HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-08-1822s itorth sth streeAP?LrcA?rc:l /PERIlr! Scr.ngfield, ?regon 97177 BuilCing ?iuision 726-3753 .. RESIDENTIAL..SPFIIhrGFIEI-D Job bczticn: AaSesoors :rao I ?abt# Stbdiisicn: l-rar... , Pl;orte: Deecribe krk: \IN \ R, fr ,- Date of AVp Liq,:ica ACditica Gencrc,L Date: , !2 it 2he tcaToaaibility of -tla perzi2 itolder-b aee- it@t aL! inspectiona @e nade at lhe pmpet +-r)ne, t!,zt erach -,l)-esa is vsn;n'-'i-T'l.-tlr scpe..t, cnl tlvt the pawtt cal. ia Lteated, "{ql} rrt"iot tlte gropertg.'3uiui-q viuicio- cz=ror:ed pLbr shz,Ll retv,-rn on tttz arili-r?'liie at aLL tines. ??cesDUPl ?oR i;:sP1f!'lt RSC.|?S?:CALL725-3769 (reeorCet) state gour Citg Cesigr.t-ted job tro.ber, job ai;-ess, typa of iaspec2icnlecl,e-@ea<iyfo.r;l3Pcct.o7l'c;;"";;;;-ira.ze:s-tlctte-ad'pi,oienunber.P.eqllescsleceixedbefcle?:0C,:::'ill, be n,o,ie thc s&e ccg, reqte*s'icril "l:ti lroo- o, viLL ba dL i;L';;"7;qt;;. CoatrrtcCar Lader .siis r.?.i?ic:ri.r: EC6VCC'-OL, ,r/t 1'crars. ' ?o be nia,e d,iievpricr tc ae! u? of Iour Cit!'Desigr.ated Jab ttumbet fs: To a 'VAS0!|P!: Steel locatiott, bo71d. beots, orcttiry on vetziccls -Jn aceordoce vi;h tl.B.C. Section 2415. tooDsT1,li:ery6A. mfr. gaxes P. U.E, Ea,Ae covc:ed. utpEPllcc? ?!,J:.?r:c, laiclAttICA!: FI::A' ?L1I:.BI::C !n;L :!t::u:ttcAL ?::tAL !E*:SICAL rcqu')red uoor beyze?s @e in pla,ceLttt belbre ozg la,ch, Wpsln baei ortzLL auer-tng is qglied, od, be1breoty inrtla.tion is ancealed. DRY)ALE f}lSP9d!O!l: ?c be runieafter aLL ir1,.nll is in plaee, htt prtor tu cng taV)ng. l?t.nf ?drnrt At Sanit*1 ses* cqryted =t ptoperui* l*:e Septic tank TaceC d ialleC ui.-h g*;a Le o'd Sat-ttp Pincl - il7Ler, cbctre dtals ote c*oleted.c.ri uhen Cetrli:ion is catolete o:r stt,."-tute nouol, oi pranises cle,zed o. fi .v=wnc g :cu::o,zrrct: lo be tcCeL_J ai:et zrenches cre azecuatad crd, fcr.ns cre ereeceti, but p!'io,. -apurtrq ccrTqet€,. - ,frrecpcr:D ?!LM3::tc. s?Ep. -r:!r?. '- I QP,Ai)lAr,I: io be r.o:e pr;-or =o ,.ii-Lirq =tencizs.I I , cny After instalLaiion isrobetace@oi fkor irsuktiot or dcckirg. 7l mst .t:to ze;:,t: ro bi raic prJcr w'. I GlGo; 11oon iu.s,ui)=io,i cr deck'Jnq. lQt:2i -?Z'"'9!:;c. iZt*!C;!, :tac?- Atlt'-).t: ,lO '-}o!,< LA =O ge COCeteCw.=zl ihcse irscec:iox,s h:ue ieer.acie t-1, 47rtLi.Fi?*LACi: H.or -a 1l-c.:lr4 !c:.-rynccencia ard. bcfore fr=rirg inapel-tior,. ?P-lY!i!C: iltts= be rectac?ed af)arcpprcvc! of raqh plurcir4, alecti- @,L I aecizn*al. - AL! tvoi:ng brae)r4 , cfucus, etc. rtac beqta?le=cd,. !!o .,pr< is to be car . cu,Led wGiL ;h;s iiscec;ict ia,e'beet ,mie atd, cpprsueZ. CUP9 1 TPPRCACE A?frtt: Aftet formsce ereeyeC but prior to pottring cotlcfete. SID!?AL1( & DRT,TiA!: For aLL coa-crete pauing ,,tith.tn stTeet right-of4x!, to be naCe aftet aL! ezca- vating s6mplete I fon utork & sub- inse nc'"eridl in pta:e. Plutbii,g comtec=-Jczts - oarer otC ta2zr Etectricc'!. Cau:ecxiott - Blockir4, sei-u. ann plwbiag .a?tr.ection:t nc^st ie ettct:zzbefone reqtee=1rq elec2dcal ir-spei=io;t Acceseorl )ui!.i!ry ?ir,-zt - l,ftct etc. @e c?a :a?,zes slc-r='Jrg, Ceci,s, tthen conplate -- *otiCe o" nouable Eectians th.rougi. l:l ,-] ALL prc;ect ccf;iiSicns, sucl cs .-fu installcx:-cn 6J'slteec itees, ,a\!c;.on o;':;retegire<i lcnzscqirg, .tc.' iltst be sacis;'iei beJ'cre cb 3U|LJI:E:llisL:cn be reqtestcd,. !!:lAL aWlJl:lc: !7,e li.nal S,uildir4 lnsoec.-ion arst be tecl.estei :;':ar Jha iinal ?lunbingZleccrtecl, ozz !4ecitar:tczl inscec=;,cns hqoa been ncie arti'ccc:ovai,. 'Aai :tA:i1clts AttD cLsAJIctJ?s :tus! 3E .4CC1S3:31:, .{ri;,s?.,g.1,: :o 3s }!.ils :..! lio Sisr ?c cry ?=;a ! oJ' 2 a[.!qn.-If,rioof \U I a tr 'tJcb illtnbe?: t, zcne,Oeeuoancu Grot Referetce ilutnbers: and. use latlon o 'Iot sq. Ftg. i cf Lct Ccoeraga i # o1 stort"" Total lleight Iapography I?Ei.I )!ain Euilding PenrLt State ?otal Clnrges '.L Permit Stete ?otal rno ivDo _ Intez,icr _ Cormer _. Panhandle CUL-de-sac Value Scitooms Lot Paces - .- Fees -- Building Vqlue & Permit This pernrtt is granted on the etpt'ess eondition that tle sail. constntetionslnll, in aLL respects, conform to the Ordittance tdopted by the City of Springfield, inel-ud,ing the Zoning CYdinance, r,egulcting the ccnsttacticn of buildings, utd may be suspended or retsokeC at aty time upon uic-,f any prcoisions of said 1rdir.ances. Date Paid Reeeipt #: Signed Electricol Permit Were State Lou requires tkat the electtical uork be done by qn ELeetu LeaL Contractot,, the electrieal pontion of this permit slnll rot be oaliC until the Label lns been signed by the Electri,eal Contuactgt,. DT House Ca.yaqe A.ccess Sourees North East Fir.epLace South West llood.stote SQ. FTG Geace Coport Aceessot u TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 x Plumbing Permit No person slnll construct, install, alter or ctmnge any neu cr eristing plunbing or d.z,ainage systan in utnle or in part, unless euch person is tlte Legal possessor of a ualid plwrber'e License, etcept th.at a pe?son nag do plwnbing uork to propertA rthi,ch is ormed, Leased oqoperated by the appli- cant. N0.FEE CHAP,GE Sani Seuer ITEM Fi.stures Residential (1 bath) NO FEE CHARGE Res. So. fta. N as /Ext end. Cit, c-ui t s Tenpc?@A Seruice Mecho nicol Permit Vent Pot Permit fssucrtcz llechanicel Pendt. ;:!M ;ic FEE CllARCE Ezharct HooC llcodsto;se -- ENCROACHI4EIIT -- SecaritA Deposit Storage l4ainteranee Permit Cutbcut Si.da,talk !enee Eleetrical Ia.bel tlobtle Hcnte es90 TOTAL AMOUIIT DUE:*BSp- I HAW CAREFULLY EXAUINED the conpleted application for pennit, and do hereby certify that aLL infonnation hereon is tvae and ccrrect, and I furthez, cettify that any ard aLL uoz,k perforned slall be done in aceot- danee utLth the 1rdinanees of th.e city of Spr.ingfield, and. the Lans of the State of 0regon pertaining to the uork Cesctribed het,e:-n, qtd tlnt N0 OCCU- PANCY Lltll be rmde of any atructure uitlaut permission of the Building Di- uision. f further certifg that o:tly contracto"s ad. etplcyees Dho ate in cazplianee uLth CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on thie proiect Dafe IctaL 4L S Date PLan, Etatntner PLan Check Fee: Weter Pltmbino Pp.rmlt State &seharge ?otal Chcroes I Total Charaes State Surehcz,qe SPIlINGFTELD CIIY OF SPRINGFTELD Department of Public Works 1 885- 1 985 Sprinslield Centennial vear January 29, 1985 CERTIFIED LETTER Mr. Marian Gielish 85322 Jasper Road Pleasant Hill, Oregon Dear Ms. Gielish: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requires that, in order for a permit to-remain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin withil 180 days from the date of purchase of the perm'it. If work is suspended or abandoned duiing the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit will automatical ly expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and/or abandonment of work on a project has not exceeded one year, a permit to start or resume work may be purchased for one half the fee required for a comparable new permit, provided that no changes have been made in the original plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit holder anticipates the need for more time to begin construction work, the Superintendent of Building may choose to grant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessary. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our records with regard to construction activity associated with your permit. Please advise this office of your intentions with regard to the permit by ten (tO) aays from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Sincerely, Li sa Hopper Building Safety Division attachments 225 North Sth Street o Springfield, Oreson 97477 o 5O3/726-37Os VIU JOB ADDRESS: 686 North 36th Street JOB #: 831984 I,AST ACTIVITY DATE: OTHER: 8110/ 84 NO INSPECTION RECORDED: CURRENT STATUS OF PENIIT: XX VALID: However, your permit will expire on 2/rc/gS*r, rf you wish to request an -extension of your permit, please notify thisoffice in writing prior to the above mentioned date. EXPIRED: Your permit expired on If you plan to start or resume work on the project, a new pernit must be applied for. *If the I'expired" box, above, * (ten (10) is checked and we do not hear fron you by days from the date of this letter), we wi 11 clear ourffiinformation with regard to the permit. An extension was granted to you on April 20, 1984. Your permit cannot be extended again. Please call for an inspection prior to the date listed above, or your permit will autonatically expire and in order to renew, additional permit fees will be due. Thank you! ! **PLEASE NOTE: SPtlINGFIELD CMY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works April 11, 1984 Ms. Lisa Gielish 686 North 36th Street Springfield, 0regon 97478 Dear Ms. Gi e'l i sh : Your request for an extension of your permit for work being done at 686 North 36th Street, Springfield,0regon City Job Number 831984 has been reviewed by the Superintendent of Building. After reviewing your request, the Superintendent of Building has granted a one time 180 day extension which wi'll expire on October 20,1984. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 726-3659. Si ncerel Y' Lisa Hopper Bui'lding Safety Division th 225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 o 503/726'3753 w Crt"1 t a_sff^,t\ ,j ar*.'. w)*u,h, ffi. lp.,u tb ^!:ltlhlt :,a.* *t;tArl rnsa.^"" *ul q_WU\-L* it}.o^- t,.-^^- +l^- r\aa^^- *lr*"- l Lu.nl C'- {,h-, \rvralaur-tr.^-n- S Th rJ. .afog" 0/.r c11+18 ++ra/ eAtrrpn,ah 8'3 tf 6..1. btr, J16a A*t ^io;o"-', ) fu" SPRI]llGFTELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Department of Public Works Mar"ch 30, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER Ms. Mar:ian Gielish 85322 Jaspen Pank Road Pl-easant Hi1l, Onegon Dean Ms. Gielish: The Springfield Building Code Administrative Code requi:res that, in ordenfor a penmit to r:emain valid, construction work authorized by it must begin within 180 days from the date of purchase of the per"mit. If workis suspended or: abandoned during the course of construction for a period exceeding 180 days, the permit wil-I automatically expire. If a permit has expired and suspension and,/on abandonment of wor.k on a projeet has not exceeded one year, a penmit to start or nesume wor"k may be purchased for one hal-f the fee r"equined for a companable new permit, provided that no ehanges have been made in'the original- plans and/or specifications. If a permit has not yet expired and a permit hol-de:: anticipates the need for" mone time to begin constr.uction wonk, the Super.intendent of Building may choose to gnant a one time extension of the permit not to exceed 180 days upon receipt from the permit holder of a written request explaining why the extension is necessa::y. The attached form indicates the most recent information in our necords with rega::d to constnuction activity associated with youn penmit. Please advise this office of youn intentions with negand to the permit by ten (tO1 6.r" from the date of this letter. Please dir:ect all inquires to the Springfield Building Safety Division at 726-3659. Sincenely, Lisa Hoppe:: Building Safety Division attachment ch a 503/726-3753225 XDst[jith Street a Springfield, Oregon 97477 ,'RESIDFN flAt,, 2zs Norih sth stree{?PtrcArr1aP|Rurr Sprtngfield' )regon 97477 Building Aiuision 726-37 53 SPRINGFIEL.O 64 ilon,zg 367eJob !.ocaticn:\]rAssesso,,e :,!q # Subd*trsion: tL/teu.<t l. 4 te.uz*nter Addtess: {f.t!:a t' <--- h Pt er-,"' %:->erlp City: V=rrA*.r, 4t-1. Alr?. zip: ?7 Desez.tbe l'lork: AdCiticn RenoCel t-l lIqs SaIYr<? Date of App /rysrrt / 7 L/azc€ Jasz,"a- frF'1L Lisc. i Erpires P?oneTontt **-or.s Addtess lt aa a i Electt'ical Genetal PLunbina iilechan;icaL Sani:uy se"ser cqged 3t Wope"tt^ Lire Septic tork p:,iryed attd fiLLeC vith grc;eL liacl - i{hen cbcue itets ate cc::toLeted a.<i uhen Cq.tclltiott is eanplete o! st:-el- tute mooa-d ati preriees cleaned up, l,!ab,)/-e tsLocking otd, Set-up Plunbiq conneczicns -- saie! od, uater Electy)cal Ccnt':ecxaon - Blockirq, set-u, and, plwnbing connactions m;st be apprco*ei befota requesting electr.)cal inapeeltot Accessori Buill.lng Eit,al - !,fter :crckes, skitting, Ceci,s, etc. @e ealole=ed. -Ja:z : Or Z Constrrclicn_!"nd9!_ It ia the resgonsibility of the penrit hold,er to see that aLL inepections @e nade at lhe proper tin€, that acch addtess is ren;n':'>e fron tha street, anC tltct the p*nrit cal, is Located at the froat of the wopetLz.lZuildi:q Nuiciot: eprov'ed pLor siu,Ll reaain on the btilding Stte at aLL' tihes.- PP)CIDAPE. FOR ItlsPgeI1il R90.UEST.'CALL726-3769 (yeeotder) state !ou? City Cesigr.ateC job ntm.ber, job al.&ess, type of inspeelicn reqtested aruiuien gou,,rtLL be ready for ir.spection, Cottractc?s ct AilE"s twne ard plane nurtbcr. Pequescs recei;;ed. befcre 7:0C ,;t ':i,LL be ra<ie the sane dca, "equests ncd.e afte.r ?:00 an viLL be naCe the neet',nrking- dag. ry4 u::Di?,cpou:tD ?.uM3&LFEirJE!&'6J Lir4 '.rznchee. V uacspp,-ccR !,LiJ!.Br::c I :llcaAilrc;L:tt@cf floor insuia,tion or deckitg. l f PaST AllD 3EA.!,1: ?o be naie pricr to, i Giffiiof 1-ioor it*u-i=ion cr decking. 30ilc8 ?!ixB!:tc, !:!c:P!cAa t ;.tEC.l- ANIC).L: llo to:k ia ro ce ccveled GT-these iruoectior:s h;oe beer naCe ad .zoorclted.. f efZzpttCit ?z-Jor :o ?l,cc1r4 lccingi I ndGtfuG anci beiore'i'ra:rin4 l:n"p"i- tior.. I I SI?E IIISPSCTICN: lo be nude af)et eccauation, but pricr tc set up of fcrns. aI|DERSLAB ?!1',:EI:tG, ZLiC:Pir,[ I WC\i:t;IICAL: 7o oe rrulie beiore cny wrk t s eoleyed. FCOTIIG 1 !0U:lDAIiCil: ?o be tm.Ce M ;"enci;; drezccoated ard fctns ate erecxeti, but pior to pot*in4 ccncrete. FPA.IIIIIG: l,tust be reaaested af'-et apprcuai of ra.igh plwrbing, elecwi- caL I nechanical. AL! rcof'Jn4braing I ehinmcgs, etc. mtsc be coraleted. :to ,c"k is to be ccn- - cecled until this inscecticn has'been na,l.e anl apprt"-ed. PI1IAL PLUIEI;IC FI:IAL i,ECqA|ECAL FI;IAL 'L1C?PICAL Iou, City'Desigr,a.ted Job Nutnber Is a7/2e7 I:ISL'LA::OX/YA?CP 9ARRI'R I]TS?!C?IAI : To be rmde after aLL instlcticn ed. required uapot borie?s ee in pIa.ceLtt befcre ory Lath, Wpalnl boarC or r,z.LL couet'ing is qplied, znd. before oty insulation ts conceal.ed. DRYIIALL filSPlCtICll: lc be nade aitet aLL irguall is in olaee, but prtor tu cny tdping. |"!AS1NRI: Steel location, bond. beons, gzwuling orterticcls in aceordatce ,,rlth U.B.C. 9ection 2478, After instal|.atioa iaitO0DST0,/!: 6ry|-e*A. CURB & APPROAC,|! AP1CN:After formsse erecxeC but prior to poan-Jng concrete. STDSHALK & DRIITIA!: Eor aLL cott- ct eteid@-nztiai s t?eet mght-oi-|'ry, to be naCe af'.et aLL ezca- oating eanplete J iont wrk & sub- base paterlal in plate. I !ENC!: l{hen comol;te -- fuouiCej&d ot aouable' sectians th'rongh P. U. E. ALL pro;eet cotditicns, suc!. as che tnstallaticn of street irees, :c:aletion S;'t;Lerequired Latd.eccgirq, etc., nast be satisiied beiore the tsUILDINC !!l!AL can be reqaestei. ?INAL tsAILDINC: The Fr.nal Buildit4. fnsaection :rust be reouesteC ziter the liral ?l.w1bitt?Eleccrical, oC ileciut:iccl insoecticns 'irqte been nade and'aooroued. iALL i.lAilttcLis AilD CLEANCUIS ltUS! 9E ACC1S,|3L?, .1D;ijs7:!itt ?O 39:.!4D8,'.?::O::ST lC Cpy Date: - tr I JOB No.a i-ot 5q' F'4' i tf Lct Cfletcge !opogrc?hY 2uidtng ?errit lotcl Cba:gee ?ltnbing Petrit lotal ?eznr|t lcs'uctce Ub^r--.'^-1 a-d' ' OLAR )C ESS REQ.- ?zge 6 L-co G+ {. St g"t'.ed: Electricol Permit llhere State La requires that the electrLcal uork be Cone bg an Eleetz-ical Contta,ctor, the electrical portion of this petmit sVnLL not be uali.C. untilthe Label ltas been aigned by the Elecd-caL Contlactoz,. Mechqnicol Permit Plumbing Permit ll9 person sira-Ll 9cnstzwct, 'lnstal!, a'!.ter ot chan4e cnA nea cr esisting ylun7ing or drainage sgstan in altole ot in patt, unless such person is- th.e Le_gal .possessor of a oalid olunber,s License, eicept th.at a cb:son ray do plt"nbing uork to ptope?r! uhich is ouned, Leased or operated by the qpli- @tt. i,UL --" ir'zetlct Cofle" Pdt:r'Gfl4Le Cal-de-sac Buildins Volue & P ermit This genrnt ,ls granted on the esp"e6s condition tlwt the said eonstructionsiu.Ll, in aLL tescects, confcrn to the Crdinatzce cdoated. e,l the Ci."y of Spr.ngu''-elC, '.nc!ud..ng lhe Zon"Jng Crdinozee, regulcting ;he ecnstrteticn= sd..use of butiiirqs, ai mzy be sueperxied. oy reuckei ct cr.y tine upan uic-Lation oi' aty prcuisicns of aaiC CrCirances. Lot E4ces Aceeicuse1f -- Eees -- 'iaLue::C a.t.r .,lf ..? t€, )S.D.C. J.5 =i ii !t2i...;tes ReslCqttial (1 bcth) Seuer .:a 52. ?a': cv6L Lru?oes :i0 3es. So. flo. ll a,t / Ezt end, Cireti t s lattoctey Senlice 1q$,Jg4y1<€?t ,/2,t4/a,* . c/o brte ^tJ.)^j:7Zy i-rgaes FVt:t4Ce ?TU'S *hatst HooC V€nt Yut Vcodstcre Sectr);:t )e:csit Stor4e llaJntencr:a ,?o -4447 .tratt\t6 ^ttt..6z 86 - !:ICP,CAC\I:i::T .- ?'7i-iE f EAW CAREFALLY SXAyilED tle cotplated coplication for cennit, crui d.o herebg certifg tlet aLL tnfo:nation het'eon is true anC cctreet, ot7. f fatther eertii-'g that arry ard. aLL aork perJ'otned slalt be d.one in acccr- <ianee ttith the 1rdinstces of tke City of SpringfieLd, and ;he Lacs of theState of )regcn pertainina to the uork Cescr")bed hez,e:.n, cnd tha.t )lO ,CCA- P!.llC.I 'itll be zs,d.e of aty €t.tuctule uithcut permiseion cf the 3uiiding Di--tision. ! !'urther ce?t.:i! that o:tly eontractors o.td. arplcyees xt"o cc-e it canpL:-ance aich CRS 707.055 aiLL be used on this ptoject lJdr-- Curbot! SiCe,:aik ilec'.nicel Mobtle ilcr;e ---!,f -l _-l L- Soith West i.b.in at:cc - !enee P3 ./:^\t \.! 6 BA floar+t 36 5 *er ?o' \-' t--\. LI;\,- <aY.{€<rre*8"157. S€(f* (d7&.+<. ,Ll-'1t il \,;1l Ft:tl W7*' A/.y€ ./T B*rupyz "N (r 7fr€.9**_ tt/*5awe4 \ti t L; t I i r't _ (: (, (n ( 3 ta sewa< t ,l #"Pv< .. .,1-t . ,} .t fV qs \-,t 0 (" *.{ t- t t ';fi€w laoW<ar:qR Sq<on/ff a rF *I < Li' I (t -l- i .\ -t-<.6.y^) <<7 by/f 2?R 7a -ek/57 (=' l:' t. +! I I t i ( ( ( (-- I ( t € € i-ru_ffi_ryr AFPRCVED PLANS ii{USf-BE-- - CI\I .-}CB SIT CCNSTRU CTION l'';CT-CCfl,ti : fi.:CID r,t'iTl-i ii.j - 1 80 DAYS. fiF; -ABAi\lDOi\ [D FOR A -Pf h:i=in f lBC DAYS SjiLL INVi,,i.H,rAT= YOUR PERI\tiI. S.S.C,, S.[,C. -3i)31'b,I ( ( DATE REcrEvEo 6'??-e= JoB No LEGAL DsscRlPTroN i;:=:::"a ZoNE OccuPANCY GRoUP Un|rs OCCUPANCY LoAD :-:--l'-.*_-------.. SToRIES TYPE CONST. OwNER THE CoNTENTS HERE oF HAVE PEEN REVlswED. v\rtrH ALTERAT|oNS rNorcATEo !il coLoRED pEl.lctL. CHAI.IGES OR ALTERATIONS MADE AFT'R DAT'r BELOW SHALL BE APPROVEO BY THE BUILDIN3 OFFICiAL. CITY OF gPRINGFIELD, OREGON i,/'i i--( t' \-L APPROVEO BY oare *15 a3 t ,l & -( -( -(