.5 x Signed Receipt # Date Paid: PLan Plumbing Perrnit No person slnll constmct, instal!., alter ot c?nnge,GnlJ neD-cr existi.ng plinb'tng o? drainage sy$tefi in uhol3 o,r in part, unless such pet'son is the Tegol {o"s"s"o* oio uLti4 plurbnr"s Lic-ensb, ercept that a pet'son nay do ptu*tlng aork to property uhich is otmed, leased on operated by the appli- cant. FL:E CHARCENO Sani Seuer Fistures Residential (1 bath) Plrotbing Pernit Total Electricol Permit I,l'lpt,e Sttzte Laa requires tkat the electtical uork be done by_an Electrical Con.tractor, the elictrical portion of this pernit slnll not be ualiC until the Label lns been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Total Nan/Eotend Circuits Set:uice "OA NC.T JL C!IARCE 0 * Mechqnicol Permit Eehanst HooC, I,lcodstoise Vent Fatt PermLt Issucnce Meclnnictl Pet'mit ,Db 5 -- ENCROACIILIENT -- Secuz,itu Depoait Storage Ma'tntenance Pemit Cvt'bcut Sideualk Fense Electrical Label Mobile Home P Latl L:xrnlne?Date tal-* ,IOTAL AilAUilT DLI!: * I 5,'l 5 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the eompleted application for pennit, and do hereby eertify that aLL information het'eon is true and correct, cn'C I furthLr certify that any ard aLL uork perfor"ned slwll be done in aceor-'dance aith th-e- ordtnenc-es of the City of Springfield, and. the La"ss of the State of Oregcn pertaining to the uork Cescribed herein, and tlnt N0 OCCU- pANCy DilL bL "nZe of any structure uithout permission of the Building Di,- uision. I further cbrt'iiy tlnt only cantTactora and enplcyeea uho are in conplidnce Dith oRS ?01.055 aiLL be used on thie project Moi.n Accessotu